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张潇  谷人旭 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1311-1326
科学刻画与模拟土地利用冲突的时空演化格局是精准认知区域土地利用结构进而寻求人地关系协调的基础。采用景观格局指数构建土地利用冲突模型,借助GIS等手段分析长江三角洲城市群1980—2020年间土地利用冲突的时空演化特征,并结合斑块生成土地利用变化模拟模型和多目标规划法多情景模拟2035年的土地利用冲突格局。结果表明:①长江三角洲城市群土地利用冲突受地形等因素影响呈现“北高南低”的分布格局,且在高速城镇化和城市无序蔓延等因素作用下,人地关系趋于不协调发展,土地利用冲突程度逐年加剧。②受人口迁徙和城镇化发展阶段的影响,土地利用冲突的热点区域由乡村空间转移至了城市空间。③在土地利用过程中,耕地是各利益主体争夺的核心区域,也是权衡土地利用冲突的“关键地带”。④可持续发展情景兼顾了经济发展与生态保护两方面的用地需求,是缓和土地利用冲突的一种合理选择。  相似文献   

环杭州湾城市群土地利用的空间冲突与复杂性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周德  徐建春  王莉 《地理研究》2015,34(9):1630-1642
土地利用的空间冲突与复杂性研究可为土地利用空间管控提供理论依据和实践支撑。以环杭州湾城市群1990年、2000年、2008年和2013年四期遥感影像为例,分析土地利用系统复杂性、脆弱性及动态性,计算空间冲突综合指数。结果表明:土地利用空间冲突等级表现为一般冲突>中度冲突>轻度冲突>重度冲突;空间冲突的空间格局呈现团状、块状及带状聚集模式分布,具有明显的梯度特征;随着时间的推移,空间冲突的空间自相关性减弱,并具有明显的边缘效应。研究区土地利用空间冲突表现为均衡→打破原有均衡→出现空间自相关→出现空间趋势→形成空间自组织的演变规律。土地利用空间冲突从多核心向单核心模式发展,区域发展水平较高且发展趋于均衡。  相似文献   

中国土地利用冲突研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国正处于经济转型与社会发展的关键时期,土地利用面临着巨大的压力和挑战,土地利用结构失衡凸显,各类用地矛盾日趋激烈,由此引发的土地利用冲突问题日益受到重视,相关研究成果大量涌现却缺少系统的梳理与总结。论文运用文献资料法厘清国内土地利用冲突研究取得的成效,并通过文献总结和对比分析指出现有研究存在的不足,进而为中国土地利用冲突研究提出了新的方向。首先,在对已有文献中土地利用冲突相关概念辨析的基础上,指出土地利用冲突是土地资源利用过程中,利益相关者围绕土地利用方式与结构所产生的人地之间的空间竞争与权益冲突的现象。其次,从土地利用冲突的理论基础、土地利用冲突的利益相关者、土地利用冲突的识别与强度诊断、土地利用冲突的表现形式及分类、土地利用冲突的演变及其驱动机制、土地利用冲突的和解等6个方面对国内相关研究进行归纳和总结。最后,通过对国内外研究成果的梳理和比较提出了未来中国土地利用冲突研究的主要方向:① 经济社会转型背景下土地利用冲突理论体系的补充与完善;② 全球化背景下土地利用冲突研究的内容拓展与范式革新;③ 乡村振兴战略背景下城乡土地利用冲突的空间正义与效率;④ 参与式GIS技术支持下土地利用冲突的定量与定位治理;⑤ 国土空间规划体系整合下土地利用冲突的协调与权衡;⑥ 多学科融合视角下土地利用冲突的集成分析与成果应用。  相似文献   

土地利用冲突分析:概念与方法   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
随着人口的快速增长和城市化的发展, 土地利用冲突的形势会变得越来越严峻, 并成为可 持续土地利用的主要障碍。有限的土地资源与不断增长的多样化需求是冲突的自然和社会根 源, 并表现为土地利用在经济利益、生态与环境效益、社会效益之间的矛盾; 农牧交错带、水陆 过渡带和城乡过渡带则是土地利用冲突发生的热点区域。文章还介绍了参与式调查、多目标规划 等方法及其在土地利用冲突中的可能应用。未来土地利用冲突研究的重点应该放在追踪土地利 用冲突的动态变化上面, 并利用科学的方法来缓解冲突的发生, 实现土地利用的综合协调管理。  相似文献   

In-migration to popular ‘sea change’ and ‘tree change’ regions has produced conflicts between rural land users. In the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, new residential developments have been built on much of what was previously prime agricultural land, while farmers (in particular, those negatively affected by the deregulation of the dairy industry) have sought to secure retirement incomes by subdividing land for sale. Although developers, local councils and individual farmers sometimes see eye to eye on the mutual benefits of in-migration and population growth, land use has none the less become the subject of a hotly contested local political battle. Conflicts occur at the interface of growing urban developments and surrounding farmland, with new residents finding the sights, sounds and smells of rural production intrusive. More generally, there is considerable concern that the best farmland in the region may be lost to urbanisation and rural residential subdivision. This paper discusses the results of a survey that collected opinions from local residents about the pressures on the region's land uses by in-migration, the future role of farmland as both an economic and cultural landscape, and views on proposed measures to protect prime farmland in the region. Results highlighted a strong and consistent ‘pro-farmland’ and ‘pro-protection’ attitude throughout the region, and across social groups. Yet, variations emerged when respondents were asked about why they attribute value to agricultural landscapes. For some, ‘economic’ values dominated, while for others, value was attributed in ways that reflected an emerging ethos of ‘localism’ and village lifestyle. Although values differed, a clear message from this study is that the population of Australia's pre-eminent ‘sea change’ region strongly support measures to curb urban development and the more destructive consequences of a dynamic property market.  相似文献   

张机  徐红罡 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1057-1065
以社会角色与角色冲突的相关理论为指导,以云南丽江白沙村当地纳西族居民家的微观空间为研究对象,对当地居民与游客在互动过程中的角色冲突质性进行了研究。研究发现,当地少数民族居民与汉族游客在家空间的互动过程中,双方各自存在角色内冲突的现象,同时彼此之间也存在两种角色间冲突现象。互动双方在处理这些角色冲突的过程中,既反映出当地居民对经济利益的诉求,也反映出当地居民与游客在家空间中的地位与权力关系。  相似文献   

民族餐馆中的主客角色冲突 ——以丽江白沙村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张机  徐红罡 《热带地理》2015,35(4):481-488
文章以社会角色与角色冲突的相关理论为指导,以云南丽江白沙村的2个纳西族民族餐馆为研究对象,对当地居民与游客在互动过程中的角色冲突进行质性研究。研究发现,当地少数民族居民与汉族游客在互动过程中存在多种角色冲突。除东道主和游客各自存在角色内冲突现象外,双方之间还存在2种角色间冲突的现象。互动双方在处理这些角色冲突的过程中,既反映出当地居民对经济利益的诉求,也反映出当地居民与游客在互动过程中的地位与权力关系。  相似文献   

The traditional use of land for food, fuel and wood created cultural landscapes, which are threatened across Europe. The factors which contributed to their endangerment need to be identified to achieve effective preservation of such landscapes. The aim of our study was to identify landscapes with historical persistence in a GIS-based comparative analysis of historical and contemporary maps and the most prominent causes of the past landscape changes, based on stakeholders' perspective. We considered a case study in Romania's Carpathians. Three major land cover types were extracted from maps dating from 1912, 1980 and 2009: built-up, pastures and forests. The historical persistence of all land cover types was poor (<20%) and profound changes were quantitatively confirmed. Large, compact patches of unchanged forests were located in the neighbourhood of a national park. The persistent pastures were situated close to human settlements, and their preservation can be related to local traditional agro-silvo-pastoral management. Although the built-up area has increased over time, the corresponding surfaces are small and consist of scattered patches located around historical monuments. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate stakeholders' perspective. Using cluster analysis five prominent causes of past landscape changes are identified: 'increasing tourism', 'land tenure and social changes', 'land-use intensification', 'post-communist transition', and 'foreign investments'. We join the results of the GIS analysis with those from stakeholders' perspective to gain more insights into the landscape changes. This research offers important information that could be used for the further planning of these valuable cultural landscapes in order to avoid potential conflicts and degradation.  相似文献   

Modern mining law, by facilitating socially and environmentally acceptable exploration, development, and production of mineral materials, helps secure the benefits of mineral production while minimizing environmental harm and accounting for increasing land-use competition. Mining investments are sunk costs, irreversibly tied to a particular mineral site, and require many years to recoup. Providing security of tenure is the most critical element of a practical mining law.Governments owning mineral rights have a conflict of interest between their roles as a profit-maximizing landowner and as a guardian of public welfare. As a monopoly supplier, governments have considerable power to manipulate mineral-rights markets. To avoid monopoly rent-seeking by governments, a competitive market for government-owned mineral rights must be created by artifice.What mining firms will pay for mineral rights depends on expected exploration success and extraction costs. Landowners and mining firms will negotlate respective shares of anticipated differential rents, usually allowing for some form of risk sharing. Private landowners do not normally account for external benefits or costs of minerals use.Government ownership of mineral rights allows for direct accounting of social prices for mineral-bearing lands and external costs. An equitable and efficient method is to charge an appropriate reservation price for surface land use, net of the value of land after reclamation, and to recover all or part of differential rents through a flat income or resource-rent tax. The traditional royalty on gross value of production, essentially a regressive income tax, cannot recover as much rent as a flat income tax, causes arbitrary mineral-reserve sterilization, and creates a bias toward development on the extensive margin where marginal environmental costs are higher.Mitigating environmental costs and resolving land-use conflicts require local evaluation and planning. National oversight ensures that the relative global avaliability of minerals and other values are considered, and can also promote adaptive efficiency by publicizing creative local solutions, providing technical support, and funding useful research.  相似文献   

The paper describes a land use conflict in the coastal zone of Western Norway. The author shows that such conflicts arise due to lack of environmental and conservation data. To avoid land use conflicts, it is inadequate to consider economic and technical aspects, only. It is shown how landscape planning must include several land use interests to be successful. The methods of landscape geography are considered to be useful towards this end.  相似文献   

石漠化已成为威胁人类生存的三大生态灾害之一,对其成功治理有赖于人文成因的解明。西南地区石漠化的人类活动驱动力就是作用于自家承包地之上的农户经济行为。以重庆市南川地区为例采用实地测量和问卷调查相结合的方法采集了自然-人文组合式样品,建立了一个农户-生态经济模型。结果表明人地矛盾并没有想象的那样明显地推动了生态环境的恶化,而是农户对土地的依赖要比对土地的负荷产生的环境影响更大;在土地格局已经固定了的情况下贫困农户更加依赖土地,更会采用可持续的土地利用方式,因而其承包地的石漠化率反而偏低,颠覆了前人认为的贫穷是导致石漠化发生原因的观点;石漠化形成的表层原因是外出务工的离心力造成农户对土地的依赖程度的降低,而更深层次的原因是土地产权制度的不完善造成的土地对农户吸引力的减弱。  相似文献   

快速城镇化地区面临建设用地扩张和耕地资源保护的矛盾,农村土地流转已成为农业规模化、产业化和集约化发展、解决当前快速城镇化地区用地矛盾的重要举措。但由于土地权属不清、土地功能发生转变、流转各方利益冲突与保障措施等问题未能得到有效解决,土地流转推进受到阻碍。本文运用产权理论,以快速城镇化地区湖北省潜江市熊口镇为研究对象,通过访谈、问卷调查等方式研究不同土地流转模式中土地性质、运作机制、产权关系、流转收益变化等,并运用主成分分析法对问卷进行统计分析,定量评价土地流转各方满意度及满意要素需求。研究表明:熊口镇现存的4 种土地流转模式中,“农户+政府+企业”模式由于流转规模大、推进速度快、各方收益得到保障等而成为比较容易接受的流转模式;满意度评价中,涉及农户流转满意要素重要性远远高于政府与企业的满意要素,但其满意度均比较低;在总共15 个要素中,农户对土地流转的整体评价、企业对土地流转中风险控制、土地流转对地方经济带动等因素获得满意度最高。最后对推进农村土地流转制度建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

以西昌邛海国家湿地公园为例,采用半结构访谈与参与式制图相结合的方法对当地居民进行调查。通过质性+空间的混合分析方法探讨了居民感知冲突的类型、空间响应分布及其形成机制,旨在为自然保护地的冲突管理提供参考,实现人地关系协调发展。结果显示:① 社区居民感知有7种冲突类型,分别为生计保障不足、活动空间压缩、政策措施缺位、情感支持弱化、日常生活不便、环境质量降低和生产经营矛盾,前5种冲突总占比达76.4%,构成了当地的主要冲突;② 冲突的空间响应是居民对冲突关注度和不满意程度的共同反映,总体上呈现出高值区相对独立、低值区连片分布的空间格局,响应水平较高的区域,具有较高的冲突显示度和管理优先等级;③ 冲突的空间响应是多因素共同作用的复杂现象,其中旅游开发程度和生计策略的影响较大,交通出行管理、居住区类型、土地利用类型和房屋修建管理的影响也不容忽视,总体反映了邛海生态建设、旅游开发、政策与制度安排、社会经济等基本情况,分别为冲突响应提供了原始动力、外部推动力、结构性动力和社会性动力。  相似文献   

20年代以来西方国家城市内部结构研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
欧阳南江 《热带地理》1995,15(3):229-234
本文以城市内部结构研究的三大学派为主要线索,论述了本世纪20年代以来城市内部结构研究理论、方法和研究内容的进展。  相似文献   

Two distinct, conflicting, land-use planning paradigms affect drylands: one seeking environmentally sustainable outcomes and one addressing political-demographic concerns. The environmental paradigm is relatively new and is couched in the lexicon of sustainable development, combating desertification and biodiversity conservation. These concerns proscribe planning principles that allow for human settlement in drylands while minimizing its environmental impact. The latter paradigm has a longer history, born in central governments’ desire to secure sovereignty over outlying regions. These concerns result in planning goals that conflict with environmental goals. The environmental paradigm encourages compact development and efficient land-use, while the political-demographic one encourages in-migration of ‘friendly’ populations and the establishment of a physical presence on a maximum amount of land. Using Israel’s Negev Desert and China’s Xinjiang region as case studies, we suggest that successful implementation of sustainable dryland management depends on recognizing the challenge presented by political-demographic planning motivations. As such, successful implementation of environmental planning requires resolution of existing political conflicts. Since drylands are characteristically geographic and demographic frontiers, they are ideal settings in which to study the conflict between environmental and political-demographic goals and they provide an opportunity to better understand how this conflict creates a barrier to sustainable development.  相似文献   

Civil unrest disrupts not only the lives of people in the impacted area, but also the environment in ways not well understood. While armed conflict generally has a negative impact on the immediate environment, the absence of people due to war can be beneficial to local ecosystems and wildlife. Lack of access to a warzone during conflict, however, makes it difficult to gather primary data on the effects of conflict in real time. Satellite imagery has been used successfully to document changes on the landscape during and after war, but additional information is needed to explain the underlying drivers of these observed changes in land use and land cover. To understand how human decisions and actions during war and peace impact land use and subsistence practices, we combined results from key informant interviews with observations made from remotely-sensed satellite imagery and compared expected results with findings in seven major thematic areas. In the high biodiversity region of the Imatong Mountains in South Sudan, we discovered that while some people fled the area during the various conflicts, many others escaped to higher ground to live off the resources available from the forest. Earlier studies indicated that the impact on forest cover during and after the war were minimal in the Imatong Mountains, and extensive in the nearby Dongotana Hills. Discussions with local inhabitants confirmed these findings and provided further insights for how migration and land use patterns impacted forest cover and wildlife in this volatile region.  相似文献   

余梦  李阳兵  罗光杰  张涵  徐倩  余李敏 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2184-2202
稻作梯田是中国南方山区重要的土地利用方式,分析其时空变化规律,对区域土地资源利用、生态环境保护以及农村农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于多源数据获取苗岭山区西江镇(1977—2020年)和加榜乡(1962—2020年)的土地利用分类图,运用景观指数、空间分析和样带分析等方法,研究稻作梯田时空格局与功能的演化特征,以揭示稻田利用与人地关系演变过程及其特殊性变化。结果表明:① 研究区稻田规模长期稳定发展,但近年整体规模有所缩小,斑块破碎化趋势逐渐凸显。在2000年前稻田分布表现出同时向高、低海拔及微坡至急陡坡扩展,2000年后呈反向收缩趋势,种植强度呈相同的变化规律。② 研究区稻田核密度的空间分布,表现出小规模高密度集聚与大规模中低密度分布并存的格局。自2000年以来,两地稻田核密度以小幅变化为主,有明显的“东北-西南”向分布特性。③ 在生产用地导向阶段,大面积林地转为稻田;在生态-经济复合用地导向阶段,稻田规模保持稳定。④ 聚田比指数显示研究区“人多田少型”占比不断上升,这表明部分地区人地矛盾日渐凸显,以西江镇的变化最为强烈。⑤ 依据“林-田-村-河”四素同构的样带分析,稻田功能经历了“生产-生态、经济”的演变过程,与旅游业发展关系密切。研究结果较全面反映了研究区稻作梯田的时空演化特征,有助于促进山区传统稻田资源优化利用和保护传承,在一定程度上为乡村振兴发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

褚玉杰  赵振斌  张铖  陈诚  陈幺 《地理学报》2016,71(6):1045-1058
随着乡村旅游的快速发展,乡村旅游社区逐步成为多群体竞争与冲突的场所,其内部多群体的态度差异成为指示社区冲突的重要指标。本文以西安汤峪镇为例,采用参与式制图(Participatory Mapping)和半结构访谈方法对当地居民、度假购房业主和游客3类群体的旅游开发态度和景观价值感知进行调查,最终获得315套访谈表与填图,共提取空间信息点5518个。基于对Brown等土地利用冲突倾向指标模型的修订,并结合地理空间分析方法探讨旅游社区态度差异和冲突倾向的空间特征。结论显示:① 旅游开发态度及其差异具有明显的地点指向性,并与景观价值的空间感知相关联。旅游开发冲突倾向空间上并非均匀分布,而是呈斑状格局,高值集中于社区旅游开发核心区域,且强度由开发的核心区域向外围区域减弱;② 潜在冲突地点的形成既有传统冲突因素的影响,又有特殊空间因素的作用,旅游开发要素的空间结构、多人群景观价值的空间感知、社区旅游发展阶段和相关人群的涉入程度都会影响冲突空间的形成;③ 参与式制图与深度访谈结合的方法能够帮助获得多人群主观数据,为认识态度和旅游开发冲突的空间特征提供了新的技术支撑。  相似文献   

In the post-World War II era the need to achieve satisfactory economies of scale has led to fever but larger farms in the Willamette Valley. Vigorous demand for farm land by the nonfarm sector has served to inflate land values. As a result, farmers have turned to leasing and renting as alternatives to land purchase. Difficulty in finding suitable land with which to enlarge farm operations has led to the use of noncontiguous fields.  相似文献   

Although its existence is readily apparent in the published literature of a number of fields, pre-1950 exclusionary land-use conflict is largely ignored in studies assessing such conflict today. An inventory of land-use conflicts mentioned in a Worcester, Massachusetts, daily newspaper in the years 1876–1900 found a high incidence of efforts to exclude various undesired land uses. The results put in question many of the characterizations and explanations advanced of contemporary NIMBY activity.  相似文献   

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