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We present the results of our study of the physical and dynamical parameters of the multiple system HD 222326. A new method for determining the individual radial velocities of components in wide binary and multiple systems in the case of small radial-velocity differences (δV r ≤ the FWHMfor the line profiles) is suggested and tested for both model systems and the binary HD 10009. This testing yielded the component radial velocities V r 1,2 for HD 10009, enabling us to derive the center-of mass velocity, V γ, for the first time. We determined the radial velocities of the components of HD 222326 from high-resolution spectra, and refined the orbital parameters of the subsystems using speckle-interferometric observations. A combined spectroscopic and speckle interferometric analysis enabled us to find the positions of the components in the spectral type—luminosity diagram and to estimate their masses. It is likely that the components are all in various evolutionary stages after leaving the main sequence. We analyzed the dynamical evolution of the system using numerical modeling in the gravitational three-body problem and the known stability criteria for triple systems. The system is probably stable on time scales of at least 106 years. The presence of a fourth component in the system is also suggested.  相似文献   

We have obtained the stellar velocity dispersion in three mutually perpendicular directions in the halos and cores of clusters as a function of time for several non-stationary open-cluster models. During the dynamical evolution of the open-cluster models, the velocity dispersions undergo oscillations that do not decay during 5–10 violent-relaxation timescales, τ vr . We estimated the time for synchronization of the rotation of the open-cluster models and their motion around the center of the Galaxy, t s , which, depending on the model parameters, is t s ? (5–27)τ vr . Synchronization mechanisms for the models are discussed. The disruption of the systems in the force field of the Galaxy is strongly affected by tidal friction. We have also estimated the time for the formation of a spherical stellar-velocity distribution in the cluster models, t σ ? (6 ? 25)τ vr . The impact of instability in the stellar motions in a cluster on the formation of a spherical velocity distribution in the open-cluster models is discussed. We have noted a tendency for a weakening of the dependence of the coarse phase density of the cluster on small initial perturbations of the stellar phase coordinates in the model cluster cores for times about five times longer than the violent-relaxation time.  相似文献   

We have performed the first dynamical study of the relative motions of the components of the wide hierarchic triple star system ADS 10288 (GL 649.1 = WDS 16579+4722), based on a 15-year series of photographic observations with the 26″ Pulkovo refractor, supplemented with data from the WDS catalog, HIPPARCOS parallaxes, and radial velocities of the components. The radial velocities were measured in Simeiz using the ILS stellar radial-velocity correlation spectrometer designed by A.A. Tokovinin. We applied the parameters of the apparent motion technique, which makes it possible to derive a binary’s orbit and mass from observations of a short arc, about 5°–10° in length. We derived preliminary orbits for the pairs AB and (AB)-C, whose orbital periods are 340 and 64 000 years, respectively. Mass estimates derived from the mass-luminosity relation are consistent with our dynamical estimates. We determined the orientation of the orbits in Galactic coordinates. The orbital planes are not coplanar, and are steeply inclined to the Galactic plane, as was the case in our earlier studies for most wide visual pairs we have studied.  相似文献   

不同球粒陨石群的物理和岩石学性质,包括球粒的平均大小、球粒结构类型、复合球粒、带火成边球粒及含硫化物的比例、化学组成及矿物学特征等可用以划分球粒陨石的化学-岩石类型和小行星类型,这些性质提供了不同球粒陨石群有用的分类参数及其形成环境的信息.由于不同球粒陨石群的△17O与日心距离存在有相关关系,因此,依据不同球粒陨石群形...  相似文献   

Relaxation times in the spaces of several stellar-motion parameters are obtained for a number of open-cluster models. The differences between the relaxation times in these spaces increase with the degree of nonstationarity of the cluster models. In the course of the cluster’s evolution, the relaxation times increase in all the spaces considered. During violent relaxation, the stars occupy all domains accessible to them, first in absolute velocity and then in clustercentric distance. The dependence of the coarse-grained phase-space density of the cluster on small initial perturbations of the phase-space coordinates of its constituent stars tends to decrease at times exceeding the time scales for violent and “collisional” relaxation.  相似文献   

Stellar trajectories in models of open star clusters that are nonstationary in the regular field of the cluster are analyzed. The maximum characteristic Lyapunov exponents λ of the trajectories of the stellar motions in the open cluster are estimated. The mean λ in the open-cluster models considered are \(\bar \lambda \simeq ({\rm M}yr)^{ - 1} \). Cluster cores and halos are regions of highly stochastic and more ordered stellar motions, respectively. The mean Lyapunov exponent, \(\bar \lambda \), increases with the cluster density, as does the size of the highly stochastic region in the cluster core. The stellar trajectories in phase space are “glued” to a domain with a given λ. A Fourier analysis of the stellar trajectories in the open-cluster models is performed. The distributions of the periods of the stellar trajectories with the highest power-spectrum levels are constructed. The distributions of the periods corresponding to the most significant oscillations of the stellar trajectories exhibit peaks with periods commensurable with (or close to) those of the most significant oscillations of the regular field of the system. Specific features of the distributions of the periods of the most significant oscillations of the stellar trajectories and the origins of the formation of these features in the open-cluster models are discussed.  相似文献   

We have measured the density and viscosity of five crude oil samples, collected from various hydrocarbon reservoirs in Oman, as functions of temperature. The measured quantities are expressed in terms of fitted formulae allowing their easy usage for different computational and simulation works. As an application, these thermo-physical data have been utilized to investigate the flow dynamics of hydrocarbon films under gravity at various temperatures. We have modeled the flow of these crude oils to study the dynamics of falling films in an open-top rectangular pipe set at various angular alignments under the assumption of Newtonian fluid describing a laminar flow. The adopted model of the investigation is not entirely novel, but the calculations aim to apply the model to various Omani crude oil samples with various American Petroleum Institute (API) values; the calculated results shed light on the dynamics of these crude oil films, which might be correlated to crude oil purification mechanism and open-top transportation.  相似文献   

Adynamical study of the relative motions of the components of the inner pairs AB (ADS 12913) and FG (ADS 12889) of the quadruple heirarchical system 17 Cygni (WDS 19464+3344) is presented, as well as analysis of themotions of the outer pair AB–FG. The study is based on CCD observations obtained on the 26-inch refractor of the Pulkovo Observatory (2003–2013), position observations from the WDS catalog, Hipparcos parallaxes, and radial velocities of the components from literature data. A family of orbits for 17 Cyg AB is obtained for the first time, and has a most probable period of 6200 yrs. The apparent motion parameters (AMP) method is used, since the entire visible arc of the orbit over 1832–2013 is only ~4?. The AMP method is also used to calculate the orbit of the 17 Cyg FG pair, which has a period of 238 yrs, yielding results in good agreement with the orbits derived in other studies. The ephemerides of the obtained AMP orbits, the position data for the AF pair from the WDS catalog (11 positions during 1893–2002), and Pulkovo CCD observations for 2007–2013 are used to calculate the apparent motion parameters of AB–FG outer pair, as well as a family of close-to-parabolic orbits with periods of 3.7 million years ormore. All the orbits (for both the inner and the outer pairs) are steeply inclined to theGalactic plane. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compute the probability that the outer pair is gravitationally bound, which is 47%. The similarity of the proper motions and radial velocities of all the components provides evidence that they all belong to a single stellar stream. Data from the CNS3 catalog are used to compose a list of candidate members of this stream.  相似文献   

The results of JHKLM photometry of the symbiotic star CH Cyg are presented. These demonstrate that, in Autumn 2006, the state of maximum near-IR brightness observed in 2003–2006 was replaced by a sharp brightness decline in all wavebands. One possible explanation is a sharp increase in the density of circumstellar dust envelope. The JHKLM photometry data together with ISO far-IR flux measurements are used to calculate spherically symmetric dust-envelope models for the maximum and minimum brightness states. The optical depth, expansion rate, and mass-loss rate of the envelope are calculated for both states, as well as an upper limit for the mass of the central source. Comparison with earlier models suggests that the rate of growth of the envelope optical depth and the mass-loss rate by the star are accelerating with time.  相似文献   

The dynamical stability of 16 multiple stars is analyzed using Monte Carlo simulations with allowance for the errors in the observational data. The analysis was carried out by varying the uncertainties in the initial observational data. Six different stability criteria were considered, and the dynamical evolution was studied using numerical simulations. Eleven of the systems are probably stable, whereas five systems (HD 40887, HD 136176, HD 150680, HD 217675, and HD 222326) are probably unstable (the probability that they are unstable is 0.94 or more accordingt o the results of forward and backward simulations over intervals of 106 yr). The results of the simulations were most consistent with the criteria of Mardling-Aarseth (the correlation coefficient between the probabilities of disruption inferred from the stability criterion and numerical integration was r = 0.998), Valtonen-Karttunen (r = 0.998), and Eggleton-Kiseleva (r = 0.997). In about 92–93% of all cases, these criteria yield results that are consistent with the numerical simulations. These criteria also yield high disruption probabilities for the unstable systems. Scenarios for the formation of such systems are discussed: temporary capture of a field star by a close binary, perturbation of a stable multiple system by a massive field object, and disruption of small stellar groups or clusters. The probabilities that these scenarios are realized are analyzed.  相似文献   

The first high-accuracy CCD UBV RI(RI)C light curves for the recently discovered eclipsing binary V798 Cep (P = 16 d .08, V = 11 m . 8) are presented; this star is included in our program of eclipsing systems with considerable eccentricities. A photometric solution for the light curves and physical characteristics of the component stars are derived. The orbital eccentricity is quite high, e = 0.437. The longitude of periastron is close to 180°, making studies of the apsidal motion difficult. V798 Cep may be a hierarchical system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of physical parameters such as bulk porosity, true density, optical reflectance, dynamic elastic moduli, X-ray diffractograms and EPR spectra, determined for shungite. All shungite samples studied are considerably denser materials than anthracite — high rank coal with similar carbon content. Bright shungites were porous with the very dense matrix, while the dull shungite is compact, almost non-porous material. Elastic moduli of the dull shungite are generally higher than those of bright shungites and anthracite. All shungites studied (including anthracite) exhibit the directional dependence of elasticity. The maximum reflectance values of bright shungites are higher than those for dull shungite and anthracite. That corresponds with the denser matrix of these samples and suggests the greatest ordering of graphene layers in the case of bright shungites and also suggests some similarity to meta-anthracite from Paleozoic basins. Reflectance anisotropy of shungites studied are generally lower than that of anthracite. Ordering of graphene layers in bright shungite, as a high rank coal variety, is obvious, but lower anisotropy than that of anthracite is a surprise. X-ray studies confirm a high density of bright shungite. Interplanar distances dhkl of the shungite (d002 = 3.48 Å) are closer to those of anthracite (d002 = 3.52 Å) than to those of graphite (d002 = 3.35 Å). All results described here show the differences in molecular structure and degree of graphitisation of carbonaceous matter in bright, semi-bright and dull varieties of shungite. Our data could play a key role in production of materials composed of carbon nanoparticles.  相似文献   

van Genuchten模型参数的物理意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
van Genuchten模型是目前拟合水土特征曲线应用最广泛的数学模型,但该模型参数多,且物理意义复杂,特别是参数α的物理意义至今尚未有统一的认识。文章通过理论推导,结合4种样品(粗砂、中砂、细砂和粉砂)实测的水土特征曲线,对van Genuchten模型的参数α、m和n的物理意义进行了探讨,重点研究了α与进气值和拐点处负压(hi)的关系。推导出的van Genuchten模型的1/α与hi的关系和实测数据均证明了1/α不仅与hi有关,还受参数m和n的影响。粗砂和中砂的1/α与hi大致相等,细砂和粉砂的1/α则大于hi。粗砂的进气值与1/α近似相等,其它介质中1/α与进气值之间存在更复杂的关系。另外,m和n作为独立变量在拟合水土特征曲线时精度更高,但在计算非饱和渗透系数时给定m=1-1/n的约束条件是必要的。  相似文献   

彭聪 《地质通报》2013,32(5):699-705
为理解壳-幔物质密度、速度结构的地质意义,在历时数年的地质-地球物理综合解释工作成果的基础上,整合壳-幔岩石矿物物性参数资料,供地学工作者加深对中国大陆深层区域构造格架的认识.一般来说,随深度增加地壳、地幔和外核岩石矿物密度和速度有正相关的变化规律.从曲线图、柱状图、表格、构造层、岩石矿物多个角度阐述壳-幔岩石矿物物性参数的变化规律,提供综合解释地球内部物质组成的地质-地球物理基础资料.  相似文献   

Ab initio LDF theory has been used to derive interatomic potentials for the Si-O and O-O interaction in α-quartz. The potentials have been used to study the lattice dynamical properties of α-quartz from 1 atm to 12.5 Gpa pressure. The results are compared with other calculated and experimentally derived potentials.  相似文献   

Chondrite groups (CV, CK, CR) with large average chondrule sizes have low proportions of RP plus C chondrules, high proportions of enveloping compound chondrules, high proportions of chondrules with (thick) igneous rims, and relatively low proportions of type-I chondrules containing sulfide. In contrast, chondrite groups (CM, CO, OC, R, EH, EL) with smaller average chondrule sizes have the opposite properties. Equilibrated CK chondrites have plagioclase with relatively low Na; equilibrated OC, R, EH and EL chondrites have more sodic plagioclase. Enveloping compound chondrules and chondrules with igneous rims formed during a remelting event after the primary chondrule was incorporated into a dustball. Repeated episodes of remelting after chondrules were surrounded by dust would tend to produce large chondrules. RP and C chondrules formed by complete melting of their precursor assemblages; remelting of RP and C chondrules surrounded by dust would tend to produce porphyritic chondrules as small dust particles mixed with the melt, providing nuclei for crystallizing phenocrysts. This process would tend to diminish the numbers of RP and C chondrules. Correlations among these chondrule physical properties suggest that chondrite groups with large chondrules were typically surrounded by thick dust-rich mantles that formed in locally dusty nebular environments. Chondrules that were surrounded by thick dust mantles tended to cool more slowly because heat could not quickly radiate away. Slow cooling led to enhanced migration of sulfide to chondrule surfaces and more extensive sulfide evaporation. These chondrules also lost Na; the plagioclase that formed from equilibrated CK chondrites was thus depleted in Na.  相似文献   

We have explored first-principles molecular dynamics simulation data for hydrous MgSiO3 liquid (with 10 wt% water) to gain insight into its structural and dynamical behavior as a function of pressure (0–150 GPa) and temperature (2,000–6,000 K). By visualizing/analyzing a number of parameters associated with short- and mid-range orders, we have shown that the melt structure changes substantially on compression. The speciation of the water component at low pressures is dominated by the isolated structures (with over 90% hydrogen participated) consisting of hydroxyls, water molecules, O–H–O bridging and four-atom (O–H–O–H and H–O–H–O) groups, where every oxygen atom may be a part of polyhedron or free (i.e., bound to only magnesium atom). Hydroxyls favor polyhedral sites over magnesium sites whereas molecular water is almost entirely bound to magnesium sites, and also interpolyhedral bridging (Si–O–H–O–Si) dominates other types of bridging. Water content is shown to enhance and suppress, respectively, the proportions of hydroxyls and molecular water. As compression increases, these isolated structures increasingly combine with each other to form extended structures involving a total of five or more O and H atoms and also containing threefold coordination species, which together consume over 80% hydrogen at the highest compression studied. Our results show that water lowers the mean coordination numbers of different types including all cation–anion environments. The hydrous melt tends to be more tetrahedrally coordinated but with the Si–Si network being more disrupted compared to the anhydrous melt. Protons increase the content of non-bridging oxygen and decrease the contents of bridging oxygen as well as oxygen triclusters (present at pressures above 10 GPa). The calculated self-diffusion coefficients of all atomic species are enhanced in the presence of water compared to those of the anhydrous melt. This is consistent with the prediction that water depolymerizes the melt structure at all pressures. Our analysis also suggests that proton diffusion involves two processes—the transfer of H atoms (requiring the rupture and formation of O–H bonds) and the motion of hydroxyls as hydrogen carriers (requiring the rupture and formation of Si–O and/or Mg–O bonds). Both the processes are operative at low compression whereas only the first process is operative at high compression.  相似文献   

Chemical and spectral analyses are given for 16 sphalerites from Yugoslavia. Since they were formed under various conditions the content of Fe and other metals (Mn and Cd especially) varies widely. The relation between the dimensions of elementary cell and the molar percent of FeS in the sphalerites of Yugoslavia shows only slight differences from Vegard's rule. The indices of refraction and reflectivity as well as dispersion for the wavelengths 440, 460, 480, 500, 540, 580, 620, and 660 nm were measured. For the wavelengths mentioned, diagrams are given showing the relation between reflectivity and microhardness of sphalerite and its chemical composition.
Zusammenfassung Für 16 jugoslawische Zinkblenden wurde die chemische Zusammensetzung und spektralanalytisch der Gehalt an Spurenelementen ermittelt. Da die Zinkblenden unter sehr verschiedenen Bedingungen entstanden, schwankt ihr Gehalt an Fe und anderen Metallen, besonders Mn und Cd stark. Die Verhältnisse zwischen der Größe der Elementarzelle und den Molprozenten von FeS zeigen nur geringe Abweichungen von der Vegard-Regel. Für die Wellenlängen 440, 460, 480, 500, 540, 580, 620 und 660 nm wurden Refraktionsindices, Absorptionskoeffizient und Reflexionsvermögen ermittelt. Die Beziehungen zwischen Reflexionsvermögen, Mikrohärte und chemischer Zusammensetzung werden in Diagrammen dargestellt.

A complete set of new optical and x-ray data is given for eleven analyzed alkali amphiboles [Na2(Mg, Fe″)3(Al, Fe?)2Si8O22(OH)2]. Nine new wet chemical analyses are reported. Using additional selected data from the literature, variation in refractive indices, extinction angles (γ-α), optic angles, density, lattice constants and cell volume are expressed graphically as a function of composition in the glaucophane-riebeckite and magnesiorie-beckite-ferroglaucophane series. Four orientations (G, C, O, and R) of the optical indicatrix within the structure are described and shown to be characteristic of the chemical species glaucophane (G), crossite (C), magnesioriebeckite (O), riebeckite (O), and riebeckite-arfvedsonite (R and O). Optical properties of the pure end members by extrapolation are:
αβγ(γ?α) c^n ?
Glaucophane1.5941.6121.6180.025 b c^γ=6°3.03
Riebeckite1.7021.7121.7190.015 b C^α=6°3.40
Magnesioriebeckite1.655 1.671 1.672 0.02 b C^γ=6°3.15

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