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The mechanism responsible for exciting high-order acoustic oscillations in rapidly oscillating Ap stars is still an open issue. Recently, Balmforth et al. (hereafter BCDGV) proposed a model according to which high-frequency oscillations may be excited in roAp stars if the intensities of the magnetic fields present in these stars are sufficiently large to suppress convection at least in some region of their envelopes. Using models similar to those proposed by BCDGV, we predict the theoretical edges of the instability strip appropriate to roAp stars and compare them with the observations. Moreover, we discuss our results in the light of some of the systematic differences found between roAp stars, noAp stars and Ap stars in general. We suggest that a combination of intrinsic differences between these types of stars and a bias related to the frequencies of the unstable oscillations might hold the explanation to some of the differences observed.  相似文献   

We present time-series spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HR 3831. This star has a dominant pulsation period of 11.7 min and a rotation period of 2.85 d. We have analysed 1400 intermediate-resolution spectra of the wavelength region 6100–7100 Å obtained over one week, using techniques similar to those we applied to another roAp star, α  Cir.
We confirm that the H α velocity amplitude of HR 3831 is modulated with rotation phase. Such a modulation was predicted by the oblique pulsator model, and rules out the spotted pulsator model. However, further analysis of H α and other lines reveals rotational modulations that cannot easily be explained using the oblique pulsator model. In particular, the phase of the pulsation as measured by the width of the H α line varies with height in the line.
The variation of the H α bisector shows a very similar pattern to that observed in α Cir, which we have previously attributed to a radial node in the stellar atmosphere. However, the striking similarities between the two stars, despite the much shorter period of α Cir (6.8 min), argues against this interpretation unless the structure of the atmosphere is somewhat different between the two stars. Alternatively, the bisector variation is a signature of the degree ℓ of the mode and not the overtone value n .
High-resolution studies of the metal lines in roAp stars are needed to understand fully the form of the pulsation in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nainital-Cape Survey was started with an aim to search for new rapidly oscillating Ap stars in the northern hemisphere. We discovered one new mono-periodic roAp star HD 12098. The frequency separation of HD 12098 suggests a rotation period of 5.5 days for the star. We summarize here the observations of HD 12098 and briefly discuss the results of the multi-site observation campaign organized to resolve the ambiguity in the determination of the rotation period of HD 12098. Other interesting results like non-oscillating Ap stars discovered and two candidate stars in which roAp periodicity is seen but not confirmed are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present new high-speed, multisite photometric observations of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 119027 acquired over seven nights during 1996. A frequency analysis of these observations reveals the presence of oscillations at 1835, 1875, 1888, 1913, 1940, 1942 and (possibly) 1953 μHz. These frequencies are consistent with a spacing of either 13 or 26 μHz, depending on the reality of the oscillations at 1875 and 1953 μHz. The data in hand do not permit us to discriminate between the two possible spacings. If the smaller value of the spacing is correct, it suggests that HD 119027 is outside the main-sequence band. Two of the frequencies listed above are separated by only 1.95 μHz, suggesting that they are modes of ( n ,ℓ) and ( n  − 1, ℓ + 2), which in roAp stars is a quantity governed by the internal magnetic field.  相似文献   

We investigate a model for the excitation of high-order oscillations in roAp stars. In this model we assume that the strong concentration of magnetic field about the magnetic poles is enough to suppress convection. Thus the model considered is composed of two polar regions, in which convection is presumed to be suppressed totally, and an equatorial region, where the convection is unaffected. This model is generated by building pairs of locally spherically symmetrical equilibria to represent the polar and equatorial regions of the star, which are patched together below the base of the convection zone. Gravitational settling of heavy elements is taken into account by choosing appropriate chemical composition profiles for both the polar and equatorial regions. Our results indicate that the composite model is unstable against axisymmetric non-radial high-order modes of pulsation that are aligned with the magnetic poles. The oscillations are excited by the κ mechanism acting principally in the hydrogen ionization zones of the polar regions. The effect of the lateral inhomogeneity on the second frequency differences is also investigated; we find that the perturbation to them by the inhomogeneity is of the same order as the second differences themselves, thereby hindering potential attempts to use such differences to identify the degrees of the modes in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

We study acoustic oscillations (eigenfrequencies, velocity distributions, damping times) of normal crusts of strange stars. These oscillations are very specific because of huge density jump at the interface between the normal crust and the strange matter core. The oscillation problem is shown to be self-similar. For a low (but non-zero) multipolarity l , the fundamental mode (without radial nodes) has a frequency of ∼300 Hz and mostly horizontal oscillation velocity; other pressure modes have frequencies ≳20 kHz and almost radial oscillation velocities. The latter modes are similar to radial oscillations (having approximately the same frequencies and radial velocity profiles). The oscillation spectrum of strange stars with crust differs from the spectrum of neutron stars. If detected, acoustic oscillations would allow one to discriminate between strange stars with crust and neutron stars and constrain the mass and radius of the star.  相似文献   

Asteroseismology studies stars with a wide variety of interior and surface conditions. For two decades asteroseismic techniques have been applied to many pulsating stars across the HR diagram. Asteroseismology is now a booming field of research with stunning new discoveries; I highlight a personal selection of these in this review, many of which are discussed in more detail elsewhere in these proceedings. For many years the Nainital-Cape Survey for northern roAp stars has been running at ARIES, so I emphasise new spectroscopic results for roAp stars and point out the outstanding prospects for the planned ARIES 3-m telescope at Devastai. High precision spectroscopy has revolutionised the asteroseismic study of some types of stars — particularly solar-like oscillators and roAp stars — while photometry is still the best way to study the frequency spectra that are the basic data of asteroseismology. New telescopes, new photometers and space missions are revolutionising asteroseismic photometry. In addition to the ground-based potential of asteroseismic spectroscopy, India has the knowledge and capability for space-based asteroseismic photometry. The future for asteroseismology is bright indeed, especially for Indian astronomers.  相似文献   

The rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars currently represent the only main sequence stars other than the Sun which exhibit non-radial acoustic pulsations of high overtone. This makes them excellent subjects for asteroseismology, an approach which promises to yield accurate knowledge of the interior structures of stars. Of the 27 known roAp stars, 24 were discovered in Sutherland despite extensive searches conducted elsewhere. This paper reviews the discovery of the roAp phenomenon and describes the factors that contribute to the high discovery rate for these stars at Sutherland. Two long-term observational projects in progress at Sutherland are discussed,viz. the Cape roAp Star Survey and long-term monitoring of frequency variations in roAp stars.  相似文献   

The five stars HD 11112, HD 170747, HD 186651, HD 205390 and HD 224834 are a second group of objects enclosed in a larger observational programme for the search of rapid oscillations. They have been observed with the 50 cm photoelectrical ESO telescope at La Silla (Chile). For the star HD 205390 a variation of 163.8 min was found. The two objects HD 11112 and HD 186651 are suspected to be variable with periods of 139 min and 142.2 min and its overtones, respectively. But a verification of these results is necessary. For the last two objects HD 170747 and HD 224834 no variations were detected.  相似文献   

Rapidly oscillating Ap stars constitute a unique class of pulsators with which to study non-radial oscillations under some — even for stars — unusual physical conditions. These stars are chemically peculiar, they have strong magnetic fields and they often pulsate in several high-order acoustic modes simultaneously. We discuss here an excitation mechanism for short-period oscillation modes based on the classical κ mechanism. We particularly stress the conditions that must be fulfilled for successful driving. Specifically, we discuss the roles of the chemical peculiarity and strong magnetic field on the oscillation modes and what separates these pulsators from δ Scuti and Am-type stars.  相似文献   

It is essential for the understanding of stellar structure models of high mass stars to explain why constant stars, nonpulsating chemically peculiar hot Bp stars and pulsating stars co‐exist in the slowly pulsating B stars and β Cephei instability strips. We have conducted a search for magnetic fields in the four Bp stars HD55522, HD105382, HD131120, and HD138769 which previously have been wrongly identified as slowly pulsating B stars. A recent study of these stars using the Doppler Imaging technique revealed that the elements He and Si are inhomogeneously distributed on the stellar surface, causing the periodic variability. Using FORS 1 in spectropolarimetric mode at the VLT, we have acquired circular polarisation spectra to test the presence of a magnetic field in these stars. A variable magnetic field is clearly detected in HD55522 and HD105382, but no evidence for the existence of a magnetic field was found in HD131120. The presence of a magnetic field in HD138769 is suggested by one measurement at 3σ level. We discuss the occurrence of magnetic B stars among the confirmed pulsating B stars and find strong magnetic fields of order kG and oscillations to be mutually exclusive. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using time evolutions of the relevant linearized equations, we study non-axisymmetric oscillations of rapidly rotating and superfluid neutron stars. We consider perturbations of Newtonian axisymmetric background configurations and account for the presence of superfluid components via the standard two-fluid model. Within the Cowling approximation, we are able to carry out evolutions for uniformly rotating stars up to the mass-shedding limit. This leads to the first detailed analysis of superfluid neutron star oscillations in the fast rotation regime, where the star is significantly deformed by the centrifugal force. For simplicity, we focus on background models where the two fluids (superfluid neutrons and protons) corotate, are in β-equilibrium and co-exist throughout the volume of the star. We construct sequences of rotating stars for two analytical model equations of state. These models represent relatively simple generalizations of single fluid, polytropic stars. We study the effects of entrainment, rotation and symmetry energy on non-radial oscillations of these models. Our results show that entrainment and symmetry energy can have a significant effect on the rotational splitting of non-axisymmetric modes. In particular, the symmetry energy modifies the inertial mode frequencies considerably in the regime of fast rotation.  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields in relativistic stars can be a cause of crust fracturing, resulting in the excitation of global torsional oscillations. Such oscillations could become observable in gravitational waves or in high-energy radiation, thus becoming a tool for probing the equation of state of relativistic stars. As the eigenfrequency of torsional oscillation modes is affected by the presence of a strong magnetic field, we study torsional modes in magnetized relativistic stars. We derive the linearized perturbation equations that govern torsional oscillations coupled to the oscillations of a magnetic field, when variations in the metric are neglected (Cowling approximation). The oscillations are described by a single two-dimensional wave equation, which can be solved as a boundary-value problem to obtain eigenfrequencies. We find that, in the non-magnetized case, typical oscillation periods of the fundamental     torsional modes can be nearly a factor of 2 larger for relativistic stars than previously computed in the Newtonian limit. For magnetized stars, we show that the influence of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the assumed magnetic field configuration, and simple estimates obtained previously in the literature cannot be used for identifying normal modes observationally.  相似文献   

We present observations of dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs), longer-period dwarf nova oscillations (lpDNOs), and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in 13 cataclysmic variable stars. In the six systems, WW Cet, BP CrA, BR Lup, HP Nor, AG Hya and V1193 Ori, rapid, quasi-coherent oscillations are detected for the first time. For the remainder of the systems discussed, we have observed more classes of oscillations, in addition to the rapid oscillations they were already known to display, or previously unknown aspects of the behaviour of the oscillations. The period of a QPO in RU Peg is seen to change by 84 per cent over the 10 nights of the decline from outburst – the largest evolution of a QPO period observed to date. A period–luminosity relation similar to the relation that has long been known to apply to DNOs is found for lpDNOs in X Leo; this is the first clear case of the lpDNO frequency scaling with accretion luminosity. WX Hyi and V893 Sco are added to the small list of dwarf novae that have shown oscillations in quiescence.  相似文献   

The Indian team at ISRO has been part of the Whole Earth Telescope (WET) team since 1988 when we first participated in the campaign on V471 Tau. We have been part of many other observing campaigns over the last decade. This presentation traces the circumstances leading to our joining the WET team and how useful the coverage from the Indian longitude has been. The results of several pulsators from the WET runs during which we participated are also described. These include PG1159-035 the prototype of the GW Vir type of stars, RE J 0751+14 a cataclysmic variable, PG 1336-018 a binary with an sdB pulsator and finally HR 1217 a roAp star. The paper concludes with what the limitations are in our observations and how we can overcome them in the future.  相似文献   

Spectral observations of Ap-CP stars with the BTA (Special Astronomical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences) using the NES echelle spectrometer have revealed several stars with an anomalous lithium abundance. The oscillating star HD 12098, which is the first roAp star in the northern hemisphere of the sky, merits special attention. Strong, variable LiI 6708 Å line was observed in the spectrum of this star. There are not enough observations for a reliable analysis by Doppler mapping, but there are enough to indicate the presence of lithium spots on the surface of this star similar to the roAp stars HD 83368 and HD 60435, on whose surfaces spots with a high lithium abundance have been reliably detected. Parameters for a model of its atmosphere have been chosen using the method of synthetic spectra based on atmospheric models including lines from the VALD list and several additional blended REE lines calculated by the authors. The profile of the lithium LiI 6708 Å blend has been calculated taking the magnetic field into account using the SYNTHM code. A lithium abundance has been determined for two phases of the rotation of HD 12098 that is anomalously high compared to the solar and meteoritic abundances. The large difference in the lithium abundance in the two phases (in two different regions on the star's surface) exceeds 0.5 dex and is very close to that which we have found by analyzing the spectra of the roAp stars HD 83368 and HD 60435. Thus, we have discovered yet another roAp star, HD 12098, with lithium spots on its surface. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 607–616 (November 2008).  相似文献   

We undertook two time-series photometric multisite campaigns for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 122970. The first one, conducted in 1998, resulted in 119 h of data and in the detection of three pulsation frequencies. The presence of possible further modes which held the promise of deriving a mode identification motivated a second worldwide campaign in the year 2001. This second campaign resulted in 203 h of measurement, but did not reveal further modes. Rather, one of the previously detected signals disappeared. The two modes common to both data sets have different spherical degree. They also showed slight frequency modulation, and one of them varied in amplitude as well. Possible causes of the latter behaviour include intrinsic instability of the pulsation spectrum or precession of the pulsational axis and orbital motion in a binary system. Frequency analysis of the Hipparcos observations of the star did not allow us to determine the stellar rotation period. The amplitude and phase behaviour of the two modes of HD 122970 in the Strömgren uvby bands is quite similar to that observed for other roAp stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of high-resolution (1–0.4 Å) optical spectroscopy of a sample of very low-mass stars. These data are used to examine the kinematics of the stars at the bottom of the hydrogen-burning main sequence. No evidence is found for a significant difference between the kinematics of the stars in our sample with I  −  K  > 3.5 ( M bol ≳ 12.8) and those of more massive M dwarfs ( M bol ≈ 7–10). A spectral atlas at high (0.4-Å) resolution for M8–M9+ stars is provided, and the equivalent widths of Cs  I , Rb  I and Hα lines present in our spectra are examined. We analyse our data to search for the presence of rapid rotation, and find that the brown dwarf LP 944-20 is a member of the class of 'inactive, rapid rotators'. Such objects seem to be common at and below the hydrogen-burning main sequence. It seems that in low-mass/low-temperature dwarf objects either the mechanism that heats the chromosphere, or the mechanism that generates magnetic fields, is greatly suppressed.  相似文献   

A search for RR Lyrae stars has been conducted in the publicly available data of the Northern Sky Variability Survey. Candidates have been selected by the statistical properties of their variation; the standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis with appropriate limits determined from a sample 314 known RRab and RRc stars listed in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars. From the period analysis and light-curve shape of over 3000 candidates 785 RR Lyrae have been identified of which 188 are previously unknown. The light curves were examined for the Blazhko effect and several new stars showing this were found. Six double-mode RR Lyrae stars were also found of which two are new discoveries. Some previously known variables have been reclassified as RR Lyrae stars and similarly some RR Lyrae stars have been found to be other types of variable, or not variable at all.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the prospects for asteroseismology with spatial resolution and motivate studies of the most chemically peculiar roAp star HD 101065. We present the first results from a high-precision radial velocity (RV) study of HD 101065 based on data spanning four nights that were acquired using the HARPS echelle-spectrometer at the ESO 3.6 m telescope. The analysis of individual nights showed the amplitude and phase modulation of the dominant mode. The analysis of the whole data set showed the presence of multi-periodic oscillations with two groups of equally-spaced modes. We find Δυ = 65.2μHz and δυ = 7.3μHz for the large and the small spacing, respectively. HD 101065 is the only roAp star to show the existence of two groups ofl = 0, 2 andl = 1, 3 excited modes.  相似文献   

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