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We present the multiwavelength observations of a flux rope that was trying to erupt from NOAA AR 11045 and the associated M-class solar flare on 12 February 2010 using space-based and ground-based observations from TRACE, STEREO, SOHO/MDI, Hinode/XRT, and BBSO. While the flux rope was rising from the active region, an M1.1/2F class flare was triggered near one of its footpoints. We suggest that the flare triggering was due to the reconnection of a rising flux rope with the surrounding low-lying magnetic loops. The flux rope reached a projected height of ≈0.15R with a speed of ≈90 km s−1 while the soft X-ray flux enhanced gradually during its rise. The flux rope was suppressed by an overlying field, and the filled plasma moved towards the negative polarity field to the west of its activation site. We found the first observational evidence of the initial suppression of a flux rope due to a remnant filament visible both at chromospheric and coronal temperatures that evolved a couple of days earlier at the same location in the active region. SOHO/MDI magnetograms show the emergence of a bipole ≈12 h prior to the flare initiation. The emerged negative polarity moved towards the flux rope activation site, and flare triggering near the photospheric polarity inversion line (PIL) took place. The motion of the negative polarity region towards the PIL helped in the build-up of magnetic energy at the flare and flux rope activation site. This study provides unique observational evidence of a rising flux rope that failed to erupt due to a remnant filament and overlying magnetic field, as well as associated triggering of an M-class flare.  相似文献   

Rolli  E.  Wülser  J. P.  Magun  A. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):343-359
The 5 January 1992 flare around 13:16 UT was observed in H, H, and Ca ii H with the imaging spectrographs at Locarno-Monti, Switzerland and in soft and hard X-rays by the Yohkoh satellite. In this paper we discuss the analysis of the temporal and spatial evolution of this flare well observed at chromospheric and coronal layers. We find that the strongest footpoint emission in the optical lines does not coincide with the sites of non-thermal electron injection and show that these footpoints are mainly heated by thermal conduction. The chromospheric electron density, determined from the H line profiles, shows several temporally well correlated rises with the hard X-ray intensity at the electron injection sites. Two of the flare loops clearly are associated with strong chromospheric evaporation, while very weak evaporation is observed in the loop with the strongest footpoint emission in the optical lines.  相似文献   

We summarize here our ongoing project of multiwavelength optical observations aimed at studying the chromosphere of active binary systems, using the information provided for several optical spectroscopic features, that are formed at different heights in the chromosphere. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Infrared dust bubbles play an important role in the study of star formation and the evolution of the interstellar medium.In this work,we study the infrared dust bubble N75 and the infrared dark cloud G38.93 mainly using the tracers C18O,HCO+,HNC and N2H+observed by the 30 m IRAM telescope.We also study the targets using data from large-scale surveys:GLIMPSE,MIPSGAL,GRS,NRAO VLA Sky Survey and Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey.We found that the C18  相似文献   

Using standard instrument software and two independently developed data reduction and analysis procedures, we re-examine the accuracy of plasma velocity information derived from data obtained by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)–Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS). We discuss only the Ov 629 Å line data obtained by the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS) and analyse a quiet Sun (QS) and active region (AR) dataset. Using the QS data, we demonstrate that the well-known North-South tilt in wavelength along the NIS slit varies significantly with time, which is not accounted for in the standard CDS correction procedures. In addition, when residual N – S trends exist in the data after processing, they may not be detected, nor removed, using the standard analysis software. This underscores the need for careful analysis of velocity results for individual datasets when using standard correction procedures. Furthermore, even when the results obtained by the two independent methods are well correlated (coefficients greater than 0.9), discrepancies in the values of the derived Doppler velocities can remain (95% within ±5 km s?1). Therefore, we apply the results to examine the velocities obtained for EUV blinkers by previous authors. It is found that a strong correlation exists in the patterns of variation of the blinker velocities (> 0.98), even though there may be differences in their magnitudes. That is, in a clear majority of cases, the methods agree that a blinker is red-shifted or blue-shifted, although the uncertainty in the absolute velocity may be large.  相似文献   

Images of an east-limb flare on 3 November 2010 taken in the 131 Å channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory provide a convincing example of a long current sheet below an erupting plasmoid, as predicted by the standard magnetic reconnection model of eruptive flares. However, the 171 Å and 193 Å channel images hint at an alternative scenario. These images reveal that large-scale waves with velocity greater than 1000 km?s?1 propagated alongside and ahead of the erupting plasmoid. Just south of the plasmoid, the waves coincided with type-II radio emission, and to the north, where the waves propagated along plume-like structures, there was increased decimetric emission. Initially, the cavity around the hot plasmoid expanded. Later, when the erupting plasmoid reached the height of an overlying arcade system, the plasmoid structure changed, and the lower parts of the cavity collapsed inwards. Hot loops appeared alongside and below the erupting plasmoid. We consider a scenario in which the fast waves and the type-II emission were a consequence of a flare blast wave, and the cavity collapse and the hot loops resulted from the break-out of the flux rope through an overlying coronal arcade.  相似文献   

The technique of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) is the observation of rapid fluctuations of the radio signal from an astronomical compact source as the signal passes through the ever-changing density of the solar wind. Cross-correlation of simultaneous observations of IPS from a single radio source, received at multiple sites of the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radio antenna network, is used to determine the velocity of the solar wind material passing over the lines of sight of the antennas. Calculated velocities reveal the slow solar wind to contain rapid velocity variations when viewed on a time-scale of several minutes. Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) Heliospheric Imager (HI) observations of white-light intensity have been compared with EISCAT observations of IPS to identify common density structures that may relate to the rapid velocity variations in the slow solar wind. We have surveyed a one-year period, starting in April 2007, of the EISCAT IPS observing campaigns beginning shortly after the commencement of full science operations of the STEREO mission in a bid to identify common density structures in both EISCAT and STEREO HI datasets. We provide a detailed investigation and presentation of joint IPS/HI observations from two specific intervals on 23 April 2007 and 19 May 2007 for which the IPS P-Point (point of closest approach of the line of sight to the Sun) was between 72 and 87 solar radii out from the Sun’s centre. During the 23 April interval, a meso-scale (of the order of 105 km or larger) transient structure was observed by HI-1A to pass over the IPS ray path near the P-Point; the observations of IPS showed a micro-scale structure (of the order of 102 km) within the meso-scale transient. Observations of IPS from the second interval, on 19 May, revealed similar micro-scale velocity changes, however, no transient structures were detected by the HIs during that period. We also pose some fundamental thoughts on the slow solar wind structure itself.  相似文献   

Alexander  David  Fletcher  Lyndsay 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):167-184
We present recent observations of coronal jets, made by TRACE and Yohkoh/SXT on 28 May and 19 August 1998. The high spatial resolution of TRACE enables us to see in detail the process of material ejection; in the line of Fe ix (one million degrees) we see both bright emitting material and dark absorbing/scattering material being ejected, i.e., both hot and cold material, highly collimated and apparently ejected along the direction of the overlying field lines. Bright ejecta are seen simultaneously in Lyman α for one event and Yohkoh/SXT in the other. The jets on the two days are different in that the 19 August jet displays the morphology typical of a one-sided anemone jet while the 28 May jet exhibits a two-sided jet morphology. The 19 August jet shows evidence for rotation and an interesting bifurcation at large distances from the energy release site. We study the physical properties and energetics of these jetting events, and conclude that existing theoretical models capture the essential physics of the jet phenomena. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005213826793  相似文献   

We analyze multiwavelength observations of an M2.9/1N flare that occurred in AR NOAA 11112 on 16 October 2010. AIA 211 Å EUV images reveal the presence of a faster coronal wave (decelerating from ≈?1390 to ≈?830 km?s?1) propagating ahead of a slower wave (decelerating from ≈?416 to ≈?166 km?s?1) towards the western limb. The dynamic radio spectrum from Sagamore Hill radio telescope shows the presence of a metric type II radio burst, which reveals the presence of a coronal shock wave (speed ≈?800 km?s?1). The speed of the faster coronal wave, derived from AIA 211 Å images, is found to be comparable to the coronal shock speed. AIA 171 Å high-cadence observations showed that a coronal loop, which was located at a distance of ≈?0.32R to the west of the flaring region, started to oscillate by the end of the impulsive phase of the flare. The results indicate that the faster coronal wave may be the first driver of the transversal oscillations of coronal loop. As the slower wave passed through the coronal loop, the oscillations became even stronger. There was a plasmoid eruption observed in EUV and a white-light CME was recorded, having velocity of ≈?340?–?350 km?s?1. STEREO 195 Å images show an EIT wave, propagating in the same direction as the lower-speed coronal wave observed in AIA, but decelerating from ≈?320 to ≈?254 km?s?1. These observations reveal the co-existence of both waves (i.e. coronal Moreton and EIT waves), and the type II radio burst seems to be associated with the coronal Moreton wave.  相似文献   

The effect of cold plasma injection on whistler mode instability has been studied separately for a bi-Maxwellian and a loss-cone hackground plasma with perpendicular AC electric field. The cold plasma is described by a simple Maxwellian distribution, whereas a generalized distribution function with index j that reduces to a bi-Maxwellian for j = 0 and to a loss-cone for j = 1 has been derived for a plasma in the presence of a perpendicular AC electric field, to form a hot/warm background. The dispersion relation is obtained using the method of characteristic solutions and kinetic approach. An expression for the growth rate of a system with added cold plasma injection has been calculated. Results of sample theoretical calculations for representative values of parameters suited to the magnetosphere of Uranus has been obtained. The salient features of the analysis and the results obtained in both cases have been compared and discussed. It is inferred that it is not the magnitude but the frequency of the AC field which influences the growth rate and a loss-cone background plasma has a triggering effect on the growth rate, increasing the value of the real frequency and maximum growth rate by an order of magnitude. These results may go a long way to enable one to get a better understanding of whistlers and diagnostics of plasma parameters in the Uranian magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Pores can be exploited for the understanding of the interaction between small-scale vertical magnetic field and the surrounding convective motions as well as the transport of mechanical energy into the chromosphere along the magnetic field. For better understanding of the physics of pores, we investigate tiny pores in a new emerging active region (AR11117) that were observed on 26 October 2010 by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) on board Hinode and the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST). The pores are compared with nearby small magnetic concentrations (SMCs), which have similar magnetic flux as the pores but do not appear dark. Magnetic flux density and Doppler velocities in the photosphere are estimated by applying the center-of-gravity method to the Hinode/Spectro-Polarimeter data. The line-of-sight motions in the lower chromosphere are determined by applying the bisector method to the wings of the Hα and the Ca?ii 8542 Å line simultaneously taken by the FISS. The coordinated observation reveals that the pores are filled with plasma which moves down slowly and are surrounded by stronger downflow in the photosphere. In the lower chromosphere, we found that the plasma flows upwards inside the pores while the plasma in the SMCs is always moving down. Our inspection of the Ca?ii 8542 Å line from the wing to the core shows that the upflow in the pores slows down with height and turns into downflow in the upper chromosphere while the downflow in the SMCs gains its speed. Our results are in agreement with the numerical studies which suggest that rapid cooling of the interior of the pores drives a strong downflow, which collides with the dense lower layer below and rebounds into an upflow.  相似文献   

We have addressed the problem of combined magnetic and velocity shear driven instabilities in the context of the heliospheric plasma. New high-order numerical methods have been used to analyze the instability dynamics of the heliospheric current-sheet interacting with the structure determined by the slow component of the solar wind on the solar equatorial plane above the helmet streamers. Preliminary results are presented.  相似文献   

We analyze the multiwavelength observations of an M2.9/1N flare that occurred in the active region (AR) NOAA 11112 in the vicinity of a huge filament system on 16 October 2010. SDO/HMI magnetograms reveal the emergence of a bipole (within the existing AR) 50 hours prior to the flare event. During the emergence, both the positive and negative sunspots in the bipole show translational as well as rotational motion. The positive-polarity sunspot shows significant motion/rotation in the south-westward/clockwise direction, and we see continuously pushing/sliding of the surrounding opposite-polarity field region. On the other hand, the negative-polarity sunspot moves/rotates in the westward/anticlockwise direction. The positive-polarity sunspot rotates ≈?70° within 30 hours, whereas the one with negative polarity rotates ≈?20° within 10 hours. SDO/AIA 94 Å EUV images show the emergence of a flux tube in the corona, consistent with the emergence of the bipole in HMI. The footpoints of the flux tube were anchored in the emerging bipole. The initial brightening starts at one of the footpoints (western) of the emerging loop system, where the positive-polarity sunspot pushes/slides towards a nearby negative-polarity field region. A high speed plasmoid ejection (speed ≈?1197 km?s?1) was observed during the impulsive phase of the flare, which suggests magnetic reconnection of the emerging positive-polarity sunspot with the surrounding opposite-polarity field region. The entire AR shows positive-helicity injection before the flare event. Moreover, the newly emerging bipole reveals the signature of a negative (left-handed) helicity. These observations provide unique evidence of the emergence of twisted flux tubes from below the photosphere to coronal heights, triggering a flare mainly due to the interaction between the emerging positive-polarity sunspot and a nearby negative-polarity sunspot by the shearing motion of the emerging positive sunspot towards the negative one. Our observations also strongly support the idea that the rotation can most likely be attributed to the emergence of twisted magnetic fields, as proposed by recent models.  相似文献   

The ability of the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) to image solar plasma over a wide range of temperatures (Te approximately 104-107 K) at high spatial resolution (0&farcs;5 pixels) makes it a unique instrument for observing solar flares. We present TRACE and Yohkoh observations of an M2.4 two-ribbon flare that began on 1999 July 25 at about 13:08 UT. We observe impulsive footpoint brightenings that are followed by the formation of high-temperature plasma (Te greater, similar10 MK) in the corona. After an interval of about 1300 s, cooler loops (Te<2 MK) form below the hot plasma. Thus, the evolution of the event supports the qualitative aspects of the standard reconnection model of solar flares. The TRACE and Yohkoh data show that the bulk of the flare emission is at or below 10 MK. The TRACE data are also consistent with the Yohkoh observations of hotter plasma (Te approximately 15-20 MK) existing at the top of the arcade. The cooling time inferred from these observations is consistent with a hybrid cooling time based on thermal conduction and radiative cooling.  相似文献   

The photometry of eclipse white-light (W-L) images showing a moving blob is interpreted for the first time together with observations from space with the PRoject for On Board Autonomy (PROBA-2) mission (ESA). An off-limb event seen with great details in W-L was analyzed with the SWAP imager (Sun Watcher using Active pixel system detector and image Processing) working in the EUV near 174 Å. It is an elongated plasma blob structure of 25 Mm diameter moving above the east limb with coronal loops under. Summed and co-aligned SWAP images are evaluated using a 20-h sequence, in addition to the 11 July, 2010 eclipse W-L images taken from several sites. The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the event suggesting a magnetic reconnection near a high neutral point; accordingly, we also call it a magnetic plasmoid. The measured proper motion of the blob shows a velocity up to \(12~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\). Electron densities of the isolated condensation (cloud or blob or plasmoid) are photometrically evaluated. The typical value is \(10^{8}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) at \(r=1.7~\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\), superposed on a background corona of \(10^{7}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\) density. The mass of the cloud near its maximum brightness is found to be \(1.6\times10^{13}\) g, which is typically \(0.6\times10^{-4}\) of the overall mass of the corona. From the extrapolated magnetic field the cloud evolves inside a rather broad open region but decelerates, after reaching its maximum brightness. The influence of such small events for supplying material to the ubiquitous slow wind is noticed. A precise evaluation of the EUV photometric data, after accurately removing the stray light, suggests an interpretation of the weak 174 Å radiation of the cloud as due to resonance scattering in the Fe IX/X lines.  相似文献   

AR6659是22周以来最重要的一个活动区,它爆发了22周最强大的高能事件。本文用云南天文台的光球、色球精细结构照片和北京天文台怀柔站的磁场速度场资料,分析了该活动区磁场速度场的二维位形和大耀斑期间的演化特征。本文分析的4个大耀斑均爆发在中性线附近的N极区磁场梯度大的地方及色球速度场的红移区。偏带观测也显示耀斑物质是向红端移动的。耀斑波沿横场传播在离本黑子群几万至十几万公里的地方激起感生耀斑,在原生耀斑与感生耀斑之间往往有耀斑环相连。此外,本文还从演化特征出发分析了耀斑爆发前活动区等离子体的宏观不稳定性。  相似文献   

AR5395及AR6659的贮能释能周期性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了了AR5395和AR6659的X射线耀斑活动周期性,耀斑强度周期的存在表明活动区的能量积累和释放过程具有可重复性,包括贮存的能量大小也具可重复性,计算得出AR5395的耀风强度周期为24.49小时,而AR6659的周期为57.39小时,耀斑指数按周期的分布证明在一个贮能周期中活动区贮存的能量大致相同,周期内的平均耀斑指数代表能量积累效率,AR6659较之AR5395有较长的能量积累周期和较高的能量积累效率.此外,本文还讨论了耀斑事件出现的周期.这种周期的长短代表活动区磁结构对于耀斑出现的稳定程度,并且,当活动区处于较高能量状态(即相对势场状态的偏离较大)时,出现耀斑不稳定性的可能性增加。  相似文献   

We study motions of galaxies in galaxy clusters formed in the concordance Λ cold dark matter cosmology. We use high-resolution cosmological simulations that follow the dynamics of dark matter and gas and include various physical processes critical for galaxy formation: gas cooling, heating and star formation. Analysing the motions of galaxies and the properties of intracluster gas in a sample of eight simulated clusters at z = 0, we study the velocity dispersion profiles of the dark matter, gas and galaxies. We measure the mean velocity of galaxy motions and gas sound speed as a function of radius and calculate the average Mach number of galaxy motions. The simulations show that galaxies, on average, move supersonically with the average Mach number of ≈1.4, approximately independent of the cluster-centric radius. The supersonic motions of galaxies may potentially provide an important source of heating for the intracluster gas by driving weak shocks and via dynamical friction, although these heating processes appear to be inefficient in our simulations. We also find that galaxies move slightly faster than the dark matter particles. The magnitude of the velocity bias,   b v ≈ 1.1  , is, however, smaller than the bias estimated for subhaloes in dissipationless simulations. Interestingly, we find velocity bias in the tangential component of the velocity dispersion, but not in the radial component. Finally, we find significant random bulk motions of gas. The typical gas velocities are of order ≈20–30 per cent of the gas sound speed. These random motions provide about 10 per cent of the total pressure support in our simulated clusters. The non-thermal pressure support, if neglected, will bias measurements of the total mass in the hydrostatic analyses of the X-ray cluster observations.  相似文献   

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