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Summary The severity of damage to Mexico City as a result of the 19 September 1985 Michoacan earthquake was unusual given the City's distance (350 km) from the zone of seismic energy release. To explain the damage many authors have suggested that unusual source or transmission path characteristics contributed to enhanced ground motion in Mexico City. The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of results obtained from data recorded during the earthquake related to possible anomalous transmission path characteristics.It is concluded that in every respect this earthquake conformed to the norms set by previous subduction zone earthquakes within the Middle American trench. It appears likely that conditions within the Valley of Mexico are adequate to explain the unusually severe ground shaking without invoking unusual source or transmission characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary The earthquakes of 19 September 1985 (18.2° N, 102.7° W and a magnitude of 8.1 Richter scale) and of 20 (17.6° N, 101.8° W and a magnitude of 7.5 Richter scale) September 1985, caused the total or partial destruction of more than 2000 structures in Mexico City. The most affected areas are located along the fringes of and bordering old roadways, earthworks (dikes), aquaducts and pre-hispanic population centres. Ancient construction artificially modified the sedimentation in the basin of the Mexico Valley Lakes making the sub-soil of Mexico City more rigid near to the surface, and producing deviations of the surface seismic waves (Rayleigh waves and Love waves). Also, when earthquakes occur on the Pacific coast, seismic waves travel quickly through plutonic, metamorphics and continental and marine rocks of different ages, having high seismic velocities. When the seismic waves enter the poorly consolidated lake sediments having low seismic velocities in the Mexico City Basin, they produce an energy buildup that causes the phenomenon called magnification.There exists a direct relation between the amplification mentioned above and the presence of rigid bodies that are buried in the sub-soil. The length of these bodies is of the order of tens of kilometres horizontally with thicknesses less than 50 metres. These Rigid Barriers produce reflections and refractions of the surface waves along their borders with destructive consequences for the buildings. A correlation between the buildings and the houses damaged and destroyed and the location of the prehispanic construction on the sub-soil has been made which shows that the most damage happened in the borders of old roadways (i.e. Tlalpan road), perimeter walls (i.e. San Lazaro), aqueducts (i.e. Chapultepec Avenue), pyramids (i.e. Templo Mayor) and population centres (i.e. Tlaltelolco).  相似文献   

Summary The geology and structure of the Mexico Basin are discussed and hypotheses developed to explain the magnification of wave amplitudes during the 1985 earthquake.  相似文献   

N. Shuto 《Natural Hazards》1991,4(2-3):171-191
Hindcasting of a tsunami by numerical simulations is a process of lengthy and complicated deductions, knowing only the final results such as run-up heights and tide records, both of which are possibly biased due to an insufficient number of records and due to hydraulic and mechanical limitation of tide gauges. There are many sources of error. The initial profile, determined with seismic data, can even be different from the actual tsunami profile. The numerical scheme introduces errors. Nonlinearity near and on land requires an appropriate selection of equations. Taking these facts into account, it should be noted that numerical simulations produce satisfactory information for practical use, because the final error is usually within 15% as far as the maximum run-up height is concerned.The state-of-the-art of tsunami numerical simulations is critically summarized from generation to run-up. Problems in the near future are also stated. Fruitful application of computer graphics is suggested.  相似文献   

The La Popa Basin in north‐eastern Mexico features outstanding, continuous three‐dimensional exposures of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary event deposit in shallow shelf environments pierced by salt stocks. In the area to the south‐east of the El Papalote diapir, the Cretaceous–Palaeogene deposit consists of two superimposed sedimentary units and erosively overlies upper Maastrichtian sand‐siltstones with soft‐sediment deformation and liquefaction structures. The basal unit 1 is an up to 8 m thick chaotic, carbonate‐rich bed that discontinuously fills incised gutters and channels. Besides abundant silicic and carbonate ejecta spherules from the Chicxulub impact, unit 1 includes large sandstone boulders and abundant shallow‐water debris (for example, mud clasts, algae, bivalve shells, gastropod shells and vertebrate remains). Unit 1 is conformably overlain by unit 2. Distal to the diapir, unit 2 consists of a centimetre to decimetre‐thick conglomeratic, coarse bioclast and spherule‐bearing sandstone bed. Closer to the diapir, unit 2 becomes a metre‐thick series of four to eight conglomeratic to fine‐grained graded sandstone beds rich in shell debris and ejecta spherules. Unit 2 is conformably overlain by structureless to parallel laminated sandstone beds that may mark the return to the pre‐event depositional regime. The sedimentary characteristics of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene deposit, including its erosive base, its sheet‐like geometry, the presence of multiple, graded beds, evidence for upper flow regime conditions and the absence of bioturbation, support an origin by a short‐term multiphase depositional event. The occurrence of soft‐sediment deformation structures (for example, liquefaction) below the Cretaceous–Palaeogene deposit suggests that earthquakes were the first to occur at La Popa. Then, shelf collapse and strong backflow from the first tsunami waves may have triggered erosion and deposition by violent ejecta‐rich hyperconcentrated density flows (unit 1). Subsequently, a series of concentrated density flows resulting from tsunami backwash surges may have deposited the multiple‐graded bedding structures of unit 2. The specific depositional sequence and the Fe‐Mg‐rich as well as Si‐K‐rich composition of the ejecta spherules both provide a critical link to the well‐known deep marine Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary sites in the adjacent Burgos basin in north‐eastern Mexico. Moreover, the pulse‐like input of Chicxulub ejecta material at the base of the event deposit allows for correlation with other Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary sites in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic, as well as in Central and Northern America. The presence of diverse dinosaur and mosasur bones and teeth in the event deposit is the first observation of such remains together with Chicxulub ejecta material. These findings indicate that dinosaurs lived in the area during the latest Maastrichtian and suggest that the tsunami waves not only eroded deltas and estuaries but the coastal plain as well.  相似文献   

Summary The high amplification of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake is explained by the large number of strong and nearly continuous cycles of 2 s period motion lasting for more than 30 s. The type of damage caused by the earthquake—particularly to engineered multi-storey buildings of high flexibility is described, and methods of adding damping and stiffness elements to reduce and resist earthquake demand forces are discussed.  相似文献   

In September 1998 tropical storm “Earl” swept southern Mexico, producing intense rainfall in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Among the most devastated cities was Motozintla, located in the drainage basin of the Allende, La Mina and Xelajú Grande Rivers. The rainfall from the tropical storm totaled 175 mm on September 8 and 130 mm on September 9, duplicating in two days the average monthly precipitation in the region. Numerous landslides occurred in the vicinity of Motozintla, depositing large volumes of material into the Xelajú Grande stream. Much of this sediment was subsequently remobilized, yielding debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and sediment-laden flows that inundated most sections of Motozintla city. The flows covered an approximate area of 3.15 km2 with a minimum volume of 4.4 × 106 m3 of sediment. Communication of Motozintla with the rest of the Chiapas State was interrupted for about a month, as was the supply of potable water, food, electricity, and fuel. The geologic record around Motozintla indicates that the Xelajú Grande River has been a pathway for similar large floods during the last 6000 years. The oldest deposit yielded a radiocarbon age of 5320 ± 100 14C years. B.P. At least two historic floods have occurred during the last 100 years, a time period defined by a stratigraphically distinct tephra of 1902. Frequency analysis of the historical record of daily rainfall in the Motozintla area suggests that events like that of September, 1998, have a recurrence interval of about 25 years. After the catastrophic flows of 1998, the mitigation measures by Municipal Authorities were made without regard to geological and environmental factors, or to taking into consideration the flow magnitude and appropriate hazard-mitigation techniques, with the result that Motozintla remains at serious risk for future floods. Unfortunately, prior to the publication of this study, in early October 2005, Motozintla was seriously damaged again by intense rain provoked by Hurricane Stan.  相似文献   

While earthquakes generate about 90% of all tsunamis, volcanic activity, landslides, explosions, and other nonseismic phenomena can also result in tsunamis. There have been 53 000 reported deaths as a result of tsunamis generated by landslides and volcanoes. No death tolls are available for many events, but reports indicate that villages, islands, and even entire civilizations have disappeared. Some of the highest tsunami wave heights ever observed were produced by landslides. In the National Geophysical Data Center world-wide tsunami database, there are nearly 200 tsunami events in which nonseismic phenomena played a major role. In this paper, we briefly discuss a variety of nonseismic phenomena that can result in tsunamis. We discuss the magnitude of the disasters that have resulted from such events, and we discuss the potential for reducing such disasters by education and warning systems.  相似文献   

The 19 September 1985 (Mw8.1) earthquake, located on the Michoacán coast, Mexico, generated great damage in Mexico City, more than 300 km away from the epicentral area. Other important cities near the coast and in central Mexico also suffered severe damage. Thirty years after this important event, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE) and other institutions organized a conference to discuss the scientific advances, particularly in seismology, that had taken place in Mexico since then.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1584-1601
Tsunami deposits have been widely studied in temperate latitudes, but the intrinsic difficulties associated with tropical coastal environments, and the intensity of bioturbation in these habitats, limit the possibilities of analysing these formations. Here, we investigate the deposits on the Colima coast of Mexico, which overlies the subducting Rivera and Cocos Plates, in order to reconstruct the tsunami inundation history and related hazard. We developed a multi-proxy study aimed to recognize and date historical and palaeotsunami deposits, including historical data on the effects of a known tsunami, geomorphological mapping, stratigraphic, grain size, organic matter content, diatoms, geochemical composition, magnetic susceptibility, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, together with radiometric dating (210Pb and 14C). We identified two probable tsunami deposits at Palo Verde estuary including a historical event associated with the Mw 6.9 earthquake on 22 June 1932 and a palaeotsunami most likely generated by a similar event in the fourteenth century. This work shows that it is possible to identify both historical and palaeotsunamis in the tropical environment of Mexico’s Pacific coast. These data will serve to enhance our understanding of tsunami deposits in tropical environments and of the regional tsunami hazard.  相似文献   

Four sand units deposited by tsunamis and one sand unit deposited by storm surge(s) were identified in a muddy marsh succession in a narrow coastal lowland along the Pacific coast of central Japan. Tsunamis in ad 1498, 1605, 1707 and 1854 that were related to large subduction‐zone earthquakes along the Nankai Trough, and storm surges in 1680 and/or 1699 were responsible for the deposition of these sand units. These sand units are distinguished by lithofacies, sedimentary structures, grain‐size and mineral composition, and radiocarbon ages; their ages are supported by events in local historical records. The tsunami deposits in the study area are massive or parallel‐laminated sands, with associated intraclasts, gravels, draping mud layers and, rarely, a return‐flow subunit. The storm surge deposits are devoid of these characteristics, and are composed of groups of thin, current ripple‐laminated sand layers. The differences in sedimentary structures between the tsunami and storm surge deposits are attributed to the different characteristics of tsunami and storm waves.  相似文献   

Although the north‐western coast of Western Australia is highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and tsunamis, little is known about the geological imprint of historic and prehistoric extreme wave events in this particular area. Despite a number of site‐specific difficulties such as post‐depositional changes and the preservation potential of event deposits, both tropical cyclones and tsunamis may be inferred from the geomorphology and the stratigraphy of beach ridge sequences, washover fans and coastal lagoons or marshes. A further challenge is the differentiation between tsunami and storm deposits in the geological record, particularly where modern deposits and/or historical reports on the event are not available. This study presents a high‐resolution sedimentary record of washover events from the Ashburton River delta (Western Australia) spanning approximately the last 150 years. A detailed characterization of event deposits is provided, and a robust chronostratigraphy for the investigated washover sequence is established based on multi‐proxy sediment analyses and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Combining sedimentological, geochemical and high‐resolution optically stimulated luminescence data, event layers are assigned to known historical events and tropical cyclone deposits are separated from tsunami deposits. For the first time, the 1883 Krakatoa and 1977 Sumba tsunamis are inferred from sedimentary records of the north‐western part of Western Australia. It is demonstrated that optically stimulated luminescence applied in coastal sedimentary archives with favourable luminescence characteristics can provide accurate chronostratigraphies even on a decadal timescale. The results contribute to the data pool of tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits in Holocene stratigraphies; however, they also demonstrate how short‐lived sediment archives may be in dynamic sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

We present the results of work on the compilation of a fuller and more comprehensive historical catalogue of earthquakes and tsunamis in the basin of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, an area of primary importance for the Russian Federation. In the 20th century, there were no significant tsunamis in the Black Sea; therefore, its coast was not considered tsunami-prone. A systematic search for new data sources, a revision of earlier ones, and the use of new approaches to the identification of tsunamigenic events resulted in a more than doubling of the number of known tsunamigenic events in this basin, bringing it up to 50. The total length of the new tsunami catalogue reached 3000 years, which makes it the second longest after the Mediterranean tsunami catalogue (about 4000 years). Taking into account the seismotectonic features of the Black Sea region, we processed data on historical tsunamis and analyzed the geographical and temporal distributions of their sources. For all tsunamigenic events we performed a parameterization of available information about their sources and coastal manifestations, evaluated the tsunami intensity based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale, and proposed a classification of tsunami and tsunami-like water wave disturbances based on their genesis. Tsunami run-up heights, inland penetration, and damage were estimated with regard for the newly found data. Among the identified historical events, there are devastating tsunamis with run-ups of 4-5 m, sometimes up to 6-8 m, which resulted in disastrous consequences for several ancient cities (Dioscuria, Sebastopolis, Bizone, and Panticapaeum) and many coastal settlements. Expert assessments of the most tsunami-prone areas of the coasts are given.  相似文献   

陈运泰 《地学前缘》2014,21(1):120-131
2004年12月26日苏门答腊-安达曼MW9.1地震及印度洋超级海啸,以及2011年日本东北MW9.0地震及海啸与核泄漏,给人类带来了巨大的灾难。这两次灾难的接连发生充分暴露了迄今我们对于地震发生规律的认识水平还是很低的,启示我们需要继续加强对地震发生的规律性与地震预测预报的研究。在地震危险性评估中,要努力克服经验性方法的局限性,加强地应力测量以确定断层接近破裂的程度,更直接地估计地震危险性;要最大限度地运用地震、大地测量、地质、地貌等所有可资利用的资料,尽快将学术研究成果应用于防灾减灾实践。要重视不同观测资料的整合集成。要加强学科与学科之间的交叉渗透,自然科学与社会科学之间的合作交流,以及科学界与决策者和社会公众的相互沟通。要加强在海域对地震、海啸的多学科、多手段的监测工作,加强地震破裂过程复杂性的理论与应用研究,提高对地震、海啸(包括局地海啸)的监测、预测预报与预警水平。  相似文献   

墨西哥地质、矿产及矿业经济概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
墨西哥合众国矿产资源丰富,经济环境相对稳定,矿业是其经济支柱。墨西哥地质格局由古老的基底残片与古洋壳不断增生拼合而成。活跃的地质过程造就了分布广泛、数量众多、类型各异的矿产,按成因来看这要有低温热液型、矽卡岩型、MVT(密西西比河谷型)、VMS(火山岩块状硫化物型)、SEDEX(沉积喷流型)、IOCG(铁氧化物铜金矿)等类型。本文介绍了墨西哥的地质概况、六个主要的成矿期、各矿种分布特征;另外,墨西哥政府对矿产的勘查、开发等有相对开放、优惠的政策;在墨西哥未来经济中,矿业仍将扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

Extensive bathymetric and two-dimensional seismic surveys have been carried out and cores collected in Pago Pago Bay (Tutuila, American Samoa) in order to describe and gain a better understanding of the sediment fill of the bay, which was affected by the 2009 South Pacific Tsunami. Eight sedimentary units were identified over the volcanic bedrock. The basal transgressive unit displays retrograding onlaps towards the shore, whereas the overlying seven aggradational layers alternate between four draping units and three pinching out seaward units. ‘Core to seismic’ correlation reveals that draping units are composed of homogeneous silts, while pinching out units are dominated by very coarse coral fragments showing fresh cuts, mixed with Halimeda plates. The basal unit is attributed to transgressive sedimentation in response to flooding of the bay after the last glacial maximum, followed by the upper aggradational units corresponding to highstand sedimentation. The changeovers in these upper units indicate an alternation between low-energy silt units and high-energy coral debris units interpreted as tsunami-induced deposits. The 14C dating reveals that high-energy sedimentation units can last up to approximately 2000 years while low-energy sedimentation units can last up to approximately 1000 years. This alternation, deposited during the last highstand, may be explained by cycles of tectonic activity and quiescence of the Tonga Trench subduction, which is the main source of tsunamigenic earthquakes impacting the Samoan archipelago. In the uppermost silt unit, only the geochemical signature of the terrestrial input of the 2009 SPT backwash deposits was detected between 7 cm and 9 cm depth. Hence, Pago Pago Bay offers a unique sediment record of Holocene bay-fill under the impact of past tsunamis intermittently during the last 7000 years.  相似文献   

黄河三峡库区的涌浪灾害风险不容忽视,经验公式是宜优先考虑的涌浪快捷评价方法.对黄河三峡焦家崖头2012年2月7日的黄土滑坡和涌浪进行调查,分析了黄土滑坡及涌浪的特征.采用9种涌浪经典计算公式,计算了涌浪的初始浪高、对岸爬高等特征参数.与调查结果对比表明,采用美国土木工程师协会推荐法、水科院算法、Huber and Hager模型和潘家铮算法获取的焦家崖头黄土滑坡诱发的涌浪特征参数均接近实际,其确定的校正系数分别为2.14、1.92、0.6和0.66,对比考虑安全性和经济性后推荐采用潘家铮算法预测黄河三峡的涌浪.  相似文献   

A paleomagnetic study of platform-facies carbonate rocks of the mid-Cretaceous Morelos Formation and deep-water carbonate rocks of the overlying Upper Cretaceous Mezcala Formation, sampled at Zopilote canyon, in Guerrero State, southern Mexico, indicates that their characteristic magnetization was acquired contemporaneously with folding of these rocks during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny. The remanence carrier is interpreted to be magnetite, although other mineral phases of high coercivity carry recent secondary overprints. The overall mean is of Dec=323.1° and Inc=36.5° (k=162.7; α95=2.7°; N=18 sites; 64% unfolding). Comparison with the North America reference direction indicates that this area has experienced a small, yet statistically significant, counterclockwise direction of 19.2±4.0°. Similar rotations are documented in other localities from southern Mexico; rotations are linked to mid-Tertiary deformation associated with the left-lateral strike-slip fault system that accommodated motion of the Chortis and Xolapa blocks.  相似文献   

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