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不同地区接收BPL地波和天波信号有着不同的结果对于噪声场强在50dB左右,BPL地波场强低于30dB,一跳天波场强约50dB的地方——广州监测站正处于上述情况,可以借助一跳天波识别地波的周期。具体方法是先跟踪在一跳天波第三周末,再把跟踪点前移三周(周数根据天、地波传播时延差决定)[注一]就可以跟踪到BPL地波第三周.这种方法可以作为一些离发射台较远的台站进行周期识别的一种方法。  相似文献   

唐洁 《天文学报》2012,53(1):1-8
将基于多重信号分类的MUSIC谱估计算法引入BL Lac天体光变周期分析中.给出了MUSIC算法的基本原理,利用模拟信号检测了算法的频谱分辨率.从大量文献中收集了BL Lac天体S5 0716+714光学V、R、I 3个波段从1994年到2008年的有效观测数据,用MUSIC算法和平均周期图算法分别计算了它们的光变周期,发现存在两个主要光变周期:一个是(3.33±0.08)yr的周期,另一个是(1.24±0.01)yr的周期.对这两种算法的周期估计性能进行了比较,结果表明,MUSIC谱估计算法对样本长度要求较低,具有良好的分辨特性和抗噪声能力,能提高在样本长度较短情况下光变周期分析的准确性.  相似文献   

本文分析了1984年用搬钟的方法实测 BPL 信号传播时延和场强的结果,得出了在信号地波复盖范围内,根据信号的场强预算传播时延可获得很高的精度,提出了计算时地波传播路径合理分段的基本原则,提出了尚未解决的大城市高大建筑物对信号时延的影响问题。  相似文献   

本文汇集了对 LF 定时信号识别及不同周期的常用办法。提出了一种新的可靠的对 LF 定时信号进行周期识别的方法,通过对天地波相互干涉影响的定量分析计算,对这一新方法的可靠性作了论证。  相似文献   

本文对蒲城至东风、昆明、上海三条传播路径BPL地波场强监测数据进行了统计分析。给出了我国西北、东南、西南等效地面电导率σ在暖季与冬季的区别,以及由σ变化引起的低频地波二次相位因子变化的程度。  相似文献   

为准确预报地波传播时延,用电波传播法对关中平原的大地等效电导率进行了间接测量。阐述了电波传播法的测量原理和方法,第一次给出关中平原大地等效电导率的间接测量结果,同时,给出了中国科学院国家授时中心临潼科研楼参考点的BPL信号传播时延测量结果,并对这些测量结果进行了精度分析。  相似文献   

BPL授时台工作在无线电长波波段,采用多脉冲、相位编码体制发播标准时间和标准频率并兼导航主台。由于长波地波传播衰减小,多脉冲发射提高了平均辐射功率,相关检测技术允许接收机在低信噪比下工作,所以能实现大面积复盖。因为长波地波传播的相位非常稳定,脉冲  相似文献   

本文给出了云南天文台监测长波(BPL)时号的结果。地波定时平均精度达±0.22μw,日校频精度优于2.3×10~(12);天波定时精度为±1.65μs,日校频精度优于1.9×10~(-11)μs。  相似文献   

冯博 《天文学报》1990,31(1):77-82
本文讨论了我国大气折射指数梯度的分布值及其对BPL地波时号的二次相位因子的影响。采用了我国102个高空气象站十年的实测资料,求得了我国大气折射指数梯度的月平均值,根据这些数值绘制了春秋季、夏季和冬季的《中国大气折射指数梯度分布图》,用这种方法计算的地波时延预测值与地波时延的实测值做了比较,结果表明,本文提供的修正值比标准大气的修正数据更接近实测值。  相似文献   

中国科学院国家授时中心BPL长波授时系统现代化技术改造的核心是用一部固态发射机替代两部电子管发射机.结合固态发射机工作原理和罗兰-C脉冲信号定时控制特点,提出了BPL长波授时发播信号时刻控制方法,并对发射机输出信号控制精度进行了初步估算.结果表明,该控制精度符合项目任务书中对定时控制精度在±100ns之内的要求.  相似文献   

The multiple signal classi?cation (MUSIC) algorithm is introduced to the estimation of light periods of BL Lac objects. The principle of the MUSIC algorithm is given, together with a testing on its spectral resolution by using a simulative signal. From a lot of literature, we have collected a large number of effective observational data of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 in the three optical wavebands V, R, and I from 1994 to 2008. The light periods of S5 0716+714 are obtained by means of the MUSIC algorithm and average periodogram algorithm, respectively. It is found that there exist two major periodic components, one is the period of (3.33±0.08) yr, another is the period of (1.24±0.01) yr. The comparison of the performances of periodicity analysis of two algorithms indicates that the MUSIC algorithm has a smaller requirement on the sample length, as well as a good spectral resolution and anti-noise ability, to improve the accuracy of periodicity analysis in the case of short sample length.  相似文献   

Synoptic observations made on magnetic recording tape at Huancayo, Peru, at the magnetic dip equator, during the International Geophysical Year 1957–1958, were aurally reviewed at that time and no whistlers, hiss, or other emissions were heard. In view of the more recent observation of whistlers at geomagnetic latitudes as low as 12°, and in conjunction with a study of equatorial hiss observed in the topside ionosphere, these recordings have recently been reassessed by reducing them with modern real-time, digital spectrographic equipment. Although the observations were found to be of high quality, and to show the classical features of ground-wave and sky-wave propagation of sferics and VLF transmissions, again no evidence whatsoever of whistlers, hiss, or other emissions is found. Thus it is concluded that the whistlers observed at very low latitudes do not propagate subionospherically to the equator and it is confirmed that “hybrid” whistlers must be due to subionospheric propagation across the equator of the causative sferic rather than of the short whistler.  相似文献   

Modern methods of spectral estimation based on parametric time-series models are useful tools in power spectral analysis. We apply the autoregressive (AR) model to study quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs). An empirical formula to estimate the expectation and standard deviation of the noise AR power densities is derived, which can be used to estimate the statistical significance of an apparent QPO peak in an AR spectrum. An iterative adding-noise algorithm in AR spectral analysis is proposed and applied to studying QPOs in the X-ray binary Cir X-1.  相似文献   

为了了解用于预测沿光滑分段均匀混合路径传播的地波时延的Millington经验公式的实用性,对Millington经验公式和用于预测沿光滑分段均匀混合路径传播的地波时延的严格的Wait公式进行了比较。在Wait积分法用计算机软件实现的基础上,用上述2种方法分别计算多条实际路径的地波二次相位因子,并对计算结果进行了比较。比较结果表明,在实际工程应用中用Millington经验公式进行地波时延预测符合应用要求。  相似文献   

Abstract— We demonstrate that the use of an established spectral deconvolution algorithm with mid‐infrared spectral libraries of mineral separates of varying grain sizes is capable of identifying the known mineral compositions and abundances of a selection of howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorite samples. In addition, we apply the same technique to mid‐infrared spectral emissivity measurements of Vesta that have been obtained from Cornell's Mid‐Infrared Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) Survey and the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Each Vesta measurement was made over a different range of longitudes. Our spectral deconvolution results to the Vesta spectra corroborate that Vesta's surface is howardite or eucrite‐like in composition and heterogeneous across its surface. The spectral fits produced by the linear deconvolution algorithm yields good results for the HED samples of known composition, thus giving us a high degree of confidence that our results for Vesta are valid.  相似文献   

We present an automatic, fast, accurate and robust method of classifying astronomical objects. The Self Organizing Map (SOM) as an unsupervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm is used for classification of stellar spectra of stars. The SOM is used to make clusters of different spectral classes of Jacoby, Hunter and Christian (JHC) library. This ANN technique needs no training examples and the stellar spectral data sets are directly fed to the network for the classification. The JHC library contains 161 spectra out of which, 158 spectra are selected for the classification. These 158 spectra are input vectors to the network and mapped into a two dimensional output grid. The input vectors close to each other are mapped into the same or neighboring neurons in the output space. So, the similar objects are making clusters in the output map and making it easy to analyze high dimensional data.  相似文献   

The physical parameters of stellar atmosphere, e.g. the effective temperature, surface gravity and chemical abundance, are the main factors for the differences in stellar spectra, and the automatic measurement of these parameters is an important content in the automatic processing of the immense amount of spectral data provided by LAMOST and other patrol telescopes. Aiming at the estimation of the physical parameters for every star in large samples of stellar spectral data, a variable window-width algorithm is proposed in this article. It consists of the following three steps: (1) A PCA (principal component analysis) treatment of historical stellar spectral data is carried out to obtain a low-dimensional characteristic data of the spectra. (2) Establish the correlation between the characteristic data and the physical parameters using a non-parametric estimator with variable window-width. (3) By means of this estimator, the three physical parameters of the star are directly calculated. As shown by results of experiments, in comparison with the fixed window-width estimator and other algorithms reported in literature, our algorithm is more accurate and robust.  相似文献   

A new approach of the initial orbit determination for too-short-arc with angular measurements is implemented by building the probabilistic model in the solution space with the estimation of distribution algorithm. Without any assumption about distribution, the non-parametric kernel density estimation is employed in the model building. The method, unlike other evolutionary algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization, considers the fitness as well as the characteristics of the solution space. Numerical experiments with real observations indicate that without any constraints, the proposed technique has a good performance for the observations of usual accuracy.  相似文献   

We present a parameter estimation procedure based on a Bayesian framework by applying a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to the calibration of the dynamical parameters of the LISA Pathfinder satellite. The method is based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and a two-stage annealing treatment in order to ensure an effective exploration of the parameter space at the beginning of the chain. We compare two versions of the algorithm with an application to a LISA Pathfinder data analysis problem. The two algorithms share the same heating strategy but with one moving in coordinate directions using proposals from a multivariate Gaussian distribution, while the other uses the natural logarithm of some parameters and proposes jumps in the eigen-space of the Fisher Information matrix. The algorithm proposing jumps in the eigen-space of the Fisher Information matrix demonstrates a higher acceptance rate and a slightly better convergence towards the equilibrium parameter distributions in the application to LISA Pathfinder data. For this experiment, we return parameter values that are all within ~1σ of the injected values. When we analyse the accuracy of our parameter estimation in terms of the effect they have on the force-per-unit of mass noise, we find that the induced errors are three orders of magnitude less than the expected experimental uncertainty in the power spectral density.  相似文献   

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