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The development of structural elements and finite strain data are analysed to constrain kinematics of folds and faults at various scales within a Proterozoic fold-and-thrust belt in Pranhita-Godavari basin, south India. The first order structures in this belt are interpreted as large scale buckle folds above a subsurface decollement emphasizing the importance of detachment folding in thin skinned deformation of a sedimentary prism lying above a gneissic basement. That the folds have developed through fixed-hinge buckling is constrained by the nature of variation of mesoscopic fabric over large folds and finite strain data. Relatively low, irrotational flattening strain (X:Z-3.1-4.8, k<1) are associated with zones of near upright early mesoscopic folds and cleavage, whereas large flattening strain (X:Z-3.9-7.3, k<1) involving noncoaxiality are linked to domains of asymmetric, later inclined folds, faults and intense cleavage on the hanging wall of thrusts on the flanks of large folds. In the latter case, the bulk strain can be factorized to components of pure shear and simple shear with a maximum shearing strain of 3. The present work reiterates the importance of analysis of minor structures in conjunction with strain data to unravel the kinematic history of fold-and-thrust belts developed at shallow crustal level.  相似文献   

作为理解华南构造演化的关键地区,在华南板块南缘的云开地体和越北的Song Chay地体发育了早中生代的向北东逆冲推覆的韧性变形.在云开地体,经历角闪岩相和绿片岩相变质的矿物指示了产状平缓的面理上发育明显的北东-南西向矿物拉伸线理.沿着这些矿物拉伸线理,具有上部指向北东的剪切变形.同位素年代学的定年结果指示了变形事件发生...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present whole-rock and mineral geochemistry of serpentinized peridotites from the Suru Valley ophiolite slice Ladakh Himalaya, in an attempt to put constraints on their petrogenesis and tectonic evolution in the context of Mesozoic Neo-Tethys Ocean. On the basis of petrographic study, Suru Valley serpentinized peridotites can be identified as serpentinized harzburgites. Relative to primitive mantle these rocks have depleted major and rare earth element (REE) geochemical characteristics comparable to ocean floor mantle rocks reflecting their mantle residual nature. However, higher abundance of highly incompatible large ion lithophile elements (e.g., Rb, Ba, Th, U, Pb and Sr), reflect metasomatism in a subduction zone environment. The presence of silicate assemblage includes Mg-rich olivine (Fo90-92) and orthopyroxene (En91-93 Fs6.4-8.7) of supra-subduction zone affinity. Evaluation of mineral and whole-rock geochemistry suggests that the Suru Valley ophiolitic peridotites represent residues left after moderate degrees of partial melting thereby underwent metasomatism in a supra-subduction zone environment related to north dipping intra-oceanic island arc during Cretaceous in the context of Mesozoic Neo-Tethys ocean.  相似文献   

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