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Dealt with in this paper are some geochemical characteristics of porphyry copper mineralization, especially those observed in intrusive bodies, wall rocks, alteration zones, ores and pyrites. Ore bearing bodies have been correlated with barren ones from such aspects as major and trace elements, copper contents of biotite and pyrite, and distribution pattern of copper. In the mineralized rocks, trace elements show apparent zoning surrounding ore bodies; major and trace elements seem to show some regularities with respect to their variations in the process of alteration, and as a result each alteration zone displays its own peculiar element association. Trace elements in ores can provide information on the genetic types of ore deposits, thus of great help in distinguishing ore types, while those in pyrites may be indicative of the main mineralizing stage, providing clues for distinguishing ore-bearing from barren rocks, and of the extent of denudation of ore bodies.  相似文献   

Lead isotope compositions of nine sulfide concentrates from ore samples from the Sar-Cheshmeh deposit are reported. They range from virtually unaltered granodiorite through varying degrees of potassic alteration to ores showing strong phyllic alteration (sericite veins). The samples without strong phyllic alteration have fairly uniform lead isotope compositions around 206Pb/204Pb=18.6, 207Pb/204Pb=15.6, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.7. Two samples with sericite veins have markedly more radiogenic lead. It is concluded that the fluid responsible for the potassic alteration and the associated mineralization was essentially magmatic, whereas convecting meteoric water from the country rock acted as a mineralizing solution during phyllic alteration. In the context of the plumbotectonics model, the deposit has a typical orogen signature intermediate between primitive and mature island-arc settings.  相似文献   

The Sungun porphyry copper deposit is hosted in a Diorite/granodioritic to quartz-monzonitic stock that intruded Eocene volcanosedimentary and Cretaceous carbonate rocks. Copper mineralization is associated mainly with potassic alteration and to a lesser extent with sericitic alteration. Based on previously published fluid inclusion and isotopic data by Hezarkhani and Williams-Jones most of the copper is interpreted to have deposited during the waning stages of orthomagmatic hydrothermal activity at temperatures of 400 to 300 °C. These data also indicate that the hydrothermal system involved meteoric waters, and boiled extensively. In this work, thermodynamic data are used to delineate the stability fields of alteration and ore assemblages as a function of fS2, fO2 and pH. The solubility of chalcopyrite was evaluated in this range of conditions using recently published experimental data. During early potassic alteration (>450 °C), Copper solubility is calculated to have been >50 000 ppm, whereas the copper content of the initial fluid responsible for ore deposition is estimated, from fluid inclusion data, to have been 1200–3800 ppm. This indicates that initially the fluid was highly undersaturated with respect to chalcopyrite, which agrees with the observation that veins formed at T > 400 °C contain molybdenite but rarely chalcopyrite. Copper solubility drops rapidly with decreasing temperature, and at 400 °C is approximately 1000 ppm, within the range estimated from fluid inclusion data, whereas at 350 °C it is only 25 ppm. These calculations are consistent with observations that the bulk of the chalcopyrite deposited at Sungun is hosted by veins formed at temperatures of 360 ± 60 °C. Other factors that, in principle, may reduce chalcopyrite solubility are increases in pH, and decreases in fO2 and aCl. Our analysis shows, however, that most of the change in pH occurred at high temperature when chalcopyrite was grossly undersaturated in the fluid, and that the direction of change in fO2 increased chalcopyrite solubility. We propose that the Sungun deposit formed mainly in response to the sharp temperature decrease that accompanied boiling, and partly as a result of the additional heat loss and decrease in aCl, which occurred as a result of mixing of acidic Cu-bearing magmatic waters with cooler meteoric waters of lower salinity. Received: 8 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

Don Javier斑岩型铜钼矿床地质特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
吴斌  方针  叶震超 《矿床地质》2013,32(6):1159-1170
Don Javier矿床是在秘鲁南部新发现的大型斑岩铜钼矿床,位于秘鲁古近纪斑岩型铜钼成矿带内。该矿区主要出露Yarabamba花岗闪长岩体,NW走向的矿体赋存于英安斑岩及其围岩中。主要的矿石矿物有黄铜矿、辉钼矿、辉铜矿等。矿化蚀变由内向外依次为钾化、石英-绢云母化、泥化、青磐岩化,具有典型斑岩型铜矿床的蚀变分带特征。矿体呈筒状,主要分布于石英-绢云母化蚀变带中。矿区内的英安斑岩有4期,其中的前2期与矿化有关,后2期为成矿后侵位。NW向断裂是区内主要的控矿构造,对成岩成矿具有控制作用。与同一成矿带内相邻的Cerro Verde超大型斑岩型铜矿床相比较,两者具有类似的成矿特征。找矿实践表明,强烈的蚀变带、低阻高极化激电异常是找矿的有效标志。  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS analysis of molybdenite from the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry Cu-Mo deposit(PCD), Iran, shows moderate concentration of Re(average ~207 ppm) and low concentration of chalcogenides(average of Pb + Te + Bi, ~31 ppm) as well as metalloids(average of As + Sb + Ge, ~4.5 ppm). The early-formed quartz–molybdenites associated with potassic alteration are characterized by moderately low concentration of Re(21–215 ppm with an average of 83 ppm), whereas the transitional quartz–molybdenite veins related to the sericitic stage of mineralization contain more Re(62–465 ppm, with an average of 207 ppm). In contrast, the late-formed quartz–molybdenite veins associated with phyllic alteration show the highest concentration of Re(up to 1273 ppm with an average of 395 ppm). Gradual increase in Re content of molybdenites deposited throughout the evolution of the porphyry system is probably related to elevated ?O2 and acidic conditions of the ore fluids governing the transitional and late stage of mineralization, when compared to the moderately low ?O2 and basic conditions of the ore fluids precipitating the low-Re molybdenites associated with potassic alteration. The mixed mantle/crustal source of the ore-related magma and its fractionated composition in Sar Cheshmeh are consistent with magmatic conditions for the formation of Mo-rich and Re-poor PCDs in the world.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage is a major source of water pollution in the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine area. The concentrations of heavy metals and rare earth elements (REEs) in the host rocks, natural waters and acid mine drainage (AMD) associated with mining and tailing impoundments are determined. Contrary to the solid samples, AMDs and impacted stream waters are enriched in middle rare earth elements (MREEs) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) relative to light rare earth elements (LREEs). This behavior suggests that REE probably fractionate during sulfide oxidation and acid generation and subsequent transport, so that MREE and HREE are preferentially enriched. Speciation modeling predict that the dominant dissolved REE inorganic species are Ln3+, Ln(SO4)2, LnSO4+, LnHCO32+, Ln(CO3)2 and LnCO3+. Compared to natural waters, Sarcheshmeh AMD is enriched in REEs and SO42−. High concentrations of SO42− lead to the formation of stable LnSO4+, thereby resulting in higher concentrations of REEs in AMD samples. The model indicates that LnSO4+ is the dissolved form of REE in acid waters, while carbonate and dicarbonate complexes are the most abundant dissolved REE species in alkaline waters. The speciation calculations indicate that other factors besides complexation of the REE's, such as release of MREE from dissolution and/or desorption processes in soluble salts and poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxy sulfates as well as dissolution of host rock MREE-bearing minerals control the dissolved REE concentrations and, hence, the MREE-enriched patterns of acid mine waters.  相似文献   

The Elatsite porphyry copper deposit occurs in an island-arc setting hosted by Late Cretaceous monzonitic-monzodioritic porphyry stocks which were emplaced into Precambrian-Cambrian phyllites. Trace element data of the Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks suggest that they are I-type volcanic arc granitoids. Two main ore mineral assemblages are distinguished: (1) magnetite-bornite-chalcopyrite, and (2) chalcopyrite-pyrite. The first one is linked to potassic-propylitic, and the second to phyllic-argillic alteration. Minor ore minerals are hematite, molybdenite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, hessite, and solid solutions of linnaeite-siegenite-carrollite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, clausthalite-galena, gold-electrum and merenskyite-moncheite. Precious-metal contents are relatively high throughout the deposit but Au, Pd and Pt are concentrated more strongly in the magnetite-bornite-chalcopyrite assemblage. Average grades of Au, Ag, Pd and Pt calculated for the 0.33% Cu ore body are 0.96, 0.19, 0.007 and 0.002 g/t respectively. Analyses of flotation concentrates revealed 25.6% Cu, and Ag, Au, Pd and Pt contents of 33.0, 13.6, 0.72 and 0.15 g/t respectively. The copper mineralisation at Elatsite took place at pressures of 120 to 300 bar, corresponding to depths of formation of 1 to 3 km under hydrostatic conditions. The precious metals were probably transported jointly as chloride complexes in highly saline magmatic-hydrothermal solutions. The fluids had temperatures of 340 to >700 °C and salinities of 28 to 64% NaCl, and mixed with meteoric water.  相似文献   

文章在前人对岛弧环境斑岩型矿床绿泥石主微量元素找矿指示研究的基础上,以陆内环境的长江中下游成矿带中的沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床为对象,利用LA-ICP-MS技术对沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床中绿泥石进行了主微量元素研究。结果显示,绿泥石中Ti、Ba、Co、K、Pb、Sr、Fe、V/Ni靠近矿化中心的位置含量高,Mn、Mg元素远离矿化中心的位置含量高。沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床中绿泥石元素含量分布主要受温度、被交代矿物、流体pH值和氧化还原环境、围岩性质影响。受交代矿物的影响,绿泥石中的有些元素(Si、Na、Mg、K、Al)的含量高低不能直接对矿化中心进行指示,但沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床绿泥石部分元素(Ti、Ba、Co、Pb、Sr、Fe)和元素比值(V/Ni)具有指示矿化中心的作用。  相似文献   

西藏甲玛斑岩成矿系统铜钼元素分离机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
西藏甲玛矿床是冈底斯成矿带中东段目前勘查程度最高、第一个规模化开发的超大型斑岩成矿系统,主要由矽卡岩铜多金属矿体、斑岩钼(铜)矿体以及角岩铜钼矿体构成。文章以甲玛矿床角岩矿体和斑岩矿体中典型的"上铜下钼"现象为切入点,借助流体包裹体显微测温、激光拉曼测试、同步辐射X射线荧光分析(SR-XRF)等研究方法,分析了甲玛矿床铜钼矿化阶段成矿流体的物化条件差异及微量元素迁移行为。流体包裹体研究结果表明:铜矿化阶段流体温度(大致在235~451℃,主要集中在340~380℃之间)总体上大于钼矿化阶段流体温度(大致在213~500℃,主要集中在310~360℃之间),但两种成矿流体的盐度大致相似,主要位于18%NaCleqv与30%NaCleqv这两个区间,缺乏盐度中间过渡区,说明成矿流体经历了沸腾作用。激光拉曼显微探针测试结果表明,Cu矿化阶段的流体氧化性较Mo矿化阶段更强,而Mo矿化阶段流体略呈还原性。单个流体包裹体同步辐射X射线荧光分析显示,Cu、Au、Fe、Mn、S、As等元素主要在气相中广泛分布,而Mo则主要残留在液相中迁移富集。因此,本文认为甲玛矿床中角岩型和斑岩型矿体呈现"上铜下钼、早铜晚钼"现象,主要由铜、钼元素本身的物化性质,含矿岩浆性质和侵位顺序与深度,以及含矿岩浆后期所分异出的成矿流体的氧化还原性以及其中S含量的差异所致。  相似文献   

The Darreh-Zar porphyry copper deposit is associated with a quartz monzonitic–granodioritic–porphyritic stock hosted by an Eocene volcanic sedimentary complex in which magmatic hydrothermal fluids were introduced and formed veins and alteration. Within the deepest quartz-rich and chalcopyrite-poor group A veins, LVHS2 inclusions trapped high salinity, high temperature aqueous fluids exsolved directly from a relatively shallow magma (0.5 kbar). These late fluids were enriched in NaCl and reached halite saturation as a result of the low pressure of magma crystallization and fluid exsolution. These fluids extracted Cu from the crystallizing melt and transported it to the hydrothermal system. As a result of ascent, the temperature and pressure of these fluids decreased from 600 to 415 °C, and approximately 500–315 bars. At these conditions, K-feldspar and biotite were stabilized. Type A veins were formed at a depth of ∼1.2 km under conditions of lithostatic pressure and abrupt cooling. Upon cooling and decompressing, the fluid intersected with the liquid–vapor field resulting in separation of immiscible liquid and vapor. This stage was recorded by formation of LVHS1, LVHS3 and VL inclusions. These immiscible fluids formed chalcopyrite–pyrite–quartz veins with sericitic alteration envelopes (B veins) under the lithostatic–hydrostatic pressure regime at temperatures between 415 and 355 °C at 1.3 km below the paleowater table. As the fluids ascended, copper contents decreased and these fluids were diluted by mixing with the low salinity-external fluid. Therefore, pyrite-dominated quartz veins were formed in purely hydrostatic conditions in which pressure decreased from 125 bars to 54 bars and temperature decreased from 355 to 298 °C. During the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution, the composition and PT regime changed drastically and caused various types of veins and alterations. The abundance of chalcopyrite precipitation in group B veins suggests that boiling and cooling were important factors in copper mineralization in Darreh-Zar.  相似文献   

青草山斑岩铜矿位于班公湖―怒江斑岩成矿带西段,是西藏地勘局地质二队在开展1∶200 000区域化探工作时新发现的矿床。经过查证发现了厚大铜矿体,认为青草山化探异常为矿致异常,矿区具有较好的成矿条件,找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

The Daraloo field is located in the southeast of Iran (Kerman province). It is associated with Oligomiocene diorite/granodiorite to quartz monzonite stocks. Copper mineralization is basically relevant to potassic and phyllic alteration zones. Petrographic and geologic studies imply that mineralization is restricted to two major parts locating in the center and east of district. The larger central mineralization has a northwest–southeast trend perpendicular to the smaller one. Hydrothermal ore fluid formation occurred in relatively deep levels thereafter faulting and fracturing provided appropriate conduits to ascend fluids through shallower depths. Early hydrothermal alteration produced a confined potassic assemblage in the central and eastern parts of the stock. Two main fluid inclusion groups in relationship with alteration ore fluids have been identified. They are liquid-rich inclusions containing solid phases, with high temperatures (257°C to 554°C) and high salinities (31 to 67 wt.% NaCl equiv.), and vapor-rich inclusions with high temperatures and low salinities without any solid phases. These magmatic source fluids are responsible for boiling and also potassic and phyllic alteration zone. They also resulted in the formation of quartz groups I and II veins and chalcopyrite deposition. Propylitic alteration is attributed to a Ca-rich meteoric fluid. Inclusions originated from this fluid are liquid-rich having low temperatures (161°C to 269°C) and low salinities (1 to 13 wt.% NaCl). Mixing descending meteoric water with magmatic fluids reduces considerably the salinity of magmatic fluid. Mixing is also the impetus of leaching copper from potassic to the phyllic zone. It is possible to conclude that all these procedures are controlled by the main faults of district having NW–SE trend. Two fundamental events affecting the mineralization are cooling ore-bearing fluids and magnetite (±pyrite) emplacement. The latter one is formed in potassic and phyllic alteration zone in which copper-bearing fluids have interaction with magnetite minerals and so chalcopyrite minerals have been formed nearby magnetites. Temperature and pressure of hydrothermal fluid differentiation could be applied as a predictive tool to discriminate between barren and productive copper porphyry deposits. A simple comparison of temperature and pressure variations between Daraloo deposit and other copper porphyry deposits located in the same belt of Iran (Sahand-Bazman belt) illuminates that Daraloo system has high range of pressure implying deeper exsolution of hydrothermal fluid. On the other hand, economic mineralization has direct relationship with temperature range of orthomagmatic fluids so that if a deposit has a wide range of high temperature fluids, it could be inferred as a barren deposit. In conclusion, it could be inferred that Daraloo district can be categorized as a sub-economic porphyry deposit. On the other hand, restricted formation of chalcopyrite and the other copper-bearing minerals besides large amounts of magnetite and pyrite can approve obviously the low grade of mineralization in Daraloo district.  相似文献   

The Darrehzar porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is located in Southwestern Iran (~70 km southwest of Kerman City). The porphyries occur as Tertiary quartz-monzonite stocks and dikes, ranging in composition from microdiorite to diorite and granodiorite. The Darrehzar stock is highly altered, and even in the outermost part of the intrusion, it is not possible to find completely fresh rock. Surface weathering was developing ferrous Fe-rich lithologic units in leached zone and concentrated copper minerals in supergene zone. Unlike eastern areas which do not account for deep faults, the supergene zone is well developed in western areas with maximum of 118 m thickness. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization at Darrehzar are centered on the stock and were broadly synchronous with its emplacement. Early hydrothermal alteration was dominantly potassic and propylitic, and was followed by later phyllic and argillic alteration. The hydrothermal system involved both magmatic and meteoric water and boiled extensively. Copper mineralization was accompanied by both potassic and phyllic alteration. Four main vein groups have been identified: (I) quartz?+?pyrite?±?molybdenite?±?anhydrite?±?K-feldspar?±?chalcopyrite?±?bornite?±?Cu and Fe oxidic minerals (peripheral); (II) quartz?+?chalcopyrite?+?pyrite?+?molybdenite; (III) quartz?+?pyrite?±?calcite?±?chalcopyrite?±?anhydrite (gypsum); and (IV) quartz or calcite, gypsum or ± pyrite. Based on abundance, nature, and phases number observed at room temperature, three types of fluid inclusions are typically observed in these veins: (1) vapor-rich, (2) liquid-rich, and (3) multi-phase. Early hydrothermal alteration was caused by high temperature, high salinity orthomagmatic fluid and produced a potassic assemblage. Phyllitic alteration was caused by high salinity and lower temperature orthomagmatic fluid. Magmatic and meteoric water mixture was developed in the peripheral part of the stock and caused propylitic alteration which is attributed to a liquid-rich, lower temperature.  相似文献   

安徽沙溪斑岩铜矿床成矿流体演化及分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对安徽沙溪斑岩铜矿床流体包裹体进行了详细研究,得到气液包裹体的均一化温度为100 ̄500℃,盐度为2.0wt% ̄60wt%NaCl,并且流体包裹体的成分和温度随时间、空间变化而呈现出一定的变化规律。对热液脉石英及其流体包裹体中H2O、CO2的氧、氢、碳同位素组成分别进行了测定,得到热液δ^18OSMOW为+3.51‰ ̄+5.52‰,δDSMOW为-60‰ ̄-82‰,δ^13CPDB为-3.61‰ ̄  相似文献   

德兴铜矿是中国东部重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞等3个矿床组成。在详细的野外脉体填图基础上,文章把德兴铜厂斑岩铜矿的成矿脉体划分为A脉、B脉、D脉和H脉等4种类型。研究发现,A脉的形成与钾化蚀变有关,脉体不规则且不连续,以粒状石英±钾长石±黑云母±磁铁矿±少量黄铁矿±少量黄铜矿的矿物组合为特征;B脉的形成与钾质硅酸盐水解有关,脉体较规则且连续,以石英±辉钼矿±黄铜矿±黄铁矿的矿物组合为特征,石英颗粒呈典型的梳状或长柱状对称于脉壁生长;D脉的形成与石英-绢云母化蚀变有关,以黄铁矿±石英±黄铜矿的矿物组合为特征,脉壁发育绢云母晕;H脉的形成与碳酸盐化有关,以方解石±赤铁矿±黄铁矿±黄铜矿的矿物组合为特征。这4种脉体分别记录了成矿流体演化至不同阶段,热液蚀变作用的特点及其与Cu-Mo硫化物沉淀的关系。脉体的宽度-间距定量统计分析表明,脉体宽度(T)服从于幂次分布定律;脉体间距(S)服从于负指数分布或介于对数正态分布与负指数分布之间。脉体宽度分维值D值(0.91~1.35)普遍>1,反映脉体系统的连通性较差,矿化程度较弱。脉体间距变差系数Cν值(0.49~0.92)均<1,说明脉体簇生聚集程度较低,矿化程度较弱;处于脉体聚集中心的脉体,代表着热液流体运移的通道,制约着其他脉体的展布。  相似文献   

东昆仑之祁漫塔格成矿带以矿床类型、金属种类丰富多样为特征,以矽卡岩型矿床为典型,是地质学者研究的热点地区之一。近年来此成矿带中的斑岩型铜钼矿找矿不断有新的突破,2013年在该成矿带东侧克停哈尔地区又新发现一典型斑岩型铜钼矿。矿区地层以古元古代金水口岩群为主,岩性为片麻岩、大理岩等变质岩,华力西期、印支期中酸性岩体广泛侵入,后者为赋矿岩石,岩体内有隐伏的小斑岩体及隐爆角砾岩,矿区北西向、北东向构造发育,有多个物化探异常分布。本区找矿突破是在全面认识分析以上成矿地质条件、物化探异常特征,类比已知典型铜钼矿床基础上,初步建立寻找斑岩型矿床的找矿思路,并据此思路开展勘查工作,最终取得了找矿突破,进而总结出克停哈尔斑岩型铜钼矿的找矿思路方法,建立了地质-地球化学-地球物理综合信息找矿模型,为区域上开展同类型矿床的找矿工作提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   

The Meiduk deposit possesses three different Cu reservoirs each with a unique Cu isotope signature. δ65Cu for the leached cap minerals ranges from ?2.5 to +0.49‰ to ?0.45 to +0.3‰ for hypogene minerals and from +1.3 to +4.4‰ for supergene enrichment minerals. Oxidation of hypogene sulphides and effective trapping of copper (from solutions derived from the leached cap) in the supergene enrichment zone caused this relationship. A systematic pattern of low Cu isotope values close to the surface and higher isotope values with depth reveals a palaeo‐fluid pathway in the northwest–southeast direction over the deposit. Thus, the copper isotope data from leached cap and enrichment minerals can be used to monitor copper migration during supergene weathering at the Meiduk deposit.  相似文献   

西藏驱龙斑岩型铜(钼) 矿床矿化特征及远景预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
驱龙矿床位于西藏冈底斯成矿带东段, 成矿条件优越。该矿床为一典型斑岩型矿床, 其铜 (钼) 矿化与喜山期黑云母花岗闪长斑岩、石英二长花岗斑岩时空及成因关系密切, 具典型的细脉浸染型矿化特征, 围岩蚀变发育且具面型分带现象。区域构造演化、成岩成矿时代表明, 冈底斯成矿带内的斑岩型矿化发生于印度与亚洲板块的后碰撞阶段挤压向伸展的转换期。综合地质、化探与遥感等找矿信息, 预测驱龙矿床找矿潜力巨大, 驱龙东段是进一步勘查工作的首选靶区, 矿体剥蚀程度低, 具较大埋深( > 1 000 m) 。强调斑岩型矿化的同时, 应注意岩体接触带附近矽卡岩型以及不同围岩裂隙中的脉型多金属矿的找矿工作。  相似文献   

邢凯  舒启海  赵鹤森  徐浩楠 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1427-1440
滇西普朗斑岩铜矿床位于三江特提斯构造带义敦岛弧南端,是晚三叠世甘孜-理塘洋壳俯冲背景下的成矿作用产物。本文选取普朗矿床含矿石英闪长玢岩和石英二长斑岩中蚀变和未蚀变磷灰石进行研究,以探讨其对成岩、成矿作用的指示意义。结果显示,相比于未蚀变磷灰石,蚀变磷灰石的Na、S、Mn、Ca、Y及REE等元素含量均有不同程度的降低。总体而言,普朗矿床中磷灰石均具有高Sr、δEu,低Y的特征,指示了其母岩浆具似埃达克质特点。本次研究表明磷灰石的卤素、Sr和REE可以用来追踪成矿母岩浆成分、氧化状态和结晶演化过程。与三叠纪不成矿的休瓦促岩体相比,普朗矿床成矿岩体的磷灰石具高δEu、低Mn和δCe的特点,且δEu和δCe总体呈负相关趋势,表明普朗矿床成矿岩体氧逸度相对较高。此外,磷灰石中(La/Sm)_N、(La/Yb)_N和(Sm/Yb)_N比值降低可能是岩浆中独居石结晶或含Cl热液出溶的结果。与邻区的春都矿床、白垩纪休瓦促成矿岩体对比研究表明,普朗斑岩成矿岩浆具有高Cl/F特征,可能形成于典型的大洋俯冲环境。  相似文献   

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