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We describe a wavelet-based technique to determine the spectral turbulentcontribution to the vertical flux of sensible heat in a position-wavelength representation. This technique combines awavelet transform (Morlet wavelet) with conditional sampling. We apply this methodto aircraft datacollected during a sea-breeze circulation (BEMA97 experiment) with heterogeneousturbulence conditions horizontally and vertically as well. The turbulent fluxes are analysed with the conditional wavelet techniqueas a function of the wavelength and the horizontal distance.The turbulent processes within the thermal internal boundary layer associatedwith the sea breeze are clearly identified. The results exhibit the wavelength bands through which the upward flux (originating fromthe surface) and the downward flux (originating from the top of theboundary layer) are important.  相似文献   

Based on the high-resolution datasets collected in a sea fog field experiment at the northern coast of South China Sea, the variations of liquid water content (LWC) and net longwave radiation flux (NLRF) during two sea fog events on 16th-17th and 18th-19th March, 2008 are exaimeed by wavelet analysis, and the cooling mechanisms for fog formation and persistence are also investigated. The main results are shown as follows. (1) Sea fog may develop and persist whether it is cloudy or not aloft. However, when there is cloud aloft the LWC is less and wind speed in sea fog is higher than that in the clear sky. (2) The quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of NLRF are observed in the formation stage of the two fogs. QPOs of LWC are only found in the developing stage no matter with cloudless or cloudy condition. (3) It is likely that sea fog forms by the cooling effects of longwave radiation and develops through the vertical mixing induced by the radiative cooling at the upper level. (4) During sea fog development and persistence, other mechanisms could also play important roles in fog-layer cooling, such as turbulent heat transport and radiation transport between air-sea interfaces.  相似文献   

设计基准风速的确定对核电厂建构筑物的风荷载设计和结构设计至关重要。利用气象台站积累的历史极端风速资料,计算核电厂设计基准风速,并讨论了计算过程中应注意的有关问题。  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)搭载的微波成像仪(TMI)探测结果,在像元分辨率上同步反演的10年海表温度(SST)和海表风速(SSW)资料,研究了热带地区非降水条件下SSW变化对SST日变化的影响。结果表明热带地区SST日变化显著,SST日最小值多出现在早晨03:00(当地时间,下同)至06:00,日最大值多出现在午后17:00至19:00,SST日绝对振幅为1.9~3.4℃,日相对振幅为5%~7%。SSW变化对SST日最小值和日最大值的出现时间及SST日振幅均有明显的影响,且均呈现出区域性差异。热带地区SST日绝对振幅随SSW增大而减小,当SSW增加至9 m/s之后,SST日绝对振幅变化不再明显;二者符合特定的正弦函数关系。在风速小的情况下,暖池区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常减小了0.16℃;在风速大的情况下,秘鲁沿岸区域平均SST日绝对振幅异常增大了0.17℃,且SST随时间变化波动较大。上述研究结果为下一步研究海表感热和潜热日变化打下了基础。  相似文献   

In this paper,a scheme of dual-Doppler radar wind analysis based on a three-dimensional variational method is proposed and performed in two steps.First,the horizontal wind field is simultaneously recovered through minimizing a cost function defined as a radial observation term with the standard conjugate gradient method,avoiding a weighting parameter specification step.Compared with conventional dual-Doppler wind synthesis approaches,this variational method minimizes errors caused by interpolation from radar observation to analysis grid in the iterative solution process,which is one of the main sources of errors.Then,through the accelerated Liebmann method,the vertical velocity is further reestimated as an extra step by solving the Poisson equation with impermeable conditions imposed at the ground and near the tropopause.The Poisson equation defined by the second derivative of the vertical velocity is derived from the mass continuity equation.Compared with the method proposed by O’Brien,this method is less sensitive to the uncertainty of the boundary conditions and has better stability and reliability.Furthermore,the method proposed in this paper is applied to Doppler radar observation of a squall line process.It is shown that the retrieved vertical wind profile agrees well with the vertical profile obtained with the velocity–azimuth display(VAD)method,and the retrieved radial velocity as well as the analyzed positive and negative velocity centers and horizontal wind shear of the squall line are in accord with radar observations.There is a good correspondence between the divergence field of the derived wind field and the vertical velocity.And,the horizontal and vertical circulations within and around the squall line,as well as strong updrafts,the associated downdrafts,and associated rear inflow of the bow echo,are analyzed well.It is worth mentioning that the variational method in this paper can be applied to simultaneously synthesize the three-dimensional wind field from multiple-Doppler radar observations.  相似文献   

During 8-9 July 2007,several successively developed rainstorms along the Meiyu front produced heavy rainfall in the Huaihe River Valley,which led to the most catastrophic flooding in this region since 1954.Through mesoscale analysis of both conventional and intensive observations from upper air and surface stations,automatic weather stations,Doppler radars,and the FY-2C satellite,the current study examines the developing style and environmental conditions of the mesoscale convective systems(MCSs)that led to the development of the rainstorms.Our analysis showed that this event went through three phases.The first phase of the heavy rainfall(Phase Ⅰ)was caused by a meso-α-scale wind shear in the lower troposphere during 0200-1700 BT(Beijing Time)8 July.Phase Ⅱ was characterized by a reduction in rain rate and the formation of a low-level vortex between 1700 BT 8 and 0200 BT 9 July.In Phase Ⅲ,the well-organized mature meso-α-scale low-level vortex brought about intensified rains during 0200-0800 BT 9 July.Satellite and raclar observations showed a backward development of MCSs(new convective cells were generated at the back of the system)in PhaseⅡ,a forward development in Phase Ⅲ,and a spiral organization of the convective lines in Phase Ⅱ.The heavy rainstorm systems were initiated continuously along a surface mesoscale dew-point front with a horizontal scale of~300 km(as part of the Meiyu front)in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River Valley near Fuyang City,Anhui Province and then gradually decayed in the middle and lower reaches.It is hypothesized that lifting by strong low-level convergence is sufficient to trigger convection in the high CAPE(convective available potential energy)environment.  相似文献   

利用武汉、驻马店、合肥、阜阳4部多普勒天气雷达资料,采用两步变分方法对2008年6月8日08时至9日08时发生在湖北省的一次暴雨过程中00:30~06:30时段内的风场结构进行了反演分析,并与同时段的NCEP再分析资料进行对比。结果表明,两步变分法反演的风场结构与NCEP再分析资料的风场结构基本吻合,证明了该方法的风场反演能力。对反演的风场结构的演变分析可知,此次降水过程减弱的主要原因是:对流层中低层风场辐散的出现及辐散强度和范围的扩大,使得输送水汽的偏南气流和上升运动减弱,对流云系降水的基本条件受到破坏。  相似文献   

有限区域风速场求解流函数和速度势场的有效方案   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
流函数和速度势是表示风场的一种变量, 在数值天气预报模式和分析、同化方案中经常使用, 通常可以用风速分量场求解Poisson方程得到。对于有限区域系统, 往往采用差分方法, 但由于存在边界问题, 用计算所得到的流函数和速度势场重建风速场, 在边界附近经常出现明显的偏差。基于差分方法、利用有限区域风速场求解流函数和速度势场的基本方法和特点的分析, 在Arakawa A网格分布的有限区域, 设计了一种用差分方法求解流函数和速度势场的有效方案。在该有效方案中, 通过将有限区域向外扩展二圈, 风速场线性外推, 改进计算边界风速值和边界定解条件的效果; 尽可能使用协调、一致的差分格式, 提高求解精度; 最后利用一种增量订正迭代方法, 迭代2~3次就可以获得令人满意的结果。实例试验的对比、检验显示, 用该方案计算求得的流函数和速度势场重建风速场, 具有非常高的精度。  相似文献   

利用北京市海淀区风廓线雷达、OTT Parsivel 2多功能激光雨滴谱仪和自动气象站观测资料,对2016年11月20日北京一次雨雪天气过程的演变特征进行了初步分析。结果表明:(1)风廓线(低模式)雷达反射率因子与雨滴谱仪反射率因子序列的变化趋势一致。当风廓线雷达反射率因子亮带消失后,雨滴谱反射率因子序列出现先降后升的小幅波动,降水相态转为降雪。(2)降水相态发生雨雪转换时,风廓线雷达谱宽600 m高度分散的大值区减弱并随高度降低后,雨滴谱仪数浓度出现先降后升的小幅度波动。(3)本次弱降水相态转换发生时,风廓线雷达所探测的垂直径向速度变化不明显,而雨滴谱仪降雨强度变化却有明显减弱特征,其雨强由5 mm·h-1下降至1 mm·h-1左右,这对临近降水相态变化的监测预报有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

利用塔中80m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细的分析了2006年4月10日沙尘暴过境时,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线的演变特征。结果表明:风速廓线满足风速值随高度增高而增大,风速梯度随高度增高而减小的对数律关系;沙尘暴由爆发前到过境时,温度廓线的温度值由随高度增高而增大转变为温度值随高度增高而减小,同时在贴地层2m处存在一微弱拐点;沙尘暴过境时,近地层大气出现微弱逆湿现象,并在不同高度上存在多处拐点,比湿增减在时间上与风速的增减呈负相关性,且整个沙尘暴天气是一个降温增湿的过程。  相似文献   

塔中春季阴天近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中最新安装的80 m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细分析了2006年4月2日1次阴天天气时塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线演变特征,并与典型晴天廓线做了对比,得到以下结果:(1)阴天,夜间风速廓线风速值随高度增高而增大,但不是以对数增长,而是以比对数关系更快的速度增长;白天,风速很小,近地层10 m上下廓线分布规律各异;(2)温度廓线有夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型及傍晚过渡型4种类型,与晴天类似;(3)比湿廓线存在一个极小值,其出现高度以上比湿随高度增加而增加,廓线呈逆湿特征,极小值出现高度以下比湿随高度减小而增加。  相似文献   

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