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A biomarker study was undertaken using the Calico scallop Argopecten gibbus to assess the ecotoxicological effects of a semi-submerged municipal dump on the adjacent patch reef lagoon ecosystem (Castle harbour, Bermuda). Caged scallops were deployed in situ for 2 months at various distances from the dump (50 m, 900 m and 2.7 km) and at a reference site (14 km). A suite of biomarkers comprising metallothionein (MT), lipid peroxidation (LPO), vitellin-like proteins (Vn), glutathione S-transferase (GST), DNA strand breaks and condition factor (CF) were investigated in various tissues of the scallop (gill, digestive gland and gonad). Levels of heavy metals were also measured in the whole scallop soft tissue. While there was some variation in response between tissues, in general the results indicated that the dump was negatively impacting scallops deployed in the adjacent marine environment: elevated levels of MT, DNA strand breaks, Vn and GST and reduced condition factor were found for scallops deployed nearest to the dump and at the site 1.5 km from this point source of contamination (Tuckers town) in Castle harbour, with respect to the reference site, North Rock (although this exhibited some degree of metal contamination). The gills from scallops deployed at the dump site were the most responsive tissue, with the highest expression of MT, LPO and DNA damage. This study indicates the potential of the Calico scallop as a convenient bioindicator species in the marine tropical benthos.  相似文献   

Organic matter (in terms of carbohydrates and proteins), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and bacterial density were investigated in the sediments of three stations in Genoa-Voltri Harbour (NW Mediterranean), and related to the sedimentary fungal community. Sites were significantly different in all investigated parameters (ANOVA, p<0.05), and a sharp gradient of impact in the area was found. All the 81 strains of filamentous fungi isolated, belonging to 7 genera, appeared to be linked with PAHs (p<0.05; r=0.95), whereas bacterial density was positively correlated with organic matter content (p<0.05; r=0.98). Within the fungal community, strains with a high capability to degrade xenobiotics were found. Among the genera identified, Penicillium, Mucor and Cladosporium showed the highest frequency in the sites where the heaviest concentrations of PAHs were recorded. This study suggests that fungal communities are important for in situ degradation of xenobiotics in impacted sediments.  相似文献   

The extensive deterioration of coral reefs worldwide highlights the importance of creating efficient monitoring methods to best assess their state of health. At present, several suggested parameters serve such indicators. None of these, however, is well accepted as reliably representing reef community health. In the present study we examine a new approach based on the ratio between mortality and recruitment rates of branching corals, which we term 'Deterioration Index' (DI). It aims at providing a quantitative indication of the state of health of reef-building coral communities. The method was developed and tested on 16 coral communities on artificially laid rocks along the coast of Eilat, Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba). In contrast to frequently used indices (i.e. mortality rate, abundance and species richness), which did not demonstrate a consistent result in comparing disturbed vs. undisturbed coral communities, the DI revealed significant differences between these communities. Our results suggest that the use of the DI may enable the detection of disturbed coral communities in one instance monitoring, where the other parameters had failed. The DI, therefore, may provide a comparable quantitative assessment of the deterioration process and its intensity in a coral community. We propose the DI approach as an efficient and applicable tool for coral reef monitoring.  相似文献   

There is a recognized dearth of standard environmental quality data in the wider Caribbean area, especially on coral atolls/small island states. Extensive surveys of sediment contamination (n = 109 samples) in Bermuda revealed a wide spectrum of environmental quality. Zinc and especially copper levels were elevated at some locations, associated with boating (antifouling paints and boatyard discharges). Mercury contamination was surprisingly prevalent, with total levels as high as 12 mg kg−1 DW, although methyl mercury levels were quite low. PAH, PCB and PCDD/PCDF contamination was detected a several hotspots associated with road run-off, a marine landfill, and a former US Naval annexe. NOAA sediment quality guidelines were exceeded at several locations, indicating biological effects are possible, or at some locations probable. Overall, and despite lack of industrialization, anthropogenic chemicals in sediments of the atoll presented a risk to benthic biodiversity at a number of hotspots suggesting a need for sediment management strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of the anti-marine-borer timber preservative chromated copper arsenate (CCA) (a pressure impregnated solution of copper, chromium and arsenic compounds) on non-target marine fouling animals was investigated during a subtidal exposure trial. Panels of Scots pine treated to target retentions of 12, 24 and 48 kg CCA per m-3 of wood, plus untreated controls were submerged at a coastal site on the south coast of the UK for 6, 12 and 18 months. After each exposure period the fouling communities that formed on the surface of panels were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Community structure was similar on panels treated to the three CCA loadings, but was significantly different from community structure on untreated panels. The total number of species (species richness) was similar on all panels, although the number of individual organisms attached to the surface of panels was significantly higher on CCA-treated panels than on untreated panels. k-dominance curves revealed that the difference in numbers of individuals between CCA-treated and untreated panels was caused by higher numbers of the dominant species (Elminius modestus, Hydroides ezoensis, and Electra pilosa) on CCA-treated panels. Other species were present in similar numbers on panels of all treatments. Results indicate that there are no detrimental toxic effects to epibiota caused by the presence of CCA preservative within the matrix of the wood at any of the treatment levels. Differences in community structure between CCA-treated and untreated panels may be due to enhanced larval settlement on CCA-treated timber by some species as a result of modifications to the surface properties of the timber by the CCA preservative.  相似文献   

One of the earliest quantitative surveys of soft corals, on a reef flat in Pago Pago Harbour, American Samoa, was repeated 85 years later. The alcyoniid communities there, which were the dominant benthic organisms during the initial survey, have suffered a drastic decline of 99% cover in the interim. The most likely causes of the decline are anthropogenic disturbance associated with reclamation along the harbour from the 1940s to early 1960s, compounded by chronic pollution from industrial wastewater discharge from the mid-1950s to late 1980s. The decline in one dominant species, Sinularia polydactyla, is likely to have serious consequences for the reef as unusually for a soft coral, this had been the major reef building species. Life-history traits of certain Sinularia and Sarcophyton, such as slow growth and low rates of sexual reproduction, mean they will be slower to recover from severe disturbance than many scleractinian corals.  相似文献   

为纪念中国地震局原兰州地震研究所开创我国地电学方法地震监测预报工作历经半个多世纪,文章在介绍国际地震和火山电磁方法组织(EMSEV)的同时,介绍了2016年8月25—29日在中国大陆首次召开、由兰州地震研究所(甘肃省地震局)为主举办单位的EMSEV国际研讨会及相关的科学活动以及会后几年来我国地震电磁学的进展。  相似文献   

The freshwater microalgal species, Gonyostomum semen, has increased in abundance and distribution in boreal lakes during the past few decades, concerning ecologists and water managers. Due to its rapid spread, G. semen has often been referred to as an invasive species, although it was first described in the 1800s. We hypothesized that G. semen is not an invasive species in Norwegian lakes, and that the increasing success is due to beneficial changes in environmental conditions for this species during the past century. We tested these hypotheses by performing a paleolimnological study of a Norwegian Lake, Skjeklesjøen, with known mass occurrence of G. semen. A specific G. semen pigment biomarker, heteroxanthin, was used to detect this species in layers of a sediment core with known age determinations. Environmental factors in both lake and catchment were further investigated and the relationships with the amounts of G. semen was tested. Our results suggested that G. semen was in fact not an invasive species in this lake the past decades. Several factors were identified as plausible drivers for G. semen in this boreal lake. Between 1874–2016, the increasing levels of G. semen in Lake Skjeklesjøen was most closely correlated with Carbon (C), lake color (measured as absorbance of sediment extracts), Nitrogen (N) and spring temperature. Our results suggest that the rapid increase in G. semen population in this boreal lake over the past 70 years was probably due to a combination of climate change and local anthropogenic activities in the catchment, causing increased browning and increased inputs of organic matter and nutrients.  相似文献   

Carboniferous is a global recession period of reef-building. There were fewer reefs at that times due to massive extinction and the great glacial catastrophe in the southern hemisphere in Frasnian/Famennian[1]. So far, however, most of the researches concerning Carboniferous reefs have been limited, which leads to insufficient knowledge regarding the composition, structure, ecological characteristics of reef-building communities, the reef growth models, etc. Interna-tional studies conducted o…  相似文献   

Rabbitfish (Siganus oramin, also known as Siganus canaliculatus) samples were collected from different coastal sites in the Victoria Harbour and Tolo Harbour in the summer of 1997 for the analyses of metal (cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc) concentrations in liver, gills, and muscle. The overall metal concentrations in rabbitfish tissues were below regulatory levels implemented through the government of Hong Kong. For cadmium and lead, the metal concentrations detected were place concentrations here. Generally speaking, the metal concentrations in liver samples were higher than that of gills and muscle. However, the mean values of lead concentrations of rabbitfish from the Tolo Harbour and Victoria Harbour are higher in the gills than in the livers.  相似文献   

Recently, several monitoring programmes have been undertaken to evaluate the impact of different anthropogenic activities, upon a range of coastal ecosystems located in the South-western Atlantic. In the present contribution, the applicability of the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) is tested, to establish the benthic health of the ecosystem using these data sets. As the AMBI was created previously for use in European estuarine and coastal environments, its general applicability to new geographical locations is discussed. In general, the results are in agreement with those obtained using traditional univariate and multivariate methods. Some inconsistent results are observed, when low abundances and/or number of taxa are recorded in the samples. Moreover, when the macrofauna samples are dominated by large nematodes, the classification of the benthic ecosystem health using AMBI is not consistent with previous results achieved applying other statistical techniques. Thus, parallel to the application of this index to a wider extend, the complementary use of different indices and/or methods is recommended to assess confidently the environmental quality of a coastal area.  相似文献   

The relationship between microbenthic communities, the habitat characteristics, and physical and chemical gradients was studied in the Rio de la Plata estuary. Five replicates of the surface layer were collected seasonally, in 10 sampling sites influenced by different land uses. The distribution of microbenthic communities was governed by two gradients, the first one determined by anthropic factors, related to pollution, and the second one to conductivity and turbidity. The higher densities of producers were observed in sites characterized by fine sediments. During winter, spring, and summer cyanophytes were abundant, while in autumn the diatoms, particularly birraphideans, dominated. The ciliates were the most abundant group among consumers, particularly in winter, and their spatial distribution was influenced by the turbidity. The whole study area has an eutrophic condition. Turbidity and the enrichment with nutrients and organic matter explained 50% of the variability in the species’ distribution.  相似文献   

The ecological quality status (EcoQ) of intertidal mudflats constrained by Pacific oyster farming was assessed by single (H’, AMBI, BENTIX and BOPA) and multimetric (M-AMBI and average score) index approaches in the Pertuis Charentais (SW France). Fifteen sampling stations were monitored seasonally for sedimentological features and macrozoobenthos in 2004. Sediments affected by oyster biodeposits showed organic matter enrichment, and sediments from off-bottom culture sites had higher organic matter contents and lower redox potentials than sediments from on-bottom culture sites. Biotic indices consistently registered responses of macrozoobenthos to organic enrichment but there was only partial agreement between single index-derived EcoQs. The average score was better than M-AMBI and single indices for determining EcoQs. Accordingly, oyster farming alters intertidal macrozoobenthic assemblages moderately, and off-bottom cultures cause more disturbance than on-bottom cultures. Hydrodynamics and seasons may interact with culture practices in smothering/strengthening biodeposition-mediated effects through dispersal/accumulation of biodeposits.  相似文献   

“黄苔”是丝状绿藻大量增殖并漂浮聚集在水面的一种藻类水华,是乌梁素海面临的重大水环境问题之一。本研究基于文献数据整合和Landsat TM/OLI系列卫星影像反演,追溯了乌梁素海近35年(1986—2021年)的水质变化和“黄苔”暴发历程,通过相关性分析和多元线性回归等方法,分析了乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发的年际影响因子。乌梁素海水体化学需氧量、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度在年尺度上呈下降趋势,但仍处于富营养状态(TLI(∑)>50)。相关性分析结果表明,乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发面积与TP、TN、氨氮、气温呈显著正相关,与出水量、风速、沉水植被面积、入水量呈显著负相关;多元线性回归结果表明,沉水植被面积和出水量是影响乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发面积的主要因子。生态补水工程的实施增加了乌梁素海出入水量,降低了水体TP、TN浓度,也造成沉水植被退化,使“黄苔”暴发的扩张趋势得以遏制。然而,乌梁素海现有营养条件、基质条件仍适宜附着藻生长和“黄苔”暴发。在全球气候变化背景下,气温升高和风力减弱可能会加剧这一现象。建议采取多种措施以防控乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发,如生态补水、外源营养盐管控、沉水植被调控、引水活...  相似文献   

The soft-bottom communities of eight Italian lagoons were analyzed for eight biological traits (feeding, mobility, adult life habitat, body size, life span, reproductive technique, type of larva and reproductive frequency) in order to identify the dominant traits in different transitional environments. We considered the ecological quality status (EcoQS) of the stations, assessed by two biotic indices, AMBI and Bentix. Stations were categorized into EcoQS classes to investigate the relationship between biological functions and ecological quality. The results indicate that the variability of the data was governed by traits linked to resource utilization rather than to life cycle. Lagoons affected by chronic disturbance displayed a poor functional composition, which usually corresponded to poor EcoQS in some cases, correlations between ecological groups and traits modalities were ecologically relevant; however, classes of EcoQS were found to be relatively independent from the functional structure of the considered stations.  相似文献   

滆湖是我国长江中下游典型的浅水型湖泊,为了解其治理后浮游植物群落时空分布规律,2013年1 12月对其北部区浮游植物及环境因子进行调查.调查期间共检出浮游植物7门43属61种,春、冬季以栅藻(Scenedesmus)和小环藻(Cyclotella)为主要优势种属,夏、秋季以微囊藻(Microcystis)和颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)为主要优势种属,采样期间浮游植物生物量最高值为90.6 mg/L,出现在8月份,铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)占绝对优势.浮游植物平均密度呈现由西向东递减的趋势,植被覆盖区低于敞水区.环境因子分析表明:总氮浓度、总磷浓度、水温是影响滆湖北部区浮游植物密度和生物量的主要因子.比较相同月份湖区内部菱角芦苇区和未治理的敞水区的平均生物量,菱角区生物量较敞水区低约72.7%~91.1%,芦苇区生物量较敞水区低约63.9%~83.7%.在8、9月湖区内敞水区暴发水华时菱角区浮游植物生物量仅为敞水区的14.6%,芦苇区为敞水区的30.3%.  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution of virioplankton and bacterioplankton in two coral reef systems (Ahe and Takaroa atolls) in the Tuamotu Archipelago, in comparison with the surrounding oligotrophic ocean. Mean concentrations of 4.8×10(5) and 6.2×10(5)cellsml(-1) for bacteria and 8.1×10(6) and 4.3×10(6)VLP(virus-like particle) ml(-1) were recorded in Ahe and Takaroa lagoons, respectively. Chlorophyll-a concentrations and dissolved organic matter were higher in Ahe whereas (3)H thymidine incorporation rates were higher in Takaroa. First data on lytic and lysogenic strategies of phages in coral reef environments were discussed in this paper. The fraction of visibly infected cells by viruses was negligible regardless of the lagoon station (mean=0.15%). However, the fraction of lysogenic cells ranged between 2.5% and 88.9%. Our results suggest that the distribution patterns of virioplankton are apparently not coupled to the spatial dynamics of the bacterioplankton communities.  相似文献   

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