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美国能源公司ECA首席技术工程师 《西部资源》2014,(6):58-60
<正>美国总统奥巴马上任时推动能源革命的呼声言犹在耳,短短6年时间,美国即将跃升为全球最大的石油生产国。而"页岩气革命"是推动这一成绩实现的重要因素,它既彻底改变了美国能源结构,也深刻影响着世界能源格局。在美国,推动油气行业良性发展的最有力"武器",当属各州政府实行的油气上游勘探开发信息透明化制度。各州政府一般根据辖区内油气生产和环境保护的实际情况,出台强制性法规,在勘探、开采等油气生产上游作业环节进行规范,并通过行政程序透明化等手段,对所有油气生产商提交的数据资料进行公示。公示 相似文献
It is believed that the global CO2 emissions have to begin dropping in the near fu- ture to limit the temperature increase within 2 degrees by 2100. So it is of great concern to environmentalists and national decision-makers to know how the global or national CO2 emissions would trend. This paper presented an approach to project the future CO2 emissions from the perspective of optimal economic growth, and applied this model to the cases of China and the United States, whose CO2 emissions together contributed to more than 40% of the global emissions. The projection results under the balanced and optimal economic growth path reveal that the CO2 emissions will peak in 2029 for China and 2024 for the USA owing to their empirically implied pace of energy efficiency improvement. Moreover, some abatement options are analyzed for China, which indicate that 1) putting up the energy price will de- crease the emissions at a high cost; 2) enhancing the decline rate of energy intensity can significantly mitigate the emissions with a modest cost; and 3) the energy substitution policy of replacing carbon intensive energies with clean ones has considerable potential to alleviate emissions without compromising the economic development. 相似文献
甲烷是天然气和温室气体的主要成分,美国环境保护署估测,全球范围甲烷排放量的60%是人类活动的结果.湿地是排放甲烷的自然资源之一。细菌在分解腐烂有机物的过程中,将湿地中温室气体排放到大气中。 相似文献
"页岩气革命"将产生巨大全球政治经济影响。美国页岩气产业的发展,是一系列政策推动和技术进步的背景下发生的,但归根到底依赖于美国比较彻底的产权保护和自由竞争市场结构。中国距离"页岩气革命"还有很大差距。"页岩气革命"改变全球油气市场。加快了全球油气生产中心西移、消费中心东移的趋势。全球油气市场上的竞争将越 相似文献