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The seismic analysis of the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Vigo reveals that the infill comprises of a fifth order sequence (18 ky) bounded by a major discontinuity surface. Within the Holocene sequence, several seismic units have been identified; the oldest one originated after the Würm glaciation and the origin of its top discontinuity was eroded during the regression (sea level at − 120 m) of this last glacial episode (isotopic stages 2 to 4), 18 ky B.P.

In some places below this ría infill, another sequence can be identified. This older sequence is associated with the pre-existing faults and troughs in the deepest parts of the ría, and it was deposited during the Würm glaciation (Miocene–Pleistocene). Eroded sediments were moved from the rías area to deeper zones, where they accumulated in the lowstand system tract. The next sea level rise occured in two steps, producing two transgressive units separated by an hiatus surface. This cycle was interrupted by the next sea level fall (to − 55 m) marked on the seismic records by another recognizable boundary. The next sea level rise took place in several steps (back-stepping) with some stillstands, generating another transgressive system tract in the ría. From that time on, the relative sea level continued rising, depositing the most recent unit which represents the highstand system tract. Separating the highstand system tract and the transgresive unit below there is a consensed section.

The analysis of 29 cores provides groundtruthing for our hypothesis. The identified main lithologic units show a transgressive sequence: a granitic rock base, an overlying second unit-locally wedge shaped- and most recently, a marine muddy unit covering the present ría seafloor.  相似文献   

This study is the first to investigate and characterize the mycobiota associated with the alien species Asparagopsis taxiformis, a rhodophyte classified as one of the ‘100 worst invasive species’ in the Mediterranean Sea by the Hellenic Center for Marine Research, as it threatens biodiversity. Fungal endophyte and epiphyte communities were investigated on algal specimens from two sampling sites on the island of Linosa (Marine Protected Area Isole Pelagie, Italy). 87% of the 24 specimens that were analysed for epiphytes displayed a microfungal colonization. No endophytes were found. Only a small amount of microfungi was found to be associated with this alga. Only five fungal taxa were isolated; two of which are sporadically associated with the alga, while three, Eurotium rubrum, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium pseudocladosporioides, seem to be related to A. taxiformis. This scarcity could be related to algal chemical composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Samples of the polychaete Nereis diversicolor O.F. M üller and surficial sediments from a clean and a polluted estuary were taken during a year at monthly intervals to determine, by comparison, the range of temporal fluctuations in trace metal concentrations. Whereas metal variations in surficial sediments were more pronounced in the polluted estuary, concentrations in N. diversicolor in both estuaries showed a wide range of temporal variation that surpassed that of surficial sediments. A clear decline in all metals studied (except Mn) from polluted sediments was noted after episodes of strong rainfall. In the reference estuary the fluctuations were less pronounced. Metal body burdens in N. diversicolor from the two estuaries were usually quite similar even though total levels in sediments differed considerably, indicating a lack of worm-sediment relationship. The low level of Cu, Cr and Pb in the tissues of N. diversicolor suggest a mechanism which prevents the polychaete from being exposed to these metals in highly polluted sediments. Therefore, it is concluded that N. diversicolor cannot be considered to be an ideal biomonitor of metal contamination in the polluted Bilbao Estuary.  相似文献   

Temperature, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, nitrate, phosphate and the Mn, Fe and Al contents of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were measured in the Rimouski River estuary as functions of chlorinity during the period May—September 1980.At any given time, total alkalinity (TA) is conservative within the estuary with respect to chlorinity. However, the total alkalinity (TA) of the freshwater is related to river flow. This is attributed to dilution of the river water with bicarbonate-poor rainwater.Generally, pH follows the same pattern observed for TA in freshwater. Dissolved oxygen is usually more concentrated in freshwater and decreases linearly with increasing chlorinity. Freshwater is always saturated or supersaturated with respect to O2. Seasonal fluctuations are attributed to temperature variations.There is no evidence for removal of soluble silicate from the freshwater entering the sea. The concentration of silicate in the freshwater is strongly influenced by rainfall. Soil leaching, conditioned by high rainfall increases the concentration of soluble silicate in freshwater. Nitrate behaves similarly whereas phosphate is complicated by the presence of sewage.Analysis of the Mn, Fe and Al contained in the SPM indicates dilution of river-borne particles rich in Mn by others less rich in this element. A decrease in Mn content with increasing chlorinity and SPM concentration as well as increasing concentrations of SPM with increasing chlorinity indicate that the composition is controlled primarily by physical mixing of material from two sources rather than by chemical processes. Within the analytical precision the Fe/Al ratio does not vary with the chlorinity.  相似文献   

Scolelepis fuliginosa reared in the laboratory at 13°C were put through 10-min thermal shocks at 16°C and 18°C and were then submitted to either a slow or a rapid temperature reduction. After the thermal shock, a posterior fragment of each specimen was cut off at intervals, until six days. Samples were submitted to electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel, esterase activity being determined with α-naphthyl acetate.Enzymograms show that thermal shocks act on esterases in decreasing the activity of the main fractions. Immediate effects result in a very precocious enzymic response; more long-term effects depend on the maximum temperature, the animal's sex and the kinetics of the post-shock thermal reduction.Females are more sensitive than males. For a given Δt, esterase changes are greater and more long-lasting. After a 16°C Δt, a rapid decrease in temperature prevents the loss of activity of the middle and fast fractions in males and delays, by about 10 h, the alteration of female esterases. After 18°C ΔT, loss of activity of the middle and fast fractions occurs in less than 1 h, independently of the thermal kinetics, but survival is only possible—solely for males—with a rapid decrease in temperature which also delays females' deaths by between 24 and 48 h.In conclusion, a rapid decrease in temperature gives organisms a better resistance to thermal shock, as determined by esterase activity and controls the lethality of a high Δt.  相似文献   

Surficial sediment (about 5 mm) was scraped off in 15 stations selected in the Vie Estuary, a small estuary on the French Atlantic coast. The samples, prepared using the suitable methods, were used for comparing the behaviour of periphytic algae, sporopollinic and other palynologic material, ostracoda and foraminifera for proposing a synthetic evaluation of the information provided by each of them. Dinoflagellate cysts, which are found in an almost monospecific assemblage in low-salinity water, are dispersed by tidal currents, but the location of tintinnids in only the lower reaches shows a limited inward transport. Sporopollinic material is clearly related to the adjacent vegetation, indicating a local origin, and then little influence of transport on the microbenthos, even if fragments of freshwater crustaceans and of Pediastrum alga are found down to the mouth in the sporopollinic deposits. This limited transport of microbenthos allows the use of periphytic algae, benthic ostracoda and benthic foraminifera as indicators of local environmental conditions. It was then possible to determine the extent of marine influence in the estuary, to discriminate between the main channel and adjacent basins, and between different stages of evolution of the basins, from a recently dug basin to a eutrophicated one.  相似文献   

Greatly reduced in 1978 by the Amoco Cadiz oil spill, the amiphipod populations of the fine sand community of Pierre Noire in the Bay of Morlaix have not yet fully recovered 8 years after the pollution. The sublittoral sandi-mud benthic communities in the western part of the English Channel show a discontinuous distribution, occurring in isolated zones which are localized in estuaries and bays. The amphipods, which are characteristic of these communities and lack a pelagic larva, form insular populations. This insular distribution delays their re-introduction to the fine sand community of Pierre Noire. Moreover, the biological and demographic characteristics of the species entail limited periods of recolonisation and increase in population.  相似文献   

Determination of total chromium on two profiles and chromium III on four samples of equatorial Pacific Ocean water have been carried out using coprecipitation of chromium from sea water with hydrous iron oxides, followed by ion-exchange separation and isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Results for two Pacific profiles show increasing total chromium concentration from surface to 250 m. The Cr concentration appears to be different below 1,000 m, with nearly homogeneous concentrations for the first profile and regularly increasing Cr concentrations from 0.330 to 0.550 μg/l at 3,900 m for the second one. Results for Cr(III) show that trivalent species are dominant in these samples.  相似文献   

Two oceanographic surveys were conducted across the salinity gradient of the Río de la Plata Estuary during austral late spring and summer. Ichthyoplankton was dominated by families Sciaenidae, Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Cynoglossidae and Carangidae. The distribution of larval fish assemblages was strongly associated to the salinity structure. Oceanographic conditions were characterized by a large salt wedge (180 km long and a vertical salinity gradient up to 10 units per meter). During both sampling periods each ichthyoplankton assemblage was related to the same region of the salt wedge: the fresh water environment, the bottom salinity front, the mixohaline zone and the outer portion (surface salinity front) of the estuary. Larval assemblages were not related to the thermal structure. Reproductive activity of fishes inside the Río de la Plata Estuary is relatively common (60% of the teleosts sampled use this estuary as a nursery ground). Moreover, the high incidence of pelagic eggs spawners (75% of the species present in the ichthyoplankton) in the Río de la Plata contrasts to the vast majority of estuaries, where this reproductive strategy is poorly represented. Estuarine dynamics plays a dominant role in allowing this reproductive style in this estuary. Spring–summer wind pattern should generate a retentive environment which could minimize advective losses of eggs and larvae to the adjacent ocean.  相似文献   

Ría de Vigo is a river valley flooded by the sea, with a bay (San Simón Bay) at its innermost part. The accumulation of Holocene sediment in San Simón Bay has been studied by the integration of 1) large scale high resolution seismic data, and 2) detailed geochemical analysis of a gravity core. In San Simón Bay the majority of the seismic records are obscured by acoustic turbidity which represents gassy sediments, but on records from Rande Strait it is possible to distinguish two Quaternary seismic sequences; an Upper Pleistocene sequence (SQ1) and a Holocene sequence (SQ2). Only SQ2 is recognized in San Simón Bay where it is comprised of two seismic units; the upper unit represents the HST sediment, i.e. the period of highest sea level. A gravity core taken within the gassy zone at 10 m water depth provided 3.55 m of fine-grained sediments (muds) from the youngest seismic unit (4 m thick). Geochemical analysis show high values (4 to 10%) of TOC. Sediment and porewater analyses indicate a distinct sulphate–methane transition zone (SMTZ) between 60 and 80 cm where sulphate is depleted (to <1.7 mM) and methane increases (to >0.4 mM). The top of the acoustic turbidity (the gas front) at 80 cm corresponds to the lower limit of the SMTZ. The methane cannot have been derived from the underlying metamorphic and granitic rocks, but was probably derived by microbial degradation of the organic matter in the Holocene sediments. We estimate that the sediments of the Bay contain approximately 1.8 × 106 m3 of organic carbon and 275 ton of methane.  相似文献   

Abstract. A population of sea-bass, housed under semi-natural and self-feeding conditions, was presented with six different coloured levers. Their choices tended to favour more colour-contrasted levers and were greatly affected by environmental conditions such as stress factors, circadian period, season, and thermal fluctuations. A correlation was observed between increases in instrumental acitivity, indicating an increase in energetic requirements, and a widening of choices in the exploitation of the coloured levers.
Consequences of these behaviours were considered in relation to predator pressure that the fish imposes on potential prey populations in the natural environment, and in relation to the initiation of feeding activity when the fish are maintained in captivity and under self-feeding conditions.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional nonlinear baroclinic model is used to model the circulation in the Ballenas Channel, Gulf of California, México, which was inferred from current meter observations over three sills that surround the area. The suggested circulation consists of deep inflow that follows two paths: the first one is a direct spill of water through San Lorenzo sill into Ballenas Channel, the second one, a larger route that starts at San Esteban sill, then flows north of the island passing over Tiburón and Delfín basins, and then turns to the south reaching the North Ballenas Channel sill and then spills into Ballenas Channel. Following the latter result, a previous modeling effort to reproduce the circulation was partially obtained, the long path was not reproduced and it was believed that finer horizontal resolution was needed. In this work, the bathymetric resolution was increased by a factor of three and the full path of this deep circulation is now obtained and corroborated.  相似文献   

To examine the possibility that outer membrane proteins (OMP) of Synechococcus sp. remain in seawater, we investigated the stability of OMPs in vitro and in situ. Some fractions prepared from Synechococcus sp. CSIRO-94 were treated with trypsin and proteinase K. Four tightly bound OMPs were separated from Synechococcus. We designated the two major OMPs of 52 kDa and 48 kDa as Omp52Sy and Omp48Sy, respectively. Degradation of the OMP in natural seawater was monitored in microcosms to which intact Synechococcus cells and outer membrane (OM) were added. Omp52Sy and Omp48Sy were the most stable against trypsin and proteinase K among the OMPs when they were embedded in the OM. However, in the microcosm experiment using intact cells, Omp52Sy and Omp48Sy were detected in the particulate fraction only during the first 4 days, after which they could not longer be detected. Omp52Sy and Omp48Sy were the most stable proteins among the Synechococcus OMPs in vitro, but they might be degraded in situ. This indicates that stability of Synechococcus porin differs depending on complex formation with other membrane molecules, which might cause different preservation of microbial membrane proteins in the dissolved protein pool in the ocean. This study suggests that Gram negative bacterial OM with thin peptidoglycan forms a lipid bilayer that proptects OMP, but Synechococcus OM with thick peptidoglycan cannot form a lipid bilayer. The incomplete bilayer might not be able to protect from protease attack in the natural environment.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(4):381-396
Macro- and micro-faunas are reported from six gravity cores collected at a mean depth of 150 m in the surficial deposits of the Kaiser sand bank in the Southern Western Channel Approaches. These are bivalves (mainly), gastropods, echinids, crustaceans and foraminifers. These fauna present a very rich association of numerous, well preserved species from various ecological settings. Such an association is commonly reported from the continental shelf of the last transgressive cycle. In addition, the sediment comprises two imported faunal associations. The first one corresponds to thanatocaenoses of Pliocene/lowermost Pleistocene and Weichselian age, reworked respectively from the underlying celtic incised valley fills and the Celtic Sand Banks. The absence of Quaternary fauna prior to the Weichselian suggests that the introduction of Pliocene sources occurred during the last climatic cycle. The second stage of importation took place after the last transgression in the Western Channel, and corresponds to the enrichment of the sediment in coastal fauna derived from western Brittany by the the predominant ebb tidal current. The variations of taxonomic diversity from core to core suggest a sediment transport around the bank that matches the one deduced from the study of tidal bedforms. At the present day, the wave action is highlighted by accumulation of species of the same shape, size and density inside storm beds. However, the survival within these beds of very small, juvenile shells indicate that each storm reworking was short in duration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population biology of the portunid crab Liocarcinus arcuatus is analyzed over a yearly cycle in beach zones and mussel raft culture areas in the Ria de Arousa.
The breeding cycle of this species has two annual peaks, which result in two annual cohorts that are recruited in different areas. The growth rate is higher in the group settled in spring than in autumn, and, especially, in the culture areas compared with the beach zones. There are movements from the beach zones to the raft polygons related to reproductive and feeding behavior as well as growth. The role of mussel culture in the dynamics of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Dredged samples have been studied to establish the stratigraphy as well as the probable paleogeographic evolution of the sedimentary cover of Galicia Bank, and Vigo and Porto Seamounts. The sedimentation appears to have been neritic up to the Late Jurassic. These structural features evolved separately from the Iberic continental margin in Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times. Part of the sediments is made of calpionellid limestones, which is indicative of open marine conditions in this area of the Atlantic at that time. This also suggests the establishment of marine connections between this area and the “Mésogée”. These open marine conditions would have persisted since the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Natural iron fertilization processes are occurring around the Crozet Islands (46°26′S–52°18′E), thus relieving the water masses from the normally encountered High Nutrients Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) conditions of the Southern Ocean. During austral summers 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, iron and aluminium concentrations were investigated in large particles (> 53 µm) collected from just below the mixed layer at stations under the influence of island inputs, and also in adjacent HNLC waters. These large particles are anticipated to sink out of the mixed layer, and to reflect the net effects of input and cycling of these elements in the overlying mixed layer. Labile and refractory fractions were determined by a two-stage leaching technique. Data showed that water masses downstream of the islands were enriched in total iron and aluminium (0.25–2.68 nmol L− 1 and 0.34–3.28 nmol L− 1 respectively), relative to the southern HNLC control sites (0.15–0.29 nmol L− 1 for Fe and 0.12–0.29 nmol L− 1 for Al), with only a small fraction (typically < 1%) being acid leachable in both environments. Particulate iron predominantly derived from the island system represents a significant fraction of the total water column iron inventory and may complement dissolved Fe inputs that help support the high summer productivity around the Crozet islands.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the orientation of the spurs of the outer front of a barrier coral-reef tract in the Bay of Tuléar on the southwest coast of Madagascar. All types of coral reef tracts are present: outer or barrier reefs, lagoon reefs and coral banks. The orientation of the spurs was studied as a function of the direction of the swell crests which are either parallel or oblique to the alignment of the reef front of the “Grand Récif” which extends over 18 km. When the swell is oblique, the spurs are not, as is generally held, perpendicular to the crests of the swell. The orientation of the spurs is a resultant direction between the direction of the swell orthogonals and the direction of the slope of the outer reef flat. From aerial photographs one can determine the directions of the spurs and of the slope of the outer reef flat. It is easy to obtain the direction of the crests of the swell and then to construct the wave diagram. The morphological aspects and the distribution of the deposits on the inner flat of the coral reef tract depend on the orientation of the swell.


L'étude de l'orientation des éperons d'un front récifal externe a été réalisée dans la baie de Tuléar sur la côte sud-ouest de Madagascar. Dans ce secteur, tous les types d'édifices récifaux sont présents: récifs barrières externes, récifs de lagon et bancs coralliens. Nous avons étudié l'orientation des éperons en fonction de la direction de la houle qui est soit parallèle, soit oblique par rapport au front récifal du Grand Récif qui s'étend sur 18 km. Quand la houle est oblique, les éperons ne sont pas — comme on le dit généralement — perpendiculaires à la houle, mais leur orientation est une direction résultante entre la direction de propagation de la houle et celle de la pente du platier récifal au point considéré. Sur les photographies aériennes, on détermine la direction des éperons et celle de la pente. Une construction simple permet d'obtenir la direction de la crête des vagues et de construire le plan de vagues. Toute la morphologie et la répartition des dépôts du platier d'un édifice récifal sont sous la dépendance de l'orientation de la houle.  相似文献   

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