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Propagation of brittle failure triggered by magma in Iceland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Tatiana Tentler   《Tectonophysics》2005,406(1-2):17-38
The architectures of normal faults at a divergent plate boundary in Iceland are examined by combining surface fault observations with cross-sectional studies at different structural levels to constrain a model of failure propagation. The structures of Holocene faults defining graben are analyzed to characterize the upper-most parts of ruptures. The shapes of faults resulting from growth and interaction of separate segments are used to better understand failure propagation inferred to occur in the intervening stages of displacement accumulation and lateral propagation. Pleistocene faults in volcanic sequences exhumed from 800 to 1000 m are analyzed to characterize deeper portions of failure that occurred beneath the central rift zone. Tertiary dikes exhumed from depths of 1300–1500 m are studied to infer how magma controls the failure initiation. Field studies in combination with a literature review indicate that the planar ruptures are likely to initiate at depth as magma-filled vertical fractures and lengthen upward and laterally. As failures propagate to higher crustal levels, they are likely to change into inclined normal faults. At near-surface levels, faults link with cooling joints and dilational fractures propagating downward from the surface. It is suggested that the inferred stages of fault propagation are characteristic for normal faults developed at spreading ridges.  相似文献   

Orogenic collapse involves extension and thinning of thick and hot (partially molten) crust, leading to the formation of metamorphic core complexes (MCC) that are commonly cored by migmatite domes. Two-dimensional thermo-mechanical Ellipsis models evaluate the parameters that likely control the formation and evolution of MCC: the nature and geometry of the heterogeneity that localizes MCC, the presence/absence of a partially molten layer in the lower crust, and the rate of extension. When the localizing heterogeneity is a normal fault in the upper crust, the migmatite core remains in the footwall of the fault, resulting in an asymmetric MCC; if the localizing heterogeneity is point like region within the upper crust, the MCC remains symmetric throughout its development. Therefore, asymmetrically located migmatite domes likely reflect the dip of the original normal fault system that generated the MCC. Modeling of a severe viscosity drop owing to the presence of a partially molten layer, compared to a crust with no melt, demonstrates that the presence of melt slightly enhances upward advection of material and heat. Our experiments show that, when associated with boundary-driven extension, far-field horizontal extension provides space for the domes. Therefore, the buoyancy of migmatite cores contributes little to the outer envelope of metamorphic core complexes, although it may play a significant role in the internal dynamics of the partially molten layer. The presence of melt also favors heterogeneous bulk pure shear of the dome as opposed to the bulk simple shear, which dominates in melt-absent experiments. Melt presence affects the shape of P-T-t paths only slightly for material located near the top of the low-viscosity layer but leads to more complex flow paths for material inside the layer. The effect of extension rate is significant: at high extension rate (cm yr− 1 in the core complex region), partially molten crust crystallizes and cools along a high geothermal gradient (35 to 65 °C km− 1); material remains partially molten in the dome during ascent. At low strain rate (mm yr 1 in the core complex region), the partially molten crust crystallizes at high pressure; this material is subsequently deformed in the solid-state along a cooler geothermal gradient (20 to 35 °C km− 1) during ascent. Therefore, the models predict distinct crystallization versus exhumation histories of migmatite cores as a function of extensional strain rates. The Shuswap metamorphic core complex (British Columbia, Canada) exemplifies a metamorphic core complex in which an asymmetric, detachment-controlled migmatite dome records rapid exhumation and cooling likely related to faster rates of extension. In contrast the Ruby Mountain-East Humboldt Ranges (Nevada, U.S.A.) exhibits characteristics associated with slower metamorphic core complexes.  相似文献   

The wedge‐shaped Moornambool Metamorphic Complex is bounded by the Coongee Fault to the east and the Moyston Fault to the west. This complex was juxtaposed between stable Delamerian crust to the west and the eastward migrating deformation that occurred in the western Lachlan Fold Belt during the Ordovician and Silurian. The complex comprises Cambrian turbidites and mafic volcanics and is subdivided into a lower greenschist eastern zone and a higher grade amphibolite facies western zone, with sub‐greenschist rocks occurring on either side of the complex. The boundary between the two zones is defined by steeply dipping L‐S tectonites of the Mt Ararat ductile high‐strain zone. Deformation reflects marked structural thickening that produced garnet‐bearing amphibolites followed by exhumation via ductile shearing and brittle faulting. Pressure‐temperature estimates on garnet‐bearing amphibolites in the western zone suggest metamorphic pressures of ~0.7–0.8 GPa and temperatures of ~540–590°C. Metamorphic grade variations suggest that between 15 and 20 km of vertical offset occurs across the east‐dipping Moyston Fault. Bounding fault structures show evidence for early ductile deformation followed by later brittle deformation/reactivation. Ductile deformation within the complex is initially marked by early bedding‐parallel cleavages. Later deformation produced tight to isoclinal D2 folds and steeply dipping ductile high‐strain zones. The S2 foliation is the dominant fabric in the complex and is shallowly west‐dipping to flat‐lying in the western zone and steeply west‐dipping in the eastern zone. Peak metamorphism is pre‐ to syn‐D2. Later ductile deformation reoriented the S2 foliation, produced S3 crenulation cleavages across both zones and localised S4 fabrics. The transition to brittle deformation is defined by the development of east‐ and west‐dipping reverse faults that produce a neutral vergence and not the predominant east‐vergent transport observed throughout the rest of the western Lachlan Fold Belt. Later north‐dipping thrusts overprint these fault structures. The majority of fault transport along ductile and brittle structures occurred prior to the intrusion of the Early Devonian Ararat Granodiorite. Late west‐ and east‐dipping faults represent the final stages of major brittle deformation: these are post plutonism.  相似文献   

The Balmuccia alpine lherzolite massif is a fragment of subcontinental lithospheric mantle emplaced into the lower crust 251 Ma ago during the final, extensional phase of the Hercynian orogeny. The Balmuccia massif consists largely of lherzolite, with subordinate harzburgite and dunite, and an array of dike rocks formed in the mantle before crustal emplacement. Dike rocks include websterite and bronzitite of the Cr-diopside suite, spinel clinopyroxenite and spinel-poor websterite of the Al-augite suite, gabbro and gabbronorite of the late gabbro suite, and hornblendite of the hydrous vein suite. The dike rocks display consistent intrusive relationships with one another, such that Cr-diopside suite dikes are always older than dikes and veins of the Al-augite suite, followed by dikes of the late gabbro suite and veins of the hydrous vein suite. Phlogopite (phl) veinlets that formed during interaction with the adjacent crust are the youngest event. There are at least three generations of Cr-diopside suite dikes, as shown by crosscutting relations. Dikes of the Al-augite suite form a polybaric fractionation series from spinel clinopyroxenite to websterite and feldspathic websterite, which crystallized from aluminous alkaline magmas at relatively high pressures. The late gabbro suite of dikes intruded at lower pressures, where plagioclase saturation occurred before significant mafic phase fractionation. Hornblendite veins have distinct compositional and isotopic characteristics, which show that they are not related to either the Al-augite suite or to the late gabbro dike suite. Cr-diopside suite dikes have Nd and Sr isotopic compositions similar to those of the host lherzolite and within the range of compositions defined by ocean–island basalts. The Al-augite dikes and the hornblendite veins have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of Cr-diopside suite lherzolite and websterite. The late gabbro dikes have Nd and Sr isotopic compositions similar to mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) asthenosphere. Lead isotopic compositions for all of the samples fall in the present-day MORB field on the 208Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram but are displaced above this field on the 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram. There is overlap in the data between the Cr-diopside suite and the Al-augite and hydrous vein suites, with the exception that the Cr-diopside websterite dikes have more radiogenic Pb than any of the other samples. In Pb–Pb space as well, the late gabbro suite has the least radiogenic isotopic compositions, reflecting a change in magma source region during uplift. These data show that tectonic thinning of subcontinental lithospheric mantle during extension caused a change in the source regions of mantle-derived magmas from an ocean island basalt (OIB)-like lithosphere to the underlying MORB asthenosphere. They also demonstrate that the upper mantle acquires its heterogeneous isotopic character through several different processes, including in situ radiogenic growth, addition of asthenospheric melts, dike-wall rock ionic exchange, redistribution of the lithospheric dike and vein materials by melting, and in the late stages of emplacement, assimilation of crustal materials.  相似文献   

杜国云 《江苏地质》1996,20(1):57-58
作者在野外数学中发现,棒锤山人工露头上存在一条重要的纵向断层,经研究认为、棒锤山纵向断层反映了汤-仑推覆体在其发展中至少存在两次明显的应力释放过程,它可能与两次大的构造推覆及应力集中有关。  相似文献   

Although calcite tectonites are widespread in nature their use to quantify flow vorticity is limited. We use new (micro-)structural, petrofabric and vorticity data to analyse the kinematics of flow in outcrop-scale calcite mylonite zones. These zones are genetically related to a crustal-scale NE-directed ductile thrust (Basal Thrust) that emplaced the Blueschist over the Basal unit during the exhumation of the Attico-Cycladic Massif. Calcite microstructures reveal that the last stage of deformation occurred at temperatures 200–300 °C achieved by mild heating, which is possibly related with the reburial of the Basal Thrust's footwall. Vorticity analyses were based on the degree of asymmetry of calcite c-axis fabrics as well as on the assumption that the orientation of the long axes of calcite neoblasts within an oblique foliation delineates the direction of instantaneous stretching axis. Both methodological approaches provide consistent estimates with a simple shear component between 55% and 82% (Wn = 0.76–0.96). The use of the stress axis (σ1) orientation recorded by twin-c-axis-pairs to quantify vorticity generally gives significantly lower simple shear component. Comparison of our vorticity estimates with previous estimates inferred from quartz fabrics and rigid porphyroclasts reveals that exhumation-related deformation in the nappe pile was steady state.  相似文献   

孙丽娜 《江苏地质》2013,37(2):252-256
通过对阿富汗艾娜克铜矿矿区地质条件的研究,分析了矿区的构造特征。剖析了艾娜克复式背斜及其北翼1—3号次级背、向斜构造特征和4组断裂构造特征。探讨了矿区的主要构造活动(褶皱和断裂)对艾娜克铜矿控矿的影响。  相似文献   

The term “lithodeme” was proposed 30 years ago for the purpose of crystalline rock stratigraphy. However, there are inconsistencies in its understanding. For example, it is unclear whether it is suitable to apply this term to layered intrusions or not: different specialists/organizations offer different approaches. A bibliographical survey of the geological literature published after 2000 demonstrates that the term “lithodeme” is used too rarely, although its use for magmatic and metamorphic rocks is well balanced. In addition 65% of all papers considering lithodemes deal with North and South America. Moreover, some specialists employ genesis and age when they delineate lithodemes, whereas other do not. If modern geology really still needs the lithodemic approach, researchers should work towards reaching consensus on what the term “lithodeme” means, and they should also devote effort to promote this approach internationally.  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔(0~2000m)地球物理测井   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
中国大陆科学钻探测井使用了先进的ECLIPS5700成象测井设备,20多种测井方法,原位获取了钻孔剖面岩石的各种物理化学参数、钻孔几何形态、钻孔几何形态参数和井壁图像。建立了结晶变质岩各种测井物性参数剖面。主要有:三种探测深度不同的电阻率[双侧向(RD、RS)、微球聚焦(RMSF)]、自然电位(SP)、自然伽马(GR)、自然伽马能谱(U、Th、K、SGR、CGR)、岩性密度(DEN,Pe)、中子孔隙度(CNL)、多极阵列声波(Vp、Vs、Vst)、超声成象(CBIL)、微电阻扫描成象(MFI伽马(GR)、自然伽马能谱(U、Th、K、SGR、CGR)、岩性密度(DEN,Pe)、中子孔隙度(CNL)、多极阵列声波(Vp、Vs、Vst)、声成象和微电阻扫描成象(STAR-Ⅱ)、井温(T)、磁化率(MS)、井液电阻率(Rm)、井径(CAL)和井斜(DAz、DEV)等。测井响应特征分析研究表明,测井响应变化明显,丰富多彩。可根据测井响应分析发现、识别超基性岩、榴辉岩、角闪岩和正、副片麻岩等主要岩性、分层和恢复岩心缺失井段岩性,研究变质岩源岩和变质环境。包括自然伽马、自然伽马能谱、岩性密度和中子孔隙度(含氢指数)测井的核测井系列在识别和重构变质岩剖面中扮演着举足轻重的角色。科学准确地解决了利用成象测井资料恢复岩心空间位置的难题,国内首次完成了长井段(CCSD-MH孔100~2000米)岩心深度和方位测井归位。给出了钻孔剖面岩层的面理、裂隙、断层和脉体的大小、深度和方向各种构造参数。成果为研究超高压变质带的折返等地下构造问题提供重要的基础资料。还利用测井资料探讨了地震反射体的性质、地应力的大小和方向,及地温梯度、热产率和热流值的分布等。  相似文献   

Structural and kinematic investigations of the West Bohemian Shear Zone (WBS) clearly indicate late Variscan orogen-parallel (WSW-ENE) extension within the Variscan internides. Along the WBS the western part of the Tepla-Barrandian (TB) was downthrown to the east against the adjacent Moldanubian. According to seismic data, the steeply east-dipping WBS flattens with depth, forming a prominent detachment zone. The western part of the TB was tilted along this zone, producing the patterns of metamorphic isograds, the age of which is probably Cadomian. Cross-cutting relationships of WBS mylonites and Carboniferous granites, as well as the overall cooling ages of hornblende and mica, suggest that ductile normal faulting along the WBS was active from about 330 to 310 Ma.Geothermobarometric data, derived from WBS mylonites, prove that during the extensional movements relatively cold crust of the TB (medium pressure greenschist facies) was juxtaposed to relatively hot Moldanubian crust (low pressure amphibolite facies). Thus mylonites which originate from TB rocks show a first-stage prograde development reaching the lower amphibolite facies under medium pressure conditions. This stage was followed by further (uplift-related) retrograde shearing under low pressure greenschist facies conditions.Extensional movements and the emplacement of granitoids along the WBS, as well as the strong low pressure/high temperature metamorphism of the Moldanubian rocks are remarkably similar in age (Middle Carboniferous). Therefore, a close relationship and mutual dependence of all these features is suggested. Rapid advective thinning of the deeper part of the previously thickened lithosphere and associated rapid crustal uplift are the most probable processes to explain the high Middle Carboniferous heat flow as well as magmatism and extension.  相似文献   

It has long been recognised that within zones of intense non-coaxial deformation, fold hinges may rotate progressively towards the transport direction ultimately resulting in highly curvilinear sheath folds. However, there is a surprising lack of detailed and systematic field analysis of such “evolving” sheath folds. This case study therefore focuses on the sequential development of cm-scale curvilinear folds in the greenschist-facies El Llimac shear zone, Cap de Creus, Spain. This simple shear-dominated dextral shear zone displays superb three dimensional exposures of sheath folds defined by mylonitic quartz bands within phyllonite. Increasing amounts of fold hinge curvature (δ) are marked by hinge segments rotating into sub-parallelism with the mineral lineation (Lm), whilst the acute angle between the axial-planar hinge girdle and foliation (ω) also displays a sequential reduction. Although Lm bisects the noses of sheath folds, it is also clearly folded and wrapped-around the sheath hinges. Lm typically preserves a larger angle (θ) with the fold hinge on the lower limb (L) compared to the upper (U) limb (θL > θU), suggesting that Lm failed to achieve a steady orientation on the lower limb. Adjacent sheath fold hinges forming fold pairs may display the same sense of hinge arcing to define synthetic curvature, or alternatively opposing directions of antithetic curvature. Such patterns reflect original buckle fold geometries coupled with the direction of shearing. The ratio of long/short fold limbs decreases with increasing hinge curvilinearity, indicating sheath folds developed via stretching of the short limb, rather than migrating or rolling hinge models. This study unequivocally demonstrates that both hinges of fold pairs become curvilinear with sheaths closing in the transport direction recording greater hinge-line curvilinearity compared to adjacent return hinges. This may provide a useful guide to bulk shear sense.  相似文献   

天然裂缝是吉华1潜山变质岩储层重要储集空间和主要的渗流通道,其发育程度影响着潜山油气运移、聚集、保存和单井产能。利用岩心、薄片以及成像测井等资料,对吉华1潜山变质岩储层裂缝的分布特征进行了定量表征,明确了影响研究区变质岩储层裂缝发育的主控因素,最后运用多信息融合和数值模拟等方法对裂缝的分布进行了综合评价。吉华1潜山变质岩储层主要发育以中-高角度为主的构造裂缝,裂缝大多未充填或半充填,裂缝有效性好。岩心宏观裂缝线密度主要分布在8~14条/m之间,平均为12.39条/m。宏观裂缝孔隙度大多分布在0%~2%,微观裂缝孔隙度大多分布在0.6%~1.2%。宏观和微观裂缝增加了研究区变质岩储层的储集空间,同时增强了储层的连通性,充当油气充注的运移通道。岩石矿物成分和断层是影响研究区裂缝发育的主要因素。浅色矿物中的裂缝线密度高于深色矿物,同时随着距断层距离的增大,裂缝的线密度明显降低,裂缝的线密度随着距断面距离的增加呈负指数函数递减的趋势。通过岩心和成像测井标定,建立了多信息融合的常规测井裂缝识别方法,裂缝发育段比值与岩心裂缝密度正相关,裂缝识别吻合率达64.02%。结合应力场数值模拟,对裂缝分布规律进行综合评价。  相似文献   

The Pala region, in southwestern Chad, belongs to the northern part of the Central African Pan-African Fold Belt. It is made up of greenschist-facies schists and is characterized by bimodal, mainly mafic, magmatism. This schist unit named Goueigoudoum Series is intruded by pre- to post-tectonic plutonic rocks dated between 737 and 570 Ma and dykes of quartz. Gold is mined artisanally from alluvial deposits and primary chalcopyrite–pyrite-bearing quartz veins, brecciated and silicified zones and shear zones. The majority of the mineralized shear zones and some quartz veins generally trend N–S to NNE–SSW or NW–SE and are interpreted as extensional shear fractures related to regional NE–SW-trending sinistral strike–slip shear zones. The geological context of the Pala region clearly indicates hydrothermal fluids formed along active continental margins during collisional orogenesis, and subsequent associated fluid migration typically occurred during strike–slip events. Although the origin of fluids may be varied (magmatic, metamorphic or meteoric fluids, Proterozoic seawater, or sedimentary basin formation waters), the distribution of the mineralizations along the granitoid intrusions suggests that magmatism played a major role in the dynamics of the mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   

In fold-and-thrust belts rocks undergo deformation as fold geometries evolve. Deformation may be accommodated by brittle fracturing, which can vary depending on structural position. We use 2D forward modelling and 3D restorations to determine strain distributions throughout folds of the Achnashellach Culmination, Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland. Fracture data is taken from the Torridon Group; a thick, coarse grained fluviatile sandstone deposited during the Proterozoic. Modelling infers a correlation between strain and simple curvature; we use simple curvature to infer how structural position and strain control fracture attribute variations in a fold and thrust belt.In high curvature regions, such as forelimbs, fracture intensities are high and fractures are short and oriented parallel to fold hinges. In low curvature regions fractures have variable intensities and are longer. Fracture orientations in these regions are scattered and vary over short distances. These variations do not relate to strain; data suggests lithology may influence fracturing. The strain history of fold structures also influences fracturing; structures with longer deformation histories exhibit consistent fracture attributes due to moderate-high strain during folding, despite present day low curvature. This is in contrast to younger folds with similar curvatures but shorter deformation histories. We suggest in high strain regions fracturing is influenced by structural controls, whereas in low strain regions lithology becomes more important in influencing fracturing.  相似文献   

赵志丹  唐演  朱弟成  刘栋  王青  董国臣  周肃  莫宣学 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3399-3412

青藏高原是面积大、海拔高、时代最新的经典碰撞造山带,其演化过程被记录在各类地质作用中,包括各类岩浆作用。岩脉是与其他类型岩浆作用具有相似矿物成分的小规模侵入体,德国人Harry Rosenbusch早在1877年对其开展了系统研究。区域上大规模产出的基性岩墙群经常发育在伸展构造环境,并被认为代表地质历史时期发生的大陆裂解作用,其深部则与地幔柱或者热点存在相关。在青藏高原的羌塘地体、拉萨地体和喜马拉雅造山带发育了不同类型的岩脉或岩墙群。在羌塘地体中部出露面积约为40000km2的早二叠世(约283Ma)基性岩墙群属于大火成岩省(LIP)岩浆作用,与二叠纪中特提斯洋的初始打开有关。在西藏南部的特提斯喜马拉雅带产出的时代约为132Ma的白垩纪措美-班伯里大火成岩省岩浆作用,覆盖面积超过50000km2,其最早的岩浆作用可能代表了特提斯喜马拉雅之下大陆裂解之前孕育克格伦地幔柱头部的相关岩石圈伸展作用,并继续裂解导致了印度与澳洲大陆的裂解分离。本文着重讨论了高原南部的白垩纪以来的岩脉,它们主要发育在拉萨地体南部,蕴含了岩浆作用与构造作用的双重信息。它们具有不同的产状、成分、年龄和成因,对于揭示冈底斯弧演化、印度与亚洲大陆的碰撞过程,以及碰撞导致的高原应力状态变化等都具有重要的意义。高原南部岩脉主要分为三期:(1)时代约为90Ma的岩脉,具有玄武质到中酸性的成分,主要侵位在日喀则白垩纪弧后盆地,例如在南木林县南部出现的基性-酸性双峰式岩浆作用,可能代表了冈底斯岩浆弧之上发育的伸展作用。(2)时代约为50Ma的同碰撞期岩脉,主要侵入到林子宗火山岩、冈底斯岩基或者白垩世设兴组/昂仁组沉积地层等单元中,它们发育时间为60~41Ma,其峰期作用时间与冈底斯岩浆大爆发的时间一致,可能受控于深部俯冲的特提斯洋洋壳的断裂作用。(3)碰撞后中新世岩脉,多具有埃达克质岩石的地球化学性质,与区域上钾质-超钾质火山岩和埃达克质侵入岩的时代一致,它们是高原南部加厚下地壳部分熔融作用的产物,可能受控于下地壳拆沉作用或者与南北向裂谷带密切相关的板片撕裂有关。这些岩脉的延伸方向既有南北向,也有东西向,在构造上可能代表了高原隆升到最大高度后深部拆沉作用导致的山体垮塌伴生的伸展构造有关。


Orogenic gold-bearing quartz veins in the middle Tertiary Bullendale Fault Zone, New Zealand were mined historically for coarse gold in a narrow zone (ca. 5 m thick). However, recent drilling has revealed a broad hydrothermal alteration zone extending into the host schist, in which disseminated sulphide and gold mineralisation has occurred. The evidence of alteration is first seen over 150 m across strike from the fault zone, and the best-developed alteration halo is about 50 m wide. The extent and intensity of alteration is strongly controlled by local structures that developed during regional Tertiary kink folding of the pervasively foliated and fissile metasedimentary schist host. The earliest structures are foliation-parallel microshears (micron to millimeter scale) formed during flexural-slip folding. Later, but related, structures are predominantly normal faults and associated shear zones that have formed extensional sites during the regional folding event. All these structures facilitated hydrothermal fluid penetration and rock alteration, with localised vein formation and brecciation. Where fluid has followed structures, metamorphic chlorite, phengite, and titanite have been altered to hydrothermal ankerite, rutile, and muscovite or kaolinite. Ankerite with Fe/(Fe + Mg) < 0.4 formed in host rocks with Fe/(Fe + Mg) of 0.6, and iron released by ankerite alteration possibly formed pyrite and arsenopyrite that host disseminated gold. Fault zones were extensively silicified and veined with quartz, albite, sulphides, and gold. Host rocks have wide compositional variations because of centimeter-scale metamorphic segregation. However, the alteration halo is characterised by elevated CO2 and S, as measured by loss-on-ignition (doubled to ca. 6 wt.%), elevated As (100–10,000 ppm), and weakly elevated Sb (up to 14 ppm). Strontium is elevated and Ba depleted in many altered rocks, so Sr/Ba ratio increases from < 1 (host rocks) to > 3 in the most altered and silicified rocks. Many altered and mineralised rocks have low Sr/Ba (< 0.5) as well. The subtle geochemical signature is not useful as a vector to ore because of the strong microstructural control on alteration. Likewise, there is no evidence for spatial mineralogical zonation across the alteration halo, although the most intense alteration is centred on the main fault zone, and intensity of alteration is controlled by microstructures at all scales. As documented in previous studies, hydrothermal alteration haloes enlarge the exploration target for some orogenic gold deposits, and may include disseminated gold, as in this Bullendale example.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1742-1746
Carboniferous and Permian terrigenous sediments in the basin of the Iman, Vaka and Ulakhe rivers show features known as tectonites — lens structures in conglomerate-type rocks, elongated pebbles and so on. These features and other considerations indicate that the central and eastern parts of the main Sikhote-Alin anticlinorium was experiencing contemporaneous differential movements. Competent beds of sandstones and flints form lenses, ovals and sometimes shapeless blocks embedded in incompetent siltstones and clay shales. Competent beds range greatly in thickness; fragments indicate most ranged from 1–5 cm with some beds 1–5 m. Most of the enclosing sequences are 100–300 m thick. Disposition of fragments indicates clearly the lines of the original beds. Direction of displacement is parallel to the plane of the layer. Elongation of fragments is in the direction of transport. Latest papers show a tendency to assign these tectonites a consedimentation origin; they are believed to be products of endogenous forces acting on consolidated sediments. The term hydrotectonite is used when morphologically similar products are formed under water through the joint action of forces both tectonic and otherwise. Two such structures are illustrated and their origin considered. Effects of dewatering are also discussed. Epochs favorable to hydrotectonites are rapid sinking a geosyncline when inclination of the floor increases and when earth tremors are common, in combination with rapid sedimentation. High tectonic activity in the Sikhote Alin syncline, based on hydrotectonites, may correlate with numerous magmatic effects in the adjacent Khanda central massif.—W.D. Lowry  相似文献   

山东省济宁铁矿埋藏在济宁岩群变质岩中,埋深在1 000m以下,以往地质勘探多在1 000m以上,该次勘探深度达到2 000m,并专门施工了水文地质勘探孔,孔深1 500m,在此基础上进行了抽水试验,求取了水文地质参数,初步查明了济宁岩群变质岩水文地质特征。  相似文献   

朱玉磷 《岩石学报》1995,11(3):343-351
福建西部震旦系上统变质火山岩属钙碱性系列。REE分布模式均呈向右倾斜的曲线,具Eu负异常,富集大离子系亲石元素和亏损地幔岩相容元素,(86)Sr/(87)Sr初始值0.7105~0.7126,显示陆壳重熔生成的岩浆特点。它们是在浙南-闽西北加里东期挤压碰增造山作用中陆壳重熔岩浆上升喷发产物。  相似文献   

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