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Wildcat modelling of mineral prospectivity has been proposed for greenfields geologically-permissive terranes where mineral targets have not yet been discovered but a geological map is available as a source of spatial data of predictors of mineral prospectivity. This paper (i) revisits the initial way of assigning wildcat scores (Sc) to predictors of mineral prospectivity and (ii) proposes an improvement by transforming Sc into improved wildcat scores (ISc) by using a logistic function. This was shown in wildcat modelling of prospectivity for low-sulphidation epithermal-Au (LSEG) deposits in Aroroy district (Philippines). Based on knowledge of characteristics of and controls on LSEG mineralization in the Philippines, the spatial predictors of LSEG prospectivity used in the study are proximity to porphyry plutonic stocks, faults/fractures and fault/fracture intersections. The Sc and ISc of spatial predictors are input separately to principal components analysis to extract a favourability function that can be interpreted as a wildcat model of LSEG prospectivity. The predictive capacity of the wildcat model of LSEG prospectivity based on the ISc of geological predictors is roughly 70% higher than that of the wildcat model of LSEG prospectivity based on the Sc of geological predictors. A slight increase of predictive capacity of wildcat modelling of LSEG prospectivity is also achieved when the ISc of geological predictors are integrated with the ISc of geochemical anomalies, but not with the Sc of geochemical anomalies. The proposed improvement is significant because if the study district were a greenfields exploration area, then a wildcat model of LSEG prospectivity based on the old wildcat methodology would have caused several LSEG targets to be missed.  相似文献   

Fractures and fracture networks are the fundamental components of enhanced geothermal systems and determine their technical and economic viability. A realistic fracture model that can adequately describe a fracture-stimulated reservoir is critical for subsequent flow and heat transfer analyses of the system. Fractures in these systems are essentially the product of hydraulic stimulations of the reservoir that, together with ground conditions and the local stress regime, determine how fractures are formed and propagated. This paper describes three methods for generating realistic fracture models for enhanced geothermal systems; two of them incorporate the fracture propagation process in the modelling and hence provide a stochastic fracture propagation model. The methods are: a Bayesian framework in the form of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation, an extended Random Sampling Consensus model and a Point and Surface Association Consensus model. The conditioning data used in these methods are seismic events recorded during fracture stimulation. Geodynamics’ Habanero reservoir in the Cooper Basin of South Australia is used as a case study to test these methods.  相似文献   

在致矿弱异常提取和复合异常分解的基础上, 进行多元信息综合和集成, 绘制成矿后验概率图是矿床资源预测的基本过程.以个旧锡矿为例, 介绍一种新的信息集成模型和后验概率图的应用方法.结果表明, 个旧锡铜矿床分布受多个控矿要素控制, 包括地球化学异常、岩体、有利岩性以及构造条件等.通过证据权所提供的空间相关性统计量可以定量确定控矿要素的最佳控矿距离, 并以此为依据形成二态信息图层.对每个图层的叠加可看作一次找矿信息的累积和更新, 因此整个信息图层的集成过程可以看作多次信息叠加过程(multiplicative cascade process).由此绘制的后验概率图具有自相似性、奇异性和分形谱系, 空间分布服从多重分形统计分布.因此, 后验概率图的绘制可以作为致矿地质异常圈定的信息综合和集成方法.   相似文献   

物探方法作为深部找矿的一种重要手段,已越来越受到重视与应用。井中物探方法是地面物探方法在钻井中的延生,由于是在钻井中进行,对于寻找钻井附近的隐伏矿体更有优势。井中三分量磁测和井中激发极化法是最常用的两种井中物探方法。通过在金属矿找矿中的应用,总结了这两种方法在深部找矿中的优势与不足,提出了开展井中物探工作的建议。  相似文献   

物探方法作为深部找矿的一种重要手段,已越来越受到重视与应用。井中物探方法是地面物探方法在钻井中的延生,由于是在钻井中进行,对于寻找钻井附近的隐伏矿体更有优势。井中三分量磁测和井中激发极化法是最常用的两种井中物探方法。通过在金属矿找矿中的应用,总结了这两种方法在深部找矿中的优势与不足,提出了开展井中物探工作的建议。  相似文献   

Fracture network modelling plays an important role in many application areas in which the behaviour of a rock mass is of interest. These areas include mining, civil, petroleum, water and environmental engineering and geothermal systems modelling. The aim is to model the fractured rock to assess fluid flow or the stability of rock blocks. One important step in fracture network modelling is to estimate the number of fractures and the properties of individual fractures such as their size and orientation. Due to the lack of data and the complexity of the problem, there are significant uncertainties associated with fracture network modelling in practice. Our primary interest is the modelling of fracture networks in geothermal systems and, in this paper, we propose a general stochastic approach to fracture network modelling for this application. We focus on using the seismic point cloud detected during the fracture stimulation of a hot dry rock reservoir to create an enhanced geothermal system; these seismic points are the conditioning data in the modelling process. The seismic points can be used to estimate the geographical extent of the reservoir, the amount of fracturing and the detailed geometries of fractures within the reservoir. The objective is to determine a fracture model from the conditioning data by minimizing the sum of the distances of the points from the fitted fracture model. Fractures are represented as line segments connecting two points in two-dimensional applications or as ellipses in three-dimensional (3D) cases. The novelty of our model is twofold: (1) it comprises a comprehensive fracture modification scheme based on simulated annealing and (2) it introduces new spatial approaches, a goodness-of-fit measure for the fitted fracture model, a measure for fracture similarity and a clustering technique for proposing a locally optimal solution for  fracture parameters. We use a simulated dataset to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach followed by a real 3D case study of the Habanero reservoir in the Cooper Basin, Australia.  相似文献   

姚书振  丁振举  周宗桂  胡新露 《地球科学》2020,45(12):4389-4398
聚矿构造系统是控制成矿物质迁移富集成矿的复合构造系统.按其规模从大到小可划分为7个层次,按照成因类型不同,分为岩浆矿床、岩浆期后热液矿床、沉积-热水沉积矿床和变质矿床聚矿构造系统4大类.重点阐述了矽卡岩型铁铜等矿床、斑岩型与斑岩-矽卡岩型铜钼矿床、岩浆期后高温热液钨锡矿床、岩浆期后中低温热液金多金属矿床和热水沉积-改造型铅锌矿床聚矿构造系统的特征及其控矿规律.总结了聚矿构造系统发育的有利部位及标志,阐述了通过聚矿构造研究,综合运用地质、地球物理与地球化学相结合的方法和类比求异的分析思路,进行隐伏矿床(体)定位预测和寻求找矿突破的有效途径,并提供了可借鉴的实例.   相似文献   

Quantitative Prediction for Deep Mineral Exploration   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
On reviewing the characteristics of deep mineral exploration, this article elaborates on the necessity of employing quantitative prediction to reduce uncertainty. This is caused by complexity of mineral deposit formational environments and mineralization systems as increase of exploration depth and incompleteness of geo-information from limited direct observation. The authors wish to share the idea of "seeking difference" principle in addition to the "similar analogy" principle in deep mineral exploration, especially the focus is on the new ores in depth either in an area with discovered shallow mineral deposits or in new areas where there are no sufficient mineral deposit models to be compared. An on-going research project, involving Sn and Cu mineral deposit quantitative prediction in the Gejiu (个旧) area of Yunnan (云南) Province, China, was briefly introduced to demonstrate how the "three-component" (geoanomaly-mineralization diversity-mineral deposit spectrum) theory and non-linear methods series in conjunction with advanced GIS technology, can be applied in multi-scale and multi-task deep mineral prospecting and quantitative mineral resource assessment.  相似文献   

楚雄盆地含油气系统分析及勘探目标选择   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
楚雄盆地是在扬子板块西南大陆边缘上发育起来的晚三叠世-早白垩世前陆盆地与晚白垩世-第三纪陆内湖盆叠置的构造-沉积残留盆地。  相似文献   

在燕山期、喜山期构造活动作用下,王窑区块发育北东向和南北向共轭剪切裂缝。针对该裂缝进行了统计分析,并利用离散裂缝网络模型对裂缝进行了随机模拟。模拟结果表明:研究区共轭裂缝北东向较为显著,且以高角度裂缝为主。裂缝对渗透率影响较为明显,将研究区的渗透率提高到20×10-3μm2,孔隙度增加约2%。  相似文献   

Palaeogeography as A Guide to Mineral Exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.Y.HSIEH 《地质学报》1948,(Z1):1-11,13
正 The study of palaeogeography forms one of the main objectives in thegeological interpretation of the earth's history.It is made on the basis ofmineralogy,stratigraphy,structure,palaeontology,physiography,petrography,  相似文献   

金属矿地震勘查方法评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过几十年的发展,金属矿地震勘查方法形成了以2D、3D、VSP方法为主的地震反射系列,提出了地震散射法,并取得了一定的试验效果.金属矿地震找矿的应用范围得到了扩展,不再局限于矿体本身,控矿构造、蚀变晕、重要岩性层等大型深部构造单元成为了地震间接找矿的目标体.目前,金属矿地震勘查方法,尤其是3D、VSP方法,面临着成本高、技术难度较大等问题,应进一步加强基础理论和解释方法研究,建立金属矿地震技术示范区,为推广和应用金属矿地震方法开拓思路、积累经验.  相似文献   

张必敏  王学求 《地球科学》2018,43(5):1503-1517
纳米地球化学为人类从微观探索和认识地壳发生的地质地球化学过程提供新的理论与方法,开展该领域研究将对资源、环境等领域的研究和应用产生重大影响.纳米地球化学在矿产勘查领域已取得了重要进展.通过总结、归纳前人研究并结合团队最新成果,从自然界纳米金属微粒形成过程、迁移方式、在表生介质中的赋存状态及纳米金属微粒的捕获等几个方面开展了梳理总结,并进一步阐述了纳米金属微粒对隐伏矿勘查的理论与实际应用意义.纳米微粒的迁移机制可总结为:成矿过程中成矿元素可形成纳米金属颗粒,在矿石风化过程中部分纳米金属微粒发生解离而具备活动性,活动性纳米金属颗粒因其巨大的表面能,可吸附于气体分子表面,并通过地气流的垂向运动,穿透矿体上方覆盖层而到达地表;另外,纳米物质所具备的易分散性质可以使纳米金属微粒自身发生垂向迁移而到达地表.到达地表后部分纳米金属微粒仍然滞留在壤中气,部分被土壤中粘土矿物或氧化物膜吸附,此外也可被地表生物所捕获.该迁移机制已通过表生气固介质中大量纳米金属微粒原位观测结果获得证实.在矿产勘查中,通过分离土壤中的纳米金属微粒可实现指示土壤覆盖层和深部矿体的目的,目前已取得一些成功案例.   相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(2):371-374
On May 11,2021,the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the Bulletin of China Mineral Exploration Results in 2020 (Natural Resources Offic...  相似文献   

矿产区划——地质科学研究与矿产勘查结合的新形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱裕生 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2454-2463
矿产区划是"研究成矿规律、进行矿产预测、提出选区和地质工作部署建议"的工作,属基础性、公益性、科研性、先导性融合一体的矿产勘查前期工作。矿产区划工作在我国已实施了三轮,每一轮矿产区划工作都是由国土资源部领导直接部署,即由政府提出、政府下属的地勘单位、科研单位实施。矿产区划成果是部署矿产勘查,编制地质矿产保证工程和地质工作中、长期发展规划的资料基础及科学依据;矿产区划成果直接引领地质找矿突破和大型、超大型矿床的勘查。矿产区划的指导理论是区域成矿学,特别是矿床成矿系列理论最有效。三轮矿产区划的成果证实:矿产区划工作成果促进我国矿产勘查工作的发展,实现了地质找矿的突破;创建了我国独有的矿产预测新理论,发展和充实了矿床成矿系列理论;带动了计算机技术在矿产勘查中的应用;实现了地质矿产理论研究与矿产勘查的一体化。  相似文献   

论个旧老矿区的新找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕宝善 《地质论评》2005,51(6):640-648
笔者通过对古地磁、氧同位素组成、稀土元素组成及成岩温度、Si0含量的变化规律以及花岗岩的侵入时代等方面的综合研究,总结出个旧东区及西区的花岗岩体是同源的花岗岩岩浆侵入演化形成的,同样是成矿母岩,都有利于个旧东区与西区锡多金属矿床的形成。笔者总结了个旧矿区的矿床类型及成矿规律。个旧矿区的原生矿床类型有:①产于碎屑岩中的裂隙脉型矿化;②产于石灰岩和白云岩中的层状—脉状、网脉状的气成—热液矿床;③产于花岗岩凹部及花岗岩突起顶部接触带矽卡岩中的接触交代矿床。个旧矿区的热液活动及热液蚀变作用很突出,花岗岩中的热液蚀变有:碳酸盐化、绿泥石化、云英岩化、绢云母化、钠长石化。其中碳酸盐化、云英岩化与锡、铜、钨矿化密切相关。笔者指出:在个旧矿区不论东区老矿区的深部及老矿山之间和外围还是整个西区都有进行新一轮找矿的必要性及可能性,而且提出个旧矿区的东区及西区新一轮找矿的方向和靶区。本文还指出在个旧矿区长期以来所划定的五子山复式背斜及贾沙复式向斜没有证据,应予以否定,包括应重新认识原来认为的仅局限于复背斜控制成矿的观点,开阔视野开展新一轮找矿。  相似文献   

矿产资源作为重要的战略资源,在促进国家经济和社会发展中起决定性作用。随着国家经济的发展,对矿产资源的依赖会越来越强。严峻的资源形势,迫切需要寻求缓解矿产资源短缺的方法。通过分析固体矿产勘探面临的困境,提出在当前形势下的应对措施:合理安排资金投入、提高矿产勘查理论研究水平、加强技术力量储备、引进吸收国外先进技术、完善市场引导机制、以及落实矿产资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

矿坑(井)涌(突)水造成重大安全事故事件频繁发生,并因矿坑巨量涌水淹没矿井而抽排水造成开矿成本增高。因此,进行水文地质研究,降低矿坑(井)涌(突)水给矿井建设和生产带来的危害,实现矿山安全生产,对于矿业工作来说,有着重要作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

庞春勇 《矿产与地质》1999,13(6):374-378
探讨市场经济和杆对矿产勘查开发的制约作用,认为提高矿产勘查业的经济策略认识,用市场经营的理念策划矿产勘查开发项目的立项及操作运转,对目前矿业投资,矿产勘查具有现实意义。  相似文献   

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