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The Perth Basin (PB) hosts important aquifers within the Yarragadee Formation and adjacent geological formations with potential for economic exploitation by both geothermal energy and carbon capture and sequestration. Published studies on the reservoir quality of the sedimentary units of the PB are very few. This study reports some petrophysical and lithological characteristics of the sedimentary units of interest for geothermal and geosequestration scenarios and help interpolation toward non-sampled intervals. A new fluvial-dominated lithofacies scheme was developed for the Mesozoic stratigraphy from four wells drilled in the central PB (Pinjarra-1, Cockburn-1, Gingin-1 and Gingin-2) based on grainsize, sorting, sedimentary structures and colour that relate to the environment of deposition. Systematic laboratory measurements of permeability, porosity, and thermal conductivity were conducted on core samples to investigate a variety of lithofacies and depths from these wells. Empirical correlations are established among the different physical properties, indicating encouraging relationships for full PB basin interpolation such as between porosity and permeability, when the samples are grouped into ‘hydraulic units’ defined by a ‘flow zone indicator’ parameter. The common principal controls on the PB thermal conductivity are the pore space arrangement and mineralogical content, which are strongly lithofacies-specific. Therefore, the lithofacies type could be a good first-order discriminator for describing spatial variations of thermal conductivity and then estimate their flow zone indicator.  相似文献   

利用野外露头、岩心、测井录井和分析化验资料,对柴达木盆地西部(简称“柴西地区”)新生界干柴沟组湖相碳酸盐岩进行了研究,划分了其沉积微相类型,研究了其分布规律,分析其形成环境和控制因素,并建立了相应沉积模式。该区湖相碳酸盐岩在垂向上与碎屑岩频繁互层,湖相碳酸盐岩包括颗粒灰岩、藻灰岩、泥晶灰岩和混积岩4大类11种,划分出了灰泥坪、颗粒滩、藻丘(礁)、浅湖湾以及(半)深湖泥灰岩相等5种沉积微相。通过分析不同碳酸盐岩及其微相时空展布特征,认为其发育主要受控于湖盆构造运动、湖平面变化、陆源碎屑注入、古气候与古水介质条件、古地貌与古水深环境,并在此基础上建立了柴西湖相碳酸盐岩的沉积模式。研究认为柴达木盆地西部干柴沟组沉积时期,湖盆为典型咸化湖盆,构造活动相对稳定,湖平面上升达到峰值。碳酸盐岩主要发育在湖侵期,高频湖平面变化形成了碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩频繁互层。在枯水期,盆地坡折处发育碎屑岩滩坝或三角洲前缘沉积;在湖侵期,盆地坡折处发育了鲕粒滩及藻灰岩,盆地洼陷区发育泥灰岩或灰质泥岩。  相似文献   

Mississippian shoal carbonates of Western CanadaSedimentary Basin are important hydrocarbon hosts.Dolomitization plays a major role in the evolution ofreservoir porosity in these carbonates. This processvaries across the basin and reflects, in part, divergentsources and chemistry of pore fluids. Dolomites fromseveral petroleum reservoirs were analyzed formineralogical, geochemical and isotopic variation. Thedata clearly demonstrate the progressive and complexrecrystallization of dolomite during shallow and deepburial in modified marine, meteoric and burial fluids.These data include: change in crystal size,stoichiometry, cathodoluminscence characteristics,stable oxygen and carbon isotopic shifts and changesin radiogenic Sr isotopic composition. However,regional geology, tectonic history and fluid flowevolution play important roles in the diageneticimprints and the degree of recrystallization.Early microcrystalline dolomite formed in normalmarine and evaporative conditions in Mississippiancarbonates from Western Canada Sedimentary Basinhave undergone variable degrees of recrystallization, frompristine dolomite akin to Holocene sabkha dolomitewith preserved mineralogical and chemical attributesto highly recrystallized mesodolomite, however stillnonstoichiometric, but with highly altered chemicalsignatures. Careful attention should be made to localgeology, hydrodynamics and fluid flow when investigatingdolomite recrystallization in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Temperature and catagenetic history of the South Sumatra Basin in Indonesia is considered by the example of the sedimentary sequence of the Limau graben during its subsidence from the Oligocene to the present time. GALO system for basin modeling was applied for numerical reconstruction of six sedimentary successions in the area of holes Pandan-81, Petanang-1, Tepus-2, Tepus-1, Gambir-1, and Lembak-8 located along the profile cutting across the Limau graben. Modeling suggests significant cooling of the basemen for the last 15–20 Ma from the high initial heat flow of 105 mW/m2, which is typical of axial zones of continental rifting, and significant heating of the basin lithosphere during the last 2–5 Ma. Examination of variations in tectonic subsidence of the basin confirms the possible extension of the lithosphere in the Oligocene-Miocene with an amplitude β increasing from 1.12 on the flanks of the Limau graben (Hole Lembak-8) to 1.32 in the central part of the graben (Tepus-1 and 2), Tectonic analysis indicates also the notable thermal activation of the basin in the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene. This activation is consistent with the high temperature gradient typical of the present-day sedimentary cover of the basin. Numerical modeling of the evolution of the organic matter maturity and hydrocarbon generation by main source formations of the basin confirms good prospects of the inferred source formations (Lemat, Talang Akar, and Gumai) of the South Sumatra basin for the generation of liquid hydrocarbons (HC) in the Limau Graben. It is also demonstrated that the source rocks of the Lemat Formation are ore-generating rocks in the main part of the Limau graben and are gas-generating rocks only in the deepest portions of the graben. The rocks at the base and roof of the Talang Akar Formation could be considered as highly oil-generating rocks, probably except for the upper horizons of the formation in the shallowest portions of the graben (Hole Lembak-8). Oil generation reached peak in the last 5–10 Ma. Modeling showed that intense oil generation by the Gumai Formation may be significant in the most part of the Limau graben and negligible only in the distant flanks of the graben (Hole Lembak-8).  相似文献   

The thermal maturity and source-rock potential of the Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field, Melville Island, Arctic Canada, have been studied using reflected-light microscopy and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Approximately 250 polished whole-rock samples were examined and their reflectance (% R0, random) measured. In addition, approximately 100 samples were subjected to Rock-Eval/TOC analyses.Hydrogen-rich organic matter in the Schei Point Group sediments is dominated by alginite (Tasmanales), dinoflagellate cysts with minor amounts of sporinite, cutinite, resinite and liptodetrinite in an amorphous fluorescing matrix. Vitrinite reflectance in Cretaceous sediments ranges from 0.41 to 0.54%; in Jurassic sediments it ranges from 0.43 to 0.64% and in Triassic sediments from 0.50 to 0.65%. The Triassic Schei Point Group calcareous shales and marlstones contain organic matter mainly of marine origin, whereas the predominantly terrestially-derived organic matter present in the Jameson Bay (Lower Jurassic) and in the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Deer Bay formations have ower TOC. Only the Ringnes Formation has a TOC content of equivalent to or greater than Schei Point source rocks. Within the Schei Point Group, the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members of the Hoyle Bay Formation are slightly richer in TOC than the Murray Harbour Formation (Cape Caledonia Member). Higher average TOC contents (>3.0%) have been reported in the Cape Richards and Eden Bay members in almost all Hecla drillholes.Variations in the level of thermal maturity of Mesozoic sediments in the Hecla field are a function of burial depth. The stratigraphic succession thickens towards the main Sverdrup Basin depocentre located in a N-NE direction. The pattern of the isoreflectance contours at the top of the Triassic (Barrow Formation) is similar to that of formation boundary lines of the same formations, an indication that present-day maturation levels are largely controlled by basin subsidence.  相似文献   

四川盆地侏罗纪大安寨段沉积时期水体富营养化,形成了介壳灰岩—泥页岩的湖相混积层系,为混积岩沉积机制研究提供了“天然实验室”。综合利用岩心、测井、录井等资料,以川北仪陇—营山地区为研究区,对大安寨段的岩性分类与沉积相展布特征进行研究,并讨论了该湖相混积层系的沉积过程与控制因素。结果表明: 大安寨段湖相混积层系以介壳组分与细粒硅质碎屑(包含黏土矿物)的混杂与交替为主,整体上可划分为一个完整的湖侵—湖退沉积旋回,大一亚段与大三亚段沉积时期介壳滩分布面积较大,大二亚段则广泛发育半深湖—深湖亚相,此外浅水介壳灰岩可在重力流驱动下于深水环境中发生搬运与再沉积作用; 混积过程主要为相混合与间断混合模式,混积作用受控于湖平面升降变化、物质来源、地质营力等因素,湖平面的升降变化控制着不同沉积微相的分布,地震、风暴浪等触发机制引起的重力流沉积促使不同微相与物质来源的沉积物(陆源碎屑搬运、生物—化学碳酸盐沉积、远源细粒物质悬浮等)相互混合,增加了混积岩内部的杂乱程度并扩大了混积岩的平面分布范围。本次研究建立了仪陇—营山地区大安寨段湖相混积层系沉积过程模式,可为陆相页岩油气勘探和相似地质背景下混积作用的成因研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

赣西晚三叠世聚煤盆地的形成与演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据赣西晚三叠世含煤地层的沉积特征,时空演变以及区域地质构造变动特点,本文提出了赣西晚三叠世拉裂盆地的形成及演化模式。并认为盆地的形成始于萍乡一带,逐步朝北东方向发展,与盆地轴向一致的上栗—宜丰、萍乡—高安、腊市—丰城断裂受区域地壳挤压扭动产生的局部拉裂是导致盆地形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis for the Mesoproterozoic clastic sedimentary rocks of the basal Gulcheru Formation of the Cuddapah Basin in the Gugudu-Dadithota-Parnapalle-Palkonda region (extending atleast 40 km) have been performed to highlight their provenance and weathering history. The low K2O/Al2O3 ratios of the representative samples points to the recycled nature of sediments and illite clay in the sediments indicate an overall cold climate (low chemical weathering degree). All the provenance diagrams indicate a mixed source of the Gulcheru sediments with felsic dominancy and Upper continental crust (UCC) signature.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic composition (δ34S) of petroleum is believed to be affected mainly by sulfur incorporation reactions into the sedimentary organic matter during the early diagenesis. However, secondary processes could affect the original δ34S of oil under the effect of thermal maturity or of the microbial activity of biodegraded reservoirs. In this study, the different processes that may affect the δ34S of in-reservoir oils were assessed based on the sulfur content and isotopes of a series of oil and core samples coming from various reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). Based on the molecular study, these samples appear to have reached various levels of maturity and biodegradation, ranging from 0 to 6.5 on the biodegradation scale of Peters and Moldowan. In addition, mixing of organic matter coming from different source rocks was identified based on the comparison with extensive correlation studies performed in the WCSB.Investigation of the δ34S shows a trend that seems a priori correlated to the level of biodegradation. However, a careful interpretation of molecular and sulfur isotope data leads to the conclusion that the observed δ34S variations have rather to be ascribed to contributions of oils generated by various source rocks. Alternatively, variations of δ34S could neither be related to maturity differences nor to kinetic effects during organic sulfur compounds biodegradation. In the case of some specific core samples showing a common origin based on biomarker study, δ34S variations might not be related to different sources but to secondary sulfur incorporation/exchange processes occurring within the reservoir. These processes would involve reduced sulfur species from bacterial sulfate reduction formed in situ or migrated into Mannville reservoirs. This hypothesis is supported by laboratory experiments showing sulfur exchange/incorporation under plausible conditions for shallow reservoirs.  相似文献   

根据钻井、测井与分析测试等资料,研究了塔里木盆地天山南缘区块北带苏维依组的沉积相带和储层特征。苏维依组分为下部底砂岩段和上部的膏泥岩段,在研究区主要发育辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉积体系。本区储层多为粉砂岩、细砂岩、中砂岩和含砾砂岩,主要岩石类型为长石石英砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩。孔隙类型主要是原生粒间孔、溶蚀孔,还有裂缝和微孔隙等。底砂岩段储层物性较好,总体属于中孔-中、低渗储层,非均质性较强,其中以三角洲前缘的分流河道和席状砂微相砂体物性最好。影响研究区储层物性的主要因素有沉积相带、成岩作用等,压实作用、溶蚀作用和胶结作用是对储层物性影响最大的成岩作用。  相似文献   

泾川地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘,烃源岩发育情况尚不明确。通过野外地质调查和钻井岩心观察,结合烃源岩测试及元素地球化学资料,对长10—长7烃源岩进行评价,在环境分析的基础上研究影响烃源岩发育的主要因素。结果表明:研究区延长组烃源岩以长73泥页岩为最好,有机质类型以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1为主,TOC为 0.42%~29%;长10—长7泥岩有机质以Ⅱ2型为主,平均TOC含量低于 2%;Ro为 0.47%~1.08%,有机质基本已成熟。长10—长7烃源岩形成于温暖潮湿的环境,弱还原弱氧化的淡水介质条件,水深相对较浅。古生产力、沉积速率及水介质环境影响烃源岩发育。热水活动促进了古生物的繁盛,P、Cu含量及 P/Ti值越高,有机质 TOC含量越高。(La/Yb)N值越高,沉积速率越低,有机质越富集。Cu/Zn值越高,V/Cr值越高,Th/U值越低,水体还原性越好,有机质丰度越高。总之,热水活动提高了古生产力水平,相对较低的沉积速率有利于有机质的富集,还原性较强的水介质条件可使有机质得到良好的保存。陇县一带烃源岩因受陆源植物输入的影响,且形成环境不利,烃源岩品质相对较差。  相似文献   

江陵凹陷位于江汉盆地西南部,在其次级洼陷资福寺洼陷和梅槐桥洼陷南部新沟咀组下段(新下段)沉积了一套膏盐岩层。通过钻井、测井和岩心资料的分析,明确了研究区含膏盐岩系地层的岩性、电性及物理性质特征。在此基础上,结合三维地震剖面资料及正演模拟结果,确定了研究区主要岩性组合的地震响应特征:膏盐岩与泥岩互层表现为强振幅;砂泥岩互层表现为中振幅;质纯的泥岩振幅最弱。应用井点预测与均方根振幅预测相结合的方法,对新下段膏盐岩层的分布规律进行预测,结果表明,新下段膏盐岩层在平面上的分布较为局限,相对于沙市组具有明显的向南迁移萎缩的趋势,物源、构造和沉积环境3种因素的综合作用是造成这种差异性的主要原因。  相似文献   

泾川地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘,烃源岩发育情况尚不明确。通过野外地质调查和钻井岩心观察,结合烃源岩测试及元素地球化学资料,对长10—长7烃源岩进行评价,在环境分析的基础上研究影响烃源岩发育的主要因素。结果表明:研究区延长组烃源岩以长73泥页岩为最好,有机质类型以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1为主,TOC为 0.42%~29%;长10—长7泥岩有机质以Ⅱ2型为主,平均TOC含量低于 2%;Ro为 0.47%~1.08%,有机质基本已成熟。长10—长7烃源岩形成于温暖潮湿的环境,弱还原弱氧化的淡水介质条件,水深相对较浅。古生产力、沉积速率及水介质环境影响烃源岩发育。热水活动促进了古生物的繁盛,P、Cu含量及 P/Ti值越高,有机质 TOC含量越高。(La/Yb)N值越高,沉积速率越低,有机质越富集。Cu/Zn值越高,V/Cr值越高,Th/U值越低,水体还原性越好,有机质丰度越高。总之,热水活动提高了古生产力水平,相对较低的沉积速率有利于有机质的富集,还原性较强的水介质条件可使有机质得到良好的保存。陇县一带烃源岩因受陆源植物输入的影响,且形成环境不利,烃源岩品质相对较差。  相似文献   

在现有的钻井、测井、地球物理及古生物等资料的基础上,应用储层沉积学、层序地层学等方法,深入研究了白云凹陷沉积充填演化模式及其展布规律。由于受重大构造事件、气候、物源供给、古地理和海平面变化等多种因素的影响,白云凹陷形成了独特的三层结构及多类型盆地叠置的沉积体系,其对深水油气形成及其分布富集特征等均具有深刻的影响和制约。同时,笔者在上述研究的基础上,还综合分析了白云深水区烃源岩生烃潜力、储盖组合及深水扇沉积体系与油气运聚成藏之间的成因耦合关系。白云凹陷深水扇圈闭成藏的烃源应以恩平组烃源岩的贡献为主,凹陷主体应以深水扇储层及其形成的各种圈闭为目标,周边以23.8Ma以前的浅水砂岩储层及其大型披覆构造为勘探重点,以期获得深水油气勘探的新突破。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区(简称“柴西地区”)新近系主要为陆源沉积岩,湖相碳酸盐岩亦广泛发育,其中藻灰岩的储集性和含油性最好。为进一步探究柴西地区新近系藻灰岩沉积特征及形成机制,主要通过详细的岩心和岩石薄片观察分析,对油泉子、黄瓜峁、南翼山、大风山等地新近系的藻灰岩进行研究。研究表明:1)柴西地区新近系藻灰岩主要有层纹石灰岩、叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩3种类型,以凝块石灰岩最发育。层纹石灰岩中纹层呈较连续且相互平行的水平纹层状,单个纹层最大厚度一般不超过0.5 m;叠层石灰岩主要有柱状叠层石灰岩和锥状叠层石灰岩2种类型,柱状叠层石在岩心上呈高宽比较小的灌木状,锥状叠层石则呈倾斜于地层面的指型密集簇状,叠层石最大单层厚度仅为0.25 m;凝块石灰岩在岩心上表现为表面粗糙的团块状,显微镜下藻凝块内部显微组构为不均匀的云雾状和海绵状。此外,有较多叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩呈不规则的砾屑状产出,且发育有明显的同生变形沉积构造。2)柴西地区新近系层纹石灰岩均为原地沉积,而叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩除原地沉积外,以原地垮塌沉积为主,以近原地滑塌沉积为次。3)柴西地区新近系藻灰岩同生改造有2个主要控制因素,一是藻灰岩与其基底灰质泥岩岩性硬度的差异,二是以底流为主、波浪为辅的水动力,次要因素为地震的振动、浅湖斜坡的坡度以及叠层石和藻凝块的倾斜生长等。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔凹陷中二叠统芦草沟组发育一套陆内裂谷背景下,由粉砂级-泥级陆源碎屑、凝灰碎屑、碳酸盐及热液矿物组成的湖相细粒云质岩。本研究以云质岩为研究对象,通过岩石学、矿物学及地球化学研究探讨其形成环境和白云石形成机理。云质岩岩矿特征和主、微量元素特征表明,在中二叠世为处于干旱气候的浅水咸化湖盆,区域火山活动强烈,湖盆内幔源热液活动发育。云质岩中的白云石主要呈自形-半自形的微粉晶颗粒,形成细纹层或与其他组分混合,局部可见自形-半自形的细晶白云石,微粉晶白云石为低有序度白云石(0.46),成分均匀,被纹层包绕,细晶白云石交代残留结构发育,为成岩交代的产物;两类白云石均富锶贫镁,细晶白云石较微粉晶白云石更富铁和锰。微粉晶白云石具有较低的δ18OPDB(平均为-4.72‰),基于白云石的形成流体由湖水和幔源热液混合的假设,所计算得到的形成温度介于54.61~186.46 ℃之间;δ13CPDB偏高(平均为8.79‰),推测其与芦草沟组高的有机质埋藏量及产甲烷古菌的代谢活动有关。微粉晶白云石为同生期-准同生期沉淀或交代的原白云石,其Mg2+来自于咸化湖水、凝灰碎屑和幔源热液,热液带来的高温和产甲烷古菌的代谢活动打破了白云石形成的动力学屏障。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘上三叠统延长组沉积相特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘北部汝箕沟剖面、南部阎家庄剖面和中部环78、环52、演40井岩芯的详细观察,并结合前人的研究资料及岩性和岩相组合、沉积相分析,探讨了研究区延长组沉积相特征与演化过程。研究结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地西缘延长组发育12种岩相类型,7种岩相组合。延长组时期为扇三角洲—湖泊、辫状河三角洲、冲积扇沉积体系,其中也充分发育筛状沉积、水上分流河道、分流河道间、水下分流河道、河口坝、远砂坝、等沉积微相和亚相类型。北部汝箕沟地区在延长组沉积早期主要为扇三角洲相,进入中期由湖泊相过渡为扇三角洲相,晚期则发育深湖相;中部环县—演武地区在延长组早期为辫状河三角洲相,中期发育辫状河三角洲相和湖泊相,晚期过渡为三角洲相并受到抬升剥蚀作用;南部阎家庄在延长组则发育冲积扇相,随后便受到抬升剥蚀作用。  相似文献   

Analysis of the authigenic laumontite distribution in sedimentary complexes of the Russian Federation is presented. The mineral occurs in sections characterized by various types of lithology, genesis, tectonic setting, and burial depth. Distribution area of this mineral spacially coincide with domains of the alkaline (mainly sodic) groundwater. It is inferred that the formation of authigenic laumontite in sedimentary sequences represents the hydrogenous catagenetic mineralization related to the circulation of heterogeneous alkaline groundwaters in them. This phenomenon resembles hydrothermal processes in areas of intense volcanism and likely represents a process typical of sedimentary sequences.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the hydrocarbon generation potentials and time of generation for Paleocene to Lower Miocene source rock horizons from A-1, B-1, B-2, and C-1 wells in the Niger Delta Basin using 1D Petromod modeling software. Wells A-1, B-1 and B-2, and C-1 are located within the Central Swamp, the Coastal Swamp, and the Shallow Offshore depobelts, respectively. The thermal history was derived from the rifting–subsidence heat flow model. Maturity modeling were carried out by using Easy%Ro kinetic model and a heat flow history predicting present-day heat flow which were calibrated with measured temperature data. Results of the study suggest that these potential source rocks have attained maturity status to generate hydrocarbons, with vast differences existing in the timing of the onset of oil generation. Basin modeling suggests that Paleocene source rocks entered the oil generative window from the Oligocene to Miocene times with thermal maturity window that varies from gas generation to early-mature phase. The Eocene source rocks have also attained maturity from Miocene to Pliocene times, and their thermal maturity ranges from gas generation to early maturity stage. The Oligocene source rocks also began to generate oil during the Miocene and are currently within the early-mature to mid-mature stage. The thermal maturity window for the Lower Miocene source rocks ranges from immature to early-mature stage. The present modeling results reveals that higher levels of thermal maturity are attained in areas with high geothermal gradients and heat flow values while the cooler areas exhibits lower levels of maturation. The onset of the oil window lies at 2859 m at A-1 (Central Swamp), 3240 m at B-2 (Coastal Swamp), 4732 m at B-1 (Coastal Swamp), and 4344 m at C-1 (Shallow Offshore). The depth to the onset of oil window is found deeper in the Shallow Offshore and western parts of the study area than in the eastern and northwestern parts. The result of this study suggest that the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, and Lower Miocene source rocks are the principal source rocks for oil and gas generation in the Niger Delta Basin.  相似文献   

江汉盆地是我国典型的内陆盐湖盆地,位于其中部的潜江凹陷发育盐间细粒沉积,近期油气勘探取得突破。为研究其沉积特征及其对页岩含油性的控制,本文基于岩心和多种测试方法将盐间细粒沉积划分出8种岩相,分别是含灰泥质云岩、云质混合细粒岩、泥质混合细粒岩、灰质混合细粒岩、灰质泥岩/泥岩、云质泥岩、硫酸盐质混合细粒岩和云质/泥质钙芒硝岩。岩相组合有A和B两种:A类岩相组合为含灰泥质云岩、云质混合细粒岩和泥质混合细粒岩,夹少量灰质混合细粒岩、云质泥岩、硫酸盐质混合细粒岩和云质/泥质钙芒硝岩;B类岩相组合为云质泥岩、硫酸盐质混合细粒岩、云质/泥质钙芒硝岩,夹少量灰质泥岩/泥岩和泥质混合细粒岩。A类岩相组合富集碳酸盐质矿物且有机质含量高,岩心上表现为灰黑色泥质岩(泥质混合细粒岩和灰质混合细粒岩)与黄褐色云质岩(含灰泥质云岩和云质混合细粒岩)频繁更替,其中夹有白色硫酸盐质岩,呈透镜体状或层状产出,说明当时环境的盐度较低,镜下纹层大部分呈较为连续的微波状或水平状。其沉积特征反映了A类岩相组合的形成环境为还原性较好、盐度较低的深水区。B类岩相组合硫酸盐矿物含量和有机质含量较低,岩心上表现为白色高硫酸盐质岩夹有黑色泥质层或黄褐色云质层,镜下观察为呈菱形片状钙芒硝,常见穿插双晶,可见明显的粒序变化,云质含量高的薄片镜下为无纹层特征。其沉积特征反映了B类岩相组合形成环境为还原性较弱、盐度较高的较浅水域。本研究将V/(V+Ni)、(S1+S2)/TOC、Sr/Ba和Ga/C31H指数等地化参数与岩相特征相结合,进一步佐证了上述观点,并且补充说明了A类岩相组合形成于气候湿润的环境,而B类岩相组合形成环境较为干旱,且将盐间沉积划分为B、A、B三个阶段,对其进行了沉积模式的研究。结果表明:第一、三阶段气候干旱且水深较浅,湖水析出大量盐类,主要发育B类岩相组合,且硫酸盐矿物的增加使硫酸盐还原菌氧化有机质,不利于有机质富集;第二阶段降雨增加,大量淡水注入致使水体淡化且深度变深,这时水体分层性较好,还原性较强,发育A类岩相组合,有机质的保存条件好。由此可见,矿物组分上为灰泥质或云质含量高且岩心具有水平层理、镜下纹层特征明显的岩相,以及湿润气候下的还原性较强、盐度适宜且水体分层性好的深水环境等沉积特征,有助于形成含油性较好的页岩。因此,低TOC含量的B类岩相组合不是油气富集的主要岩相,富集的硫酸盐矿物会稀释有机质浓度,岩相所处的高盐度环境也会减缓微生物活动;而高TOC含量的A类岩相组合为油气富集的主要岩相,频繁的降雨稀释水体盐度,为可以产生有机质的浮游微生物创造了良好的环境,且所含云质纹层矿物间孔隙发育,有利于烃类的存储,所以成为该区内的优质烃源岩,是油气勘探开发的有利岩相。  相似文献   

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