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Groundwater and sediment samples (∼ 1 m depth) at sites representative of different groundwater pathways were collected to determine the aqueous speciation of sulfur and the fractionation of sulfur isotopes in aqueous and solid phases. In addition, selected sediment samples at 5 depths (from oxic to anoxic layers) were collected to investigate the processes controlling sulfur biogeochemistry in sedimentary layers. Pyrite was the dominant sulfur-bearing phase in the capillary fringe and groundwater zones where anoxic conditions are found. Low concentrations of pyrite (< 5.9 g kg− 1) coupled with high concentrations of dissolved sulfide (4.81 to 134.7 mg L− 1) and low concentrations of dissolved Fe (generally < 1 mg L− 1) and reducible solid-phase Fe indicate that availability of reactive Fe limits pyrite formation. The relative uniformity of down-core isotopic trends for sulfur-bearing mineral phases in the sedimentary layers suggests that sulfate reduction does not result in significant sulfate depletion in the sediment. Sulfate availability in the deeper sediments may be enhanced by convective vertical mixing between upper and lower sedimentary layers due to evaporative concentration. The large isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and sedimentary sulfides at Owens Lake provides evidence for initial fractionation from bacterial sulfate reduction and additional fractionation generated by sulfide oxidation followed by disproportionation of intermediate oxidation state sulfur compounds. The high salinity in the Owens Lake brines may be a factor controlling sulfate reduction and disproportionation in hypersaline conditions and results in relatively constant values for isotope fractionation between dissolved sulfate and total reduced sulfur.  相似文献   

Mono Lake is a closed-basin, alkaline, hypersaline lake located at the western edge of the Great Basin in eastern California. We studied the distribution of arsenic (As) species in the water column of Mono Lake between February and November, 2002. This period captured the seasonal progression from winter mixing, through summer thermal stratification, to autumn overturn. Arsenic speciation was determined by ion chromatography-inductively coupled-plasma-mass spectrometry of samples preserved in the field by flash-freezing in liquid nitrogen. We found that arsenic speciation was dominated (>90%) by arsenate when oxygen was detectable. Once levels fell below 6 μmol/L O2, arsenic speciation shifted to dominance by reduced species. Arsenate and arsenite co-occurred in a transition zone immediately below the base of the oxycline and low but significant concentrations of arsenate were occasionally detected in sulfidic hypolimnion samples. Thio-arsenic species were the dominant form of As found in sulfidic waters. Maxima of thio-arsenic species with stoichiometries consistent with mono-, di- and trithio-arsenic occurred in succession as sulfide concentration increased. A compound with a stoichiometry consistent with trithio-arsenic was the dominant As species (∼50% of total As) in high sulfide (2 mmol/L) bottom water. Lower concentrations of total As in bottom water relative to surface water suggest precipitation of As/S mineral phases in response to sulfide accumulation during prolonged anoxia.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for the population of nearly 200,000 people in eastern Croatia. The largest town in the region is Osijek whose citizens are supplied with drinking water obtained from groundwater from the “Vinogradi” well field. This study investigated and determined As occurrence in groundwater of the Osijek area. Groundwater samples were taken from 18 water wells and 12 piezometers with a depth ranging between 21 and 200 m. Over the 10-a period to 2007, a mean As concentration of 240 μg L−1 was found. There was no statistically significant secular change in concentration over that period, however small but significant seasonal variations were noted, with the highest seasonal As concentrations over the period May 2006-February 2007 being observed in summer. The predominant As species observed was As(III), constituting 85% and 93% of total As in piezometers and water wells, respectively. Higher concentrations of As tended to be found in deeper wells with the mean As concentration in shallow groundwater (<50 m) and deep groundwater (>50 m) being 27 μg L−1, and 205 μg L−1, respectively. Geochemically, the groundwaters show similarities to those in other parts of the Pannonian Basin. Arsenic(tot) is weakly correlated with pH and Fe, negatively correlated with Mn and has no significant correlation with any of EC, COD-Mn or alkalinity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(1):53-65
Owens Lake in SE California became essentially dry by the 1920s after the Los Angeles Aqueduct was constructed and diversion of water from the Owens River began. Frequent dust storms at Owens Lake produce clouds of efflorescent salts which present human health hazards as a result of their small particle size and elevated concentrations of As and SO4. This study was conducted to characterize the evolution of major elements in ground water in eastern Owens Lake and to examine the factors controlling the concentrations of dissolved As and F. Evapoconcentration of shallow ground waters at the lakebed surface produces high pH, high alkalinity brines with major ion compositions that are consistent with those predicted by the Hardie–Eugster Model. Evaporite minerals identified in the surface salts using XRD were halite (NaCl), thenardite (Na2SO4), trona (Na3H(CO3)2·2H2O), pirssonite (Na2Ca(CO3)2·2H2O), and nesquehonite (MgCO3·3H2O). Significant correlations between both As and F with Li in shallow ground waters indicate that As and F are not partitioned into surface salts until very high salinities are reached (>9.0 m). Leaching experiments show that As and F can be readily released from lakebed salts when exposed to natural precipitation. Conservative behavior of As and F results from the high pH values and low Ca activities of shallow ground waters that contribute to: (1) redox stability of As(V) even at moderately reducing conditions, (2) a decrease in the adsorption affinities of As and F to mineral surfaces, (3) undersaturation with respect to fluorite (CaF2(s)).  相似文献   

Particle‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) and ICP‐AES can be combined to obtain a wider range of detected elements, augment previous data and/or to verify measured concentrations of heavy and trace metals in geological samples. Intercomparison of data sets generated by multiple techniques is challenging due to the differing processes and methods of each technique. Here, we compare elemental data obtained by both techniques for aeolian dust from Owens (Dry) Lake, California. Nineteen elements were detected by PIXE, sixteen by ICP‐AES and ten elements were detected by both techniques. Statistical analyses of data set groupings illustrated which parameters differed significantly between PIXE and ICP‐AES. Relative variation (%) showed that PIXE gave higher concentrations than ICP‐AES for Al, As, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Sr, Ti and Zn in all samples. For As, Cu, Sr and Zn, relative variation was variable between the techniques. PIXE detection limits exceeded ICP‐AES concentrations for Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb and Mo. Low ICP‐AES percentage recoveries of Al, Fe, K, Mn and Ti for NIST SRM 2710 indicated incomplete dissolution during digestion (EPA Method 3050B), since elements were bound in silicate structures. Variability between the two data sets is explained by differences between analytical techniques, sample preparation methods and/or variability in sample matrices.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(8):1219-1244
Arsenian pyrite, formed during Cretaceous gold mineralization, is the primary source of As along the Melones fault zone in the southern Mother Lode Gold District of California. Mine tailings and associated weathering products from partially submerged inactive gold mines at Don Pedro Reservoir, on the Tuolumne River, contain ∼20–1300 ppm As. The highest concentrations are in weathering crusts from the Clio mine and nearby outcrops which contain goethite or jarosite. As is concentrated up to 2150 ppm in the fine-grained (<63 μm) fraction of these Fe-rich weathering products.Individual pyrite grains in albite-chlorite schists of the Clio mine tailings contain an average of 1.2 wt.% As. Pyrite grains are coarsely zoned, with local As concentrations ranging from ∼0 to 5 wt.%. Electron microprobe, transmission electron microscope, and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) analyses indicate that As substitutes for S in pyrite and is not present as inclusions of arsenopyrite or other As-bearing phases. Comparison with simulated EXAFS spectra demonstrates that As atoms are locally clustered in the pyrite lattice and that the unit cell of arsenian pyrite is expanded by ∼2.6% relative to pure pyrite. During weathering, clustered substitution of As into pyrite may be responsible for accelerating oxidation, hydrolysis, and dissolution of arsenian pyrite relative to pure pyrite in weathered tailings. Arsenic K-edge EXAFS analysis of the fine-grained Fe-rich weathering products are consistent with corner-sharing between As(V) tetrahedra and Fe(III)-octahedra. Determinations of nearest-neighbor distances and atomic identities, generated from least-squares fitting algorithms to spectral data, indicate that arsenate tetrahedra are sorbed on goethite mineral surfaces but substitute for SO4 in jarosite. Erosional transport of As-bearing goethite and jarosite to Don Pedro Reservoir increases the potential for As mobility and bioavailability by desorption or dissolution. Both the substrate minerals and dissolved As species are expected to respond to seasonal changes in lake chemistry caused by thermal stratification and turnover within the monomictic Don Pedro Reservoir. Arsenic is predicted to be most bioavailable and toxic in the reservoir’s summer hypolimnion.  相似文献   

The Fish Springs fault is a primary strand in the northern end of the Owens Valley fault zone (OVFZ). The Fish Springs fault is the northwest strand in a 3-km-wide left echelon step of the OVFZ which bounds the Poverty Hills bedrock high. The Fish Springs fault strikes approximately north-south, dips steeply to the east, and is marked by a prominent east-facing scarp. No other faults in the OVFZ have prominent east-facing scarps at the latitude of Fish Springs, which indicates that the Fish Springs fault has accommodated virtually all of the local late Quaternary vertical displacement on the OVFZ.

The Fish Springs fault exhibits normal dip slip with no measurable lateral slip. Vertical displacements of a Late Pleistocene (0.314 ± 0.036 Ma, 2σ) cinder cone and of an overlying Tahoe-age (0.065–0.195 m.y.) alluvial fan are 76±8 m and 31±3 m, respectively. The maximum vertical 3.3. m. Two nearly equal vertical displacements of the active stream channel in the Tioga-age fan total 2.2. m. Vertical displacement of a stream terrace incised into the cinder cone is 1.2 ± 0.3 m. The minute amount of incision into that terrace indicates that uplift of the terrace probably occurred during the 1872 Owens Valley earthquake.

Three displacements of 1.1 ± 0.2 m each apparently have occurred at the Tioga-age fan since the midpoint of the Tioga interval, allowing an average recurrence interval of 3500 to 9000 years. Based on the age and displacement of the cinder cone, the average late Quaternary vertical displacement rate is 0.24 ± 0.04 mm/yr (2σ). At this rate, and assuming an average vertical displacement of 1.1 ± 0.2 m per event, the average recurrence interval would be 4600 ± 1100 years (2σ). The recurrence interval for the Fish Springs fault is similar to that for a strand in the southern part of the OVFZ which also ruptured in 1872.

Right-lateral, normal oblique slip characterizes the OVFZ. The location of the Poverty Hills bedrock high at a left step in the north-northwest-striking fault zone is consistent with the style of slip of the zone. The pure normal slip on the north-striking Fish Springs fault and the alignment of local cinder cones along north-striking normal faults indicate that the late Quaternary maximum horizontal compression has been oriented north-south at the north end of the OVFZ. Data from southern Owens Valley indicate a similar stress regime there. Late Quaternary slip on the OVFZ is consistent with north-south maximum horizontal compression.  相似文献   

以巢湖北岸1000km2范围内的地下水为研究对象,采集样品130个,利用多种方法测试了15种水质指标。综合运用描述性分析、Piper三线图、相关性分析和离子比例系数,系统地研究了地下水水化学的分布及空间变化特征。最后得出:①巢湖北岸地下水属于弱酸—弱碱性水,水体硬度基本上不大,TDS基本上小于1g/L,水质属于淡水。②主要超标指标为F-、NO3-、总硬度、NO2-,污染类型主要表现为氟污染、总硬度和氮污染;③研究区地下水水化学类型复杂,共有28种水化学类型,其中比例比较大的水化学类型为:HCO3 Cl-Na Mg、HCO3 SO4-Na Mg、HCO3 SO4 Cl-Na Ca、HCO3 SO4-Na Ca Mg,分别占总类型的11.38%、8.94%、8.94%和7.32%。④通过计算c(Na+)/c(Cl-)系数,发现区内大多地下水的水质存在变异。  相似文献   

A pilot area within the Venetian Plain was selected to assess the arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater. The area represents a typical residential, industrial and agricultural organization representative of most western countries, and is also devoid of lithologies with high or anomalous As content. Hydrogeological and chemical data have been collected, the latter spatialized by a geostatistical approach. The unconfined aquifer reservoir varies from a predominantly gravel composition in the north to a sandy and silt–clay composition further south, including peat layers. The hydrochemical features of the waters are rather homogeneous, featuring low mineral content and a Ca-bicarbonate signature. In contrast, the redox state is highly variable; oxidizing conditions are predominant in the northern and coarse parts of the aquifer, whereas reducing potentials prevail in the southern and silt–clay parts. Several well waters contain arsenic in excess of drinkable limits (=10 ppb), and most of these wells are located in the southern area. A large portion of the studied area has a high probability of containing non-potable water (up to 150 ppb As). Remarkably, As “hot spots” (As > 300 ppb, up to 431 ppb) were identified at the transition from gravel to silt–clay sediments. No industrial or agricultural source of As has been found.  相似文献   

The distribution of arsenic (As) in shallow groundwater of eastern Chancheng District in Foshan City as a function of season and water table was investigated, and the influence of hydrochemical factors on the As distribution was discussed. The groundwater samples were collected from 20 sites in dry season and 9 sites in wet season. As concentrations in 20% groundwater samples exceeded value of the WHO guideline (10 μg/L), and the highest As concentration of 23.5 μg/L occurred in dry season. It is observed that groundwater As concentration decreased with the increase of depth of water table in dry season, and were generally higher in wet season than that in dry season, indicating that ground surface As might be one of the main sources for shallow groundwater As in study area, especially in wet season. Groundwater As concentration in study area had significantly positive correlation with the concentration of Fe, Mn, NH4, F, and COD, and was positively correlated to pH, but negatively correlated to Eh and K, indicating that reductive dissolution of Fe and Mn (oxy)hydroxides might be one of the main control mechanisms for groundwater As mobilization, while pH and F also played an important role in controlling the groundwater As mobilization in study area.  相似文献   

Arsenic exists in a variety of chemical forms, and microbial metabolism results in the occurrence of thermodynamically unstable arsenite (AsIII) and methylarsenic compounds in freshwaters (rivers and lakes). The inorganic forms (AsV and AsIII) and the methylated forms (methylarsonic acid; MMAAV and dimethylarsinic acid; DMAAV) are the main species of As in freshwaters while the bulk of the total dissolved As is inorganic species. Although the predominant forms of methylarsenic compounds are consistently DMAAV followed by MMAAV, the DMAAIII and MMAAIII species have also been found in freshwaters. Several observations have revealed that phytoplankton activities are responsible for the seasonal variations of methylarsenic compounds in freshwaters. Although it was unclear if the occurrences of methylarsenic compounds were from the breakdown of larger molecules or the end-products of phytoplankton biosynthesis, recent studies have revealed that less toxic As–glutathione complexes are intermediates in the biosynthesis of organoarsenic compounds by phytoplankton. Recent studies have also revealed that eutrophication plays an important role in the production, distribution, and cycling of methylarsenic compounds in freshwaters. In this review, the recent reports on the influence of eutrophication on distribution, speciation, and bioaccumulation in freshwaters are discussed.  相似文献   

This thesis focuses Arsenic(As) distribution and occurrence in groundwater of Yangtze River Delta economic region, East China. 2019 groundwater samples were collected to analyze 26 chemical compositions, including As. The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) was used to find out As source in groundwater. The results show that average As concentration in groundwater of this study is 9.33 μg/l, and maximum As concentration is up to 510 μg/l. The variation coefficient is 314.34%. High arsenic phreatic water(10 μg/l) distributes along the Yangtze River and its estuary. Weak hydrodynamic conditions, wide p H value variation range and deteriorating environment are dominating factors, especially in Yangtze River Delta. The PCA suggests that arsenic in phreatic water is mainly of natural origin. Part of arsenic may directly originate from sediment organics and be related to organics decomposition.  相似文献   

At the western edge of the Basin and Range Province, the Owens Valley is the site of active seismicity and deformation. Morphometric analyses of three geomorphological features are used to determine the patterns and rates of neotectonic deformation: (l) a network of Pleistocene channels cut on top of the Bishop Tuff; (2) uplifted terraces of the Owens River; and (3) alluvial fans of the White Mountain front.In the Owens Valley, the three analyses are consistent with the same solution: net eastward tilt of the Owens Valley block at a rate of between 3.5 and 6.1°/Ma. Given the dip on the basement determined from geophysical data and extrapolating the rate of tilt in the Owens Valley back in time, it is inferred that the break-up of the Sierra Nevada and the northern Owens Valley occurred in the Pliocene, between around 2 and 4 Ma ago. The pattern of deformation in the northern Owens Valley matches anticlinal flexure on the Coyote warp, near the front of the Sierra Nevada, and faulting across the Volcanic Tableland is consistent with flexural extension. It is proposed that the Coyote warp is an expression of the tectonic hinge between westward rotation of the Sierra Nevada and eastward rotation of the Owens Valley since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Gypsum and anhydrite fabrics observed in trenches and deep (500 m) cores from Bristol Dry Lake, California, USA, exhibit a vertical alignment of crystals similar to the fabric seen in bottom-nucleated brine pond gypsum. However, geochemical and sedimentological evidence indicate that the gypsum formed in Bristol Dry Lake precipitated displacively within the sediment where groundwater saturated with respect to gypsum recharges around the playa margin (groundwater-seepage gypsum). Evidence for displacive growth of gypsum is: (i) the geometry of the deposit, (ii) stable isotopic data and the water chemistry of the brine, and (iii) inclusions of matrix which follow twin planes and completely surround crystals as they grow. The bulk of the gypsum precipitated in the playa occurs around the edges of the playa in the playamargin facies and completely rings the lake. Sulphate concentrations in the groundwater increase toward the gypsum zone in the playa margin. Basinward of this zone, sulphate concentrations decrease sharply to trace element levels in the basin centre brine. Authigenic gypsum is rare in the centre of the playa. Stable (δ18O values measured for gypsum waters of crystallization (GWC) are similar to the values calculated for groundwater in the playa margin and alluvial fan sediments (?– 6%0), whereas measured brine δ18O values range from + 0·5 to + 3·7%0. Deuterium values measured for groundwater are ?– 70%0, GWC are ?– 60 to – 65%0 and brine values are ?– 57%0. The geometry of the deposit and the chemical data suggest that the water precipitating the gypsum is more closely associated with the groundwater than the brine. However, some mixing between groundwater and brine is likely. Within 100 m of the surface, the gypsum dehydrates to anhydrite, although the same vertically aligned fabric is retained through the diagenetic process. The similarity of displacive vertically aligned gypsum and anhydrite fabrics seen in Bristol Dry Lake to subaqueously deposited gypsum in modern brine ponds indicates that the criteria used to define subaqueous fabrics must be better constrained.  相似文献   

Occurrences of arsenic (As) in the Bengal Basin of Bangladesh show close relationships with depositional environments and sediment textures. Hydrochemical data from three sites with varying physiography and sedimentation history show marked variations in redox status and dissolved As concentrations. Arsenic concentration in groundwater of the Ganges Flood Plain (GFP) is characteristically low, where high Mn concentrations indicate redox buffering by reduction of Mn(IV)-oxyhydroxides. Low DOC, \( {\text{HCO}}^{ - }_{3} \), \( {\text{NH}}^{ + }_{4} \) and high \( {\text{NO}}^{ - }_{3} \) and \( {\text{SO}}^{{2 - }}_{4} \) concentrations reflect an elevated redox status in GFP aquifers. In contrast, As concentration in the Ganges Delta Plain (GDP) is very high along with high Fe and low Mn. In the Meghna Flood Plain (MFP), moderate to high As and Fe concentrations and low Mn are detected. Degradation of organic matter probably drives redox reactions in the aquifers, particularly in MFP and GDP, thereby mobilising dissolved As. Speciation calculations indicate supersaturation with respect to siderite and vivianite in the groundwater samples at MFP and GDP, but groundwater in the GFP wells is generally supersaturated with respect to rhodochrosite. Values of log PCO2 at MFP and GDP sites are generally higher than at the GFP site. This is consistent with Mn(IV)-redox buffering suggested at the GFP site compared to Fe(III)-redox buffering at MFP and GDP sites.  相似文献   

The storage of low level radioactive waste in trenches overlying an unconfined groundwater flow system in sands has generated a contaminant plume (with chemical characteristics of dilute sanitary landfill leachate) containing 14C both as dissolved inorganic and organic C. In the groundwater, dissolved organic compounds account, on average, for 22% of the total C and 10% of the 14C. Approximately 300 m from the waste management site, the groundwater discharges to the surface in a wetland containing up to 3 m of peat and an extensive tree cover. Drainage from the wetland passes through a gauged stream. Radiocarbon input to the groundwater discharge area in 1991 was determined to be between 3.3 and 4.2 GBq, based on data from a line of sampling wells along the groundwater input boundary of the wetland, with control provided by water and tritium balance data. During the 1991 study year, only 1.5–2% of both the inorganic and organic 14C inputs left the wetland in surface water drainage. Vegetation growth in the wetland during the study year contained 8–10% of the released radiocarbon. If the rate of 14C accumulation in the peat has been constant, 7–9% of the annual radiocarbon input has been retained in the organic soil. Much of this soil accumulation can be attributed to litter from standing vegetation, making distribution coefficients an inappropriate model for 14C partitioning between groundwater and soil. The plant/soil 14C concentration ratio was 24 to 33, but application of a concentration ratio to describe the transfer of radiocarbon to plants is also believed to be inappropriate. This study indicates that over 80% of the groundwater radiocarbon is rapidly lost to the atmosphere when the groundwater comes to surface, and we infer that most of the 14C accumulation in vegetation occurs by CO2 transfer from the air to the plant.  相似文献   

Conventional hydrochemical techniques and statistical analyses were applied to better understand the solute geochemistry and the hydrochemical process of shallow groundwater in the Qinghai Lake catchment. Shallow groundwater in the Qinghai Lake catchment is slightly alkaline, and is characterized by a high ion concentrations and low water temperature. The total dissolved solids (TDS) in most of the samples are <1,000?mg/L, i.e. fresh water and depend mainly on the concentration of SO4 2?, Cl? and Na+. Groundwater table is influenced directly by the residents?? groundwater consumption. Most of the groundwaters in the Qinghai Lake catchment belong to the Ca2+(Na+) ?CHCO3 ? type, while the Qinghai Lake, part of the Buha (BHR) and the Lake Side (LS) samples belong to the Na+?CCl? type. The groundwater is oversaturated with respect to aragonite, calcite and dolomite, but not to magnesite and gypsum. Solutes are mainly derived from strong evaporite dissolution in Daotang, BHR and LS samples and from strong carbonate weathering in Hargai and Shaliu samples. Carbonate weathering is stronger than evaporite dissolution with weak silicate weathering in the Qinghai Lake catchment. Carbonate weathering, ion exchange reaction and precipitation are the major hydrogeochemical processes responsible for the solutes in the groundwater in the Qinghai Lake catchment. Most of the shallow groundwaters are suitable for drinking. More attention should be paid to the potential pollution of nitrate, chloride and sulfide in shallow groundwater in the future.  相似文献   

Bristol Dry Lake, a 155 km2 continental-sabkha playa basin in the Mojave Desert of south eastern California, is filled with at least 300 m of interbedded terrigenous clastics, gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. Evaporite facies conform approximately to a bull's eye pattern with gypsum and anhydrite surrounding a basin centre accumulation of halite. Transects through Bristol Dry Lake, from the alluvial fan to the centre of the playa, reveal: (1) crudely-bedded, alluvial fan clastics interfingering with (2) playa-margin sand flat and wadi sand and silt, followed by (3) gypsum, anhydrite, chaotic mud halite, and clay of the saline mud flat, and (4) salt-pan halite beds. Terrigenous clastics were deposited in Bristol Dry Lake by sheetflow and by suspension settling from ponded floodwater. Some sediment has been reworked by aeolian processes to form barchan dunes around the playa margin. Thin nodular-like beds of anhydrite and several types of gypsum occur across most of the playa. Giant hopper-shaped halite cubes are suspended in saline mud flat facies, suggesting that they grew displacively in brine soaked sediment just below the surface. Thick beds (4 m) of halite, in the playa centre, may have formed through a complex alternating history of subaqueous and intrasedimentary precipitation under the influence of periodic floods, intense evaporation and brine-level lowering, and capillary discharge of brines. The stratigraphy in the playa centre is cyclic. An ideal cycle consists of: (1) chaotic mud halite at the base overlain by (2) green to red clay with abundant, giant hoppers, and at the top (3) red clay, gypsum, and anhydrite with flaser- to wavy-bedded sand and silt. This type of cycle probably records a gradual progradation of mud-flat facies over salt pans. Bristol Dry Lake sediments are nearly identical to some of the Permian evaporites of the Permian Basin region, U.S.A. and they can serve as modern analogues for ancient-sabkha facies analysis.  相似文献   

在实地调查和采样分析的基础上,运用地质统计学方法,研究了丰沛地区浅层地下水氟含量的空间变异和分布特征。结果表明:丰沛地区62.75%的水样氟含量超过了国家饮用水标准,最大7.11mg/L,平均含量为1.51mg/L。其中39.22%的水样氟含量在1~2mg/L,3.92%的水样氟含量超过4mg/L。丰沛地区浅层地下水氟含量在一定范围内存在空间自相关性,具有明显的各向异性特征。在空间分布上,氟含量总体呈现西北、东南高和东北低的特征,氟含量大于1.00mg/L的面积约占整个研究区域的87.21%,大于2.20mg/L的面积约占12.12%。丰沛地区浅层地下水氟含量超过1.00mg/L的最大概率0.953,其中概率达到0.85以上的为高风险区域,面积297.18km2,占整个研究区的10.81%,主要分布在丰沛地区的西北部和东南部。  相似文献   

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