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The manganese carbonate deposits of the anoxic Littorina sediments of the Gotland Deep have been commonly related to the periodic renewal of deep water by inflowing saline water from the North Sea. The use of scanning electron microscopy-based techniques allows identification of small-scale sedimentary and geochemical features associated with Mn-carbonate laminae, which has significant implications for models of Mn-carbonate formation. Varves occurring in the Littorina sequence contain up to four laminae that may be placed in a seasonal cycle, and kutnahorite laminae occur within varves only as a winter-early spring deposit. This kutnahorite laminae seasonality is in agreement with the seasonal distribution of major Baltic inflow events recorded in historical records, and a direct causal link between inflows and kutnahorite deposition is implied. Benthic foraminifera tests are found to be heavily encrusted in kutnahorite, implying that benthic recolonization during oxidation events occurs concurrently with kutnahorite formation. The relatively common occurrence of small (50 to 100 μm) hexagonal γ-Mn-sulfide pseudomorphs, associated with 13% of kutnahorite laminae studied, is reported in Gotland Deep sediments for the first time. Although Mn-sulfide crystals are not usually preserved in the sediment, the discovery of Mn-sulfide pseudomorphs suggests that initial formation of Mn-sulfide in the Gotland Deep may occur much more commonly during the process of kutnahorite formation than previous reports of Mn-sulfide occurrence have implied.  相似文献   

A simple, reliable, and high-performance method has been proposed for direct determination of the isotopic composition of authigenic uranium in silica lacustrine sediments. The method is based on studying the kinetics of the selective extraction of authigenic uranium from sediments with weak solutions of ammonium hydrocarbonate followed by the ICP-MS analysis of the nuclides. To estimate the contamination of authigenic uranium by terrigenous one, the contents of 232Th and some other clastogenic elements in the extracts were measured simultaneously. The selectivity of extraction of authigenic uranium from the sediments treated with a 1% NH4HCO3 solution appeared to be no worse than 99%. The method was used to analyze the isotopic composition of authigenic uranium at several key horizons of a core dated before. The measurements directly prove that the 234U/238U values in Baikal water varied depending on climate, which contradicts the previous statements. The measured 234U/238U ratios in paleo-Baikal water match the values reconstructed from isotopic data for total uranium in the sediments on the supposition that the U/Th ratio is constant in the terrigenous part of the sediment. Direct experimental determination of total and authigenic nuclides in sediments enhances the potentiality of the method for absolute 234U-230Th dating of carbonate-barren lacustrine sediments, including those from Lake Baikal, within the intervals corresponding to the periods of glaciation, where the sediments contain a large fraction of terrigenous component. Given the fractions of terrigenous and authigenic uranium are accurately determined, we have an opportunity to study the variability of the sources of terrigenous matter and to refine the previous model for reconstructing the climate humidity in East Siberia.  相似文献   

We used positive thermal ionization mass spectrometry (PTIMS) to generate high precision δ11B records in Porites corals of the mid-late Holocene from the South China Sea (SCS). The δ11B values of the Holocene corals vary significantly, ranging from 22.2‰ to 25.5‰. The paleo-pH records of the SCS, reconstructed from the δ11B data, were not stable as previously thought but show a gradual increase from the Holocene thermal optimal and a sharp decrease to modern values. The latter is likely caused by the large amount of anthropogenic CO2 emissions since the Industrial Revolution but variations of atmospheric pCO2 cannot explain the pH change of the SCS before the Industrial Revolution. We suggest that variations of monsoon intensity during the mid-late Holocene may have driven the sea surface pH increase from the mid to late Holocene. Results of this study indicate that the impact of anthropogenic atmospheric CO2 emissions may have reversed the natural pH trend in the SCS since the mid-Holocene. Such ocean pH records in the current interglacial period can help us better understand the physical and biological controls on ocean pH and possibly predict the long-term impact of climate change on future ocean acidification.  相似文献   

The carbon (δ13 C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic composistion in mollusc shells in mainly determined by the isotopic composition of water and dissolved bicarbonate. The δ18O values of water show a good correlation with the salinity of the Baltic. This correlation served as a basis for reconstructing palaeosalinity and for stratifying the marine sediments according to the δ18O values of the carbonate skeletons of subfossil shells. The δ13C values in shells are mainly determined by the isotopic composition of land-originating bicarbonate, especially in the carbonate skeleton of Lymnaea balthica , which inhabits the immediate coastal zone. According to the δ18O data, salinity in the investigated area (the coastal area of W and NW Estonia) was highest (about 9–11%) during the Littorina stage. The Limnae a stage had, in general, a salinity similar to the contemporary one, but during some phases possibly exceeding it by 2–3%.  相似文献   

One of the most discussed stages in the history of the Baltic Sea is the Ancylus Lake phase. This paper presents detailed information from the Darss Sill threshold area as well as the adjacent basins, i.e. the Mecklenburg Bay and Arkona Basin located in the southwesternmost Baltic. The threshold area was transgressed at the Baltic Ice Lake maximum phase and during the following regression about 10.3 ka BP a river valley was incised in the Darss Sill to a level of 23-24 m below present sea level (b.s.l.). Preboreal sediments in the study area show lowstand basin deposition in the Arkona Basin and the existence of a local lake in Mecklenburg Bay. The lowstand system is followed by the Ancylus Lake transgression that reached a maximum level of 19 m b.s.l. Thus, at the maximum level the water depth was about 5 m over the threshold, and the shore level fall during the Ancylus Lake regression must be in the same range. The Darss Sill area is the key area for drainage of the Ancylus Lake, and if the previously suggested regression of 8-10 m in southeastern Sweden is to be achieved, isostatic rebound must also play a role. The existence of the so-called Dana River in the Darss Sill area cannot be supported by our investigations. We observed no signs of progressive erosion of the Darss Sill area in the Early Holocene, and there are no prograding systems in Mecklenburg Bay that can be related to the Ancylus Lake regression. On the contrary, local lakes developed in Mecklenburg Bay and in the Darss Sill threshold area. In the Darss Sill area, marl was deposited in a lake in the valley that developed after the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. Studies of diatoms and macrofossils, combined with seismic interpretation and radiocarbon dating, provide detailed information about the chronology and the relative shore level of these lake phases as well as about environmental conditions in the lakes.  相似文献   

Origin of authigenic carbonates in sediment from the deep Bering Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty beds of authigenic carbonate were identified from the deep Bering Sea in cores taken on Leg 19 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Carbonate minerals were mainly high-magnesium calcite and protodolomite, less commonly siderite, rhodo-chrosite, low-magnesium calcite, and manganosiderite. Authigenic carbonates cement and replace diatom ooze, ash and bentonite beds, and, less commonly, clastic beds. Replacement zones are as much as 60 cm thick. Eighty-five per cent of carbonate beds occurred below 400 m sub-bottom depth and 70% in sediment older than 4 m.y. δ13C values averaged -17.200/00 PDB and δ18O ranged from 18.59 to 34–110/00SMOW. The carbon was derived from oxidation of organic matter under anaerobic conditions during bacterial reduction of sulphate, or from CO2 produced in concert with CH4 during degradation of organic matter. The cations (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn) were derived from alteration of ash beds. In Bering Sea deposits, ash beds altered to smectite within about 3–5 m.y. Carbonate precipitated simultaneously at different stratigraphic levels within the 627–1057 m sections at temperatures of 7–85°C. No apparent calcite precursor of biogenic origin was found for these authigenic carbonates.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological analyses of cores along a transect from Femer Belt to the Arkona Basin reveal that North Sea waters began to enter the western Baltic Sea between 8600 and 8400 calibrated years BP. Studies of diatoms indicate that Mecklenburg Bay was characterised by slightly brackish-water conditions between 8400 and 8000 cal. years BP. At around 8000 cal. years BP increasing salinity is indicated by a strong dominance of the diatoms Paralia sulcata and Dimeregramma minor. Some centuries later another diatom assemblage appeared and became dominant in Mecklenburg Bay. This assemblage includes Hyalinella lateripunctata and Pravifusus hyalinus species typical of shallow water areas along the Atlantic coast today. At this time the first marine molluscs made their appearance. The oldest shell of a marine mollusc found in our material is dated to 7600 cal. years BP. The associated assemblage that includes adult specimens of the gastropod Aporrhais pespelicani indicates higher salinities than today.During the Littorina Sea stage a marine diatom flora with P. sulcata, Catenula adhaerens and D. minor crossed the Darss Sill and became widely distributed in the Arkona Basin, Pomeranian Bay and the Baltic Sea proper. In contrast, taxa indicative of the Hyalinella lateripunctata/P. hyalinus assemblage are only found west of the Darss Sill in Femer Belt and Mecklenburg Bay. Apparently, the Darss Sill threshold has been acting as an important salinity border from around 7800 cal. years BP until today.  相似文献   

南海台西南区是中国南海中天然气水合物赋存的最有利场所。研究表明,该区的碳酸盐岩主要以结壳、烟囱的形式出现,结壳的裂隙或孔洞中常常充填有淡黄-白色的文石晶体。碳酸盐岩中自生碳酸盐矿物主要为文石、高镁方解石,少量白云石、铁白云石和菱铁矿。扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析表明,文石主要呈针状、长柱状、放射束状,高镁方解石呈颗粒状。碳酸盐岩的碳同位素δ13C值主要在-56·878‰~-32·829‰PDB之间,大多数小于-40‰PDB,显示了生物甲烷成因碳源的特征;氧同位素δ18O值在2·1875‰~5·045‰PDB之间,主要在4‰PDB以上,这种较重的氧同位素比值表明,天然气水合物分解产生的富18O水体可能是碳酸盐岩沉淀的流体源。矿物学和碳氧稳定同位素研究表明,南海台西南区的碳酸盐岩为细菌性甲烷成因碳酸盐岩,可能与天然气水合物有关,显示了该区水合物存在的可能性很大。  相似文献   

南海珊瑚礁硼同位素组成及其环境意义   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
刘卫国  肖应凯 《地球化学》1999,28(6):534-541
采用正热电离质谱方法测定了中国南海诸岛7000a以来的珊瑚礁的硼同位素的硼含量。讨论了珊瑚礁中硼同位素 硼含量,P不管不顾忻代等参数的关系。结果表明,所测定的珊瑚礁硼同位素组成变化范围为22.7 ̄24.8‰,并且与珊瑚 硼含量呈正相关关系。根据硼同位素与海水PH值的关系计算出过去7000a南海泊PH值变化8.10 ̄8.41。初步探讨了硼同位素组成与南海海平面变化的关系。  相似文献   

Numerous previous studies indicate that several different authigenic aluminosilicates form in the oceans. In this study we show, using dissolved Al distributions in sediments and waters from the nearshore regions of the East China Sea, that the process of aluminosilicate formation probably begins rapidly upon contact of detrital clays with seawater. Statistical analyses of dissolved Al-Si-H+ relations in surface sediments indicate that the minerals forming in East China Sea sediments low in dissolved Fe are dioctahedral chlorites with an average composition EX0.91Mg0.77Al5.0Si2.7O10(OH)8 (where EX = exchangeable + 1 cation). This composition is also consistent with dissolved Al and Si measurements as a function of salinity in turbid overlying waters. Results suggest a dissolution—reprecipitation mechanism for clay mineral reconstitution. This mechanism can help to explain why different authigenic clays are found in different areas of the oceans. In the East China Sea the total amount of authigenic clays present must constitute a very minor fraction of the bottom sediments. Thus, the formation of these minerals has a relatively small impact upon dissolved Si distributions. Clay mineral reconstitution in nearshore regions may provide a mechanism for buffering sediments and overlying waters with respect to pH, as the composition of minerals formed should be a direct function of the H+ activity in the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

成岩过程中碳酸盐-二氧化碳平衡体系的热力学模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
碳酸盐矿物的溶解与沉淀在沉积岩成岩作用中具有非常重要的意义,在与之有关的地层流体中,CO_2组分受到了广泛关注.本文选取CaCO_3(方解石)-H_2O-CO_2与CaMg(CO_3)2(白云石)-H_2O-CO_2体系作为研究对象,利用热力学方法在假设体系达到平衡的前提下对100~7000m深度范围的温度压力条件下的CaCO_3-H_2O-CO_2与CaMg(CO_3)2-H_2O-CO_2体系中各组分的平衡浓度([H~+]、[Ca~(2+)]、[Mg~(2+)]……)进行了数值模拟,并对不同埋藏深度的温度压力下方解石、白云石的溶解与沉淀,流体对CO_2的吸收与释放,pH变化等相关地质过程进行了讨论.研究表明:随埋深增加,体系的pH值越来越趋于酸性,但碳酸盐并没有持续溶解,而是呈先溶解后沉淀的趋势.对比CaCO_3-H_2O-CO_2体系中碳酸盐的溶解量和沉淀量,可将小于700m的深度范围定义为碳酸盐溶解带,700~2500m的深度范围定义为补偿带,大于2500m的深度范围定义为沉淀带.对比两个体系的固体相体积变化发现,含CO_2的溶蚀性流体虽然不能在白云岩地层中溶出较灰岩地层更多的阳离子,但会产生更高的孔隙度.  相似文献   

The paper presents new data on geology of the Curonian Spit based on results of the study of data on the engineering-geological transect compiled during the construction of gas pipe in the Russian sector of the spit. The data show that, along with eolian sand, peat deposits recovered in both its Russian and Lithuanian sectors make up a significant portion of the spit (data on the Lithuanian sector are adopted from the available literature). Based on new data, existing concepts on geology, paleogeography, geoecology, and stability of the Curonian Spit are discussed and refined.  相似文献   

Filtration-capacity properties of terrigenous reservoir rocks significantly depend on catagenetic transformations of clay minerals. Results of our research revealed the authigenic nature and formation stages of kaolinite and chlorite. The volume and shape of pore space define the morphology of clay particles. Depending on the pore volume, kaolinite crystallizes either as thick tabular aggregates or as fan-shaped intergrowths. The formation of authigenic clays in pores of terrigenous reservoirs decreases filtration-capacity properties of rocks with low permeability and, conversely, increases filtration-capacity properties of rocks with high primary permeability and large pore volume.  相似文献   

Deltaic environments are commonly assumed to be relatively minor sites of biogenic silica burial because of the small quantities of opaline silica detected by most operational analytical techniques. Rapid conversion of biogenic silica into authigenic silicates is also often discounted as a significant control on oceanic silica budgets. A variety of evidence for extensive early diagenetic alteration of biogenic silica in rapidly accumulating Amazon delta sediments indicates that both of these general assumptions are unjustified. Apparent lack of significant biogenic silica storage in deltaic environments, particularly in the tropics, may be largely an artifact of operational definitions that do not include early diagenetic products of biogenic silica. Biogenic silica particles buried in suboxic Amazon delta deposits can be unaltered, partially dissolved, covered with aluminosilicate or metal-rich coatings, or completely reconstituted into authigenic K-Fe-rich aluminosilicate minerals. Pore water (K, Mg, F, Si) and solid-phase distributions, direct observations of particles, laboratory experiments, and depositional context indicate that authigenic clays form rapidly (<1 yr) in the seasonally reworked surface layer (∼ 0.5-2 m) of the delta topset and are disseminated during sediment remobilization. Fe, Al-oxide rich debris derived from the tropical drainage basin is an abundant reactant, and thus the supply of biogenic silica is a major control on the amount of clay formed.The mild 1% Na2CO3 alkaline leach procedure commonly used to estimate biogenic silica was modified to include an initial mild leach step with 0.1N HCl to remove metal oxide coatings and to activate poorly crystalline authigenic phases for alkaline dissolution. Well-crystallized clays are not significantly affected by this modification nor is bulk Amazon River bed sediment. The two-step procedure indicates that ∼90% of the biogenic silica originally present in deposits is converted to clay or otherwise altered, raising the effective quantity of biogenic silica stored from ∼33 to ∼296 μmol Si g−1 (∼1.8% SiO2). Biogenic Si stored in the delta increases away from the river mouth, across shelf and along the dispersal system where primary production is highest. The K/Si ratio of labile authigenic material is ∼0.19 mol mol−1, far higher than Amazon River suspended matter (∼0.07 mol mol−1). Diagenetic models indicate formation rates in the mobile sediment layer of ∼2.8 μmol K g−1 yr−1 (∼16 μmol Si g−1 yr−1). Inclusion of authigenic alteration products of biogenic silica in estimates of reactive Si burial increases the deltaic storage of riverine Si to ∼22% of the Amazon River input. The rapid formation of aluminosilicates from biogenic SiO2, seawater solutes, and remobilized Fe, Al-oxides represents a form of reverse weathering. Rapid reverse weathering reactions in tropical muds and deltaic deposits, the largest sediment depocenters on Earth, confirms the general importance of these processes in oceanic elemental cycles.  相似文献   

Thousands of cubic kilometers of dominantly intermediate composition, metaluminous magma erupted at approximately 35 Ma in eastern Nevada. Two stages of crustal contamination are inferred from detailed study of the earliest vocanic rocks. Fine-grained mafic rocks and rocks with mixed textures, ranging from basalt to rhyolite, were contaminated with a crustal component rich in Nd but poor in Sr. Overlying plagioclaserich andesites and dacites have greater Sr and 87Sr/86Sr, but less Nd and lower Nd and are interpreted to have been contaminated by a crustal component with the opposite elemental signature (i.e., poor in Nd but rich in Sr). The first contaminant represents a partial melt of the crust with plagioclase as a residual phase and the second contaminant is the residue of the partial melting event, or bulk crust. The net effect is bulk crustal assimilation, but in two bites. The separation of the crustal souree into two elementally distinct contaminants causes divergent trends with respect to the variation of 87Sr/ 86Sr versus Nd that could be misinterpreted to indicate the existence of isotopically distinct crustal reservoirs. Comparison of the calculated contaminants to melting relationships in pelites is consistent with the two contammants representing melt and residue at about 30% melting. The model age of the bulk crust is approximately 2.2 Ga, consistent with an early Proterozoic crustal province inferred by other workers.  相似文献   

日本海南部郁陵海盆的UB-2孔沉积物硅藻记录,反映了11000—28000aBP该区古海洋和古气候的变化。对比日本海和格陵兰冰芯(GRIP)δ18O数据,UB-2孔硅藻暖水种比率及淡水—海滨种含量变化清楚地记录了氧同位素3期(MIS3)、末次盛冰期(LGM)、波令—阿勒罗德暖期(B/A)以及新仙女木冷事件(YD)等古气候事件。淡水—海滨种硅藻含量在末次盛冰期阶段明显升高及暖水种数量的显著减少,表明此时日本海为低温、低盐的古海洋环境,这可归因于气候变冷、海平面下降造成的日本海当时相对封闭的海洋环境。自15200aBP起,Paraliasulcata含量逐渐上升,这可能与海平面上升引起的古环境变化有关,可以作为对马海峡开启的标志。全球气候变化引起的海平面变化是该区域古气候变化的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(1):95-104
X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and O-isotope geochemistry have been used to investigate the origin and possible controls on polymorphic transformation of kaolin minerals filling veins in Cretaceous shales from the Gibraltar Strait area (southern Spain).The mineralogy of the enclosing shales indicates that kaolin minerals formed from smectite dissolution, a process that silmultaneously originated I/S mixed-layers and quartz. Kaolinite and dickite δ18O values suggest that an increase in the water isotopic composition, from Cretaceous sea water values (−1%) to values of about 3%, occurred parallel to smectite dissolution, the intensity of this process being the main factor controlling the isotopic composition of kaolin minerals. The minimum formation temperature ranges from 62°C for kaolinite to 86–96°C for dickite, indicating that the depth of burial was the main control on polymorph formation. This temperature range agrees with that deduced for illite/smectite ordering. The passage from kaolinite- to dickite-rich veins was accompanied, as deduced from SEM examination, by a morphologic evolution characterized by the division of large vermiculae, dominant in kaolinite samples, and the formation of short stacks and platy crystals, which are predominant in dickite. The mechanism of dickite formation, however, remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Early diagenesis affects the distribution of solutes and minerals in unconsolidated sediments. The investigation of diagenesis is critical to understanding the geochemical transformation and benthic fluxes of elements. During the cruise mission SO-177 in 2004, gravity coring samples were recovered in the Haiyang 4 Area of the northern slope of the South China Sea (SCS). The geochemical concentrations in interstitial water were determined onboard. The 1D C.CANDI reactive transport software was used to model the early diagenesis processes at four sites: 56-GC-3, 70-GC-9, 94-GC-11, and 118-GC-13. All of the simulations reproduced concentration profiles that matched the measurements with the implemented geochemical reactions. The degradation of organic carbon and anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) primarily determine the distribution of solutes in the working area. The degradation is active in the top 150 cm, and AOM is vigorous at depths below 200 cm. The local advective flux, sediment rate, and kinetic reaction constants of organic matter, methane and sulfate were calibrated based on the existing concentrations of pore water solutes. Geochemical reactions in this area occur in considerably deeper layers compared to depths cited in the literature. The model results provide evidence for the existence of deep hydrocarbon reservoirs that provide methane to the upper sediments.  相似文献   

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