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Groundwater recharge was investigated in the most extensive sand and gravel aquifer (area of approximately 200 km2) in the Republic of Ireland as part of a wider study seeking to derive recharge estimates using aquifer vulnerability mapping. The proportion of effective rainfall (total rainfall minus actual evapotranspiration) that leads to recharge is known as the recharge coefficient. The recharge investigation involved a variety of approaches, including soil moisture budgeting, well hydrograph analysis, numerical modelling and a catchment water balance. The adoption of multiple techniques provided insights on recharge and also on aquifer properties. Comparison of two soil moisture budgeting approaches (FAO Penman-Monteith with Penman-Grindley) showed how variations in the effective rainfall values from these methods influence groundwater levels simulated in a numerical groundwater model. The catchment water balance estimated the recharge coefficient to be between 81 and 85%, which is considered a reasonable range for this aquifer, where overland flow is rarely observed. The well hydrograph analysis, using a previous estimate of specific yield (0.13), gave recharge coefficients in the range of 40–80%, considered low for this aquifer: a revised specific yield of 0.19 resulted in a more reasonable range of recharge coefficients of between 70 and 100%.  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficients of aquo metal ions (Mz+) and their EDTA complexes (M-EDTA(z−4)+) were compared to understand the effect of EDTA complexation on the diffusion of metal ions by the diffusion cell method for Co2+, Ga3+, Rb+, Sr2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Cs+, Th4+, , and trivalent lanthanides. Most studies about ionic diffusion in water have dealt with free ion (hydrated ion). In many cases, however, polyvalent ions are dissolved as complexed species in natural waters. Hence, we need to study the diffusion behavior of complexes in order to understand the diffusion phenomenon in natural aquifer and to measure speciation by diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT), which requires the diffusion coefficients of the species examined. For many ions, the diffusion coefficients of M-EDTA(z−4)+ are smaller than those of hydrated ions, but the diffusion coefficients of M-EDTA(z−4)+ are larger than those of hydrated ions for ions with high ionic potentials (Ga3+ and Th4+). As a result, the diffusion coefficients of EDTA complexes are similar among various metal ions. In other words, the diffusion of each ion loses its characteristics by the complexation with EDTA. Although the difference is subtle, it was also found that the diffusion coefficients of EDTA complexes increase as the ionic potential increases, which can be explained by the size of the EDTA complex of each metal ion.  相似文献   

采用悬挂式防渗墙的坝基砂砾石土中可能发生潜蚀(suffusion)侵蚀而流失细颗粒,导致土体的强度和变形模量降低,从而对坝基防渗墙及上部坝体造成不利影响。定量描述细颗粒流失量对砂砾石土应力-应变关系影响的模型是定量评估这种影响的基础之一。提出了研究这种本构模型的试验方案,进行了三轴和侧限压缩试验研究了颗粒流失量对应力-应变关系的影响。颗粒流失未改变土体的应力-应变特性,但降低了土体的强度和变形模量。通过建立模型参数与流失量的关系,可以用同一个本构模型描述流失量时空变化的砂砾石土本构关系。基于邓肯E-B模型,建立了模型参数与颗粒流失量之间的定量关系表达式,从而实现了颗粒流失对应力-应变关系影响的定量描述方法。  相似文献   

重金属离子在胡敏酸-高岭石复合体上的吸附   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了胡敏酸存在下高岭石对重金属离子的吸附行为。实验结果表明:①胡敏酸和Cu2 溶液按先后顺序或同时加入高岭石中反应,在Cu2 平衡浓度<10mg/L时,3种加入顺序对Cu2 的吸附量基本相同,当Cu2 平衡浓度>10mg/L时,(K Cu) HA和(K Cu HA)两种加入顺序对Cu2 的吸附量比(K HA) Cu的略大。②在pH=5时,胡敏酸-高岭石复合体对Cu2 的吸附量明显大于纯高岭石。这是由于胡敏酸含有大量的羧基和酚羟基等活性基团,吸附在高岭石上的胡敏酸增加了其表面吸附位,在复合体表面形成了S—HA—Cu三元配合物,且Cu2 的吸附量与复合体中胡敏酸的含量在一定范围内成正相关;③溶液pH值在4~7之间变化可调控复合体对Cu2 的吸附机制。④在Cu2 和Cd2 共存时,随着金属离子初始浓度的增大,Cu2 的吸附量呈直线上升,而Cd2 的吸附量增加缓慢,表明复合体对Cu2 的吸附能力比对Cd2 强。  相似文献   

Mixed sand and gravel beaches have been the subject of comparatively few studies in the UK. This paper describes the sediment distribution before, during and after a programme of beach nourishment along a section of mixed sand and gravel beach forming part of the Pevensey Bay Coastal Defences, in East Sussex, UK. The beach was recharged in September 2002, and beach profiles were measured along three cross-shore transects from August 2002 to February 2003. Sediment samples were taken along the transects between August and November 2002, and a total of 147 sediment samples were analysed, 40 before nourishment and 107 after nourishment. The majority of the sediment samples were strongly bimodal, with mean sizes varying between a minimum of 0.18 mm (2.48 ?) for the sand fraction and a maximum of 27 mm (− 4.74 ?) for the gravel. The recharge material was also bimodal but contained more fine sediment than the natural beach material, particularly on the upper beach. The recharge sediment had grain sizes and sorting similar to some of the natural material but lower bimodality parameters than any of the natural sediment. The sediment distributions after recharge contained significantly more fine sediment, particularly on the upper beach. Over time, the beach profile lowered and fine sediment appeared to be selectively transported seawards from the beachface.  相似文献   

Luo  Yulong  Huang  Yi 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(9):2649-2664
Acta Geotechnica - Some accidents of dams are attributed to suffusion around open-framework gravel (OFG) in sandy gravel alluvium. However, whether OFG can be really an internal seepage exit of...  相似文献   

Primary sand and gravel deposits in Britain play an important role in preserving our cultural heritage and are also a valuable aggregate resource. While an understanding of the extrinsic properties of the soil archive (such as pH, redox, groundwater) can provide a firstorder assessment of the potential risk to any archaeologically sensitive deposits, we have very poor definition of spatial variations in the extrinsic properties of soil that influence archaeological preservation at a regional and national scale. Developments in digital geological mapping, remote sensing, and geochemical survey data undertaken by the British Geological Survey (BGS) have, however, significantly extended capabilities in this respect and can potentially be used to provide a primary assessment of the sensitivity of the present soil archive and the potential risk from changes to the soil process on cultural material in areas earmarked for aggregate extraction. Two of the major factors affecting archaeological preservation—soil acidification and groundwater—can be mapped or predicted at scales of better than 1:50,000 across increasingly large parts of the country using a combination of regional hydrogeological, geophysical, and geochemical data. Additional data from site investigations may further refine preservation potential as a function of changes in redox potential and acidity. These data, maps and models can be used to (1) better establish a baseline for archaeological preservation at a regional and national scale and (2) improve our understanding of how the physical and chemical properties of the near surface environment can be managed to sustainably preserve archaeological materials in areas impacted by sand and gravel extraction. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research describes the goals, design and implementation of a quasi natural gradient, laboratory scale, sand tank (aquifer) model experiment. The model was used to study the transport of an inorganic tracer (Chloride) in groundwater, within a tropical aquifer (porous medium) material. Three-dimensional sand tank (1.8 m × 0.3 m × 0.8 m) experiments were conducted to investigate contaminant transport and natural attenuation within the sand tank. In all, 360 samples were collected during 24 sampling sessions, for the three days of the tracer experiments in the Sand Tank. The Owena sand is a poorly graded sand with 88.1 % sand and 11.9 % gravel. Geotechnical properties including; coefficient of uniformity Cu = 2.53, coefficient of gradation Cz = 0.181, hydraulic conductivity K = 5.76 × 10?4 m/s, bulk density p = 1.9 Mg/m3, effective porosity ne = 0.215 and median grain diameter D50 = 0.55 mm, were determined. Other relevant hydraulic and solute transport parameters, such as dispersion coefficients and dispersivities were also established for the tropical soil.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical techniques including cluster analysis and principal components analysis were applied on 22 variables consisted of 3 physicochemical parameters, 8 major ions and 11 trace elements. Samples were collected from the south Rhodope multilayered coastal aquifer in north Greece which is facing saltwater intrusion and anthropogenic contamination over the last 35 years. Cluster analysis grouped the variables into five main groups while principal components analysis revealed four distinct hydrochemical processes in the aquifer system, explaining 84.5 % of the total variance between the variables. The identified processes correspond to, saltwater intrusion and subsequent reverse cation exchange, the presence of deep connate groundwater masses, application of fertilizers in shallow wells and anthropogenic contamination with heavy metals nearby an improperly constructed landfill. The wells categorized with the above techniques were grouped and five constituent ratios Na/Cl, (Mg + Ca)/Cl, Ca/(HCO3 + SO4), Ca/SO4 and Ca/Mg were utilized to identify the ones which enable the more accurate distinction between the group cases. The results of stepwise discriminant analysis showed that the calculated classification function can distinguish almost 80 % of groundwater samples with the Na/Cl ratio being the most statistically significant grouping variable. All the aforementioned statistical models managed to successfully identify numerous hydrochemical processes in a complex multilayered aquifer system and to explicitly attribute them for every investigated well, allowing a deeper insight into groundwater chemical characteristics with the use of an optimized smaller number of variables.  相似文献   

N. LANCASTER 《Sedimentology》1985,32(4):581-593
The magnitudes of increases in wind velocity, or speed-up factors, have been measured on the windward flanks of transverse and linear dunes of varying height. On transverse dunes, velocity speed-up varied with dune shape and height. For linear dunes, speed-up factors varied principally with wind direction relative to the dune, with dune shape and dune height. The main effect of velocity speed-up on the windward flanks of dunes is to increase potential sand transport rates considerably in crestal areas. This is greatest for large dunes, with winds of moderate velocity blowing at a large angle to the dune. Changing ratios of base to crest sand-transport rates on transverse dunes tend to reduce dune steepness as overall wind velocities increase. On linear dunes, the tendency for crestal lowering is counteracted by deposition in this area when winds reverse in a bi-directional wind regime.  相似文献   


We examined the chemical reactions influencing dissolved concentrations, speciation, and transport of naturally occurring arsenic (As) in a shallow, sand and gravel aquifer with distinct geochemical zones resulting from land disposal of dilute sewage effluent. The principal geochemical zones were: (1) the uncontaminated zone above the sewage plume [350 μM dissolved oxygen (DO), pH 5.9]; (2) the suboxic zone (5 μM DO, pH 6.2, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate and nitrate); and (3) the anoxic zone [dissolved iron(II) 100–300 μM, pH 6.5–6.9, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate]. Sediments are comprised of greater than 90% quartz but the surfaces of quartz and other mineral grains are coated with nanometer-size iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) oxides and/or silicates, which control the adsorption properties of the sediments. Uncontaminated groundwater with added phosphate (620 μM) was pumped into the uncontaminated zone while samples were collected 0.3 m above the injection point. Concentrations of As(V) increased from below detection (0.005 μM) to a maximum of 0.07 μM during breakthrough of phosphate at the sampling port; As(III) concentrations remained below detection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that naturally occurring As(V) adsorbed to constituents of the coatings on grain surfaces was desorbed by phosphate in the injected groundwater. Also consistent with this hypothesis, vertical profiles of groundwater chemistry measured prior to the tracer test showed that dissolved As(V) concentrations increased along with dissolved phosphate from below detection in the uncontaminated zone to approximately 0.07 and 70 μM, respectively, in the suboxic zone. Concentrations of As(III) were below detection in both zones. The anoxic zone had approximately 0.07 μM As(V) but also had As(III) concentrations of 0.07–0.14 μM, suggesting that release of As bound to sediment grains occurred by desorption by phosphate, reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, and reduction of As(V) to As(III), which adsorbs only weakly to the Fe-oxide-depleted material in the coatings. Results of reductive extractions of the sediments suggest that As associated with the coatings was relatively uniformly distributed at approximately 1 nmol/g of sediment (equivalent to 0.075 ppm As) and comprised 20%-50% of the total As in the sediments, determined from oxidative extractions. Quartz sand aquifers provide high-quality drinking water but can become contaminated when naturally occurring arsenic bound to Fe and Al oxides or silicates on sediment surfaces is released by desorption and dissolution of Fe oxides in response to changing chemical conditions.


《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(2):261-274
Very low concentrations of total S, mainly sedimentary sulphides, were quantitatively extracted from Quaternary sands of the Elbe Basin, using HNO3, Br2 and HCl, to distinguish 3 aquifer zones:
  • •an upper aerobic section, containing low concentrations (only a few ppm) of non-sulphidic S compounds,
  • •the central and lower part of the aquifer, dominated by 34S-depleted sedimentary Fe sulphides, formed by reduction of infiltrating SO4, derived from groundwater recharge, and
  • •the lowest 5–10 m of the aquifer, containing high concentrations of 34S-enriched sulphides.
The latter originated from dissolved Zechstein SO4, which was reduced during upwelling through the organic-rich Tertiary aquiclude. H2S and HS reacted and precipitated with Fe and other metal ions shortly after migration into the Corg-poor Quaternary aquifer. The sulphides yield valuable information concerning the ascent of confined saline solutions from isolated Zechstein evaporites inside the “Mühlberger Graben”, which is covered by Cenozoic sediments and whose extension and boundaries are therefore not well defined. Only a few locations, close to faults and geological windows, show deep-water admixture sufficiently strong to cause visible changes in hydrochemistry and isotopic ratios of SO4 and DIC directly above the base of the Quaternary. Sulphides showing different origins may possibly be used in other areas to provide information concerning underlying geology and hydrodynamics.  相似文献   

The rate of Cd2+ sorption by a calcareous aquifer sand was characterized by two reaction steps, with the first step reaching completion in 24 hours. The second step proceeded at a slow and nearly constant rate for at least seven days. The first step includes a fast adsorption reaction which is followed by diffusive transport into either a disordered surface film of hydrated calcium carbonate or into pore spaces. After 24 hours the rate of Cd2+ sorption was constant and controlled by the rate of surface coprecipitation, as a solid solution of CdCO3 in CaCO3 formed in recrystallizing material. Desorption of Cd2+ from the sand was slow. Clean grains of primary minerals, e.g. quartz and aluminosilicates. sorbed much less Cd2+ than grains which had surface patches of secondary minerals, e.g. carbonates, iron and manganese oxides. Calcite grains sorbed the greatest amount of Cd2+ on a weight-normalized basis despite the greater abundance of quartz. A method is illustrated for determining empirical binding constants for trace metals at in situ pH values without introducing the experimental problem of supersaturation. The binding constants are useful for solute transport models which include a computation of aqueous speciation.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were carried out with respect to the vertical distributions of wind-blown sand flux and the processes of aeolian erosion and deposition under different wind velocities and sand supplies above beds with different gravel coverage. Preliminary results revealed that the vertical distribution of wind-blown sand flux was a way to determine whether the gobi sand stream was the saturated one or not. It had different significances to indicate characteristics of transport and deposition above gobi beds. Whether bed processes are of aeolian erosion or deposition was determined by the sand stream near the surface, especially within 0–6 cm height, while the sand transport was mainly influenced by the sand stream in the saltating layer above the height of 6 cm. The degree of the abundance of sand supply was one of the important factors to determine the saturation level of sand stream, which influenced the characteristic of aeolian erosion and deposition on gravel beds. Given the similar wind condition, the sand transport rates controlled by the saturated flow were between 2 and 8 times of the unsaturated one. Those bed processes controlled by the saturated flow were mainly of deposition, and the amount of sand accumulation increased largely as the wind speed increased. In contrast, the bed processes controlled by the unsaturated flow were mainly of aeolian erosion. Meanwhile, there was an obvious blocking sand ability within the height of 0–2 cm, and the maximal value of sand transport occurred within the surface of 2–5 cm height.  相似文献   

Measurements of sand transport by wind on a natural beach   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bagnold's (1954) and Kawamura's (1951) formulae may be used for the calculation of the sand movement on a natural beach, provided the shear stress velocity U* > 0·D4 m/s. Great discrepancies have been found between calculated and measured sand transport rates for U* < 0·D4 m/s, mainly because of the capillary forces acting on a wet beach. The measured critical shear velocity U*c at the beginning of sand movement on a clean dry beach agrees very well with that predicted by Bagnold's formula. On a dry beach where the sand grains are stuck together, U*c was found to be about 10% higher. On a wet beach U*c appeared to depend on the moisture content of the surface layer. Grain size is a determining parameter in the U*c-moisture content relation. When the angle a between the wind direction at sea and the dune face is between 15° and 85° the streamlines of the wind will bend in the vicinity of the dune face. In consequence this may influence the direction of sediment movement.  相似文献   

本文以南海北部某海域海砂矿区为例,提出了基于GMS软件的海砂矿三维地质建模和资源量估算方法.以钻孔和综合物探数据为源数据,划定了矿区内V1和V2矿体的边界,基于GMS软件系统构建了数据库,综合利用钻孔、综合物探、剖面图和海底地形控制面等资料,建立了三维地质模型,有效实现了海砂矿体三维可视化和体积资源量的估算.三维地质模...  相似文献   

马骏雨 《吉林地质》2021,40(3):76-82
砂石资源是社会经济发展不可或缺的原材料,但开采同时给环境造成一定破坏.随着经济发展进入新常态,吉林省资源形势发生深刻变化,对生态环境保护要求不断提高.因此,绿色发展这一理念成为协调资源开采与环境保护关系的重大举措,绿色矿山建设成为实现矿山可持续发展的重要途径.目前,我国绿色矿山建设取得成效显著,但吉林省砂石行业绿色矿山建设进行较为缓慢.本文通过对吉林省内典型区域砂石类矿山进行实地调查,归纳总结了绿色矿山建设中存在的多个问题,并针对问题提出相应的解决路径,为吉林省今后砂石行业绿色矿山建设工作提供了参考.  相似文献   

根据山东东营某地的地质、水文地质资料,模拟了在该地区建设灌注井时灌注废液在深部含水层中的运移。数学模型考虑了流体密度、粘滞性以及灌注层孔隙度随压力或浓度的变化。模拟计算采用美国深井灌注项目中广泛应用的SWIFT数值模拟软件,讨论了模型中主要水文地质参数变化对计算结果的影响。模拟结果对灌注井位置的选择、调查区域的确定以及监测井的布置都有着很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

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