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The solubility and incorporation mechanisms of water in synthetic and natural MgAl2O4 spinel have been investigated in a series of high-pressure/temperature annealing experiments. In contrast to most other nominally anhydrous minerals, natural spinel appears to be completely anhydrous. On the other hand, non-stoichiometric Al-rich synthetic (defect) spinel can accommodate several hundred ppm water in the form of structurally-incorporated hydrogen. Infrared (IR) spectra of hydrated defect spinel contain one main O-H stretching band at 3343-3352 cm−1 and a doublet consisting of two distinct O-H bands at 3505-3517 cm−1 and 3557-3566 cm−1. IR spectra and structural refinements based on single-crystal X-ray data are consistent with hydrogen incorporation in defect spinel onto both octahedral and tetrahedral O-O edges. Fine structure of O-H bands in IR spectra can be explained by partial coupling of interstitial hydrogen with cation vacancies, or by the effects of Mg-Al disorder on the tetrahedral site. The concentration of cation vacancies in defect spinel is a major control on hydrogen affinity. The commercial availability of large single crystals of defect spinel coupled with high water solubility and similarities in water incorporation mechanisms between hydrous defect spinel and hydrous ringwoodite (Mg2SiO4) suggests that synthetic defect spinel may be a useful low-pressure analogue material for investigating the causes and consequences of water incorporation in the lower part of Earth’s mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

Chemical diffusion profiles in molten CaO---Al2O3---SiO2 have been measured over a large range of compositions at 1500°C and l GPa. The diffusion profiles have been inverted for effective binary diffusion coefficients (EBDCs) and for the chemical diffusion matrix. The EBDCs are shown to depend strongly on both composition and direction of diffusion in composition space. The dependence of EBDCs on direction in composition space, which for the system studied here can be as large as a factor of seven, severely limits the applicability of EBDCs to interdiffusion in any direction other than the one used to derive the EBDCs.

The chemical diffusion matrix for molten CaO---Al2O3---SiO2 was determined using diffusion profiles from two or three mutually orthogonal diffusion couples in the ternary composition space. All features of the diffusion profiles shown in this work can be reproduced by representing the chemical fluxes in the three-component system as a linear combination of concentration gradients via a 2 × 2 diffusion matrix. Chemical diffusion in molten CaO---Al2O3---SiO2 shows clear evidence of strong diffusive coupling among the components. This can be seen in the uphill diffusion profiles of components that were initially uniform, in the fact that the apparent rate of diffusion of some components is a strong function of direction in composition space, and most quantitatively in the magnitude of off-diagonal elements of the diffusion matrix relative to the magnitude of the diagonal elements. SiO2 for example, is found to be strongly coupled with CaO in relatively silicic melts, whereas Al2O3 is strongly coupled with CaO in less silicic melts. Furthermore, the coupling of CaO with either Al2O3 or Si02 reverses sign between more and less polymerized compositions. Interdiffusion profiles in natural melts have numerous features that suggest similar coupling between Al2O3 and CaO and between SiO2 and CaO.  相似文献   

Four nearly pure MgAl2O4 spinels, of both natural and synthetic occurrence, have been studied by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy in order to detect their potential OH content. Absorption bands that can be assigned to OH incorporated in the spinel structure were only observed in spectra of a non-stoichiometric synthetic sample. The absorption intensity of two bands occurring at 3350 and 3548 cm−1 indicate an OH content of 90 ppm H2O. Based on correlations of OH vibrational frequencies and O-H?O distances, the observed absorption bands correspond to O-H?O distances of 2.77 and 2.99 Å, respectively, which is close to the values obtained by the structure refinements for VIO-Ounsh (2.825 Å) and IVO-O (3.001 Å). This indicates that one probable local position for hydrogen incorporation is the oxygens coordinating a vacant tetrahedral site. The present spectra demonstrate that the detection limit for OH in Fe-free spinels is in the range 10-20 ppm H2O. However, at appreciable Fe2+ levels, the detection of OH bands becomes hampered due to overlap with strong absorption bands caused by electronic d-d transitions in Fe2+ in the tetrahedral position.  相似文献   

The solubility of KFe(CrO4)2·2H2O, a precipitate recently identified in a Cr(VI)-contaminated soil, was studied in dissolution and precipitation experiments. Ten dissolution experiments were conducted at 4–75°C and initial pH values between 0.8 and 1.2 using synthetic KFe(CrO4)2·2H2O. Four precipitation experiments were conducted at 25°C with final pH values between 0.16 and 1.39. The log KSP for the reaction

ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is used to understand the adsorption of uranyl-citrate complexes to Al2O3. Spectral data indicate that uranyl-citrate complexes partially dissociate upon adsorption, allowing full or partial hydrolysis of the uranyl ion. Kads values determined for free citrate adsorption are similar to those for citrate in uranyl-citrate complexes, indicating that the complexation of uranyl by citrate does not significantly affect the ability of citrate to bond with the surface. The isotherm data also indicate enhanced citrate adsorption to Al2O3 in the presence of uranyl, suggesting that uranyl may be the central link between two citrate ligands, and that uranyl is associated with the surface through a bridging citrate ligand. Finally, uranyl-citrate complexes interact with citrate adsorbed to Al2O3 through outer sphere interactions.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide- and salt-bearing solutions are common in granulite, ore-forming and magmatic environments. The presence of CO2 affects mineral solubilities, fluid miscibility, and viscosity and wetting properties, and is expected to affect salt speciation. EXAFS measurements of RbBr-H2O-CO2 fluids contained in corundum-osed synthetic fluid inclusions (SFLINCs) have been used to investigate the effect of CO2 on salt speciation at temperatures to 579 °C and pressures to around 0.26 GPa.Forward modelling indicates that solute dehydration is difficult to distinguish from up to around 40% of Rb-Br ion-pairing, so results refer to the total number of nearest neighbours, which are likely to be mostly O present in waters of hydration, but may also include Br, if ion pairing is present. Additionally, results relate to the number of well-ordered neighbours in the first shell, because nearest neighbours with a high degree of disorder may be present but contribute minimally to the EXAFS signal. Analysis of the EXAFS results at the Rb edge for the CO2-free solution is consistent with previous work and shows that the number of nearest neighbours for Rb in CO2-free solutions decreases from 6 ± 0.6 to 1.4 ± 0.1 as temperature increases from 20 to 534 °C. The decrease is accompanied by a decrease in Rb-x bondlengths of 0.05 Å, where x is the first shell scatterer. Results for the CO2-bearing solution are different to those for the CO2-free solution. The number of nearest neighbours is 16 and 22% less than for the CO2-bearing solution at 312 and 445 °C respectively. Changes in the numbers of nearest neighbours correlate well with calculated changes in the bulk solution dielectric constant; CO2-bearing and CO2-free solutions lie on the same trend, which suggests that it may be possible to calculate the number of nearest neighbours from dielectric constant. Rb-x bondlengths for the CO2-bearing solution are statistically indistinguishable to those for the CO2-free inclusions. Results for Br are worse quality than for Rb so EXAFS analysis could not be completed, however XANES spectra for CO2-free and CO2-bearing solutions are consistent with solute dehydration similar to that recorded by the Rb spectra. The conclusions of this study provide support for the notion that CO2 has a fundamental effect on the mechanics of solubility, and that these effects should be incorporated into conceptual and quantitative thermodynamic models.  相似文献   

Ulf Hålenius  Klaus Langer 《Lithos》1980,13(3):291-294
Six natural chloritoid crystals with Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents ranging from 4.15 to 12.81 and from 0.411 to 0.849g-atoms/l, respectively, as determined by means of microprobe and Mössbauer techniques, served as reference material to develop non-destructive microscope-spectrophotometric methods for quantitative Fe2+ – Fe3+ determinations in chloritoids from unpolarized spectra of (001) platelets. Fe2+ concentrations in g-atom/l can be obtained from [ [Fe3+]=C1xD1/t where D1 = log10(I0/I at 28,000 cm-1 and t=crystal thickness in cm; C1 is a conttant that may be influenced somewhat by experimental conditions and is found to be 0.002289 with the experimental set-up used in this study. Fe2+ concentrations in g-atom/l can be obtained from [Fe2+]=C1xD1/D1-C3 with D2=log10(I0/I) at 16,300 cm?1 and constants C4 = 45.36 and C5 = 3.540. Due to the uncertainties in absorbance measurements, D1 and D2 and the thickness measurements, the accuracies are ±0.05 and ±0.15 g-atom/l for [Fe3+] and [Fe2+], respectively. The determinations may be carried out on chloritoid grains in normal thin sections with an areal resolution of ~10 μm.  相似文献   

A new mineral species has been discovered at the calc-skarnoid occurrence near the mouth of the Tashelga River, Kuznetsky Alatau, Gorny Shoria, Russia, and named after the locality of its discovery. Associated minerals are calcite, hibonite, grossular, vesuvianite, hercynite, magnetite, corundum, perovskite, scapolite, diopside, and apatite. The new mineral occurs as prismatic or finely fibrous crystals up to 1.5–2.0 mm in length, their parallel intergrowths, and felty aggregates as large as 10 mm across. Tashelgite is bluish green, translucent to transparent, with vitreous luster; D calc = 3.67 g/cm3. The IR spectrum does not contain bands of OH groups. Tashelgite is biaxial (−), with α = 1.736(2), β = 1.746(2), γ = 1.750(2); 2V meas = −20(2)°. Dispersion is strong, r < ν. Pleochroism is distinct: X (blue-green) > Y (yellowish green) > Z (almost colorless). Chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of five-point analyses, Fe2O3 is estimated from the ratio of intensities I(FeKb5 )/I(FeKb1 )I(Fe_{K\beta _5 } )/I(Fe_{K\beta _1 } ) in the X-ray spectrum, H2O was determined as a weight loss on heating in vacuum up to 1000°C), wt %: 7.98 CaO, 6.75 MgO, 0.45 MnO, 11.32 FeO, 1.40 Fe2O3, 70.70 Al2O3, 1.8(2) H2O, 100.40 in total. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 17 oxygen atoms is H1.27Ca0.90Mg1.06Mn0.04 Fe1.002+Fe0.113+Al8.80O17.00. The idealized formula is CaMgFe2+Al9O16(OH). According to single-crystal X-ray structural data, tashelgite is monoclinic, pseudoorthorhombic, space group Pc; unit cell parameters are: a = 5.6973(1), b = 17.1823(4), c = 23.5718(5)?; β = 90.046(3)°; V = 2307.5(1)?3, Z = 8. The crystal structure of tashelgite is unique and characterized by ordering of all cations; Al occupies sites with octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. The cation ordering has also been confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, ?]-I[hkl] are: 11.79–48 [002], 2.845–43 [061], 2.616–100 [108], 2.584–81 [146], 2.437–44 [163], 2.406–61 [057], 2.202–72 [244]. The type specimen of tashlegite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.  相似文献   

The cumulative association constant (β2) for the geochemically important aqueous complex UO2[HPO4]2?2 has been determined by potentiometric titration in Na2HPO4-UO2(NO3)2 solutions in the pH range 3.9–4.7, at ionic strengths below 0.024 molal with the Newton-Raphson method used to compute β2 from the chemical analytical data. Based on 25 measurements we obtain logβ2 = 18.3 ± 0.2 at 25°C. From the same experiments we compute that the association constant of UO2OH+ is 8.9 ± 0.1, in disagreement with the value of 8.3 ± 0.3 for this constant given by Baes and Mesmer (1976).  相似文献   

Based on our previous study of the intermolecular potential for pure H2O and the strict evaluation of the competitive potential models for pure CH4 and the ab initio fitting potential surface across CH4-H2O molecules in this study, we carried out more than two thousand molecular dynamics simulations for the PVTx properties of pure CH4 and the CH4-H2O mixtures up to 2573 K and 10 GPa. Comparison of 1941 simulations with experimental PVT data for pure CH4 shows an average deviation of 0.96% and a maximum deviation of 2.82%. The comparison of the results of 519 simulations of the mixtures with the experimental measurements reveals that the PVTx properties of the CH4-H2O mixtures generally agree with the extensive experimental data with an average deviation of 0.83% and 4% in maximum, which is equivalent to the experimental uncertainty. Moreover, the maximum deviation between the experimental data and the simulation results decreases to about 2% as temperature and pressure increase, indicating that the high accuracy of the simulation is well retained in the high temperature and pressure region.After the validation of the simulation method and the intermolecular potential models, we systematically simulated the PVTx properties of this binary system from 673 K and 0.05 GPa to 2573 K and 10 GPa. In order to integrate all the simulation results and the experimental data for the calculation of thermodynamic properties, an equation of state (EOS) is developed for the CH4-H2O system covering 673-2573 K and 0.01-10 GPa. Isochores for compositions <4 mol% CH4 up to 773 K and 600 MPa are also determined in this paper. The program for the EOS can be downloaded from www.geochem-model.org/programs.htm.  相似文献   

The solubility and stability of synthetic grossular were determined at 800 °C and 10 kbar in NaCl-H2O solutions over a large range of salinity. The measurements were made by evaluating the weight losses of grossular, corundum, and wollastonite crystals equilibrated with fluid for up to one week in Pt capsules and a piston-cylinder apparatus. Grossular dissolves congruently over the entire salinity range and displays a large solubility increase of 0.0053 to 0.132 molal Ca3Al2Si3O12 with increasing NaCl mole fraction (XNaCl) from 0 to 0.4. There is thus a solubility enhancement 25 times the pure H2O value over the investigated range, indicating strong solute interaction with NaCl. The Ca3Al2Si3O12 mole fraction versus NaCl mole fraction curve has a broad plateau between XNaCl = 0.2 and 0.4, indicating that the solute products are hydrous; the enhancement effect of NaCl interaction is eventually overtaken by the destabilizing effect of lowering H2O activity. In this respect, the solubility behavior of grossular in NaCl solutions is similar to that of corundum and wollastonite. There is a substantial field of stability of grossular at 800 °C and 10 kbar in the system CaSiO3-Al2O3-H2O-NaCl. At high Al2O3/CaSiO3 bulk compositions the grossular + fluid field is limited by the appearance of corundum. Zoisite appears metastably with corundum in initially pure H2O, but disappears once grossular is nucleated. At XNaCl = 0.3, however, zoisite is stable with corundum and fluid; this is the only departure from the quaternary system encountered in this study. Corundum solubility is very high in solutions containing both NaCl and CaSiO3: Al2O3 molality increases from 0.0013 in initially pure H2O to near 0.15 at XNaCl = 0.4 in CaSiO3-saturated solutions, a >100-fold enhancement. In contrast, addition of Al2O3 to wollastonite-saturated NaCl solutions increases CaSiO3 molality by only 12%. This suggests that at high pH (quench pH is 11-12), the stability of solute Ca chloride and Na-Al ± Si complexes account for high Al2O3 solubility, and that Ca-Al ± Si complexes are minor. The high solubility and basic dissolution reaction of grossular suggest that Al may be a very mobile component in calcareous rocks in the deep crust and upper mantle when migrating saline solutions are present.  相似文献   

The solubility of crystalline Mg(OH)2(cr) was determined by measuring the equilibrium H+ concentration in water, 0.01-2.7 m MgCl2, 0.1-5.6 m NaCl, and in mixtures of 0.5 and 5.0 m NaCl containing 0.01-0.05 m MgCl2. In MgCl2 solutions above 2 molal, magnesium hydroxide converted into hydrated magnesium oxychloride. The solid-liquid equilibrium of Mg2(OH)3Cl·4H2O(cr) was studied in 2.1-5.2 m MgCl2. Using known ion interaction Pitzer coefficients for the system Mg-Na-H-OH-Cl-H2O (25°C), the following equilibrium constants at I = 0 are calculated:

Synthesis of fluid inclusions in the CH4-H2O-NaCl system was accomplished by subjecting fractured quartz or fluorite, along with known quantities of CH4, H2O, and NaCl, to a pressure of 2 kbar and temperatures of 300, 400, 500, or 600°C, in sealed Au capsules. Under the elevated P-T conditions, some of the fractures healed, trapping fluids as inclusions. Microthermometric measurements conducted on the fluid inclusions show that at 2 kbar and 400 to 600°C, there are very broad regions of fluid unmixing in the CH4-H2O-NaCl system. For those bulk fluid compositions that lie in the two-phase (i.e., immiscible fluids) field, the high-density phase is enriched in NaCl, whereas the low-density phase is enriched in CH4. For any given bulk composition, the degree of NaCl enrichment in the high-density phase increases, whereas the degree of CH4 enrichment in the low-density phase decreases, as temperature increases from 400 to 600°C. Our experimental constraints on the size of the two-phase field are generally consistent with results generated using the equation-of-state GEOFLUIDS (available at http://geotherm.ucsd.edu/geofluids/). However, when comparing the compositions of coexisting immiscible fluids, as determined experimentally vs. calculated using GEOFLUIDS, we find that some relatively small but probably significant differences exist between our experiments and this equation of state.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model is developed for the calculation of both phase and speciation equilibrium in the H2O-CO2-NaCl-CaCO3-CaSO4 system from 0 to 250 °C, and from 1 to 1000 bar with NaCl concentrations up to the saturation of halite. The vapor-liquid-solid (calcite, gypsum, anhydrite and halite) equilibrium together with the chemical equilibrium of H+,Na+,Ca2+, , , and CaSO4(aq) in the aqueous liquid phase as a function of temperature, pressure and salt concentrations can be calculated with accuracy close to the experimental results.Based on this model validated from experimental data, it can be seen that temperature, pressure and salinity all have significant effects on pH, alkalinity and speciations of aqueous solutions and on the solubility of calcite, halite, anhydrite and gypsum. The solubility of anhydrite and gypsum will decrease as temperature increases (e.g. the solubility will decrease by 90% from 360 K to 460 K). The increase of pressure may increase the solubility of sulphate minerals (e.g. gypsum solubility increases by about 20-40% from vapor pressure to 600 bar). Addition of NaCl to the solution may increase mineral solubility up to about 3 molality of NaCl, adding more NaCl beyond that may slightly decrease its solubility. Dissolved CO2 in solution may decrease the solubility of minerals. The influence of dissolved calcite on the solubility of gypsum and anhydrite can be ignored, but dissolved gypsum or anhydrite has a big influence on the calcite solubility. Online calculation is made available on www.geochem-model.org/model.  相似文献   

Interdiffusion coefficients have been determined for H2O-CO2 mixtures by quantifying the flux of CO2 between two fluid-filled chambers in a specially designed piston-cylinder cell. The two chambers, which are maintained at 1.0 GPa and at temperatures differing by ∼100°C, each contain the XCO2-buffering assemblage calcite + quartz + wollastonite, in H2O. The positive dependence of XCO2 on temperature results in a down-temperature, steady-state flux of CO2 through a capillary tube that connects the two chambers. This flux drives the wollastonite = calcite + quartz equilibrium to the right in the cooler chamber, producing a measurable amount of calcite that is directly related to CO2-H2O interdiffusion rates. Diffusivities calculated from seven experiments range from 1.0 × 10−8 to 6.1 × 10−8 m2/s for mean capillary temperatures between ∼490 and 690°C. The data set can be approximated by an Arrhenius-type relation:

Evaluating the feasibility of CO2 geologic sequestration requires the use of pressure-temperature-composition (P-T-X) data for mixtures of CO2 and H2O at moderate pressures and temperatures (typically below 500 bar and below 100°C). For this purpose, published experimental P-T-X data in this temperature and pressure range are reviewed. These data cover the two-phase region where a CO2-rich phase (generally gas) and an H2O-rich liquid coexist and are reported as the mutual solubilities of H2O and CO2 in the two coexisting phases. For the most part, mutual solubilities reported from various sources are in good agreement. In this paper, a noniterative procedure is presented to calculate the composition of the compressed CO2 and liquid H2O phases at equilibrium, based on equating chemical potentials and using the Redlich-Kwong equation of state to express departure from ideal behavior. The procedure is an extension of that used by King et al. (1992), covering a broader range of temperatures and experimental data than those authors, and is readily expandable to a nonideal liquid phase. The calculation method and formulation are kept as simple as possible to avoid degrading the performance of numerical models of water-CO2 flows for which they are intended. The method is implemented in a computer routine, and inverse modeling is used to determine, simultaneously, (1) new Redlich-Kwong parameters for the CO2-H2O mixture, and (2) aqueous solubility constants for gaseous and liquid CO2 as a function of temperature. In doing so, mutual solubilities of H2O from 15 to 100°C and CO2 from 12 to 110°C and up to 600 bar are generally reproduced within a few percent of experimental values. Fugacity coefficients of pure CO2 are reproduced mostly within one percent of published reference data.  相似文献   

The solubility of molybdenum (Mo) was determined at temperatures from 500 °C to 800 °C and 150 to 300 MPa in KCl-H2O and pure H2O solutions in cold-seal experiments. The solutions were trapped as synthetic fluid inclusions in quartz at experimental conditions, and analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICPMS).Mo solubilities of 1.6 wt% in the case of KCl-bearing aqueous solutions and up to 0.8 wt% in pure H2O were found. Mo solubility is temperature dependent, but not pressure dependent over the investigated range, and correlates positively with salinity (KCl concentration). Molar ratios of ∼1 for Mo/Cl and Mo/K are derived based on our data. In combination with results of synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy of individual fluid inclusions, it is suggested that Mo-oxo-chloride complexes are present at high salinity (>20 wt% KCl) and ion pairs at moderate to low salinity (<11 wt% KCl) in KCl-H2O aqueous solutions. Similarly, in the pure H2O experiments molybdic acid is the dominant species in aqueous solution. The results of these hydrothermal Mo experiments fit with earlier studies conducted at lower temperatures and indicate that high Mo concentrations can be transported in aqueous solutions. Therefore, the Mo concentration in aqueous fluids seems not to be the limiting factor for ore formation, whereas precipitation processes and the availability of sulfur appear to be the main controlling factors in the formation of molybdenite (MoS2).  相似文献   

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