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In order to test the assumption that accretion rates of intertidal salt marshes are approximately equal to rates of sea-level rise along the Rhode Island coast,210Pb analyses were carried out and accretion rates calculated using constant flux and constant activity models applied to sediment cores collected from lowSpartina alterniflora marshes at four sites from the head to the mouth of Narragansett Bay. A core was also collected from a highSpartina patens marsh at one site. Additional low marsh cores from a tidal river entering the bay and a coastal lagoon on Block Island Sound were also analyzed. Accretion rates for all cores were also calculated from copper concentration data assuming that anthropogenic copper increases began at all sites between 1865 and 1885. Bulk density and weight-loss-on-ignition of the sediments were measured in order to assess the relative importance of inorganic and organic accumulation. During the past 60 yr, accretion rates at the eight low marsh sites averaged 0.43±0.13 cm yr?1 (0.25 to 0.60 cm yr?1) based on the constant flux model, 0.40±0.15 cm yr?1 (0.15 to 0.58 cm yr?1) based on the constant activity model, and 0.44±0.11 cm yr?1 (0.30 to 0.59 cm yr?1) based on copper concentration data, with no apparent trend down-bay. High marsh rates were 0.24±0.02 (constant flux), 0.25±0.01 (constant activity), and 0.47±0.04 (copper concentration data). The cores showing closest agreement between the three methods are those for which the excess210Pb inventories are consistent with atmospheric inputs. These rates compare to a tide gauge record from the mouth of the bay that shows an average sea-level rise of 0.26±0.02 cm yr?1 from 1931 to 1986. Low marshes in this area appear to accrete at rates 1.5–1.7 times greater than local relative sea-level rise, while the high marsh accretion rate is equal to the rise in sea level. The variability among the low marsh sites suggests that marshes may not be poised at mean water level to within better than ±several cm on time scales of decades. Inorganic and organic dry solids each contributed about 9% by volume to low marsh accretion, while organic dry solids contributed 11% and inorganic 4% to high marsh accretion. Water/pore space accounted for the majority of accretion in both low and high marshes. If water associated with the organic component is considered, organic matter accounts for an average of 91% of low marsh and 96% of high marsh accretion. A dramatic increase in the organic content at a depth of 60 to 90 cm in the cores from Narragansett Bay appears to mark the start of marsh development on prograding sand flats.  相似文献   

In this study, redox-dependent phosphorus (P) recycling and burial at 6 sites in the Baltic Sea is investigated using a combination of porewater and sediment analyses and sediment age dating (210Pb and 137Cs). We focus on sites in the Kattegat, Danish Straits and Baltic Proper where present-day bottom water redox conditions range from fully oxygenated and seasonally hypoxic to almost permanently anoxic and sulfidic. Strong surface enrichments of Fe-oxide bound P are observed at oxic and seasonally hypoxic sites but not in the anoxic basins. Reductive dissolution of Fe-oxides and release of the associated P supports higher sediment-water exchange of PO4 at hypoxic sites (up to ∼800 μmol P m−2 d−1) than in the anoxic basins. This confirms that Fe-bound P in surface sediments in the Baltic acts as a major internal source of P during seasonal hypoxia, as suggested previously from water column studies. Most burial of P takes place as organic P. We find no evidence for significant authigenic Ca-P formation or biogenic Ca-P burial. The lack of major inorganic P burial sinks makes the Baltic Sea very sensitive to the feedback loop between increased hypoxia, enhanced regeneration of P and increased primary productivity. Historical records of bottom water oxygen at two sites (Bornholm, Northern Gotland) show a decline over the past century and are accompanied by a rise in values for typical sediment proxies for anoxia (total sulfur, molybdenum and organic C/P ratios). While sediment reactive P concentrations in anoxic basins are equal to or higher than at oxic sites, burial rates of P at hypoxic and anoxic sites are up to 20 times lower because of lower sedimentation rates. Nevertheless, burial of reactive P in both hypoxic and anoxic areas is significant because of their large surface area and should be accounted for in budgets and models for the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(6):1195-1208
The upper intertidal zone, and salt marshes in particular, have been shown by numerous authors to be effective medium to long-term storage areas for a range of contaminants discharged or transported into the estuarine environment. A detailed understanding of the specific controls on the trapping and storage of contaminants, however, is absent for many estuarine systems. This paper examines heavy metal distribution and accumulation in two contrasting Spartina sp.-dominated macrotidal salt marsh systems – a rapidly prograding, relatively young marsh system at the Vasiere Nord, near the mouth of the Seine estuary, France, and a more mature, less extensive marsh system in the Medway estuary, UK. The spatial distribution of the heavy metals Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni and Co is assessed and compared in both systems via detailed surface sampling and analysis, while the longer-term accumulation of these metals and its temporal variability is compared via analysis of dated sediment cores. Of the two sites studied, the more extensive marsh system at the Vasiere Nord in the Seine estuary shows a clear differentiation of heavy metals across the marsh and fronting mudflat, with highest metal concentrations found in surface sediments from the more elevated, interior marsh areas. At Horrid Hill in the Medway estuary, the spatial distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments is more irregular, and there is no clear relationship between heavy metal concentration and site elevation, with average concentrations similar in the marsh and fronting mudflats. Sediment core data indicate that the more recent near-surface sediments at Horrid Hill are clearly more contaminated than those at greater depth, with most heavy metal contamination confined to the upper 20 cm of the sediment column (with peak metal input in the late 1960s/early 1970s). In contrast, due to extremely rapid sediment accretion at the mouth of the Seine, heavy metal distribution with depth at the Vasiere Nord site is relatively erratic, with metal concentrations showing a general increase with depth. These sediments provide little information on temporal trends in heavy metal loading to the Seine estuary. Overall, heavy metal concentrations at both sites are within typical ranges reported for other industrialised estuaries in NW Europe.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were collected from the Tilbury Tidal Basin in the Thames Estuary to determine the depositional history of metals in the estuary. Profiles of metals in sediments deposited in the lower Thames Estuary show a 30–50% decrease in concentration for Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn, and a 70% decrease for Hg in recent decades. Historic depth soundings data showed the decreases in metal concentrations occurred between 1944 and 1966. The decline in sediment metal concentrations has been attributed to reduced inputs to the estuary, following updating of the major sewage treatment works in 1959 and 1963. This is indicated by the through-core distribution of Mn which implies that prior to 1960 the sediments were deposited in anoxic conditions, which subsequently improved. An increase in Mn concentrations observed in one of the cores has been attributed to increases in the dissolved oxygen of the estuarine waters resulting from the increased efficiency of the sewage treatment works.  相似文献   

One year’s measurements of surficial sedimentation rates (1986–1987) for 26 Maine marsh sites were made over marker horizons of brick dust. Observed sediment accumulation rates, from 0 to 13 mm yr?1, were compared with marsh morphology, local relative sea-level rise rate, mean tidal range, and ice rafting activity. Marshes with four different morphologies (back-barrier, fluvial, bluff-toe, and transitional) showed distinctly different sediment accumulation rates. In general, back-barrier marshes had the highest accumulation rates and blufftoe marshes had the lowest rates, with intermediate values for transitional and fluvial marshes. No causal relationship between modern marsh sediment accumulation rate and relative sea-level rise rate (from tide gauge records) was observed. Marsh accretionary balance (sediment accumulation rate minus relative sea-level rise rate) did not correlate with mean tidal range for this meso- to macro-tidal area. Estimates of ice-rafted debris on marsh sites ranged from 0% to >100% of measured surficial sedimentation rates, indicating that ice transport of sediment may make a significant contribution to surficial sedimentation on Maine salt marshes.  相似文献   

Surface meteorological parameters acquired during the field phase experiment, BOBMEX-99, for the stationary periods (SP I and II) of the ship ORV Sagar Kanya over Bay of Bengal have been analysed. Active and weak monsoon conditions were observed during the first and the second phase of the experiment respectively over India as well as over the stationary ship location. The phase mean sea surface temperature (SST) is found to be the same in both the phases, however large differences have been observed in the phase mean values of wind speed, mean sea level pressure, latent heat and momentum fluxes at air-sea interface. Synoptic scale monsoon disturbances formed only during the period of strong north-south pressure gradient over the Bay region. Events of prominent fall in SST and in the upper 15 m ocean layer mean temperature and salinity values during typical rainfall events are cited. The impact of monsoon disturbances on ocean-atmosphere interface transfer processes has been investigated.  相似文献   

This two-part study examined the benthic macrofaunal community in Delaware salt marsh impoundments having partial tidal restriction. The first part compared abundance, diversity, and taxonomic composition in three habitat types in impoundments—creeks, vegetated creek banks, and ponds—to those found in natural marshes. Impoundment effects were present but were habitat-specific. Abundances were higher in natural marsh creeks than in impoundment creeks, and diversities were higher in impoundment ponds than in natural marsh ponds. Vegetated bank communities in impoundments were about 50% insects and arachnids and 50% oligochaetes, while natural bank communities were primarily oligochaetes and the polychaeteManayunkia aestuarina. This is likely due to the decrease in flooding of the vegetated high marsh caused by partial impoundment. Pond and creek community composition also showed impoundment effects: in comparison with natural marshes, impoundments had higher proportions of the burrowing anemoneNematostella vectensis, nemerteans, andTubificoides sp. oligochaetes and lower proportions of the oligochaeteClitellio arenarius. The second part of the study compared benthic macrofauna in an impoundment before, during, and after the water level was lowered so that some bottom sediments were exposed and some covered with just a few centimeters of water for several weeks. During this event, macrofaunal abundances were reduced and the community shifted from being dominated by annelids, anemones, and nemerteans toward one dominated by annelids and insects. About 6 wk after reflooding, persistent effects of this disturbance were still suggested by greatly increased abundances and 96% dominance by one species of oligochaete,Paranais litoralis. Impoundment management plans calling for periods of sediment exposure or very low water may want to consider the potential for strong and persistent effects on the macrofaunal community.  相似文献   

High rates of wetland loss in the Mississippi deltaic plain have been attributed to a combination of insufficient marsh sedimentation and relative sea-level rise rates of over 1.2 cm yr?1. This study examines contemporary patterns of sediment delivery to the marsh surface by evaluating the contribution of individual marsh flooding events. Strong meteorological effects on water level in Terrebonne Bay often mask the usual microtidal fluctuations in water level and cause flood events to be of unpredictable frequency and duration. Sediment deposited on the marsh surface was collected weekly at two sites. Preliminary results allow the relative contributions of tidal and storm inundations to be calculated. Maximum sedimentation is associated with strong southerly winds both causing increased flooding and mobilizing sediment from open bay areas. Sediment deposition is limited by the availability of suspended sediment and the opportunity for its transport onto the marsh surface.  相似文献   

The Changjiang and the Jiulong Estuaries, located in eastern and southeastern China, respectively, have different geomorphologic and tidal processes as well as anthropogenic development in their associated watersheds. Sediments in the Changjiang estuary mostly consist of SiO2, CaO and MgO (mean percentages of 63.9, 4.34 and 2.35%), whereas sediments from the Jiulong estuary mostly consist of Al2O3, Fe2O3 and organic matter (mean percentages 19.2, 6.82 and 4.14%). The Jiulong estuarine sediments contain more than twice the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, than those from the Changjiang estuary. In the Jiulong estuary, these heavy metals are associated with carbonates and organic matter, whereas in the Changjiang estuary, they are associated with residual fractions or clay. Sediments from the Changjiang estuary, mostly sediments with little organic matter, do not efficiently sequester anthropogenic-derived trace metals. In contrast, sediments from the Jiulong estuary consist of a mixture of fluvial and marine matter which can sequester heavy metals contributed by larger landscapes with industrial and municipal wastewater.  相似文献   

Continuous high-resolution sedimentary record of heavy metals (chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and mercury (Hg)), from lakes Lucerne and Meidsee (Switzerland), provides pollutant deposition history from two contrasting Alpine environments over the last millennia. The distribution of conservative elements (thorium (Th), scandium (Sc) and titanium (Ti)) shows that in absence of human disturbances, the trace element input is primarily controlled by weathering processes (i.e., runoff and erosion). Nonetheless, the enrichment factor (EF) of Pb and Hg (that are measured by independent methods), and the Pb isotopic composition of sediments from the remote lake Meidsee (which are proportionally more enriched in anthropogenic heavy metals), likely detect early mining activities during the Bronze Age. Meanwhile, the deposition of trace elements remains close to the range of natural variations until the strong impact of Roman activities on atmospheric metal emissions. Both sites display simultaneous increases in anthropogenic trace metal deposition during the Greek and Roman Empires (ca 300 BC to AD 400), the Late Middle Ages (ca AD 1400), and the Early Modern Europe (after ca AD 1600). However, the greatest increases in anthropogenic metal pollution are evidenced after the industrial revolution of ca AD 1850, at low and high altitudes. During the twentieth century, industrial releases multiplied by ca 10 times heavy metal fluxes to hydrological systems located on both sides of the Alps. During the last decades, the recent growing contribution of low radiogenic Pb further highlights the contribution of industrial sources with respect to wood and coal burning emissions.  相似文献   

The rare earth elements (REEs) in the sediments of the Xianghai wetlands were measured by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. The REEs accumulation rates in two sedimentation cores derived from the riparian and depressional marshes were determined by 210Pb method. The results showed that REEs concentrations in the Xianghai wetland sediments (∑REEs, 116 mg kg−1) were lower than the corresponding values in Chinese soils (181 mg kg−1) and river sediments (∑REEs, 158–191 mg kg−1). Under alkaline conditions (with pH, 8.2–10.3), the light REEs were more enriched than the heavy REEs. Cerium is the predominant element, and accounts for 30–33% of the total REEs. REEs in the depressional marsh sediments were relatively high (∑REEs, 127 vs. 104 mg kg−1), especially light REEs contents. A significantly positive correlation was found between the neighboring elements except Pr and Dy. The different types of vertical distribution of REEs between the riparian and the depressional marsh can partly result from long-term differing hydrological regimes. Generally, depressional marsh had accumulated much more REEs than riparian marsh (the mean accumulation rates of ∑REEs, 102.98 vs. 48.89 μg cm−2 year−1).  相似文献   

The characteristic rhythmic bedding of the Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonate sequences of the United Kingdom is interpreted as the result of orbital variations. A 23,000 year and a 41.500 year cycle have been recognised and can be used to confirm the dating of late Cretaceous events, especially in the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

We examined the vascular plant species richness and the extent, density, and height ofSpartina species of ten Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island (United States) fringe salt marshes which had a wide range of residential land development and N-loadings associated with their watersheds. Significant inverse relationships of tallS. alterniflora with species richness and with the extent and density ofS. patens and shortS. alterniflora were observed. Extent and density ofS. patens and extent of shortS. alterniflora were positively and significantly related with plant species richness. Marsh elevation and area did not significantly correlate with plant structure. Flood tide height significantly and inversely correlated withS. patens, but did not significantly relate toS. alterniflora or plant species richness. Marsh width significantly and positively correlated with plant species richness andS. patens and inversely correlated with tallS. alterniflora. Significant inverse relationships were observed for N-load, % residential development, and slope withS. patens, shortS. alterniflora, and species richness, and significant positive relationships with tallS. alterniflora. The marsh slope and width were significantly correlated with N-load and residential development that made it difficult to determine to what extent anthropogenic stressors were contributing to the variation in the plant structure among the marshes. At five marhes with similar slopes, there were significant inverse relationships of N-load withS. patens (density and extent) and a positive relationship with tallS. alterniflora (extent). Although there were no significant relationships of slope with the plant metrics among the five sites, other physical factors, such as the flood tide height and marsh width, significantly correlated with the extent and density ofSpartina species. Significant relationships of N-load with plant structure (albeit confounded by the effect of the physical characteristics) support the hypothesis of competitive displacement of dominant marsh plants under elevated nitrogen. It is likely that the varying plant structure in New England marshes is a response to a combination of natural factors and multiple anthropogenic stressors (e.g., eutrophication and sea level rise).  相似文献   

Halite karst geohazards (natural and man-made) in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
In the United Kingdom, Permian and Triassic halite (rock salt) deposits have been affected by natural and artificial dissolution producing karstic landforms and subsidence. Brine springs from the Triassic salt have been exploited since Roman times or possibly earlier, indicating prolonged natural dissolution. Medieval salt extraction in England is indicated by the names of places ending in "wich", indicating brine spring exploitation at Northwich, Middlewich, Nantwich and Droitwich. Later, Victorian brine extraction in these areas accentuated salt karst development, causing severe subsidence problems which remain a legacy. The salt was also mined, but the mines flooded and consequent brine extraction caused the workings to collapse, resulting in catastrophic surface subsidence. Legislation was enacted to pay for the damage and a levy is still charged for salt extraction. Some salt mines are still collapsing, and the re-establishment of the post-brine extraction hydrogeological regimes means that salt springs may again flow, causing further dissolution and potential collapse.  相似文献   

Net primary production was measured in three characteristic salt marshes of the Ebre delta: anArthrocnemum macrostachyum salt marsh,A. macrostachyum-Sarcocornia fruticosa mixed salt marsh andS. fruticosa salt marsh. Above-ground and belowground biomass were harvested every 3 mo for 1 yr. Surface litter was also collected from each plot. Aboveground biomass was estimated from an indirect non-destructive method, based on the relationship between standing biomass and height of the vegetation. Decomposition of aboveground and belowground components was studied by the disappearance of plant material from litter bags in theS. fruticosa plot. Net primary production (aboveground and belowground) was calculated using the Smalley method. Standing biomass, litter, and primary production increased as soil salinity decreased. The annual average total aboveground plus belowground biomass was 872 g m−2 in theA. macrostachyum marsh, 1,198 g m−2 in theA. macrostachyum-S. fruticosa mixed marsh, and 3,766 g m−2 in theS. fruticosa biomass (aboveground plus belowground) was 226, 445, and 1,094 g m−2, respectively. Total aboveground plus below-ground net primary production was 240, 1,172, and 1,531 g m−2 yr−1. There was an exponential loss of weight during decomposition. Woody stems and roots, the most recalcitrant material, had 70% and 83% of the original material remaining after one year. Only 20–22% of leafy stem weight remained after one year. When results from the Mediterranean are compared to other salt marshes dominated by shrubbyChenopodiaceae in Mediterranean-type climates, a number of similarities emerge. There are similar zonation patterns, with elevation and maximum aboveground biomass and primary production occurring in the middle marsh. This is probably because of stress produced by waterlogging in the low marsh and by hypersalinity in the upper marsh.  相似文献   

A review of chlorine and bromine in some United Kingdom coals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the UK there is a longstanding interest in the Cl content of coals because of the adverse effects associated with high-Cl coals during combustion. An average Cl content of a representative suite of coal samples is 0.44 wt.%, but the range is from near zero to over 1%. Several lines of evidence show that in the high-Cl coals the Cl is associated with the coal moisture and that other sources, such as the silicate minerals, are negligible. Although the Cl is moisture associated there is anion exchange with the organic matter, which means that Cl is less than 100% water- soluble unless the Cl is exchanged with other anion species. This occurs if carbonates are present and calcite in particular. The Cl and Br are closely related and the location within the coal is thought to be common to both. These two elements differ from nearly all other trace elements in UK coals in that they are not present in significant concentrations in the mineral matter or bound within the organic matter. Whereas there is a good understanding of the geochemical behaviour of these other elements this is not the case for Cl and Br in the coal moisture. Chlorine and Br are thought to be conservative elements in the diagenetic evolution of the porewaters, in which an original marine depositional imprint could have been preserved. In some areas the porewaters may have fully evolved pre-Permian, whereas in other areas the diagenetic evolution could be much longer.  相似文献   

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