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In situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to compare the growth of pure calcite and the growth of calcite in the presence of sulfate ions from aqueous solutions at a constant value of supersaturation (S.I. = 0.89) with respect to calcite. The effect of sulfate ions on calcite growth rates is determined and a potential incorporation of sulfate ions is identified in the calcite during growth. Solutions supersaturated with respect to calcite with solution concentration ratio of one and a constant pH of 10.2, were prepared and sulfate was added as Na2SO4 aqueous solution. The solution composition was readjusted in order to keep the supersaturation and pH constant. PHREEQC was used to determine relevant solution concentrations. In situ AFM experiments of calcite growth were performed using a fluid cell and flowing solutions passed over a freshly cleaved calcite surface. Growth rates were determined from the closure of the rhombohedral etch pits induced by initial dissolution with pure water. The spreading rate of 2-dimensional nuclei was also measured. At low concentrations of sulfate (≤ 0.5 mM), no effect on the growth rate of the calcite was observed. At higher concentrations (2 to 3 mM) of sulfate, the growth rate increased, possibly because a higher concentration of calcium and carbonate was necessary to maintain the supersaturation constant. At much higher concentrations of additional sulfate (up to 60 mM) the growth rate of the calcite was substantially decreased, despite the fact that a further increase of calcium and carbonate was required. The morphology of 2-dimensional growth nuclei became increasingly elongated with increasing sulfate content. Measurements of step height showed that newly grown steps were approximately 1 Å higher when grown in high sulfate concentrations, compared to steps grown in sulfate-free solutions. At sulfate concentrations above 5 mM the growth mechanism changes from layer growth to surface roughening. These observations suggest that the new growth has incorporated sulfate into the calcite surface.  相似文献   

This study links direct measurement of Mg-calcite growth kinetics with high-spatial-resolution analysis of Mg contents in experimental crystals, with particular attention to the effects of temperature on growth rate and reactant transport conditions on Mg distribution. In contrast to previous experiments on Mg partitioning into calcite, here the layer-growth mechanism was observed in situ and step speeds precisely measured with fluid cell atomic force microscopy over a range of temperatures, degrees of supersaturation, and solution Mg concentrations. Data collected from 15° to 30°C yield an activation energy for calcite precipitation of 33 kJ/mol for solutions with [Mg] = 5 × 10−5 molal. Electron microprobe analyses of large hillocks grown at corresponding conditions demonstrate that Mg has a strong preference for incorporation at negative (acute) step edges, rather than at positive (obtuse) edges when growth rate is limited by surface reactions. This preference is reversed when growth is instead limited by diffusion of reactants through a boundary layer at the mineral-solution interface. These findings show that temperature is not the only strong control on the extent of Mg incorporation and distribution in calcite; transport conditions during mineral growth may also be a first-order factor governing the compositions of natural calcite samples.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which background electrolytes modify the kinetics of non-equivalent step propagation during calcite growth were investigated using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), at constant driving force and solution stoichiometry. Our results suggest that the acute step spreading rate is controlled by kink-site nucleation and, ultimately, by the dehydration of surface sites, while the velocity of obtuse step advancement is mainly determined by hydration of calcium ions in solution. According to our results, kink nucleation at acute steps could be promoted by carbonate-assisted calcium attachment. The different sensitivity of obtuse and acute step propagation kinetics to cation and surface hydration could be the origin of the reversed geometries of calcite growth hillocks (i.e., rate of obtuse step spreading < rate of acute step spreading) observed in concentrated (ionic strength, IS = 0.1) KCl and CsCl solutions. At low IS (0.02), ion-specific effects seem to be mainly associated with changes in the solvation environment of calcium ions in solution. With increasing electrolyte concentration, the stabilization of surface water by weakly paired salts appears to become increasingly important in determining step spreading rate. At high ionic strength (IS = 0.1), overall calcite growth rates increased with increasing hydration of calcium in solution (i.e., decreasing ion pairing of background electrolytes for sodium-bearing salts) and with decreasing hydration of the carbonate surface site (i.e., increasing ion pairing for chloride-bearing salts). Changes in growth hillock morphology were observed in the presence of Li+, F and , and can be interpreted as the result of the stabilization of polar surfaces due to increased ion hydration. These results increase our ability to predict crystal reactivity in natural fluids which contain significant amounts of solutes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of calcite precipitation in the presence of alginate was investigated using the constant composition technique. In the concentration range investigated (0.0002-0.005 g L−1), alginate inhibits calcite precipitation. The extent of inhibition increased with increased alginate concentration and decreased solution supersaturation. Alginate adsorption, derived from normalized calcite precipitation rates, is described satisfactorily by the Langmuir adsorption model. At lowest supersaturation, alginate adsorption onto calcite probably reaches its maximal uptake of 7.5E-4 g m−2, corresponding to surface coverage of one molecule for each 200-300 nm2, depending on the molecular mass of alginate. This means that one alginate molecule can be bound over 100-150 Ca surface sites. Initially, on the surface of the inhibited calcite, XPS identified alginate but after further time in solution, when the system had recovered, XPS demonstrated that it disappeared from the surface, presumably buried under the newly formed calcite. The alginate affinity constant decreases with increasing supersaturation, evidence for incomplete adsorption. A simple model based on competition between growth and desorption effectively describes the observed change in the adsorption constant.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated and clarified the processes occurring during the alteration of SON68 glass – the reference nuclear glass for the waste arising from reprocessing of spent fuel from light water reactors – at 50 °C in Callovo-Oxfordian clay groundwater in presence of magnetite. Magnetite is known to be one of the iron corrosion products expected to be present in the vicinity of glass in geological disposal conditions. The effects of the amount of magnetite relative to the glass surface and the transport of aqueous species during glass alteration were studied. A first series of experiments was focused on the effect of various magnetite amounts by mixing and altering glass and magnetite powders. In a second series of experiments, magnetite was separated from the glass by a diffusive barrier in order to slow down the transport of aqueous species. Glass alteration kinetics were analyzed and solids were characterized by a multiscale approach using Raman Spectroscopy, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy-Dispersive X-ray and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy coupled with Fe L2,3-edge and C K-edge NEXAFS.It appears that glass alteration increases with the amount of magnetite and that the transport of aqueous species is a key parameter. Several processes have been identified such as (i) the silica sorption on the magnetite surface, (ii) the precipitation of Fe-silicates in the vicinity of the glass (iii) the precipitation of SiO2 on the magnetite surface, (iv) the incorporation of Fe within the alteration layer. Process (iv) was not frequently observed, suggesting local variations in geochemical conditions. Moreover, this process is strongly influenced by the transport of aqueous species as indicated by the morphology and composition of the alteration layers. Indeed, when glass and magnetite are homogeneously mixed, the glass alteration layer consists of a gel enriched in Fe having the same Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio as in magnetite. When both materials are separated by a diffusive barrier, the glass alteration layer consists of a porous gel (not enriched in iron) in presence of a mixture of Fe-silicates with Fe having the same valence as in magnetite, rare-earth precipitates and phyllosilicates. These results suggest that Fe incorporation within the alteration layer changes depending on the distance and the time required for dissolved Fe originating from the magnetite to reach the glass.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2006,225(3-4):322-335
This work deals with the growth behaviour of calcite {101¯4} surfaces in contact with multicomponent aqueous solutions containing divalent cations (Ba2+, Sr2+, Mn2+, Cd2+, or Mg2+). The result is the formation of solid solutions, with calcite or aragonite as one of the end-members. In situ atomic force microscopy has revealed a wide variety of surface phenomena occurring during the formation of these solid solutions. Among them are: (1) the thickening of growth steps and the subsequent dissolution of surfaces followed by the nucleation of secondary three-dimensional nuclei on calcite surfaces, (2) the transition between growth mechanisms, (3) the formation of an epitaxial layer that armours the substrate from further dissolution and (4) the inhibitory effect of the newly formed surface on the subsequent growth (template effect). The two last phenomena can considerably limit coprecipitation as an effective mechanism for divalent metal uptake. All the phenomena described are a consequence of the interplay between thermodynamics, supersaturation of the aqueous solution with respect to the possible solid solutions and the crystallographic control of the surfaces on the cation incorporation, and indicates that there are many differences between the crystal growth of solid solutions and phases with fixed composition.  相似文献   

Hydrated mineral surfaces play an important role in many processes in biological, geological, and industrial applications. An energy force field was developed for molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations of hydrated carbonate minerals and was applied to investigate the behavior of water on the calcite surface. The force field is a significant development for large-scale molecular simulations of these systems, and provides good agreement with experimental and previous modeling results. Simulations indicate that water molecules are significantly ordered near the calcite surface. The predominant surface configuration (75-80%) results from coordination of a water molecule with a single calcium cation-carbonate anion pair, while the less common situation involves water coordination with two ion pairs. Surface restructuring and variation in coordination in the water layers results in distinct distances for water oxygens above the calcite surface—a two-component first monolayer (2.3 and 3.0 Å) and a secondary monolayer (5.0 Å). The different coordinations also alter lateral displacement, hydrogen bonding, and surface-normal orientation of the water molecules. The ordering of water molecules and the formation of a unique hydrogen bonding network at the calcite surface influence the physical properties of the interfacial water. Surface exchange of water molecules is observed by molecular dynamics simulation to occur at a rate of one exchange per 10 ps. Diffusion coefficients derived from mean square displacement analysis of atomic trajectories indicate a dependence of water transport based on the distance of the water molecules from the calcite surface.  相似文献   

Spatially resolved luminescence spectra from U(VI) co-precipitated at the (101?4) growth surface of synthetic calcite single crystals confirm heterogeneous incorporation corresponding to the distribution of structurally non-equivalent steps composing the vicinal surfaces of spiral growth hillocks. Spectral structure from U(VI) luminescence at the “-” vicinal regions and featureless, weak luminescence at the “+” vicinal regions are consistent with previously reported observations of enrichment at the former sites during calcite growth. Luminescence spectra differ between the non-equivalent regions of the crystal, with the spectral features from the “-” vicinal region corresponding to those observed in bulk calcite samples. Subtle spectral shifts are observed from U(VI) co-precipitated with microcrystalline calcite synthesized by a different method, and all of the U(VI)-calcite sample spectra differ significantly from that of U(VI) co-precipitated with aragonite.The step-selective incorporation of U(VI) can be explained by a proposed model in which the allowed orientation for adsorption of the dominant calcium uranyl triscarbonate species is controlled by the atomic arrangement at step edges. Differences in the tilt angles of carbonate groups between non-equivalent growth steps favor adsorption of the calcium uranyl triscarbonate species at “-” steps, as observed in experiments.  相似文献   

The interaction of oleic acid with fluorite, calcite and barite has been studied using solubility, oleate abstraction, electrophoretic mobility and Hallimond-tube flotation measurements. Abstraction of oleate from aqueous solution corresponds to the precipitation of the metal oleate. Multilayers of metal oleate inhibits the dissolution of the minerals and prevents true equilibrium from being obtained. Flotation is not only dependent on the amount of oleate abstracted but also on the strength of adhesion of the precipitated metal oleate to the minerals. Selectivity between the flotation of calcite, fluorite and barite is unlikely to be obtained by varying the pH because similar responses are observed.  相似文献   

The rate of Cd2+ sorption by calcite was determined as a function of pH and Mg2+ in aqueous solutions saturated with respect to calcite but undersaturated with respect to CdCO3. The sorption is characterized by two reaction steps, with the first reaching completion within 24 hours. The second step proceeded at a slow and nearly constant rate for at least 7 days. The rate of calcite recrystallization was also studied, using a Ca2+ isotopic exchange technique. Both the recrystallization rate of calcite and the rate of slow Cd2+ sorption decrease with increasing pH or with increasing Mg2+. The recrystallization rate could be predicted from the number of moles of Ca present in the hydrated surface layer.A model is presented which is consistent with the rates of Cd2+ sorption and Ca2+ isotopic exchange. In the model, the first step in Cd2+ sorption involves a fast adsorption reaction that is followed by diffusion of Cd2+ into a surface layer of hydrated CaCO3 that overlies crystalline calcite. Desorption of Cd2+ from the hydrated layer is slow. The second step is solid solution formation in new crystalline material, which grows from the disordered mixture of Cd and Ca carbonate in the hydrated surface layer. Calculated distribution coefficients for solid solutions formed at the surface are slightly greater than the ratio of equilibrium constants for dissolution of calcite and CdCO3, which is the value that would be expected for an ideal solid solution in equilibrium with the aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Summary The orange cathodoluminescence (CL) of calcite is known to be due to the presence of Mn2+ cations. It has been demonstrated here using CL and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) crossed analysis from synthetic calcite that neither Fe2+ nor Fe3+ ions influence this luminescence emission. More complex natural calcium carbonates have been investigated to check whether or not this conclusion can be applied to them. For this purpose, different white marbles from Greek quarries were analysed with CL. The data are completed with neutron activation analysis (NAA) for manganese and iron contents. Again it is shown that only manganese plays a role in the orange CL of these white marbles. This result provides an important clue in the wide field of provenance determination of calcium carbonate used in ancient art.Received February 19, 2002; revised version accepted October 22, 2002 Published online March 10, 2003  相似文献   

 We investigated grain growth of calcite aggregates fabricated from crushed natural single crystals with different impurity content. The total trace-element concentration of the starting powders varied from about 170 ppm to more than 930 ppm with Mn as the major component. Samples were produced by hot-isostatic pressing of the different powders at 300 MPa confining pressure at 600 °C for 2 h. The starting material for the anneals was dry and had a uniform microstructure with an average grain size of about 5 μm and a porosity of <2.1%. Three disks with Mn concentrations of 10, 350, and 670 ppm, respectively, were annealed in the same run at a confining pressure of 300 MPa, and temperatures between 700 and 900 °C for up to 20 h. Grain growth was fastest in samples with the highest Mn concentrations. A multivariable fit to the data yields grain-growth exponents of 2.0 ± 0.3 for samples with 10 ppm Mn and 2.3 ± 0.2 for those with 670 ppm Mn. The activation energies for grain growth vary from 99 ± 12 kJ mol−1 to 147 ± 14 kJ mol−1 for the respective calcite compositions. Received: 22 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 March 2001  相似文献   

Electrokinetic and flotation studies on apatites and calcite show that under certain conditions these minerals are floatable with dodecylamine chloride (DDACl) and the possible mode of DDACl adsorption is due to Coulombic and Van der Waals forces. The results indicate hemi-micelle formation of dodecylamine ions and suggest involvement of neutral molecular amine in the hemi-micelle structure, the critical hemi-micelle concentration being influenced by the nature of charge at the mineral surface.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):3121-3131
Because of a recent increase in interest in the properties of the calcite surface, there has also been an increase in activity toward development of mathematical models to describe calcite’s surface behaviour, particularly with respect to adsorption and precipitation. For a mathematical model to be realistic, it must be based on a sound conceptual model of atomic structure at the interface. New observations from high resolution techniques have been combined with previously published data to resolve the apparent conflict with results from electrokinetic studies and to present a picture of what the calcite surface probably looks like at the atomic scale.In ultra-high vacuum (10−10 mbar), a cleaved surface remains unreacted for at least an hour, but the unreacted surface does not remain as a termination of the bulk structure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) show that the outer-most atomic layer relaxes and the surface slightly restructures. In air, dangling bonds are satisfied by hydrolysed water. XPS and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) reveal the presence of adsorbed OH and H. In AFM images, the features so typical of calcite, namely, alternate-row offset, pairing and height difference, as well as the consistent dependence of these features on the force and direction of tip scanning, are best explained by OH filling of the vacant O sites created during cleavage on the Ca octahedra. Thus there is solid evidence to indicate the presence of OH and H chemi-sorbed at the termination of the bulk calcite structure.Wet chemical studies, however, show that calcite’s pHpzc (zero point of charge) varies with sample history and solution composition. Electrophoretic mobility measurements indicate that the potential-determining ions are not H+ and OH, but rather Ca2+ and CO32− (or HCO3 or H2CO30). This apparent conflict is resolved by a slight modification of the electrical double layer (EDL) model. At the bulk termination, hydrolysis species are chemi-bonded. At the Stern layer, adsorption attaches Ca2+ and CO32− (or other carbonate species), but the hydrolysis layer keeps them in outer-sphere coordination to the surface. With dehydration, loss of the hydrolysis species results in direct contact between adsorbed ions and the bulk termination, therefore, inner-sphere sorption is equivalent to extension of the three dimensional bulk network, which is precipitation. Attachment of ions with size and charge compatible with Ca and CO3 likewise results in coprecipitation and solid–solution formation.  相似文献   

Carbonate preservation profiles in the Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea seem to be out-of phase during the last deglaciation. A possibly time transgressive deglacial preservation spike in the N-Atlantic overlaps with a major calcite dissolution pulse in the Norwegian Sea. Contemporaneously major changes in surface and bottom water circulation of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea occurred. Isotopic and sedimentological evidence suggests that bottom water formation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea was almost shut down during the last maximum glaciation and probably also during the first part of the last deglaciation. During that time corrosive bottom waters might have filled the Norwegian Sea deep sea basins causing carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. Subsequently, the reinitiation of deep water formation could have been coupled with increased resuspension of organic matter and/or reworking of older organic matter rising the p CO2 of bottom waters and contributing to carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. Additionally, large volumes of atmospheric CO2 stored before the Younger Dryas might have been pumped into the deep sea possibly by downwelling of surface waters and been neutralized against carbonate at the sea floor.
Zusammenfassung Erhaltungsprofile des Karbonatlösungszustandes, bestimmt an der planktonischen Foraminif ere N. pachyderma aus Sedimenten, die während der letzten Abschmelzphase der letzten Eiszeit abgelagert wurden, zeigen im Atlantik und in der Norwegisch-Grönländischen See eine deutliche Phasenverschiebung der Erhaltungszustände. Ein möglicherweise zeittransgressiver Erhaltungspeak im Atlantik tritt in zeitlicher überlappung mit einer Phase erhöhter Karbonatlösung in der Norwegischen See auf. Aufgrund verschiedener sedimentologischer Parameter (Korngrö\enspektren, C-org Gehalte, Sedimentstrukturen) und deutlicher Veränderungen der stabilen Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopenverhältnisse benthonischer Foraminiferen erscheint es wahrscheinlich, da\ die Tiefenwasserproduktion in der Norwegisch-Grönländischen See während des Höchststandes der letzten Vereisung und möglicherweise auch während des ersten Abschnittes des Abschmelzvorgangs gestoppt war. Während dieses Zeitraumes war die vertikale Durchmischung der Wassermassen stark herabgesetzt und altes korrosives Bodenwasser füllte die Tiefseebecken der Norwegischen See und verursachte eine intensive Karbonatlösung am Meeresboden. Nachdem die Bodenwasserzirkulation und Tiefenwasserbildung später erneut einsetzte, wurde zunächst eine verstärkte Ventilation durch absinkendes, sauerstoffreiches Oberflächenwasser am Meeresboden verursacht. Die Oxidation von resuspendiertem und die Aufarbeitung von bereits abgelagertem organischem Material bedingte einen letzten starken Anstieg des CO2 Partialdrucks im Bodenwasser und verstärkte die Karbonatlösung am Meeresboden. Eine mögliche zusätzliche Quelle liefert vor der Jüngeren Dryas in der Atmosphäre angereichertes CO2, das möglicherweise durch »downwelling« von Oberflächenwasser zusätzlich in die Tiefsee gepumpt wurde.

Résumé Au moyen den l'examen des foraminifères planctoniquesN. pachyderma, des profils de l'état de conservation des carbonates ont été établis dans les sédiments déposés dans l'Atlantique et dans la Mer de Norvège au cours de la phase de fusion de la dernière glaciation. Ces profils ne sont pas en corrélation: dans l'Atlantique apparaÎt un maximum de stabilité des carbonates, probablement transgressif dans le temps, qui correspond à une phase de forte dissolution dans la Mer de Norvège. Certains paramètres sédimentologiques (granularité, teneur en C organique, structures sédimentaires) ainsi que des variations de la composition isotopique de l'O et du C des foraminifères benthoniques permettent de penser que la production d'eau profonde s'est arrÊtée dans la Mer de Norvège au cours du maximum de la dernière glaciation et sans doute aussi pendant le début de la fusion qui a suivi. Pendant cette période, le mélange vertical des masses d'eau était fortement ralenti et une ancienne eau de fond à caractère corrosif occupait le bassin de la Mer de Norvège où elle induisait une forte dissolution des carbonates. Plus tard, lorsque se rétablirent la circulation de l'eau de fond et la formation d'eau profonde, on assita à une aération de la partie profonde de la mer, par l'effet de la descente d'eau superficielle riche en oxygène. L'oxydation de la matière organique provoqua un accroissement de la pression partielle de CO2 dans l'eau de fond, ce qui y accentua la dissolution des carbonates. Une autre source possible pourrait Être le CO2 accumulé dans l'atmosphère avant le Dryas supérieur et entraÎné vers la profondeur par la descente des eaux de surface.

- , N. pachyderma , . . — , , — , - , , , , . , . , , . O2 . O2 .

Surface reactions on calcite play an important role in geochemical and environmental systems, as well as many areas of industry. In this review, we present investigations of calcite that were performed in the frame of the joint research project “RECAWA” (reactivity of calcite–water-interfaces: molecular process understanding for technical applications). As indicated by the project title, work within the project comprised a large range of length scales. The molecular scale structure of the calcite (1 0 4)–water-interface is refined based on surface diffraction data. Structural details are related to surface charging phenomena, and a simplified basic stern surface complexation model is proposed. As an example for trace metal interactions with calcite surfaces we review and present new spectroscopic and macroscopic experimental results on Selenium interactions with calcite. Results demonstrate that selenate (SeO42−) shows no significant interaction with calcite at our experimental conditions, while selenite (SeO32−) adsorbs at the calcite surface and can be incorporated into the calcite structure. Atomistic calculations are used to assess the thermodynamics of sulfate (SO42−), selenate (SeO42−), and selenite (SeO32−) partitioning in calcite and aragonite. The results show that incorporation of these oxo-anions into the calcite structure is so highly endothermic that incorporation is practically impossible at bulk equilibrium and standard conditions. This indicates that entrapment processes are involved when coprecipitation is observed experimentally. The relevance of nano-scale surface features is addressed in an investigation of calcite growth and precipitation in the presence of phosphonates, demonstrating the influence of phosphonates on the morphology of growth spirals and macroscopic growth rates. It is investigated how physical properties of limestone containing cement suspensions may influence the workability of the cement suspensions and thus the efficacy of limestone in industrial applications. The largest scale is reached in iron filtration experiments in a water-purification-pilot-plant using limestone as filter material, which appeared to be highly effective for removing iron from drinking water. Investigations presented cover a whole series of methods to study the calcite–water-interface. Many calcite related topics are addressed, demonstrating how broad the field of calcite–water-interface research is and how manifold the applications are, for which calcite–water-interface phenomena are of major relevance.  相似文献   

The adsorption of octyl hydroxamate on electrolytic manganese dioxide was investigated through adsorption studies, electrophoretic mobility measurements, infrared spectroscopy and Hallimond tube flotation. The adsorption measurements at room temperature and flotation studies show that a peak in adsorption density and flotation response occurs around pH 9. IR spectra indicate the presence of basic manganous hydroxamate complex at the surface. The electrophoretic mobility studies suggest that hydroxamate adsorbs specifically at the manganese dioxide/water interface. Adsorption measurements at an elevated temperature show that adsorption density increases with increasing temperature. It is postulated that the reactive species in adsorption could be the hydroxamic acid species.  相似文献   

Normal grain growth of calcite was investigated by combining grain size analysis of calcite across the contact aureole of the Adamello pluton, and grain growth modeling based on a thermal model of the surroundings of the pluton. In an unbiased model system, i.e., location dependent variations in temperature-time path, 2/3 and 1/3 of grain growth occurs during pro- and retrograde metamorphism at all locations, respectively. In contrast to this idealized situation, in the field example three groups can be distinguished, which are characterized by variations in their grain size versus temperature relationships: Group I occurs at low temperatures and the grain size remains constant because nano-scale second phase particles of organic origin inhibit grain growth in the calcite aggregates under these conditions. In the presence of an aqueous fluid, these second phases decay at a temperature of about 350 °C enabling the onset of grain growth in calcite. In the following growth period, fluid-enhanced group II and slower group III growth occurs. For group II a continuous and intense grain size increase with T is typical while the grain growth decreases with T for group III. None of the observed trends correlate with experimentally based grain growth kinetics, probably due to differences between nature and experiment which have not yet been investigated (e.g., porosity, second phases). Therefore, grain growth modeling was used to iteratively improve the correlation between measured and modeled grain sizes by optimizing activation energy (Q), pre-exponential factor (k0) and grain size exponent (n). For n=2, Q of 350 kJ/mol, k0 of 1.7×1021 mns–1 and Q of 35 kJ/mol, k0 of 2.5×10-5 mns–1 were obtained for group II and III, respectively. With respect to future work, field-data based grain growth modeling might be a promising tool for investigating the influences of secondary effects like porosity and second phases on grain growth in nature, and to unravel differences between nature and experiment.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

Variation in 13C/12C-isotope ratios of fracture filling calcite was analyzed in situ to investigate carbon sources and cycling in fractured bedrock. The study was conducted by separating sections of fracture fillings, and analyzing the 13C/12C-ratios with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Specifically, the study was aimed at fillings where previously published sulfur isotope data indicated the occurrence of bacterial sulfate reduction. The results showed that the δ13C values of calcite were highly variable, ranging from −53.8‰ to +31.6‰ (VPDB). The analysis also showed high variations within single fillings of up to 39‰. The analyzed calcite fillings were mostly associated with two calcite groups, of which Group 3 represents possible Paleozoic fluid circulation, based on comparison with similar dated coatings within the Baltic Shield and the succeeding Group 1–2 fillings represent late-stage, low temperature mineralization and are possibly late Paleozoic to Quaternary in age. Both generations were associated with pyrite with δ34S values indicative of bacterial sulfate reduction. The δ13C values of calcite, however, were indicative of geochemical environments which were distinct for these generations. The δ13C values of Group 3 calcite varied from −22.1‰ to +11‰, with a distinct peak at −16‰ to −12‰. Furthermore, there were no observable depth dependent trends in the δ13C values of Group 3 calcite. The δ13C values of Group 3 calcite were indicative of organic matter degradation and methanogenesis. In contrast to the Group 3 fillings, the δ13C values of Group 1–2 calcite were highly variable, ranging from −53.8‰ to +31.6‰ and they showed systematic variation with depth. The near surface environment of <30 m (bsl) was characterized by δ13C values indicative of degradation of surface derived organic matter, with δ13C values ranging from −30.3‰ to −5.5‰. The intermediate depth of 34–54 m showed evidence of localized methanotrophic activity seen as anomalously 13C depleted calcite, having δ13C values as low as −53.8‰. At depths of ∼60–400 m, positive δ13C values of up to +31.6‰ in late-stage calcite of Group 1–2 indicated methanogenesis. In comparison, high CH4 concentrations in present day groundwaters are found at depths of >300 m. One sample at a depth of 111 m showed a transition from methanogenetic conditions (calcite bearing methanogenetic signature) to sulfate reducing (precipitation of pyrite on calcite surface), however, the timing of this transition is so far unclear. The results from this study gives indications of the complex nature of sulfur and carbon cycling in fractured crystalline environments and highlights the usefulness of in situ stable isotope analysis.  相似文献   

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