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通过对江苏南京市等典型地区大气降尘样品微量元素分布数据的分析研究,总结了上述各地大气降尘的元素含量分布等地球化学特征,发现不同地区大气降伞的微量元素分布存在明显差异,Cd、Ph、Zn、Se、S等元素在大气降尘中呈相对寓集趋势,城市地区大气降尘污染程度总体要高于乡村,部分降尘样品中Cd、Pb、Zn、Cr、Nj等重金属元素的超量富集与人为活动有关.认为大气降尘环境地球化学调查可在城市土地资源规划利用与保护、产业合理布局、地表物质循环研究、居民健康等方面发挥独特作用,建议今后江苏城市地质调查工作增加这方面的研究内容.  相似文献   

Trace element geochemistry was studied in geothermal fluids in Iceland. The major and trace element compositions of hot springs, sub-boiling, and two-phase (liquid and vapor) wells from 10 geothermal areas were used to reconstruct the fluid composition in the aquifers at depth. Aquifer fluid temperatures ranged from 4 to 300 °C, pH values between 4.5 and 9.3, and fluids typically contained total dissolved solids <1000 ppm, except in geothermal areas that have seawater and seawater-meteoric water mixtures. Trace alkali elements Li, Rb and Cs are among the most mobile elements in aquifer fluids, with concentrations in the range of <1 ppb to 3.49 ppm Li, <0.01 to 57 ppb Cs, and <1 ppb to 3.77 ppm Rb. Their chemistry is thought to be dominated by rock leaching and partitioning into Na- and K-containing major alteration minerals. Arsenic, Sb, Mo and W are typically present in concentrations in the range of 1–100 ppb. They are relatively mobile, yet Mo may be limited by molybdenite solubility. The alkaline earth elements Ba and Sr are quite immobile with concentrations in the range of <0.1–10 ppb Ba and <1–100 ppb Sr in the dilute fluids, but up to 5.9 ppm Ba and 8.2 ppm Sr in saline fluids. These elements show a systematic relationship with Ca, possibly due to substitution for Ca in Ca-containing major alteration minerals like calcite, epidote and anhydrite. Incorporation into major Ca-minerals may also be important for Mn. Many metals including Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Pb and Ag have low mobility and concentrations, typically <1 ppb for Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb, <10 ppb for Zn and < 100 ppb for Fe, although for some metals higher concentrations are associated with saline fluids. Based on the metals assessed, saturation is approached with respect to many sulfide minerals and in some cases oxide minerals but Cu, Ni and Pb minerals are slightly but systematically undersaturated, and Ag phases significantly undersaturated. Evaluation of mineral-fluid equilibria for these metals is problematic due to their low concentrations, problems associated with assessing the aqueous species distribution by thermodynamic calculations, and uncertainties concerning the exact minerals possibly involved in such reactions. Reaction path calculations, poor comparison of concentrations measured in the samples collected at the wellhead and published downhole data as well as boiling, cooling and mass precipitation calculations suggest removal of many metals due to changes upon depressurization boiling and conductive cooling of the aquifer fluids as they ascend in wells. These results imply that processes such as mass precipitation upon fluid ascent may be highly important and emphasize the importance of considering mass movement in geothermal systems.  相似文献   

We investigated mineral aerosol (dust) deposition in the Aral Sea with intention to understand the variability of dust in central Asia and its implications for atmospheric circulation change in the late Holocene. Using an 11.12-m sediment core of the lake, we calculated bulk sediment fluxes at high time-resolution and analyzed grain-size distributions of detrital sediments. A refined age-depth model was established by combined methods of radiocarbon dating and archeological evidence. Besides, a principal component analysis (PCA) of grain-size fractions and elements (Fe, Ti, K, Ca, Sr) was used to assess the potential processes controlling detrital inputs. The results suggest that two processes are mainly relevant for the clastic input as the medium silt fractions and Ti, Fe and K are positively correlated with Component 1 (C1), and the fine size fractions (<6 μm) are positively correlated with Component 2 (C2). Taking the results of the PCA, geological backgrounds, clastic input processes into account, we propose that the medium silt fractions and, in particular, the grain-size fraction ratio (6–32 μm/2–6 μm), can serve as indicators of the variability of airborne dust in the Aral Sea region. On the contrary, the fine size fractions appear to be contributed mainly by the sheetwash processes. The bulk sediment deposition fluxes were extremely high during the Little Ice Age (LIA; AD 1400–1780), which may be related to the increased dust deposition. As indicated by the variations of grain-size ratio and Ti, the history of dust deposition in central Asia can be divided into five distinct periods, with a remarkably low deposition during AD 1–350, a moderately high value from AD 350–720, a return to relatively low level between AD 720 and AD 1400 (including the Medieval Warm Period (MWP, AD 755–1070)), an exceptionally high deposition from AD 1400 to 1940s and an abnormally low value since 1940s. The temporal variations in the dust deposition are consistent with the changes in the Siberian High (SH) and mean atmospheric temperature of the northern hemisphere during the past 2000 years, with low/high annual temperature anomalies corresponding to high/low dust supplies in the Aral Sea sediments, respectively. The variations in the fine size fraction also show a broadly similarity to a lacustrine δ18O record in Turkey (Jones et al., 2006), implying that there was less moisture entering western central Asia from the Mediterranean during the LIA than during the MWP.  相似文献   

In the present investigation all the working lignite seams of Cambay basin of Gujarat have been studied to see the distribution and geochemistry of selected major/minor elements like Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, and Mn and trace elements like Cu, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn. The vertical variation of these elements along the seam profiles has been studied to see the pattern of distribution of these elements and also to know the horizons of their enrichment and the probable cause. Further, these elements have been correlated among themselves and also with organic and inorganic matter of lignite. The correlation study indicates that in Tadkeshwar upper seam Fe has its affinity with huminite while Mg and Na have their affinity with liptinite and in Tadkeshwar lower seam Na has an affinity with liptinite. In Vastan upper seam Mn and Cu are associated with inertinite and Na with huminite while in Vastan lower seam Cu relates to huminite and Cd to liptinite and huminite. In Rajpardi seam Ca and Co are associated with huminite. The study provides information on the mode of occurrence of elements of less studied lignites of western India.  相似文献   

Data on temperature, major constituents and some trace elements, measured in the dissolved and particulate phases, were used to identify the hydrodynamics of a reservoir (the Bicaz reservoir, Romania). Results revealed that the reservoir experiences two thermal stratifications per year (summer and winter). However, the summer stratification is delayed by the high river inflow of June–July. Two layers were identified, a surface and a deep layer, whose location and impact vary with time. The surface layer originates from the river inflow (intrusion layer) and the deep current is produced by the outflow (velocity current). According to season, the river inflow either supplies the deep current or remains recordable up to the dam. Consequently, the structure of the water column, and thus the biogeochemical processes within it, are governed both by thermal stratification and by these layers.  相似文献   

The Asian Monsoon forms an important part of the earth’s climate system, yet our understanding of the past interactions between its different sub-systems, the East Asian and Indian monsoons, and between monsoonal winds and other prevailing wind currents such as the Westerly jet, is limited, particularly in central Asia. This in turn affects our ability to develop climate models capable of accurately predicting future changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and monsoon intensities in Asia. Provenance studies of mineral dust deposited in terrestrial settings such as peat bogs can address this problem directly, by offering the possibility to examine past deposition rates and wind direction, and hence reconstruct past atmospheric circulation patterns. However, such studies are challenged by several issues, most importantly the identification of proxies that unambiguously distinguish between the different potential dust sources and that are independent of particle size. In addition, a single analytical method that is suitable for sample preparation of both dust source (i.e. desert sand, soil) and receptor (i.e. dust archive such as peat or soil profiles) material is desirable in order to minimize error propagation derived from the experimental and analytical work. Here, an improved geochemical framework of provenance tracers to study atmospheric circulation patterns and palaeomonsoon variability in central Asia is provided, by combining for the first time mineralogical as well as major and trace elemental (Sc, Y, Th and the rare earth elements) information on Chinese (central Chinese loess plateau, northern Qaidam basin and Taklamakan, Badain Juran and Tengger deserts), Indian (Thar desert) and Tibetan (eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau) dust sources.Quartz, feldspars and clay minerals are the major constituents of all studied sources, with highly variable calcite contents reflected in the CaO concentrations. Chinese and Tibetan dust sources are enriched in middle REE relative to the upper continental crust and average shale but the Thar desert has a REE signature distinctly different from all other dust sources. There are significant differences in major, trace and REE compositions between the coarse and fine fractions of the surface sands, with the finest <4 μm fraction enriched in Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO and K2O and the <32 μm fractions in Sc, Y, Th and the REE relative to the coarse fractions. The <4 μm fraction best represents the bulk REE geochemistry of the samples. The provenance tracers Y/∑REE, La/Er, La/Gd, Gd/Er, La/Yb, Y/Tb, Y/La, Y/Nd and to a certain extent the europium anomaly Eu/Eu (all REE normalized to post-Archean Australian shale, PAAS) are particle size-independent tracers, of which combinations of Y/∑REE, La/Yb, Y/Tb, Y/La and Eu/Eu can be used to distinguish the Thar desert, the Chinese deserts, the Chinese loess plateau and the Tibetan soils. Their independence upon grain size means that these tracers can be applied to the long-range provenance tracing of Asian dust even when only bulk samples are available in the source region. Combinations of La/Th, Y/Tb, Y/∑REE, Sc/La and Y/Er distinguish the Tibetan soils from the Chinese loess plateau and the Chinese deserts. La/Th and notably Th/∑REE isolate the signature of the Badain Juran desert and the combination of Sc/La and Y/Er that of the Taklamakan desert. The similarity in all trace and REE-based provenance tracers between the northern Qaidam basin and Tengger desert suggests that these two deposits may have a common aeolian source.  相似文献   

Sediments in Lake Qinghai archive important information about past environmental changes. In order to faithfully interpret the sediment records and constrain the elemental cycles, it is critical to trace various sources of sediments in the lake. The results show that the elemental input–output budgets are imbalanced for most major elements between riverine fluxes and mass accumulation rate (MAR) of Lake Qinghai sediments. A realistic model must include contributions of dry/wet atmospheric deposition that allow the major element mass balance for the lake to be defined. The budget estimation is based on mass balances of Si and Al, which are relatively immobile and carried to the lake via particulate forms. Estimated annual budget of dry atmospheric deposition is ∼1.3 ± 0.3 × 103 kt/a (accounting for ∼65% of the total inputs) to the lake sediments, assuming local loess within the catchment as a candidate for dry atmospheric deposition to the lake. The resultant flux of 300 ± 45 g/m2/a falls within the flux average of the desert area (400 g/m2/a) and the loess plateau (250 g/m2/a), consistent with the geographical setting of Lake Qinghai. The role of atmospheric deposition would be more significant if wet deposition via rainfall and snow were taken into account. This highlights the potential importance of dust as a significant source for sediment preservation flux for other catchments worldwide. The results also indicate that nearly all Ca input was preserved in the lake sediments under modern conditions, consistent with Ca2+ supersaturation of the lake water.  相似文献   

云南金宝山铂钯矿床铂族元素地球化学及找矿意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
金宝山是中国目前发现的最大的独立铂钯矿床,该岩体基性程度高,主要由橄榄石、单斜辉石组成,含大量铬铁矿〔w(Cr)约为0.5%〕。铂钯矿石呈稀疏浸染状,硫化物含量少,高铂族元素、低铜镍含量。矿体与超基性围岩界线不明显,且二者具有相似的微量、稀土元素参数和微量、稀土、铂族元素标准化配分模式,表明两者的原始岩浆具有相似的性质。超基性围岩具有高的Pd/Ir、Ni/Cu比值和Pb负异常,相反,铂钯矿石显示为低的Pd/Ir、Ni/Cu比值和Pb正异常,两者具有相似的Cu/Pd、Cu/Pt比值(≤原始地幔值),表明铂钯矿石形成于地幔柱S低度饱和环境,超基性围岩可能形成于S饱和/不饱和的地球化学界面。铂族元素地球化学的差异表明含少量富铂族元素的硫化物的含矿岩浆可能注入于稍前侵入的、且未完全固结的超基性围岩中,形成似层状矿体。峨眉地幔柱早期硫低度饱和、融离出少量硫化物以及铂族元素在硫化物/硅酸盐相中极高的分配系数是导致金宝山矿石富铂钯、贫铜镍的根本原因。金宝山是极少有的全岩体Cu/Pd、Cu/Pt值均小于原始地幔值的矿床,表明该岩体的岩浆经历了硫化物富集铂族元素的过程,推测靠近峨眉地幔柱喷发中心的基性-超基性岩体是寻找铂族元素矿床最佳远景区之一。  相似文献   

To accurately identify the natural gas hydrates (NGH) in the sea area of the Makran Accretionary Prism, Pakistan, this paper presents the testing and analysis of major and trace elements in sediment samples taken from two stations (S2 and S3) in the area by the China Geological Survey. As shown by testing results, all major elements are slightly different in content between the two stations except SiO2 and CaO. This also applies to the trace elements that include Sr and Ba primarily and Cr, Ni and Zn secondarily. It can be concluded in this study that the tectonic setting of the Makran Accretionary Prism is dominated by oceanic island arc and that provenance of the Makran Accretionary Prism is dominated by felsic igneous provenance, which is at the initial weathering stage and mainly consists of granodiorite. Besides terrigenous detritus, there are sediments possibly originating from Makran-Bela Ophiolite from the northwestern part and Murray Ridge igneous rocks from the southeastern part. The V/Cr, Ni/Co, and V/(V+Ni) ratios indicate that sediments of the two stations are in an oxidation-suboxidation environment. However, the authors infer that the sedimentary environment of the sediments 3.0 m below the seafloor tends to be gradually transformed into a reduction environment by comparison with the Qiongdongnan Basin in the South China Sea where NGH has been discovered. The sediments in the Makran Accretionary Prism are rich in organic matter, with total organic carbon (TOC) content greater than 1%. According to comprehensive research, the organic matter in the sediments mainly originates from marine algae and has high TOC content, which is favorable for the formation of NGH.  相似文献   

新疆金矿火山岩微量及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘家远 《黄金地质》2001,7(4):45-51
金矿火山岩微量元素以Th和Zr的明显正异常及Nb和Ti的明显负异常为特征。微量元素比值蛛网图模式曲线均呈微向左倾斜的多峰多谷曲线。过渡元素以Cr和Ni的明显负异常及Sc,Co,Cu明显正常为特征。过渡元素球粒陨石标准化曲线,也均呈微向右倾斜的W形曲线。稀土元素以稀土总量偏低,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,Eu具微弱异常至微弱正常为特征。稀土元素配分模式均呈微向右倾斜和近于水平的平滑曲线,陆相火山作用两类成矿岩浆建造-陆相火山岩与潜火山杂岩具有基本一致的微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征。  相似文献   

黄岗梁铁锡矿床位于大兴安岭中南段晚古生代增生造山带。矿区内闪锌矿产于矽卡岩中,可分为浸染状和层纹状闪锌矿。本文对两种闪锌矿进行了高精度LA-ICP-MS元素含量测试,结果表明矿区两种闪锌矿具有相同成因特征,闪锌矿中Mn、Cu、As、In较富集,Ga、Ge、Cd含量较低,而As、Sn、Bi、Pb含量变化较大。Cu、Sn、Bi、Pb等元素在闪锌矿中以独立矿物赋存,Mn、Fe、Ga、Ge、Cd、In、Sb以类质同像形式赋存在闪锌矿晶格中。In/Ga、In/Ge比值较低,Zn/Cd比值为233~250,指示闪锌矿形成于中高温环境。Cd/Fe、Cd/Mn比值分别小于0.1和0.5,指示闪锌矿成因与岩浆活动有关,In Ge特征图解也指示其矽卡岩成因。通过与国内外典型矿床闪锌矿微量元素特征对比,结合矿床地质特征认为黄岗梁铁锡矿床中闪锌矿属于与燕山期岩浆作用有关的中高温矽卡型闪锌矿。  相似文献   

The complexity of modern geochemical data sets is increasing in several aspects (number of available samples, number of elements measured, number of matrices analysed, geological-environmental variability covered, etc), hence it is becoming increasingly necessary to apply statistical methods to elucidate their structure. This paper presents an exploratory analysis of one such complex data set, the Tellus geochemical soil survey of Northern Ireland (NI). This exploratory analysis is based on one of the most fundamental exploratory tools, principal component analysis (PCA) and its graphical representation as a biplot, albeit in several variations: the set of elements included (only major oxides vs. all observed elements), the prior transformation applied to the data (none, a standardization or a logratio transformation) and the way the covariance matrix between components is estimated (classical estimation vs. robust estimation). Results show that a log-ratio PCA (robust or classical) of all available elements is the most powerful exploratory setting, providing the following insights: the first two processes controlling the whole geochemical variation in NI soils are peat coverage and a contrast between “mafic” and “felsic” background lithologies; peat covered areas are detected as outliers by a robust analysis, and can be then filtered out if required for further modelling; and peat coverage intensity can be quantified with the %Br in the subcomposition (Br, Rb, Ni).  相似文献   

Interrelationships between chemical compositions and crystal structures of minerals pioneered by Goldschmidt have been overlooked by modern geochemists. While analytical techniques and data for trace elements have become more sophisticated, progress has been slow in relating abundance data of individual elements to their relative enrichments in specific sites in mineral structures. The concept of diadochy has degenerated into an analytical relationship between major and trace elements, instead of its original crystallographic basis of replacement of one atom by another at a specific site in a crystal structure. Future interpretations of trace element data must consider the partitioning of atoms between different coordination sites in multisite mineral structures.The well-known partitioning of nickel and chromium into the earliest minerals during magmatic crystallization is extended to magma evolution in the mantle. The strong preference of Ni2+ and Cr3+ for octahedral sites in minerals leads to their enrichment in certain Iherzolites which are refractory residua during partial fusion of the mantle.  相似文献   

The La Luna Formation (Maraca section), Maracaibo Basin, was studied by means of V and Ni analysis of the bitumen, total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur (St), major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Ti, Na, K, P), trace elements (V, Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, and Zn), and electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) of the whole rock, and St, major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Ti, Na, K, P), trace elements (V, Ni, Co, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba, U, Th) and rare earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sn, Eu, Th, Yb, Lu) of the carbonate-free fraction. The results are discussed based on the organic and inorganic association of trace elements and their use as paleoenvironmental indicators of sedimentation. An association between V and organic matter is suggested by means of correlation between V and Ni vs. TOC, the use of EPMA (whole rock) and V and Ni concentrations (carbonate-free fraction), whereas Ni is found in the organic matter and the sulfide phase. Fe is present as massive and framboidal pyrite, whereas Zn precipitates into a separate phase (sphalerite), and Ni, Cu and, in some cases, Zn, can be found as sulfides associated with pyrite. Concentrations of V and Ni (bitumen), TOC, St, V, Ni, Cr, Cu and Zn (whole rock), U, Th, Mo (carbonate-free fraction) are indicative of changes in the dysoxic sedimentation conditions in the chert layers (TOC, St, V, Ni, Cu and low Zn and V/Cr <4) to euxinic anoxic conditions in the argillaceous limestone (TOC, St, V, Ni, Cu and high Zn and V/Cr >4). In the sequence corresponding to the argillaceous limestone, variations in the concentrations of TOC, St, V, Ni, Zn, Cu and Cr (whole rock) can be observed, also suggesting variable sedimentation conditions. The following is proposed: (i) sedimentation intervals under euxinic conditions associated with high contribution and/or preservation of organic matter, allowing a high concentration level of V and Ni in the organic phase and the accumulation of Cu, Zn and Ni (in a smaller proportion) in the sulfide phase; (ii) sedimentation intervals under anoxic conditions and in the presence of relatively lower H2S, which allowed lower concentrations of V and Ni in the organic phase and higher concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Ni in the sulfide phase. Rare earth elements (REE) concentrations exhibit a marked increase in Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Y and Lu for the QM-3 interval, relative to Post-Archean Average Shale (PAAS). REE enrichment in shales has been related to the presence of phosphate minerals such as monazite or apatite. However, these minerals were not detected through XRD or EPMA in the whole rock or in the carbonate-free fraction. The association of REE with organic matter is suggested due to the absence of phosphate minerals, although assessment of these elements require further analysis.  相似文献   

To assess whether the biochemical characteristics of peat can provide clues for past ecosystem changes or not, a study was carried out combining elemental analysis, micro-morphological counts and neutral monosaccharide determination of peat organic matter (OM) and the dominant living plants from a formerly cut-over peat bog in the Jura Mountains. Peat profiles (up to 50 cm depth) from two distinctive zones (bare peat, FRA and a regenerating stage, FRC) were compared with the reference profile (FRD) taken from an unexploited area of the bog. The results show contrasting OM composition along the profiles. In the upper sections of the FRD and FRC profiles, high C/N ratios and sugar contents (in the same range as in the source plants) and the large predominance of well preserved plant tissues indicate good preservation of primary biological inputs. In contrast, in peat from the FRA profile and deeper levels of the FRC profile, lower C/N ratios, lower amounts of sugars and a predominance of amorphous OM and mucilage suggest more extensive OM degradation. These features delineate a clear threshold between an uppermost “new” regenerating peat section and an “old” catotelm peat below. Nevertheless, even in the latter, the sugar contents remain relatively high (>80 mg/g) compared with other organic and mineral soils. Analysis of typical peat-forming plants and of bulk peat and fine grained fractions allowed identification of the following source indicators: xylose and arabinose for Cyperaceae; rhamnose, galactose and mannose for mosses; and ribose (and to a lesser extent, hemicellulosic glucose) possibly for microbial synthesis.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples collected from both open and bore wells in an area of about 270 km2 from Madras City, India, have been analyzed for major ions (HCO3, Cl, Si, Na, Ca, and Mg) and trace elements (As, Se, B, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ni, Mo, and Ba). The study reveals that the quality of potable water has deteriorated to a large extent. Seawater intrusion into the aquifer has been observed in nearly 50 percent of the study area. The toxic elements (As and Se) have already exceeded the maximum permissible limits of drinking water in almost the entire city. A positive correlation of As and Se with other toxic metals such as V, Cr, Fe, B, etc., indicates that all these elements are anthropogenic in origin. Applying multivariate analysis, the source for trace elements in groundwater has been grouped into two major factors: pollution and mobilization factors. The groundwater in the study area is largely contaminated by organic effluents and reflects the intensity of pollution caused by the overlying soil sediment and rapid infiltration of the pollutants.  相似文献   

This study reports a multi-parameter geochemical investigation in water and sediments of a shallow hyper-eutrophic urban freshwater coastal lake, Zeekoevlei, in South Africa. Zeekoevlei receives a greater fraction of dissolved major and trace elements from natural sources (e.g., chemical weathering and sea salt). Fertilizers, agricultural wastes, raw sewage effluents and road runoff in contrast, constitute the predominant anthropogenic sources, which supply As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in this lake. The overall low dissolved metal load results from negligible industrial pollution, high pH and elevated metal uptake by phytoplankton. However, the surface sediments are highly polluted with Pb, Cd and Zn. Wind-induced sediment resuspension results in increased particulate and dissolved element concentrations in bottom waters. Low C/N ratio (10) indicates primarily an algal source for the sedimentary organic matter. Variation in sedimentary organic C content with depth indicates a change in primary productivity in response to historical events (e.g., seepage from wastewater treatment plant, dredging and urbanization). Primary productivity controls the enrichment of most of the metals in sediments, and elevated productivity with higher accumulation of planktonic debris (and siltation) results in increased element concentration in surface and deeper sediments. Aluminium, Fe and/or Mn oxy-hydroxides, clay minerals and calcareous sediments also play an important role in adsorbing metals in Zeekoevlei sediments.  相似文献   

安芳  朱永峰 《岩石学报》2008,24(12):2741-2748
吐拉苏盆地位于西北天山西段,盆地中大面积出露晚古生代火山—沉积岩地层,该地层的火山—沉积岩是区内阿希、京希—伊尔曼德金矿的主要赋矿围岩,由凝灰岩、流纹岩、安山岩和少量玄武岩组成。对火山岩剖面下部流纹岩中锆石开展的SHRIMP年代学研究表明,火山喷发开始的时间早于386Ma(中泥盆世晚期)。因此,下石炭统地层单位“大哈拉军山组”不再适合代表吐拉苏盆地中广泛出露的这套火山—沉积岩地层,本文建议创建中-上泥盆统“伊尔曼德组”。京希—伊尔曼德金矿区及其外围火山熔岩富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等高场强元素,具有典型大陆岛弧火山岩的地球化学特征。因此,吐拉苏盆地晚古生代火山岩代表北天山洋洋壳向伊犁板块俯冲过程中形成的火山岛弧,该岛弧的演化至少持续到晚泥盆世晚期(~363Ma)。受俯冲带流体交代的地幔楔是吐拉苏岛弧火山岩(玄武岩和安山岩)的岩浆源区,大量流纹岩应该是大陆地壳物质熔融的产物。  相似文献   

The humification degree of peat is a significant climatic proxy for paleoclimate change.Using the alkali-extraction method,a time series of absorbance values of the Hani peatland,Northeast China,was determined,which is used as an indicator for the humification degree of peat.Combined with14C dating data of peat cellulose,and compared withδ18O andδ13C time series of the cellulose in the Hani peatland,the evidence for the existence of14 ka paleoclimate was provided.Higher humification degrees hint a warmer-wetter climate,and vice versa.It also reconstructs the four stages of Holocene climate evolution in this region:11.5–9.8 cal ka B.P.,warm and wet period;9.8–9.0 cal ka B.P.,cold and dry period;9.0–4.8 cal ka B.P.,warm and wet period;and 4.8–0 cal ka B.P.,warm-wet and dry-cold alternation period.Meanwhile,it is revealed that the abrupt climate shifts signals such as the "8.2 ka" event and the "4.2 ka" event.Results showed that the Hani peat humification degree is of sensitive response to paleoclimate change.Therefore,it is a feasible method to analyze the relationship between paleoclimate change and peat humification degree.  相似文献   

1本文的研究对象是9个来自安徽女山新生代玄武岩的橄榄岩包体,利用激光氟化技术系统分析了橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜方辉石的氧同位素比值;利用LA-ICPMS技术分析了单斜辉石的微量元素组成,结果显示,女山橄榄岩存在辉石与橄榄石之间的氧同位素不平衡分馏现象,其中△Cpx-O1^18O(=δ^18OCpx-δ^18OO1))出现低至-0.5‰的负值;合角闪石包体中的单斜辉石明显富集大离子亲石元素(LILE,如Sr、Th、LREE)和亏损高场强元素(HFSE,如Nb、Zr、Ti),氧同位素的数据表明,女山上地幔曾经经历过俯冲洋壳流体参与的交代作用,根据单斜辉石和橄榄石之间氧同位素分馏值△Cpx-O1^18O与包体形成深度之间的负相关性,提出了一个“上升+缓冲”的流体交代模型,虽然微量元素特征也表明女山上地慢受到过地壳流体的影响,但是氧同位素的不平衡分馏和LILE的富集/HFSE的亏损并不是同步的,对这种现象的可能解释是:引起氧同位素不平衡分馏的交代作用和造成女山单斜辉石微量元素特征的交代作用不是同一期的,即女山上地幔曾经发生过至少2次交代事件.  相似文献   

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