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INTRODUCTIONThe study of source parameters is usually based oninversionfromobservational seismic waveformdata.Seismic wave affected bygeometric spreading,inelastic attenuation,scatteringandsite effects ofthe mediumontheir way fromsource to station.Therefo…  相似文献   

26 earthquakes with MS ≥5. 0 have been recorded in the northeast margin of the Qinghai- Xizang (Tibet) block since 1980,22 of which were relatively independent of other moderate- strong earthquakes. Research on the increase of small earthquake activity before the 22 moderate-strong earthquakes has indicated that small earthquake activity was enhanced before 17 of the moderate-strong earthquakes. Though the increased seismicity is a common phenomenon in the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang ( Tibet ) block,we have difficulty in predicting the moderate-strong earthquakes by this phenomenon. In order to predict the moderate-strong earthquakes through the increased seismicity of small earthquakes,this paper attempts to propose a new method, which calculates small earthquake frequency through the change of distribution pattern of small earthquakes, based on the characteristics of small earthquake activity in the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block,and then make primary applications. The result shows that we are able to obtain obvious anomalies in the frequency of small earthquakes before moderate strong earthquakes through the new method,with little spatial range effect on the amplitude of this small earthquake frequency anomaly. We can obtain mid to short-term anomaly indices for moderate-strong earthquakes in the northeast margin of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) block.  相似文献   

The authors proposed a method for obtaining high-quality acceleration seismograms from velocity type seismograms of digital Seismographic network, and took as an example the analysis and processing of the seismograms of a same earthquake that was simultaneously recorded by velocity seismograph CTS1-EDAS24 and strong motion seismograph EST-Q4128 installed in Jixian Station, Tianjin. The calculation steps and the processing method have been discussed in detail. From the analysis and the comparison of the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed method is simple and effective, and it broadens the application of digital seismographic network.  相似文献   

Analysis of deformation data measured across the faults, regional vertical deformation data and GPS measurements in the Sichuan-Yunnan region made since the 1980s permitted us to conclude that the crustal deformation in the region during this period of time was relatively weak and caused the occurrence of earthquakes (Ms≥6.0), which were not distributed along the major boundary active faults in the region after the 1981 I)awu Ms 6.9 earthquake and that the seismic activity is characterized by quasi-clockwise migration. Thus, it follows that earthquake prediction research should be focused on the central part of the Sichuan-Yunnan region in the coming years. Finally, a concept of temporal division of the region into active blocks is suggested and the preliminary result of the division is given in the paper.  相似文献   

In regards to the earthquakes recording M ≥ 5.0 that occurred in middle northern part of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Block from 1970 - 2003, in this study we describe the temporal and spatial centralization features of the weak earthquakes and the enhancement and anomalous quiescence of their seismic activity before main shocks through 4 parameters, which are basically not correlated: earthquake time centralization degree parameter Ct, earthquake space centralization degree parameter Cd, η value and weak earthquake frequency and so on. On the basis of calculation results, it has been seen that before earthquakes with M ≥ 5.0 took place in the middle northern part of the Qinghal-Xizang (Tibet) Block, the frequency of weak earthquakes often shows ascent and drop, their strength shows an obvious enhancement and the centralization distribution with time and space is evident.  相似文献   

The focal mechanism parameters of small earthquakes are determined by the maximum velocity and displacement amplitude ratio of the direct P-and S-waves recorded by digital stations. The displacement is obtained from the velocity by emulation, and the two results are compared and analyzed. Results of the oretical analysis and practical measurement indicate that the two results of velocity and displacement are consistent, and it is feasible that the maximum displacement amplitude ratio be replaced by the maximum velocity amplitude ratio of the direct P-and S-waves recorded by regional seismic networks when determining focal mechanism solutions of small earthquakes.  相似文献   

杨选  康英  林伟 《华南地震》2006,26(3):83-90
用SH波和P波振幅比测定地震震源机制具有诸多优点,但它对台站布局要求较高。通过适当处理资料,降低该方法对台站分布的依赖程度,用此方法测定了几个地震的震源机制解并与其它方法得出的震源机制解进行了分析对比,结果表明,这样处理是可行的,一般只要有5个以上台站(震中距<120 km)记录到的地震都可以反演出较合理的震源机制解。  相似文献   

用(P)、(S)波速度振幅比求小震机制解的可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张永久  程万正 《中国地震》2007,23(4):366-374
利用数字地震记录直达P、S波最大速度振幅比和仿真后的最大位移振幅比资料分别测定了小震震源机制参数,并对两种结果进行了对比分析。理论分析和实测结果表明,二者基本一致,说明直接利用区域台网数字地震记录直达P、S波最大速度振幅比代替最大位移振幅比测定小震震源机制解是可行的。  相似文献   

应用Jeanne L.Hardebeck和Peter M.Shearer编制的利用P波初动和振幅比计算地震震源机制解的程序,使用九江—瑞昌流动地震台观测的地震资料,初步计算了九江—瑞昌地震余震的震源机制;并对单独利用P波初动和利用初动及振幅比这两种计算方法进行了比较。综合最优计算结果,九江—瑞昌地震余震震源机制解为:走向174°,倾角62°,滑动角43°。  相似文献   

杨中书  李超 《华南地震》2006,26(3):77-82
应用Jeanne L.Hardebeck和Peter M.Shearer编制的利用P波初动和振幅比计算地震震源机制解的程序,使用九江-瑞昌流动地震台观测的地震资料,初步计算了九江-瑞昌地震余震的震源机制;并对单独利用P波初动和利用初动及振幅比这两种计算方法进行了比较.综合最优计算结果,九江-瑞昌地震余震震源机制解为:走向174°,倾角62°,滑动角43°.  相似文献   

利用P波、SV波和SH波的初动和振幅比计算了2000年姚安6.5级地震序列中14次M≥3.0地震的震源机制解.结果表明,姚安6.5级地震的主要发震断裂走向为北西,高倾角,在北北西向近水平主压应力作用下,呈现出以右旋走滑为主的断层错动性质;姚安地震序列以走滑型为主,个别地震为斜滑型,是在北北西向水平或近水平的主压应力作用下的构造运动方式;主震发生后1~3天断层错动以走滑型为主,个别为斜滑型,主震发生后3~30天断层错动为走滑型;P轴和T轴的方位总在按与构造应力场走向由一致到不一致再到一致的规律反复变化;在强余震明显活动期间,地震以水平或近水平向主压应力作用下的断层错动方式为主,有一定的斜向作用,然后为水平或近水平的主压应力作用方式,主震后应力场有明显的调整变化过程.  相似文献   

陈继锋  蒲举  罗仁昱  李青梅  陈晓龙 《地震工程学报》2020,42(5):1049-1054,1064
1920年12月16日在宁夏海原地区发生了8.5级大地震。100年来,海原及周边地区地震活动水平仍然较高。利用甘肃、宁夏区域测震台网记录的三分向宽频带数字波形资料,基于CAP方法(Cut and Paste Method)反演了宁夏海原及周边地区2010年1月至2019年12月间M>3.0的16次中小地震的震源机制解。结果显示,海原地区震源机制解以走滑型及走滑兼逆冲型为主,主压应力P轴主要集中在NE向,与区域主压应力方向有较好的对应。通过与哈佛大学中强地震震源机制结果、P波初动地震震源机制结果对比发现,该地区的中小地震震源机制的反演结果与强震震源机制结果有较好的一致性,结果比较可信,表明中小地震震源机制的结果也可以较好地用于区域构造应力场的研究。未来随着烈度速报与预警工程项目的建成,地震台站密度的大幅增加,地震定位精度与台站分布将会得到明显改善,对中小地震震源机制解反演及结果的深入研究具有更加重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

本文应用ISOLA近震全波形方法,以2017年1月4日西藏仲巴4.7级地震为例,反演稀疏台网记录的中小地震震源机制解。该地震反演所得最佳双偶机制参数为:节面Ⅰ的走向109°/倾角85°/滑动角-177°,节面Ⅱ的走向19°/倾角88°/滑动角-4°,最佳矩心位置为30.590°N、83.784°E,最佳质心深度为6km,矩震级MW4.6。震源机制反演结果表明此次地震是一次走滑型为主的事件,其与震源区域附近历史地震震源机制解具有相同性质。本文还应用CSPS初动扫描法,利用P波初动资料和近震波形联合约束反演此次地震的震源机制,并与ISOLA近震全波形反演结果进行比较,结果表明,联合少量台站的的三分量波形数据,能够定量地判断最佳震源机制解,降低了P波初动反演结果的非唯一性,同时也约束了由于少量台站参与全波形反演引起的解的不稳定性。本文研究为中小地震震源参数测定提供了一种简单有效的方法,具有较高的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   

晋冀鲁豫相邻地区中小地震震源机制特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用从震源向上射出的直达P波和直达S波引起的地动位移振幅比,结合P波初动方向来求解震源机制的方法,得到晋冀鲁豫相邻地区102个地震的震源机制解。并进行系统聚类分析,发现中小地震显示散乱,表明强震是大范围应力积累释放的表现形式;小地震具有随机性,受局部因素影响较大,对华北构造应力场的控制作用较弱。  相似文献   

赣南地区小震震源机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用从震源向上射出的直达P、S波引起的地动位移振幅比求解震源机制,得到赣南及近邻地区58个ML2.0~4.2地震的震源机制解。对震源机制解P、T轴参数进行l0°间隔归一频数分析,得到如下结论:①本区地震断层以走滑型为主;②震源机制P轴方位主要分布在270°~330°间,平均方位为287°,P轴倾俯角以小于30°的近水平优势分布,这一结果与区域NWW-SEE水平挤压为特征的构造应力场相吻合。  相似文献   

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