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不同构造环境中双峰式火山岩的主要特征   总被引:44,自引:14,他引:44  
王焰  钱青 《岩石学报》2000,16(2):169-173
总结了双峰式火山岩研究的最新进展。研究表明,双峰式火山岩可以出现在多种大地构造背景中,如大陆裂谷、洋岛、大陆拉张减薄、弧后扩张、造山后、洋内岛弧和成熟岛弧/活动陆缘等。流纹岩主要有两种成因,一种流纹岩与玄武岩来自同一源区,流纹岩通常是玄武岩浆演化的产物,出露面积相对很少,并与玄武岩具有的地球化学特征;另一种流纹岩与玄武岩不同源,流纹岩是地壳深熔作用形成的,流纹岩相比玄武岩常常是占优势的中双峰式并且  相似文献   

A new rate law of general form can be applied to predict rates of microbial respiration in various geochemical environments. Because it accounts for the energy available to a microbe, the rate law can be applied in over a spectrum of conditions, ranging from environments rich in chemical energy to those fully oligotrophic. Two sets of parameters, one related to thermodynamic constraints and the other set appearing in kinetic terms, need be determined to apply the new law. We show that the thermodynamic parameters can be estimated from knowledge of the details of a microbe’s respiratory chain. The kinetic parameters are best determined by fitting the rate law to experimental observations. We find that for respiration characterized by a strong thermodynamic driving force, such as many types of aerobic respiration and denitrification, the kinetic controls on respiration rate almost invariably dominate. In such cases, the thermodynamic control can safely be ignored. For respiration utilizing less powerful thermodynamic driving forces, such as sulfate reduction and reductive methanogenesis, the thermodynamic control on respiration rate can be dominant. It is of critical importance in these cases to account for thermodynamic as well as kinetic controls when calculating respiration rates. Taking as examples methanogenesis and sulfate reduction in hydrothermal fluids, we show how the new rate law can be applied over a spectrum of conditions and energy availability.  相似文献   

Six types of “molecular fossil” indicators are summarized, by which the sources of organic matter (OM) in the sedimentary rocks of the Lower Tertiary Shahejie Formation in the Dongpu Basin can be traced and the redox and paleosalinity conditions restored.  相似文献   

The celebrated 1972 Stockholm environmental conference focused attention on the condition of the world's environment. A twenty year retrospective summary is provided by the introduction and specialty papers on all facets of mountain society and habitat relationships. Theories, models and paradigms that guided mountain research are critically examined. Specific attention is given to the application of the ecology paradigm. Contemporary discoveries and developments about resource management in mountains are elucidated. Assessments of the mountain environment, including wildlife habitat, tourism and recreation, forests, hazards, deforestation, food plant biodiversity, risk and hazard, are provided by the specialty articles. These papers were prepared for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

A total of 117 water samples, including cave water, ground water, spring water and river water, collected from the monsoonal area of China have been analyzed for their H- and O-isotope composition. Overall, a δ18O–δD correlation is observed of δD = −4.45 + 6.6δ18O (R2 = 0.90) and a significant evaporation effect observed for the southern sites. Average δ18O and δD site values generally correspond to those of precipitation in nearby cities, with correlations of δD = 2.18 + 7.23δ18O (R2 = 0.95) for the sample sites and δD = 11.05 + 7.95δ18O (R2 = 0.95) for the cities. The effects of rainfall amount and temperature on precipitation δ18O were calculated using a simplified theoretical model derived from the Rayleigh distillation equation, which demonstrated that the sign of δ18Opvs. T correlation is dependent on precipitation intensity. The mean δ18O value of cave waters exhibit decreasing trends with increasing latitude and reveal a spatial pattern of positive correlation with annual mean temperature and precipitation, mainly reflecting isotopic fractionations in the moisture source traveling from the ocean side to the inland continent. This spatial pattern implies that the δ18O values recorded in the proxy climate records derived from speleothems might be influenced by shifts in monsoon boundary during the past, especially between glacial and interglacial intervals.  相似文献   

黎塘岩溶区土壤铁锰结核的地球化学特征研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
对黎塘岩溶区土壤铁锰结核的地球化学特征研究表明:与土壤相比,铁锰结核的化学组成中仍以SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3为主,但Fe2O3的含量明显增加,成为铁锰结核中含量最多的氧化物,MnO含量也有一定程度增加,它们富集系数分别为5.19和3.40;铁锰结核对重金属具有明显的富集效应,其富集顺序为Cr(M)〉Pb〉Co〉Zn〉Ni〉Ba〉Li,它在土壤中的含量受成土母质及浅层地下水活动的影响。元素的相关分析及因子分析表明,铁锰结核在形成过程中还具有成核富集效应、专性吸附效应和成核易淋溶效应。   相似文献   

The effects of karst collapse on the environments in north China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In this paper, a systematic study was completed on the distribution features and origins of karst collapses in north China. There are 65 modern karst collapse areas with 1,416 karst collapse pits and 38 paleo–karst collapse areas with 3,654 paleo-collapse pillars. Modern karst collapses are mainly distributed in the plain region of the east Taihang and Yanshan Mountains and are concentrated in three zones from the west to the east in this region. The regional distribution features of karst collapses in north China are controlled by the boundary of the geological tectonics, condition of soluble rock and the extent of human activities. From the results, three-grade indices have been adopted to establish a classification scheme for karst collapse in north China. The effects of karst collapses on the environments in north China are summarized using a karst collapse classification scheme.  相似文献   

区域生态环境风险评价具有尺度大、风险源与风险受体多、空间异质性强等特点,开展区域生态环境风险研究是识别生态环境风险水平、制定防范应对策略的重要理论支撑。文章以贵州省为例,参考相对风险模型为风险评价原则,基于自然灾害成因,综合考虑区域自然及经济状况,建立贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险评价框架与指标体系,运用层次分析法及系统聚类分析法,对各评价单元的危险性、暴露性、脆弱性、防灾减灾能力进行分析,并划分了区域风险程度等级。结果表明:贵州省喀斯特生态环境风险分布与生态环境本底和社会经济发展水平相关性明显,高风险区主要分布在生态环境脆弱的高原山地、高原峡谷地区以及综合发展水平较高的贵阳中心城区,低风险区主要分布在喀斯特分布面积少、生态本底好、自然灾害较少的黔东南及黔西北地区。   相似文献   

The Central West Bank aquifer (CWB) is one of the most important resources of fresh groundwater of Palestine. The geology of the area consists mainly of karstic and permeable limestones and dolomites interbedded with argillaceous beds of late Albian–Turonian age. Exploitation of the CWB aquifer, combined with lack of information required to understand the groundwater pattern, represents a challenge for reservoir management. The present work reports hydrogeochemistry, microbiology and environmental isotope data from spring water samples, which were utilized to understand recharge mechanisms, geochemical evolution and renewability of groundwater in CWB aquifer. Besides the major chemical compositions, ionic ratios were used to delineate mineral-solution reactions and weathering processes. Interpretation of chemical data suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by (1) water–rock interactions, involving dissolution of carbonate minerals (calcite and dolomite), and (2) cation exchange processes. The measured equation of the local meteoric water line is δD?=?5.8 δ18O?+?9.9. Stable isotopes show that precipitation is the source of recharge to the groundwater system. The evaporation line has a linear increasing trend from south to north direction in the study area. All analyzed spring waters are suitable for irrigation, but not for drinking purposes. The results from this study can serve as a basis for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the intention to increase the understanding of sustainable management of the CWBs.  相似文献   

This study relates to the input and fate of fossil organic matter (FOM) in the modern environment, and focuses on two experimental watersheds overlying Jurassic marls: Le Laval and Le Brusquet (1 km2 in area), located near Digne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France. Considering that FOM delivery is mainly a result of different processes affecting sedimentary rocks [(bio)chemical and mechanical weathering], samples from different pools were collected: bedrocks, weathering profiles, soils and riverine particles. The samples were examined using complementary techniques: optical (palynofacies methods), geochemical (Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis, C/N ratio), molecular (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) and isotopic (stable C isotopic composition). As a result, FOM markers were identified and tracked through the different pools. The results highlight the contribution of FOM, which can be found in all the studied pools. Transfer of FOM between bedrocks/weathering profiles (governed mainly by chemical weathering) and bedrocks/riverine particles (governed mainly by mechanical weathering) reveals any qualitative change. Weathering profiles/soils transition [governed by (bio)chemical weathering] is characterized by alteration of the FOM, which is difficult to describe because fossil material is mixed with recent organic matter (ROM). Despite this latter point, the study provides evidence for a relative resistance of FOM to weathering processes and points to its contribution to the modern geosystem and the C cycle.  相似文献   

Experimental study on metallation of tetrapyrroles in biphasic systems showed that complexation with metal cations of the first transition series is a feasible under chemical environments similar to the naturally occurring ones. The metal transport from the aqueous media to the organic, which is a novel approach using naturally occurring fatty acids hydroxy aromatic compounds and thiols, is demonstrated. Selectivity between Ni2+ and VO2+ complexation is achieved under sulfurous rich conditions. The kinetic implications are discussed in view of their geoenvironmental applicability.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(2):169-180
Arsenic is present in aqueous environments in +III and +V oxidation states. In oxidizing environments, the principle attenuation mechanism of As migration is its adsorption on Fe(III) oxide and hydroxides. The adsorption affinity is higher for As(V) under lower pH conditions and for As(III) under higher pH conditions. Ferric oxide and hydroxides can dissolve under low Eh and pH conditions releasing adsorbed As. Oxidation-reduction processes often involve high organic matter content in sediments and also contamination by organics such as BTEX. Arsenic may desorb under high pH conditions. Changes of pH can be related to some redox reactions, cation exchange reactions driving dissolution of carbonates, and dissolution of silicates. In very reducing environments, where SO4 reduction takes place, secondary sulfide minerals like As-bearing pyrite and orpiment, As2S3, can incorporate As. Geochemical modeling can be divided into two principal categories: (a) forward modeling and (b) inverse modeling. Forward modeling is used to predict water chemistry after completion of predetermined reactions. Inverse modeling is used to suggest which processes take place along a flowpath. Complex coupled transport and geochemistry programs, which allow for simulation of As adsorption, are becoming available. A common modeling approach is based on forward modeling with surface complexation modeling (SCM) of As adsorption, which can incorporate the effect of different adsorbent/As ratios, adsorption sites density, area available for adsorption, pH changes and competition of As for adsorption sites with other dissolved species such as phosphate. The adsorption modeling can be performed in both batch and transport modes in codes such as PHREEQC. Inverse modeling is generally used to verify hypotheses on the origin of As. Basic prerequisites of inverse modeling are the knowledge of flow pattern (sampling points used in model have to be hydraulically connected) and information about mineralogy including As mineral phases. Case studies of geochemical modeling including modeling of As adsorption are presented.  相似文献   

Guizhou is one of the dominating karst regions,where laterite is widespread,in China.Seventy-two laterite samples were taken from twelve laterite sections in the karst areas of Guizhou Province,which are possessed of typical subtropical karst geomphological and ecological environmental features and have evolved completely from dolostones and limestones.In terms of the major,trace and REE deta for thd samples this paper discusses the geochemical characteristics of laterite in the karst areas with an attempt to disclose the geochemical process and evolutionary rule of laterite formation.There have been involved three important pedogenetic geochemical precesses in the formation of laterite in the karst areas:(1)enrichment of silicon and aluminum and depletion of calcium and magnesium;(2)enrichment of iron and manganese;and(3) enrichment of aluminum and depletion of silicon.During the formation and evolution of laterite,obvious enrichment and differentiation of trace elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,Co,Cr,Pb,F,Cl,and As can be observed,but for the rare-earth elements,their enrichment is remarkable against a weak differentiation.The REE distribution patterns in the laterite are similar to those of its parental carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

通过对典型岩溶丘陵区地下水进行水化学特征及地球化学敏感性的研究表明,该地下水系统水化学特征阳离子以Ca2+、Mg2+为主,阴离子以HCO3-、NO3-、SO42-为主,受水岩作用及人类活动共同影响;Mg2+/Ca2+受岩性控制,流经白云岩地层最高,灰岩夹白云岩次之,灰岩最低;研究区岩溶地下水表现出较高的地球化学敏感性。阳离子以Ca2+最为敏感,其次为Mg2+,阴离子以HCO3-最为敏感,其次为NO3-,元素的地球化学敏感性大小依次为:HCO3->Ca2+>Mg2+>NO3->SO42->Cl->Na+>K+;以敏感性最强的敏感因子HCO3-对研究区岩溶地下水进行敏感性等级划分。研究区低敏感性的水点仅占7.27%,中敏感性的水点占25.45%,高敏感性的水点占67.28%。通过地球化学敏感性划分统计结果显示,对该地区地下水的保护显得十分重要且迫切。   相似文献   

Fifty-seven shallow groundwater samples were collected from Guiyang karst basin, China, to analyze the aqueous rare-earth elements in low-water seasons and it is shown that the total amount of rare-earth elements (ΣREE) in karst groundwater is exceedingly low compared with that in carbonate rocks or weathering crusts of carbonate rocks, and ranges from 0.01 to 0.43, from 0.03 to 0.27, from 0.03 to 0.19 and from 0.05 to 1.38 μg·L-1 for dolomite, dolomitic & limestone, limestone and clastic rock aquifer, respectively. Both distributions and contents of rare-earth elements (REE) in karst groundwater reflect the lithology of host rocks or weathering crusts of carbonate rocks through which groundwater flows. The chondrite-normalized patterns show a non-flat profile with higher enrichment of slightly light rare-earth elements (LREE) than heavy rare-earth elements (HREE), prominent fractionation between LREE and HREE, negative Ce anomalies and negative or positive Eu anomalies. There is more obvious fractionation between LREE and HREE in groundwater than that in carbonate rocks and their weathering crusts due to high contents of HCO3? and PH in groundwater. In shallow karst groundwater, REE(CO3)n2n-3 (n=1 and 2) is the main inorganic species of REE. But for a clastic rock aquifer, both REESO4+ and REECO3+ are the main inorganic species of REE. Species of REE in groundwater is closely associated with the hydrochemical type of groundwater which is predominated by the lithology of host rocks, groundwater-rock interaction and weathering-pedogenesis of carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

天津地区深层地下热水开采动态分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
深层地下热水由于多年长期开采致使水位持续下降,同时由于每年采暖期和非采暖期的交替开采,水位在下降过程中又呈现周期性的波动。另一方面受温度差异的影响,钻井井口水位并不能反映深层地下热水的实际水位,应对实测水位进行校正,校正后的水位具有复杂的周期性变化和趋势性变化。本研究通过对天津地区深层地下热水开采动态分析,建立趋势项与周期项之和的数学模型来描述水位变化。用线性函数拟合其趋势项,用傅立叶级数拟合其周期项,用Welch法对周期项进行频谱分析,利用最小二乘法确定周期项函数。用校正水位和计算水位的均方差检验拟合结果,结果表明拟合效果好。所建立的数学模型可以用来预测深层地下热水动态变化,预测水位能较好地反映水位变化特点。  相似文献   

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