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浅海瞬变电磁全波形响应特征及探测能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵越  许枫  李貅  鲁凯亮 《地球物理学报》2019,62(4):1526-1540



利用中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源和海底地震仪(OBS)在我国北部浅海海域开展了人工地震深部地球物理探测试验.基于水深条件和压制水体虚反射、提升低频能量的需要,使气枪震源有足够的输出能量和高品质子波特性,研究了立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源工作机理,经远场子波理论模拟优选了组合参数并进行了海上试验工作.结果表明,中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源,适应了浅水海域的激发环境,降低了由虚反射造成的局部陷波和干扰作用,有效地改善了OBS信号的品质,获得了Ps,Pg,PmP,Pn 等多种震相.创新了由中、小容量气枪组成的立体气枪阵列延迟激发震源在浅海区OBS探测中的应用,也填补了南黄海海域深地震探测数据的空白,为南黄海、渤海深部地壳结构研究及含油气盆地形成演化研究提供了重要的基础资料.  相似文献   

Metacommunity research usually focuses on the structure of species assemblages and their influencing factors, chiefly environment and space. However, the temporal dynamics of metacommunities and their structuring processes are rarely investigated. Here, we analyze the temporal variations in a metacommunity of ostracods from temporary shallow lakes of the Iberian Peninsula. Our aims were to determine the variability of the ostracod assemblages throughout a hydrological cycle by means of partial triadic analysis (PTA), and to analyze the response of these communities to both environmental and spatial variables. The metacommunity was moderately stable through the study period, with larger variability between sites than between months. However, the metacommunity structure at the beginning of the hydroperiod was notably different from the rest of months. Species sorting was the predominant mechanism structuring the metacommunity through monthly samples, establishing a conspicuous separation between species that inhabit saline lakes and those preferring freshwater bodies. Spatial processes were negligible. Our results show the strength of a temporal approach in the study of metacommunities, against a single snapshot, stressing differences at the onset and the end of hydroperiod in temporary water bodies, but still surpassed by species sorting effects under a steep environmental gradient.  相似文献   

高安泰  杨多兴  刘耀炜 《地震》2002,22(4):24-29
深部流体, 尤其是深部热流体已成为目前研究地震孕育及前兆成因的重要内容, 特别是由于深部流体活动引起浅层流体的变化, 是探索地震预报方法的重要途径。由于人们在现有的能力范围内只能通过观察研究浅层流体来了解深部流体的变化, 所以通过研究深部流体与浅层流体的相互关系, 进而了解深部流体的变化, 对于研究孕震过程、前兆成因机理以及地震预报的理论和方法, 都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

王向腾  倪四道  周勇  林鑫 《地球物理学报》2019,62(12):4684-4695
震源深度是核试验以及塌陷等浅源地震研究中的关键参数,可以为事件成因分析提供关键信息.然而朝鲜核试验区域地形起伏较大,地形效应可能对震源深度反演的结果造成影响.本文基于理论地震图进行测试,研究了地形起伏对震源深度反演的影响.发现震源深度小于2km时,不考虑地形影响,反演得到的震源深度会系统偏浅0.2km左右.然后利用MDJ2速度结构模型,我们反演了2017年9月3日朝鲜M6.3事件的震源参数,结果显示震源深度约为0.8km.进一步基于带地形的格林函数重新反演了该事件的震源深度,发现在1km处波形拟合结果较好.不同速度模型测试结果显示该事件的震源深度反演误差约为1km.案例研究表明,基于层状均匀速度模型,利用区域地震波形资料反演的震源深度可以为浅源事件成因分析提供关键约束.  相似文献   

Hydraulic redistribution defined as the translocation of soil moisture by plant root systems in response to water potential gradients is a phenomenon widely documented in different climate, vegetation, and soil conditions. Past research has largely focused on hydraulic redistribution in deep tree roots with access to groundwater and/or winter rainfall, while the case of relatively shallow (i.e., ≈1–2 m deep) tree roots has remained poorly investigated. In fact, it is not clear how hydraulic redistribution in shallow root zones is affected by climate, vegetation, and soil properties. In this study, we developed a model to investigate the climate, vegetation, and soil controls on the net direction and magnitude of hydraulic redistribution in shallow tree root systems at the growing season to yearly timescale. We used the model to evaluate the effect of hydraulic redistribution on the water stress of trees and grasses. We found that hydraulic lift increases with decreasing rainfall frequency, depth of the rooting zone, root density in the deep soil and tree leaf area index; at the same time for a given rainfall frequency, hydraulic lift increases with increasing average rainstorm depth and soil hydraulic conductivity. We propose that water drainage into deeper soil layers can lead to the emergence of vertical water potential gradients sufficient to explain the occurrence of hydraulic lift in shallow tree roots without invoking the presence of a shallow water table or winter precipitation. We also found that hydraulic descent reduces the water stress of trees and hydraulic lift reduces the water stress of grass with important implications on tree–grass interactions.  相似文献   

In order to understand and simulate site effects on strong ground motion records of recent earthquakes in Mexico City, it is fundamental to determine the in situ elastic and anelastic properties of the shallow stratigraphy of the basin. The main properties of interest are the shear wave velocities and Q-quality factors and their correlation with similar parameters in zones of the city. Despite population density and paved surfaces, it is feasible to gather shallow refraction data to obtain laterally homogeneous subsoil structures at some locations. We focused our analysis in the Texcoco Lake region of the northeastern Mexico City basin. This area consists of unconsolidated clay sediments, similar to those of the lake bed zone in Mexico City, where ground motion amplification and long duration disturbances are commonly observed. We recorded Rayleigh and Love waves using explosive and sledgehammer sources and 4.5 Hz vertical and horizontal geophones, respectively. Additionally, for the explosive source, we recorded three-component seismograms using 1 Hz seismometers. We obtained phase velocity dispersion curves from ray parameter-frequency domain analyses and inverted them for vertical distribution of S wave velocity. The initial model was obtained from a standard first-break refraction analysis. We also obtained an estimation of the QS shear wave quality factor for the uppermost stratigraphy. Results compare well with tilt and cone penetrometer resistance measurements at the same test site, emphasizing the importance of these studies for engineering purposes.  相似文献   

基于梯度变换的浅水湖泊围网区遥感提取算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获取并掌握浅水湖泊围网养殖区域的时空分布信息对合理规划围网养殖进而提升湖泊水质具有重要意义.本文以长江下游典型的围网养殖浅水湖泊——阳澄湖作为研究区,利用资源三号(ZY-3)高分遥感影像,针对围网区与非围网区的光谱空间变化特征,采用梯度变换方法,尝试提出一种浅水湖泊围网区的遥感提取算法;并以人工解译结果作为参考,对提取结果进行验证.研究结果发现该算法对浅水湖泊围网养殖区的提取精度为90.66%,可进一步用于开展长时序的浅水湖泊围网区动态变化研究,进而为湖泊环境的政府部门制定湖泊水质提升和围网区合理规划政策提供决策依据.  相似文献   

尹凤玲  张怀  石耀霖 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3649-3659
华北地区由于长期持续的地下水过量开采,导致了大面积地下水位大幅下降,引发地面塌陷、地下水质污染等一系列地质环境问题,这些现象早已为人们所熟知和关注.然而地下水位下降还会造成百米量级浅部地温及其梯度的变化,因此即使来自地球深部的大地热流密度没有变化,年度平均的从表浅部位通过地表实际传导进入大气的热流密度会减小,这是中外文献中尚未见讨论过的问题.我们通过数值模拟发现假定大地热流密度不变的条件下,华北数万平方公里地下水位下降会造成百米尺度内的地温降低,从而传入大气的热流密度降低40%以上,且会持续数百年以上的时间.这种长时间大范围的传导入大气的热流密度变化对环境会造成什么影响是一个十分值得关注的问题.这一预测在一定程度上得到了气象站地温观测数据的支持,但由于目前气象观测站只有3.2 m深度范围内的地温资料,累计不超过5、60年,中间还有10余年的间断,而且表浅深度地温受地表多种因素的影响也较大,这些资料难以对我们关心的地下水位下降引起流入大气的热流密度变化这一问题提供直接确凿的数据来进行分析,因此今后有必要开展对地下数十乃至数百米地温进行持续精确的监测工作.  相似文献   

根据沉积条件和覆盖层厚度,选用声纳探测方法对山东威海湾神道口断裂在海域内的走向及位置进行了海域探测,取得了较好的剖面资料。利用海域地形资料对结果进行了检验,证明了结果的有效性,从而实现了断裂在海域的精确定位。  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是中国东部最大的一个活动构造带,其内部结构非常复杂,不同区段表现出不同特征的构造样式.本文采用浅层地震反射波成像技术对郯庐断裂带宿迁段的近地表结构进行了高分辨率成像,利用该区已有的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法获得了郯庐断裂带的浅层P波速度结构.结果表明,郯庐断裂带宿迁段是一个由多条断裂以及凹陷和隆起构成的复杂构造带,且新生代地层厚度和地震波速分布明显受到断裂的影响与控制.郯庐断裂带的东、西两侧为基底隆起区,近地表速度结构呈现为明显的高速特征,新生代地层厚度小于200 m.郯庐断裂带总体显示为低速凹陷结构,新生代地层厚度在300~600 m之间变化,最厚处位于宿迁市的陵城镇附近.郯庐断裂带宿迁段主要由5条断裂构成,从这些断裂的上断点埋深和第四纪活动特征来看,郯庐断裂带的东边界断裂F1和西边界断裂F4的活动性相对较弱,为第四纪早期活动断裂.断裂F2和F3控制了郯庐断裂带内部的新生代凹陷,两者的活动时代分别为中更新世和晚更新世.安丘-莒县断裂F5位于断裂F1和F2之间,由2条相向而倾的分支断层F5和F5-1构成,其活动时代分别为全新世和晚更新世.研究结果为进一步认识郯庐断裂带宿迁段的近地表特征及其活动性提供了新证据.


Tidal marshes form at the confluence between estuarine and marine environments where tidal movement regulates their developmental processes. Here, we investigate how the interplay between tides, channel morphology, and vegetation affect sediment dynamics in a low energy tidal marsh at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island. Poplar Island is an active restoration site where fine-grained material dredged from navigation channels in the upper Chesapeake Bay are being used to restore remote tidal marsh habitat toward the middle bay (Maryland, USA). Tidal currents were measured over multiple tidal cycles in the inlets and tidal creeks of one marsh at Poplar Island, Cell 1B, using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) to estimate water fluxes throughout the marsh complex. Sediment fluxes were estimated using acoustic backscatter recorded by ADCPs and validated against total suspended solid measurements taken on site. A high-resolution geomorphic survey was conducted to capture channel cross sections and tidal marsh morphology. We integrated simple numerical models built in Delft3d with empirical observations to identify which eco-geomorphological factors influence sediment distribution in various channel configurations with differing vegetative characteristics. Channel morphology influences flood-ebb dominance in marshes, where deep, narrow channels promote high tidal velocities and incision, increasing sediment suspension and reducing resilience in marshes at Poplar Island. Our numerical models suggest that accurately modelling plant phenology is vital for estimating sediment accretion rates. In-situ observations indicate that Poplar Island marshes are experiencing erosion typical for many Chesapeake Bay islands. Peak periods of sediment suspension frequently coincide with the largest outflows of water during ebb tides resulting in large sediment deficits. Ebb dominance (net sediment export) in tidal marshes is likely amplified by sea-level rise and may lower marsh resilience. We couple field observations with numerical models to understand how tidal marsh morphodynamics contribute to marsh resilience. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In an effort to reduce wind effect on rainfall catch to a minimum level, Chang and Flannery (2001. Hydrological Processes 15 : 643–654) designed two spherical orifices to modify the standard gauge and other gauges in use today. Because of the spherical shape, the two orifices will catch rain with an effective diameter always equal to the actual diameter, regardless of wind speed and direction. This report covers the testing of spherical gauges at two different locations, one at the City Landfill, Nacogdoches, TX, and the other at the NWS Forecast Office, Shreveport, LA. Based on 131 storms at Nacogdoches and 94 storms at Shreveport, observed between May 1998 and February 2001, the results showed: (1) spherical gauges recorded an average 6–9% greater than standard gauge and 3–4% less than pit gauge, only 1–2% less than reported in the original study; (2) the catch of spherical gauges was not significantly affected by three gauge heights at 0·91, 1·83, and 2·74 m above the ground, but catch by the standard gauge decreased with increasing gauge height; (3) improvements of the spherical gauges were most significant for larger storms and for winds at higher speeds; (4) the spherical gauge with cylinders recorded 1–2% more rainfall than the spherical gauge with vanes; and (5) correlation coefficients between catch deficiencies and wind speed were low and weak because of the distance and height of the existing wind sensor. Owing to greater surface wetting and evaporation loss, the spherical gauges may underestimate rainfall catch by standard gauge for small storms (generally less than 5·0 mm), especially on hot summer afternoons and for smaller storms. However, the underestimates do not overshadow the merits of spherical gauges, because the differences are too small to be of hydrologic significance. Using polyethylene or other synthesized materials to construct spherical orifices may improve the catch for small storms. The results of the study agreed with the previous claims that spherical gauges are effective in reducing wind effects on rainfall measurements. The spherical gauges could greatly improve the accuracy of hydrologic simulations and the efficiency on the designs and management of water resources. They are suitable for large‐scale applications. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中外烈度表“人的感觉”和“器物的反应”对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着震害经验的积累以及人们对地震认识的深化,不断修改烈度标准,使烈度评定更加客观与科学是地震工程界一直所追求的.人的感觉和器物的反应都是评定一次地震时相应烈度的宏观标志,是烈度表的重要组成部分.鉴于此,本文简要介绍了中国历代地震烈度表(《新的中国地震烈度表》、《中国地震烈度表(1980)》、《中国地震烈度表( 1999...  相似文献   

δ87Sr values and Ca/Sr ratios were employed to quantify solute inputs from atmospheric and lithogenic sources to a catchment in NW Germany. The aquifer consists primarily of unconsolidated Pleistocene eolian and fluviatile deposits predominated by >90% quartz sand. Accessory minerals include feldspar, glauconite, and mica, as well as disperse calcium carbonate in deeper levels. Decalcification of near-surface sediment induces groundwater pH values up to 4.4 that lead to enhanced silicate weathering. Consequently, low mineralized Ca–Na–Cl- and Ca–Cl-groundwater types are common in shallow depths, while in deeper located calcareous sediment Ca–HCO3-type groundwater prevails. δ87Sr values and Ca/Sr ratios of the dissolved pool range from 7.3 to −2.6 and 88 to 493, respectively. Positive δ87Sr values and low Ca/Sr ratios indicate enhanced feldspar dissolution in shallow depths of less than 20 m below soil surface (BSS), while equilibrium with calcite governs negative δ87Sr values and elevated Ca/Sr ratios in deep groundwater (>30 m BSS). Both positive and negative δ87Sr values are evolved in intermediate depths (20–30 m BSS). For groundwater that is undersaturated with respect to calcite, atmospheric supplies range from 4% to 20%, while feldspar-weathering accounts for 8–26% and calcium carbonate for 62–90% of dissolved Sr2+. In contrast, more than 95% of Sr2+ is derived by calcium carbonate and less than 5% by feldspar dissolution in Ca–HCO3-type groundwater. The surprisingly high content of carbonate-derived Sr2+ in groundwater of the decalcified portion of the aquifer may account for considerable contributions from Ca-containing fertilizers. Complementary tritium analyses show that equilibrium with calcite is restricted to old groundwater sources.  相似文献   

低场NMR岩心分析能够刻度NMR测井响应,对于较为准确地预测储层的渗透率、束缚水体积等与产能密切相关的参数尤其重要.对来自南海东部油田的100%饱和盐水的砂岩岩心进行了变回波间隔的实验室NMR T2测量,随着回波间隔的增大对实验观测到的两种不同的T2 分布的移动进行了理论上的分析和解释.随着回波间隔的增加,T2谱向着长弛豫时间的移动可以用过优化NMR采集参数消除掉,而对另外一种由内部磁场梯度引起的移动即随着回波间隔增加T2谱向短弛豫时间的移动则复杂得多,至今为止也无法做到定量化内部磁场梯度的值,这种移动能够引起错误的NMR测井解释.因此理解内部磁场梯度对T2弛豫时间的影响是很有必要的.文中对由内部磁场梯度扩散引起的扩散弛豫对T2弛豫时间的影响进行了理论上的模拟计算,这有助于理解和解释岩石内部磁场梯度对NMR T2弛豫时间的影响.最后结合压汞毛管压力曲线,解释了具体的岩心实验结果,并且计算了具体的岩心的内部磁场梯度值,计算出的内部磁场梯度值应该被视为内部磁场梯度的几何平均值.  相似文献   

通过结合保色散关系空间差分格式和Runge-Kutta时间格式的数值方法,研究了耗散作用对声波传播的影响.结果表明,耗散的不均匀性会同时影响声波的传播轨迹和传输损耗.不均匀的耗散会使得波包上部和下部承受不同程度的衰减,造成波包能量中心向弱耗散方向移动,使波包能量中心的传播轨迹发生偏折.与此同时,声波的传输损耗也受到了改变:与无耗散情况相比,声波的几何扩散衰减受到抑制;与均一耗散情况相比,声波的大气声吸收明显减小.由于声波衰减系数与声波频率的平方成正比,耗散作用使声波传播具有色散性质.不均匀耗散对于声波波包能量中心传播轨迹的偏折作用随频率的增加而增强.  相似文献   

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