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脚靴式海上升压站灌浆连接段强度分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
与国内已建成的海上升压站相比,脚靴式海上升压站导管架对桩和套筒间的灌浆连接强度要求更高,完全套用单桩风电结构的分析方法会使结构设计不准确。由于桩和套筒之间设置有剪力键,当特殊情况时还需增加灌浆连接增强钢筋,在地震及撞船作用下容易导致灌浆接触界面分离等破坏,当前尚未有针对此类情况系统的灌浆连接强度校核方法。以某脚靴式海上升压站为例,分析其在在位、撞船、地震、疲劳等多个主控工况下灌浆连接、剪力键及增强钢筋的强度及稳定性,结果表明该海上升压站灌浆连接段满足设计要求,并研究了各参数对灌浆连接段强度的敏感程度,为今后脚靴式海上升压站各主控工况下的灌浆连接段强度分析、优化设计提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

海上风电场基础结构设计综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄维平  李兵兵 《海洋工程》2012,30(2):150-156
针对我国海上风电场开发建设的现状和发展趋势,结合海上风电场基础结构设计研发现状和存在的问题,探讨海上风电场基础结构设计的关键问题——设计理念、设计方法和设计标准等,分析海上风电场基础结构的结构、荷载和服役特点,分析海上风电场基础结构与水工结构和海洋石油平台设计的异同。并根据海上风电和海洋石油的行业特点,分析API规范和DNV规范对于海上风电场基础结构设计的适用性,阐述了海上风电场基础结构设计的特殊性、荷载取值和参考标准等问题。基于我国海洋工程技术发展水平和海上风电产业的发展趋势,提出发展适合我国国情的海上风电场基础结构型式及设计,指出我国海上风电产业发展应注意和避免发生的问题。  相似文献   

我国海上风电建设主要分布在东南沿海,该区域地震荷载作用显著,海上风电属于动力敏感结构,因此,在海上风电结构设计中,对其抗震性能进行评估十分重要,但当前海上风电的抗震性能评估方法不够完善。本文基于建筑结构和地下结构Pushover分析方法,建立了适用于单桩基础海上风机支撑结构的整体Pushover分析方法,开展了海上风电支撑结构抗震性能影响因素分析。研究结果表明,整体Pushover分析方法评估单桩基础海上风电的抗震性能具有一定的可靠性;对于砂土地基,弹性模量与内摩擦角的增大均会导致性能曲线斜率的增大;对于黏土地基,弹性模量与粘聚力的增大均会导致性能曲线斜率的增大;内摩擦角与粘聚力对砂土与黏土地基性能曲线的线性阶段几乎无影响。  相似文献   

为保证海上风电升压电站建设的经济合理与安全可靠,合理确定海上风电升压电站平台高程十分必要。文中从波浪与潮位的遭遇组合、最大波高取值与现行相关标准的比较、最大波峰高度计算的合理性等方面,全面分析了确定海上风电升压站平台高程各组成项取值标准的合理性,研究认为现行标准明显偏高。建议海上升压站平台底部高程按"100年一遇极端高水位+重现期50年波列累积频率1%的最大波峰高度+安全超高"确定。结合工程实例计算分析,按本文建议可使海上升压站平台高程明显降低,从而节省工程造价,还可减轻升压站工程对周边风机的遮蔽影响,以达到多发电量的效果。  相似文献   

海上升压站吊装、运输和安装作业是一项高风险的工程,每一步的决策都非常重要。实时振动监测不但可得到大量有价值的监测数据而且可对驳船所运输的升压站组块的各项指标实时监控,还能对随时可能发生的安全隐患进行提早预警,从而降低风险减小损失。文章以江苏滨海北H2海上升压站项目为例,对实时振动监测系统的设计思路进行了阐述,并对监测结果进行了分析。希望通过文章的设计思路及数据分析结果,为类似的海上升压站项目提供参考。  相似文献   

统计数据表明,单桩基础在海上风机基础形式中所占比例为65%以上,开展单桩基础设计与分析方法的研究具有重要的工程应用意义。根据海上风电机组基础所处的环境特点和结构特性,介绍了海上风机单桩基础的设计要点。结合某海上风电场风电机组单桩基础设计实例,建立了单桩基础有限元模型,进行了基础承载力与变形计算、模态分析和疲劳分析等工作,给出了相关设计成果,可供相关设计人员参照使用。  相似文献   

浮式海上升压站的动力响应分析是其设计阶段的重要内容,对浮式升压站进行结构优化进而改进其水动力性能意义重大。提出一种基于状态空间模型的浮式海上升压站平台动力响应算法,该方法通过频域拟合的方法计算延迟函数频响函数有理分式的系数,得到延迟函数的极值和留数,进而构建延迟函数的状态空间模型,通过状态空间模型代替Cummins方程中的卷积项,从而计算浮式海上升压站的动力响应。采用日本福岛示范项目的浮式升压站模型对方法进行验证,结果表明计算得到的动力响应与商业软件SESAM计算结果吻合较好,说明方法的有效性。  相似文献   

国内外海上风电开发正逐渐走向成熟阶段,但早期的工程设计对海上升压站在靠船工况下的振动舒适性关注不够,相关的规范体系或可依据的准则也没有建立。针对实践中出现的这一问题,以位于江苏海域的某典型海上升压站结构为对象,进行了船舶碰撞工况下的动力数值模拟,分析了不同碰撞位置对结构响应的影响,以及上部组块不同区域的响应分布情况,并提出了改善舒适性的建议。  相似文献   

脚靴式海上升压站导管架的桩套筒与主导管的连接结构是关键荷载传递部位。整体梁系有限元模型无法反应局部板型结构的失效状态;截断板系有限元模型则受制于边界条件的合理性,结果不够精确。文中基于某工程海上升压站,建立不同精细化范围的多尺度有限元模型及不同边界条件的截断模型,对结构屈服失效及屈曲失效复核的同时论证了局部网格对计算精细程度的影响及截断模型对边界条件的敏感性;此外,研究了轭板板厚及应力比对屈曲失效的敏感程度,为今后海上升压站脚靴结构不同阶段的设计、优化提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>0引言中国拥有漫长的海岸线,滨海和浅海海域风能资源丰富,风电场建设正从陆地向海上大力发展。随着海上风电场的加速布局,针对海上风电场的工程地质勘察工作越来越受到重视。工程地质勘察是工程设计的重要基础。按现行国家规范要求,海上风电场的工程勘察分为规划、预可行性研究、可行性研究、招标设计和施工详图设计5个阶段。根据目前国内海上风电工程建设的实际情况,规划、预可行性研究、可行性研究3个项目前期阶段的研究对象以风电场区为主,称为工程地质勘察阶段,  相似文献   

Offshore wind energy development can have major economic implications because of the potential impact on coastal recreation demand – particularly for countries that are characterised by high offshore wind power potential while also being popular tourist destinations. In this context, the impact of offshore wind farm projects on beach recreation demand in Catalonia (Spain) during the 2012 summer season was examined. A combined revealed and stated preference approach, which allows joint modelling of actual and hypothetical demands, was applied. The results demonstrate a significant welfare loss up to €203 million per season. The results further show that the installation of a wind farm mainly will cause a shift in trips to Catalan beaches without wind farms, which implies that the estimated negative economic impacts will occur mostly in areas where wind farms are located. From a political economy point of view, this may call for the design and implementation of re-distributive instruments to offset the negative impacts caused by wind farms.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power has a large potential as a vast resource for delivering clean and abundant energy on a global scale. However, the siting of offshore wind farms in the coastal zone has negative effects on the seascape. This might be particularly evident in the case if offshore wind farms are located close to areas with recreational activities in the coastal zone. Extending the analysis from a previous investigation of the preference for reducing visual impacts from offshore wind farms, the present paper utilises the same sample representing the Danish population. Based on the stated preferences from a Choice Experiment in a mail survey the preferences for reducing visual disamenities from offshore wind farms among different types of coastal zone users are compared to the preferences of less frequent users of the coastal zone. The results strongly indicate that in addition people who can see offshore wind farms from their residence, anglers and recreational boaters, i.e. users of the coastal zone, significantly perceive the visual impacts to be more negative compared to people who do not use the coastal area for those specific purposes. Furthermore, the results also indicate that respondents who visit the beach on a frequent basis also have stronger preferences for reducing the visual disamenities, when compared to less frequent visitors. As a consequence, the specific users and frequent visitors of the coastal zone are willing to pay approximately twice as much to have future offshore wind farms moved further away from the coast, when compared to less frequent users and visitors. These results display that, given the wind farms are not located at relative large distance from the shore, the recreational value of the coastal use is potentially jeopardised by visual impacts from offshore wind farms. From an energy planner's point of view, these results are noteworthy, as they – everything else being equal – point towards that potential gains in capital cost (investment, construction and running costs) by locating offshore wind farms at relative close distances from the shore might be outweighed by the visual disamenity costs in coastal areas with a large recreational activity. As such, the optimal location, i.e. distance from the shore, of offshore wind farms might be closer to the coast in areas with little recreational activities compared to coastal areas with a higher level of recreational activities.  相似文献   

地震与波浪联合作用下海洋平台动力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要针对地震与波浪联合作用下空间导管架式海洋平台结构的动力响应特性进行研究。以春晓平台结构为例,利用ANSYS程序进行了动力响应的数值计算,分析中考虑了地震设防烈度、风浪条件及场地土类型等因素对结构响应的影响,并与地震单独作用下的结构响应进行了对比。分析结果表明,抗震设防烈度较低、中等及较大风浪条件下对海洋平台结构进行抗震分析时有必要考虑地震与波浪的联合作用。  相似文献   

孙文  刘超  张平  张积乐  黄维平 《海洋工程》2014,32(6):128-136
对国内外海上风电机组基础结构设计规范和相关标准进行了对比研究,结合我国海上风电机组基础结构设计开发中遇到的问题,论述海上风电机组基础结构设计中关于安全理念和设计荷载的设计方法和标准;分析对比各国规范对海上风电机组基础结构设计的推荐做法,剖析各国规范的设计理念和方法;比较海上风电机组基础结构与海洋石油平台在设计理念和设计标准方面的异同,并根据海上风电和海洋油气的行业特点,分析海上风电机组基础结构设计规范和海洋石油平台设计规范对于海上风电机组基础结构设计的适用性。在此基础上,基于我国海洋工程技术和海上风电产业的发展水平,提出发展我国海上风电机组基础结构的设计建议,指出我国海上风电开发中应注意和避免发生的问题。  相似文献   

Drawing on a case study in Germany, this contribution explores the practical application of offshore aquaculture within offshore wind farms in view of the different stakeholders involved. Using a transdisciplinary research approach, an understanding of the rationalities and interests among the different involved stakeholder groups was explored. Offshore wind energy is high on the political agenda in Germany. The vast spatial requirements however inherit potential user conflicts with competing, and under current legislation excluded users such as fishermen. Solutions for combining sustainable uses of the same ocean space have thus seen increasing interest within the research community in Germany and in Europe over the past years. This paper was inspired by and presents the outcomes of a stakeholder analysis and in particular a stakeholder workshop. Central focus was placed on academics and private as well as public stakeholders engaged in current research efforts of combining offshore wind farms and aquaculture in the German North Sea. The paper identifies the overall acceptance of such a multi-use scenario in society, opportunities and constraints as perceived by the stakeholders, and key research gaps. The results confirm the assumption that there is a clear need, and also willingness on behalf of the policy makers and the research community, to find sustainable, resource- and space-efficient solutions for combined ocean use.  相似文献   

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