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A consequence of the biodegradation of petroleum is that lower molecular weight compounds are removed preferentially to higher molecular weight (HMW) compounds greater than triacontane (n-C30). The extent to which the latter compounds are biodegraded has rarely been studied. Reasons for this include the technical difficulties associated with carrying out biodegradability tests with solid, water-insoluble substances and the limits of the analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography (GC).A quantitative high temperature GC (HTGC) method was developed to monitor the biodegradation of the aliphatic fraction of a waxy Indonesian oil by Pseudomonas fluorescens. Recoveries of over 90% were obtained for n-alkanes up to hexacontane (C60) using liquid-liquid continuous extraction. After only 14 days, 80% of the aliphatic hydrocarbons had been degraded. At the end of the 136-day study, 14% of the original fraction remained. This comprised mainly C40+ compounds. No decrease in the concentrations of compounds above C45 was observed. However, the use of a rapid screening biodegradation method provided tentative proof that Pseudomonas fluorescens was capable of utilising n-alkanes up to C60 once the bacteria had acclimated to HMW alkanes.  相似文献   

Series of n-alkyl and isoprenoid thiophenes and thiolanes, most of which have not been previously reported, have been identified in an extract from a Messinian (Upper Miocene) marl layer deposited under hypersaline, euxinic conditions. The identifications were based on mass spectra and Chromatographic data of synthesized reference compounds and on comparison of mass spectra, relative retention times and response on the FPD. Their specific structures and their distribution patterns show similarities with those of the alkanes. Inorganic sulphur is therefore considered to be incorporated into specific lipid moieties from (archae)bacterial and/or algal input during diagenesis. A biosynthetic origin of these compounds is also possible, however. The organic sulphur compounds encountered are thought to be indicators of a hypersaline depositional environment.  相似文献   

The abundances and distribution patterns of mono-, di- and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl) chromans (MTTCs) and long-chain alkylbenzenes in extracts of marl (66 samples), anhydrite (15) and halite (1) strata of the Salt IV Formation of the Oligocene Mulhouse Basin are reported. The distributions of the methylated MTTCs indicate salinity changes of the upper part of a density stratified water column of the basin. These variations are explained by a tectonically or climatically induced change in the supply of water of relative lower salinity to form a layer overlying the deeper water brine. Hence, it is suggested that mesohaline (3.5–15%) conditions in the surface waters were established as a result of periodic incursions of marine water and subsequent evaporation. Conversely, during periods when the surface water was derived mainly from fresh water from the hinterland, lower average salinity in the surface layer resulted. The distributions of long-chain alkylbenzenes also appear to record these changes.  相似文献   

The Nador lagoon ecosystem (North-East of Morocco) displays a major socioeconomic interest. In fact, it is essential to evaluate consequences of anthropogenic activities in the lagoon especially by organic matter studies (nature and distribution) in the sedimentary compartment. Surface sediments show variable rates in total organic carbon and in sulfur, high in some cases (7.5 and 1.8% respectively). These high contents are recorded in the center of the lagoon. Their distributions are controlled by the hydrodynamism and the anthropogenic degree. The molecular biomarkers analyses and especially n-alkanes distribution reveal: a zone of marine influence; and a zone of continental influence. The occurrence of pentacyclic triterpanes with a typical distribution of a thermally mature organic matter reveals a contamination due to petroleum products in the entire lagoon except for the center. Coprostanol occurrence near cities indicates wastewater effluents inputs and reducing conditions underlined by high values of stanols/sterol ratios. Thus, the organic contamination (petroleum by-products and wastewater effluents) occurs in the vicinity of the cities whereas the littoral edge and center remain weakly affected by these contaminations.  相似文献   

1IntroductionDissolvedorganicmatter (DOM)isamixtureoforganicsubstancesconsistingmainlyofhighmolecularweightpolymericcompounds (KenandLee,1 974) .Itplaysanimportantroleincarboncyclingandbiogeochemicalmobilizationoftracemetalsandorganiccompoundsintheaquaticenvi ronment (BeffleandLeppard ,1 995) .InrecentyearsmanyresearchershavepaidattentiontothesecomplexesbasedontheMWDofDOM ,sincethefateandtransportoftracechemicalsareinfluencedbyitsmolecularsize (Chiouetal.,1 986) .Themolecularweightorfrac…  相似文献   

A series of novel long-chain 3,4-dialkylthiophenes (C36–C54) was identified in a number of sediments ranging from Pleistocene to Cretaceous. The identifications were based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation and mass spectral data of synthesised model compounds. These organic sulphur compounds are probably formed by sulphur incorporation into mid-chain dimethylalkadienes with two methylenic double bonds. These putative precursor lipids are unprecedented and may be considered rather unusual. The distribution of 3,4-dialkylthiophenes in sediments varies considerably with the depositional palaeoenvironment, indicating that these compounds have a potential as molecular markers reflecting changes in palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   

Diagenetic changes are difficult to distinguish from variations in sources of organic matter to sediments. Organic geochemical comparisons of samples of wood, bark, and needles from a white spruce (Picea glauca) living today and one buried for 10,000 years in lake sediments have been used to identify the effects of diagenesis on vascular plant matter. Important biogeochemical changes are evident in the aged spruce components, even though the cellular structures of the samples are well preserved. Concentrations of total fatty acids dramatically diminish; unsaturated and shorter chainlength components are preferentially lost from the molecular distributions. Concentrations of total alcohols are similar in the modern and 10,000-year-old wood and bark but markedly lowered in the aged needles. Hydrocarbon concentrations and distributions show little diagenetic change in the 10,000-year-old plant materials. Cellulose components in the wood decrease relative to lignin components, although both types of materials remain in high concentration in comparison to other organic components. Aromatization of abietic acid proceeds more rapidly in buried spruce wood than in bark; retene is the dominant polyaromatic hydrocarbon in the aged wood. In contrast to the variety of changes evident in molecular compositions, neither 13C values nor C/N ratios differ significantly in the bulk organic matter of modern and aged spruce components.  相似文献   

Investigation of sediment samples from Sites 1039 and 1040 (ODP Leg 170) drilled off the Nicoya peninsula (Costa Rica) by organic geochemical and organic petrological methods has revealed that subduction has only little influence on the composition of the sedimentary organic matter. Organic carbon contents reached 1.5% in the Pleistocene samples but Miocene and Pliocene sediments had an average organic carbon content of less than 0.5%. Organic carbon/sulfur ratios are generally below 2.8, reflecting an intense sulfate reduction in the uppermost sediments which was enhanced by sulfate supply both from sea water and deeper strata. Microscopical examinations indicate that the organic matter is mainly derived from marine sources. A small amount of terrigenous organic matter is, however, present as well according to n-alkane and fatty acid distributions. The alkenone unsaturation index U37k′ shows only a slight decrease during the Miocene and Pliocene, and stronger variations in the Pleistocene, probably indicating more stable sea surface temperatures during the Miocene and Pliocene. Variations in the Pleistocene can possibly be related to glacial/interglacial changes.  相似文献   

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