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Hearths are important archaeological features, serving to infer past practices related to hominin subsistence and social behaviors. The identification of hearths is not always straightforward due to post‐depositional processes. In karstic cave environments in particular it is not always easy to distinguish, in the field or in the laboratory, between geogenic and anthropogenic cemented features because both are composed of calcite. Here we present a novel study in which bulk oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses were used in order to unequivocally identify anthropogenic calcite derived from hearths in the Neanderthal site of Amud Cave (Israel). We demonstrate that the isotopic composition of wood ash is distinctively different from that of geogenic calcite. The linear relationship observed between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of the various sediment types in Amud Cave is interpreted as a mixing line between wood ash and geogenic calcite, thus enhancing our understanding of the origins of sedimentological variability at the site and showing that not all of the cemented sediments in Amud Cave should be regarded as hearths. Our study suggests that the relative abundance of validated hearths in the various areas of the cave may be associated with Neanderthal use of space in Amud Cave. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Water flows through time are connected to specific instances of socionatural and sociotechnical assemblages of human and non-human components. We propose the concept of “water palimpsest” in order to characterize the complex histories of chemical and metabolic alterations embodied in water flows, potentially disruptive for humans and other living beings. Through the concept of palimpsest we interpret the configuration of water flows as constantly evolving towards new patterns maintaining at the same time traces of past mixtures. In order to decipher water pollution by means of a political ecology approach we argue that it is necessary to characterize the historical contours under which certain substances in river waters appear, interact and become hazardous. Engaging critically with literature on assemblages but also with chemical and epidemiological scientific literature, and drawing from archival and oral sources, we provide an account of historically produced pollution in the waters of Llobregat River (Catalonia) by unravelling the assemblages that shape the water palimpsest in this river. In parallel, we narrate the advances in instrumentation and analysis which permitted to detect and measure substances beyond recognition by human senses and preceded legal regulations on pollutants, starting from milligrams and (thus far) arriving at nanoscales. Focusing on the emergence of three typologies of pollutants – salts, trihalomethanes (THMs) and endocrine disruptors (EDs) – we unveil how these three assemblages embody specific instances of Llobregat socioenvironmental history, pointing towards a palimpsest characterized by increasing levels of complexity and uncertainty. The concept of water palimpsest allows us to incorporate non-human agency into the analysis of water quality and to infuse political ecology with materiality and thus with a (largely missing) focus on physicochemical and biological processes.  相似文献   

 Surface contamination with radioactive caesium introduced into the environment after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was high enough in the Crimean Mountains to allow using radiocaesium as an indicator of penetration of radioactive contamination into a karst system. Caesium concentrations have been studied in soils above Marble Cave, Tchatyrdag Plateau, in percolation waters and in sediments transported by percolation waters within the cave. Contamination of the daylight surface with 137Cs is about 30 kqB m–2 which is approximately 13 times higher than the density of global fallouts. Besides 137Cs, almost all samples showed presence of 134Cs with the 137Cs/134Cs ratio close to that of Chernobyl contaminations. Concentrations of 137Cs range from 9 to 15 mBq l–1 in the present percolation waters in the cave. In sediments related to percolation waters 134Cs is detected in some samples besides 137Cs, although the effect of 228Ac is not ruled out. Surprisingly, the highest concentrations of radiocaesium were measured in "old" sediments in the cave's lower series. These sediments are not associated with modern percolation and are represented by a clay/moonmilk alternating sequence deposited in an old dried cave lake. Moonmilk layers have higher caesium content than clay. It is assumed that Chernobyl caesium was transported into the cave with aerosols which were then deposited mainly in areas where condensation occurs. The sampling site is located just in the boundary between two microclimatic zones with a temperature gradient of 0.5  °C. Active condensation processes occur in this area. Caesium was not detected in another similar sampling site (old lake deposits) located within homogeneous microclimatic conditions. If the above interpretation is correct, these results show the geochemical significance of the aerosol-condensation mechanism of mass transport and localisation. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   

桂林盘龙洞石笋发光性特征及其古环境记录的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
洞穴次生化学沉积物的发光性的研究可以提供分辨率更高的古环境变化信息。桂林盘龙洞一石笋发光性的研究表明,该地区在3.2~1.1万a之间普遍处于干冷条件下,而且微层发光谱线表明在此阶段仍存在多次次一级气候变化。在1.13万a左右,谱线值突然由低升高,在1.10万a后,在不断变化中逐渐上升,这可能是新仙女木事件(1.13~1.1万a)在该地区的记录。此外,通过发光性记录与稳定同位素记录和微量元素记录的对比,其变化趋势基本一致,且具更高的分辨率。因此,洞穴次生化学沉积物发光性的研究可能会提供一个地区分辨率更高的古  相似文献   

选取桂林丫吉试验场硝盐洞为研究对象,通过示踪试验和高分辨率水文水化学监测,确定滴水补给来源,研究典型岩溶包气带洞穴滴水对降雨响应的水文过程。研究结果表明,硝盐洞XY5滴水主要受到两种径流成分补给,即集中补给的管道流和弥散流。硝盐洞上部包气带中可能存在表层岩溶带含水层,长期维持滴水流量。滴水流量、电导率和示踪剂浓度的峰值均出现在强降雨时段,表现出快速响应的管道流特征,存在降雨阈值引起硝盐洞滴水降雨响应。降雨前岩溶含水层水分条件是包气带水文响应差异的主要原因,雨季滴水对降雨响应迅速,XY5滴水对降雨响应的滞后时间为10 h;而旱季对降雨的响应滞后明显,滞后时间达9.8天,体现了土壤和表层岩溶带的调蓄作用。74.4 mm降雨量是旱季转雨季滴水响应的降雨阈值。借助于洞穴滴水的水文动态变化和示踪试验技术对于研究包气带水文过程,深入了解岩溶含水层结构及特征,揭示岩溶区降雨入渗补给机制具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Izmir Bird Paradise is one of the most valuable wetlands in Turkey, but this area is now being threatened by the drying out of marshes and water pollution. This wetland consists of two ecosystems: fresh- and saltwater. The recharge of marshes is from rainfall, the Gediz River and groundwater from Can Suyu Pond. The water type of the river is Ca-Mg-Na-HCO3-SO4, whereas the groundwater is a Na-Cl water type. The reasons for the drying are long-term drought (evapotranspiration at 894 mm is >> rainfall at 546 mm), and excessive pumping of groundwater and seawater intrusion into Menemen Plain. Therefore, an additional freshwater resource is necessary. This water can be supplied from the limestone levels of Neogene sedimentary rocks in and around Izmir Bird Paradise that have a Ca-HCO3 water type. Water pollution levels were also analysed. In the freshwater ecosystem Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn values, in the open channel in Izmir Bird Paradise Sb, Fe, Ni and Cd values, and in the river Fe, Pb and Sb values exceed the TSE 266 and EPA 2000 standards probably due to agricultural and industrial sources.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the instability mechanisms, and the excavation sequence, re-qualification and reinforcement methods adopted to pass through a short segment of a nearly 2-km tunnel built as part of a new 55-km state highway in northern Turkey. The instability problems were encountered during tunnel excavation due to the failure to recognize the fact that alteration in stress field and resulting deformation could cause dilation and increase in the permeability of claystone-shale layers and local fault gouge zones, and in turn significant reduction in shear strength. Change in natural drainage pattern and capillarity exacerbated saturation and the consequent strength reduction. The 92-m3 loose material flowed into the tunnel due to the collapse and caused 2.5 months of delay in completion of the tunnel. Longitudinal and oblique cracks observed in shotcrete were attributed to the reduction in modulus upon saturation, which caused a large cumulative deformation of approximately 110 mm at a section about 30 m behind the collapse face.

It is concluded that early detection or prediction of potentially problematic zones (via probe drilling and monitoring) in tunnelling is of paramount importance, especially through mixed or difficult ground conditions characterized by alternating layers, folding, faulting and localized zones of high water pressure. Because mechanical detection methods cannot be fully relied upon, availability of experienced personnel to predict and deal with such instability problems effectively and promptly is the best insurance for successful completion of tunnelling contracts.  相似文献   

A protracted phase of aggradation without evidence for episodes of cutting and filling occurred in the drainage of Wadi el Sheikh between about 65,000 and 12,000 B.P. Marl sediments in the deposits at the oasis of Tarfat el Quidrein denote freshwater ponds or marshes that attracted Upper Paleolithic, Ahmarian hunter-gatherers. Wetter conditions favoring the formation of the marls are explained by local, geomorphic factors including the orographic influence of nearby mountains. A major phase of down-cutting initiated at the end of the Pleistocene and beginning of the Holocene is the only climatically forced gradational change seen in the geomorphic record.  相似文献   

The archaeology of caves is best served by including a study of natural effects prior to and during anthropogenic input. This is especially true for the Cave of Hearths because not only has erosion determined the area of occupation, but also subsequent undermining has caused collapse of some of the rearward parts of the site during Early Stone Age (Acheulian) and later times; and this had a major impact on excavation. The key to understanding the nature of the collapsed layers was the rediscovery of a lower part of the cavern below the whole site. This lower cavern is no longer accessible, but the evidence for it was revealed in a swallow hole by R.J. Mason, and in archived material at the Department of Archaeology, University of Witwatersrand. The creation and dissolution of dolomite fragments in the upper layers has resulted in the formation of thick, carbonate‐cemented breccia that has preserved underlying layers and prevented further collapse. We agree with Mason that further archaeological and hominid finds await excavation under the proximate Historical Cave west entrance. This area has the potential for archaeological and palaeoanthropological material that predates the layers in the Cave of Hearths. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

大气降水渗入土壤,穿过围岩,将气候与地表环境信息导入洞穴滴水,最终被洞穴沉积物所记录,因而研究土壤、围岩与洞穴滴水的地球化学组成及3者之间的联系对了解气候和环境信号的传递以及石笋古环境信息的正确解译十分重要。通过对比清江地区和尚洞上覆土壤、围岩与滴水的元素及锶同位素N(87Sr)/N(86Sr)地球化学组成特征,进而调查土壤和围岩对洞穴滴水水化学的影响。结果表明:滴水的n(Mg)/n(Ca)、n(Ba)/n(Ca)、n(Sr)/n(Ca)及N87Sr)/N(86Sr)介于土壤和围岩之间,说明滴水物质组成来自土壤和围岩的混合;滴水的n(S)/n(Ca)大于土壤和围岩,说明有第三端元的混入,可能是大气硫沉降的结果。通过模型计算可知,土壤和围岩对和尚洞滴水各元素组成的贡献并不相同,贡献的相对大小不仅与元素本身的地球化学性质有关,而且随气候和环境而发生变化。  相似文献   

Examination of mineral deposits in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex provides broad new insights regarding their genesis. Collision and postcollision-related magmatic processes during closure of the northern branch of the Neotethyan Ocean, caused by northward subduction of the oceanic crust beneath the Sakarya Microcontinent in the Late Cretaceous-Eocene, led to the formation of several types of mineral deposits. These include: (1) skarn-type deposits (Pb-Zn, Fe, and Fe-W skarns); (2) vein-type deposits (molybdenum, fluo-rite, stibnite-cinnabar, and stibnite-cinnabar-scheelite vein deposits); (3) sedimentary diatomite, kaolinite, salt, and uranium deposits; and (4) volcanogenic perlite, pumice, and sulfur deposits. Considering their regional distribution and relationship to the geologic evolution of the region, the skarn and vein deposits constitute an important part of the metallogeny of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex.  相似文献   

The city of Bursa in Turkey is surrounded by major and secondary fault branches which splay from the North Anatolian Fault. Nonetheless, as their traces were not exactly known in the alluvial land of the Bursa basin, until this study, they were not plotted in the official active fault map of Turkey. In this study, the Bursa basin was observed by InSAR technology, and the subsidence which is consistent with the pull-apart basin geometry was detected in the basin. This finding was discussed in the local platforms in Turkey. Then, the city of Bursa was included into the priority provinces for the urban reconstruction under the risk of an earthquake, and the official active fault map of the region was revised by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey.  相似文献   

Interlayered quartzite and marble in the southern Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, record metamorphic conditions ranging from high-pressure/low-temperature through a Barrovian overprint from chlorite- to sillimanite-zone conditions. This sequence was exhumed under transtension, producing macroscopic constrictional fabrics (L-tectonites) during crustal thinning. Quartz microstructures consist of dynamically recrystallized aggregates in the dislocation creep regime dominated by grain boundary migration. Quartz microstructures are relatively constant across the high metamorphic gradient, and crystallographic fabric patterns transition from plane strain to constriction strain. Calcite fabrics are characterized by progressive overprinting of a columnar texture inherited from the high-pressure polymorph aragonite. In the low-temperature Barrovian domain (<400?°C), shearing of calcite rods produced a very strong c-axis point maximum. At moderate temperature, calcite rods were partially to totally recrystallized and the strong preferred orientation maintained. At temperature >500?°C and high constriction strain, marble has no crystallographic fabric, likely reflecting a transition from dislocation creep to diffusion creep. Phengite in high-pressure/low-temperature marble and quartzite yields relatively simple age spectra with Late Cretaceous (88–82 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar ages. Barrovian muscovite records significantly younger ages (63–55 Ma). The transtension system and associated metamorphism may have occurred above a subduction zone in Paleocene–Eocene time as a precursor to intrusion of Eocene (~53 Ma) arc plutons.  相似文献   

The Namur area in Belgium is useful to study brown (Ursus arctos) and cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) as the assemblage contains little temporal and no geographical variation. Here, we aim to assess ontogenetic allometry within cave bears, as well as ecomorphological differences between adult brown bears (n = 9), adult cave bears (n = 5) and juvenile cave bears (n = 3). Landmarks for 3D digitization of the mandible were chosen based on the taphonomical damage of the specimens. Extant brown bears and extinct Pleistocene brown and cave bears were digitized with a Microscribe G2. Generalized Procrustes superimposition was performed on the coordinates. Allometry was studied using regression analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to assess ecomorphological differences between the groups. 61% of the shape variance within juvenile and adult cave bears was predicted by size (n = 8, p < 0.01). The juvenile cave bears have relatively deep horizontal rami. In adult cave bears, the horizontal ramus is much narrower dorsoventrally. Juvenile cave bears have a small masseteric fossa and a short coronoid process, whereas both are larger, relative to mandible size, in adult cave bears. This made juvenile cave bears likely less effective masticators than fully grown cave bears. In the PCA, principal component (PC) 1 accounts for 45.0% of the total variance and PC2 accounts for 27.6%. Fossil U. arctos from Namur fall within the 95% confidence interval of modern North American U. arctos on both PCs, but are more similar to cave bears than the average extant brown bear. From the similarity of fossil and modern brown bears, it can be deduced that the diet of fossil brown bears was probably also within the range of their modern North American conspecifics, although they might have been more efficient at masticating plant matter.  相似文献   

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