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It is recognized that there are at least two sorts of significant environments for porphyry copper deposits, i.e. magmatic arcs and collisional orogens[14]. The deposits in the former environments are exampled by the circle-Pacific porphyry copper belt, such as An-dean-type deposits, which mainly formed in the period of the Andean tectonic cycle characterized by trans- pressional and transtensional movements along the arc-parallel strike-slip fault zone in the Late Eo-cene-Early Oligocene[5…  相似文献   

Re-Os isotopic dating for the molybdenites from the porphyry copper deposits of the Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt in Yunnan Province yields isochron ages of 33.9±1.1 Ma for the Machangqing deposit and 34.4±0.5 Ma for the Tongchang deposit. This result shows that both the Machangqing and the Tongchang porphyry Cu-Mo deposits from two different ore-fields formed simultaneously. This new data and the published Re-Os model ages of molybdenite (35.4 Ma, 35.9 Ma, 36.2 Ma) of the Yulong porphyry copper deposit in Tibet, which is located in the same Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt as the Machangqing deposit and the Tongchang deposit, suggest that these three Cenozoic porphyry copper deposits in the Jinshajiang-Red River mineralization belt were contemporary for their mineralization episode. That is to say, even their present locality is far away and nearly iso-distantly distributed, these three porphyry Cu(Mo) deposits belong to the same mineralization episode at the end of Eocene.  相似文献   

A systematic study combining U-Pb zircon dating,lithogeochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analyses was carried out upon the Xinping granodiorite porphyry in the Dayaoshan metallogenic belt to understand its petrogenesis and tectonic significance.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating yielded a 442.7 ± 5.8 Ma age,indicating that the granodiorite porphyry was emplaced during the Llandovery Silurian of the Early Paleozoic.The granodiorite porphyry shares the same geochemical characteristics such as Eu negative anomaly as other syn-tectonic granite plutons in the region,including the granodiorite porphyry in Dawangding and granite porphyries in the Dali Cu-Mo deposit and Longtoushang old deposit,indicating a similar magma evolution process.The Xinping granodiorite porphyry has high contents of SiO_2(67.871.8%) and K_2O(1.78-3.42%) and is metaluminous-peraluminous with A/CNK ratios ranging from 0.97 to 1.06,indicative of high-potassium calc-alkaline to calc-alkaline affinity.It is a I-type granite enriched in large ion lithophile elements Rb,Sr,while depleted in Ba and high field-strength element Nb.Tectonically,a collision between the Yunkai Block from the south and the Guangxi Yunnan-North Vietnam Block from the north during the Early Paleozoic was followed by uplifting of the Dayaoshan terrane.The Xinping granodiorite porphyry was likely emplaced during the collision.Sr-Nd isotopic analyses show that the granodiorite porphyry has initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(I_(sr)) of 0.7080-0.7104,ε_(Nd)(t) range from -0.08 to -4.09,and t_(2DM) between 1.19 and 1.51 Ga,well within the north-east low-value zone of the Cathaysia block,indicating a Paleoproterozoic Cathaysia basement source and an involvement of under plating mantle magma.Field observations,geochronological data,and 3D spatial distribution all lead to the conclusion that the Early Paleozoic Xinping granodiorite porphyry does not have any metallogenic and temporal relationships with the Xinping gold deposit(which has a Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age based on previous studies) but a close metallogenic relation to W-Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

Abstract Miyanohara tonalite occurs in the middle part of the Higo metamorphic belt in the central Kyushu, Southwest Japan. This tonalite intrudes into early Permian Ryuhozan metamorphic rocks in the south and is intruded by Cretaceous Shiraishino granodiorite in the north. The Miyanohara tonalite yielded three mineral ages: (i) 110–100 Ma for Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr internal isochrons and for K–Ar hornblende; (ii) 183 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron; and (iii) 211 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron. The ages of 110–100 Ma may indicate cooling age due to the thermal effect of the Shiraishino granodiorite intrusion. The ages of 183 Ma and 211 Ma are consistent with timing of intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite based on geologic constraints. The hornblende in the sample which gave 183 Ma shows discontinuous zoning under microscope, whereas the one which gave 211 Ma does not show zonal structure. These mineralogical features suggest that the 183 Ma sample has suffered severely from later tectonothermal effect compared with the 211 Ma sample. Therefore, the age of 211 Ma is regarded as near crystallization age for the Miyanohara tonalite. The magmatic process, geochronology and initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the Miyanohara tonalite are similar to those of early Jurassic granites from the Outer Plutonic Zone of the Hida belt that constitutes a marginal part of east Asia before the opening of the Japan Sea. Intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite is considered to have taken place in the active continental margin during the late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous granitoids in the middle and northern Gangdese, Tibet are generally interpreted as the products of anatexis of thickened deep crust genetically associated with the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision. This paper reports bulk-rock major element, trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic data, zircon U-Pb age data, and zircon Hf isotopic data on the Zayu pluton in eastern Gangdese, Tibet. These data shed new light on the petrogenesis of the pluton. Our SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age dates, along with LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb...  相似文献   

福建紫金山及其外围地区分布的浅成-超浅成斑岩体与成矿关切密切.紫金山外围东留花岗斑岩体位于福建省武平县境内,花岗斑岩体内外接触带普遍发育强烈的矿化蚀变带.通过对东留花岗斑岩体进行野外地质调查及全岩地球化学分析,结果表明东留花岗斑岩体具有过铝质A型花岗岩的特征:富硅、钾、铁,贫钙、钠、镁,A/CNK值大于1.1,分异指数高,富集HFSE、Ga、LREE、Y(Ce),亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti,具有强烈的铕负异常.东留花岗斑岩体作为矿化蚀变岩石的母岩,可能为矿化作用提供热源和成矿物质,具有寻找锡多金属矿的前景.  相似文献   

The Dexing porphyry deposit is the largest porphyry Cu–Mo–Au deposit in South China. Biotite composition can record the physicochemical conditions and evolution history of magmatic-hydrothermal system.Biotite from the Dexing porphyry deposit could be divided to three types: primary magmatic biotite(Bi-M),hydrothermal altered magmatic biotite(Bi-A) and hydrothermal biotite(Bi-H). The temperature of Bi-M and Bi-H range from 719 to 767 °C and 690 to 727 °C,respectively. Both magmatic and hydrotherm...  相似文献   

Adakitic rocks in continental settings are commonly considered to be formed by partial melting of thickened or delaminated lower crust. Investigations on this kind of rocks can provide important information about crustal evolution complementary to information from other rocks. This paper reports adakitic granodiorite of the Lingxi pluton in the interior of the Cathayisa Block. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating shows that it was formed in the late Early Cretaceous(100±1 Ma). The granodiorite has geochemical features of adakitic rocks derived from partial melting of the thickened lower crust, e.g., high SiO2(mainly ranging from 64.4 to 68.9 wt.%) and Sr(624–894 ppm) contents, Sr/Y(49.9–60.8) and La/Yb(23.4–42.8) values, low Y(10.3–17.1 ppm), Ni(5.62–11.8 ppm) and MgO(mostly from 0.86 wt.% to 1.57 wt.%) contents and weak Eu anomaly. It has initial 87Sr/86 Sr ratios of 0.7086–0.7091, εNd(t) values of.6.2 to.5.9 and zircon εHf(t) values mostly of.10.1 to.7.6. Based on the geochemical characteristics and simple modelling, it is suggested that the most likely generation mechanism of the Lingxi granodiorite is partial melting of a thickened Proterozoic lower continental crust at a pressure ≥12 kbar(or crust thickness ≥40km), leaving a garnet-bearing amphibolite residue. Combining our results and previous studies of the tectonic evolution of the Cathaysia Block, we propose that the crust was thickened to over 40 km by a compressive event occurring during the late Early Cretaceous, which is supported by the observation that there is an angular unconformity between the Upper Cretaceous Series and the early Lower Cretaceous or the Jurassic rocks. After this event, the Cathaysia Block experienced a lithospheric extension and thinning probably driven by the high-angle paleo-Pacific subduction. With the attenuation of lithosphere, the lower crust was heated to partial melting by upwelling asthenospheric materials, resulting in generation of the Lingxi granodiorite and other coeval granitoids in the Cathaysia Block. This study provides new information on the crustal evolution of the Cathaysia Block during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The chemical variation of the Earth’s mantle rocks has been interpreted to reflect multiple episodes of partial melting. With the increasing of melt generation and extraction, the readily molten minerals and incompatible elements decrease in the residual mantle peridotite. The present-day gladiate of the Earth, however, cannot cause mantle batch melting[1], nor 40% partial melting that allows pyroxenes to be completely dissolved into melt and forms dunite[2,3]. Recent studies show that mantl…  相似文献   

The Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt was formed by the Triassic continental collision between the South China Block and the North China Block. There is a large area of Mesozoic magmatic rocks along this orogenic belt, with emplacement ages mainly at Late Triassic, Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The Late Triassic alkaline rocks and the Late Jurassic granitoids only crop out in the eastern part of the Sulu orogen, whereas the Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks occur as massive granitoids, sporadic intermedi- ate-ma...  相似文献   

Five samples from a biotite-hornblende granodiorite phase of the 42.5 Ma Quxu pluton, Gangdese batholith, southern Tibet, have been collected at 250 m vertical intervals. Biotite from these rocks yields monotonically decreasing40Ar/39Ar isochron ages with decreasing elevation of 26.8 ± 0.2, 23.3 ± 0.5, 19.7 ± 0.3, 18.4 ± 0.4,and17.8 ± 0.1Ma (Tc = 335°C). Coexisting K-feldspars have virtually identical minimum apparent40Ar/39Ar ages of 17.0 ± 0.4Ma (Tc = 285°C). These data indicate parts of southern Tibet experienced a pulse of uplift in the early Miocene with the rate of uplift rising from 0.07 to 4.4 mm/year in the interval 20 to 17 Ma. An apatite fission track age of 9.9 ± 0.9Ma from this locality constrains the average uplift rate at this site to about 0.81 mm/year between 17 and 9.9 Ma and 0.30 mm/year from 9.9 Ma to present. K-feldspar from the Dagze granite, 30 km to the east, near Lhasa, yields a minimum apparent40Ar/39Ar age of 35.9 ± 0.9Ma (Tc = 227°C) which indicates an average uplift rate there of 0.21 mm/year since then. The marked pulse of uplift of the Quxu granodiorite and the difference in uplift history between the Dagze and Quxu plutons suggests southern Tibet has experienced discrete pulses of uplift variable in both space and time. These data are not consistent with models which require a large proportion of uplift of the Tibetan plateau to have occurred in the last 2 Ma. The data support the suggestion that convergence between India and Asia was largely accommodated by tectonic escape during the opening of the South China Sea 32 to 17 Ma ago and permit distributed shortening as a mechanism for crustal thickening and uplift of this part of the Tibetan plateau subsequent to 20 Ma.  相似文献   

The Gangdese magmatic belt is located in the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane, south Tibet. Here zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic data, as well as whole‐rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopes on andesites from the Bima Formation with a view to evaluating the history of the Gangdese magmatism and the evolution of the Neotethys Ocean. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an age of ca 170 Ma from six samples, representing the eruptive time of these volcanic rocks. Zircon Hf isotopes show highly positive εHf(t) values of +13 to +16 with a mean of +15.2. Whole‐rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic results suggest that the magma source of these andesites was controlled by partial melting of a depleted mantle source with addition of continental‐derived sediments, similar to those in the southern arcs of the Lesser Antilles arc belt. In combination with published data, the volcanic rocks of the Bima Formation are proposed to have been generated in an intra‐oceanic arc system, closely associated with northward subduction of the Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

Forty-five samples have been collected at nine sites on the 42.5 Ma Quxu pluton (90°50′E, 29°20′N) in the Gangdese batholith. Westerly declination (D = −48°and−83°) is observed in primary magnetizations from two sites about 25 km from the Indus-Zangbo suture zone after thermal demagnetization. This direction is consistent with the westerly paleomagnetic directions of the crustal blocks in other areas along the Indus-Zangbo suture zone. The Quxu pluton of the Gangdese Belt was rotated in a “domino style” deformation process as a part of a long (840 km) and narrow (less than 100 km) deformed zone between the India-Eurasia continents associated with the collision of India since 42.5 Ma. The pluton, between 11 km and 14 km from the suture acquired the secondary magnetization (D = −28°and−39°) during a cataclastic metamorphic process at sometime during the ‘domino style’ deformation. The primary magnetization was completely destroyed in the pluton within 11 km of the suture during slow cooling at the uplift stage and was replaced by thermoviscous remanent magnetization parallel to the present axial dipole field.  相似文献   

The Qimantag in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt has widespread Triassic magmatic rocks that have received scant attention, with an unresolved issue relating to its petrogenesis and geodynamics. In this paper, we used zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry to trace the petrogenesis and tectonic settings of the moyite and monzogranite from the Qimantag Alananshan, East Kunlun. The moyite and monzogranite are silicic(SiO2-~ 69.9–76.41%), highly alkali(Na2O + K2...  相似文献   

The Neogene Western Sulawesi Arc, from the south going northwards, can be divided into three magmatic provinces of K alkaline–shoshonitic (AK-SH), high-K calc-alkaline (KCA), and low-K–normal calc-alkaline (TH-CA) affinity, referred to, respectively, as South, Central and North Sulawesi. The origin of this magmatism in terms of subduction and collision processes is contentious. Four widely spaced Cu–Au porphyry, and one Mo porphyry district(s) occur along the Western Sulawesi Arc, with the North Sulawesi province being the most mineralized. This porphyry mineralization is part of a regional belt that extends north into the Philippines and possibly south to the Sunda Arc. In western Sulawesi, common features that define the porphyry belt are obscure because the porphyry districts cannot be simply related, either in terms of their magmatic affinity, nature of basement, or tectonic setting. Nevertheless, it can be suggested that the generation of porphyry Mo systems requires involvement of continental crust in terms of magma source, while Au-rich porphyry systems are independent of the nature of the crust, and are derived from a mantle source.  相似文献   

A suite of alkali-rich porphyry with 26. 5–37. 6Ma occur along the Jinsha River suture zone in west Yunnan. They are characterized by LREE-rich distribution patterns and no Eu anomaly. These porphyries have formed in post-collisional environment; (87Sr/8bSr) of porphyries, amphibolite xenolithes and associated basalts are 0.707 3, 0.706 5-0.707 l and0.705 8-0.706 5, ENd(T) are -3.4-6.3, -2.1-7.4 and -3.3 respectively. Pb isotope compositions of these rocks also show a little difference. The evidence shows that the porphyry could be derived from partial melting of the “crust-mantle mixed layer”. The relation between Cenozoic magmatism and intraplate deformation since Paleogene has been discussed. Project supported by the Nat~onal Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49472102 and 49232030).  相似文献   

The mineralization ages reported in the past in the Tuwu-Yandong copper district not only are different,but also fall into the Hercynian epoch.This study has achieved 9 zircon and 7 apatite fission track analysis results.The zircon fission track ages range from 158 Ma to 289 Ma and the apatite ages are between 64 Ma and 140 Ma.The mineralization accords with the regional tectonics in the copper district.We consider that the zircon fission track age could reveal the mineralization age based on annealing zone temperature of 140―300℃ and retention temperature of ~250℃ for zircon fission track,and metallogenetic temperature of 120―350℃ in this ore district.Total three mineralization epochs have been identified,i.e.,289―276 Ma,232―200 Ma and 165―158 Ma,and indicate occurrence of the min-eralization in the Indosinian and Yanshan epochs.Corresponding to apatite fission track ages,the three tectonic-mineralizing epochs are 140―132 Ma,109―97 Ma and 64 Ma,which means age at about 100℃ after the mineralization.The three epochs lasted 146 Ma,108 Ma and about 100 Ma from ~250℃ to ~100℃ and trend decrease from early to late.It is shown by the fission track modeling that this district underwent three stages of geological thermal histories,stable in Cretaceous and cooling both before Cretaceous and after 20 Ma.  相似文献   

Consideration of the energy equation for a flowing compressible fluid shows that the so-called modified Bernoulli equation, commonly used to relate ejects velocity to pre-explosion pressure in vulcanian-style volcanic explosions, is inadequate in almost all circumstances because of its neglect of the detailed role of volatiles in explosive eruptions.The physical differences between three common types of explosive volcanic activity, typified by plinian, strombolian and vulcanian events, are reviewed and simple mathematical models are proposed for them. The models relate velocities of ejects to initial pressures at the start of an explosive phase and to mass fractions of volatiles (generally taken to be water) in the explosion products. When fitted to observed ejects velocities (or velocities deduced from the dispersal of debris) up to 500 m/s the models predict pressures up to 300 bars — almost always much lower than those deduced in earlier treatments.  相似文献   

Among the series of eruptions at Miyakejima volcano in 2000, the largest summit explosion occurred on 18 August 2000. During this explosion, vesiculated bombs and lapilli having cauliflower-like shapes were ejected as essential products. Petrological observation and chemical analyses of the essential ejecta and melt inclusions were carried out in order to investigate magma ascent and eruption processes. SEM images indicate that the essential bombs and lapilli have similar textures, which have many tiny bubbles, crystal-rich and glass-poor groundmass and microphenocrysts of plagioclase, augite and olivine. Black ash particles, which compose 40% of the air-fall ash from the explosion, also have similar textures to the essential bombs. Whole-rock analyses show that the chemical composition of all essential ejecta is basaltic (SiO2=51–52 wt%). Chemical analyses of melt inclusions in plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts indicate that melt in the magma had 0.9–1.9 wt% H2O, <0.011 wt% CO2, 0.04–0.17 wt% S and 0.06–0.1 wt% Cl. The variation in volatile content suggests degassing of the magma during ascent up to a depth of about 1 km. The ratio of H2O and S content of melt inclusions is similar to that of volcanic gas, which has been intensely and continuously emitted from the summit since the end of August 2000, indicating that the 18 August magma is the source of the gas emission. Based on the volatile content of the melt inclusions and the volcanic gas composition, the initial bulk volatile content of the magma was estimated to be 1.6–1.9 wt% H2O, 0.08–0.1 wt% CO2, 0.11–0.17 wt% S and 0.06–0.07 wt% Cl. The basaltic magma ascended from a deeper chamber (10 km) due to decrease in magma density caused by volatile exsolution with pressure decrease. The highly vesiculated magma, which had at least 30 vol% bubbles, may have come into contact with ground water at sea level causing the large explosion of 18 August 2000.Editorial responsibility: S. Nakada, T. DuittAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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