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Two quiescent solar prominences were observed in July 2000 from SUMER aboard SOHO and from the two German solar telescopes at Tenerife. Two‐dimensional images taken at the VTT simultaneously in the spectral lines Hβ at 4862 Å and Ca II at 8542 Å show no significant spatial variation of their pressure‐sensitive emission ratio. Slit spectra of the Ca II 8542 Å and He I 10830 Å lines obtained at the Gregory‐Coudé telescope yield 8000 K < Tkin < 9000 K and 3 km/s < Vn–th < 8 km/s. Among the various spectral ranges observed with SUMER, we first investigate the Lyman emission lines, which were fitted by Gaussians yielding reliable spectral radiances and line widths for the series members 5 < k < 18. A determination of the level population gives for the lower series members a Boltzmann temperature of 60 000 K, the higher members being over‐populated. This temperature indicates an origin of the Lyman lines from hot surroundings of the cool prominence body seen in the ground‐based data; this also holds for the ‘hotter’ SUMER lines. 相似文献
Observations and analyses of two similar eruptive prominences on the north-east limb observed on 1980 April 27 at 0231 and
0517 UT, which are associated with the Boulder active region No. 2416 are presented. Both the eruptive prominences gave rise
to white-light coronal transients as observed by C/P experiment of High Altitude Observatory on the Solar Maximum Mission.
Type II and moving type IV radio bursts are reported in association with the first Hα eruptive prominence at 0231 UT.
Both the Hα eruptive prominences showed pulse activity with a quasi-periodicity of about 2–4 min. We estimate a magnetic field
in the eruptive prominence of about 100 G and a build-up rate ∼ 1026 ergs-1. The high build-up rate indicates that the shearing of the photospheric magnetic field, which fed the energy into the filament,
was rapid. It is proposed that fast-moving Hα features must have initiated the observed coronal transients. From Hα, type
II and coronal-transient observations, we estimate a magnetic field of 2.8 G at 1.9R⊙ from the disc centre, which agrees well with the earlier results. 相似文献
We review observational studies of solar prominences with some reference to theoretical understandings. We lay emphasis on the following findings: (1) An important discovery was made by Leroy, Bommier, and Sahal-Bréchot concerning the direction of the magnetic field inside some high-altitude, high-latitude prominences, where the field vector points in the opposite direction from the one which would be expected from the potential field calculated from the observed photospheric magnetic field. (2) Landman suggests the possibility of a high total density of 10–11 g cm –3 for the main body of quiescent prominences, 50 times higher than the value hitherto believed. (3) Flow patterns, nearly parallel to the magnetic neutral lines, were detected in the 105 K plasma near and in prominences. (4) Coronal loop structures were found overlying prominences as viewed from X-ray photographs. We propose also an evolutionary scheme by taking the magnetic field topologies into account.The fundamental question why a prominence is present remains basically unanswered. 相似文献
A.A. Stanislavsky A.A. Konovalenko H.O. Rucker E.P. Abranin M.L. Kaiser V.V. Dorovskyy V.N. Mel'nik A. Lecacheux 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2009,330(7):691-697
Decameter wavelength radio emission is finely structured in solar bursts. For their research it is very important to use a sufficient sensitivity of antenna systems. In this paper we study an influence of the radiotelescope‐antenna effective area on the results of decameter solar radio observations. For this purpose we compared the solar bursts received by the array of 720 ground‐based dipoles and the single dipole of the radiotelescope UTR‐2. It is shown that a larger effective area of the ground‐based antenna allows us to measure a weaker solar emission and to distinguish a fine structure of strong solar events. This feature has been also verified by simultaneous ground‐ and space‐based observations in the overlapping frequency range (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
G. N. Zubkova N. N. Kardapolova B. I. Lubyshev V. P. Nefedyev G. Ya. Smolkov R. A. Sych T. A. Treskov 《Astronomische Nachrichten》1990,311(5):313-315
This paper gives the main characteristics of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope as well as some results derived by investigating the s-component sources and radio bursts on the Sun using the SSRT. 相似文献
A topological model with magnetic reconnection at two separators in the corona is used to account for the recently discovered changes of the photospheric magnetic field in the active region NOAA 9077 during the July 14, 2000 flare. The model self-consistently explains the following observed effects: (1) the magnetic field strength decreases on the periphery of the active region but increases in its inner part near the neutral line of the photospheric magnetic field; (2) the center-of-mass positions of the fields of opposite (northern and southern) polarities converge; and (3) the magnetic flux of the active region decreases after the flare. The topological model gives not only a qualitative interpretation of the flare phenomena (the structure of the interacting magnetic fluxes in the corona, the location of the energy sources, the shape of the flare ribbons and kernels in the chromosphere and photosphere), but also correct quantitative estimates of the large-scale processes that form the basis for solar flares. The electric field emerging in the flare during large-scale reconnection is calculated. The electric field strength correlates with the observed intensity of the hard X-ray bremsstrahlung, suggesting an electron acceleration as a result of reconnection. 相似文献
The commonly used classical equipartition or minimum‐energy estimate of total magnetic fields strengths from radio synchrotron intensities is of limited practical use because it is based on the hardly known ratio K of the total energies of cosmic ray protons and electrons and also has inherent problems. We present a revised formula, using the number density ratio K for which we give estimates. For particle acceleration in strong shocks K is about 40 and increases with decreasing shock strength. Our revised estimate for the field strength gives larger values than the classical estimate for flat radio spectra with spectral indices of about 0.5–0.6, but smaller values for steep spectra and total fields stronger than about 10 µG. In very young supernova remnants, for example, the classical estimate may be too large by up to 10×. On the other hand, if energy losses of cosmic ray electrons are important, K increases with particle energy and the equipartition field may be underestimated significantly. Our revised larger equipartition estimates in galaxy clusters and radio lobes are consistent with independent estimates from Faraday rotation measures, while estimates from the ratio between radio synchrotron and X‐ray inverse Compton intensities generally give much weaker fields. This may be explained e.g. by a concentration of the field in filaments. Our revised field strengths may also lead to major revisions of electron lifetimes in jets and radio lobes estimated from the synchrotron break frequency in the radio spectrum. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
We consider a number of questions pertaining to the famous Gnevyshev-Ohl rule. We discuss various formulations of the rule and show that it is not violated in its exact formulation in the last pair of 11-year cycles 22 and 23. The rule has been found to hold not only for statistical indices of solar activity but also in the context of physical parameters of the solar magnetic field: the sunspot magnetic flux and the open magnetic flux. We have established that the hypothesis by Usoskin et al. (2001) about the “loss“ of one cycle at the end of the 18th century allows the Gnevyshev-Ohl rule, which regulates the behavior of physical parameters of the solar magnetic field, to be made universal, without any exceptions, at least in the last 400 years. Thus, in fact, we can talk about the Gnevyshev-Ohl law of the long-term dynamics of the solar magnetic field, a law that holds at both normal and extreme levels of solar activity. 相似文献
J. L. Ballester 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2000,21(3-4):221-227
Solar flares, prominences and CMEs are well known manifestations of solar activity. For many years, qualitative studies were
made about the cyclical behaviour of such phenomena. Nowadays, more quantitative studies have been undertaken with the aim
to understand the solar cycle dependence of such phenomena as well as peculiar behaviour, such as asymmetries and periodicities,
occurring within the solar cycle. Here, we plan to review the more recent research concerning all these topics. 相似文献
As evidence for energy release in microflares, high time resolution observations of solar radio emission obtained with our “synchronous observation system of solar radio radiation with high time resolution at four frequencies (1.42, 2.13, 2.84 and 4.26 GHz)” from December 1989 to April 1993 are presented in this paper. The observed events include weak ms spikes, “spike-likes”, fast pulsations as well as two kinds of newly discovered fast fine structures, i.e., microwave type III bursts and microwave patch-like structures. A statistical study of the duration of fast fine structures has been made and on its basis the various types of phenomena are illustrated with actual examples. 相似文献
For different life spans, we measure the line of sight component of the magnetic field structure of the bipolar sunspots from the SOHO/MDI magnetograms during their initial appearance on the surface and toroidal component of the magnetic field structure is separated. Irrespective of their sizes, strength of the measured line of sight component of the magnetic field structure varies from ∼450 G for the life span of 2 days to ∼300 G for the life span of 12 days. Where as strength of the estimated surface toroidal component of the bipolar spots varies from ∼10 G for the life span of 2 days to ∼700 G for the life span of 12 days. We use rederived Parker’s (1955a) flux tube model in spherical coordinates and Hiremath’s (2002) life span anchoring depth information to infer the strength of line of sight and toroidal components of the magnetic field structures at different anchoring depths of the bipolar spots in the convective envelope and the important findings are: (i) both the line of sight and toroidal components of the magnetic field structures at the sites of sunspots’ different anchoring depths in the convective envelope have a similar radial variation and the strength (∼104 G near base of the convective envelope to ∼100 G near the surface) and, (ii) rate of emergence of toroidal magnetic field structure near base of the convective envelope is estimated to be ∼100 times the rate of emergence of toroidal magnetic field structure near the surface. 相似文献
We consider two types of streamer structures observed in the solar atmosphere. Structures of the first type are medium-scale configurations with scale lengths comparable to the scale height in the corona, kT/mg = 100 thousand km, which appear as characteristic plasma structures in the shape of a dome surrounding the active region with thin streamers emanating from its top. In configurations of this type, gravity plays no decisive role in the mass distribution. The plasma density is constant on magnetic surfaces. Accordingly, the structure of the configurations is defined by the condition ψ = const, where ψ is the flux function of the magnetic field. Structures of the second type are large-scale configurations (coronal helmets, loops, and streamers), which differ from the above structures in that their scale lengths exceed the scale height in the corona. For them, gravity plays a decisive role; as a result, instead of the magnetic surfaces, the determining surface is BgradΦ = 0. We constructed three-dimensional images of these structures. Some of the spatial curves called “visible contours” of the Br = 0 surface are shown to be brightest in the corona. We assume that the helmet boundaries and polar plumes are such curves. 相似文献
K. A. P. Singh 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2006,27(2-3):321-326
We study the spatial damping of magnetoacoustic waves in an unbounded quiescent prominence invoking the technique of MHD seismology.
We consider Newtonian radiation in the energy equation and derive a fourth order general dispersion relation in terms of wavenumberk. Numerical solution of dispersion relation suggests that slow mode is more affected by radiation. The high frequency waves
have been found to be highly damped. The uncertainty in the radiative relaxation time, however, does not allow us to conclude
if the radiation is a dominant damping mechanism in quiescent prominence. 相似文献
A. Kontogeorgos P. Tsitsipis C. Caroubalos X. Moussas P. Preka-Papadema A. Hilaris V. Petoussis C. Bouratzis J.-L. Bougeret C. E. Alissandrakis G. Dumas 《Experimental Astronomy》2006,21(1):41-55
We present the improved solar radio spectrograph of the University of Athens operating at the Thermopylae Satellite Telecommunication
Station. Observations now cover the frequency range from 20 to 650 MHz. The spectrograph has a 7-meter moving parabola fed
by a log-periodic antenna for 100–650 MHz and a stationary inverted V fat dipole antenna for the 20–100 MHz range. Two receivers
are operating in parallel, one swept frequency for the whole range (10 spectrums/sec, 630 channels/spectrum) and one acousto-optical
receiver for the range 270 to 450 MHz (100 spectrums/sec, 128 channels/spectrum). The data acquisition system consists of
two PCs (equipped with 12 bit, 225 ksamples/sec ADC, one for each receiver). Sensitivity is about 3 SFU and 30 SFU in the
20–100 MHz and 100–650 MHz range respectively. The daily operation is fully automated: receiving universal time from a GPS,
pointing the antenna to the sun, system calibration, starting and stopping the observations at preset times, data acquisition,
and archiving on DVD. We can also control the whole system through modem or Internet. The instrument can be used either by
itself or in conjunction with other instruments to study the onset and evolution of solar radio bursts and associated interplanetary
phenomena. 相似文献
Samuel J. George Ian R. Stevens 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,382(1):455-460
Extrasolar planets are expected to emit detectable low-frequency radio emission. In this paper, we present results from new low-frequency observations of two extrasolar planetary systems (Epsilon Eridani and HD 128311) taken at 150 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). These two systems have been chosen because the stars are young (with ages <1 Gyr) and are likely to have strong stellar winds, which will increase the expected radio flux. The planets are massive (presumably) gas giant planets in longer period orbits, and hence will not be tidally locked to their host star (as is likely to be the case for short-period planets) and we would expect them to have a strong planetary dynamo and magnetic field. We do not detect either system, but are able to place tight upper limits on their low-frequency radio emission, at levels comparable to the theoretical predictions for these systems. From these observations, we have a 2.5σ limit of 7.8 mJy for ε Eri and 15.5 mJy for HD 128311. In addition, these upper limits also provide limits on the low-frequency radio emission from the stars themselves. These results are discussed and also the prospects for the future detection of radio emission from extrasolar planets. 相似文献
The measurement of positions and sizes of radio sources in the observations of the fine structure of solar radio bursts is a determining factor for the selection of the radio emission mechanism. The identical parameters describing the radio sources for zebra structures(ZSs) and fiber bursts confirm there is a common mechanism for both structures. It is very important to measure the size of the source in the corona to determine if it is distributed along the height or if it is point-like. In both models of ZSs(the double plasma resonance(DPR) and the whistler model) the source must be distributed along the height, but by contrast to the stationary source in the DPR model, in the whistler model the source should be moving. Moreover, the direction of the space drift of the radio source must correlate with the frequency drift of stripes in the dynamic spectrum. Some models of ZSs require a local source, for example,the models based on the Bernstein modes, or on explosive instability. The selection of the radio emission mechanism for fast broadband pulsations with millisecond duration also depends on the parameters of their radio sources. 相似文献
Saikia D. J. Shastri P. Cornwell T. J. Junor W. Muxlow T. W. B. 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》1989,10(2):203-235
As part of our study to understand the nature of extragalactic radio sources which are very asymmetric in the surface brightness
of the two lobes, often with radio emission on only one side of the nucleus, we have observed a large number of them with
high angular resolution and good surface brightness sensitivity at radio frequencies. In this paper we present VLA and MERLIN
observations of 15 such sources. We discuss their observed structures and spectra, and possible explanations for their morphologies.
We report evidence of a possible correlation between the hot-spot brightness ratio and the degree of core prominence, used
as a Statistical measure of source orientation, suggesting that relativistic beaming of the hot-spot emission does play a
significant role in the observed brightness asymmetry. To explain the apparently one-sided sources within the relativistic
beaming framework, the velocities required are in the range of 0.2 to 0.8c. We discuss the possibility that the lobe which is seen to the south of the jet in 3C273 is the counter-lobe seen in projection.
We also draw-attention to a number of one-sided sources with very weak cores, and discuss their possible nature. 相似文献
Xie Rui-xiang Wang Min Shi Shuo-biao Xu Chun Li Wei-hua Yan Yi-hua 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2003,27(4):426-434
Using the decimetric (700–1500 MHz) radio spectrometer and the synchronous observational system with high temporal resolution at four frequencies (1420, 2130, 2840 and 4260 MHz) of Yunnan Observatory, two rare events were observed on 2001 June 24 and 1990 July 30. The former was a small radio burst exhibiting pulsations with short periods (about 29, 40 and 100 ms) in the impulsive phase. The latter was a large radio burst, which at 2840 MHz produced radio pulsations with period of about 30 ms. This paper focuses on pulsations with very short periods in the range of 29–40 ms. The mechanism of generation of such pulsations may be modulation of radio radiation by the periodic trains of whistler packets originating in unstable regions of the corona. Alternatively, these pulsations can be attributed to wave-wave non-linear interactions of electrostatic upper hybrid waves driven by beams of precipitating electrons in flaring loops. 相似文献
R. M. Straka 《Solar physics》1971,21(2):469-480
Measurements were made of the 7 March, 1970 solar eclipse by the AFCRL Sagamore Hill Radio Observatory in Hamilton, Massachusetts, on the wavelengths of 0.86, 1.95, 3.4, 6.0, 11.1, 21.2, 49.5, and 122.5 cm. Near-total obscuration (m=0.96) occurred at eclipse maximum. Source flux spectra for the intense sources located in McMath plages 10 618(SE), 10617(NE), and 10 607(NW) show gyro-resonance spectral peaking, whereas the less intense bremsstrahlung emission is observed for the weaker sources in plages 10 614 and 10 619. Associated one-dimensional source sizes for these regions vary from 0.8 arc min (at 3.4 cm) to 5.4 arc min (at 49.5 cm); with sizes at a particular wavelength increasing with intensity of the source. An estimated flux spectrum of the undisturbed radio Sun for 7 March, 1970 is given and compared to the spectrum for the solar minimum of 1964. In plage 10 607 a weak halo emission was isolated from the intense emission from the central source over the spot. The measure of emission
from the halo above plage 10 607 was calculated to be 7 × 1027 electron2/cm5. 相似文献