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硅藻对地表石灰华沉积的生物作用及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石灰华是岩溶地貌的重要组成部分。藻类在石灰华的形成过程中起着非常重要的生物控制作用。硅藻对地表石灰华沉积的生物作用,主要包括同化作用、拦截和粘结作用、结壳作用、胶结作用。对于生物作用中的钙化作用和分泌作用,硅藻可能具有这两种作用,其形成机理尚需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1322-1342
In the eight climatic zones of the Pacific, a direct spatial-geographical correspondence is proved between density of diatom populations (together with the quantitatively unimportant associated silicoflagellates) and the relative abundance of their siliceous relics in sediments on the oceanic floor. This correspondence is almost ideal in the Subantarctic zone, demonstrable in the Subarctic zone and the equatorial belt, but is complicated (beyond recognition, in places) by terrigenic and other diluent materials and/or by the high solubility of the shells of certain species which never reach the ocean floor. There is no evidence of any significant drift of diatom relics during their sedimentation; the practical absence of diatoms, as in the Southern Subtropical zone, has its clear expression in the absence of their relics in the zonal sediments. — IGR Staff.  相似文献   

The reductive dissolution of FeIII (hydr)oxides by dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria (DIRB) could have a large impact on sediment genesis and Fe transport. If DIRB are able to reduce FeIII in minerals of high structural order to carry out anaerobic respiration, their range could encompass virtually every O2-free environment containing FeIII and adequate conditions for cell growth. Previous studies have established that Shewanella putrefaciens CN32, a known DIRB, will reduce crystalline Fe oxides when initially grown at high densities in a nutrient-rich broth, conditions that poorly model the environments where CN32 is found. By contrast, we grew CN32 by batch culture solely in a minimal growth medium. The stringent conditions imposed by the growth method better represent the conditions that cells are likely to encounter in their natural habitat. Furthermore, the expression of reductases necessary to carry out dissimilatory Fe reduction depends on the method of growth. It was found that under anaerobic conditions CN32 reduced hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), a poorly crystalline FeIII mineral, and did not reduce suspensions containing 4 mM FeIII in the form of poorly ordered nanometer-sized goethite (α-FeOOH), well-ordered micron-sized goethite, or nanometer-sized hematite (α-Fe2O3) crystallites. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that all minerals but the micron-sized goethite attached extensively to the bacteria and appeared to penetrate the outer cellular membrane. In the treatment with HFO, new FeII and FeIII minerals formed during reduction of HFO-Fe in culture medium containing 4.0 mmol/L Pi (soluble inorganic P), as observed by TEM with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. The minerals included magnetite (Fe3O4), goethite, green rust, and vivianite [Fe3(PO4)2 · 8H2O]. Vivianite appeared to be the stable end product and the mean coherence length was influenced by the rate of FeIII reduction. When Pi was 0.4 mol/L under otherwise identical conditions, goethite was the only mineral observed to form, and less Fe2+ was produced overall. Hence, the ability of DIRB to reduce Fe (hydr)oxides may be limited when the bacteria are grown under nutrient-limited conditions, and the minerals that result depend on the vigor of FeIII reduction.  相似文献   

With regard to the analysis and application of diatoms in the marine sediments, diatom purification method, data analysis method and diatom application in environmental reconstruction were summarized. The diatom purification is composed of four main processes (removing calcium carbonate, organic and minerogenic matter, and slide preparation). For each process, frequently used methods and improvements were introduced, while their pros and cons were compared. As to the data analysis, in order to ensure statistical reliability, the essential methods and principles were represented in detail with species identification and counting, data expression and error estimation involved to reduce errors as much as possible. On this basis, the numerical method application was explained for its advantage of improving the accuracy for analysis. The applications of diatom fossils in environmental reconstruction were studied more deeply abroad, including the investigation of relationship between diatom fossils and upper-water environment, the application of diatoms from deeper core sediment for reconstructing oceanic paleoenvironment, tracing salinity and reflecting eutrophication. As far as the deficiency of the domestic research was concerned, multidisciplinary technologies and observational data were suggested to be combined into the study in order to promote the quantitative research of diatom fossils and the accuracy of environmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

A representative assemblage of diatoms and silicoflagellates found in a excellent state of preservation is described from terrigenous cherty deposits of the Upper Cretaceous, which are exposed in a quarry near the Kologrivovka village in Saratov Region. The assemblage is correlative with diatoms of the Costopyxis antiqua Zone of the lower Campanian and with silicoflagellates of the Cornua trifurcata Zone, the upper one in the lower Campanian. According to the taxonomic composition, dominated by diatom genera Cortinocornus, Costopyxis, Hemiaulus, Paralia, Pseudopodosira, and Stephanopyxis, the assemblage was typical of a highly productive neritic zone with an active hydrological regime. A perceptible content of silicoflagellates among the diatoms suggests the normal salinity of the sedimentation basin. The comparable sedimentation settings in marginal parts of the Early Campanian epicontinental basin on the south of the East European platform can also be inferred based on the data from the lithological analysis.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relationship between mesozooplankton and water quality parameters identifies the factors that structure the mesozooplankton community and can be used to generate hypotheses regarding the mechanisms that control the mesozooplankton population and potentially the trophic network. To investigate this relationship, mesozooplankton and water quality data were collected in Florida Bay from 1994 to 2004. Three key characteristics were found in the mesozooplankton community structure: (1) there are significant differences between the four sub-regions of Florida Bay; (2) there is a break in May of 1997 with significant differences before and after this date; and (3) there is a positive correlation between mesozooplankton abundance and salinity. The latter two characteristics are closely correlated with predator abundance, indicating the importance of top-down control. Hypersaline periods appear to provide a refuge from predators, allowing mesozooplankton to increase in abundance despite the increased physiological stress.  相似文献   

Inversely graded stratification, generated by the migration of wind ripples, and adhesion structures permit unequivocal identification of Precambrian eolianites. These criteria, in combination with scale of cross-beds, angle of inclination of foresets, geometry of depositional units, and associated non-eolian facies, are used to discriminate between Precambrian dune/draa, dune-plinth, sand-sheet, and interdune deposits that formed in inland and coastal settings. Based on an analysis of published literature, fundamental conclusions can be drawn on the spatial and temporal distribution of Precambrian eolianites. The oldest reported eolianites are from the ca. 2.1 Ga Deweras Group in Zimbabwe and Hurwitz Group in Canada and numerous examples of eolianites are reported from the 1.8 Ga and younger rock record. Lack of Archean and early Paleoproterozoic eolianites and their widespread development after 1.8 Ga are examined with respect to: absence of vegetation, crustal growth and tectonic setting, relative sea-level fluctuations, unfavorable atmospheric and/or climatic change, and non-recognition. The lack of pre-2.2 Ga eolianites may be related to reworking by braided rivers combing across non-vegetated floodplains, reworking of coastal eolianites during transgression or their non-recognition in the Early Precambrian record. The temporal concentration of eolianites at 1.8 Ga may best be related to the early stages of breakup and the assembly phases of supercontinents.  相似文献   

The low-temperature thermal treatment to degrade PCDD/Fs contained in fly ash was promoted by alcohol amines in a closed system. Three types of fly ash collected separately from municipal solid waste incinerator, medical waste incinerator and hazardous waste incinerator, were compared. Experimental design was used to investigate the homologue patterns of PCDD/Fs and distribution of the toxic congeners in fly ash from incinerator after thermal treatment promoted by alcohol amines. The effect of ethanolamine (MEA) on the hydrodechlorination reaction of polychlorinated aromatics pollutants on fly ash from solid waste incinerator was carried out, and the three ashes clearly showed different degradation potentials for PCDD/F during thermal treatment. Results from the present study indicate that (1) the concentration of alkaline species and metals strongly influenced the degradation of PCDD/F; (2) after addition of 8% MEA, the toxicity equivalent (TEQ) values of PCDD/Fs in fly ash were significantly lower than those obtained without MEA. 49%–71% of PCDD/Fs in TEQ was removed from different types of ash at 250℃ with 8% MEA; (3) the destruction and dechlorination are major mechanism for PCDD/Fs degradation.  相似文献   

A series of small-scale gravity induced synsedimentary faults are described from the Middle Coal Measures (Westphalian B) of the South Wales Coalfield. The synsedimentary nature of the faults is indicated by abrupt changes in sediment thickness across faults, eroded fault scarps and the restriction of faulting to 8·75 m of sediment bounded by laterally persistent black shales above and a seatearth below. Evidence for the non-tectonic origin of the faults is given by the presence of passive footwalls. Channel sandstone bodies occurring within the hanging walls of individual faults were deposited by discrete overbank flood events. Drainage patterns during flood events were controlled by topographic lows adjacent to the faults such that palaeocurrent data within the channel sandstone bodies indicate a S/SW transport direction parallel to fault strike. Synsedimentary fault movements resulted in the diagonal stacking of successively younger sandstone bodies adjacent to the faults, and an increase in tilt of the bodies with depth from 0 → 26°. The architecture of channel sandstone bodies was controlled by (1) the amount of fault movement and (2) fault block dimensions (or fault spacing). The interaction of these controlling factors resulted in deposition of symmetrical channel sandstone bodies over narrow fault blocks (12 m wide) with large fault displacements (7 m), asymmetrical sandstone bodies over wide fault blocks (30 m) with large fault displacement (7.5 m), and limited channel sandstone body development over fault blocks with small fault displacements (1.5 m). Synsedimentary faulting is thought to have been initiated by either seismic shock and/or overpressuring of pore fluids within buried mudstones.  相似文献   

A dramatic demonstration of the role of intergranular solubility in promoting chemical equilibration during metamorphism is found in the unusual zoning of garnet in pelitic schist exposed at Harpswell Neck, Maine, USA. Many garnet crystals have irregular, patchy distributions of Mn, Cr, Fe and Mg in their inclusion‐rich interiors, transitioning to smooth, concentric zoning in their inclusion‐poor outer rims; in contrast, zoning of Ca and Y is comparatively smooth and concentric throughout. We re‐assess the disputed origin of these zoning features by examining garnet growth in the context of the thermal and structural history of the rocks, and by evaluating the record of fluid–rock interaction revealed in outcrop‐scale veining and fluid‐inclusion assemblages. The transition in the character of garnet zoning correlates with the onset of a synkinematic, simple‐shear‐dominated phase of garnet growth and with a shift in the composition of the intergranular fluid from CO2‐rich to H2O‐rich. Compositional variations in garnet are therefore best explained by a two‐stage growth history in which intergranular diffusive fluxes reflect differences in the concentration of dissolved species in these two contrasting fluids. Interiors of garnet crystals grew in the presence of a CO2‐rich fluid, in which limited solubility for Mn and Cr (and perhaps Fe and Mg) produced patchy disequilibrium overprint zoning, while appreciable solubility for Ca and Y permitted their rock‐wide equilibration. Rims grew in the presence of an H2O‐rich fluid, in which high intergranular concentrations for all elements except Cr enabled diffusion over length scales sufficient for rock‐wide equilibration. This striking example of partial chemical equilibrium during reaction and porphyroblast growth implies that thermal effects may commonly be subsidiary in importance to solubilities in the intergranular medium as determinants of length scales for metamorphic equilibration.  相似文献   

渗透性与降雨强度对堆积层滑坡稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
覃伟 《地质与勘探》2016,52(4):743-750
本文基于非饱和渗流理论及非饱和土的Fredlund双应力变量强度理论,对一沿岩土接触面滑动的堆积层滑坡模型,分别进行了8种条件下的降雨入渗数值模拟试验,研究了不同土体渗透性及降雨强度对滑坡稳定性的影响。结果表明:(1)堆积层滑坡的稳定性与土体的渗透性有密切关系,在降雨后的短期内,土体渗透性越好,滑面孔隙水压力升高越明显,滑坡的稳定性降低程度越大;(2)降雨期间,埋深较浅的滑面,入渗雨水能够较快到达,对滑坡稳定性的影响较大;(3)在相同的降雨时间内,降雨强度越大,滑坡稳定性降低速率越快;(4)降雨强度影响着滑坡发生的滞后性,在降雨总量一定的条件下,若降雨强度较大,雨停后,滑坡稳定性继续下降的程度较大;(5)降雨总量控制着滑坡的最终稳定性。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to (i) document chemical and mineralogical compositions in two naturally acidic drainages over a 1 m soil profile, (ii) document organic and inorganic signatures representative of past chemical or biological processes in the soils, and (iii) determine whether mineralogical and chemical differences are a consequence of differences in original composition, depositional conditions, or diagenesis. Two sites were studied: Paymaster Creek in the Heddleston Mining District near Lincoln, Montana and the New World Mining District near Cooke City, Montana. The oldest deposits at both naturally acidic sites pre-date human mining activity by several thousand years, although there is recent human activity at both sites. Both sites have streams with high dissolved Fe and moderately low pH and actively accumulate schwertmannite on streambeds. Soil deposits away from the streambed at Paymaster Creek contained goethite with adsorbed sulfate, but no schwertmannite, suggesting either that the original conditions precluded schwertmannite precipitation or that diagenesis occurred rapidly converting the schwertmannite to goethite. The New World Mining District site showed the expected profile, which is a gradual transition from schwertmannite- and goethite-bearing soils to goethite-only soils. Concentrations of Cr, As and other trace elements shown to retard diagenesis were higher at the New World site than at the Paymaster site.  相似文献   

The study of soil weathering processes College of Resources and Environment, rates and the associated influencing factors is crucial for understanding of the feedbacks between soil and environment, which will provide a basis for predicting soil behavior and evolution trend in the ecosystem under natural and anthropogenic forcings. This is also important for the effective management of soil resources. This article reviewed the methods for measuring soil weathering rates (including simulating leaching experiment, model calculation, isotope technique, element depletion and geochemical mass balance) and the influencing factors (including climate, organism, parent material, relief, time and human activities). In view of the serious degradation of soil resources, we proposed the challenge and opportunity of the research of soil weathering. The future study should focus on the critical processes, rates and the associated environmental thresholds of soil weathering under varying natural conditions and intensive human perturbations, including the establishment of the quantitative relationship between the weathering rates calculated by different methods, the analysis and interpretation of synergistic effects among multiple influencing factors, and the modeling and prediction of changing tendency of weathering rates under the impacts of both climatic changes and human activities, in order to guide the sustainable management of soil resource and mitigation of global change.  相似文献   

正Meromictic lakes are interesting objects for study in terms of paleolimnology.The lamination of the bottom sediments well expressed in these lakes.It is related with permanent stratification of the water column.Through this  相似文献   

The carbon cycle is an important process that regulates Earth’s evolution. We compare two typical periods, in the Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, in which many geological events occurred. It remains an open question when modern plate tectonics started on Earth and how it has influenced the carbon cycle through time. In the Paleoproterozoic, intense weathering in a highly CO2 and CH4 rich atmosphere caused more nutritional elements to be carried into the ocean.Terrestri...  相似文献   

Lakes and wetlands are dynamic geomorphic units of a landscape that hold geochemical signatures of sediment provenance and paleo-environmental shifts and are major sinks for organic matter accumulation. The source of organic matter is diverse in lake sediments and varies widely with the type and size of the lake and hence it is important to understand the source of organic carbon (terrestrial or in situ) in lake systems in order to monitor the health of the lake. Wular lake, located in north Kashmir, is one of the largest fresh water lake in India, situated at an average elevation of 1580m ASL. The lake is fed by a number of watersheds that bring a diverse type of sediments and organic matter and thus deposit them into the Wular lake basin. In order to understand sediment distribution pattern, content and source of organic matter, sediment provenance and the persisting environment in the Wular lake, 32 lake floor sediment samples covering the entire lake were collected and analyzed for organic element analysis, CaCO3, organic matter, sediment texture and diatom analysis. The results indicated that sediments in the lake are dominated by silt and silty clay. The organic carbon in the lake ranged from 0.83%-4.52% and nitrogen varied from 0.06%-0.5%. The Carbon to Nitrogen (C/N) ratios (9.04 to 22.03) indicate a mixed source of organic carbon but dominated by in situ lake sources from the vascular and lake biota accumulation. The diatom analysis revealed the occurrence of a diverse type of species along the sampling sites present within the lake. The wide distribution of the diatom species such as Cymbella, Cyclotella and Tabularia etc. in the lake indicate high organic pollution and alkaline fresh water environment prevailing in the lake.  相似文献   

由于江水和人类活动,引发长江崩塌、淤寒、洪涝和污染等灾害。研其原因主要为水动力改变;自然环境变化;人为破坏。整方案应采取治沙,营造“森林水库”;治水,按水动力学运动规律,用蓄、疏堵等手段综合治理;治污,要彻底根治污源;养殖,大力发展养殖业,促使生态平衡。  相似文献   

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