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Habitat use by larval fishes was investigated in a tidal creek of the Swartkops estuary, South Africa, during a trial study using light traps. A total of 12 fish families represented by 28 species were recorded during October and November 2000. Fishes caught were predominantly in a postflexion stage of larval development although preflexion larvae and some early juveniles were also recorded. The distribution of larval fishes indicated that fishes were influenced by proximity to either channel or littoral regions of the creek rather than showing specific preferences for eelgrass covered areas. Estuary-dependent marine species were caught in higher numbers along the margins of the estuary. Length frequencies of both estuary-resident and estuary-dependent marine fishes showed that larger individuals were found in the littoral regions suggesting active migration of these fishes to the margins. Catches of straggler marine species were higher in the channel areas and showed no difference in size distribution between littoral and channel sites. Estuary-dependent species may be using marginal areas as a means of avoiding high flow in the channel and as a predator avoidance mechanism. Light traps were found to be a useful sampling device for localized studies on the early life stages of fishes in an estuary.  相似文献   

Ocean currents impinging on topographic obstacles such as seamounts create a high level of variability in mesoscale physical oceanography. In the N Pacific, for example, the structure of the Kuroshio and its extension differ significantly E and W of the Emperor Seamount chain, and eddy fields detected downstream may be attributed to seamount effects. Nearfield effects of seamounts have been theoretically predicted for several decades but only recently has theory been confirmed by observation. Taylor columns, quasi-stationary eddies over seamounts, alter flow patterns and thus have impacts on both benthos on seamounts and on the biota in water overlying the seamount. SE Hancock Seamount, located at the N end of the Hawaiian Ridge (29°47′N; 179°04′E), has a summit depth of 265 m. This seamount is located near the subtropical front and is at the southerly extent of productive seamounts where trawl fisheries have existed in the past. The pelagic ecosystem in the upper 200 m over the seamount clearly differs from waters at control stations at distances of 10's of kilometers away as shown by plankton and midwater trawl hauls and hydroacoustic transects conducted during 1984 and 1985. Over the seamount, hydroacoustic transects show a significantly higher biomass of scatterers as compared to control stations. Sampling these scattering layers with small midwater trawls demonstrates high densities of a resident micronekton fauna dominated by the sternoptychid fish “Maurolicus muelleri” and the mysid “Gnathophausia longispina”; these taxa were virtually absent from the control stations, were oceanic micronekton, particularly larger forms, were generally in higher abundance than at the seamount stations. Similarly, ichthyoplankton abundance differs above the seamount and at reference stations. In summer sampling, larval fishes were less abundant over the seamount whereas in winter the abundance was greater there. The differences in distribution and abundance of both micronekton and ichthyoplankton are significant and consistently observed, suggesting that physical or biological processes at the seamount have important effects on the pelagic ecosystem. Hypotheses concerning current — topography interactions, exclusion of vertical migrators, and predation by resident micronekton and fishes can be used to explain the observed effects. Seamounts and other areas of complex topography are frequently sites of highly productive ecosystems; the S Emperor and N Hawaiian Ridge seamounts provide a good example, with a catch of approximately one million tons of boarfish in ten years. The interaction of ocean currents and complex topography may play an important role in this high productivity, as demonstrated in the high biomass of lower trophic levels in the seamount ecosystem. Interannual variability in the latitudinal position of the subtropical front and the strength of current flow over these seamounts may result in significant differences in mesoscale physical oceanography and therefore in the productivity of these ecosystems.  相似文献   

The surface of the salt marsh is an important, but largely unrecognized, site for fish reproduction and larval growth. In an attempt to determine the composition and distribution of fishes utilizing these habitats, we sampled larval and juvenile fish with plankton nets, dip nets, and traps at a variety of microhabitats (tidal and nontidal ponds and ditches and the marsh surface) in three New Jersey high marshes. Two of the three marshes had been altered for mosquito control. During April to September 1980, we collected over 2,400 larvae and juveniles. All study sites were dominated by the larvae of the resident killifishes (Fundulus heteroclitus, Cyprinodon variegatus, F. luciae, andLucania parva) and less commonlyMenidia beryllina. However, the occurrence and abundance of each species varied with microhabitat. Larval production in all three marshes peaked during June–July, but extended from May until September. In most instances juveniles of the dominant fishes had microhabitat preferences similar to the larvae. High marshes may be more important for fish production than previously recognized because they serve as nursery areas for the resident killifishes.  相似文献   

We developed a relative index of fish biomass and size distribution in ultra-shallow waters (< 2 m) of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, based on the comparison of horizontal hydroacoustic data with gill net and push trawl catches in an effort to understand the role that habitat plays in both fish biomass and distribution. Exclosure net experiments indicated that the contribution of acoustic backscattering from sources other than fishes were negligible. Split-beam transducer, gill net, and push trawl sampling were conducted concurrently in Barataria Bay to provide information on fish composition and length distributions and for comparisons among gear types. Results suggest that acoustic fish biomass was generally higher in the low salinity stations and lower at the high salinity stations, at least in March 2004. We observed a greater mean length of fishes associated with oyster shell habitats when compared to adjacent sand-mud habitats. This paper demonstrates the utility of hydroacoustics as a tool to quantify relative acoustic fish biomass and size distribution associated with common estuarine habitats in ultra-shallow waters. This study also illustrates the potential of using acoustics for augmenting traditional sampling procedures.  相似文献   

An impounded area (Cabbagehead Bayou) in Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, was studied for 13 mo prior to and 22 mo after berm removal. Sampling for small fish and macrobenthos was conducted both at Cabbagehead Bayou and at a nearby control site, Double Branch Bay. Before and After Control and Impact (BACI) analyses, as well as similarity indices, were used to evaluate faunal characteristics in control versus impacted areas. Berm removal drastically changed periodicity of water cover in the impacted site, with the previously impounded site becoming almost entirely exposed during low tide. Fish abundances, biomass, and mean monthly number of species decreased in Cabbagehead Bayou after tidal flow was established as compared to when it was impounded. Responses of macrofauna varied among taxa, but total amphipod and polychaete abundance displayed a relative increase in the impacted site after berm removal. BACI analyses indicated that the relationship between mean values for almost all polychaete and amphipod taxa in the impacted and control sites changed significantly after berm removal. Additional differences were apparent in BACI analyses, which showed a significant change in the relationship of fish abundance and biomass at both sites for prebreach vs post-breach samples. The changes in relationships were generally not indicative of convergence of control and impacted sites, however. Community similarity of fish, amphipod, and polychaete assemblages increased during the last year of the post-breach sampling but remained generally very low. These findings suggest that distinct faunal responses to alteration of tidal periodicity can be detected within less than 2 yr after reestablishment of tidal flow. However, attainment of close correspondence to control conditions for certain fauna may require more than 22 mo. Therefore, future studies attempting to document recovery of restored wetlands may benefit from extended duration.  相似文献   

Few studies concerning tide-restricted and restoring salt marshes emphasize fishes and decapod crustaceans (nekton) despite their ecological significance. This study quantifies nekton utilization of three New England salt marshes under tide-restricted and restoring conditions (Hatches Harbor, Massachusetts; Sachuest Point and Galilee, Rhode Island). The degree of tidal restriction differed among marshes allowing for an examination of nekton utilization patterns along a gradient of tidal restriction and subsequent restoration. Based on sampling in shallow subtidal creeks and pools, nekton density and richness were significantly lower in the restricted marsh compared to the unrestricted marsh only at the most tide-restricted site (Sachuest Point). The dissimilarity in community composition between the unrestricted and restricted marsh sites increased with more pronounced tidal restriction. The increase in nekton density resulting from tidal restoration was positively related to the increase in tidal range. Species richness only increased with restoration at the most tide-restricted site; no significant change was observed at the other two sites. These patterns suggest that only severe tidal restrictions significantly reduce the habitat value of New England salt marshes for shallow subtidal nekton. This study suggests that the greatest responses by nekton, and the most dramatic shift towards a more natural nekton assemblage, will occur with restoration of severely restricted salt marshes.  相似文献   

Research strategies for investigating the freshwater-inflow requirements of estuarine fishes often integrate life-history information and correlative analyses of inflow and fish abundance. In tidal rivers, however, some fish have affinities for embayments, oxbows, and smaller tributaries, often referred to collectively as river “backwaters”. The objective of this study was to determine whether freshwater and estuarine fish assemblages differed between backwaters and the mainstem of the tidal Caloosahatchee River, a highly managed river system located in an urban setting in southwest Florida. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling of 21.3-m seine data revealed that fish assemblages did indeed differ between the backwater and mainstem habitats in each of three river sections. Univariate analyses identified species that differed in abundance between the habitats, which included ecologically and economically important fishes in the region. For example, striped mullet Mugil cephalus and pinfish Lagodon rhomboides were more abundant along the river's mainstem; common snook Centropomus undecimalis and bluegill Lepomis macrochirus were more abundant in the river's backwaters. For those species that were more abundant along the mainstem of the river or showed no difference, studies that measure changes in the distribution and abundance of these species with varying inflow along the mainstem of the river are justified. However, for species that were more abundant in backwater areas, geomorphological features should be considered in the design of studies that assess factors affecting fish use.  相似文献   

Benthic resource utilization by, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) was studied in a restored, mangrove-rimmed impoundment (Cabbagehead Bayou) of Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, and in a nearby, natural site of unaltered tidal regime (Double Branch Bay). Diets of fish captured from August 1990 to May 1992 were determined from stomach content analysis. Simultaneously, food availability was evaluated by sampling benthic macroinvertebrates, mobile decapods, and small fish. Red drum and spotted seatrout utilized the restored habitat 1 yr after it was opened to tidal influence. Both species also were collected in the natural mangrove. Although there were noted differences in benthic assemblages between the two sites, red drum and spotted seatrout exhibited flexibility in diet, feeding on abundant and accessible prey. The high abundance of microcrustacea, such as amphipods, on detritus accumulated in the restored habitat constituted a main food resource for both fish species. Major food items in the diet of small (<200 mm) red drum were amphipods, mysids, and nereid and arenicolid polychaetes. Large (200–590 mm) red drum fed on polychaetes, xanthid crabs, palaemonid shrimp, and small fishes. Spotted seatrout preyed primarily upon mysids, shrimp, and small fishes, and to a lesser extent, upon a nereid polychaete. Our findings on fish feeding in a restored mangrove impoundment indicated that the detrital-associated benthic community is utilized by reinvading fish within a short time period, suggesting that not only habitat but food resources were augmented by the reopening of this wetland.  相似文献   

渤海湾曹妃甸港区开发对水动力泥沙环境的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对渤海湾曹妃甸海域波浪、潮流、泥沙及海床演变特点,应用波流共同作用下二维泥沙数学模型研究港区开发方案。2006年冬季和夏季大、小潮潮流泥沙验证表明,该海域潮位及15条同步垂线流速、流向、含沙量过程的计算值与实测值吻合良好,并进行了矿石码头港池前沿海域在潮流与波浪共同作用下悬沙引起的冲淤验证,计算的冲淤厚度及其分布趋势与实测值比较接近。在此基础上,研究了曹妃甸前岛后陆的港区围垦方案对水动力环境的影响问题,包括该工程引起的曹妃甸甸头以南深槽、老龙沟深槽及各港池的流速变化及底床的冲淤变形等。  相似文献   

Tidal currents and the spatial variability of tidally-induced shear stress were studied during a tidal cycle on four intertidal mudflats from the fluvial to the marine part of the Seine estuary. Measurements were carried out during low water discharge (<400 m3 s−1) in neap and spring tide conditions. Turbulent kinetic energy, covariance, and logarithmic profile methods were used and compared for the determination of shear stress. The cTKE coefficient value of 0.19 cited in the literature was confirmed. Shear stress values were shown to decrease above mudflats from the mouth to the fluvial part of the estuary due to dissipation of the tidal energy, from 1 to 0.2 N m−2 for spring tides and 0.8 to 0.05 N m−2 for neap tides. Flood currents dominate tidally-induced shear stress in the marine and lower fluvial estuary during neap and spring tides and in the upper fluvial part during spring tides. Ebb currents control tidally-induced shear stress in the upper fluvial part of the estuary during neap tides. These results revealed a linear relationship between friction velocities and current velocities. Bed roughness length values were calculated from the empirical relationship given by Mitchener and Torfs (1996) for each site; these values are in agreement with the modes of the sediment particle-size distribution. The influence of tidal currents on the mudflat dynamics of the Seine estuary was examined by comparing the tidally-induced bed shear stress and the critical erosion shear stress estimated from bed sediment properties. Bed sediment resuspension induced by tidal currents was shown to occur only in the lower part of the estuary.  相似文献   

A 3-D coastal ocean model with a tidal turbine module was used in this paper to study the effects of tidal energy extraction on temperature and salinity stratification and density-driven two-layer estuarine circulation. Numerical experiments with various turbine array configurations were carried out to investigate the changes in tidally averaged temperature, salinity, and velocity profiles in an idealized stratified estuary that connects to coastal water through a narrow tidal channel. The model was driven by tides, river inflow, and sea surface heat flux. To represent the realistic size of commercial tidal farms, model simulations were conducted based on a small percentage (less than 10 %) of the total number of turbines that would generate the maximum extractable energy in the system. Model results show that extraction of tidal in-stream energy will increase the vertical mixing and decrease the stratification in the estuary. Installation of in-stream tidal farm will cause a phase lag in tidal wave, which leads to large differences in tidal currents between baseline and tidal farm conditions. Extraction of tidal energy in an estuarine system has stronger impact on the tidally averaged salinity, temperature, and velocity in the surface layer than the bottom layer even though the turbine hub height is close to the bottom. Finally, model results also indicate that extraction of tidal energy weakens the two-layer estuarine circulation, especially during neap tides when tidal mixing is weakest and energy extraction is smallest.  相似文献   

We examined the 5-yr (1996–2000) response of subtidal marsh creek fishes (2,793 trawls, 47 species, 30,719 fish) to a large marsh restoration project in the upper Delaware Bay, and found that the salinity gradient covaried along with marsh surface vegetation type among two treated and one untreated reference sites, confounding direct comparison of fish utilization. Examination of environmental correlates with monthly yearly trends highlighted differences between potential mechanism driving assemblage dynamics either intrinsic or extrinsic to the marshes. Within-site and among-site differences in fish assemblage, as described by principal components analysis, correlated poorly with marsh vegetation on both seasonal and interannual scales and appeared to driven by larval supply. Assemblage dynamics could be expalined in part by the occurrence of juveniles of transient marine fishes along a salinity gradient (0–15.2%) range in monthly site mean), but were largely determined by fluctuations in the distribution of two transient species: young-of-the-year bay anchovyAnchoa mitchilli and Atlantic croakerMicropogonias undulatus. A minor mode in variance, driven by locally spawned species, was moderately correlated with environmental parameters. Analysis of marshes on an individual basis did not discern additional important gradients. Our findings are in contrast to those in systems dominated by resident species, probably because transient fishes, which often dominante the system, are more plastic to the nature of ecological services or are affected as much by environment outside of the marsh as by that in the marsh.  相似文献   

Structural and functional characteristics of the Swartvlei estuary fish community are described. The detritivore group of fishes comprised 49% of the total catch biomass, zoobenthivores 25%, herbivores 18%, piscivores 6%, and epifauna/zooplanktivores 2%. The diets of 18 fish species, based on the analysis of 1,648 stomach contents, are presented. Selection by Swartvlei estuary fishes for zoobenthic invertebrates and aquatic macrophytes in different habitats was calculated using the linear index of selection. Results indicated a strong positive selection for epifaunal invertebrates and poor utilization of infauna and plants. Plant consumption by herbivorous fishes in the estuary centered around filamentous algae and diatoms growing onZostera capensis, rather than seagrass leaf material. The detrital base for both eelgrass- and sand-dominated areas in the Swartvlei estuary is emphasized, and most of the fish biomass was supported directly or indirectly by detritus. Large catches (mass per unit effort) in the macrophyte-free upper reaches site were attributed to the tidal input ofZostera leaves and associated algae to the area and its subsequent utilization by fishes through the detrital food chain.  相似文献   

Forty-eight core and grab samples were taken from two impoundments and an adjacent tidal creek and salt marsh during each of six sampling periods (January, June and November 1983; and January, April and July 1984). Habitats sampled within the impoundments included the perimeter ditch and shallow vegeted areas dominated byRuppia maritima, Spartina alterniflora, andScirpus robustus. The adjacent tidal creek bottom and low marsh ofS. alterniflora were sampled for comparison with the impoundment sites. Major differences in faunal composition and density of macrobenthic invertebrates were observed between habitats in this study. Macrobenthic density was highest (475 individuals 0.05 m?2) at the impoundment site dominated byScripus robustus, where oligochaetes were abundant. The open marsh site had a density of 254 individuals 0.05 m?2. Among unvegetated sites, density for all sampling periods was higher in Chainey Creek than in the perimeter ditches of the impoundments. The total number of taxa was highest for the open marsh and tidal creek sites. The impoundments contained vegetated sites which were inhabited by fewer species than nonimpounded sites, while the perimeter ditch sites were comparatively depauperate. Cluster and nodal analyses identified four broad assemblages based on habitat: 1) an open marsh assemblage, 2) a creek assemblage, 3) a eurytopic assemblage, and 4) an impoundment assemblage. The separation of faunal assemblages by sampling site rather than sampling period suggests that physical differences between habitats were important factors determining distribution patterns.  相似文献   

In a continuing effort to monitor the fish response to marsh restoration (resumed tidal flow, creation of creeks), we compared qualitative and quantitative data on species richness, abundance, assemblage structure and growth between pre-restoration and post-restoration conditions at two former salt hay farms relative to a reference marsh in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. The most extensive comparison, during April–November 1998, sampled fish populations in large marsh creeks with otter trawls and in small marsh creeks with weirs. Species richness and abundance increased dramatically after restoration. Subsequent comparisons indicated that fish size, assemblage structure, and growth of one of the dominant species,Micropogonias undulatus, was similar between reference and restored marshes 1 and 2 yr post-restoration. Total fish abundance and abundance of the dominant species was greater, often by an order of magnitude, in one of the older restored sites (2 yr post-restoration), while the other restored site (1 yr post-restoration) had values similar to the reference marsh. The success of the restoration at the time of this study suggests that return of the tidal flow and increased marsh area and edge in intertidal and subtidal creeks relative to the former salt hay farms contributed to the quick response of resident and transient young-of-the-year fishes.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Gauja Formation in the Devonian Baltic Basin preserves tide‐influenced delta plain and delta front deposits associated with a large southward prograding delta complex. The outcrops extend over 250 km from southern Estonia to southern Lithuania. The succession can be divided into 10 facies associations recording distributary channel belts that became progressively more tide influenced when traced southwards towards the palaeo‐shoreline, separated by muddy intra‐channel areas where deposition was characterized by crevasse splays, delta plain lakes, abandoned channel deposits and tidal gullies. Tidal currents influenced deposition over the entire delta plain, extending up to 250 km from the contemporary shoreline. Tidal facies on the upper delta plain differ from those on the lower delta plain and delta front. In the former case, deposition from river currents was only occasionally interrupted by tidal currents, e.g. during spring tides, resulting in mica and mudstone drapes, and distinctive graded cross‐stratification. The lower delta plain was dominated by tidal facies and tidal currents regularly influenced deposition. There was a change from progradation to aggradation from the lower to the upper part of the Gauja Formation coupled with a vertical decrease in tidal influence and a decrease in coarse‐grained sediment input. The Gauja Formation contrasts with established models for tide‐influenced deltas as the active delta plain was not restricted by topography. The shape of the delta plain, the predominant southward (basinward)‐directed palaeocurrents, and the thick sandstone succession, show that although tidal currents strongly influenced deposition at bed scale, rivers still controlled the overall morphology of the delta and the larger‐scale bedforms. In addition, there are no signs of wave influence, indicating very low wave energy in the basin. The widespread tidal influence in the Devonian Baltic Basin is explained by changes in the wider basin geometry and by local bathymetrical differences in the basin during progradation and aggradation of the delta plain, with changes in tidal efficiency accompanying the change in basin geometry produced by shoreline progradation.  相似文献   

Observations from the York River Estuary, Virginia, demonstrate that the along-channel wind plays a dominant role in governing the estuarine exchange flow and the corresponding increase or decrease in vertical density stratification. Contrary to previous findings that suggest wind stress acts predominantly as a source of energy to mix away estuarine stratification, our results demonstrate that the wind can play a more important role in straining the along-channel estuarine density gradient. Down-estuary winds enhance the tidally-averaged vertical shear, which interacts with the along-channel density gradient to increase vertical stratification. Up-estuary winds tend to reduce, or even reverse the vertical shear, reducing vertical stratification. In two experiments each lasting approximately a month, the estuarine exchange flow was highly correlated with the along-channel component of the wind. The changes in stratification caused by the exchange flow appear to control the amount of vertical mixing as parameterized by the vertical eddy viscosity. The degree of stratification induced by wind straining also appears to play an important role in controlling the effectiveness of wind and tidal mixing.  相似文献   

Net-pen aquaculture results in the introduction of excess fish food and fecal matter in coastal waters. These wastes may modify the benthic environment. Mathematical models are developed in this study to simulate tidal and wind-driven currents, waves, and the resulting dispersion of fish food and fecal matter in coastal Maine, a region where limited modelling studies have been performed. Cobscook Bay and Toothacher Bay in Maine are studied in detail through the use of mathematical models and field data. We find that a systematic, site-specific, step-by-step modeling strategy involving the use of numerical models to simulate the overall hydrodynamic environment in combination with a waste-particle transport model can be an extremely powerful method of determining a priori whether aquaculture operations will cause high rates of net-pen waste accumulation at a particular site.  相似文献   

The fauna of seagrass-covered mud banks in Florida Bay, documented in the mid 1980s prior to recent seagrass die-off, phytoplankton blooms, and other ecosystem changes, was reexamined in the mid 1990s for faunal changes that might be associated with environmental perturbations. During both decades, decapod crustaceans and fishes were collected with 1-m2 throw traps from seagrass beds at six sites that differ in the amount of freshwater and/or marine influence and in seagrass community metrics. The most common faunal changes were declines in seagrass-canopydwelling forms and increases in benthic forms. At three sites with relatively lush seagrass meadows, above-ground seagrass standing crop declined and abundance of the benthic predatory fishOpsanus beta increased. The degree of faunal change among these sites appeared to be related either to salinity variability or to the degree of exposure to the ecosystem changes that have taken place in Florida Bay. At two sites with poorly developed seagrass meadows, seagrass standing crop and canopy height did not change significantly between decades, but there was an increase in shoot density and total leaf area. The animal communities at these sites were characterized by significant increases in the abundance of benthic crustaceans. At the site on the edge of Rankin Lake, the basin where seagrass die-off was first observed in Florida Bay during 1987, seagrass standing crop, canopy height, shoot density, and leaf area declined significantly between decades, but species richness of both crustaceans and fishes increased. The abundance of canopy-dwelling crustaceans and fishes declined markedly at this site, whereas the abundance of benthic forms less dependent on seagrass cover generally increased. In retrospect, we believe the fauma at this site during the 1980s, characterized by high productivity but few species, was already showing signs of the stresses that led to the seagrass die-off that began in 1987.  相似文献   

English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus) is one of a few commercially important marine fishes on the Pacific coast of North America that use estuarine areas as nurseries for juvenile stages. Trawl surveys of four United States Pacific Northwest estuaries were conducted to determine spatial patterns of juvenile English sole residence in estuaries during 1998–2000. Additional data from 1983–1988 were also analyzed. Two size classes of juvenile English sole were identified during surveys, with densities of small (Total length [TL] <50 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 11,300 fish ha?1 across all sites, and densities of large (TL 50–150 mm) sole ranging from 0 to 33,000 fish ha?1 across all sites. Principal components analysis of static habitat data collected at each trawl survey site was used to define habitat types within each estuary, and discriminant function analysis was used to test the resulting classification scheme. Both small and large cohort English sole used lower side channel locations at significantly higher densities than other estuarine areas. Small English sole also showed significant relationships with both bottom temperature and depth. These patterns in habitat use were consistent across all estuaries and indicate that English sole used shallow depth areas surrounded by extensive tidal flats, where temperatures were optimal for growth. The analysis also suggested a carrying capacity may exist for large English sole in nursery estuaries.  相似文献   

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