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Single-crystal electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of a gem-quality jeremejevite, Al6B5O15(F, OH)3, from Cape Cross, Namibia, reveal an S = 1/2 hole center characterized by an 27Al hyperfine structure arising from interaction with two equivalent Al nuclei. Spin-Hamiltonian parameters obtained from single-crystal EPR spectra at 295 K are as follows: g 1 = 2.02899(1), g 2 = 2.02011(2), g 3 = 2.00595(1); A 1/g e β e  = −0.881(1) mT, A 2/g e β e  = −0.951(1) mT, and A 3/g e β e  = −0.972(2) mT, with the orientations of the g 3- and A 3-axes almost coaxial and perpendicular to the Al–O–Al plane; and those of the g 1- and A 1-axes approximately along the Al–Al and Al–OH directions, respectively. These results suggest that this aluminum-associated hole center represents hole trapping on a hydroxyl oxygen atom linked to two equivalent octahedral Al3+ ions, after the removal of the proton (i.e., a VIAl–OVIAl center). Periodic ab initio UHF and DFT calculations confirmed the experimental 27Al hyperfine coupling constants and directions, supporting the proposed structural model. The VIAl–OVIAl center in jeremejevite undergoes the onset of thermal decay at 300 °C and is completely bleached at 525 °C. These data obtained from the VIAl–OVIAl center in jeremejevite provide new insights into analogous centers that have been documented in several other minerals.  相似文献   

Irradiation techniques are often applied to gem minerals for color enhancement purposes. Natural green, blue and colorless specimens of rare gemological quality euclase, BeAlSiO4(OH), from Brazil were irradiated with gamma rays in the dose range from 10 to 500 kGy. Although the colors of the different specimens were not strongly influenced, two different irradiation-induced paramagnetic defect centers were found by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The first one is an O hole center interacting with one Al neighbor and the second is a Ti3+ electron center. The EPR angular rotation patterns of both irradiation-induced defects were measured and analyzed. The results suggest that O hole centers are formed by dissociation of the hydroxyl ions, similar as in topaz crystals. In euclase the OH ions interconnect distorted Al octahedra and Be tetrahedra in O5 positions. During irradiation, the electrons are captured by titanium ions (Ti4+ + e), leading to the formation of paramagnetic Ti3+ ions. From the EPR rotation patterns it is clear that these ions substitute for Al ions. The spin Hamiltonian parameters of the irradiation-induced defects are analyzed and compared to similar defect centers in other mineral specimens. Thermal annealing experiments show that the O hole centers and Ti3+ electron centers are directly connected through the radiation process.  相似文献   

Biotite is one of the most common minerals dated by the 40Ar–39Ar method. It frequently shows K contents below the expected stoichiometric value, suggesting the presence of low-K impurities. The most common low-K alteration product of biotite is chlorite. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of chlorite interlayering on 40Ar–39Ar ages in order to correctly interpret 40Ar–39Ar data. This study examines the outcome of 40Ar–39Ar dating analyses on variably chloritised biotites from Ordovician intrusive rocks. The infrared (IR) laser-probe technique and different gas extraction methods were adopted. Incremental laser-heating data on bulk samples yielded hump-shaped age profiles with meaningless young and old age steps. Both the extent of anomalous old age steps and the degree of discordance of the age spectra were much more pronounced in the more chloritised biotite samples. In contrast, in situ data on rock chips and total-fusion ages on single biotite flakes yielded ages concordant with, or younger than, the inferred emplacement ages. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to texturally characterise biotite samples at the nanometre scale. It was also used to document the complex decomposition-transformation process affecting interlayered biotite–chlorite during in-vacuo IR-laser heating to temperatures ranging from ~600 to >1,000 °C. TEM results suggest that hump-shaped age profiles result from an interplay between 39ArK redistribution by recoil during sample irradiation and differential release of argon isotopes hosted in three main reservoirs. These reservoirs are (from least to most retentive): extended defects, chlorite and biotite. The final descending age segment is attributed to the progressive release of argon with increasing temperature from large biotite domains for which 39ArK recoil loss was less important. 40Ar–39Ar data support previous findings, which suggest that 40Ar–39Ar ages when recoil effects are minimised, provide minimum estimates that approach the true biotite age, when the pristine domains are analysed. The most effective approach for obtaining meaningful 40Ar–39Ar ages was using individual total-fusion analyses on carefully selected, single flakes previously split along the basal cleavage by wet-grinding and corresponding to a sample mass of a few micrograms.Editorial responsibility: I Parsons  相似文献   

Deep-seated landslides are complex systems. In many cases, multidisciplinary studies are necessary to unravel the key hydrological features that can influence their evolution in space and time. The deep-seated Berceto landslide, in the northern Apennines of Italy, has been investigated in order to define the origin and geochemical evolution of groundwater (GW), to identify the slope system hydrological boundary, and to highlight the GW flow paths, transit time and transfer modalities inside the landslide body. This research is based on a multidisciplinary approach that involves monitoring GW levels, obtaining analyses of water chemistry and stable and unstable isotopes (δ18O-δ2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr), performing soil leaching tests, geochemical modelling (PHREEQC), and principal component analysis (PCA). The results of δ18O-δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr analyses show that the source of GW recharge in the Berceto landslide is local rainwater, and external contributions from a local stream can be excluded. In the landslide body, two GW hydrotypes (Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3) are identified, and the results of PHREEQC and PCA confirm that the chemical features of the GW depend on water–rock interaction processes occurring inside the landslide. The 3H content suggests a recent origin for GW and appears to highlight mixing between shallow and deep GW aliquots. The 3H content and GW levels data confirm that shallow GW is mainly controlled by a mass transfer mechanism. The 3H analyses with GW levels also indicate that only deep GW is controlled by a pressure transfer mechanism, and this mechanism is likely the main influence on the landslide kinematics.  相似文献   

The emission and excitation spectra of yellow luminescence due to S2 in scapolites (#1 from Canada and #2 from an unknown locality) were observed at 300, 80 and 10 K. Emission and excitation bands at 10 K showed vibronic structures with a series of maxima spaced 15–30 and 5–9 nm, respectively. The relative efficiency of yellow luminescence from scapolite #2 was increased up to 117 times by heat treatment at 1,000°C for 2 h in air. The enhancement of yellow luminescence by heat treatment was ascribed to the alteration of SO3 2− and SO4 2− to S2 in scapolite.  相似文献   

A new 190Pt–4He method for dating isoferroplatinum has been developed at the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Here we publish the first results of dating of isoferroplatinum from the main mineralogical and geochemical types of PGE mineralization in dunite. The obtained 190Pt–4He age of isoferroplatinum is 129 ± 6 Ma. The gained 190Pt–4He age of isoferroplatinum specimens of different genesis (magmatic, fluid–metamorphogenic, and metasomatic) from the Kondyor Massif indicates that the PGM mineralization took place synchronously and successively with evolution of primarily picrite, followed by subalkaline and alkaline melts of the Mesozoic tectonic–magmatic activation of the Aldan Shield.  相似文献   

The paper reports detailed data on phlogopite from kimberlite of three facies types in the Arkhangelsk Diamondiferous Province (ADP): (i) massive magmatic kimberlite (Ermakovskaya-7 Pipe), (ii) transitional type between massive volcaniclastic and magmatic kimberlite (Grib Pipe), and (iii) volcanic kimberlite (Karpinskii-1 and Karpinskii-2 pipes). Kimberlite from the Ermakovskaya-7 Pipe contains only groundmass phlogopite. Kimberlite from the Grib Pipe contains a number of phlogopite populations: megacrysts, macrocrysts, matrix phlogopite, and this mineral in xenoliths. Phlogopite macrocrysts and matrix phlogopite define a single compositional trend reflecting the evolution of the kimberlite melt. The composition points of phlogopite from the xenoliths lie on a single crystallization trend, i.e., the mineral also crystallized from kimberlite melt, which likely actively metasomatized the host rocks from which the xenoliths were captured. Phlogopite from volcaniclastic kimberlite from the Karpinskii-1 and Karpinskii-2 pipes does not show either any clearly distinct petrographic setting or compositional differentiation. The kimberlite was dated by the Rb–Sr technique on phlogopite and additionally by the 40Ar/39Ar method. Because it is highly probable that phlogopite from all pipes crystallized from kimberlite melt, the crystallization age of the kimberlite can be defined as 376 ± 3 Ma for the Grib Pipe, 380 ± 2 Ma for the Karpinskii-1 pipe, 375 ± 2 Ma for the Karpinskii-2 Pipe, and 377 ± 0.4 Ma for the Ermakovskaya-7 Pipe. The age of the pipes coincides within the error and suggests that the melts of the pipes were emplaced almost simultaneously. Our geochronologic data on kimberlite emplacement in ADP lie within the range of 380 ± 2 to 375 ± Ma and coincide with most age values for Devonian alkaline–ultramafic complexes in the Kola Province: 379 ± 5 Ma; Arzamastsev and Wu, 2014). These data indicate that the kimberlite was formed during the early evolution of the Kola Province, when alkaline–ultramafic complexes (including those with carbonatite) were emplaced.  相似文献   

Tourmaline with the general formula XY3Z6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH,O)3(OH,F) and the trigonal space group R3m (C3v5) is known as a gemstone with great variety of colors. Some color centers are related to transition metal ions, and others to electron or hole traps. In this paper we report on a combined study using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), and the optical detection of EPR (ODEPR) on a yellow color center produced by -irradiation in colorless Li-bearing elbaite tourmaline from Brazil. The color center is an O hole trap center, which is stabilized within the plane spanned by three Y sites, and is located in the structural channels formed by Si6O18. We suggest that two of the Y sites are substituted by 27Al and the other by 6,7Li. During the irradiation process atomic hydrogen H0 is also produced, which shows the same thermal stability as the hole center (250 °C). Therefore, we assign H0 to be the local charge compensator for the hole trap. From the ODEPR measurements we conclude that the yellow color is caused by the O hole center. The large negative isotropic Al superhyperfine interaction of the O hole trap center is consistent with a calculation of the transferred hyperfine interactions by exchange polarization supporting the proposed defect model of an O at the O1 sites, whereby the O is relaxed into the plane formed by three Y ions.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the post-Svecofennian tectonothermal evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield, 40Ar–39Ar biotite and some 40Ar–39Ar muscovite geochronological data are reported from a total of 30 surface outcrop and 1,000 m long borehole samples at Forsmark, central Sweden. The 13 surface samples were collected across 3 branches of a major WNW to NW trending system of deformation zones, whereas the boreholes were drilled within a tectonic lens, in between two of these zones. The 40Ar–39Ar biotite ages indicate that the present erosion surface, in central Sweden, cooled below c. 300°C at 1.73–1.66 Ga, and that the rocks could have accommodated strain in a brittle manner between 1.8 and 1.7 Ga. The variation in surface ages is suggested to be due to fault along the large WNW to NW trending deformation zones, following the establishment of a sub-Cambrian peneplain. The minor variation of ages within a single crustal block may be due to disturbance along ENE to NNE trending fracture zones. Possible cooling paths, derived from 40Ar–39Ar hornblende, muscovite and biotite ages, were calculated for the time interval from 1.80 to 1.67 Ga, when the area cooled from c. 500 to 300°C. Cooling rates of 1.9–4°C/m.y. have been attained. Between 1.68 and 1.64 Ga, uplift rates of c. 22 m/m.y. were calculated from borehole 40Ar–39Ar biotite data. Tectonothermal histories, inferred from the combined cooling and uplift rates, are related to simple cooling after the Svecofennian orogeny, to crustal movement in response to far-field effects of c. 1.7 Ga orogenic activities further to the west or to a combination of these possibilities.  相似文献   

The Pampa region in Argentina includes vast unconfined–semiconfined aquifers that local economies depend upon, but detailed knowledge of the associated water resources is still lacking. The Pampeano aquifer in the Pampa plain of Argentina covers around 1.5 million km2. In order to achieve a better understanding of the hydrogeological system through the estimation of mean residence times (MRT), water samples were taken from 12 monitoring wells, drilled at different depths in four locations, and analyzed for environmental tracers. The concentrations of 3H, tritiogenic 3He and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) can be explained by mixtures of young waters adjusted to exponential piston flow models (EPM) or dispersion models (DM), and different proportions of tracer-free waters (dead water). The sampling site located very close to the water divide shows a dominance of young waters: 85 % of water best represented by a DM model with a MRT of 3 years. For the shallow wells at other sites, best-fitting models result in a DM with MRT between 20 and 35 years, and proportions of dead water between 40 and 60 %. These results lead to important updates in the conceptual model of the Pampeano aquifer. Large proportions of dead water at a few meters depth can be the consequence of upward flows in a multilayered aquifer or diffusive retardation in the inter-bedded clay layers.  相似文献   

New 87Sr/86Sr, δ13C, and δ18О chemostratigraphic data were obtained for carbonate rocks of the Lower Riphean Yusmastakh and the Vendian Starorechenskaya formations. The δ13С values in dolomites of the Yusmastakh Formation varies from–0.6 to–0.1‰ and in dolomites and dolomitic limestones of the Starorechenskaya Formation, from–1.2 to–0.4‰ PDB, and δ18О values, from 24.4 to 26.4‰ and from 25.3 to 27.6‰ SMOW, respectively. The Rb–Sr systematics of carbonate rocks was studied using the refined method of stepwise dissolution of samples in acetic acid, including chemical removal of up to one-third of the ground sample by preliminary acid leaching and subsequent partial dissolution of the rest of the sample. Owing to this procedure, secondary carbonate material is removed, which enables one to improve the quality of the Sr-chemostratigraphic data obtained. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in carbonate rocks of the Yusmastakh (0.70468–0.70519) and Starorechenskaya (0.70832–0.70883) formations evidence the Riphean–Vendian boundary in the Precambrian sequence of the Anabar Uplift.  相似文献   

The Warburton Basin of central Australia has experienced a complex tectonic and fluid-flow history, resulting in the formation of various authigenic minerals. Geochemical and geochronological analyses were undertaken on vein carbonates from core samples of clastic sediments. Results were then integrated with zircon U–Pb dating and uraninite U–Th–total Pb dating from the underlying granite. Stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ18O, Sr and εNd), as well as trace element data of carbonate veins indicate that >200 °C basinal fluids of evolved meteoric origin circulated through the Warburton Basin. Almost coincidental ages of these carbonates (Sm–Nd; 432 ± 12 Ma) with primary zircon (421 ± 3.8 Ma) and uraninite (407 ± 16 Ma) ages from the granitic intrusion point towards a substantial period of active tectonism and an elevated thermal regime during the mid Silurian. We hypothesise that such a thermal regime may have resulted from extensional tectonism and concomitant magmatic activity following regional orogenesis. This study shows that the combined application of geochemical and geochronological analyses of both primary and secondary species may constrain the timing of tectonomagmatic events and associated fluid flow in intraplate sedimentary basins. Furthermore, this work suggests that the Sm–Nd-isotopic system is surprisingly robust and can record geologically meaningful age data from hydrothermal mineral species.  相似文献   

With depleted coal resources or deteriorating mining geological conditions, some coal mines have been abandoned in the Fengfeng mining district, China. Water that accumulates in an abandoned underground mine (goaf water) may be a hazard to neighboring mines and impact the groundwater environment. Groundwater samples at three abandoned mines (Yi, Er and Quantou mines) in the Fengfeng mining district and the underlying Ordovician limestone aquifer were collected to characterize their chemical and isotopic compositions and identify the sources of the mine water. The water was HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg type in Er mine and the auxiliary shaft of Yi mine, and HCO3·SO4-Na type in the main shaft of Quantou mine. The isotopic compositions (δD and δ18O) of water in the three abandoned mines were close to that of Ordovician limestone groundwater. Faults in the abandoned mines were developmental, possibly facilitating inflows of groundwater from the underlying Ordovician limestone aquifers into the coal mines. Although the Sr2+ concentrations differed considerably, the ratios of Sr2+/Ca2+ and 87Sr/86Sr and the 34S content of SO42? were similar for all three mine waters and Ordovician limestone groundwater, indicating that a close hydraulic connection may exist. Geochemical and isotopic indicators suggest that (1) the mine waters may originate mainly from the Ordovician limestone groundwater inflows, and (2) the upward hydraulic gradient in the limestone aquifer may prevent its contamination by the overlying abandoned mine water. The results of this study could be useful for water resources management in this area and other similar mining areas.  相似文献   

Chemistry of major and minor elements, 87Sr/86Sr, δD, δ18O and δ34S of brines were measured from Tertiary strata and Quaternary salt lakes in the western Qaidam Basin. The water chemistry data show that all oilfield brines are CaCl2 type. They were enriched in Ca2+, B3+, Li+, Sr2+, Br, and were depleted in Mg2+, SO4 2−, which indicated that these brines had the characteristics of deeply circulated water. The relationship between δD and δ18O shows that all data of these brines decline towards the Global Meteoric Water Line (GWL) and Qaidam Meteoric Water Line (QWL), and that the intersection between oilfield brines and Meteoric Water Lines was close to the local spring and fresh water in the piedmont in the western Qaidam Basin. The results suggest that oilfield brines has initially originated from meteoric water, and then might be affected by water-rock metamorphose, because most oilfield brines distribute in the range of metamorphosing water. The 87Sr/86Sr values of most oilfield brines range from 0.71121 to 0.71194, and was less than that in salt lake water (>0.712), but close to that of halite in the study area. These imply that salt dissolution occurred in the process of migration. In addition, all oilfield brines have obviously much positive δ34S values (ranging from 26.46‰ to 54.57‰) than that of salt lake brines, which was caused by bacterial sulfate reduction resulting in positive shift of δ34S value and depleteed SO4 2− in oilfield brines. Combined with water chemical data and δD, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr, δ34S values, we concluded that oilfield brines mainly originate from the deeply circulated meteoric waters, and then are affected by salt dissolution, water-rock metamorphose, sulfate reduction and dolomitization during the process of migration. These processes alter the chemical compositions of oilfield brines and accumulate rich elements (such as B, Li, Sr, Br, K and so on) for sustainable utilization of salt lake resources in the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

Geographical information system (GIS) technology was used to investigate NO3 concentration of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin, Northwest China. Thematic information and NO3 data of groundwater from the Zhangye Basin were analyzed in a GIS environment to study the extent and variation of NO3 concentration and to establish spatial relationships with corresponding land use types. About 38.8% of groundwater samples showed NO3 concentration above the human affected value (13 mg/l NO3 ), while more than 10.2% exceeded the maximum acceptable level (50 mg/l NO3 ) according to WHO regulations. The spatial distribution of NO3 of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin showed an obvious character of zonation; the high NO3 concentration was mainly located in the city seat areas, and Zhangye City was the high-value center. The probability of over 90% for NO3 concentration exceeding 13 mg/l was found in urban seat areas. The spatial analyses indicated that groundwater contamination by NO3 was closely related to one specific land use class, the urban. The NO3 concentration of groundwater under urban was significantly higher than that under irrigation land or sand dune. Most of the unacceptable NO3 levels were found in groundwater samples assigned to urban area, but a few were also found allotted to irrigation land class. Therefore, urban source was considered the principal source of NO3 contamination of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin, while irrigation land source was still a possible source of NO3 contamination.  相似文献   

The O2 3?-Y3+ center in fluorite-type structures (CaF2 and SrF2) has been investigated at the density functional theory (DFT) level using the CRYSTAL06 code. Our calculations were performed by means of the hybrid B3PW method in which the Hartree–Fock exchange is mixed with the DFT exchange functional, using Becke’s three parameter method, combined with the non-local correlation functionals by Perdew and Wang. Our calculations confirm the stability and the molecular character of the O2 3?-Y3+ center. The unpaired electron is shown to be almost exclusively localized on and equally distributed between the two oxygen atoms that are separated by a bond distance of 2.47 Å in CaF2 and 2.57 Å in SrF2. The calculated 17O and 19F hyperfine constants for of the O2 3?-Y3+ center are in good agreement with their corresponding experimental values reported by previous electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance studies, while discrepancies are notable for the 89Y hyperfine constants.  相似文献   

Rutile is a common accessory mineral that occurs in a wide spectrum of metamorphic rocks, such as in blueschists, eclogites, and granulites and as one of the most stable detrital heavy minerals in sedimentary rocks. The advent of rutile trace element thermometry has generated increased interest in a better understanding of rutile formation. This study documents important analytical advances in in situ LA-ICP-MS U/Pb geochronology of rutile: (1) Matrix matching, necessary for robust in situ dating is fulfilled by calibrating and testing several rutile standards (R10, R19, WH-1), including the presentation of new TIMS ages for the rutile standard R19 (489.5 ± 0.9 Ma; errors always stated as 2 s). (2) Initial common lead correction is routinely applied via 208Pb, which is possible due to extremely low Th/U ratios (usually <0.003) in most rutiles. Employing a 213 nm Nd:YAG laser coupled to a quadrupole ICP-MS and using R10 as a primary standard, rutile U/Pb concordia ages for the two other rutile standards (493 ± 10 Ma for R19; 2640 ± 50 Ma for WH-1) and four rutile-bearing metamorphic rocks (181 ± 4 Ma for Ivrea metapelitic granulite; 339 ± 7 Ma for Saidenbach coesite eclogite; 386 ± 8 Ma for Fjortoft UHP metapelite; 606 ± 12 Ma for Andrelandia metepelitic granulite) always agree within 2% with the reported TIMS ages and other dating studies from the same localities. The power of in situ U/Pb rutile dating is illustrated by comparing ages of detrital rutile and zircon from a recent sediment from the Christie Domain of the Gawler Craton, Australia. While the U/Pb age spectrum from zircons show several pronounced peaks that are correlated with magmatic episodes, rutile U/Pb ages are marked by only one pronounced peak (at ca 1,675 Ma) interpreted to represent cooling ages of this part of the craton. Rutile thermometry of the same detrital grains indicates former granulite-facies conditions. The methods outlined in this paper should find wide application in studies that require age information of single spots, e.g., provenance studies, single-crystal zoning and texturally controlled dating.  相似文献   

Three natural Mg(Al2-yCry)O4 spinels (y 0.07–0.16), highly ordered in terms of Mg–Al, and one Mg(Al2–yFe3+y)O4 spinel (y0.08), highly ordered also in terms of Fe3+, were studied by means of X-ray single-crystal diffraction. All samples were heated in situ from 25 to 1000 °C in order to follow both thermal expansion and evolution of the structural state of spinel with temperature. Thermal expansion was monitored by means of the variation of cell edge a with temperature, and found to be well represented throughout the temperature range by a regression line a = a0 (1+T), slightly different at lower and higher temperatures. Thermal expansion coefficient 1, referring to the lower temperature range (i.e. during pure thermal expansion), was slightly lower than 2, calculated only over the highest temperatures. The trend showed different slopes for individual crystals. Structural evolution with temperature was studied by means of the variation of oxygen positional parameter u, which is strongly influenced by intersite cation exchange and thus closely correlated with inversion parameter x. In particular, in the three Cr samples, in which Cr resides only in the octahedral site, u parameter variations and hence the order–disorder process, started at about 700 °C. Instead, in the Fe3+ sample, this process was triggered at lower temperatures, starting at 550 °C with Fe3+–Mg exchange followed at higher temperatures by that of Mg–Al. Cr contents in the Cr samples affected the occupancy of Al in the tetrahedral site at the highest temperatures. In both Mg–Al–Cr and Mg–Al–Fe3+ compositions, if CrFe3+, parameter u reached the same value only when the Mg–Al exchange was dominant, i.e. at the highest temperatures, but not before. Cation distribution at each temperature was obtained by the bond-length model, applying thermal expansion to pure bond lengths. This method is applied here to complex compositions for the first time.  相似文献   

Kopaida plain is a cultivated region of Eastern Greece, with specific characteristic related with the paleogeographic evolution and the changes in land use. The present article examines the contamination that derives from nitrates, in terms of contaminant levels, definition of sources and spatial distribution of contaminant plume. For this purpose, 50 water samples were collected from the karstic aquifer and analyzed for 15 parameters including major ions, trace elements, physicochemical parameters, and stable isotopes. The assessment of the above parameter values along with the notes derived by the statistical process revealed the existence of nitrate contamination which has been spatial defined with the aid of spatial interpolation techniques. The correlation of NO3 concentrations with the stable isotope values, defined the infiltration conditions and showed contaminant transport. Nitrate values revealed the potential environmental threat for local people, as 10% of the samples exceeded the parametric value of 50 ppm and 54% of them are above 25 ppm, indicating no optimal quality conditions. The origin of nitrate contamination seems to derive exclusively from the application of N-fertilizers, since the rest of potential sources were not verified by analytical data and field works.  相似文献   

We determined Ar/Ar eruption ages of eight extrusions from the Pleistocene Coso volcanic field, a long-lived series of small volume rhyolitic domes in eastern California. Combined with ion-microprobe dating of crystal ages of zircon and allanite from these lavas and from granophyre geothermal well cuttings, we were able to track the range of magma-production rates over the past 650 ka at Coso. In ≤230 ka rhyolites we find no evidence of protracted magma residence or recycled zircon (or allanite) from Pleistocene predecessors. A significant subset of zircon in the ~85 ka rhyolites yielded ages between ~100 and 200 Ma, requiring that generation of at least some rhyolites involves material from Mesozoic basement. Similar zircon xenocrysts are found in an ~200 ka granophyre. The new age constraints imply that magma evolution at Coso can occur rapidly as demonstrated by significant changes in rhyolite composition over short time intervals (≤10’s to 100’s ka). In conjunction with radioisotopic age constraints from other young silicic volcanic fields, dating of Coso rhyolites highlights the fact that at least some (and often the more voluminous) rhyolites are produced relatively rapidly, but that many small-volume rhyolites likely represent separation from long-lived mushy magma bodies.  相似文献   

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