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Following a period of net uplift at an average rate of 15±1 mm/year from 1923 to 1984, the east-central floor of Yellowstone Caldera stopped rising during 1984–1985 and then subsided 25±7 mm during 1985–1986 and an additional 35±7 mm during 1986–1987. The average horizontal strain rates in the northeast part of the caldera for the period from 1984 to 1987 were: 1 = 0.10 ± 0.09 strain/year oriented N33° E±9° and 2 = 0.20 ± 0.09 strain/year oriented N57° W±9° (extension reckoned positive). A best-fit elastic model of the 1985–1987 vertical and horizontal displacements in the eastern part of the caldera suggests deflation of a horizontal tabular body located 10±5 km beneath Le Hardys Rapids, i.e., within a deep hydrothermal system or within an underlying body of partly molten rhyolite. Two end-member models each explain most aspects of historical unrest at Yellowstone, including the recent reversal from uplift to subsidence. Both involve crystallization of an amount of rhyolitic magma that is compatible with the thermal energy requirements of Yellowstone's vigorous hydrothermal system. In the first model, injection of basalt near the base of the rhyolitic system is the primary cause of uplift. Higher in the magmatic system, rhyolite crystallizes and releases all of its magmatic volatiles into the shallow hydrothermal system. Uplift stops and subsidence starts whenever the supply rate of basalt is less than the subsidence rate produced by crystallization of rhyolite and associated fluid loss. In the second model, uplift is caused primarily by pressurization of the deep hydrothermal system by magmatic gas and brine that are released during crystallization of rhyolite and them trapped at lithostatic pressure beneath an impermeable self-sealed zone. Subsidence occurs during episodic hydrofracturing and injection of pore fluid from the deep lithostatic-pressure zone into a shallow hydrostatic-pressure zone. Heat input from basaltic intrusions is required to maintain Yellowstone's silicic magmatic system and shallow hydrothermal system over time scales longer than about 105 years, but for the historical time period crystallization of rhyolite can account for most aspects of unrest at Yellowstone, including seismicity, uplift, subsidence, and hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

 A first-order leveling survey across the northeast part of the Yellowstone caldera in September 1998 showed that the central caldera floor near Le Hardy Rapids rose 24±5 mm relative to the caldera rim at Lake Butte since the previous survey in September 1995. Annual surveys along the same traverse from 1985 to 1995 tracked progressive subsidence near Le Hardy Rapids at an average rate of –19±1 mm/year. Earlier, less frequent surveys measured net uplift in the same area during 1923–1976 (14±1 mm/year) and 1976–1984 (22±1 mm/year). The resumption of uplift following a decade of subsidence was first detected by satellite synthetic aperture radar interferometry, which revealed approximately 15 mm of uplift in the vicinity of Le Hardy Rapids from July 1995 to June 1997. Radar interferograms show that the center of subsidence shifted from the Sour Creek resurgent dome in the northeast part of the caldera during August 1992 to June 1993 to the Mallard Lake resurgent dome in the southwest part during June 1993 to August 1995. Uplift began at the Sour Creek dome during August 1995 to September 1996 and spread to the Mallard Lake dome by June 1997. The rapidity of these changes and the spatial pattern of surface deformation suggest that ground movements are caused at least in part by accumulation and migration of fluids in two sill-like bodies at 5–10 km depth, near the interface between Yellowstone's magmatic and deep hydrothermal systems. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 16 April 1999  相似文献   

Water level records from gages on the shore of Yellowstone Lake and at its outlet are used to evaluate deformation year-by-year since 1923 on the southeastern flank of Yellowstone caldera. There is good agreement with deformation as measured by precise benchmark leveling surveys in 1923, 1976, 1983, 1984 and 1985. The water level record provides documentation of historical deformation of a large, dynamic, silicic caldera available by no other means, and it gives detail lacking from benchmark leveling prior to 1983 when annual surveys began. The data from southwest of Fishing Bridge suggest that this portion of the caldera has undergone relatively monotonic inflation since 1923 (0.4 μ radian/a up to the northeast) with a small, quasi-oscillatory variation superimposed. North of Fishing Bridge, the data suggest a higher rate with onset of quasi-oscillatory uplift ca. 1940 and a leveling-off since ca. 1965. Of particular importance are: the suggestion of episodic uplift and subsidence; the apparent lack of significant devation at the time of the M = 7.5 Hebgen Lake earthquake (1959); and the apparent subsidence of the intra-caldera area north of Fishing Bridge at the time of the M = 6.1. Norris earthquake (1975) with concurrent inflation of the flank of the caldera to the southwest.  相似文献   

Studies of late Tertiary silicic volcanic centres in the Western and Eastern Cordilleras of the Central Andes show that three volcanic environments are appropriate sites for mineralization: (1) ring-fracture extrusions post-dating large calderas; (2) similar extrusions within ignimbrite shields; and (3) isolated, small silicic volcanoes. Subvolcanic tin mineralization in the Eastern Cordillera is located in silicic stocks and associated breccias of Miocene age. The Cerro Rico stock, Potosi, Bolivia, contains tin and silver mineralization and has an intrusion age apparently millions of years younger than that of the associated Kari Kari caldera. Similar age relationships between mineralization and caldera formation have been described from the San Juan province, Colorado. The vein deposits of Chocaya, southern Bolivia, were emplaced in the lower part of an ignimbrite shield, a type of volcanic edifice as yet unrecognized in comparable areas of silicic volcanism. The El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, Chile, is related to silicic stocks which may have been intruded along a caldera ring fracture. Cerro Bonete, Chile, provides a modern example of the volcanic superstructure which may have overlain isolated mineralized stocks and breccia pipes such as that of Salvadora at Llallagua, Bolivia.Existing models for the genesis of porphyry copper deposits suggest that they formed in granodioritic stocks located in the infrastructure of andesitic stratovolcanoes. Sites of porphyry-type subvolcanic tin mineralization in the Eastern Cordillera of Bolivia are distinguished by the absence of such andesitic structures. The surface expression of a typical subvolcanic porphyry tin deposit was probably an extrusive dome of quartz latite porphyry, sometimes related to a larger caldera structure. Evidence from the El Salvador porphyry copper deposit in the Eocene magmatic belt in Chile suggests that it too may be more closely related to a silicic volcanic structure than to an andesitic stratovolcano.The dome of La Soufriere, Guadeloupe is proposed as a modern analog for the surface expression of subvolcanic mineralization processes, the phreatic eruptions there suggesting the formation of hydrothermal breccia bodies in depth. Occurrence of mineralized porphyries, millions of years after caldera formation, does not necessarily indicate that intrusions and mineralization are not genetically related to the sub-caldera pluton, but may be a consequence of the long thermal histories (1–10 million years) of the lowermost parts of large plutons. Caldera formation can only inhibit mineralization by dispersal of ore metals when these are of magmatic origin, and ignimbrites should not be taken as being unlikely to be associated with porphyry mineralization. Whether ore metals are of wall rock or magmatic origin, the key to understanding the relationships between silicic volcanism and mineralization lies in the fractionation of trace elements within large zoned magma chambers during their igneous history, and their subsequent hydrothermal migration. Small, highly mineralized intrusions formed late in a caldera cycle (such as the Cerro Rico) may be due to the introduction of fresh supplies of mafic magma into the lower parts of the main pluton.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatio-temporal evolution of Yellowstone deformation between 1992 and 2009 is monitored using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data acquired by the European Remote-Sensing Satellites (ERS-1 and ERS-2) and the Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT). These data are combined with continuous global positioning system (GPS) measurements to identify four discrete episodes of caldera subsidence and uplift, these episodes are: 1992–1995 (subsidence of 2.7 cm/year), 1996–2000 (subsidence of 0.5 cm/year, with local uplift of 1.7 cm/year at Norris), 2000–2004 (subsidence of 0.7 cm/year, with local uplift of 0.6 cm/year at Norris), and 2004–2009 (uplift of 3–8 cm/year, with local subsidence of 1–4 cm/year at Norris). We construct the full three-dimensional velocity field of Yellowstone deformation for 2005–2006 from ascending and descending ENVISAT orbits. The InSAR three-dimensional velocity field and three-component GPS measurements indicate that the majority of the observed deformation (3–8 cm/year) across the Yellowstone caldera and near Norris Geyser Basin (NGB) occurred in the vertical direction between the summers of 2005 and 2006. During this time, significant lateral displacements of 3–7 cm/year also occurred in the east–west direction at the southeastern and western rims of the Yellowstone caldera and in the area between Hebgen Lake and NGB. Minor north–south displacements of about 0.2 cm/year also occurred, however, in the southwestern section of the caldera and near Yellowstone Lake during the same period. The calculated three-dimensional velocity field for 2005–2006 implies the existence of two pressure-point sources, beneath the two structural resurgent domes in the Yellowstone caldera, connected by a planar conduit, rather than a single, large sill as proposed in previous studies. Furthermore, no measurable displacements occurred along any fault zone across the caldera during the entire period of observation (1992–2009). Therefore, we infer that magmatic and hydrothermal processes beneath the Yellowstone caldera and NGB were the main sources of deformation.  相似文献   

A very large uplift (about 1.8 m) occurred in the period 1982–1984 at Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy, without culminating in an eruption. A still-standing controversy accompanies the interpretation of deformation and gravity changes recorded during the unrest, which were interpreted to result from the sub-surface magmatic reservoir by some authors and from the hydrothermal system or hybrid sources by others. Here for the first time we take into account crustal layering while inverting leveling, EDM, and gravity data using uniformly-pressurized sources, namely small vertical spheroids and finite horizontal penny-shaped sources. The weight of EDM data in the misfit function is chosen from a trade-off curve in order to balance the compromise between fitting the leveling and the EDM data well. Models using a homogeneous medium cannot give a good simultaneous fit to leveling and EDM deformation data of the 1982–1984 unrest, whereas incorporating a layered structure (determined from seismically derived estimates of the P wave speed for the crust, and not adjusted to improve the fit in any of the inversions) allows a significantly better fit. Also, layering affects the sub-surface mass redistribution effects on gravity changes, and we show that the retrieved intrusion density is in full agreement with densities for highly evolved magmas expected at the Campi Flegrei caldera for depths of 3 to 4 km, ruling out hydrothermal fluids as the primary cause of the 1982–1984 unrest. The source of the 1982–1984 CF unrest was probably a shallow (about 3-km deep) penny-shaped magma intrusion fed by a deeper magma chamber; source overpressure was few MPa.  相似文献   

Extensive measurements of ground deformation at the Krafla volcano, Iceland, have been made since the beginning in 1975 of a series of eruptions and intrusions into the fissure system that extends north and south of the volcano. I concentrate on measurements before and after the eruption of September 1984, the last event of this series when the largest volume of lava was erupted. The patterns of ground deformation associated with the 1984 eruption, determined by precision levelling, electronic distance measurements and lake level observations, were similar to earlier intrusions and eruptions, in that the surface of the volcano subsided and the fissure system widened as magma moved laterally from a shallow central reservoir into the fissure system. The shallow magma reservoir of Krafla continued to expand for about five years after the eruption, but a slow subsidence of the central area began in 1989. Besides the presence of an inflating and deflating shallow magma reservoir at a depth of 2.5 km beneath the Krafla caldera, another inflating magma reservoir may exist at much greater depth below Krafla. The accumulation of compressive strain by numerous rift intrusions and eruptions since 1975 along the flanks of the north-south Krafla fissure swarm is being released slowly and will probably be reflected in the results of deformation measurements near Krafla for the next several decades. The total horizontal extension of the Krafla rift system in 1975–1984 was about 9 m, equal to about 500 years of constant plate divergence. The extension is twice the accumulated divergence since previous rifting events and eruptions in 1724–1729  相似文献   

A key question in volcanology is the driving mechanisms of resurgence at active, recently active, and ancient calderas. Valles caldera in New Mexico and Lake City caldera in Colorado are well-studied resurgent structures which provide three crucial clues for understanding the resurgence process. (1) Within the limits of 40Ar/39Ar dating techniques, resurgence and hydrothermal alteration at both calderas occurred very quickly after the caldera-forming eruptions (tens of thousands of years or less). (2) Immediately before and during resurgence, dacite magma was intruded and/or erupted into each system; this magma is chemically distinct from rhyolite magma which was resident in each system. (3) At least 1?km of structural uplift occurred along regional and subsidence faults which were closely associated with shallow intrusions or lava domes of dacite magma. These observations demonstrate that resurgence at these two volcanoes is temporally linked to caldera subsidence, with the upward migration of dacite magma as the driver of resurgence. Recharge of dacite magma occurs as a response to loss of lithostatic load during the caldera-forming eruption. Flow of dacite into the shallow magmatic system is facilitated by regional fault systems which provide pathways for magma ascent. Once the dacite enters the system, it is able to heat, remobilize, and mingle with residual crystal-rich rhyolite remaining in the shallow magma chamber. Dacite and remobilized rhyolite rise buoyantly to form laccoliths by lifting the chamber roof and producing surface resurgent uplift. The resurgent deformation caused by magma ascent fractures the chamber roof, increasing its structural permeability and allowing both rhyolite and dacite magmas to intrude and/or erupt together. This sequence of events also promotes the development of magmatic–hydrothermal systems and ore deposits. Injection of dacite magma into the shallow rhyolite magma chamber provides a source of heat and magmatic volatiles, while resurgent deformation and fracturing increase the permeability of the system. These changes allow magmatic volatiles to rise and meteoric fluids to percolate downward, favouring the development of hydrothermal convection cells which are driven by hot magma. The end result is a vigorous hydrothermal system which is driven by magma recharge.  相似文献   

The Spurr volcanic complex (SVC) is a calc-alkaline, medium-K, sequence of andesites erupted over the last 250000 years by the eastern-most currently active volcanic center in the Aleutian arc. The ancestral Mt. Spurr was built mostly of andesites of uniform composition (58%–60% SiO2), although andesite production was episodically interrupted by the introduction of new batches of more mafic magma. Near the end of the Pleistocene the ancestral Mt. Spurr underwent avalanche caldera formation, resulting in the production of a volcanic debris avalanche with overlying ashflows. Immediately afterward, a large dome (the present Mt. Spurr) formed in the caldera. Both the ash flows and dome are made of acid andesite more silicic (60%–63% SiO2) than any analyzed lavas from the ancestral Mt. Spurr, yet contain olivine and amphibole xenocrysts derived from more mafic magma. The mafic magma (53%–57% SiO2) erupted during and after dome emplacement from a separate vent only 3 km away. Hybrid block-and-ash flows and lavas were also produced. The vents for the silicic and mafic lavas are in the center and in the breach of the 5-by-6-km horseshoe-shaped caldera, respectively, and are less than 4 km apart. Late Holocene eruptive activity is restricted to Crater Peak, and magmas continue to be relatively mafic. SVC lavas are plag ±ol+cpx±opx+mt bearing. All postcaldera units contain small amounts of high-Al2O3, high-alkali amphibole, and proto-Crater Peak and Crater Peak lavas contain abundant pyroxenite and anorthosite clots presumably derived from an immediately preexisting magma chamber. Ranges of mineral chemistries within individual samples are often nearly as large as ranges of mineral chemistries throughout the SVC suite, suggesting that magma mixing is common. Elevated Sr, Pb, and O isotope ratios and trace-element systematics incompatible with fractional crystallization suggest that a significant amount of continental crust from the upper plate has been assimilated by SVC magmas during their evolution.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the shallow magma reservoir at Krafla Volcano in NE Iceland have been analyzed with three types of elastic models based on over 70 surveys of tilt and displacement made from 1975 to 1985, a period of continuous volcano-tectonic activity. Modeling results are integrated with geophysical and geological information to estimate the position, geometry, and volume change of magma reservoir domains subjected to periodic inflation and deflation. Dominating influences on magma reservoir dynamics are examined in the context of activity in Krafla's associated rift system and the deformation of its caldera from 1975–1985. Rather than the fluid-filled cavity concept of Mogi (1958) and most recent workers, our models are idealized as strained regions with spherical, double-spherical, or general ellipsoidal symmetry. The models are mathematically generalized from that of Mogi (1958) and are derived by inversion of displacements. Model results from different displacement components are remarkably consistent, although models based on vertical displacements typically have errors-of-fit much closer to expected measurement errors than those based on tilt or horizontal displacements. About one half of the double-sphere and ellipsoid models have significantly better fits than single-sphere models. Double-sphere model results are consistent with a 2 to 3 km center-to-center separation of magma storage zones from at least 2 km to 4 km depth by portions of the fissure system, as implied by S-wave attenuation patterns for 1976–1977. However, all models suggest pressurization zones of more limited extent than possible domains of storage inferred from S-wave attenuation. Ellipsoid models typically implied unrealistically shallow depths of magma storage. Caldera inflation rates decreased after January 1978 when the caldera periodically reinflated to its level prior to the initial December 1975 deflation event. From 1975–1980 the volume and duration of inflation between deflation events was strongly correlated with the volume of the previous deflation. After 1980 there was a significant increase in the duration of inflation periods and a decrease in rates of caldera inflation and fissure system widening. Consistent with these results, the magma reservoir is conceptualized as a hot rock mass containing numerous magma chambers and pressure-sensitive conduits connecting the chambers and deep magma sources. Magma is injected into the fissure system at critical pressures determined by the confining stress and rock mass strength. The duration and volume of inflation required to reach a critical pressure threshold is largely dependent on the volume of magma released in the previous deflation. Reduction of the extension rate across the Krafla fissure system after 1980 suggests that extensional forces were also reduced. A resultant rise of confining pressure on the magma reservoir and a reduced capacity of the fissure system to accommodate dike injection in combination would have increased critical stress levels for reservoir deflation and reduced the pressure gradient driving magma supply from deep sources.  相似文献   

New investigations of the geology of Crater Lake National Park necessitate a reinterpretation of the eruptive history of Mount Mazama and of the formation of Crater Lake caldera. Mount Mazama consisted of a glaciated complex of overlapping shields and stratovolcanoes, each of which was probably active for a comparatively short interval. All the Mazama magmas apparently evolved within thermally and compositionally zoned crustal magma reservoirs, which reached their maximum volume and degree of differentiation in the climactic magma chamber 7000 yr B.P.The history displayed in the caldera walls begins with construction of the andesitic Phantom Cone 400,000 yr B.P. Subsequently, at least 6 major centers erupted combinations of mafic andesite, andesite, or dacite before initiation of the Wisconsin Glaciation 75,000 yr B.P. Eruption of andesitic and dacitic lavas from 5 or more discrete centers, as well as an episode of dacitic pyroclastic activity, occurred until 50,000 yr B.P.; by that time, intermediate lava had been erupted at several short-lived vents. Concurrently, and probably during much of the Pleistocene, basaltic to mafic andesitic monogenetic vents built cinder cones and erupted local lava flows low on the flanks of Mount Mazama. Basaltic magma from one of these vents, Forgotten Crater, intercepted the margin of the zoned intermediate to silicic magmatic system and caused eruption of commingled andesitic and dacitic lava along a radial trend sometime between 22,000 and 30,000 yr B.P. Dacitic deposits between 22,000 and 50,000 yr old appear to record emplacement of domes high on the south slope. A line of silicic domes that may be between 22,000 and 30,000 yr old, northeast of and radial to the caldera, and a single dome on the north wall were probably fed by the same developing magma chamber as the dacitic lavas of the Forgotten Crater complex. The dacitic Palisade flow on the northeast wall is 25,000 yr old. These relatively silicic lavas commonly contain traces of hornblende and record early stages in the development of the climatic magma chamber.Some 15,000 to 40,000 yr were apparently needed for development of the climactic magma chamber, which had begun to leak rhyodacitic magma by 7015 ± 45 yr B.P. Four rhyodacitic lava flows and associated tephras were emplaced from an arcuate array of vents north of the summit of Mount Mazama, during a period of 200 yr before the climactic eruption. The climactic eruption began 6845 ± 50 yr B.P. with voluminous airfall deposition from a high column, perhaps because ejection of 4−12 km3 of magma to form the lava flows and tephras depressurized the top of the system to the point where vesiculation at depth could sustain a Plinian column. Ejecta of this phase issued from a single vent north of the main Mazama edifice but within the area in which the caldera later formed. The Wineglass Welded Tuff of Williams (1942) is the proximal featheredge of thicker ash-flow deposits downslope to the north, northeast, and east of Mount Mazama and was deposited during the single-vent phase, after collapse of the high column, by ash flows that followed topographic depressions. Approximately 30 km3 of rhyodacitic magma were expelled before collapse of the roof of the magma chamber and inception of caldera formation ended the single-vent phase. Ash flows of the ensuing ring-vent phase erupted from multiple vents as the caldera collapsed. These ash flows surmounted virtually all topographic barriers, caused significant erosion, and produced voluminous deposits zoned from rhyodacite to mafic andesite. The entire climactic eruption and caldera formation were over before the youngest rhyodacitic lava flow had cooled completely, because all the climactic deposits are cut by fumaroles that originated within the underlying lava, and part of the flow oozed down the caldera wall.A total of 51−59 km3 of magma was ejected in the precursory and climactic eruptions, and 40−52 km3 of Mount Mazama was lost by caldera formation. The spectacular compositional zonation shown by the climactic ejecta — rhyodacite followed by subordinate andesite and mafic andesite — reflects partial emptying of a zoned system, halted when the crystal-rich magma became too viscous for explosive fragmentation. This zonation was probably brought about by convective separation of low-density, evolved magma from underlying mafic magma. Confinement of postclimactic eruptive activity to the caldera attests to continuing existence of the Mazama magmatic system.  相似文献   

Large continental silicic magma systems commonly produce voluminous ignimbrites and associated caldera collapse events. Less conspicuous and relatively poorly documented are cases in which silicic magma chambers of similar size to those associated with caldera-forming events produce dominantly effusive eruptions of small-volume rhyolite domes and flows. The Bearhead Rhyolite and associated Peralta Tuff Member in the Jemez volcanic field, New Mexico, represent small-volume eruptions from a large silicic magma system in which no caldera-forming event occurred, and thus may have implications for the genesis and eruption of large volumes of silicic magma and the long-term evolution of continental silicic magma systems.40Ar/39Ar dating reveals that most units mapped as Bearhead Rhyolite and Peralta Tuff (the Main Group) were erupted during an ∼540 ka interval between 7.06 and 6.52 Ma. These rocks define a chemically coherent group of high-silica rhyolites that can be related by simple fractional crystallization models. Preceding the Main Group, minor amounts of unrelated trachydacite and low silica rhyolite were erupted at ∼11–9 and ∼8 Ma, respectively, whereas subsequent to the Main Group minor amounts of unrelated rhyolites were erupted at ∼6.1 and ∼1.5 Ma.The chemical coherency, apparent fractional crystallization-derived geochemical trends, large areal distribution of rhyolite domes (∼200 km2), and presence of a major hydrothermal system support the hypothesis that Main Group magmas were derived from a single, large, shallow magma chamber. The ∼540 ka eruptive interval demands input of heat into the system by replenishment with silicic melts, or basaltic underplating to maintain the Bearhead Rhyolite magma chamber.Although the volatile content of Main Group magmas was within the range of rhyolites from major caldera-forming eruptions such as the Bandelier and Bishop Tuffs, eruptions were smaller volume and dominantly effusive. Bearhead Rhyolite domes occur at the intersection of faults, and are cut by faults, suggesting that the magma chamber was structurally vented preventing volatiles from accumulating to levels high enough to trigger a caldera-forming eruption.  相似文献   

 Personnel from the U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory conducted first-order, class-II leveling surveys near Lassen Peak, California, in 1991 and at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, in 1985, 1986, and 1994. Near Lassen Peak no significant vertical displacements had occurred along either of two traverses, 33 and 44 km long, since second-order surveys in 1932 and 1934. At Newberry, however, the 1994 survey suggests that the volcano's summit area had risen as much as 97±22 mm with respect to a third-order survey in 1931. The 1931 and 1994 surveys measured a 37-km-long, east–west traverse across the entire volcano. The 1985 and 1986 surveys, on the other hand, measured only a 9-km-long traverse across the summit caldera with only one benchmark in common with the 1931 survey. Comparison of the 1985, 1986, and 1994 surveys revealed no significant differential displacements inside the caldera. A possible mechanism for uplift during 1931–1994 is injection of approximately 0.06 km3 of magma at a depth of approximately 10 km beneath the volcano's summit. The average magma supply rate of approximately 1×10–3 km3/year would be generally consistent with the volcano's growth rate averaged over its 600,000-year history (0.7–1.7×10–3 km3/year). Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 4 December 1998  相似文献   

Within the Austurhorn and Vesturhorn silicic intrusions of southeastern Iceland are composite complexes that consist of pillow-like bodies of mafic and intermediate rock entirely surrounded by silicic rock. The pillows with cuspate and chilled boundaries are interpreted to indicate a liquid-liquid relationship with a silicic magma. Some pillow-like bodies have a chilled and sharp cuspate boundary, whereas others have a distinct chemical and visible gradational contact with the silicic rock. The visible scale of mixing is of the same order of magnitude as the size of the pillows enclosed in the silicic rock (mm to meters).Two important types of chemical variation in the pillows are recognized. The first type of variation occurs from mafic pillow interiors to margins and into the surrounding silicic rock. These variations are due to mechanical mixing between mafic magma and the silicic magma. The second type of chemical variation occurs between individual pillows. Large variations occur between pillows in P and Ti at nearly constant silica. These variations cannot have resulted from in situ simple magma mixing or crystal fractionation, and must have originated at depth below the present level of exposure. These compositions could have been derived from separate mafic (or intermediate) magma bodies or from a single zoned and/or stratified magma body. Because the Austurhorn, Vesturhorn, and Ardnamurchan composite complexes all exhibit similar variations in P and Ti and because these occurrences are separated in space and time, they are thought to have had similar processes occur during their evolution. The chemical variations are interpreted to have resulted from mafic magma that has underplated silicic magma and become zoned/stratified due to the effects of magma mixing and cooling-crystallization.  相似文献   

We present a model which accounts for the common, but paradoxical arrangement of composite intrusions (i.e. silicic core and mafic margins) on the basis of analogue experiments using gelatin and aqueous solutions. The present model involves simultaneous flow-out of the upper and lower magmas from a longitudinal crack along the chamber wall. Experimental results suggest that the mafic magma from the lower layer leaks from the side-wall of the chamber and travels faster than the silicic magma because of its lower viscosity, so that the mafic magma reaches the tip of the crack first. Once the mafic magma reaches the crack tip, then the rate of dyke propagation becomes determined by the viscosity of the less viscous mafic magma, and so it can advance rapidly. The viscous silicic magma can flow efficiently into the center of the dyke, being lubricated by the mafic magma margins. This model accounts for the common arrangement of composite intrusions and gives an efficient mechanism of flow of viscous silicic magmas.  相似文献   

The Pagosa Peak Dacite is an unusual pyroclastic deposit that immediately predated eruption of the enormous Fish Canyon Tuff (5000 km3) from the La Garita caldera at 28 Ma. The Pagosa Peak Dacite is thick (to 1 km), voluminous (>200 km3), and has a high aspect ratio (1:50) similar to those of silicic lava flows. It contains a high proportion (40–60%) of juvenile clasts (to 3–4 m) emplaced as viscous magma that was less vesiculated than typical pumice. Accidental lithic fragments are absent above the basal 5–10% of the unit. Thick densely welded proximal deposits flowed rheomorphically due to gravitational spreading, despite the very high viscosity of the crystal-rich magma, resulting in a macroscopic appearance similar to flow-layered silicic lava. Although it is a separate depositional unit, the Pagosa Peak Dacite is indistinguishable from the overlying Fish Canyon Tuff in bulk-rock chemistry, phenocryst compositions, and 40Ar/39Ar age.The unusual characteristics of this deposit are interpreted as consequences of eruption by low-column pyroclastic fountaining and lateral transport as dense, poorly inflated pyroclastic flows. The inferred eruptive style may be in part related to synchronous disruption of the southern margin of the Fish Canyon magma chamber by block faulting. The Pagosa Peak eruptive sources are apparently buried in the southern La Garita caldera, where northerly extensions of observed syneruptive faults served as fissure vents. Cumulative vent cross-sections were large, leading to relatively low emission velocities for a given discharge rate. Many successive pyroclastic flows accumulated sufficiently rapidly to weld densely as a cooling unit up to 1000 m thick and to retain heat adequately to permit rheomorphic flow. Explosive potential of the magma may have been reduced by degassing during ascent through fissure conduits, leading to fracture-dominated magma fragmentation at low vesicularity. Subsequent collapse of the 75×35 km2 La Garita caldera and eruption of the Fish Canyon Tuff were probably triggered by destabilization of the chamber roof as magma was withdrawn during the Pagosa Peak eruption.  相似文献   

U–Pb geochronology and trace element chemistry of zircons in a microscale analysis were applied to the Ishizuchi caldera in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan in order to estimate the timescale of the magma process, in particular, the magma differentiation. This caldera is composed mainly of ring fault complexes, major pyroclastic flow deposits, and felsic intrusion including central plutons. Using SHRIMP‐IIe, our new U–Pb zircon ages obtained from the major pyroclastic flow deposits (Tengudake pyroclastic flow deposits), granitic rocks from central plutons (Soushikei granodiorite and Teppoishigawa quartz monzonite), and rhyolite from the outer ring dike (Tenchuseki rhyolite) and the inner ring dike (Bansyodani rhyolite) are 14.80 ±0.11 Ma, 14.56 ±0.10 Ma, 14.53 ±0.12 Ma, 14.55 ±0.11 Ma and 14.21 ±0.19 Ma, respectively. Based on the U–Pb ages, the Hf contents and the REE patterns of the zircons, three stages are recognized in the evolutionary history of the magma chamber beneath the Ishizuchi caldera: (i) climactic Tengudake pyroclastic flow eruption; (ii) Tenchuseki rhyolite intrusion into the outer ring dike and central pluton intrusion; and (iii) Bansyodani rhyolite intrusion in the inner ring dike. These results indicate a magma evolution history of the Ishizuchi caldera system which took at least ca 600 kyr from the climatic caldera‐forming eruption to the post‐caldera intrusions. Our new geochronological data suggest that the Ishizuchi caldera formed as part of the voluminous and episodic magmatism that occurred in the wide zone along the Miocene forearc basin of Southwest Japan during the inception of the young Philippine Sea Plate subduction.  相似文献   

‘No portion of the American continent is perhaps so rich in wonders as the Yellow Stone’ (F.V. Hayden, September 2, 1874)Discoveries from multi-beam sonar mapping and seismic reflection surveys of the northern, central, and West Thumb basins of Yellowstone Lake provide new insight into the extent of post-collapse volcanism and active hydrothermal processes occurring in a large lake environment above a large magma chamber. Yellowstone Lake has an irregular bottom covered with dozens of features directly related to hydrothermal, tectonic, volcanic, and sedimentary processes. Detailed bathymetric, seismic reflection, and magnetic evidence reveals that rhyolitic lava flows underlie much of Yellowstone Lake and exert fundamental control on lake bathymetry and localization of hydrothermal activity. Many previously unknown features have been identified and include over 250 hydrothermal vents, several very large (>500 m diameter) hydrothermal explosion craters, many small hydrothermal vent craters (1–200 m diameter), domed lacustrine sediments related to hydrothermal activity, elongate fissures cutting post-glacial sediments, siliceous hydrothermal spire structures, sublacustrine landslide deposits, submerged former shorelines, and a recently active graben. Sampling and observations with a submersible remotely operated vehicle confirm and extend our understanding of the identified features. Faults, fissures, hydrothermally inflated domal structures, hydrothermal explosion craters, and sublacustrine landslides constitute potentially significant geologic hazards. Toxic elements derived from hydrothermal processes also may significantly affect the Yellowstone ecosystem.  相似文献   

Ground tilt measurements demonstrate that Askja is in a state of unrest, and that in the period 1988–1991 a maximum 48±3 rad tilt occurred down towards the centre of the caldera. This is consistent with 126 mm of deflation at the centre of the caldera with a 2.5–3.0 km depth to the source of deformation. The volume of the subsidence bowl is 6.2x106 m3. When combined with high precision microgravity measurements, the overall change in sub-surface mass may be quantified. After correction for the observed elevation change using the free air gradient of gravity measured for each station, the total decrease in mass is estimated to be less than 109 kg. A small residual ground inflation and net gravity increase in the southeastern part of the caldera may be caused by dyke intrusion in this region. The minimum dimensions of such an intrusion or complex of intrusions are 1 m width, up to 100 m deep and up to several hundred metres thick.  相似文献   

New and previously published micro-gravity data are combined with InSAR data, precise levelling and GPS measurements to produce a model for the processes operating at Krafla volcano, 20 years after its most recent eruption. The data have been divided into two periods: from 1990 to 1995 and from 1996 to 2003 and show that the rate of deflation at Krafla is decaying exponentially. The net micro-gravity change at the centre of the caldera is shown, using the measured free air gradient, to be −85 μGal for the first and −100 μGal for the second period. After consideration of the effects of water extraction by the geothermal power station within the caldera, the net gravity decreases are −73±17 μGal for the first and −65±17 μGal for the second period. These decreases are interpreted in terms of magma drainage. Following a Mogi point source model, we calculate the mass decrease to be ∼2×1010 kg/year reflecting a drainage rate of ∼0.23 m3/s, similar to the ∼0.13 m3/s drainage rate previously found at Askja volcano, N. Iceland. Based on the evidence for deeper magma reservoirs and the similarity between the two volcanic systems, we suggest a pressure-link between Askja and Krafla at deeper levels (at the lower crust or the crust-mantle boundary). After the Krafla fires, co-rifting pressure decrease of a deep source at Krafla stimulated the subsequent inflow of magma, eventually affecting conditions along the plate boundary in N. Iceland, as far away as Askja. We anticipate that the pressure of the deeper reservoir at Krafla will reach a critical value and eventually magma will rise from there to the shallow magma chamber, possibly initiating a new rifting episode. We have demonstrated that by examining micro-gravity and geodetic data, our knowledge of active volcanic systems can be significantly improved.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

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