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The emerging development of offshore wind energy has raised public concern over its impact on seabird communities. There is a need for an adequate methodology to determine its potential impacts on seabirds. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are mostly relying on a succession of plain density maps without integrated interpretation of seabird spatio-temporal variability. Using Taylor’s power law coupled with mixed effect models, the spatio-temporal variability of species’ distributions can be synthesized in a measure of the aggregation levels of individuals over time and space. Applying the method to a seabird aerial survey in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean Sea, we were able to make an explicit distinction between transitional and feeding areas to define and map the potential impacts of an offshore wind farm project. We use the Ebro Delta study case to discuss the advantages of potential impacts maps over density maps, as well as to illustrate how these potential impact maps can be applied to inform on concern levels, optimal EIA design and monitoring in the assessment of local offshore wind energy projects.  相似文献   

Summary The results of an investigation of the time variations in the vertical distribution of charged nuclei (large ions) in the atmosphere in fair weather were presented. These experiments were carried out with instruments installed in aB-17 aircraft for measuring and recording simultaneously the concentration and mobility distribution of particles with mobility between 0.7 and 2.0×10–2 cm2/sec-volt, electrical conductivity, temperature, pressure, humidity and air speed.Approximately 25 series of flights were carried out. Each series consisted of three to seven flights over an eight to twenty-four hour period. All flights in a given series were carried out over a fixed flight path. The average time interval between flights was four hours. On each flight constant altitude measurements were made between 700 and 15 000 feet above the surface at altitude intervals of 1000 feet.From shortly after sunrise to early afternoon all flights show a systematic increase with time in the charged nuclei concentration up to the level to which turbulent and convective mixing extends. Analysis of the meteorological data obtained simultaneously shows this is due primarily to the daily turbulent cycle.The late afternoon and night results are more complicated. It was found necessary to separate this data into two groups corresponding to periods of low and high wind velocity. During periods of low advection a systematic decrease with time was observed in the nuclei concentration from the middle of the afternoon to sunrise. Analysis indicates that these changes are the result of nuclei coagulation and subsidence in the atmosphere. Non-systematic changes with time occurred during periods of intense advection which were found to be the result of continued instability in the lowest layers of the atmosphere and to inhomogeneities in the air mass. Above the exchange layer the changes in nuclei concentration in time at a given level were found to be non-systematic.The time variations in the electrical conductivity were summarized and shown to be primarily the result of changes in the nuclei concentration. Further support for this interpretation of the results is given by the nature of the changes with time in the horizontal variations of charged nuclei, electrical conductivity and humidity.  相似文献   

Ecosystem effects of fishing activities in the North Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The North Sea harbours an intensive fishery which removes between 30 and 40% of the biomass of exploited fish species each year. In addition fishing causes mortality of non-target species of benthos, fish, seabirds and mammals. Heavy towed gears disturb the uppermost layer of the seabed and cause mortality of benthos, while gillnets accidentally entangle seabirds and marine mammals. Unwanted catch is usually returned to the sea where it is eaten by scavenging species, such as seabirds. Since the North Sea ecosystem is highly complex and exhibits a high natural variability, it has proved difficult to isolate the longer term consequences of these impacts. Until more is known about the environmental impact of fisheries management, action (or no action) will have to be agreed upon in the light of considerable scientific uncertainty.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in the impacts of wind farms upon birds, few researchers have examined the potential for indirect or trophic (predator-prey) effects. Using surface trawls, we monitored prey abundance before and after construction of a 30 turbine offshore wind farm sited close to an internationally important colony of Little terns. Observations confirmed that young-of-the-year clupeids dominated chick diet, which trawl samples suggested were mainly herring. Multivariate modelling indicated a significant reduction in herring abundance from 2004 onwards that could not be explained by environmental factors. Intensely noisy monopile installation during the winter spawning period was suggested to be responsible. Reduced prey abundance corresponded with a significant decline in Little tern foraging success. Unprecedented egg abandonment and lack of chick hatching tentatively suggested a colony-scale response in some years. We urge a precautionary approach to the timing and duration of pile-driving activity supported with long-term targeted monitoring of sensitive receptors.  相似文献   

Seabirds aggregate around oil drilling platforms and rigs in above average numbers due to night lighting, flaring, food and other visual cues. Bird mortality has been documented due to impact on the structure, oiling and incineration by the flare. The environmental circumstances for offshore hydrocarbon development in North-west Atlantic are unique because of the harsh climate, cold waters and because enormous seabird concentrations inhabit and move through the Grand Banks in autumn (storm-petrels, Oceanodroma spp), winter (dovekies, Alle alle, murres, Uria spp), spring and summer (shearwaters, Puffinus spp). Many species are planktivorous and attracted to artificial light sources. Most of the seabirds in the region are long-distance migrants, and hydrocarbon development in the North-west Atlantic could affect both regional and global breeding populations. Regulators need to take responsibility for these circumstances. It is essential to implement comprehensive, independent arm's length monitoring of potential avian impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms in the North-west Atlantic. This should include quantifying and determining the nature, timing and extent of bird mortality caused by these structures. Based on existing evidence of potential impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms on seabirds, it is difficult to understand why this has not been and is not being, systematically implemented.  相似文献   

Tephra fall from the August 1991 eruption of Volcán Hudson affected some 100,000 km2 of Patagonia and was almost immediately reworked by strong winds, creating billowing clouds of remobilised ash, or ‘ash storms’. The immediate impacts on agriculture and rural communities were severe, but were then greatly exacerbated by continuing ash storms. This paper describes the findings of a 3-week study tour of the diverse environments of southern Patagonia affected by ash storms, with an emphasis on determining the impacts of repeated ash storms on agriculture and local practices that were developed in an attempt to mitigate these impacts. Ash storms produce similar effects to initial tephra eruptions, prolonged for considerable periods. These have included the burial of farmland under dune deposits, abrasion of vegetation and contamination of feed supplies with fine ash. These impacts can then cause problems for grazing animals such as starvation, severe tooth abrasion, gastrointestinal problems, corneal abrasion and blindness, and exhaustion if sheep fleeces become laden with ash. In addition, ash storms have led to exacerbated soil erosion, human health impacts, increased cleanup requirements, sedimentation in irrigation canals, and disruption of aviation and land transport. Ash deposits were naturally stabilised most rapidly in areas with high rainfall (>1,500 mm/year) through compaction and enhanced vegetation growth. Stabilisation was slowest in windy, semi-arid regions. Destruction of vegetation and suppression of regrowth by heavy tephra fall (>100 mm) hindered the stabilisation of deposits for years, and reduced the surface friction which increased wind erosivity. Stabilisation of tephra deposits was improved by intensive tillage, use of windbreaks and where there was dense and taller vegetative cover. Long-term drought and the impracticality of mixing ash deposits with soil by tillage on large farms was a barrier to stabilising deposits and, in turn, agricultural recovery. The continuing ash storms motivated the partial evacuation of small rural towns such as Chile Chico (Chile) and Los Antiguos (Argentina) in September–December 1991, after the primary tephra fall in August 1991. Greatly increased municipal cleanup efforts had to be sustained beyond the initial tephra fall to cope with the ongoing impacts of ash storms. Throughout the 1990s, ash storms contributed to continued population migration out of the affected area, leaving hundreds of farms abandoned on the Argentine steppe. The major lesson from our study is the importance of stabilisation of ash deposits as soon as possible after the initial eruption, particularly in windy, arid climates. Suggested mitigation measures include deep cultivation of the ash into the soil and erecting windbreaks.  相似文献   

Entanglement with plastic debris is a major cause of mortality in marine taxa, but the population-level consequences are unknown. Some seabirds collect marine debris for nesting material, which may lead to entanglement. Here we investigate the use of plastics as nesting material by northern gannets Morus bassanus and assess the associated levels of mortality. On average gannet nests contained 469.91 g (range 0-1293 g) of plastic, equating to an estimated colony total of 18.46 tonnes (range 4.47-42.34 tonnes). The majority of nesting material was synthetic rope, which appears to be used preferentially. On average 62.85 ± 26.84 (range minima 33-109) birds were entangled each year, totalling 525 individuals over eight years, the majority of which were nestlings. Although mortality rates are high, they are unlikely to have population-level effects. The use of synthetic fibres as nesting material is a common strategy among seabirds, but the impacts of entanglement warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Dumont d'Urville on the Antarctic coast is an area well known for the presence of strong katabatic winds. Since the austral summer 1979/80 a US-French joint experiment has been investigating the katabatic wind in this region. In early 1980 three automatic weather stations (AWS) were installed along a trajectory from Dome Charlie to Dumont d'Urville. Measurements from these stations include air pressure, temperature, wind speed and direction at ground level only. To supplement these data with information regarding the vertical structure and the advective changes in the katabatic flow, two airborne missions were undertaken in November 1980 along a route from Dome Charlie (Dome C) to Dumont d'Urville.In this paper measurements from these two flights are reported and comparisons made with theoretical models of katabatic flow. The data suggest that equilibrium katabatic flow was not established during these two flights. Downslope acceleration of the wind was particularly marked on 20 November, and a hydraulic jump was encountered in the vicinity of Dumont d'Urville. Relative humidity along the trajectory decreased as the coast was approached consistent with the rapid rise in adiabatic temperature. Simultaneously the absolute moisture content of the air increased indicative of net moisture influx. One source of the moisture increase is the evaporation of blowing snow especially in the intense wind region of the coastal slope near Dumont d'Urville.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis of turbulence in cirrus clouds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two flights of the UK Meteorological Offices Hercules aircraft through daytime frontal cirrus around Scotland have been analysed using wavelet analysis on the vertical velocity time-series from the horizontal runs. It is shown that wavelet analysis is a useful tool for analysing the turbulence data in cirrus clouds. It finds the largest scales involved in producing turbulence, as does Fourier analysis, such as the 2-km spectral peaks corresponding to convective activity during flight A283. Wavelet spectra have the added advantage that the position is shown, and so they identify smaller-scale, highly localised processes such as the production of turbulent kinetic energy by the breaking of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves due to the vertical shear in the horizontal wind. These may be lost in Fourier spectra obtained for long time-series, though they contribute something to the average spectral density at the appropriate scale. The main disadvantage of this technique is that only octave frequency bands are resolved.  相似文献   

Colonial auk (Alcid) populations can be used as indicators of the effects of oil pollution on the seabirds of Canada's coastal zones. Of approximately 11 million breeding colonial alcids in Canada and in adjacent West Greenland waters, 87% are murres. Common Eiders may serve as the best indicators of the effects of oil pollution in Canada's western Arctic where colonial alcids are scarce.  相似文献   

While many surface foraging seabirds ingest plastic, the spatial overlap of these far-ranging predators with debris aggregations at-sea is poorly understood. We surveyed concurrent distributions of marine birds and debris along a 4400 km cruise track within a debris accumulation area in the North East Pacific Ocean using line and strip transect methods. Analysis of debris and bird distributions revealed associations with oceanographic and weather variables at two spatial scales: daily surveys and hourly transects. Hourly bird abundance (densities; 0-9 birds km−2) was higher in lower wind and shallower water. Hourly debris abundance (densities; 0-15,222 pieces km−2) was higher in lower wind, higher sea-level atmospheric pressure and deeper water. These results suggest that debris and seabird abundance and community structure are influenced by similar environmental processes, but in opposing ways, with only three far-ranging seabird species (Black-footed Albatross, Cook’s Petrel and Red-tailed Tropicbird) overlapping with high debris concentrations over meso-scales.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of dredging on seagrasses: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Main potential impacts on seagrasses from dredging and sand mining include physical removal and/or burial of vegetation and effects of increased turbidity and sedimentation. For seagrasses, the critical threshold for turbidity and sedimentation, as well as the duration that seagrasses can survive periods of high turbidity or excessive sedimentation vary greatly among species. Larger, slow-growing climax species with substantial carbohydrate reserves show greater resilience to such events than smaller opportunistic species, but the latter display much faster post-dredging recovery when water quality conditions return to their original state. A review of 45 case studies worldwide, accounting for a total loss of 21,023 ha of seagrass vegetation due to dredging, is indicative of the scale of the impact of dredging on seagrasses. In recent years, tighter control in the form of strict regulations, proper enforcement and monitoring, and mitigating measures together with proper impact assessment and development of new environmental dredging techniques help to prevent or minimize adverse impacts on seagrasses. Costs of such measures are difficult to estimate, but seem negligible in comparison with costs of seagrass restoration programmes, which are typically small-scale in approach and often have limited success. Copying of dredging criteria used in one geographic area to a dredging operation in another may in some cases lead to exaggerated limitations resulting in unnecessary costs and delays in dredging operations, or in other cases could prove damaging to seagrass ecosystems. Meaningful criteria to limit the extent and turbidity of dredging plumes and their effects will always require site-specific evaluations and should take into account the natural variability of local background turbidity.  相似文献   

Small unoccupied aerial systems (sUASs) are increasingly applied to study hydrologic processes and water quality. Here, we evaluate a novel application of sUAS to stream turbidity monitoring, with the goal of extending analyses implemented with satellite remote sensing to enable high resolution, rapid collection of turbidity imagery along smaller waterbodies. To accomplish this, we collected multispectral imagery using two sUAS platforms under a range of environmental conditions along a local creek in Syracuse, NY. In addition, we collected in situ turbidity observations immediately after each flight along several transects along the creek, as well as within a clear plume created by a natural spring entering the main channel of the creek. The in situ turbidity values were compared with the mean and standard deviation of several single‐band and multiband indices extracted along similar transects from the sUAS flights. On the basis of data collected across several flights, we found optical metrics obtained from multispectral imagery correlated well with in situ turbidity measurements. Though many optical metrics yielded strong relationships considering only values within the main channel, values associated with the red band were strongly related to turbidity estimates from the main channel as well as lower turbidity values observed in the spring plume. Although there are still limitations of this approach associated with variable field conditions, results from this proof of concept analysis show that sUASs offer a promising avenue for cost‐effective turbidity monitoring.  相似文献   

In 2007, European leaders agreed to source 20% of their energy needs from renewable energy; since that time, offshore wind farms have been receiving attention in the European Union (EU). In 2008, the European Community submitted a proposal to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in order to combat marine noise pollution. In consideration of these facts, the present paper aims to deduce a preliminary hypothesis and its formulation for the effect of offshore wind farm noise on fish. The following general picture is drawn: the short-term potential impact during pre-construction; the short-term intensive impact during construction; and the physiological and/or masking effects that may occur over a long period while the wind farm is in operation. The EU’s proposal to UNEP includes noise databases that list the origins of man-made sounds; it is advisable that offshore wind farms should be listed in the noise databases in order to promote rational environment management.  相似文献   

The currently available experimental data, among which the series of particle flux measurements on satellites are of crucial importance, have revealed a number of regularities pertaining to solar cosmic rays (SCRs). Based on these regularities, we have developed a probabilistic model of particle fluxes. This model not only provides a basis for determining radiation conditions in space flights and space weather impacts but also allows such situations as the occurrence of extreme SCR events in the quiet-Sun period in 2005–2006 to be predicted.  相似文献   

于超  周立志  宋昀微 《湖泊科学》2019,31(1):195-201
能量的消耗模式是动物适合度的重要体现,动物的日常行为和栖息地特征共同影响日能量消耗.稻田生境是越冬水鸟重要的觅食场所之一,同时又容易受到人为干扰,越冬水鸟应对日间不同的人为干扰因素而合理进行能量消耗配置,对于在越冬后期为迁徙而贮备能量的水鸟来说尤为迫切和重要.本文采用焦点动物取样法,观测越冬后期稻田中小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)在干扰和非干扰环境中昼间行为的时间分配,推算其能量消耗.结果表明,小天鹅在干扰环境中警戒行为的时间分配和能量消耗、单次警戒时间和警戒频次均显著大于非干扰环境,游泳频次也是如此;在稻田中的昼间警戒能耗随干扰时间增加而增加,随干扰距离增加而降低.干扰造成小天鹅减少高能耗的取食行为,增加低能耗的警戒行为,降低昼间总能量的消耗.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) faces increasing pressure from commercial shipping traffic and proposed marine renewable energy developments. Drawing upon the successful Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary model, we propose a multi-stakeholder marine spatial planning process that considers both appropriate positioning of offshore wind farms and redefining commercial shipping lanes relative to whale migration routes: placement of wind turbines within certain right whale habitats may prove beneficial for the species. To that end, it may be advisable to initially relocate the shipping lanes for the benefit of the whales prior to selecting wind energy areas. The optimal end-state is the commercial viability of renewable energy, as well as a safe shipping infrastructure, with minimal risk of collision and exposure to shipping noise for the whales. This opportunity to manage impacts on right whales could serve as a model for other problematic interactions between marine life and commercial activities.  相似文献   

China has developed an airborne gravimetry system based on SINS/DGPS named SGA-WZ,the first system in which a strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS)has been used for airborne gravimetry in China.This gravity measurement system consists of a strap-down inertial navigation system and a differential global positioning system(DGPS).In April 2010,a flight test was carried out in Shandong Province of China to test the accuracy of this system.The test was designed to assess the repeatability and accuracy of the system.Two repeated flights and six grid flights were made.The flying altitude was about 400 m.The average flying speed was about 60 m/s,which corresponds to a spatial resolution of 4.8 km when using 160-s cutoff low-pass filter.This paper describes the data processing of the system.The evaluation of the internal precision is based on repeated flights and differences in crossover points.Gravity results in this test from the repeated flight lines show that the repeatability of the repeat lines is 1.6 mGal with a spatial resolution of 4.8 km,and the internal precision of grid flight data is3.2 mGal with a spatial resolution of 4.8 km.There are some systematic errors in the gravity results,which can be modeled using trigonometric function.After the systematic errors are compensated,the precision of grid flight data can be better than1 mGal.  相似文献   

Operational discharges of hydrocarbons from maritime activities can have major cumulative impacts on marine ecosystems. Small quantities of oil (i.e., 10 ml) results in often lethally reduced thermoregulation in seabirds. Thin sheens of oil and drilling fluids form around offshore petroleum production structures from currently permissible operational discharges of hydrocarbons. Methodology was developed to measure feather microstructure impacts (amalgamation index or AI) associated with sheen exposure. We collected feather samples from two common North Atlantic species of seabirds; Common Murres (Uria aalge) and Dovekies (Alle alle). Impacts were compared after feather exposure to crude oil and synthetic lubricant sheens of varying thicknesses. Feather weight and microstructure changed significantly for both species after exposure to thin sheens of crude oil and synthetic drilling fluids. Thus, seabirds may be impacted by thin sheens forming around offshore petroleum production facilities from discharged produced water containing currently admissible concentrations of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Wind power is a renewable energy resource, that has relatively cheap installation costs and it is highly possible that will become the main energy resource in the near future. Wind power needs to be integrated efficiently into electricity grids, and to optimize the power dispatch, techniques to predict the level of wind power and the associated variability are critical. Ideally, one would like to obtain reliable probability density forecasts for the wind power distributions. We aim at contributing to the literature of wind power prediction by developing and analysing a spatio-temporal methodology for wind power production, that is tested on wind power data from Denmark. We use anisotropic spatio-temporal correlation models to account for the propagation of weather fronts, and a transformed latent Gaussian field model to accommodate the probability masses that occur in wind power distribution due to chains of zeros. We apply the model to generate multi-step ahead probability predictions for wind power generated at both locations where wind farms already exist but also to nearby locations.  相似文献   

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