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Summary. We give a derivation of the displacement potentials and the wave equations which they satisfy. The derivation is similar to one given by Richards but is more general and yields explicit formulas for the source terms. This generality is retained when the moment tensor representation of the source is used. Formulas for the source terms are given in both spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems and are evaluated for the particular case of a point source with second order moment tensor.  相似文献   

Seismic waves in a stratified half space   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. For a buried source in a stratified elastic half space, the surface displacements are calculated by numerical integration of the Fourier–Bessel transform of the response. In the transform space this response is conveniently represented in terms of the reflection and transmission properties of the half space. For a layered medium this procedure avoids all problems associated with growing exponential terms in the evanescent regime. A slightly attenuative medium is assumed, so that the surface wave poles are shifted off the real slowness axis and thus a contour of integration along this axis may be employed. A general point source is represented by an arbitrary moment tensor.
The procedure is illustrated by calculations of three component seismograms including all P , SV and SH contributions for body and surface waves at moderate ranges. For local earthquakes we illustrate the striking effect of focal depth and also show the effect of sedimentary cover on strong ground motion.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography has been one of the primary tools to image the interior of the earth and other elastic structures. To date the inversions of compressional ( P ) and shear ( S ) wave speeds have been carried out separately under the assumption that P traveltimes are affected only by the P wave speed of the elastic media and S traveltimes by the S wave speed. Using numerical and analytical solutions, we show that for finite-frequency seismic waves, S wave speed perturbations may have significant effects on P waveforms. This suggests that when waveform-derived traveltime and amplitude anomalies are used in tomographic inversions, the P -wave measurements should be related to not only P wave speed perturbations but also S wave speed perturbations.  相似文献   

Summary. Propagator matrix solutions to the elastic equations of motion in spherically symmetric, inhomogeneous media with moment tensor sources are recast into a simple and intuitively satisfying form which is applicable to both exact and approximate calculations. The transformed expression benefits from the analogous equations of normal mode excitation, while clearly distinguishing the finer partitions of the displacement field and the more flexible boundary conditions that body wave formulations provide. I believe that this new representation, because of its many advantages, should be favoured as the foundation for elastic wave calculations in a sphere.  相似文献   

Elastic scattered waves from a continuous and heterogeneous layer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Elastic scattering from a continuous and laterally unbounded heterogeneous layer has been formulated using the Born approximation. A general solution of the scattered wave equation for the above-stated medium has been given in terms of a Fourier integral over plane waves. Far-field asymptotic expressions for weak elastic scattering by a finite, continuous and inhomogeneous layer have been presented which agree with earlier results. For perturbations of the two elastic parameters and the density having the same form of spatial variation, the spectrum of plane waves scattered from a heterogeneous layer is expressed as a product of an 'elastic scattering factor'and a 'distribution factor'. As in earlier results for small-scale heterogeneity, the scattering pattern depends on various combinations of perturbations of elastic parameters and density. In order to show the general characteristics of the elastic wave scattering, some scattering patterns have been given.  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of initial stress on the velocities of plane elastic waves is considered and corrections to the first order in terms of initial stress for P -and S -waves are obtained. The results are compared with those of Dahlen, who found that to the first order the initial stress had no effect on P -wave velocities: this conclusion is shown to be correct only when the unstressed material is isotropic.  相似文献   

Summary. The basic equations describing the dynamical effects of the Earth's fluid core (Liouville, Navier-Stokes and elasticity equations) are derived for an ellipsoidal earth model without axial symmetry but with an homogeneous and deformable fluid core and elastic mantle.
We develop the balance of moment of momentum up to the second order and use Love numbers to describe the inertia tensor's variations. The inertial torque takes into account the ellipticity and the volume change of the liquid core. On the core—mantle boundary we locate dissipative, magnetic and viscous torques. In this way we obtain quite a complete formulation for the Liouville equations.
These equations are restricted in order to obtain the usual Chandler and nearly diurnal eigenfrequencies.
Then we propose a method for calculating the perturbations of these eigenfrequencies when considering additional terms in the Liouville equations.  相似文献   

Summary. The limitations of asymptotic wave theory and its geometrical manifestations are newly formalized and scrutinized. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of acoustic and seismic rays and beams in general inhomogeneous media are expressed in terms of new physical parameters: the threshold frequency ω0 associated with the P/S decoupling condition, the cut-off frequency ωc associated with the radiation-zone condition, the total curvature of the wavefront and the Fresnel-zone radius.
The analysis is facilitated with the introduction of a new ancillary functional – the hypereikonal which is capable of representing ordinary as well as evanescent waves. The hypereikonal is the natural extension of the eikonal theory.
With the aid of the above new parameters, simple conditions are obtained for the decoupled far field, the decoupled near field, two point dynamic ray tracing, paraxial wavefields and Gaussian beams.  相似文献   

A general tomographic technique is designed in order (i) to operate in anisotropic media; (ii) to account for the uneven seismic sampling and (iii) to handle massive data sets in a reasonable computing time. One modus operandi to compute a 3-D body wave velocity model relies on surface wave phase velocity measurements. An intermediate step, shared by other approaches, consists in translating, for each period of a given mode branch, the phase velocities integrated along ray paths into local velocity perturbations. To this end, we develop a method, which accounts for the azimuthal anisotropy in its comprehensive form. The weakly non-linear forward problem allows to use a conjugate gradient optimization. The Earth's surface is regularly discretized and the partial derivatives are assigned to the individual grid points. Possible lack of lateral resolution, due to the inescapable uneven ray path coverage, is taken into account through the a priori covariances on parameters with laterally variable correlation lengths. This method allows to efficiently separate the 2ψ and the 4ψ anisotropic effects from the isotropic perturbations. Fundamental mode and overtone phase velocity maps, derived with real Rayleigh wave data sets, are presented and compared with previous maps. The isotropic models concur well with the results of Trampert & Woodhouse. Large 4ψ heterogeneities are located in the tectonically active regions and over the continental lithospheres such as North America, Antarctica or Australia. At various periods, a significant 4ψ signature is correlated with the Hawaii hotspot track. Finally, concurring with the conclusions of Trampert & Woodhouse, our phase velocity maps show that Rayleigh wave data sets do need both 2ψ and 4ψ anisotropic terms.  相似文献   

Summary. The response of a stratified elastic medium can be conveniently characterized by the Green's tensor for the medium. For coupled seismic wave propagation ( P—SV or fully anisotropic), the Green's tensor may be constructed directly from two matrices of linearly independent displacement solutions. Rather simple forms for the Green's tensor can be found if each displacement matrix satisfies one of the boundary conditions on the seismic field. This approach relates directly to 'reflection matrix' representations of the seismic field.
For a stratified elastic half space the Green's tensor is used to give a spectral representation for coupled seismic waves. By means of a contour integration a general completeness relation is obtained for the 'body wave' and 'surface wave' parts of the seismic field. This relation is appropriate for SH and P–SV waves in an isotropic medium and also for full anisotropy.  相似文献   

The diffraction of P, S and Rayleigh waves by 3-D topographies in an elastic half-space is studied using a simplified indirect boundary element method (IBEM). This technique is based on the integral representation of the diffracted elastic fields in terms of single-layer boundary sources. It can be seen as a numerical realization of Huygens principle because diffracted waves are constructed at the boundaries from where they are radiated by means of boundary sources. A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for such sources is obtained from the stress-free boundary conditions. A simplified discretization scheme for the numerical and analytical integration of the exact Green's functions, which employs circles of various sizes to cover most of the boundary surface, is used.
The incidence of elastic waves on 3-D topographical profiles is studied. We analyse the displacement amplitudes in the frequency, space and time domains. The results show that the vertical walls of a cylindrical cavity are strong diffractors producing emission of energy in all directions. In the case of a mountain and incident P, SV and SH waves the results show a great variability of the surface ground motion. These spatial variations are due to the interference between locally generated diffracted waves. A polarization analysis of the surface displacement at different locations shows that the diffracted waves are mostly surface and creeping waves.  相似文献   

Summary. A technique based on ray asymptotics has been developed to propagate complex spectra of elastic normal mode surface waves in a waveguide with material and geometrical properties varying smoothly in the lateral directions. In the technique, the original problem defined in the unstretched coordinates has been transformed into an eiconal equation as well as into a certain number of transport equations defined in stretched coordinates.
The solution of the eiconal equation is equal to the solution of the eigenproblem of the eiconal operator A0. Due to the self-adjointness of A0, in each of the relevant local inner product spaces, LIPS, the solution of the eigenproblem, A0ψ= v ψ results in the set { v t} of real local eigenvalues and in the orthonormal system {ψt} of local eigenvectors.
As the Hamiltonian function of an initial value problem, each eigenvalues gives birth to a bicharacteristic curve as well as to the related ray. The introduction of the rays induces connections between the vertical cross-sections of the waveguide.
Finally, for each asymptotic order j , the LIPS-valued transport equations are reduced to a set of matricial propagation equations in the local spectral amplitude vectors, LSAVs. Consequently, a knowledge of the initial conditions at a vertical cross-section makes it possible to propagate the LSAVs along the rays of the relevant modes. However, to complete the propagation one needs, in addition to the initial values, information about certain additional quantities, non-diagonal terms of order j , diagonal terms of orders lower than j and the auxiliary boundary terms of orders from 1 to j . The treatment has been completed by the propagation of the modal phases along the relevant rays.  相似文献   

This paper investigates possible long-period oscillations of the earth's fluid outer core. Equations describing free oscillations in a stratified, self-gravitating, rotating fluid sphere are developed using a regular perturbation on the equations of hydrodynamics. The resulting system is reduced to a finite set of ordinary differential equations by ignoring the local horizontal component of the earth's angular velocity vector, Ω, and retaining only the vertical component. The angular dependence of the eigensolutions is described by Hough functions, which are solutions to Laplace's tidal equation.
The model considered here consists of a uniform solid elastic mantle and inner core surrounding a stratified, rotating, inviscid fluid outer core. The quantity which describes the core's stratification is the Brunt—Väisälä frequency N , and for particular distributions of this parameter, analytical solutions are presented. The interaction of buoyancy, and rotation results in two types of wave motion, the amplitudes of which are confined predominantly to the outer core: (1) internal gravity waves which exist when N 2 > 0, and (2) inertial oscillations which exist when N 2<4Ω2. For a model with a stable density stratification similar to that proposed by Higgins & Kennedy (1971), the resulting internal gravity wave eigenperiods are all at least 8 hr, and the fundamental modes have periods of at least 13 hr. A model with an unstable density stratification admits no internal gravity waves but does admit inertial oscillations whose eigenperiods have a lower bound of 12hr.  相似文献   

Summary. The elastodynamic fields of point forces and shear dislocations of finite source duration are analysed with the aim of establishing the frequency and time-domain characteristics of the field in the near-source region. Criteria are obtained for amplitude dominance in regions where the source–sensor distance is much smaller than the wavelength.
It is shown that in the frequency domain , the Green's tensor (and hence the displacement field of a single point force) attenuates like R −1 in the near-source region and there exists no region in which the 'near-field' term becomes dominant such that the 'far-field' term can be neglected. Hence, there is no real 'near-field' term for the elastodynamic Green's tensor. The near-field terms of the displacements, velocities and accelerations excited by a shear dislocation attenuate like R −2, since the R −3 and R −4 terms tend to be eliminated due to mutual cancellation of P and S motions in the near-source region.
In the time domain , the corresponding near field of the displacement field is defined for the steady amplitude interval (away from transients) R /β < t < R /α+ T by the condition R ≤βT where β is the shear velocity and T is the source's duration. The relative strengths of all other arrivals will depend on the particular time window under consideration.
The particle motion patterns due to a single force in the near-source region are shown to be similar to rotating hyperbolas with an axis along the force direction, which are quite different from the 'smoke ring' motion patterns of the so-called 'near-field' term itself.  相似文献   

Gaussian beams in elastic 2-D laterally varying layered structures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. In a paper by Červený & Pšenčik, high-frequency Gaussian beams in elastic 2-D, laterally inhomogeneous, smooth media were investigated as asymptotic high-frequency solutions of elastodynamic equations, concentrated close to rays of P - and S -waves. This paper generalizes the above results for 2-D, laterally inhomogeneous, layered structures. Gaussian beams concentrated close to any multiply-reflected, possibly converted, ray are investigated. Gaussian beams are regular everywhere, including caustic regions. The paraxial ray approximation, which allows the wavefield in the zero-order ray approximation to be evaluated not only directly on the ray, but also in its vicinity, is derived as a limiting case of the Gaussian beams.  相似文献   

Out of the four waves in an anisotropic poroelastic medium, two are termed as quasi-transverse waves. The prefix 'quasi' refers to their polarizations being nearly, but not exactly, perpendicular to direction of propagation. In this composite medium, unlike perfectly elastic medium, the propagation of a longitudinal wave along a phase direction may not be accompanied by transverse waves. The existence of a transverse wave in anisotropic poroelastic media is ensured by the two equations restricting the choice of elastic coefficients of porous aggregate as well as fluid–solid coupling. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of transverse waves along the coordinate axes and in the coordinate planes for general anisotropy are discussed. The discussion is extended to the case of orthotropic materials and existence for few specific phase directions is also explored. The conditions for the transverse waves decided on the basis of their apparent polarizations, that is, particle motion being perpendicular to ray direction, are also discussed. For a particular numerical model, the existence of these apparent transverse waves is solved numerically for phase directions in coordinate planes. For general directions of phase propagation, the existence of these transverse waves is checked graphically for the chosen numerical model.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic detection technology is of great significance in the detection and evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of frozen soil, but wave propagation characteristics in frozen soil are unclear. Based on the three-phase composition of frozen saturated soil and the mixture theory, considering Bishop's effective stress formula, the wave propagation equations are establish for frozen saturated soil. In wave propagation, an entropy inequality was introduced to describe the coupling of different phases. The analytic expressions of propagation velocity and attenuation law of waves in frozen soil are obtained, and wave propagation characteristics in frozen saturated soil are discussed. Results show that four types of waves(i.e., P1, P2, P3 and S) are found in frozen saturated soil and all four wave types are dissipative waves, in which the attenuation of P3 is the maximum. The velocity of four waves increases sharply at the excitation frequency range of 10~3–10~9 Hz,but the wave velocity at high-frequency and low-frequency is almost constant. When volume ice content increases, the wave propagation velocity of P1 and S decreases dramatically, and the velocity of P2 increases gradually, but P3 velocity increases first and then decreases to zero with increasing saturation. The attenuation coefficients of P1 and S waves begins to increase gradually when the volume ice content is about 0.4, P2 increases first and then decreases with an increase of volume ice content and P3 increases with the volume ice content and decreases rapidly from extreme to zero.  相似文献   

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