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nternationalJournalofRemoteSensing,2 0 0 3,2 4 (3)0 4 0 10 1 埃布罗河中心盆地的TM与雷达图像的比较 =AnExampleofaComparisonbetweenThematicMapperandRadarImagesintheCentralEbroBasin[英 ]/ArleguiLE ,SorianoMA .- 4 5 7~ 4 740 4 0 10 2 利用星载光学和SAR数据确定次北极圈浅滩湖泊的深度与冰厚 =DeterminingDepthandIceThicknessofShallowSub ArcticLakesUsingSpace BorneOpticalandSARData[英 ]/DuguayCR ,LafleurPM .- 4 75~ 4 890 4 0 10 3 海洋颜色遥感 :近似大气改正方法的精度评价 =RemoteSensi…  相似文献   

PE&RS ,2 0 0 3,6 9(12 )0 4 0 4 0 1 用于水生数据开发的数字高程模型的比较=ComparisonofDigitalEle vationModelsforAquaticDataDevelop ment[英]/ClarkeS ,BurnettK .—136 7~13760 4 0 4 0 2 融合多源粗分辨率遥感数据进行城市区域制图=MappingUrbanAreasbyFusingMultipleSourcesofCoarseRes olutionRemotelySensedData [英]/SchneiderA ,FriedlMA ,McIverDM .—1377~11380 4 0 4 0 3 基于州级的GAP和NLCD土地覆盖数据比较分析=AState levelComparativeAnalysisoftheGAPandNL CDLand coverDataSets[英]/Wa…  相似文献   

GPSSolutions,2 0 0 3,7(3)0 4 0 5 0 1 GPS广播与精密星历 :历史观=Broadcastvs.PreciseGPSEphemerides:aHistoricalPerspective[英 ]/WarrenDL ,RaquetJF .— 1 5 1~1 5 60 4 0 5 0 2 用于交通移动信息系统的一种通用地图匹配算法 =AGeneralMapMatchingAlgorithmforTransportTelem aticsApplications [英 ]/QuddusMA ,OchiengWY ,ZhaoLin ,NolandRB .—1 5 7~ 1 6 70 4 0 5 0 3 GPSP码快速直接获取 =FastDirectGPSP CodeAcquisition [英 \〗/PangJing ,GraasFV ,StarzykJ ,ZhuZhen .— 1 6 8~ 1 750 4 0 5…  相似文献   

InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing ,2 0 0 2 ,2 3( 12 )0 30 30 1 卫星观测加拿大森林火灾烟羽=SatelliteObservationsofSmokePlumesfromForestFiresinCanada[英 ]/ChungY S .— 2 341~ 2 3440 30 30 2 遥感探讨雨滴大小对雨生成环形波的影响 =DropSizeEffectsonRain GeneratedRing WaveswithaViewtoRe moteSensingApplications [英 ]/SobieskiP .— 2 345~ 2 35 80 30 30 3 利用分布式目标偏振测定表面全向散射 =PolarimetricSurfaceScatteringOmnidirectionallyfromDistributedTarget[英 ]/HsiehCY .— 2 35 9~ …  相似文献   

JournaloftheSurveyingEngineering,2 0 0 3,12 9(1)0 30 5 0 1 我们能多精确地利用GPS和大地水准面数据测定正高差 =HowAc curatelyCanWeDetermineOrthometricHeightDifferencesfromGPSandGeoidData?[英 ]/FotopoulosG ,KotsakisC ,SiderisMG .- 1~ 100 30 5 0 2 方差分量估计与GPS精密定位 :实例研究 =VarianceComponentEsti mationandPreciseGPSPositioning :CaseStudy[英 ]/TiberiusC ,KenselaarF .-11~ 180 30 5 0 3 弯曲道路的土方估计 :模拟模型 =EstimatingEarthworkVolumesofCurvedRoadways:SimulationMo…  相似文献   

JournalofGeodesy ,2 0 0 2 ,76 (4)0 30 10 1 用卫星交叉测高评价‘GRIM 5_S1’和‘GRIM 5_C1’两个CHAMP初始重力模型 =EvaluationofPre_CHAMPGravityModels‘GRIM5_S1’and‘GRIM 5_C1’withSatelliteCrossoverAltimetry[英 ]/Klokoˇcn姫kJ ,ReigberCh ,schwintzerP… .— 189~ 1980 30 10 2 长周期极移 =OnLong_periodPolarMotion[英 ]/Vi cente…  相似文献   

ISPRSJournalofPhotogrammetryandRemoteSensing,2004,59(1-2)050101 先进的地理空间数据分析技术=AdvancedTechniquesforAnalysisofGeoSpatialData[英]/ShiWenzhong(John),LiZhilin,BedardY.-1~5050102 时空探讨与分析的超立方体方法的实现和评估=ImplementationandEvaluationofaHypercubeBasedMethodforSpatiotemporalExplorationandAnalysis[英]/MarchandP,BriseboisA,BédardY….-6~20050103 地理数据挖掘障碍的聚类分析=ClusteringwithObstaclesforGeographicalDataMining[英]/EstivillCastroV,LeeI.-21~3405010…  相似文献   

ernationalJournalofRemoteSensing .- 2 0 0 4 ,2 5 (4)0 4 0 6 0 1 利用卫星遥感数据进行玄武岩地形大比例尺土壤制图的技术 =Tech niqueofLarge ScaleSoilMappinginBasalticTerrainUsingSatelliteRemoteSensingData[英 ] RajeevS ,SaxenaRK ....- 6 79~ 6 890 4 0 6 0 2 利用LandsatTM 6波段热数据分析热带干燥林地区土地覆盖的评价 =AnAssessmentofLandsatTMBand 6Ther malDataforAnalysingLandCoverinTropi calDryForestRegions[英 ] SouthworthJ.-6 89~ 70 70 4 0 6 0 3 利用多日期LandsatTM数据和预分类影像…  相似文献   

GPS Solutions,2007(1)巴西新的GPS参考站=New Global Positioning System Reference Station in Brazil[英]/Ray J,Crump D,Chin M//GPS Solutions,2007,11(1).-1-10未来全球导航卫星系统三频载波相位的最佳线性组合=Optimal Linear Combinations of Triple Frequency Carrier Phase Data from Future Global Navigation Satellite Systems[英]/Richert T,El-Sheimy N//GPS Solutions,2007,11(1).-11-19用GPS短基线时间系列评估接收机噪声=Assessing Receiver Noise Using GPS Short Baseline Time Series[英]/Amiri-Simkooei A R,Tiberius C C J M//GPS Solutions,2007,11(2).-1-35  相似文献   

PhotogrammetricEngineeringandRe moteSensing.-2005,71(1)050401利用模糊集映射空间专题图精度=MappingSpatialThematicAccuracy withFuzzySets[英]/LiemTT,Wick hamJ,JarnaginST.-29~36050402用于探测机场障碍的机载激光扫描仪的设计=ConfiguringanAir borneLaserScannerfo  相似文献   

ISPRSJournalofPhotogrammetryandRe moteSensing ,2 0 0 3 ,5 8( 1~2 )0 40 3 0 1 关于城市地区多源数据融合算法和技术问题=ThemeIssueonAlgorithmsandTechniquesforMulti sourceDataFusioninUrbanAreas[英] /GambaP ,HellwichO ,LombardoP .—1~30 40 3 0 2 图像融合———ARSIS概念和一些成功实现方案=ImageFusion :TheAR SISConceptandSomeSuccessfulImplemen tationSchemes[英] /RanchinT ,AiazziB ,AlparoneL .—4~180 40 3 0 3 利用IHS转换融合超光谱和雷达数据增强城市地表特征=FusionofHyperspectral…  相似文献   

InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing,2 0 0 2 ,2 3( 9)0 30 2 0 1 利用卫星数据揭示Kutch2 0 0 1年 1月 2 6日地震引起的地面与水体外观的变化 =SatelliteDataReveals 2 6Jan uary 2 0 0 1KutchEarthquake_InducedGroundChangesandAppearanceofWaterBodies[英 ]/SarafAK ,SinvhalA ,Sin vhalH… .- 1749~ 175 60 30 2 0 2 利用卫星光谱数据与kNN方法估测茎干量时所预测…  相似文献   

International Journal of Remote Sen-sing.-2005,26(21)利用卫星被动微波测量推导融雪水开始、结束及持续时间的基于小波转换的边缘探测方法=Wavelet-transform Based Edge DetectionApproach to Derivation of Snowmelt Onset,Endand Duration from Satellite Passive MicrowaveMeasurements[英]/Liu Hongxing,Wang Lei,Jezek K.-4639-4660ENVISAT光学数据应用于阿尔卑斯山地区的雪覆盖监测=SnowCoverMonitoringinAl-pine Regions Using ENVISAT Optical Data[英]/Pepe M,Brivio P A,Rampini A….-4661-4667通过增…  相似文献   

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.-2007,62(4)基于小波的图像融合技术--导言、评述与比较=Wavelet Based Image Fusion Techni-ques-An Introduction,Review and Compa-rison[英]/Amolins K,Zhang Yun,Dare P.-249-263  相似文献   

Photogrammetric Engineering and Re-mote Sensing.-2005,71(3)050601英国2000土地覆盖图的基于对象的数据质量属性评估=EvaluatingObject-Based Data Quality Attributes inthe Land Cover Map 2000 of the UnitedKingdom[英]/Robinson P,Fisher P,Smith G.-269~276050602遗传算法概念应用于优化类属传感器模型的自动测定=Automatic De-termination of the Optimum GenericSensor Model Based on Genetic Algo-rithm Concepts[英]/Samadzadegan F,Azizi A,Abootalebi A.-277~288050603用低空数字影像对入侵植物———巴西…  相似文献   

International Journal of GeographicalInformation Science,2003,17(1)030601 利用多山地形DEMs和太阳辐射模拟计算地形参数的矢量代数算法=Vectorial Algebra Algorithms for Calcu-lating Terrain Parameters from DEMSand Solar Radiation Modelling in Moun-tainous Terrain[英]/Corripio J G.-1-  相似文献   

International Journal of GeographicalInformation Science,2004,18(2)050201 地图微积分在 GIS 中的应用:建议和论证= Map Calculus in GIS: aProposal and Demonstration [英]/Hak lay M.-107~125050202 模糊地理实体的分布= Areasof Fuzzy Geographical Enti  相似文献   

用摄影全站仪进行的地面数字摄影测量=Digital Terrestrial Photogrammetry withPhoto Total Station[会,英]/Zhang Z,ZhengS,Zhan Z//The Proceedings of the Interna-tional Archives of the Photogrammetry,Re-mote Sensing and Spatial Information ScienceCommissionⅤ,20  相似文献   

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Surveying and Land Information Science,2007,67(1)使用GPS的行驶车辆的位置和方向确定=Determination of Flight Vehicle Position and Orientation Using the Global Positioning System[英]/Heckroth K,JeyapalanK,vogel J//Surveying and Land Information Science,2007,  相似文献   

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