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The radio and infrared spectrum of DR 21 is established over a wide range of frequencies (from 102 to 108 MHz). Two physical processes, free-free emission from the ionized hydrogen at radio wavelengths and reradiation at infrared wavelengths of the original stellar ultraviolet radiation by dust grains have to be considered in the explanation of the derived spectrum. Physical parameters of the object deduced from its radio emission are also presented.  相似文献   

The intensities of 52 EUV emission lines from each of 9 hedgerow prominences observed at the limb with the Harvard experiment on ATM-Skylab have been compared with intensities from the interior of network cells at the center of the disk, in order to compare the prominence-corona (P-C) interface with the chromosphere-corona (C-C) transition region. The intensity ratio I cell/I prominence for each line varies systematically (in all of the prominences observed), with the temperature of formation of the line as T –0.6. The density sensitive C iii (formed at T 9 × 104 K) line ratio I 1175/I 977 implies an average density 1.3 × 109 electrons cm–3 in the P-C interface and 4 times this value in the C-C transition of the cells. The total optical thickness at the head of the Lyman continuum is 10 in most of the prominences studied; in two of the prominences, however, we cannot reject the possibility that o is large. Methods of analysis of these EUV data are developed assuming both a resolved and an unresolved internal prominence structure. Although the systematic differences between the P-C interface and the C-C transition are stressed, the similarities are probably more remarkable and may be a result of fine structure in the C-C transition.Currently on leave from the Institute of Astronomy, Hawaii; at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 80309.  相似文献   

We present evidence for Ly pumping of the Lyman band system of molecular hydrogen in Herbig-Haro 7 and the bipolar outflow DR 21. For this study we have measured several vibrational-rotational emission lines of H2 whose energy levels are widely spaced and ranging from 6000 (v = 1) to 25000 Kelvin (v = 4). We show that the near-infrared H2 emission from the shocked gas in HH 7 can be well described by a bow C-type shock. The enhanced emission observed from the higher energy levels (v > 3) can be well modelled by employing the Ly pumping mechanism.In the DR 21 outflow the multi-line study showed that different physical conditions exist in the eastern and western emission lobes. The higher H2 line ratios measured in the eastern lobe suggests a higher Ly pump rate which may be locally produced in the fast bowshocks. The FUV radiation field emanating from the central HII regions may in addition be exciting the Lyman and Werner bands of H2 in the molecular lobes.We show that the observed H2 emission can be interpreted in terms of a simple model consisting of a C-type bowshock, which produces the low excitation H2 emission, and a FUV radiation field with enough Ly line radiation to produce the high excitation H2 emission through fluorescence.  相似文献   

The neutral E-region wind field was measured at Calgary, Canada (51°N, 114°W) during 75 nights in 1982. Observations of the Doppler shift of the 5577-Å emission line of atomic oxygen using a Fabry-Perot interferometer were converted to horizontal wind vectors. From the analysis of the data, four categories of wind characteristics were identified. In order of increasing magnetic activity these categories are (a) wind field mostly variable in space and time, (b) predominantly equatorward flow throughout the night, (c) predominantly poleward flow throughout the night and (d) north-westward flow before midnight and southward after midnight. The wind magnitude was also variable and on some disturbed days exceeded 200 m s?1.  相似文献   

We investigate a number of potential foregrounds for an ambitious goal of future radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR): spatial tomography of neutral gas at high redshift in 21-cm emission. While the expected temperature fluctuations due to unresolved radio point sources is highly uncertain, we point out that free–free emission from the ionizing haloes that reionized the Universe should define a minimal bound. This emission is likely to swamp the expected brightness temperature fluctuations, making proposed detections of the angular patchwork of 21-cm emission across the sky unlikely to be viable. Hα observations with JWST could place an upper bound on the contribution of high-redshift sources to the free–free background. An alternative approach is to discern the topology of reionization from spectral features due to 21-cm emission along a pencil-beam slice. This requires tight control of the frequency-dependence of the beam in order to prevent foreground sources from contributing excessive variance. We also investigate potential contamination by galactic and extragalactic radio recombination lines (RRLs). These are unlikely to be show-stoppers, although little is known about the distribution of RRLs away from the Galactic plane. The mini-halo emission signal is always less than that of the intergalactic medium (IGM), making mini-haloes unlikely to be detectable. If they are seen, it will be only in the very earliest stages of structure formation at high redshift, when the spin temperature of the IGM has not yet decoupled from the cosmic microwave background.  相似文献   

The physical processes in the tail of the region where the solar wind interacts with a partially ionized local interstellar medium are investigated in terms of a self-consistent kinetic-gas-dynamical model. Resonant charge exchange between hydrogen atoms and plasma protons is shown to cause the contact discontinuity to disappear far from the Sun. The solar wind plasma cools down and, as a result, the parameters of the plasma and hydrogen atoms approach the corresponding parameters of the unperturbed interstellar medium at large heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

The structural differences of the ion and neutral composition in the thermospheric region are studied by solving a system of basic ionospheric and atmospheric equations. The study shows that the compositional changes during a magnetic storm arise largely as a result of changes in the neutral composition at the turbopause. A decrease in [O]/[N2] in the lower atmosphere triggers a complex chain of events which results in an increase of the neutral gas temperature, depletion of the O+ layer and enhancement of NO+. The relative changes in these layers occasionally produce a sequence of electron density profiles giving rise to the so-called G condition. It is shown that, compared to the neutral atmosphere, the ionosphere is much more sensitive to the changes in [O]/[N2] in the lower thernaospheric region. Since the ionospheric parameters can be measured much more accurately than the atmospheric parameters, it is argued that they should form an integral part of the observational data required to construct the atmospheric models.  相似文献   

In this paper we have endeavored to critically evaluate our present understanding of cometary atmospheres. Following a brief introduction of the significance of the study of cometary atmospheres (Section 1), the relevant photometric and spectroscopic observations are summarized in Section 2.The interaction with the solar radiation, with regard to both the excitation of the observed species as well as the dissociation of stable molecules evaporating from the nucleus, is considered in Sections 3 and 4. The gas phase chemistry likely to take place in the dense inner coma is next considered in Section 5.The exospheric and hydrodynamic models of the expanding cometary atmosphere are considered in detail in Section 6, and both their limitations as well as possible improvements are discussed.The observed chemical composition of the neutral atmosphere and the inferred chemical composition of the volatile component of the nucleus, together with possible variations between different classes of comets is next considered in Section 7, and their possible cosmogonic significance is discussed.In conclusion, some of the important directions in which future research should progress, in order to provide more complete and secure knowledge of cometary atmospheres, are stressed (Section 8).Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

Mean profiles of eighteen neutral iron lines of varying strengths were measured at selected positions from the center of the solar disk to the limb. These profiles were obtained by rapid photoelectric scanning of the spectrum with a double-pass spectrometer. The Fe i lines selected are representative of most of the stronger low-lying transitions in the neutral iron atom. In addition to the iron lines, this observational program includes center-to-limb measurements of three Ti ii lines and of the Ca i resonance line 4226.7. The line profiles are presented here in graphical form after correction for instrumental effects and normalization to the local disk center continuum.Both Kitt Peak National Observatory and the National Center for Atmospheric Research are sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The ORAC‐DR data reduction pipeline has been used by the Joint Astronomy Centre since 1998. Originally developed for an infrared spectrometer and a submillimetre bolometer array, it has since expanded to support twenty instruments from nine different telescopes. By using shared code and a common infrastructure, rapid development of an automated data reduction pipeline for nearly any astronomical data is possible. This paper discusses the infrastructure available to developers and estimates the development timescales expected to reduce data for new instruments using ORAC‐DR. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model is being considered where a fully ionized plasma is separated from a neutral gas by a homogeneous magnetic field directed along the plasma boundary. The plasma and the neutral gas consist of two different types of ions and neutral particles. In a stationary state the outflux of plasma by diffusion across the magnetic field is compensated by an influx of neutrals which are ionized in a partially ionized boundary region. It is found that the ratio between the ion densities in the fully ionized region will in general differ from the density ratio of the two types of neutrals being present in the gas region. This provides a separation mechanism with applications both to cosmical and laboratory plasmas, such as in the following cases:
  1. The abundance anomalies in magnetic variable stars and in the solar wind.
  2. Separation processes of non-identical ions and neutral atoms in gas blanket systems.

The 21-cm forest     
We examine the prospects for studying the pre-reionization intergalactic medium (IGM) through the so-called 21-cm forest in spectra of bright high-redshift radio sources. We first compute the evolution of the mean optical depth τ for models that include X-ray heating of the IGM gas, Wouthuysen–Field coupling, and reionization. Under most circumstances, the spin temperature T S grows large well before reionization begins in earnest; this occurs so long as the X-ray luminosity of high-redshift starbursts (per unit star formation rate) is comparable to that in nearby galaxies. As a result,  τ≲ 10−3  throughout most of reionization, and background sources must sit well beyond the reionization surface in order to experience absorption that is measurable by square-kilometre class telescopes. H  ii regions produce relatively large 'transmission gaps' and may therefore still be observable during the early stages of reionization. Absorption from sheets and filaments in the cosmic web fades once T S becomes large and should be rare during reionization. Minihaloes can produce strong (albeit narrow) absorption features. Measuring their abundance would yield useful limits on the strength of feedback processes in the IGM as well as their effect on reionization.  相似文献   

In the boundary region between a plasma and neutral gas, the temperature is low (some thousand degrees). Then the Coulomb cross-section is large compared with other collision cross-sections. The influence of ion-ion collisions in the boundary region is discussed. In particular a simple formula is derived for the separation between different kinds of constituents. This separation depends on different collision cross-sections for diffusion and seems to be especially large when resonant charge exchange collisions are involved. These diffusive processes of importance in impermeable plasmas are also compared with separation processes due to a difference in ionization potential, which is known to occur in permeable plasmas. Different isotopes have the same ionization potential and the same charge exchange cross-sections. The separation processes described above are, therefore, likely to give element, but not isotope, separation.  相似文献   

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