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Three and a half thousand packages of chemicals, including at least 956 containing hazardous substances were washed ashore on to the beaches of southern England. They were believed at the time to have come from the wreck of the Aeolian Sky. There is now a strong suspicion that half the packages, including 32 canisters of arsenic trichloride, were lost from the deck cargo of another vessel in the English Channel. Despite difficulties in identifying the contents of many unlabelled chemical packages found on the shore, most were recovered during clearance operations by Local Authorities. Although there was no evidence of any ecological damage, 20 people were taken to hospital for treatment or precautionary medical examinations following contact with opened or leaking packages. This incident raised questions regarding international reporting procedures, liability and compensation arrangements following losses of packaged chemical cargoes at sea.  相似文献   

鉴于野外地震采集具有系统庞大、仪器昂贵、成本高、风险大等诸多不利因素,开发虚拟地震采集仿真系统无疑对于地震采集实验教学和人才培训等具有重要的现实意义.天空仿真是虚拟地震采集系统野外作业工区视景仿真的重要内容.按照简单、快速、高效的原则,在详细阐述天空仿真和漫游实现方法的基础上,借助于vC++6.0和OpenGL平台,实现了晴天、阴天、雾天等多种静态自然景象的仿真开发,同时实现了步行和飞行两种模式的漫游功能.仿真结果真实感强、渲染速度快、交互性能良好,对于提升虚拟地震采集仿真系统的逼真度和沉浸感具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

This work is based on the study of outdoor daylight conditions during the winter period in Pamplona (the Iberian Peninsula). The 15 standard sky types proposed by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) are used. The selected sky type in each moment is the one exhibiting the lowest root mean standard deviation (RMSD) when the theoretical and experimental luminance distributions in the sky hemisphere are compared. The selection was derived from luminance distribution data from 145 patches of the sky hemisphere and registered every 10 min from October to March from 2007 and 2008.The most frequent sky type observed in winter in Pamplona is V.5 (cloudless polluted with a broad solar corona), with a frequency of occurrence of 21%. Notwithstanding, the group of overcast skies exhibits a slightly higher frequency (40%) than the clear skies (37%). Seven out of the 15 standard sky types, i.e.V.5, I.1, III.4, II.1, IV.4, II.2 and III.3, are practically 80% of those under study. In order to provide a possible application in daylight climates studies, the frequency of occurrence of the 15 sky types is included in eleven intervals of solar elevation on the threshold corresponding to the time period and the location considered.  相似文献   

In this work the outdoor daylight conditions in Pamplona (South Europe) during the summer period have been studied. The selected sky type (from fifteen standards) at a given moment is the one exhibiting the lowest RMSD when comparing the theoretical and experimental luminance distributions in the sky hemisphere. Two year data of luminance distribution registered every 10 min in 145 positions of the sky hemisphere have been used for selecting the sky type. The most frequent sky type in Pamplona is V.5 (cloudless polluted with a broad solar corona), with an occurrence of 29.5%. This result coincides with the one observed in a previous study in Athens.Six types of sky (V.5, IV.4, III.4, III.3, V.4 y II.2) out of the fifteen standards become practically the 80% of all the studied ones. Regarding a possible use in daylight climate studies, the frequency of occurrence of the fifteen types of sky for fourteen solar elevation intervals has been included.  相似文献   

利用大地电磁测深技术探测了云南玉溪盆地的电性结构及可能的断裂构造分布。在与地质构造近垂直的方向,布设了两条测线进行大地电磁观测,应用Rebocc二维反演方法获得了玉溪盆地两条测线的视电阻率剖面。结果显示,低阻体厚度的变化趋势与盆地第四系沉积层平均厚度的变化类似,在盆地西侧,厚度较深,高阻和低阻界面变化较陡。自西向东,低阻体厚度逐渐减小,高低阻界面变化趋势趋缓。总体来说,低阻体厚度比已有资料给出的沉积层厚度要深,导致这一结果的原因一方面可能是盆地沉积层厚度在不同的区域变化较大,另一方面也可能和沉积层下的岩层富含水资源有关。  相似文献   

本文通过应用地震层析成像(CT)技术,对跨孔成像法采集得到的初至波走时,用基于最短路径法的弯曲射线追踪正演和基于LSQR算法的反演技术进行处理。与测井资料联合解释,得到井间波速分布图,对井控范围内的地层构造和地基注浆效果进行了研究,最终得到断裂构造带和人防空洞的分布。认为地震CT在进行城市环境地质调查与评价、浅层工程地质勘察时,能够解决地层岩性和构造的复杂性,对目标环境进行准确预测,在城市环境地质研究和基础设施建设中起重要作用,对促进城市地球物理勘察技术的发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

地下岩溶的存在,会对各种建设工程带来极大的危害或隐患,井间地震层析成像(地震CT)技术能有效、精细地反演出井间岩层的不均匀分布,本文阐述了该技术的方法原理,并介绍了应用该技术的一个岩溶勘察工程实例,在该工程中,笔者用钻探取芯结果约束地震CT的反演结果,分析结果表明,地震CT有较高的精度和可信度,在工程地质勘察中能做到对地下介质的精细成像,远远优越于常规勘察方法。  相似文献   

Aiming at different variation patterns of cross-fault short-leveling before earthquakes, the paper establishes the 2-D finite-element models with different crustal stratification and fault occurrence perpendicular to Longmenshan fault zone. By contact analysis and viscoelastic finite element method, the influence of fault structure on cross-fault short-leveling is obtained under the same constraint conditions, the results show that:with the increase of the horizontal projection distance of fault, the cumulative displacements of surface increase gradually in the models with fixed dip angles of the fault plane (model 1). However, when the horizontal projection distance exceeds 20km, the influence of fault''s dip angle on the cumulative displacements of surface short-leveling will decrease significantly, and the cumulative displacements are maintained at about 1.5m. However, in the listric fault models (model 2),when the projection distance is less than 20km, the listric fault structure impedes the sliding of fault. The short-leveling variation rate is only half of model 1; as a result, the ability to reflect the regional stress enhancement by cross-fault short-leveling is further weakened. But when the horizontal projection distance exceeds 25km, the cumulative displacements significantly increase, with the maximum displacement reaching 1.75m. The results of equivalent stress show that the listric fault structure causes a sudden increasement in equivalent stress when the horizontal projection distance is 10km, higher equivalent stress values are accumulated between the projection distance of 5-20km, and then high-low stress difference zones are formed at the bottom of the fault plane and near the transition zone of low-high dip angle.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种剖面式CT值测量方法,并对其在CT诊断中的应用价值进行了分析,作者认为剖面式CT值测量方法在病变的分析上具有重要价值,为CT诊断提供了有意义的依据,应进一步开发和利用.  相似文献   

黄壁庄台地磁异常的调查与落实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈绍明  蒋邦本 《中国地震》1994,10(4):414-420
黄壁庄地磁台总强度F和垂直强度Z的观测值,从1991年4月开始出现了持续14个月以上的异常变化。同红山台相比,最大下降幅度分别为10和12nT。在1992年度会商会上,这个异常被列为强震背景异常,引起了有关地震部门的关注。现经深入细致的调查和测试,证明这个异常变化是距台站100多米处建筑群的施工所造成的,绝非地震前兆异常。  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术是近年发展起来的一门新技术。作为获取空间数据的有效手段,该技术以其快速、精确、无接触测量等优势在众多领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文简要介绍了三维激光扫描仪的基本原理及工作流程,并以芦山7.0级地震为例回顾了该仪器在震害调查中的应用情况和现场工作特点,对破坏后实景建筑物点云数据的收集、拼接、分析处理及三维虚拟重现进行了实践和研究,最后分析并探讨了该仪器在地震应急及科学考察中的应用前景。  相似文献   

汤东断裂是汤阴地堑的东界断裂,也是太行山山前一条重要的隐伏活动断裂。为了查明汤东断裂的产状、性质及其浅部构造特征,跨断裂开展了高分辨率浅层地震剖面探测,获得了高信噪比的浅层地震反射波叠加剖面。本文根据浅层地震剖面结果并结合研究区地质资料和已有深地震探测成果,对汤东断裂的浅部构造特征进行了分析和讨论。结果表明:汤东断裂为1条走向NNE、倾向NWW的铲型正断层,其浅部表现为由2—3条断层组成的Y字形构造,并错断了埋深约30—50m第四纪地层,断裂向下延伸至上地壳底部,属晚第四纪以来的隐伏活动断裂。汤东断裂两侧新生代沉积差异明显,断裂上升盘内黄隆起一侧,新生代沉积层较薄,其底界埋深约480m,下降盘汤阴地堑一侧,沉积了巨厚的新生代地层。研究结果为确定汤东断裂位置、评价断裂的活动性提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(4):4.08-4.08

目前国内外对目标层埋深仅有几十米(甚至十几米)的超浅层地震勘探经验不多,理论研究也不够深入。本文从城市活断层探测的角度出发,利用地质学、地球物理学及数学等学科中的相关理论和方法,探讨超浅层地震勘探在青岛复杂地质构造背景下取得有效探测结果的前提条件,并对青岛市主要活断层的典型剖面进行重点研究,力求在城市活断层超浅层地震勘探数据采集技术、数据处理等方面有所进展,为青岛及类似地质构造背景的地区开展活动断层超浅层地震探测提供参考。研究表明超浅层地震反射波法可以获取深度仅有十几米的地层反射信号,且大部分反射剖面都可较清楚地揭示出超浅部断层位置和断层特征。  相似文献   

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