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东北及内蒙古东部地区显生宙构造演化的有关问题   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以国家油气资源战略选区项目研究成果为基础,结合近年来该区积累的大量区域地质调查资料和已发表的数据,对东北及内蒙古东部地区早古生代以来的大地构造性质及其演化进行综合对比分析。东北地区晚古生代以来的构造演化以稳定的大陆地块为主体,而非两大板块间多岛洋演化形成的造山带。东北地区的各地块均具有前寒武纪—早前寒武纪、甚至是太古宙的古老基底,它们在早古生代早期(490~510Ma)同时遭受了区域变质作用和花岗质岩浆侵入。350~450Ma,各地块均处于相对稳定的构造环境,以普遍缺失这一时期的花岗质岩浆活动记录为标志。从早古生代晚期开始,东北及内蒙古东部地区至少已存在2个早古生代早期固结的微陆块,即额尔古纳—兴安微陆块和松嫩—佳木斯微陆块,这2个微陆块向北分别与俄罗斯境内的额尔古纳微陆块和布列亚微陆块相连。二者在早石炭世沿北北东向展布的开鲁—嫩江—黑河—诺拉—索霍提(Nora-Soukhotin)一线碰撞拼合,形成统一的东北亚晚古生代大陆板块。西拉沐伦河断裂西端被北北东向构造所截,向东延至开鲁—嫩江断裂,并没有延伸到松辽盆地内,说明西拉沐伦河断裂可能与开鲁—嫩江碰撞带的形成有关。从晚石炭世开始,东北亚大陆板块整体处于伸展构造背景,至少在中国境内具有北陆南海的构造-沉积古地理格局,早期发育以火山岩为主的断陷盆地,到中二叠世演化成一个规模巨大的海相沉积盆地。中生代以来,东北地区的构造体制转换及物质成分演化不仅仅是古亚洲洋构造域和西太平洋构造域叠加转换的结果,蒙古—鄂霍茨克构造域的演化对该区现今构造体制的形成也具有重要影响。地质和地球物理综合证据显示,大兴安岭北部的得尔布干断裂、内蒙古中部的贺根山断裂和黑龙江省东部的跃进山断裂可能并不是具有一定深度规模的构造分区断裂。东北地区的中、新生代盆地之下并非都是变质结晶基底,而是存在一个规模巨大的晚古生代海相沉积盆地。  相似文献   

A.B. Roy   《Gondwana Research》2004,7(2):387-406
The Indian crust, generally regarded as a stable continental lithosphere, experienced significant tectono-thermal reconstitution during the Phanerozoic. The earliest Phanerozoic tectonic process, which grossly changed the geological and geophysical character of the Precambrian crust, was during the Jurassic when this crustal block broke up from the Gondwana Supercontinent. There were two earlier abortive attempts to fragment the supercontinent in the Palaeozoic. Different types of geological processes were associated with these aborted events. The first was the intrusion of anorogenic alkali granites during the Early Palaeozoic (at 500±50 Ma), while the second was linked with formation of the Gondwana rift basins during Late Palaeozoic. The tectonic history of the Indian Shield subsequent to its separation from the Gondwanaland at around 165 Ma is a complex account of its northward journey, which was culminated with its collision with the northern continental blocks producing the mighty Himalayas in the process. Considerable reconstitution of the Indian Shield took place due to magma underplating when this lithospheric block passed over the four mantle plumes. While the underplating events grossly changed the geophysical character of the Indian Shield in isolated patches, the propagation of the underplated materials was assisted by the deep crustal fractures (geomorphologically expressed as lineaments), which formed during the break-up of the Gondwanaland. Several of these deep fractures evolved through the reactivation of the pre-existing (Precambrian) tectonic grains, while some others developed as new fractures in response to either the extensional stresses generated during the supercontinental break-up or the plume-lithosphere reactions. Significant geomorphological changes occurred in peninsular India subsequent to the continental collision. Most of these changes were brought about by the movements along the lineaments, which fragmented the Indian Shield into a number of rigid crustal blocks. The present day seismic behaviour of the Indian Shield is a reflection of movements of the rigid crustal blocks relative to each other. An interesting feature of the Phanerozoic geological history of the Indian Shield is the evolution of a number of sedimentary basins under different tectono-thermal regimes.  相似文献   

概述了马杏垣院士的学术生平与创建开合构造史实.开合构造提出是中国地球科学"百花齐放,百家争鸣"发展的结果;是黄汲清院士、张文佑院士、马杏垣院士领导的青年团队,在国际板块构造革命的新潮中,根据板块构造登陆存在的巨大问题,结合中国地质构造的特色,依据坚实的实际资料进行深入的全新探索.3位院士领导的团队又联合起来,进行开合构造的长期研究.2002年在构造地质专业委员会支持下,成立了开合构造研究组,召开了开合构造第一次学术研讨会,总结20多年研究成果,出了专刊书集.2015年研究组聚首北京,总结开合构造研究的新成果,并吸取地球物理研究新成果,准确地阐明开合构造的定义,提升了研究方法,总结了开合构造运动和开合构造体系特征,将构造动力来源初始点建立在古登堡面的开合构造转换带上,全新解析了转换带的重要作用,站在星球角度认识开合构造.最后,强调青年研究力量的培养,是开合构造走向世界的重要途径.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic investigation in the Deseado Massif, southern Patagonia, suggests that Triassic sedimentary rocks carry a latest Triassic to Jurassic remagnetization and that earliest Jurassic plutonic complexes carry a reversed polarity magnetization of thermoremanent origin. Despite uncertainties in the timing of the observed remanence in the Triassic rocks and the lack of paleohorizontal control on the plutonic complexes, comparison of the derived pole positions with the most reliable Late Triassic–Jurassic apparent polar wander paths indicates that the study areas underwent significant clockwise vertical-axis rotation. In contrast, paleomagnetic results from mid-Cretaceous rocks in the region indicate no rotation. The observed crustal rotations in the Deseado Massif are thus bracketed to have occurred between Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times, documenting southern Patagonian deformation during the breakup of Western Gondwana and then enlarging the regional record of clockwise rotations associated with this event. These results suggest a more complex than previously supposed tectonic evolution of this part of South America.  相似文献   

通过系统梳理前寒武纪和显生宙海相遗迹化石记录及笔者自己的研究,发现在寒武纪生命大爆发、奥陶纪生物大辐射、中生代海洋革命共3次里程碑式的生物大辐射过程中,海相遗迹化石的属级多样性变化和歧异度增减均与生物多样性呈正相关,生物扰动强度和深度明显增加,造迹生物的觅食策略和行为习性多样化明显增多。寒武纪生命大爆发时期,最有代表性的生物行为变化是出现了具有垂向分量的潜穴; 奥陶纪生物大辐射期间,海相遗迹化石的分布逐渐从滨、浅海扩展至半深海和深海,表现为造迹生物群落栖息地的扩张; 中生代海洋革命时期,海相和陆相遗迹化石同步增加,生物对生态空间利用的深度、广度和集约性同步增强,遗迹化石面貌表现为深海雕画迹的多样性和歧异度大幅增加、形态类型多样、多种觅食策略共存。地史时期的海相遗迹化石面貌受环境外因和生物内因控制,表现出形态由简到繁、分布范围由小到大的变化趋势,对生态空间的利用表现为由沉积物表层至浅层再到深层、由二维到三维、由局域(浅水)到广域(浅水和深水以及陆地)的发展,印证了生物获取生态机会的过程。  相似文献   

The results of a lithostratigraphic, tectonic and kinematic study of the Karoo deposits of northern Malawi are reported. The objective of the lithostratigraphic study is to correlate the deposits of the Karoo basins of northern Malawi with the well-known deposits of southern Tanzania, thus establishing a stratigraphic framework through which the timing of faulting can be constrained. The kinematic analysis of faulting constrains the opening direction for the Karoo graben in this area and provides basic data to discuss the Karoo graben development within the regional tectonic framework of south-eastern Africa. The studied adults are defined by moderately to steeply dipping cataclastic zones with a width of up to 15 m and are characterized by an array of slickensided fault surfaces with different orientations and slip directions. In this study, small faults (offset < 10 m) and meso-scale faults (offset > 10 m, but generally not exceeding 30–40 m) have been distinguished. Methods used to analyse the kinematic data include the ‘pressure tension’ (PT) method, which estimates the principal axes for the bulk brittle strain, and the internal rotation axis (IRA) method, which estimates the axis of bulk internal rotation and the overall sense of slip at the faults. A mass balance calculation reveals a volume increase of up to 16% during cataclastic deformation in the fault zones. The PT method shows an approximately east trending extension direction for faults that occur only in the latest Carboniferous (?) and Early Permian strata, whereas the fault kinematics from faults that cut middle Permian to Early Triassic rocks is characterized by a ESE to SE trending extension direction. The small faults yield essentially the same kinematic results as the meso-scale faults. In a transport-parallel cross-sectional view, the principal extension axes are at an acute angle of approximately 60° to the major fault planes. Given the moderate fault density, the relatively high angle between the orientation of the principal extension axis and the fault planes suggest only a moderate amount of horizontal extension across the Karoo graben of northern Malawi. Riedel structures in the fault zones formed within two conjugate sets of localized shear zones; slip on one set was top to the W/NW and, on the other, top to the E/SE. The two conjugate sets of Riedel structures have an acute angle about the regional shortening axes, implying that no pronounced rotation of the strain axes occurred. The internal rotation axes for the Riedel structures reveal a largely bimodal distribution and inferred weakly monoclinic to orthorhombic symmetry. Therefore the overall deformation during Karoo rifting in northern Malawi is interpreted to be close to a coaxial deformation with a limited amount of horizontal extension.[/p]  相似文献   

The sedimentary-tectonic status of Permian-Triassic boundary is examined in Gondwana stratigraphy of Peninsular India based on lithofacies characters, palaeoslope, and depositional models. The Late Permians represent meandering streams which flowed from southeast to northwest, except in Damodar basin where palaeoslope was from east to west. In Satpura, and Pranhita-Godavari basins, the Early Triassics record braided stream facies models. The palaeoslope remains northwesterly during Early Triassic sedimentation.Integrated evidence suggests that the Permian-Triassic boundary in Peninsular Gondwana stratigraphy of India is marked by tectonic discordance, and uplifts in the provenance.  相似文献   

关于蛇绿岩的形成、定义和分类争论了近200年。早期蛇绿岩被认为是有成因联系的几种岩石的组合,发育在优地槽的核部。在板块构造中它被看作形成于洋脊的古洋壳残片。经过几十年的研究,发现导致蛇绿岩多样性的因素很多,一个新的定义和分类方案被提出。新定义强调了蛇绿岩形成的构造环境,认为在威尔逊旋回的各个阶段都会形成性质不同的蛇绿岩,并根据生成环境将蛇绿岩分为两大类,即与俯冲作用无关和与俯冲作用相关的蛇绿岩,两大类型还可以划分出不同的亚类。这些类型的蛇绿岩有其特有的地球化学、岩石学指标和内部结构。最近的研究还发现蛇绿岩产生的主要时段与全球超大陆的形成、裂解,以及巨型地幔柱活动的时间吻合。根据新分类方案,一部分前寒武纪绿岩应属于蛇绿岩,表明在太古宙时期地球已进入板块构造体制。新的定义和分类为蛇绿岩研究指出了新的方向。  相似文献   

蛇绿岩研究的最新进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
关于蛇绿岩的形成、定义和分类争论了近200年。早期蛇绿岩被认为是有成因联系的几种岩石的组合,发育在优地槽的核部。在板块构造中它被看作形成于洋脊的古洋壳残片。经过几十年的研究,发现导致蛇绿岩多样性的因素很多,一个新的定义和分类方案被提出。新定义强调了蛇绿岩形成的构造环境,认为在威尔逊旋回的各个阶段都会形成性质不同的蛇绿岩,并根据生成环境将蛇绿岩分为两大类,即与俯冲作用无关和与俯冲作用相关的蛇绿岩,两大类型还可以划分出不同的亚类。这些类型的蛇绿岩有其特有的地球化学、岩石学指标和内部结构。最近的研究还发现蛇绿岩产生的主要时段与全球超大陆的形成、裂解,以及巨型地幔柱活动的时间吻合。根据新分类方案,一部分前寒武纪绿岩应属于蛇绿岩,表明在太古宙时期地球已进入板块构造体制。新的定义和分类为蛇绿岩研究指出了新的方向。  相似文献   

西北非油气资源丰富,是我国石油公司海外油气勘探的重要区块。受泛非、加里东、海西、阿尔卑斯运动的影响,西北非构造演化经历了泛非期基底形成、古生代稳定陆块演化、中生代裂陷、新生代反转隆升的复杂过程,发育三叠、伊利兹、锡尔特等多个超大型含油气盆地。主要有两套成藏组合:撒哈拉地台为主的古生代成藏组合、北部大陆边缘为主的中新生代成藏组合。  相似文献   

Zircon and monazite U–Pb data document the geochronology of the felsic crust in the Mozambique Belt in NE Mozambique. Immediately E of Lake Niassa and NW of the Karoo-aged Maniamba Graben, the Ponta Messuli Complex preserves Paleoproterozoic gneisses with granulite-facies metamorphism dated at 1950 ± 15 Ma, and intruded by granite at 1056 ± 11 Ma. This complex has only weak evidence for a Pan-African metamorphism. Between the Maniamba Graben and the WSW–ENE-trending Lurio (shear) Belt, the Unango and Marrupa Complexes consist mainly of felsic orthogneisses dated between 1062 ± 13 and 946 ± 11 Ma, and interlayered with minor paragneisses. In these complexes, an amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism is dated at 953 ± 8 Ma and a nepheline syenite pluton is dated at 799 ± 8 Ma. Pan-African deformation and high-grade metamorphism are more intense and penetrative southwards, towards the Lurio Belt. Amphibolite-facies metamorphism is dated at 555 ± 11 Ma in the Marrupa Complex and amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphism between 569 ± 9 and 527 ± 8 Ma in the Unango Complex. Post-collisional felsic plutonism, dated between 549 ± 13 and 486 ± 27 Ma, is uncommon in the Marrupa Complex but common in the Unango Complex. To the south of the Lurio Belt, the Nampula Complex consists of felsic orthogneisses which gave ages ranging from 1123 ± 9 to 1042 ± 9 Ma, interlayered with paragneisses. The Nampula Complex underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the period between 543 ± 23 to 493 ± 8 Ma, and was intruded by voluminous post-collisional granitoid plutons between 511 ± 12 and 508 ± 3 Ma. In a larger context, the Ponta Messuli Complex is regarded as part of the Palaeoproterozoic, Usagaran, Congo-Tanzania Craton foreland of the Pan-African orogen. The Unango, Marrupa and Nampula Complexes were probably formed in an active margin setting during the Mesoproterozoic. The Unango and Marrupa Complexes were assembled on the margin of the Congo-Tanzania Craton during the Irumidian orogeny (ca. 1020–950 Ma), together with terranes in the Southern Irumide Belt. The distinctly older Nampula Complex was more probably linked to the Maud Belt of Antarctica, and peripheral to the Kalahari Craton during the Neoproterozoic. During the Pan-African orogeny, the Marrupa Complex was overlain by NW-directed nappes of the Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex before peak metamorphism at ca. 555 Ma. The nappes include evidence for early Pan-African orogenic events older than 610 Ma, typical for the Eastern Granulites in Tanzania. Crustal thickening at 555 ± 11 Ma is coeval with high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism along the Lurio Belt at 557 ± 16 Ma. Crustal thickening in NE Mozambique is part of the main Pan-African, Kuunga, orogeny peaking between 570 and 530 Ma, during which the Congo-Tanzania, Kalahari, East Antarctica and India Cratons welded to form Gondwana. Voluminous post-collisional magmatism and metamorphism younger than 530 Ma in the Lurio Belt and the Nampula Complex are taken as evidence of gravitational collapse of the extensive orogenic domain south of the Lurio Belt after ca. 530 Ma. The Lurio Belt may represent a Pan-African suture zone between the Kalahari and Congo-Tanzania Craton.  相似文献   

The intra- and epicontinental basins in north-east Africa (Egypt, Sudan) bear ample evidence of weathering processes repeatedly having contributed to the formation of mineral deposits throughout the Phanerozoic.The relict primary weathering mantle of Pan-African basement rocks consists of kaolinitic saprolite, laterite (in places bauxitic) and iron oxide crust. On the continent, the reaccumulation of eroded weathering-derived clay minerals (mainly kaolinite) occurred predominantly in fluvio-lacustrine environments, and floodplain and coastal plain deposits. Iron oxides, delivered from ferricretes, accumulated as oolitic ironstones in continental and marine sediments. Elements leached from weathering profiles accumulated in continental basins forming silcrete and alunite or in the marine environment contributing to the formation of attapulgite/saprolite and phosphorites.The Early Paleozoic Tawiga bauxitic laterite of northern Sudan gives a unique testimony of high latitude lateritic weathering under global greenhouse conditions. It formed in close spatial and temporal vicinity to the Late Ordovician glaciation in north Africa. The record of weathering products is essentially complete for the Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary. From the continental sources in the south to the marine sinks in the north, an almost complete line of lateritic and laterite-derived deposits of bauxitic kaolin, kaolin, iron oxides and phosphates is well documented.  相似文献   

 Basins within the African sector of Gondwana contain a Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic Gondwana sequence unconformably overlying Precambrian basement in the interior and mid-Palaeozoic strata along the palaeo-Pacific margin. Small sea-board Pacific basins form an exception in having a Carboniferous to Early Permian fill overlying Devonian metasediments and intrusives. The Late Palaeozoic geographic and tectonic changes in the region followed four well-defined consecutive events which can also be traced outside the study area. During the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous period (up to 330 Ma) accretion of microplates along the Patagonian margin of Gondwana resulted in the evolution of the Pacific basins. Thermal uplift of the Gondwana crust and extensive erosion causing a break in the stratigraphic record characterised the period between 300 and 330 Ma. At the end of this period the Gondwana Ice Sheet was well established over the uplands. The period 260–300 Ma evidenced the release of the Gondwana heat and thermal subsidence caused widespread basin formation. Late Carboniferous transpressive strike-slip basins (e.g. Sierra Australes/Colorado, Karoo-Falklands, Ellsworth-Central Transantarctic Mountains) in which thick glacial deposits accumulated, formed inboard of the palaeo-Pacific margin. In the continental interior the formation of Zambesi-type rift and extensional strike-slip basins were controlled by large mega-shear systems, whereas rare intracratonic thermal subsidence basins formed locally. In the Late Permian the tectonic regime changed to compressional largely due to northwest-directed subduction along the palaeo-Pacific margin. The orogenic cycle between 240 and 260 Ma resulted in the formation of the Gondwana fold belt and overall north–south crustal shortening with strike-slip motions and regional uplift within the interior. The Gondwana fold belt developed along a probable weak crustal zone wedged in between the cratons and an overthickened marginal crustal belt subject to dextral transpressive motions. Associated with the orogenic cycle was the formation of mega-shear systems one of which (Falklands-East Africa-Tethys shear) split the supercontinent in the Permo-Triassic into a West and an East Gondwana. By a slight clockwise rotation of East Gondwana a supradetachment basin formed along the Tethyan margin and northward displacement of Madagascar, West Falkland and the Gondwana fold belt occurred relative to a southward motion of Africa. Received: 2 October 1995 / Accepted: 28 May 1996  相似文献   

全球变化——海洋地学的热点问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对当今海洋地球科学中对全球环境变化有影响的气候变暖、板块构造运动、环境地质和矿产资源开发等热点问题进行了阐述。近百年来,世界气温变化反映全球变暖的趋势。气候变暖引起的海平面上升和厄尔尼诺现象将对沿海国家近岸地区人民的生产和生活带来极大的危害和巨大的经济损失。80年代以来,全球板块构造运动及其驱动力成为科学家研究的热点;沿岸国家海岸带海陆交互地区的开发活动和日益严重的污染对海洋生态环境造成极大危害。文章亦分析了海洋矿产资源开发的前景和海洋地球科学面临的重要课题,提出21世纪我国海洋地质调查与研究的主要任务  相似文献   

Fauchereau  N.  Trzaska  S.  Rouault  M.  Richard  Y. 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):139-154
Rainfall variability and changes in Southern Africa over the 20th century areexamined and their potential links to the global warming discussed. After a shortreview of the main conclusions of various experiments with Global AtmosphericModels (GCM) forced by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases for SouthernAfrica, a study of various datasets documents the observed changes in rainfall featuresat both daily and seasonal time steps through the last century. Investigations of dailyrainfall parameters are so far limited to South Africa. They show that some regionshave experienced a shift toward more extreme rainfall events in recent decades.Investigations of cumulative rainfall anomalies over the summer season do notshow any trend to drier or moister conditions during the century. However, closeexamination reveals that rainfall variability in Southern Africa has experiencedsignificant modifications, especially in the recent decades. Interannual variabilityhas increased since the late 1960s. In particular, droughts became more intense andwidespread. More significantly, teleconnection patterns associated with SouthernAfrican rainfall variability changed from regional before the 70s to near global after,and an increased statistical association to the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is observed. Numerical experiments with a French GCM indicate that these changes in teleconnections could be related to long-term variations in the Sea-Surface-Temperature background, which are part of the observed global warming signal.  相似文献   

新疆三塘湖盆地早二叠世火山岩地球化学特征与构造环境分析林克湘闫春德龚文平(江汉石油学院,湖北荆沙434102)关键词安山岩活动陆缘盆地板块构造早二叠世三塘湖盆地位于新疆东北部,与蒙古接壤,盆地呈北西—南东向展布,长约500km,宽40~50km,面积...  相似文献   

非洲Muglad盆地经历多旋回陆内被动裂谷发育与叠合演化历史,具有不同于主动裂谷盆地、单旋回被动裂谷盆地以及跨越多个变革期的叠合盆地的演化特征。本文采用叠合盆地研究思路与方法,通过盆地演化过程中关键构造事件识别、盆地演化阶段划分,恢复和重建了各阶段原型盆地;基于不同期次裂谷作用发育程度、叠加过程及叠加方式的时空差异性,划分了不同凹陷的叠合类型,建立了不同叠合类型凹陷油气成藏模式。研究结果表明,受冈瓦纳大陆裂解、非洲大陆周缘大西洋、印度洋、红海张裂等构造事件的影响,该盆地经历了早白垩世Abu Gabra组(简称AG组,下同)沉积期、晚白垩世Darfur群沉积期以及新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积期三大同裂谷作用阶段。早白垩世盆地原型为多个地堑及半地堑分隔式分布,为与大西洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;晚白垩世Darfur群沉积时期盆地原型为地堑及半地堑继承发育,但沉积中心东移,为与印度洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积时期原型盆地主要为发育在Kaikang坳陷的地堑、半地堑,为与红海张开有关的伸展应力场作用所致。依据三期裂谷作用在各凹陷的发育程度差异及构造沉降和沉积充填过程的不同,将各凹陷裂谷叠合方式划分为早断型、继承型与活动型三种类型。其中,早断型以Sufyan凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-弱-更弱"特征;继承型以Fula凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-较强-弱"特征,而活动型以Kaikang坳陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-强-较强"的特征。三期裂谷作用在各凹陷内时空叠合差异控制了各凹陷油气成藏条件及富集规律的不同,早断型凹陷成藏组合以下部成藏组合为主,继承型则以中部成藏组合为主,而活动型凹陷则以上部成藏组合为主。这些多期叠加型被动裂谷盆地研究成果丰富了全球裂谷盆地构造特征与演化及其控油气作用的认识,深化了该类裂谷盆地油气分布规律研究,对于指导下一步勘探部署有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Geochemical compositions of mafic igneous rocks in the Katangan basin in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, hereafter Congo, and Zambia) provide the basis for the geodynamic interpretation of the evolution of this Neoproterozoic basin located between the Congo and Kalahari cratons. The Katangan basin is subdivided into five major tectonic units: the Katangan Aulacogen, the External Fold and Thrust Belt, the Domes Region, the Synclinorial Belt and the Katangan High. The metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks investigated occur in the Katangan Aulacogen, the External Fold and Thrust Belt and the Domes Region. The earliest magmatic activity produced continental tholeiites emplaced on Paleoproterozoic crust during the early stages of intraplate break-up. This continental tholeiite magmatism was followed by an association of alkaline and tholeiitic basalts emplaced in the Katangan continental rift and then by tholeiitic basalts with E-MORB affinity marking a young oceanic crust. These volcanic associations mark different stages of evolution from pre-rift continental break-up up to a continental rift similar to the East African rift system and then to a Red Sea type incipient oceanic rift. A similar evolution occurs in the Damaran basin in southwestern Africa, although no pre-rift continental tholeiites have been recorded in this segment of the Pan-African belt system.  相似文献   

杨宏伟  赵文津  吴珍汉 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2206-2218
一直以来月球上都没有发现像地球上一样的全球板块构造现象,被认为是属于单板块构造的行星体并且是不活动的。随着月球地形探测精度的提高,人们逐渐发现了一些地质现象表明月球并不像之前想象的一样是不活动的。高精度的月形数据显示出了月球上除了存在众所周知的(撞击作用产生的)复杂的撞击构造外,仍然存在许多可能由内生作用产生的构造特征:如裂谷、山脊、火山群等。本文利用最新高精度月球激光高度数据(LOLA数据)建立了全月60m(相当于7秒网格)高精度月形图。由于数据量超大(TB级别),作者编写了基于并行架构的集群计算处理代码,其计算效率提高了近300倍。基于这些图件,作者在全球范围内找出许多重要的构造现象,并根据其构造及地质特征进行分类研究。研究结果表明并不像之前认识一样,月球上的确存在许多地质构造体是由月球的内生地质作用所产生,并建立对于月球结构和构造的新认识。此外,通过对比发现,像地球上全球尺度的线性山脉只是板块构造运动的结果;另一方面,在无板块构造的行星上,就像月球一样,会产生大面积的高地(月陆)和低地(月海地区),这种地质现象很有可能是行星地壳岩浆演化的直接结果。在文章最后,作者还将制作出的60m分辨率的全月月形系列图件附后并公开,以方便其他科研人员进一步开展相关研究;并以此敬献中国地质科学院60周年庆典。  相似文献   

Granulites are developed in various tectonic settings and during different geological periods, and have been used for continental correlation within supercontinent models. In this context the Balaram-Kui-Surpagla-Kengora granulites of the South Delhi Terrane of the Aravalli Mobile Belt of northwestern India are significant. The granulites occur as shear zone bounded lensoidal bodies within low-grade rocks of the South Delhi Terrane and comprise pelitic and calcareous granulites, a gabbro-norite-basic granulite suite and multiple phases of granites of the Ambaji suite. The granulites have undergone three major phases of folding and shearing. The F1 and F2 folds are coaxial along NE-SW axis, and F3 folds are developed across the former along NW-SE axis. Thus, various types of interference patterns are produced. The granulite facies metamorphism is marked by a spinel–cordierite–garnet–sillimanite–quartz assemblage with melt phase and is synkinematic to the F1 phase of folding. The peak thermobarometric condition is set at ≥850 °C and 5.5–6.8 kb. The granulites have been exhumed through thrusting along multiple ductile shear zones during syn- to post-F2 folding. Late-stage shearing has produced cataclasites and pseudotachylites. Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U–Pb dating of zircon from pelitic granulites and synkinematically emplaced granites indicate that: (1) the sedimentary succession of the South Delhi Terrane was deposited between 1240 and 860 Ma with detritus derived from magmatic sources with ages between 1620 and 1240 Ma; (2) folding and granulite metamorphism have taken place between ca. 860 and 800 Ma, and exhumation at around ca. 800–760 Ma; and (3) the last phase of granitic activity occurred at ca. 759 Ma. This shows, for the first time, that the granulites of the South Delhi Terrane are much younger than those of the Sandmata Granulite Complex of the northern part of the Aravalli Mobile Belt, the Saussar granulites of the Central India Mobile Belt and the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. Instead, they show similarities to the Neoproterozoic granulites of the Circum Indian Orogens that include the East African Orogen (East Africa and Madagascar), the Southern Granulite Terrane of India and much of Sri Lanka. We suggest that the South Delhi Basin probably marks a trace of the proto-Mozambique Ocean in NW India within Gondwana, that closed when the Marwar Craton, arc fragments (Bemarivo Belt in Madagascar and the Seychelles) and components of the Arabian-Nubian Shield collided with the Aravalli-Bundelkhand Protocontinent at ca. 850–750 Ma.  相似文献   

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