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在岩体加、卸荷试验研究的基础上,从应力-应变关系、强度特性、声发射及破坏特征等方面,对岩体在加、卸荷条件下的破坏特性进行对比分析。结果表明:同类型的岩体在相同的主差应力作用下,卸荷产生的扩容量比加荷的更大;卸荷破坏的强度比加荷的更低;卸荷产生的声发射率比加荷的更高;加荷下岩体易呈剪切破坏特征,而卸荷下岩体常呈张剪复合型破坏特征。 相似文献
Summary The primary objective of this work was an examination of the complimentary roles of tensile damage and confinement reduction (or stress relaxation) on excavation response of hard rockmasses. Tensile damage and relaxation are examined with respect to structurally controlled or gravity driven failure modes as well as to strength controlled or stress driven rockmass damage and yield. In conventional analysis of both structurally controlled and stress driven failure, the effects of tensile damage and tensile resistance as well as the elevated sensitivity to low confinement are typically neglected, leading to erroneous predictions of groundfall potential or rock yield. The important role of these two elements in underground excavation stability in hard rock environments is examined in detail through a review of testing data, case study examination and a number of analytical and numerical analogues including discrete element simulation, statistical theory and fracture mechanics. This rigorous theoretical treatment updates, validates and constrains the current use of semi-empirical design guidelines based on these mechanisms. 相似文献
Cellular reinforcement is a three dimensional reinforcement used for reinforced soil structures. Behaviour of such reinforcement
is important for its use in actual practice. Present paper focuses on the behavior of cellular reinforcement in sand under
the triaxial loading conditions. Series of triaxial tests are performed on unreinforced and reinforced sand with single layer
as well as double layers of cellular reinforcements with 75 mm sample diameter. Six different reinforcement heights of cellular
reinforcements (varying from 3 to 50 mm) are used along with one sheet reinforcement of thickness 1 mm. From the experimental
failure patterns of the triaxial samples, multiple zones of failure are observed as an effect of cellular reinforcement. Deviator
stress–strain curves are studied for single and double layers of cellular reinforcement under three different confining pressures.
Peak deviator stress is found increasing with increasing height of cellular reinforcement, which shows the confining effect
of cellular reinforcement. Shear strength parameters are evaluated and are found increasing with increase in height of cellular
reinforcement, also cellular reinforcement with heights 10 mm and more have showed increased shear strength parameters, as
compared to 1 mm thick sheet reinforcement. This assures better behavior performance of cellular reinforcement over the planar
one. Failure patterns are also visualized by finite element analysis and found in accord with experimental observations Horizontal
displacement for reinforced samples visualized multi-zoned failure pattern. Finite element results for deviator stress–strain
relationship are found in reasonably good accord with experimental results. 相似文献
Most natural rock masses contain a large number of random joints and fissures, and most of the rock masses at the rock engineering are commonly in both compression and shear stress environment. However, the research on the failure characteristics of complex random jointed rock mass under compressive-shear loading is still limited. To address this gap, this paper uses the particle flow code 2D to establish a discrete fractured rock mass model and carry out a series of numerical tests with different compressive-shear angles (α) and different joint geometric parameters. The effects of compressive-shear angle and joint geometric parameters on the strength and failure characteristics of fractured rock masses are studied. The results indicate that with the increase of α, the peak strength of the specimen decreases gradually, and the failure mode changes from the composite shear failure mode (Mode-I) to a plane shear failure mode (Mode-II) and then to intact shear failure mode (Mode-III). Specifically, the three failure modes occur in the specimens with α?=?15°, 30° or 45°, 60°, respectively. The existence of joints affects stress distribution on rock mass during the loading process. Furthermore, the stress at the joint tip is relatively concentrated, while on both sides of the joint is smaller. Three kinds of crack coalescence patterns are observed: tensile, shear, and tensile-shear mixed coalescence. The inclination angle of the rock bridge between adjacent joints affects the specific type of coalescence. 相似文献
The variation of the shear strength of infilled rock joints under cyclic loading and constant normal stiffness conditions is studied. To simulate the joints, triangular asperities inclined at angles of 9.5° and 18.5° to the shear movement were cast using high-strength gypsum plaster and infilled with clayey sand. These joints were sheared cyclically under constant normal stiffness conditions. It was found that, for a particular normal stiffness, the shear strength is a function of the initial normal stress, initial asperity angle, joint surface friction angle, infill thickness, infill friction angle, loading direction and number of loading cycles. Based on the experimental results, a mathematical model is proposed to evaluate the shear strength of infilled rock joints in cyclic loading conditions. The proposed model takes into consideration different initial asperity angles, initial normal stresses and ratios of infill thickness to asperity height. 相似文献
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - This paper investigates different configuration of the room and pillar under uniaxial loading using experimental and particle flow code in two dimension... 相似文献
介绍了如何在事前监控及施工过程中加强对钻孔灌注桩的质量控制以及钻孔灌注桩事故处理的常用方法和一般原则。 相似文献
Static diametrical compression tests conducted on inclined cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc (CCNBD) Brisbane tuff specimens showed that the notched cracks at the centre of the specimens opened (Mode I) up to 30° crack inclination angle ( β), whereas crack closure (Mode II) started for β > 33°, and closure became more pronounced at even higher β of 45° and 70°. Both the experimental and numerical results showed that the crack initiation angle ( θ) was a function of the β. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that fatigue damage on cyclic loading of Brisbane tuff is strongly influenced by the failure of the matrix due to both intergranular and transgranular fracturing. 相似文献
模拟冻土与构筑物相互作用的实际过程,即加荷与卸荷过程,在-5℃条件下对冻结原状粉土进行了试验,发现两种受力过程中冻土的抗剪强度不一致,卸荷时冻土的强度值要高于加荷时的,加荷时其粘聚力c=0,内摩擦角ψ=17.5°;卸荷时c=0.58,MPa,ψ=14.5°,当0.5≤σ≤4MPa时,卸荷时冻土的抗剪强度比加荷时的高1.3-3倍。纠正了长期以来认为两种受力过程中冻土的强度值是一致的看法。 相似文献
In this paper, white Portland cement was used as an experimental material. Prismatic specimens with pre-existing flaws at
different angles of inclination ( α) varying through 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° to 90° and cylindrical specimens with different numbers of pre-existing flaws ( n) varying through 0, 1, 2 to 3 were tested under uni-axial compression tests. Crack initiation, propagation, coalescence,
and failure were observed. The corresponding analytical expression for the stress intensity factor under uni-axial compression
was derived, the coefficient of friction and the stress intensity factor of the specimens on the surfaces of the crack were
analysed, and the corrective coefficient for the stress intensity factor was introduced. Fatigue tests with a loading frequency
of f = 100 Hz were carried out on cylindrical specimens with constant amplitude of the cyclic load which is a proportion of the
compressive load at failure ( F
f) obtained from the uni-axial compression tests. The fatigue property of the specimens was analysed and the relationship ( S
max − lg N
f) between the maximum stress and the number of loading cycles at failure for specimens with pre-existing flaws was proposed.
The effect of pre-existing flaws on the fatigue life ( N
f) and dynamic load ( S
D) which can be applied was investigated. 相似文献
利用VIC大尺度分布式水文模型,对祁连山地区2007年1—12月的能量平衡特征进行模拟分析.结果表明:该地区的地表能量平衡中感热通量占有主导地位,而潜热较小.春季,日尺度上的冻融循环过程造成的土壤湿度的增加是潜热通量较大原因;秋季的潜热通量主要是夏季的降水引起的,祁连山地区土壤湿度对大气的反馈效应较干旱区所需的时间尺度长. 相似文献
以均布荷载作用下软弱下卧层竖向附加应力的简化计算方法为基础,导出了偏心荷载作用下软弱下卧层竖向附加应力的简化计算公式,并提出偏心荷载作用下软弱下卧层承载力验算的基本原则。 相似文献
Life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology was used to perform a quantitative, comparative analysis and rating of the construction and operation of a wind energy plant. For this case study, the Glacier Hills Wind Park (90 1.8-MW turbines in south-central Wisconsin) was evaluated. Significant environmental and economic benefits are often advertised with the installation of new wind energy facilities, although independent and comprehensive LCA and sustainable energy science are typically not implemented. Hence, a quantitative demonstration with LCA methodology of the life cycle emissions and environmental impact, from construction through operations, can greatly assist in highlighting significant areas of energy consumption and emissions during manufacturing, transportation, and construction of a wind farm. Results portray the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption/generation over the life cycle of the wind park. Transportation of large components from overseas led to the consumption of considerable quantities of fossil fuel, responsible for up to 22 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions due to transportation. The energy payback ratio (25.5), energy payback time (12.3 months) and the total grams of equivalent CO 2(eq) per kWh of energy (16.9) produced were calculated over the life time of this onshore wind farm. 相似文献
Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3-D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure.The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading considering the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem. The models also take into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties. The developed models are incorporated in a computer program PTDDSSA.These analysis/design procedures are incorporated within a code named SARETL developed in this study for stability analysis and remediation of earthquake triggered landslides. In addition to the dynamic inertia forces, the system takes into consideration local site effects.The code is capable of assessing the landslide hazard affecting major transportation routes in the event of earthquakes and preparing earthquake induced landslide hazard maps (i.e., maps showing expected displacements and probability of slope/embankments failure) for different earthquake magnitudes and environmental conditions. It can also beused for proposing a mitigation strategy against landslides. 相似文献