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Hanza Mountain in Urmia–Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, southeast of Iran, consists of monocline of Eocene volcanic rocks into which the Oligocene granitoid rocks have been intruded. This area has excellent potential for economic porphyry copper deposits with Bondar Hanza, Daralu, and Sarmesk deposits among them. Hanza Mountain is located between NW–SE horsetail thrust faults derived from the Gowk and Sabzevaran strike-slip faults. The analysis of the kinematics of these strike-slip faults shows that they were not the cause of the formation of the pull-apart basin; thus they have not directly played any effective role in localizing the final emplacement of porphyries responsible for the formation of these copper deposits, but the Cu mineralization occurred mainly within a set of normal and thrust faults in the region. The alteration types and faults in Bondar Hanza were distinguished using detailed local geology, including distribution of known mineralization, supported by remote sensing (ASTER), airborne geophysics, and topography; the relationship between mineralization and faults was examined using Rose diagrams and Fry Analysis. This investigation of Bondar Hanza deposit has revealed that the trend of faults and dykes, as well as the distribution of copper analyses within drill cores, is aligned with the main trend of mineralization. The NW–SE trending faults in the Urmia–Dokhtar Magmatic Arc are effective in localizing the emplacement of porphyry copper ore deposits and those that trend between N125°–N145° are key to further exploration.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿巴嘎旗莫若格钦铅锌矿区综合应用地质、物化探手段进行找矿,取得了良好的效果,已圈定五条矿化蚀变带,发现四条(银)铅锌矿化体、一条(银)铜矿化体,具有较大的找矿潜力.文章对该区的成矿地质背景,地质、物化探异常特征进行研究,分析了该区的找矿前景,对下一步开展地质找矿具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

The Southeast Asia Tin Research and Development (SEATRAD) Centre initiated a project to study the relationship between Sn mineralization and geochemical anomalies in non-residual overburden at and around Tebrong in the Lenggang district of Eastern Belitung, located about 400 km north-northeast of Jakarta. Belitung island, with a land surface area of about 5000 km2, forms the easternmost expression of the Southeast Asian tin belt.There is essentially no outcrop, only minor scattered float in the study area. Drainage is very poorly developed and consists of several small creeks. The climate is tropical with a mean daily maximum temperature of 33°C, and an average annual rainfall of about 2000 mm. The watertable is at approximately 5 m depth, depending on seasonal rainfall and local elevation.The oldest rock sequence in the study area is a Triassic metasediment consisting of sandstone, phyllite, claystone, mudstone and quartzite. These rocks are intruded by Triassic granitic plutons. The Tebrong area is underlain by low-grade Sn mineralization consisting of swarms of <0.5-cm-thick subvertical quartz - tourmaline - kaolinite - chlorite - cassiterite veins. In general, cassiterite is present in quartz veins which occur as fracture fillings in the country rocks. These rocks are overlain by Quaternary cassiterite-bearing alluvium (kaksa). Residual lag kaksa typically occurs on Belitung.In the central part of the study area where there is a thick alluvial cover, the soil is mostly transported material. Surface soil geochemically anomalies are absent, but near bedrock, weak anomalies can delineate placer concentration of Sn.Based on the findings of the initial survey, it can be concluded that the distribution of Sn in non-residual overburden does not reflect bedrock Sn distribution. However, geochemical soil profiling, using a motorized auger, can be usefully employed to delineate target areas for further exploration for placer Sn.  相似文献   

The tectonic scheme of the Siberian Craton proposed in this paper is compiled on the basis of a geological map of the craton prepared from numerous magnetometric maps and gravity measurements on various scales, the scheme of axes of magnetic anomalies, and the synthesis of geological information on the exposed territories. The shields and platform territories of the ancient Siberian Craton comprises Archean blocks and Paleoproterozoic foldbelts. The granite-greenstone terranes and granulite-gneiss domains were formed in the Meso- and Neoarchean. The granite-greenstone terranes exposed and overlapped by sedimentary cover are identical, although they generally differ in internal structure and rock compositions both at the infra- and supracrustal levels. The Archean granulite-gneiss domains are recognized either as special tectonic units or as deep sections of granite-greenstone terranes. Two groups of the Paleoproterozoic collisional belts that amalgamated separate Archean blocks of the Siberian Craton into a common stable structural unit evolved 2.1–1.9 and 1.9–1.8 Ga ago. Three types of deep faults arose in the Paleoproterozoic: (1) translithospheric fault zones as boundaries of tectonic blocks and collisional belts, (2) intracrustal fault zones that originated as a result of nonuniform uplift of particular segments of the common plate, and (3) transcrustal zones formed in a plate that overrode another, plunging plate.  相似文献   

陈国勇 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):703-718
黔西北地区是上扬子西缘成矿带重要矿集区,区内分布许多大中型铅锌矿床,其构造复杂,找矿难度大。为实现黔西北地区铅锌找矿突破,系统收集该区及邻区勘查和研究资料,通过类比美国密西西比地区铅锌矿床和相邻云南矿山厂、麒麟厂、毛坪等铅锌矿床,结合在黔西北地区实施的调查和勘查项目,开展野外调查和取样测试等,解剖区内典型矿床;以地史时期构造演化为线索,探索黔西北地区地壳裂陷、地壳隆升、玄武岩浆喷发、地层褶皱倒转、逆冲推覆与铅锌成矿关系。研究表明,海西期裂陷作用产生裂陷槽,深部成矿流体沿裂陷槽边界断裂上升,Pb、Zn等组分在裂陷槽内与岩层同沉积,形成高含量背景层;裂陷槽两侧地壳隆升拉张变薄,玄武岩浆喷发,强大的岩浆热能驱动,岩层中Pb、Zn等组分与岩浆携带的含矿热液,运移至垭都-紫云等大断裂及次级断裂、断裂旁侧的有利岩层中聚集,形成铅锌矿体(矿化);印支早期构造运动,地层褶皱倒转、断裂、逆冲推覆,沿断裂上升的含矿热液,改造早期的铅锌矿体(矿化)。该区的铅锌矿床不属于MVT型,是叠加(复合/改造)型矿床。印支晚期、燕山期、喜山期的构造运动,没有明显铅锌成矿作用发生,破坏早期形成的矿床。  相似文献   

刘莎  艾国梁 《江苏地质》2023,47(1):91-99
湖南清水塘铅锌矿位于邵阳—郴州断裂带上,是典型的中低温热液充填脉状铅锌矿床。矿体呈网脉状、脉状、透镜状赋存于硅化破碎带中,赋矿围岩为寒武、奥陶系板岩。在该区开展了地面高精度磁法、激电中梯测量以及土壤地球化学测量等工作,对物化探异常特征进行综合研究,总结物化探找矿标志。结果表明,中高值磁异常结合激电中梯异常特征可有效推断断裂构造位置,铅锌矿体呈低阻高视幅频率的异常特征,Pb、Zn地球化学异常是该区铅锌矿体最主要的找矿标志。经工程查证,在异常区均发现了铅锌矿体,进一步证明物化探方法在清水塘铅锌矿区的应用效果较好,为矿区下一步找矿指明了方向,对于同类型矿床的找矿具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A diverse set of computer programs has been developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)to process geophysical data obtained from boreholes. These programs support such services as digitizing analog records, reading and processing raw data, cataloging and storing processed data, retrieving selected data for analysis, and generating data plots on several different devices. A variety of geophysical data types are accommodated, including both wireline logs and laboratory analyses of downhole samples. Many processing tasks are handled by means of a single, flexible, general-purpose, data-manipulation program. Separate programs are available for processing data from density, gravity, velocity, and epithermal neutron logs. The computer-based storage and retrieval system, which has been in operation since 1973, currently contains over 4400 data files. Most of this data was obtained from the Nevada Test Site (NTS)in conjunction with the nuclear test program. Each data file contains a single geophysical parameter as a function of depth. Automatic storage and retrieval are facilitated by the assignment of unique file names that define the storage location of each data file. Files of interest to the user may be located and retrieved by means of a search program that examines the catalog. A convention recognized by all programs in the system is that of a zero ordinate denoting a gap in an otherwise continuous data trace. This convention provides a simple mechanism for editing and displaying data files in an automated and consistent manner.  相似文献   

This research paper aims to delineate and recognize different gold mineralization stages based on surface lithogeochemical data using factor analysis and Spectrum-Area (S-A) modeling, as well as geological data in Arabshah sedimentary rock hosted epithermal gold deposit, NW Iran. Based on the factor analysis, Au and Mn were allocated to factor 2 (F2) and then classified by the S-A fractal modeling. In addition, Au and F2 values were transformed to spectrum data, which were categorized by the S-A log-log plots. Accordingly, the main mineralization phase contains Au and F2 (Au-Mn) values greater than 800 ppb and 0.3, respectively, and is associated with the occurrence of minerals such as pyrite, arsenian pyrite, realgar, orpiment and oxidized sulfides. The first phase of gold mineralization, where Au typically ranges between 80 and 350 ppb, is associated with base metal sulfides, arsenian pyrites and F2 values between 0.1 and 0.2. The second gold mineralization phase consists of Au values from 350 to 800 ppb and F2 values between 0.2 and 0.3. Combination of the S-A modeling, factor analysis and geological data outlined three gold mineralization stages in Arabshah gold deposit. The main mineralization stage showed a strong positive correlation with the NE-SW and NW-SE trending structures, the altered intrusive rocks such as microdiorite and granodiorite, and the altered subvolcanic dacitic domes.  相似文献   

温格哈尔金矿床位于内蒙古乌拉特中旗巴音杭盖苏木境内。区内出露地层为古元古界宝音图群(Pt1BY)上部石英岩、大理岩,中上元古界温都尔庙群绿片岩(Jxhr),志留系哈达呼舒群(S1-2HD)含石榴角岩、千枚岩和变质砂岩,侵入岩以海西期二长花岗岩、石英闪长岩、斜长花岗岩为主。通过对温格哈尔金矿勘查区1∶1万物化探工作、异常查证和地质综合评价,在勘查Ⅰ区内圈定金矿化体20余条,并认为该金矿是与都尔庙群绿片岩有关的热液型金矿。  相似文献   

陕西马元铅锌矿有机质与成矿作用的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
侯满堂 《中国地质》2009,36(4):861-870
陕西马元铅锌矿石的显著特征之一是富含有机质。除了肉眼和显微镜下能够识别的沥青外,还有丰富的呈分散状的有机质,要通过有机化学分析来确定其成分。笔者试图通过岩矿石光薄片显微鉴定、有机质含量、有机质碳同位素、饱和烃气相色谱等的测试分析,了解有机质在岩矿石中的赋存状态、有机质组成,认为沥青成因类型属于同生-成岩沥青、后生(改造)沥青及表生沥青;并根据正构烷烃、姥鲛烷、植烷等生物标志物,判别有机质母源,分析成矿环境,认为有机质与铅锌成矿有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Mineral extraction and processing, especially metal mining, produces crushed and milled waste; such material, exposed to weathering, poses the potential threat of environmental contamination. In this study, mill tailings from inactive Pb-Zn mines in New Mexico, southwest USA, have been examined for their potential environmental impacts by means of detailed mineralogical and geochemical characterization. The principal ore minerals remaining in the tailings material are sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and very minor galena, smithsonite, and cerrusite, accompanied by the gangue minerals pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, hematite, garnet, pyroxene, quartz, and calcite. White precipitate occurring on tailings surfaces is composed of gypsum and hydrated magnesium sulfates. Pyrite is mostly unaltered or shows only micron-scale rims of oxidation (goethite/hematite) in some surface samples. This iron oxide rim on pyrite is the only indication of weathering-derived minerals found by microscopy. There are variations in element concentrations with depth that reflect primary variations through time as the tailings ponds were filled. Cadmium and Zn concentrations increase with depth and Ag and Pb are low for the uppermost core samples, while Cu, Ni, and Co concentrations are generally high for the uppermost core samples. These elemental distributions indicate that little or no leaching has taken place since emplacement of the tailings because no accumulation or enrichment of these metals is observed in Hanover tailings, even in reducing portions of tailings piles. Element concentrations of surface samples surrounding the tailings reflect underlying mineralized zones rather than tailings-derived soil contamination. We observed no successive decreasing metal concentrations in prevalent wind directions away from the tailings. Stream sediment samples from Hanover Creek have somewhat elevated Zn, Cd, and Pb concentrations in areas that receive sediments from erosion of the tailings. However, input from tributaries downstream of the ponds appears to be principal source of heavy metals in Hanover Creek. The results of this study indicate that there is low risk for groundwater heavy-metal contamination from Hanover tailings. Tailings material do not show significant geochemical oxidation/alteration or metal leaching with depth. Our studies indicate that neutralizing minerals present in the tailings are sufficient to keep the tailings material chemically stable. Geochemically, however, tailings materials are being eroded and may pose a threat to Hanover Creek via siltation.  相似文献   

The Tyndrum Pb+Zn veins, hosted by late Proterozoic quartzites, were probably generated in the Tournaisian (360 Ma). By determination of sulphur isotopic ratios of vein minerals three aspects of the Tyndrum mineralization were addressed, (i) sulphate sulphur sources; (ii) reduced sulphur source; (iii) isotopic equilibrium in the vein system including geothermometry. Twelve galenas have δ34S values ranging from +3.55 ‰ to +6.38 ‰ (this excludes one value of +11.21 ‰ from a large but nearly barren quartz vein). Other sulphides are enriched or depleted in 34S in the sense expected for isotopic equilibrium although there is no evidence for isotopic equilibrium between the vein minerals. The sulphide sulphur source was probably in the Dalradian metasediments where disseminated pyrite averages +6 ‰. Baryte had δ34S values averaging 14 ‰ and was therefore not in isotopic equilibrium with sulphides: a continental groundwater source is most likely.  相似文献   

为进一步摸清九龙山地区区域化探异常与铅锌矿化之间的因果关系、成矿规律和控矿因素,投入1∶1万地质调查、土壤地球化学测量、岩石地球化学测量和激发极化法测量工作,通过综合分析,发现区内4个激电异常区与土壤异常形态相似,平面位置基本重叠吻合,且反映强烈。利用浅表槽探工程在异常中心处揭露到铅锌矿脉,长约760 m,平均厚度为1.40 m,铅平均含量为3.03%,锌平均含量为2.78%,说明九龙山勘查区成矿条件良好,矿产富集,未来深部找矿工作潜力较大。  相似文献   

金永念  季克其 《地质通报》2001,20(4):422-426
以1∶5万常州市幅、漕桥镇幅区域地质调查中的物探工作为例,在充分收集、整理和综合分析物探资料的基础上,对断裂构造格架、岩浆岩分布和承压水、咸水等地质、水文地质问题进行推断解译,为深覆盖区1∶5万区域地质调查中物探资料的开发应用进行了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

用OpenGL绘制物化探数据等值线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Visual C 6.0环境下调用OpenGL库用网格法绘制标准物化探数据等值线,以图示形式给出数据集的二维和三维方式的等值线图,并给出相应的数字高程模型图,方便用户分析和理解数值分布情况。用线性内差法计算所有网格边上的等值点,横边上的等值点到前一个最近网格点的距离存放在二维数组X中,纵边上的等值点到下一个最近网格点的距离存放在二维数组Y中。调用自编的搜索函数在网格边上搜索等值线的线头,用追踪函数对这个线头所在线上的点进行追踪,并把追踪到的等值点的坐标按顺序存放在二维数组DW中,用OpenGL中绘制Bezier曲线的方法分段连接DW数组中的等值点,并按颜色从红到蓝递变的顺序在屏幕上绘制等值线。  相似文献   

汞铅锌矿是湖南凤凰地区的优势矿种。介绍了该区汞铅锌矿的地质特征及类型,结合实际地质资料,综合分析了该区构造控矿因素,初步提出了该区汞铅锌矿的构造控矿规律: 区内汞铅锌矿床成因类型主要有层控叠加(沉积改造)型矿床和断层破碎带低温热液充填型脉状矿床; 导矿构造为NNE向和NE向区域性大断裂——保靖—铜仁断裂; 控矿构造为NNE向和NE向背斜核部及两翼,以及背斜与向斜转折部位; 容矿构造为NW向小断裂、容矿层中节理裂隙、层间裂隙及破碎带。  相似文献   

Tracing leachates at landfills is usually carried out using either geophysical methods or chemical analyses of groundwater. There are often problems with fingerprinting pollution sources or clarifying the spreading pattern due to a wide variety of possibilities giving similar anomalies. The aims of the project were to evaluate the advantages of combining results from multigeophysical modelling and statistical/chemical modelling in order to identify pollution sources and the spreading pattern and to test a new technique for chemical fingerprinting. The project was carried out at a landfill in central Sweden using geophysical measurements and modelling of CVES, GPR and VLF as well as chemical modelling using M3 (multivariate mixing and mass balance calculations). The results indicate that by combining geophysical modelling and chemical calculations, the possibilities of fingerprinting the origin of pollution as well as delineating the spreading pattern are significantly increased.  相似文献   

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