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In this paper, we have investigated linear and nonlinear propagation of kinetic Alfven waves in which the electrons have been assumed to follow generalized (\(r,q\)) distribution. We have shown that (\(r,q\)) distribution gives us most of the distributions observed in space plasmas. We have varied the flatness parameter \(r\) and the tail parameter \(q\) to explore the linear and nonlinear propagation characteristics of kinetic Alfven waves. We have also discussed the limiting cases. It has been shown that our results agree well with Fast and Freja observations of the nonlinear kinetic Alfven waves. An important feature of our study is the formation of rarefactive solitary structures. It has been shown that this result cannot be obtained with Maxwellian distribution and that it agrees well with the observations of Fast and Freja satellites.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of the instability of drift caused by density and magnetic field inhomogeneities in plasmas with finite β, the effect of the instability on the excitation of kinetic Alfven wave (KAW) is probed. In the kinetic theory, which correctly treats the effect of the finite Larmor radius and the wave-particle resonant interaction, the motion of the ions is described with the Vlasov equation and the motion of electrons, with the kinetic drift equation. Comparing the effects by inhomogeneities in the density and in the magnetic field in plasmas with finite β, we found that the drift instability is more easily excited by the former, and in the instability so excited, the energy transfer is more intense. This energy transfer provides the physical basis for the excitation of KAW. As shown by numerical solutions, KAWs can be widely excited and produced in the magnetosphere, especially in the cusp of the magnetosphere, in the magnetopause and in the boundary layers of plasma sheets, where inhomogeneities are obvious. The results of the present work further illustrate that the KAW plays an important role in the energy transfer in magnetospheric regions.  相似文献   

The continuous reflection of Alfven waves in the coronae of the Sun and stars is considered. Based on the WKB approximation, the solution to the linear wave equation in the case of a stratified isothermal atmosphere has been obtained. A critical analysis of results obtained by Ferraro and Plumpton (1958) and Hollweg (1972), as well as the relations in the Elsasser variables has been carried out. It has been shown that Alfven disturbances do not undergo a continuous reflection within the accepted model and are transformed into intermediate-type modes that possess the properties of vibrations and travelling waves. The problem of the turbulization of corona plasma is discussed. The origin of the Alfven waves that propagate toward the Sun is related to the development of parametric instability.  相似文献   

Ion acoustic (IA) solitary and rogue waves are studied in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of non-degenerate warm ions, relativistically degenerate electrons and positrons. By using the reductive perturbation technique, the evolution of IA solitary waves is described by the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. However, when the frequency of the carrier wave is much smaller than the ion plasma frequency then the KdV equation is also used to study the nonlinear evolution of modulationally unstable modified IA wavepackets through the derivation of nonlinear Schrödinger equation. It is found that the characteristics of the IA solitary and rogue waves are substantially influenced by the intrinsic plasma parameters. The relevance of the present investigation involving IA solitary and rogue waves in astrophysical plasma environments is also highlighted.  相似文献   

In the new investigation of dust-ion acoustic (DIA) waves with negative dust charges and weakly relativistic ions and electrons in the plasma, compressive and rarefactive DIA solitons of interesting characters are established through the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Eventually, the amplitudes of the compressive DIA solitons are found to be constant at some critical temperature ratio α c (electron to ion temperature ratio) identifying some critical dust charge Z dc . It is predicted, that the reception of dust charges by the plasma particles at the variation of temperature starts functioning to the growth of compressive soliton’s constant stage of amplitude after the state of critical α c . The identification of critical dust charge (Z dc ) which is found to be very great for solitons of constant amplitudes becomes feasible for very small dust to ion density ratio (σ). But it can be achieved, we observe, due to the relativistic increase in ion-density as in mass, which is also a salient feature of this investigation.  相似文献   

A finite amplitude linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in a relativistic plasma, is found to generate the longitudinal d.c. as well as the oscillating electric field at the second harmonic. In a plasma consisting of only electrons and positrons, these fields cannot be generated.The evolution of the electromagnetic waves is governed by the non-linear Schrödinger equation which shows that the electromagnetic solitons are always possible in ultra-relativistic plasmas (electron-ion or electron-positron) but in a plasma with relativistic electrons and nonrelativistic ions, these solitons exist only if 1(KT e/meC2)<(2m i/15me);m e andm i being the electron and ion mass andT e the electron temperature. Both the d.c. electric field and the solitons provide a nonlinear mechanism for anomalous acceleration of the particles. This model has direct relevance to some plasma processes occurring in pulsars.  相似文献   

The dynamics of intense Langmuir waves in current-carrying plasmas is studied both analytically and numerically. Starting with the widely used Zakharov equations, adapted to these systems, specific features of this problem are pointed out. Further, the role of resonant particles is analyzed. By using 1-D macroparticle numerical code, nonlinear regimes of the modified-decay and modulational instabilities are then modelled. Efficient cooperation of essentially ponderomotive and electron-ion drift effects its demonstrated.It appears that the heating of a current-carrying plasma can be activated through releasing of the inductively stored energy, due to the enhanced conversion of energy associated with the electron drift motion. The underlying physics is discussed and its relationship to solar flare theory is suggested.  相似文献   

A semiclassical theory describing the emission and absorption of waves is applied to the interaction of charged particles with waves in magnetized plasmas. Spontaneous emission of all cold plasma wave modes is calculated in detail. The method gives the absorption coefficient for the waves and a diffusion equation in momentum space for the particles describing the effects of the induced processes.Coefficients describing the systematic change of particle parameters follow from the diffusion equation. Applications of astrophysical interest are outlined.  相似文献   

Within a framework of the two-fluids approximation, basic modes constituting hydromagnetic coupling oscillations in non-uniform, finite-β plasmas are examined. It is shown that the oscillations consist of a coupling between a localized mode and a propagating one, and a strong peak appears at a resonance point. In the case of isothermal plasma (Te = Ti), there are two localized modes, the Alfvén (or drift Alfvén) and the ion drift modes, and a propagating mode being known as the fast magnetosonic wave. Coupling oscillations associated with the Alfvén mode exhibit a nearly incompressible character, whereas those with the ion drift mode are compressional and diamagnetic. Furthermore, the slow magnetosonic wave also couples with the localized mode in the case of Te > Ti. Based on characteristics of these oscillations, the origin of geomagnetic pulsations is discussed in connection with the distribution of plasma parameters in the outer magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper, the general procedure to solve the general relativistic hydrodynamical (GRH) equations with adaptive-mesh refinement (AMR) is presented. In order to achieve, the GRH equations are written in the conservation form to exploit their hyperbolic character. The numerical solutions of GRH equations are obtained by high resolution shock Capturing schemes (HRSC), specifically designed to solve nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. These schemes depend on the characteristic information of the system. The Marquina fluxes with MUSCL left and right states are used to solve GRH equations. First, different test problems with uniform and AMR grids on the special relativistic hydrodynamics equations are carried out to verify the second-order convergence of the code in one, two and three dimensions. Results from uniform and AMR grid are compared. It is found that adaptive grid does a better job when the number of resolution is increased. Second, the GRH equations are tested using two different test problems which are Geodesic flow and Circular motion of particle In order to do this, the flux part of GRH equations is coupled with source part using Strang splitting. The coupling of the GRH equations is carried out in a treatment which gives second order accurate solutions in space and time. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The dispersion law for the propagation of waves in cold magnetized plasmas is derived for arbitrary directions of the rotation axis with respect to the static magnetic field. The waves are shown to be stable, not only in the case of a cold plasma, but in any plasma case which yields hermitian mobility tensors. An interesting special case is when the rotation and magnetization axes are parallel, because then for suitable values of rotation and external magnetic field the two effects can cancel each other, though only for one plasma species at the time. The rotation thus decisively affects and shifts the number and width of the existing pass- and stop-bands in a magnetized plasma. The inclusion of thermal effects through a scalar barotropic pressure is not nearly as significant.  相似文献   

This article presents the first study of the head-on collision of two ion-acoustic solitary waves (IASWs) in magnetized plasmas with nonextensive electrons and positrons using the extended Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (PLK) method. The effects of the ion gyro-frequency to ion plasma frequency ratio, the positron to ion number density ratio, the electrons temperature to positrons temperature ratio, and the nonextensive parameter q on the phase shifts are investigated. It is shown that these factors significantly modify the phase shifts.  相似文献   

A popular model of a cometary plasma is hydrogen (H+) with positively charged oxygen (O+) as a heavier ion component. However, the discovery of negatively charged oxygen (O?) ions enables one to model a cometary plasma as a pair-ion plasma (of O+ and O?) with hydrogen as a third ion constituent. We have, therefore, studied the stability of the ion-acoustic wave in such a pair-ion plasma with hydrogen and electrons streaming with velocities $V_{d\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ and V de , respectively, relative to the oxygen ions. We find the calculated frequency of the ion-acoustic wave with this model to be in good agreement with the observed frequencies. The ion-acoustic wave can also be driven unstable by the streaming velocity of the hydrogen ions. The growth rate increases with increasing hydrogen density $n_{\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ , and streaming velocities $V_{d\mathrm{H}^{+}}$ and V de . It, however, decreases with increasing oxygen ion densities $n_{\mathrm{O}^{+}}$ and $n_{\mathrm{O}^{-}}$ .  相似文献   

Stars form in regions of the galaxy that are denser and cooler than the mean interstellar medium. These regions are called Giant Molecular Clouds. At the beginning of their life, up to 105–106 years, stars accrete matter from their rich surrounding environment and are origin of a peculiar phenomenon that is the jet emission. Jets from Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) are intensively studied by the astrophysical community by observations at different wavelengths, analytical and numerical modeling and laboratory experiments. Indications about the jet propagation and its resulting morphologies are here obtained by means of a combined study of hypersonic jets carried out both in the laboratory and by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

对与球状星团形成与演化有关的观测特征进行了总结,分别从球产太星团的空间分布特征、金属度分布特征、光度函数和质量函数,以及不同星系中球状星团的数量特征等方面介绍了银河系和河外星系中球状星团的最新观测事实。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic response of confined magnetic structures to strong heating perturbations is investigated by means of a timedependent one-dimensional code which incorporates the energy, momentum and mass conservation equations. The entire atmospheric structure from the chromosphere to the corona is taken into account. The results of model calculations are compared with observations of flares obtained with the X-Ray Polychromator experiment on the Solar Maximum Mission.  相似文献   

不同恒星系统(银河系晕、疏散星团、球状星团、矮星系)中蓝离散星所表现出的观测特性各不相同,这与恒星系统动力学环境及相应的蓝离散星主导形成机制直接相关。因此,分析研究蓝离散星的不同观测特性,也就成为研究蓝离散星形成机制、恒星及双星系统演化以及恒星系统动力学演化的有效方法。  相似文献   

This theoretical investigation has been made on dust-acoustic (DA) waves containing nonextensivity of electrons being two different temperatures, negatively charged dust grains, and Maxwellian ions. The Zakharov-Kuznetsov (Z-K) equation has been derived and numerically solved to analysis the basis features. It is observed that the characteristics of the DA solitary waves (DASWs) are significantly modified by the external magnetic field with the different temperatures for electrons followed by the nonextensive distribution. The results obtained from this analysis can be employed in understanding the nature of plasma waves both in laboratory and space plasma system.  相似文献   

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