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The studied region is a part of the current circuit of a magnetic loop in a solar active region in the altitude range of 1400–2500 km above the photosphere. At the earliest stage of development of a flare process, the magnetic field of the loop was assumed to be stationary and uniform in the interval corresponding to weak fields (the so-called deca-hectogauss fields). The conditions for emergence and development of instability of the second harmonic of Bernstein modes in this previously unexamined region were determined. This instability (and low-frequency instabilities emerging later) was assumed to be caused by the sub-Dreicer electric field of the loop, while pair Coulomb collisions were considered to be the major factor hindering its development. The obtained extremely low instability thresholds point to the possibility of subsequent emergence of low-frequency instabilities (and plasma waves corresponding to them) with much higher threshold values against the background of saturated Bernstein turbulence. The frequency of electron scattering by turbulence pulsations in this scenario normally exceeds the frequency of pair Coulomb (primarily ion–electron) collisions. Both the quasistatic sub-Dreicer field in the loop and the weak spatial inhomogeneity of plasma temperature and density were taken into account in the process of derivation and analysis of the dispersion relation for low-frequency waves. It was demonstrated that the solutions of the obtained dispersion relation in the cases of prevalent pair Coulomb collisions and dominant electron momentum losses at pulsations of saturated Bernstein turbulence are morphologically similar and differ only in the boundary values of perturbation parameters. In both cases, these solutions correspond to the two wave families, namely, kinetic Alfven waves and kinetic ion acoustic waves. These waves have their own electric fields and may play the important role in the process of preflare acceleration of energetic electrons.  相似文献   

Necessary conditions have been investigated for the appearance of instability of high-frequency electron Langmuir waves in plasma of solar chromosphere near the foot-point of loop structure. We have considered the earliest stage of a flare process in solar active region. At the chromospheric part of current circuit of a flare loop such instability can appear and develop as the result of combined action of large-scale electric field, Landau damping and collisional processes in preflare plasma. We have investigated the process of instability development for two possible scenarios: (a) when preflare loop plasma has a classical Coulomb conductivity and (b) when anomalous resistance appears due to saturation of Bernstein turbulence. The growth rates of instability have been obtained and analyzed in detail. It has been assumed in the process of calculation that preflare plasma can be described by the FAL model of the solar atmosphere, which takes into account the process of helium diffusion. It has been shown that Langmuir wave instability can appear in its marginal form in the area under investigation either in the presence of Coulomb conductivity or in the presence of saturated Bernstein turbulence. Existence of instability with the growth rate, which changes its sign, proves the principal possibility of generation of nondamping Langmuir waves with small amplitudes.  相似文献   

Low‐frequency instabilities of plasma waves in the arch structures in solar active regions have been investigated before a flare. In the framework of mechanism of “direct initiation” of instability by slowly increasing (quasi‐static) large‐scale electric field in a loop the dispersion relation has been studied for the perturbations which propagate almost perpendicularly to the magnetic field of the loop. The case has been considered, when amplitude of weak (“subdreicer”) electric field sharply increases before a flare, low‐frequency instability develops on the background of ion‐acoustic turbulence and thickness of this turbulent plasma layer plays the role of mean characteristic scale of inhomogeneity of plasma density. If the values of the main plasma parameters, i.e. temperature, density, magnetic field amplitude allow to neglect the influence of the shear of magnetic strength lines on the instability development, then two types of the waves can be generated in preflare plasma: the kinetic Alfvén waves and some new kind of the waves from the range of slowly magneto‐acoustic ones. Instability of kinetic Alfvén waves has clearly expressed threshold character with respect to the amplitude of “subdreicer” electric field. This fact seems to be useful for the short‐time prediction of a flare in arch structure. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the equatorial plasmasphere, plasma waves are frequently observed. To improve our understanding of the mechanism generating plasma waves from instabilities, a comparison of observations, linear growth-rate calculations, and simulation results is presented. To start the numerical experiments from realistic initial plasma conditions, we use the initial parameters inferred from observational data obtained around the plasma-wave generation region by the Akebono satellite. The linear growth rates of waves of different modes are calculated under resonance conditions, and compared with simulation results and observations. By employing numerical experiments by a particle code, we first show that upper hybrid-, Z-, and whistler-mode waves are excited through instabilities driven by a ring-type velocity distribution. The simulation results suggest a possibility that energetic electrons with energies of some tens of keV confined around the geomagnetic equator are responsible for the observed enhancements of Z- and whistler-mode waves. While the comparison between linear growth-rate calculations and observations shows the different tendency of wave amplitude of Z-mode and whistler-mode waves, the wave amplitude of these wave modes in the simulation results is consistent with the observation.  相似文献   

The energetics of the stabilization of Farley-Buneman (FB) waves by three-wave interaction is studied. Considering decay processes of three FB waves in an open system, which are supposed to be called “quasi-decay processesŔ, it is shown, that during wave stabilization the direct energy transfer between the waves, which is essential for the stabilization of instabilities by normal decay processes in closed plasma systems, is less effective. According to the estimates, a decreasing growth rate of a FB wave, and thus a possible stabilization of the FB instability, may occur as a consequence of the change of the speed of energy transfer from an external electric field, which is caused by the action of two other waves.  相似文献   

A two fluid stability analysis of an inhomogeneous solar wind plasma leads to prediction of possible instabilities of both Alfvénic and magnetoacoustic waves driven by local velocity gradients. The waves predicted to be possibly unstable have short wavelengths in comparison with the length scale of the gradients and, with different thresholds for the value of velocity shear, may have different directions of propagation with respect to the background magnetic field.We have performed a detailed study, based on Pioneer 6 magnetic and plasma data relative to several high speed streams in the solar wind, on the direction of propagation of the transverse waves which are found within the streams and on their association with velocity gradients within the stream structure. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the observed Alfvén waves may be consistent with the hypothesis of local generation through one of the above mentioned instabilities where velocity shear leads in fact to excitation of incompressible waves in directions almost parallel to the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The MHD instabilities of a temperature-anisotropic coronal plasma are considered. We show that aperiodic mirror instabilities of slow MHD waves can develop under solar coronal conditions for weak magnetic fields (B < 1 G) and periodic ion-acoustic instabilities can develop for strong magnetic fields (B > 10 G). We have found the instability growth rates and estimated the temporal and spatial scales of development and decay of the periodic instability. We show that the instabilities under consideration can play a prominent role in the energy balance of the corona and may be considered as a large-scale energy source of the wave coronal heating mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of magneto-sonic eigenwaves travelling in magnetic plasma structures based on the Chew-Goldberger-Low approximation, for which the plasma kinetic pressure is different along and across the magnetic field. The anisotropy does not lead to the emergence of new modes. The dependence of phase velocities of the waves, trapped by a single magnetic surface, on the pressure anisotropy is investigated. For a magnetic slab with field-free surroundings, the dispersion relations for the eigenwaves are obtained. The pressure anisotropy may change dispersion relations of such modes significantly. In particular, backward waves are possible in the case of strong anisotropy. The dependences of the thresholds for the mirror and hose instabilities on the system parameters are obtained. In particular, hose and mirror instabilities of such waves are absent for some wave number regions. The results are used to obtain the eigenwave characteristics in coronal loops and chromospheric flux tubes.  相似文献   

The solar corona, modeled by a low-, resistive plasma slab, sustains MHD wave propagations due to footpoint motions in the photosphere. Simple test cases are undertaken to verify the code. Uniform, smooth and steep density, magnetic profile and driver are considered. The numerical simulations presented here focus on the evolution and properties of the Alfvén, fast and slow waves in coronal loops. The plasma responds to the footpoint motion by kink or sausage waves depending on the amount of shear in the magnetic field. The larger twist in the magnetic field of the loop introduces more fast-wave trapping and destroys initially developed sausage-like wave modes. The transition from sausage to kink waves does not depend much on the steep or smooth profile. The slow waves develop more complex fine structures, thus accounting for several local extrema in the perturbed velocity profiles in the loop. Appearance of the remnants of the ideal singularities characteristic of ideal plasma is the prominent feature of this study. The Alfvén wave which produces remnants of the ideal x –1 singularity, reminiscent of Alfvén resonance at the loop edges, becomes less pronounced for larger twist. Larger shear in the magnetic field makes the development of pseudo-singularity less prominent in case of a steep profile than that in case of a smooth profile. The twist also causes heating at the edges, associated with the resonance and the phase mixing of the Alfvén and slow waves, to slowly shift to layers inside the slab corresponding to peaks in the magnetic field strength. In addition, increasing the twist leads to a higher heating rate of the loop. Remnants of the ideal log ¦x¦ singularity are observed for fast waves for larger twist. For slow waves they are absent when the plasma experiences large twist in a short time. The steep profiles do not favour the creation of pseudo-singularities as easily as in the smooth case.  相似文献   

The spectrum of propagating waves and instabilities on a current-carrying, zero gas pressure, twisted magnetic flux loop is analysed for several models of the magnetic field structure. A surface wave mode of the fast Alfvén wave is found to exist, with damping of the wave when Alfvén resonance absorption occurs. If the loop is surrounded by a uniform, purely axial magnetic field, then the surface wave is always stable. If the loop is surrounded by a nonuniform field which is continuous with the loop's field, then the surface wave may connect to the unstable external kink mode.  相似文献   

B. Vršnak  S. Lulić 《Solar physics》2000,196(1):181-197
The ignition of coronal shock waves by flares is investigated. It is assumed that an explosive expansion of the source region caused by impulsive heating generates a fast-mode MHD blast wave which subsequently transforms into a shock wave. The solutions of 1-D MHD equations for the flaring region and for the external region are matched at their boundary. The obtained results show under what conditions flares can ignite shock waves that excite the metric type II bursts. The heat input rate per unit mass has to be sufficiently high and the preflare value of the plasma parameter in the flaring region has to be larger than 0 crit. The critical values depend on the flare dimensions and impulsiveness. Larger and more impulsive flares are more effective in generating type II bursts. Shock waves of a higher Mach number require a higher preflare value of and a more powerful heating per unit mass. The results demonstrate why only a small fraction of flares is associated with type II bursts and why the association rate increases with the flare importance.  相似文献   

Years of preparation within the framework of the Flare Build-up Study culminated with intensive observations of solar flares during the Solar Maximum Year (1979–1981). Scientists operating several spacecraft and roughly 70 ground-based observatories participated in an internationally coordinated effort to observe flares with higher spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution over a wider range of wavelengths than heretofore. The FBS stimulated important advances in theories of magnetic reconnection and the growth of plasma instabilities under preflare circumstances. A series of international FBS workshops facilitated data exchanges and collaborative studies for interpreting and synthesizing the wealth of new information about flares. The FBS ended officially at the Symposium on Synopsis of the Solar Maximum Analysis held 2–5 July, 1986 at the COSPAR meeting in Toulouse, France. Here we summarize highlights of its progress towards an understanding of the storage and release of preflare energy.  相似文献   

The investigation of instabilities adopting the point of view of inhomogeneous mass flow, physically corresponds to consideration of stability of the perturbations whose wavelengths in the direction of plasma inhomogeneities are much larger than the characteristic plasma scale length. The dissipation of hydromagnetic-waves and instabilities takes place due to the inhomogeneous plasma flow. Both the velocity and plasma density vary in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. It is found that the Alfvén wave branch and magnetosonic branch may be driven unstable by the velocity shear. Instability, oscillatory modes, marginal instability and overstability are worked out.  相似文献   

It is shown that induced Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves in the strongly magnetized electron–positron plasma of pulsar magnetospheres may be important for wave propagation and as an effective saturation mechanism for electromagnetic instabilities. The frequencies at which strong Raman scattering occurs in the outer parts of a magnetosphere fall into the observed radio band. The typical threshold intensities for the strong Raman scattering are of the order of the observed intensities, implying that pulsar magnetospheres may be optically thick to Raman scattering of electromagnetic waves.  相似文献   

A problem of the structure and spectrum of standing slow magnetosonic waves in a dipole plasmasphere is solved. Both an analytical (in WKB approximation) and numerical solutions are found to the problem, for a distribution of the plasma parameters typical of the Earth's plasmasphere. The solutions allow us to treat the total electronic content oscillations registered above Japan as oscillations of one of the first harmonics of standing slow magnetosonic waves. Near the ionosphere the main components of the field of registered standing SMS waves are the plasma oscillations along magnetic field lines, plasma concentration oscillation and the related oscillations of the gas-kinetic pressure. The velocity of the plasma oscillations increases dramatically near the ionospheric conductive layer, which should result in precipitation of the background plasma particles. This may be accompanied by ionospheric F2 region airglows modulated with the periods of standing slow magnetosonic waves.  相似文献   

An analysis of new observations showing fine structures consisting of narrowband fiber bursts as substructures of large-scale zebra-pattern stripes is carried out. We study four events using spectral observations taken with a newly built spectrometer located at the Huairou station, China, in the frequency range of 1.1 – 2.0 GHz with extremely high frequency and time resolutions (5 MHz and 1.25 ms). All the radio events were analyzed by using the available satellite data (SOHO LASCO, EIT, and MDI, TRACE, and RHESSI). Small-scale fibers always drift to lower frequencies. They may belong to a family of ropelike fibers and can also be regarded as fine structures of type III bursts and broadband pulsations. The radio emission was moderately or strongly polarized in the ordinary wave mode. In three main events fiber structure appeared as a forerunner of the entire event. All four events were small decimeter bursts. We assume that for small-scale fiber bursts the usual mechanism of coalescence of whistler waves with plasma waves can be applied, and the large-scale zebra pattern can be explained in the conventional double plasma resonance (DPR) model. The appearance of an uncommon fine structure is connected with the following special features of the plasma wave excitation in the radio source: Both whistler and plasma wave instabilities are too weak at the very beginning of the events (i.e., the continuum was absent), and the fine structure is almost invisible. Then, whistlers generated directly at DPR levels “highlight” the radio emission only from these levels owing to their interaction with plasma waves.  相似文献   

We study the propagation and dissipation of slow magnetoacoustic waves in an inhomogeneous viscous coronal loop plasma permeated by uniform magnetic field. Only viscosity and thermal conductivity are taken into account as dissipative processes in the coronal loop. The damping length of slow-mode waves exhibit varying behaviour depending upon the physical parameters of the loop in an active region AR8270 observed by TRACE. The wave energy flux associated with slow magnetoacoustic waves turns out to be of the order of 106 erg cm?2 s?1 which is high enough to replace the energy lost through optically thin coronal emission and the thermal conduction below to the transition region. It is also found that only those slow-mode waves which have periods more than 240s provide the required heating rate to balance the energy losses in the solar corona. Our calculated wave periods for slow-mode waves nearly match with the oscillation periods of loop observed by TRACE.  相似文献   

The modulational instability of the weakly nonlinear longitudinal Langmuir as well as the transverse electromagnetic waves, propagation in the relativistic plasma without the static fields is described. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation taking account of the nonlinear Landau damping for these waves has been derived by means of the relativistic Vlasov and Maxwell equations. The plasma with the weakly relativistic temperature and that with an ultrarelativistic one has been investigated. In the first case, for the electron-proton plasma with the temperature more than 2.3 KeV we found the regional change of the wave numbers for which the soliton of two types, subsonic and supersonic, can exist. The soliton of the transverse waves can exist when the group velocity of the waves is between the thermal velocity of the electron and ion and the length of the linear waves is less than 2c/ pi .In the second case the regions of the wave numbers, with the solitons of the Langmuir and transverse waves have been determined.The nonlinear waves in the electron-positron plasma and the waves with the phase velocity, which is about the light one, are also considered in the following paper.  相似文献   

T. Takakura 《Solar physics》1990,127(1):95-107
The Fokker-Planck equation is numerically solved to study the electron velocity distribution under steady heat conduction with an applied axial electric current in a model coronal loop.If the loop temperature is so high that the electron mean-free path is longer than the local temperature scale height along the loop, a velocity hump appears at about the local thermal electron velocity. The hump is attributed to cooler electrons moving up the temperature gradient to compensate for the runaway electrons moving down the gradient. If the ratio between the mean free path and temperature scale height is greater than about 2, negative absorption for the plasma waves can appear (waves grow). This effect is enhanced by the presence of axial electric current in the half of the coronal loop in which the electrons carrying the current are drifting up the temperature gradient. Thus, the plasma instability may occur in the coronal elementary magnetic flux tubes. Although the present paper is limited to show the critical condition and linear growth rate of the instability, the following scenarios may be inferred.If the flux tubes change from marginally stable to unstable against the plasma instability, due to an increase in the loop temperature, anomalous resistivity may suddenly appear because of the growth of plasma waves. Then a high axial electric field is induced that may accelerate particles. This could be the onset of impulsive loop flares.For a low electric current, if the loop temperature is sufficiently high to give the negative absorption for the plasma waves in a large part of the coronal loop, steady plasma turbulence may originate. This could be a source for the type I radio noise storm.  相似文献   

Propagating kink waves are ubiquitously observed in solar magnetic wave guides. We consider the possibility that these waves propagate without reflection although there is some inhomogeneity. We briefly describe the general theory of non-reflective, one-dimensional wave propagation in inhomogeneous media. This theory is then applied to kink-wave propagation in coronal loops. We consider a coronal loop of half-circle shape embedded in an isothermal atmosphere, and assume that the plasma temperature is the same inside and outside the loop. We show that non-reflective kink-wave propagation is possible for a particular dependence of the loop radius on the distance along the loop. A viable assumption that the loop radius increases from the loop footpoint to the apex imposes a lower limit on the loop expansion factor, which is the ratio of the loop radii at the apex and footpoints. This lower limit increases with the loop height; however, even for a loop that is twice as high as the atmospheric scale height, it is small enough to satisfy observational constraints. Hence, we conclude that non-reflective propagation of kink waves is possible in a fairly realistic model of coronal loops.  相似文献   

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