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Large-eddy simulation is used to reproduce neutrallystratified airflow inside and immediately above a vegetation canopy. A passive scalaris released from the canopy and the evolution of scalar concentration above the canopyis studied. The most significant characteristic of the scalar concentration is the repeatedformation and dissipation of scalar microfronts, a phenomenon that has been observedin nature. These scalar microfronts consist of downstream-tilted regions of highscalar concentration gradients. Computer visualization tools and a conditional samplingand compositing technique are utilized to analyze these microfronts. Peaks in positivepressure perturbation exceeding an experimental threshold are found to be effectiveindicators of scalar microfronts. Convergence of the streamwise velocity componentand divergence of the cross-stream velocity component are observed in the immediatevicinity of scalar microfronts, which helps explain their relatively longlifetimes. Many of these three-dimensional features have been observedin previous field studies of canopy flow.  相似文献   

The coherence for streamwise and cross-stream wind components is studied at four meteorological sites and compared with a representative wind-tunnel experiment. The coherence is approximated by a negative exponential in terms of a non-dimensional frequency, Δf and a decay parameter, a. Theoretical guidelines are developing to aid in identifying the pertinent variables affecting the decay parameters. These theoretical discussions indicate that for longitudinal separations, both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters are functions of roughness; the cross-stream decay parameter is a strong function of stability while the streamwise component is not. For lateral separations, it is found that both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters are functions of stability. Isopleths of the decay parameter are drawn on graphs with coordinates of angle and Richardson number for both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters of coherence. These empirical curves give an indication of the behavior of the decay parameters of coherence for a range of stabilities given by -0.9<Ri<0.08, and a range of angles between zero and ninety degrees. Department of Meteorology. Department of Aerospace Engineering.  相似文献   

The statistics of turbulent flow across a forest edge have been examined using large-eddy simulation, and results compared with field and wind-tunnel observations. The moorland-to-forest transition is characterized by flow deceleration in the streamwise direction, upward distortion of the mean flow, formation of a high pressure zone immediately in front of the edge, suppression of the standard deviations and covariance of velocity components, and enhancement of velocity skewnesses. For the selected forest density, it is observed that the maximum distortion angle is about 8 degrees from the horizontal. Instead of approaching a downwind equilibrium state in a monotonic manner, turbulence (standard deviations and covariances of velocity components) and mean streamwise velocity undershoot in the transition zone behind the edge. Evolution of flow statistics clearly reveals the growth of an internal boundary layer, and the establishment of an equilibrium layer downwind of the edge. It is evident that lower-order moments generally adjust more quickly over the new rough surface than do higher-order moments. We also show that the streamwise velocity standard deviation at canopy height starts its recovery over the rough surface sooner than does the vertical velocity standard deviation, but completes full adjustment later than the latter. Despite the limited domain size upstream of the edge, large-eddy simulation has successfully reproduced turbulent statistics in good agreement with field and wind-tunnel measurements.  相似文献   

Mechanisms Controlling Turbulence Development Across A Forest Edge   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
In this paper we discuss the development of turbulence back from the transition fromopen moorland to a forest. Data from a field study and a wind-tunnel experiment arepresented. These show that the variance in the streamwise velocity begins to adjust tothe new surface between 2 to 4 tree heights downwind of the transition. This is soonerthan either the vertical velocity variance or the shear stress, both of which begin to adjust in a zone 3 to 5 tree heights downwind of the edge. Key terms in the prognostic equations for streamwise and vertical velocity variance are evaluated in order to explain these differences. The flow distortion caused by the forest edge, which extends to 4 tree heights downwind of the forest edge, is shown to be crucial in the delayed turbulence development. Initially the shear production term, which is the dominant source for the streamwise velocity variance, is counteracted by a sink in the vertical advection term. After the flow levels out the pressure redistribution (return-to-isotropy) term becomes the main sink of streamwisevelocity variance and feeds energy into the vertical velocity component. Therefore, thedevelopment of the vertical velocity variance and shear stress cannot begin until afterdevelopment of an increase in the streamwise velocity variance. Results are comparedwith other experiments, including the flow across shelterbelts, and large-eddy simulations of forest flow.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of observations from a 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan, we have investigated the favourable conditions for the predominant existence of large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). From the wavelet variance spectrum for the streamwise velocity component ( $u$ ) measured by a sonic anemometer-thermometer at the highest level (200 m), large-scale structures (time-scale range of 100–300 s) predominantly exist under slightly unstable and close to neutral conditions. The emergence of large-scale structures also can be related to the diurnal evolution of the ABL. The large-scale structures play an important role in the overall flow structure of the lower boundary layer. For example, $u$ velocity components at the 200-m and 50-m levels show relatively high correlation with the existence of large-scale structures. Under slightly unstable (near-neutral) conditions, a low-speed region in advance of the high-speed structure shows a positive deviation of temperature and appears as the plume structure that is forced by buoyancy in the heated lower layer. In spite of the difference in buoyancy effects between the near-neutral and unstable cases, large-scale structures are frequently observed in both cases and the same vertical correlation of $u$ components is indicated. However, the vertical wind shear is smaller in the unstable cases. On the other hand, in near-neutral cases, the transport efficiency of momentum at the higher level and the flux contribution of sweep motions are larger than those in the unstable cases.  相似文献   

Momentum and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets across a forest edge have been investigated using large-eddy simulation (LES). Edge effects are observed in the rapid variation of a number of budget terms across this vegetation transition. The enhanced drag force at the forest edge is largely balanced by the pressure gradient force and by streamwise advection of upstream momentum, while vertical turbulent diffusion is relatively insignificant. For variance and TKE budgets, the most important processes at the forest edge are production due to the convergence (or divergence) of the mean flow, streamwise advection, pressure diffusion and enhanced dissipation by canopy drag. Turbulent diffusion, pressure redistribution and vertical shear production, which are characteristic processes in homogeneous canopy flow, are less important at the forest transition. We demonstrate that, in the equilibrated canopy flow, a substantial amount of TKE produced in the streamwise direction by the vertical shear of the mean flow is redistributed in the vertical direction by pressure fluctuations. This redistribution process occurs in the upper canopy layers. Part of the TKE in the vertical velocity component is transferred by turbulent and pressure diffusion to the lower canopy levels, where pressure redistribution takes place again and feeds TKE back to the streamwise direction. In this TKE cycle, the primary source terms are vertical shear production for streamwise velocity variance and pressure redistribution for vertical velocity variance. The evolution of these primary source terms downwind of the forest edge largely controls the adjustment rates of velocity variances.  相似文献   

Experimentally obtained time coherence has traditionally been interpreted as streamwise one-dimensional spatial coherence through Taylor’s hypothesis. We calculate corrections to the highwavenumber part of the coherence to account for the errors caused by the deviation from Taylor’s hypothesis in high-intensity turbulent flows. The small-scale turbulence is assumed to be frozen and convected by a fluctuating convection velocity. Both Lumley’s two-term approximation and the Gaussian approximation are used in the calculations. In general, we find that the coherence for crossstream separations is significantly overestimated by the direct use of Taylor’s hypothesis, the error increasing with wavenumber; that for streamwise separations is underestimated. The analyses are compared with cross-stream coherence measurements in the atmospheric surface layer. Our results indicate that predictions from Lumley’s approximation yield better agreement with experimental data for cross-stream separations than those from the Gaussian model. Our study suggests that reliable measurement of two-point spatial coherence can be achieved only for scales not too small compared to the sensor separation.  相似文献   

Two-point space-time correlations ofvelocities, a passive scalar and static pressure arecalculated using the resolvable flow fields computedby large-eddy simulation (LES) of neutrally stratifiedflow within and above a sparse forest. Zero-time-lagspatial auto-correlation contours in thestreamwise-vertical cross-section for longitudinal andlateral velocities and for a scalar are tilted fromthe vertical in the downstream direction, as istypical in near-wall sheared flow. On the other hand,auto-correlations of vertical velocity and of staticpressure are vertically coherent. Zero-time-lagspatial auto-correlations in the spanwise-verticalcross-section show no distinct tilt, and those forboth longitudinal and vertical velocities demonstratedistinct negative side lobes in the middle forest andabove, while longitudinal velocity in the subcrowntrunk space is laterally in-phase. Static pressureperturbations appear to be spatially coherent in thespanwise direction at all heights, especially insidethe forest. Near the forest floor, longitudinalvelocity is found to be in-phase with static pressureperturbation and to be closely linked to theinstantaneous streamwise pressure gradient, supportinga previous proposal that longitudinal velocity in thisregion is dominantly modulated by the pressurepatterns associated with the coherent sweep/ejectionevents. Near treetop height, a lack of linkage betweenthe pressure gradient and the local time derivative ofthe longitudinal velocity supports the hypothesis ofadvection dominating turbulent flow.The major phase characteristics of the two-pointcorrelations essentially remained the same from fourLES runs with different domain size and/or gridresolution. A larger LES domain yielded betteragreement with field observations in a real forest onboth the magnitudes of the correlations and thesingle-point integral time scales. A finer gridresolution in the LES led to a faster rate of decreaseof correlation with increasing separation in space ortime, as did the higher frequency fluctuations in theturbulent records from field measurements. Convectivevelocities estimated from the lagged two-pointauto-correlations of the calculated flow fields werecompared with similar calculations from wind-tunnelstudies. At the canopy top, estimates from thecorrelation analyses agree with the translationvelocity estimated from instantaneous snapshots of ascalar microfront using both LES and field data. Thistranslation velocity is somewhat higher than the localmean wind speed. Convective velocities estimated fromlagged correlations increase with height above thecanopy. It is suggested that an appropriate filteringprocedure may be necessary to reduce the effects ofsmall-scale random turbulence, as was reported in astudy over an orchard canopy. The mean longitudinalvelocity near the treetops is found to be moreappropriate than the local mean longitudinal velocityat each height to link single-point integral timescales with directly calculated spatial integralstreamwise length scales.  相似文献   

This study applies acoustic sounding to observe coherent structures in the roughness sublayer (RSL) above tall vegetated surfaces. Data were collected on 22 days during two separate field experiments in summer 2003. A quality control scheme was developed to ensure high data quality of the collected time series. The data analysis was done using both discrete and continuous wavelet transform. The flow in the RSL was found to be a superposition of dynamic Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities and convective mixing. The characteristic time scales for coherent structures resulting from the dynamic instabilities were observed to be approximately 20–30 s while thermal eddies have much larger time scales of 190–210 s. The degree of vertical coherency in the RSL increases with the flow evolving from neutral to near-convective conditions. This increase in the degree of organisation is attributed to the evolution of attached thermal eddies. The coherent structures resulting from instabilities were found to be present throughout the RSL but do not contribute to the increased vertical coherency. An alternative conceptual approach for the definition of the RSL is proposed, which yields its maximum vertical extent to five times the canopy height.  相似文献   

The role of shear and inversion strength on the decay of convective turbulence during sunset over land is systematically studied by means of large-eddy simulations. Different decay rates have been found for the vertical and horizontal velocity fluctuations, resulting in an increase of the anisotropy for all the studied cases. Entrainment, which persists during the decay process, favours the appearance of vertical upward movements associated with a conversion from kinetic to potential energy. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the characteristic length scale of the various turbulent variables during this process. The length scale evolution is found to depend on the wind shear characteristics, but not on the strength of the inversion. In general the length scales of the variables grow during decay because small-scale fluctuations dissipate faster than large-scale fluctuations. Only the length scale of the vertical velocity component remains nearly constant during decay. Spectral analysis of the variance budgets shows that pressure correlations are responsible for fixing this length scale, effectively compensating the strong but oscillating influence of buoyancy. In the shear cases, after an initial period of growth, the length scales start to decrease once the buoyancy-generated variance has sufficiently subsided. Also here the effect of pressure redistribution is crucial, as it transfers the spectral influence of shear to the other velocity components.  相似文献   

Lagged cross-correlation analyses between streamwise velocity at several heights within and above a forest, and between streamwise velocity and surface pressure, provide evidence that turbulence in the sub-crown region of the forest is to a large extent driven by pressure perturbations. The analyses support earlier results based on examination of coherent structures observed in the same forest. The phase of the streamwise velocity signal exhibits an increasing delay with decreasing height, indicative of a downwind tilted structure, until the upper region of the forest is reached, at which point the effect is reversed. It is suggested that positive pressure perturbations ahead of advancing microfronts induce streamwise accelerations in the trunk space. This link between the pressure pattern and the wind field explains why velocity spectra in the trunk space are depleted in the higher frequencies, relative to levels above.  相似文献   

We examine the similarity of turbulent organized structures over smooth and very rough wall flows. Turbulent flow fields in horizontal cross-sections were measured using particle image velocimetry, and the characteristics of turbulent organized structures over four types of surfaces were investigated. Measurements were conducted at several measurement heights across the internal boundary layer. The length and width of turbulence structures were quantified using a two-point correlation method. We selected two thresholds of two-point correlation coefficients to consider both large-scale and small-scale structures; the validity of these choices was examined through the analyses using proper orthogonal decomposition. For large-scale structures, the length and aspect ratios (streamwise length/spanwise width) of structures were highly correlated with the velocity gradient for each measurement height and boundary-layer thickness. This relationship was also examined in the results of previous studies, and the scaling of the aspect ratio with the non-dimensional velocity gradient again showed the importance of the velocity gradient, with slight differences found between smooth and rough surfaces. In contrast, the small-scale structures exhibited weak dependency on the velocity gradient and boundary-layer thickness. Instantaneous snapshots of turbulent organized structures at the same shear level also displayed differences in small-scale structures, but the structures of the organized motions resembled each other, as in the results of the two-point correlation method.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the three-dimensional flow through an urban-type array (four rows of three cuboid Plexiglas blocks) in a laboratory modelled neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer is presented. We concentrate on the effect of the streamwise spacing between adjacent rows defining two different flow regimes (wake interference and skimming flow) as well as the effect of the incident angle of the approaching boundary layer. Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements provide all three components of the velocity field in closely spaced two-dimensional planes in a region located in the middle row downstream of the centre block. It is found that the maximal exchange rate between the fluid within the street and the flow above is for the wake interference regime. Two regions are apparent: one influenced by streamwise velocity fluctuations, the other by spanwise fluctuations. In addition, the incidence angle of the incoming flow has a much more dramatic effect for the wake interference regime that would greatly favour dispersion. Coherent-structure identification tools are applied to obtain information on the shape, extent and localisation of vortical structures.  相似文献   

The wake characteristics of a wind turbine in a turbulent boundary layer under neutral stratification are investigated systematically by means of large-eddy simulations. A methodology to maintain the turbulence of the background flow for simulations with open horizontal boundaries, without the necessity of the permanent import of turbulence data from a precursor simulation, was implemented in the geophysical flow solver EULAG. These requirements are fulfilled by applying the spectral energy distribution of a neutral boundary layer in the wind-turbine simulations. A detailed analysis of the wake response towards different turbulence levels of the background flow results in a more rapid recovery of the wake for a higher level of turbulence. A modified version of the Rankine–Froude actuator disc model and the blade element momentum method are tested as wind-turbine parametrizations resulting in a strong dependence of the near-wake wind field on the parametrization, whereas the far-wake flow is fairly insensitive to it. The wake characteristics are influenced by the two considered airfoils in the blade element momentum method up to a streamwise distance of 14D (D = rotor diameter). In addition, the swirl induced by the rotation has an impact on the velocity field of the wind turbine even in the far wake. Further, a wake response study reveals a considerable effect of different subgrid-scale closure models on the streamwise turbulent intensity.  相似文献   

A novel dynamic mixing length (DML) subgrid-scale (SGS) model is proposed to improve the large-eddy simulations of the wind field and contaminant dispersion around a group of buildings. Wind field and contaminant dispersion in two kinds of building array geometries are simulated using the model, with wind-tunnel experimental data used to validate the model. The relative errors in the lateral profiles of the streamwise mean velocities behind the sixth row of the buildings of the staggered obstacle array and the aligned obstacle array at the half height of the building are 15 and 9%, respectively. The DML velocity fluctuations in the staggered and aligned obstacle arrays are in agreement with those of the experiment. The results indicate that the DML model can make a more accurate prediction of the mean velocity and velocity fluctuations. The DML model is highly suitable for the simulation of multi-scale turbulent flow in urban canyons, of high Reynolds number turbulent flow and of complex turbulent flow.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made in both a neutral and a stable boundary layer as part of an investigation of the wakes of wind turbines in an offshore environment, in the EnFlo stratified flow wind tunnel. The working section is long enough for the flow to have become very nearly invariant with streamwise distance. In order to be systematic, the flow profile generators of Irwin-type spires and surface roughness were the same for both neutral and stable conditions. Achieving the required profiles by adjusting the flow generators, even for neutral flow, is a highly iterative art, and the present results indicate that it will be no less iterative for a stable flow (as well as there being more conditions to meet), so this was not attempted in the present investigation. The stable-case flow conformed in most respects to Monin–Obukhov similarity in the surface layer. A linear temperature profile was applied at the working section inlet, resulting in a near-linear profile in the developed flow above the boundary layer and ‘strong’ imposed stability, while the condition at the surface was ‘weak’. Aerodynamic roughness length (mean velocity) was not affected by stability even though the roughness Reynolds number ${<}1$ , while the thermal roughness length was much smaller, as is to be expected. The neutral case was Reynolds-number independent, and by inference, the stable case was also Reynolds-number independent.  相似文献   

A coupling scheme is proposed for the simulation of microscale flow and dispersion in which both the mesoscale field and small-scale turbulence are specified at the boundary of a microscale model. The small-scale turbulence is obtained individually in the inner and outer layers by the transformation of pre-computed databases, and then combined in a weighted sum. Validation of the results of a flow over a cluster of model buildings shows that the inner- and outer-layer transition height should be located in the roughness sublayer. Both the new scheme and the previous scheme are applied in the simulation of the flow over the central business district of Oklahoma City (a point source during intensive observation period 3 of the Joint Urban 2003 experimental campaign), with results showing that the wind speed is well predicted in the canopy layer. Compared with the previous scheme, the new scheme improves the prediction of the wind direction and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the canopy layer. The flow field influences the scalar plume in two ways, i.e. the averaged flow field determines the advective flux and the TKE field determines the turbulent flux. Thus, the mean, root-mean-square and maximum of the concentration agree better with the observations with the new scheme. These results indicate that the new scheme is an effective means of simulating the complex flow and dispersion in urban canopies.  相似文献   

Large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated on the basis of observations made from the 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan. Vertical profiles of wind speed and turbulent fluxes in the ABL were obtained with sonic anemometer-thermometers at six levels of the tower. From the archived data, 31 near-neutral cases are selected for the analysis of turbulence structures. For the typical case, event detection by the integral wavelet transform with a large time scale (180 s) from the streamwise velocity component (u) at the highest level (200 m) reveals a descending high-speed structure with a time scale of approximately 100 s (a spatial scale of 1 km at the 200-m height). By applying the wavelet transform to the u velocity component at each level, the intermittent appearance of large-scale high-speed structures extending also in the vertical is detected. These structures usually make a large contribution to the downward momentum transfer and induce the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy. This behaviour is like that of “active” turbulent motions. From the analysis of the two-point space–time correlation of wavelet coefficients for the u velocity component, the vertical extent and the downward influence of large-scale structures are examined. Large fluctuations in the large-scale range (wavelet variance at the selected time scale) at the 200-m level tend to induce the large correlation between the higher and lower levels.  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, large enough to contain both an urban surface layer and a convective mixed layer, was performed to investigate inner-layer and outer-layer scale motions. The objective was to determine the applicability of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to inner-layer motions, to investigate the influence of outer-layer motions on surface-layer structure, as well as to assess the interaction of the two scales of motion. The urban surface roughness consisted of square-patterned cubic buildings of dimension H (40 m). A spatial filter was used to decompose the two scales in the inertial sublayer. The horizontal square filter of size 10H was effective in separating the inner-layer (surface-layer height ≈ 2 H) and outer-layer scales (boundary-layer height δ ≈ 30H), where the Reynolds stress contribution of the inner layer dominates in the logarithmic layer (depth 2H). Similarity coefficients for velocity fluctuations were successfully determined for inner-layer motions in the surface layer, proving the robustness of Monin–Obukhov similarity for surface-layer turbulence. The inner-layer structures exhibit streaky structures that have similar streamwise length but narrower spanwise width relative to the streamwise velocity fluctuation field, consistent with observations from an outdoor scale model. The outer-layer motions to some extent influence the location of ejections and sweeps through updraft and downdraft motions, respectively, thus, disturbing the homogeneity and similarity of inner-layer motions. Although the horizontal averages of the variances and covariance of motions reveal that the Reynolds stresses are dominated by inner-layer structures, the localized influence of the interaction of outer-layer horizontal and inner-layer vertical motions on the Reynolds stress is not insignificant.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations were performed of a neutrally-stratified turbulent flow within and above an ideal, horizontally- and vertically-homogeneous plant canopy. Three simulations were performed for shear-driven flows in small and large computational domains, and a pressure-driven flow in a small domain, to enable the nature of canopy turbulence unaffected by external conditions to be captured. The simulations reproduced quite realistic canopy turbulence characteristics, including typical ramp structures appearing in time traces of the scalar concentration near the canopy top. Then, the spatial structure of the organised turbulence that caused the scalar ramps was examined using conditional sampling of three-dimensional instantaneous fields, triggered by the occurrence of ramp structures. A wavelet transform was used for the detection of ramp structures in the time traces. The ensemble-averaged results illustrate that the scalar ramps are associated with the microfrontal structure in the scalar, the ejection-sweep structure in the streamwise and vertical velocities, a laterally divergent flow just around the ramp-detection point, and a positive, vertically-coherent pressure perturbation. These vertical structures were consistent with previous measurements made in fields or wind tunnels. However, the most striking feature is that the horizontal slice of the same structure revealed a streamwise-elongated region of high-speed streamwise velocity impacting on another elongated region of low-speed velocity. These elongated structures resemble the so-called streak structures that are commonly observed in near-wall shear layers. Since elongated structures of essentially similar spatial scales were observed in all of the runs, these streak structures appear to be inherent in near-canopy turbulence. Presumably, strong wind shear formed just above the canopy is involved in their formation. By synthesis of the ensemble-averaged and instantaneous results, the following processes were inferred for the development of scalar microfronts and their associated flow structures: (1) a distinct scalar microfront develops where a coherent downdraft associated with a high-speed streak penetrates into the region of a low-speed streak; (2) a stagnation in flow between two streaks of different velocities builds up a vertically-coherent high-pressure region there; (3) the pressure gradients around the high-pressure region work to reduce the longitudinal variations in streamwise velocity and to enhance the laterally-divergent flow and lifted updrafts downstream of the microfront; (4) as the coherent mother downdraft impinges on the canopy, canopy-scale eddies are formed near the canopy top in a similar manner as observed in conventional mixing-layer turbulence.  相似文献   

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