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http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000394   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-grade dehydration of amphibolite-facies rocks to granulite-facies is a process that can involve partial melting,fluid-aided solid-state dehydration,or varying degrees of both.On the localized meter scale,solid-state dehydration,due to CO2-rich fluids traveling along some fissure or crack and subsequently outwards along the mineral grain boundaries of the surrounding rock,normally is the means by which the breakdown of biotite and amphibole to orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene occur.Various mineral textures and changes in mineral chemistry seen in these rocks are also seen in more regional orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-bearing rocks which,along with accompanying amphibolite-facies rocks, form traverses of lower crust.This suggests that solid-state dehydration during high-grade metamorphism could occur on a more regional scale.The more prominent of these fluid-induced textures in the granulitefacies portion of the traverse take the form of micro-veins of K-feldspar along quartz grain boundaries and the formation of monazite inclusions in fluorapatite.The fluids believed responsible take the form of concentrated NaCl- and KC1- brines from a basement ultramafic magma heat source traveling upwards along grain boundaries.Additional experimental work involving CaSO4 dissolution in NaCl-brines. coupled with natural observation of oxide and sulfide mineral associations in granulite-facies rocks,have demonstrated the possibility that NaCl-brines,with a CaSO4 component,could impose the oxygen fugacity on these rocks as opposed to the oxygen fugacity being inherent in their protoliths.These results, taken together,lend credence to the idea that regional chemical modification of the lower crust is an evolutionary process controlled by fluids migrating upwards from the lithospheric mantle along grain boundaries into and through the lower crust where they both modify the rock and are modified by it. Their presence allows for rapid mass and heat transport and subsequent mineral genesis and mineral reequilibration in the rocks through which they pass.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000655   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Four different varieties of charnockitic rocks,with different modes of formation,from the Mesoproterozoic Natal belt are described and new C isotope data presented.Excellent coastal exposures in a number of quarries and river sections make this part of the Natal belt a good location for observing charnockitic field relationships.Whereas there has been much debate on genesis of charnockites and the use of the term charnockite.it is generally recognized that the stabilization of orthopyroxene relative to biotite in granitoid rocks is a function of low aH2O(±high CO2),high temperature,and composition (especially Fe/(Fe +Mg)).From the Natal belt exposures,it is evident that syn-emplacement.magmatic crystallization of chamockite can arise from mantle-derived differentiated melts that are inherently hot and dry(as in the Oribi Gorge granites and Munster enderbite),as well as from wet granitic melts that have been affected through interaction with dry country rock to produce localized charnockitic marginal facies in plutons(as in the Portobello Granite).Two varieties of post-emplacement sub-solidus chamockites are also evident.These include charnockitic aureoles developed in leucocratic,biotite.garnet granite adjacent to cross-cutting enderbitic veins that are attributed to metamorphic-metasomatic processes(as in the Nicholson’s Point granite,a part of the Margate Granite Suite),as well as nebulous,patchy charnockitic veins in the Margate Granite that are attributed to anatectic metamorphic processes under low-aHO fluid conditions during a metamorphic event.These varieties of chamockite show that the required physical conditions of their genesis can be achieved through a number of geological processes,providing some important implications for the classification of charnockites,and for the interpretation of charnockite genesis in areas where poor exposure obscures field relationships.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167498711400067X   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Proterozoic Bamble Sector, South Norway, is one of the world's classic amphiboliteto granulite- facies transition zones. It is characterized by a well-developed isograd sequence, with isolated 'granulite-facies islands' in the amphibolite-facies portion of the transition zone. The area is notable for the discovery of C02-dominated fluid inclusions in the granolite-facies rocks by Jacques Touter in the late 1960's, which triggered discussion of the role of carbonic fluids during granulite genesis. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of the Bamble Sector, with an emphasis on the Arendal-Froland-Nelaug-Tvedestrand area and off shore islands (most prominantly Tromay and Hisoy) where the transition zone is best developed. After a brief overview of the history of geological research and mining in the area, aspects of sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic petrology of the Bamble Sector are discussed, including the role of fluids. Issues relevant to current geotectonic models for SW Scandinavia, directly related to the Bamble Sector, are discussed at the end of the review.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000631   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Charnockites sensu lato(charnockite-enderbite series) are lower crustal felsic rocks typically characterised by the presence of anhydrous minerals including orthopyroxene and garnet.They either represent dry(H2O-poor) felsic magmas that are emplaced in the lower crust or granitic intrusions that have been dehydrated during a subsequent granulite facies metamorphic event.In the first case,postmagmatic high-temperature recrystallisation may result in widespread metamorphic granulite microstructures, superimposed or replacing the magmatic microstructures.Despite recrystallisation,magmatic remnants may still be found,notably in the form of melt-related microstructures such as melt inclusions. For both magmatic charnockites and dehydrated granites,subsequent fluid-mineral interaction at intergrain boundaries during retrogradation are documented by microstructures including K-feldspar microveins and myrmekites.They indicate that a large quantity of low-H2O activity salt-rich brines,were present(together with CO2 under immiscible conditions) in the lower crust.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000565   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During granulite-facies metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks by the infiltration of carbonic fluids, the disappearance of hydrated minerals leads to the liberation of aqueous fluids. These fluids are strongly enriched in F and C1, and a series of Large-lon-Lithophile (LIL) elements and rare metals, resulting in their depletion in granulites. To sum up the fate of these elements, we focus on three domains representing different crustal levels and showing distinct behaviours with respect to these elements. The Lapland metasedimentary granulites illustrate the behaviour of the LILE and rare metals during lower crustal metamorphism. There is no change in Ba, moderate loss in Rb, and extreme depletion in Cs, Li, and Sn. F and CI contents are also very low compared to the protoliths or average upper continental crust. Biotite and amphibole breakdown leads to the incorporation of their partitioning into a fluid or a melt. The Tranomaro metasomatized marbles recrystallizing under granulite-facies conditions represent a demonstrative example of fluid transfer from granulite-facies supracrustals to traps represented by regional scale skarns. Such fluids may be at the origin of the incompatible element enrichment detected in leucosomes of migmatites from St Malo in Brittany (France) and Black Hills in South Dakota, The northern French Massif Central provides us with an example of a potential association between incompatible element enrichment of granitic melts and granulite-facies metamorphism. U- and F- enriched fine-grained granites are emplaced along a crustal scale shear zone active during the emplacement within the St Sylvestre peraluminous leucogranitic complex, We propose that during granulite-facies metamorphism dominated by carbonic waves in a deep segment of the continental crust, these shear zones control: (i) the percolation of F-, LILE-, rare metal-rich fluids liberated primarily by the breakdown of biotite; (ii) the enhancement of partial melting by F-rich fluids at intermediate crustal lev  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000588   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Large charnockite massifs occur in the high-grade Southern Granulite Terrain(SGT) and Eastern Ghats Belt(EGB) crustal provinces of Peninsular India.Available geochronological data indicate that the magmatism is episodic,associated with distinct orogenic cycles in the different crustal domains. The geochemical data also indicate a change in composition from trondhjemitic at~3.0—2.9 Ga to dominantly tonalitic at~2.6—2.5 Ga to tonalitic-granodiorite-granitic at—2.0—1.9 Ga to dominantly tonalitic at 1.7—1.6 Ga to quartz monzonitic or tonalitic at~1.0—0.9 Ga to granodiorite-granitic at~0.8—0.7 Ga. The trondhjemitic and tonalitic end members are metaluminous.magnesian and calcic to calc-alkalic, characteristic of magnesian group charnockites.The granodioritic to granitic end members are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous.ferroan and calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic,characteristic of ferroan group charnockites.The quartz monzonitic end members are metaluminous to peraluminous,magnesian to ferroan and calcic to calc-alkalic.neither characteristic of the magnesian group nor of the ferroan group of charnockites. Based on the occurrence and difference in composition of the charnockite massifs,it is suggested that the charnockite magmatism registers the crustal growth of the Indian plate on its southern(SGT) and eastern(EGB) sides,along active continental margins by accretion of arcs.  相似文献   

The study of fluid inclusions in high-grade rocks is especially challenging as the host minerals have been normally subjected to deformation, recrystallization and fluid-rock interaction so that primary in- clusions, formed at the peak of metamorphism are rare. The larger part of the fluid inclusions found in metamorphic minerals is typically modified during uplift. These late processes may strongly disguise the characteristics of the "original" peak metamorphic fluid. A detailed microstructural analysis of the host minerals, notably quartz, is therefore indispensable for a proper interpretation of fluid inclusions. Cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques combined with trace element analysis of quartz (EPMA, LA- [CPMS) have shown to be very helpful in deciphering the rock-fluid evolution. Whereas high-grade metamorphic quartz may have relatively high contents of trace elements like Ti and A1, low- temperature re-equilibrated quartz typically shows reduced trace element concentrations. The result- ing microstructures in CL can be basically distinguished in diffusion patterns (along microfractures and grain boundaries), and secondary quartz formed by dissolution-reprecipitation. Most of these textures are formed during retrograde fluid-controlled processes between ca. 220 and 500 ℃, i.e. the range of semi-brittle deformation (greenschist-facies) and can be correlated with the fluid inclusions. In this way modified and re-trapped fluids can be identified, even when there are no optical features observed under the microscope.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000589   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At peak granulite-facies metamorphic conditions, lower continental crust is arguably fluxed by large amounts of two key low water activity fluids: (i) high-density CO2 and/or (ii) concentrated saline so- lutions. These fluids are either internally-derived, generated by mineral reactions or dehydration melting or, notably for CO2, externally-derived, issued from the underlying mantle. Postmetamorphic evolution results in complete disappearance of these fluids, except for minute remnants preserved in minerals as fluid inclusions. Two major processes are involved: (i) at peak conditions, granitoid magmas form, migrate upward, and crystallize as shallow intrusions in the upper crust (mineralized porphyry types or reduced intrusions); (ii) during the rapid decompression which almost systematically follows a period of post-peak isobaric cooling, especially for ultrahigh-temperature granulites (anticlockwise P-T paths), quartz-carbonate megashear zones are formed by repeated periods of seismic activity. Seismic activity may continue until all free fluids have disappeared, resulting in the ultramylonites and pseudotachylites that are found in many granulite domes. A great majority of vein-type Au deposits worldwide occur in the above-mentioned settings or nearby. We suggest that the Au has been scavenged by the granulite fluids, then redistributed and concentrated during the formation of veins and related phenomena.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000168   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actual granitoid analytical data of 767 composited samples are presented here.The data source is 6080 samples collected mainly from 750 large- to middle-sized granitoid bodies across China. Data from the composited samples,which includes that of 70 elements,is analyzed according to geological age—Archeozoic(Ar),Proterozoic(Pt),Eopaleozoic(Pz_1),Neopaleozoic(Pz_2),Mesozoic(Mz), and Cenozoic(Cz)—and three major compositional varieties,e.g.alkali-feldspar granite,syenogranite and adamellite.Petrochemical pa...  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111001083   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Stable carbon isotope geochemistry provides important information for the recognition of fundamental isotope exchange processes related to the movement of carbon in the lithosphere and permits the elaboration of models for the global carbon cycle.Carbon isotope ratios in fluid-deposited graphite are powerful tools for unravelling the ultimate origin of carbon(organic matter,mantle,or carbonates) and help to constrain the fluid history and the mechanisms involved in graphite deposition.Graphite precipitation in fluid-deposited occurrences results from CO2- and/or CH4-bearing aqueous fluids.Fluid flow can be considered as both a closed(without replenishment of the fluid) or an open system(with renewal of the fluid by successive fluid batches).In closed systems,carbon isotope systematics in graphite is mainly governed by Rayleigh precipitation and/or by changes in temperature affecting the fractionation factor between fluid and graphite.Such processes result in zoned graphite crystals or in successive graphite generations showing,in both cases, isotopic variation towards progressive l3C or 12C enrichment(depending upon the dominant carbon phase in the fluid.CO2 or CH4,respectively).In open systems,in which carbon is episodically introduced along the fracture systems,the carbon systematics is more complex and individual graphite crystals may display oscillatory zoning because of Rayleigh precipitation or heterogeneous variations of 5’ C values when mixing of fluids or changes in the composition of the fluids are the mechanisms responsible for graphite precipitation.  相似文献   

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