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The Deccan Trap basalts have long been considered to be products of fissure eruptions and the dykes intruding them have been supposed to represent the fissures of eruption. However, the question of the mode of eruption of Deccan Trap lavas seems to need more careful consideration in view of the features brought to light by detailed field work in Western Maharashtra. Detailed studies of dykes suggest that majority of the dykes could not have acted as feeders as previously supposed. When examined in detail the basalt flows have more often been found to have only a limited lateral extent and are not always quite horizontal. Thin irregular flows with ropy surfaces, dipping in different directions and piled up into a chaotic mass are frequently met with, indicating eruption from local vents of the central type. Volcanic vents are found at a number of widely separated localities. All this suggests that many lavas are products of central type of volcanicity. However, central type of volcanoes would be inadequate to account for the vast amounts of lavas, and as the known dykes are not likely to have acted as feeders, and dykes still remain to be reported from large portions of the Deccan Trap area, the question of how the lavas came to the surface largely remains unanswered. Extensive beds of volcanic breccia traceable over a few miles and upto 50 feet thick are met with. As such extensive beds are more likely to be associated with fissure cruptions the question arises whether these fissure eruptions were accompanied by considerable explosive activity.  相似文献   

The paper embodies the field, petrographic and petrochemical studies of the dykes occuring within the Deccan basalts, in the Western portions of Rajpipla hills. Major and minor dykes with different trends occur in the area varying in thickness from 2′ to 75′ and traceable lengthwise from few to several miles. The density of the dyke distribution is two per mile. The composition of the minor dykes ranges from teschenite to trachyte with dominant basaltic types and they seem to be coeval with the flows of the area. The major dolerite dykes are found to be post-lava. Both alkali-olivine basalt and tholeiitic types occur. The former phase preceeds the latter and includes the minor alkaline dykes. A differentiation trend based on new chemical analyses is proposed.  相似文献   

The Vatukoula caldera is semi-elliptical in shape with the long axis trending north-easterly and occupies about 14 square miles of an undulating topographical basin located near the central north coast of Viti Levu, the largest island of the Fiji Group. The caldera formed when Tertiary basalts collapsed after prolonged explosion from a central vent area. The ensuing subsidence, which appears to have been cyclic, was accompanied by the deposition of andesitic volcanic material to form 5,000 to 7,000 feet of rhythmic tuffs, breccias and agglomerates partly under lacustrine conditions. The peripheral basalts were shattered during the stages of collapse forming a ring fault zone around the caldera. The depositional and subsidence stages were followed by an intrusive augite andesitic one from which extensive cone sheets formed in the caldera rocks. Radial and tangential dykes formed around the caldera in the peripheral basalts. After a time interval, the comparatively shallow central depression of the caldera received biotite andesitic pyroclastics and flows. Biotite andesite dykes followed a similar structural pattern to the augite andesitic ones. Finally, plug like bodies of porphyrite and monzonite intruded into the highly fractured zones, particularly the ring fault zone in the peripheral basalts. An important younger structural development with economic significance was the formation of a north-westerly shear system across the caldera. Flatly dipping structures formed in the peripheral basalts from the resettling of major blocks around the caldera. After the monzonite intrusions, epithermal mineralisers were liberated with economic amounts of gold in the form of telluride and auriferous pyrite. The mineralisers favoured the north-westerly shear system and, in the peripheral basalts, the accompanying flatly dipping structures. Thermal spring activity appears to mark the last phase of volcanicity.  相似文献   

The paper discussed the formation of dykes, and applies the results to Iceland. It is postulated that dykes follow the pathway of least work and of least tensile strength and thereby intrude the subvertical joints in lava flows. It is suggested that dykes form in magma pulses, where each dyke is split in two by the next magma pulse and so on. In Iceland the estimated time between successive magma pulses is of the order of several hundred days. Statistical considerations indicate that in Iceland the probability of seeing dykes end upwards is only 1–2%, which agrees with observations. It is concluded that many and probably the majority of dykes are non-feeders. This, together with the low probability of finding the connection between feeder and lava flow, explains the scarcity of observed feeder-dykes. It is concluded that overpressure in shallow magma chambers needed to drive magma through crustal fractures in Iceland is usually smaller than the tensile strength of the host rock (several MPa), which thereby is the critical factor in dyke intrusion.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic investigations have been carried out on 12 dykes of Late Precambrian age from the Varanger peninsula, north Norway. The dykes are separated into two groups, the Kongsfjord dykes and the Båtsfjord dykes. In the Kongsfjord dykes, titanomagnetite is almost entirely erased, as a result of an extreme degree of alteration. Pyrrhotite is the dominating magnetic mineral, and only three stable specimen directions can be defined. In the Båtsfjord dykes, however, the most important magnetic constituent is nearly pure magnetite, and a two-axis magnetization structure is revealed. The directions of the major component conform to a Fisherian distribution, and are assumed to represent the relative Late Precambrian field. Superimposed on this magnetization is a minor component which is assumed to be of Caledonian origin, probably Ordovician. This latter remanence is in accordance with other Middle Palaeozoic results obtained in Western Europe. The upper age limit of the Late Precambrian field is discussed, and it is proposed that the polar shift from the Late Precambrian position to the main Palaeozoic group may have occurred as late as Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

Flood basalts, such as the Deccan Traps of India, represent huge, typically fissure-fed volcanic provinces. We discuss the structural attributes and emplacement mechanics of a large, linear, tholeiitic dyke swarm exposed in the Nandurbar–Dhule area of the Deccan province. The swarm contains 210 dykes of dolerite and basalt >1 km in length, exposed over an area of 14,500 km2. The dykes intrude an exclusively basaltic lava pile, largely composed of highly weathered and zeolitized compound pahoehoe flows. The dykes range in length from <1 km to 79 km, and in thickness from 3 to 62 m. Almost all dykes are vertical, with the others nearly so. They show a strong preferred orientation, with a mean strike of N88°. Because they are not emplaced along faults or fractures, they indicate the regional minimum horizontal compressive stress (σ 3) to have been aligned ~N–S during swarm emplacement. The dykes have a negative power law length distribution but an irregular thickness distribution; the latter is uncommon among the other dyke swarms described worldwide. Dyke length is not correlated with dyke width. Using the aspect ratios (length/thickness) of several dykes, we calculate magmatic overpressures required for dyke emplacement, and depths to source magma chambers that are consistent with results of previous petrological and gravity modelling. The anomalously high source depths calculated for a few dykes may be an artifact of underestimated aspect ratios due to incomplete along-strike exposure. However, thermal erosion is a mechanism that can also explain this. Whereas several of the Nandurbar–Dhule dykes may be vertically injected dykes from shallow magma chambers, others, particularly the long ones, must have been formed by lateral injection from such chambers. The larger dykes could well have fed substantial (≥1,000 km3) and quickly emplaced (a few years) flood basalt lava flows. This work highlights some interesting and significant similarities, and contrasts, between the Nandurbar–Dhule dyke swarm and regional tholeiitic dyke swarms in Iceland, Sudan, and elsewhere. Editorial responsibility: J. White  相似文献   

The 2730-Ma-old Hunter Mine Group (HMG), a dominantly felsic subaqueous volcanic sequence, was formed during early arc construction in the Abitibi greenstone belt (Quebec, Canada). The western part of the HMG contains a felsic dyke swarm up to 1.5 km wide and traceable up-section for 2.5 km. Five distinct generations were identified: (1) aphanitic to feldspar-phyric dykes; (2) quartz-feldspar-phyric dykes with < 5% quartz phenocrysts; (3) quartz-feldspar-phyric dykes with 10–25% quartz phenocrysts; (4) dacitic feldspar-phyric dykes; and (5) mafic dykes. The felsic dykes collectively constitute more than 90% of the dyke swarm. Geochemically, they resemble modern calc-alkaline dacites and rhyolites. Their mantle-normalized incompatible trace-element patterns display a moderate enrichment of Th and light REE relative to HFSE and heavy REE as well as negative Nb, Ta, Eu and Ti anomalies. Most of the major- and trace-element abundance variations in these rocks can be explained by crystallization of feldspars. Geochemical data including depleted mantle-like Nd values suggest that an older sialic substrate was not involved in their genesis. We infer that the felsic rocks were generated by melting of mafic oceanic crust. The swarm was emplaced during nascent oceanic island-arc development and was related to rifting of the arc. The conformably overlying MORB-like basalts and basaltic komatiites of the Stoughton-Roquemaure Group used the same conduits and further indicate splitting of the arc. HMG and associated parts of the Abitibi greenstone belts bear a strong resemblance to modern rifted intraoceanic arcs of the western Pacific.  相似文献   

Kimberlite volcanism in the Upper Cretaceous Gibeon Kimberlite Field, southern Namibia, consisting of at least 42 diatremes and a number of associated dykes, is closely related to carbonatitic and ultrabasic volcanic and intrusive activity which occurred at the margin of the Field. The volcanology of the diatremes and dykes as well as their structural setting is reported here. Because of the paleohydrogeological setting, and since juvenile kimberlite occurring in dykes, intrusive plugs, and spherical lapilli is devoid of vesicles, a phreatomagmatic eruption mechanism is proposed for the genesis of the kimberlite diatremes. Karoo dolerite, basalt and sediment xenoliths in the diatremes provide evidence for the former extent of Karoo strata at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

Summary Model resistivity experiments over sloping and vertical, non-conducting dykes have been carried out and reported in this paper. The results of vertical dykes as compared to the sloping dykes are very interesting and not so far reported in the available literature. Of particular interest is distinct resistivity high in the centre of the two vertical dykes, followed by lows over the dykes and again by highs on either side. As expected the curves are symmetrical. As against this, in the cases of sloping dykes, there is a distinct low, in between the dykes, followed by highs over the dykes, the curves being asymmetrical.  相似文献   

Marthabreen is a 7·8 km long valley glacier in SW Spitsbergen. The glacier is partially covered by a layer of angular debris derived from rockfall in its accumulation area, pierced in places by pinnacles and ridges of glaciofluvial sediment. These concentrations of glaciofluvial sediment fall into three categories: (1) debris pinnacles; (2) longitudinal sediment dykes; (3) longitudinal ridge accumulations. Debris pinnacles are slabs of sediment (predominantly sands, gravels and cobbles) elevated to the glacier surface along thrusts. Longitudinal sediment dykes are low (<0·5 m high) ridges of debris melting out of vertical sediment dykes within the body of the glacier. They are composed of a range of facies including sands, granule gravels, pebble gravels and diamiction. These dykes are sub-parallel to the longitudinal foliation on the glacier and form during folding of the stratification. Longitudinal ridge accumulations are higher (>1 m high) ridges of sorted sand and gravels which are not associated with penetrative ice structures. Their occurrence downglacier of sediment dykes and debris pinnacles suggests that they originate as supraglacial or englacial channels or tunnels filled by sediment derived from the dykes or thrusts. The presence of large quantities of glaciofluvial sediment on the surface of Marthabreen does not imply englacial water flow at high levels within the glacier, but is related to ice deformational processes such as thrusting and folding of debris-rich stratification. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A structural field study was made of 578 sheet intrusions (mostly dykes) and 153 (mostly normal) faults dissecting the Anaga and Teno massifs, where a complex volcanic succession of Tertiary age (the ‘Old Basaltic Series’) representing the shield-building stage of Tenerife (Canary Islands) crops out. Many of the intrusions, mostly sub-vertical mafic dykes, are emplaced by multiple magma injections, with cumulative thicknesses mostly less than 2 m. Dyke tips are exposed and preserved for 12% of the dykes. Three differently oriented sets of dykes exist in the Anaga massif (NNW–SSE, NNE–SSW, E–W), whereas there is only one main set in Teno, trending NNW–SSE. Dyke swarms and other structural features having similar orientations also exist in other Canary Islands. A minimum value of the horizontal component of extension induced by dykes is computed using a step of 5° of azimuth, accounting also for the dip of dykes. The cumulative crustal dilation is at least 300 m (4%) in Anaga and 270 m (6%) in Teno; the maximum extension peaks at N75° in Anaga and N60° in Teno, indicating a general prevailing extension in direction ENE–WSW. Most of the measured faults are normal and strike NNW–SSE. Computation of palaeostresses from inversion of fault-slip data sets suggests the existence of a polyphase brittle deformation due to an extensional stress field with the minimum compressive principal axes trending NE–SW and WNW–ESE.  相似文献   

Three carbonate ocelli-bearing lamprophyre dykes have been found in the Laowangzhai and Beiya gold orefields in the northern sector of the Ailaoshan gold deposit zone, Yunnan Province. Ocelli in the lamprophyre dykes are carbonates composed mainly of dolomite and calcite. Their trace elements, REE and C isotopic compositions are characteristic of carbonatite and the main mineral assemblages, major elements, trace elements and REE in the matrix are similar to those in the carbonate ocelli-barren lamprophyre dykes in the orefields, which are calc-alkaline lamprophyres that derived from the fertile mantle. The results indicate that the carbonate ocelli-bearing lamprophyre dykes in this area were produced at the time when the Himalayan lamprophyre magma evolved to a relatively late stage of silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility. In the process of magmatic evolution there took place magmatic degassing with CO2 and H2O as the dominant released gases.  相似文献   

To determine the magma flow direction of the giant, 179 Ma Okavango dyke swarm of northern Botswana, we measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 23 dykes. Dykes are located in two sections (Shashe and Thune Rivers), which are about 300 km and 400 km from the presumed magma source respectively; the Nuanetsi triple point. We collected samples from the margins of the dykes in order to use the imbrication of magnetic foliation to determine magma flow direction. About half of the magnetic fabric in the dykes is inverse, i.e. with the magnetic foliation perpendicular to the dyke plane. Lateral flow to the west and vertical flow is in evidence in the Shashe section. However, the overall analysis of normal and inverse magnetic fabric data supports that lateral flow to the west was dominant in the Shashe section. Across the Thune section, a poorly defined imbricated magnetic foliation also suggests lateral flow to the west.  相似文献   

Dykes are the principal channels through which magma reaches the surface in volcanic eruptions. For this reason dykes observed in the field are commonly assumed to be feeders to lava flows. The actual proportion of dykes reaching the surface is, however, poorly known. In order to develop models for the purpose of estimating volcanic hazard, this proportion must be known. This follows because such models should not only consider the probability of dykes being injected from magma chambers during periods of unrest in the associated volcanoes, but also the probability of the injected dykes being arrested. This paper presents field data on several thousand dykes from Iceland and Tenerife (Canary Islands) indicating that many, and probably most, dykes become arrested at various crustal levels and never reach the surface to feed eruptions. Using the results of analytical and numerical models, it is shown that, for common loading conditions, the stress field in the vicinity of a magma chamber may favour the injection and propagation of dykes while the stress field at a certain distance from the chamber favours dyke arrest. This means that many dykes that are injected from the chamber propagate only for a very limited distance from the chamber to the point where they become arrested. The implication is that during periods of unrest in volcanoes, the probability of volcanic eruption is only a small fraction of the probability of dyke injection from the source magma chamber.  相似文献   

The depth to the top of magnetic dykes can be estimated from total field aeromagnetic data using the relation between the depth to magnetic sources and the autocorrelation function of magnetic data. By using synthetic anomalies we show that in the ideal case, depth can be determined to an accuracy of 10% or better, when the anomaly sources are two-dimensional dykes. However, the estimated depths depend on the width of the dykes. The estimated depth is about 0.6 times the actual depth to the top of thin dykes, and around the true depth for thick dykes having width-to-depth ratio around 3. The depth is considerably overestimated for very thick dykes (e.g., contacts, which is a special case of the thick dyke). Thus, the autocorrelation method requires that the width-to-depth ratio of the dyke is estimated independently to correctly estimate the depths. Alternatively, it must be assumed that the width-to-depth ratio for the two-dimensional source body is between 1.5 and 4.  相似文献   

Carbonatite-alkalic rocks occur in the form of dykes and small volcanic plugs in the area, with major central type volcanic activity restricted to Amba Dongar. The trappean flows of Blanford and Bose are identified as plagioclasecalcite rocks. An attempt is made to explain the origin of these rocks which are extensively cut by dykes of alkaline rocks, carbonatites and dolerites. By far the dominant lavas are «fissure phonolites» (Wright, 1963) and tinguaites. The chemical analyses of these rocks show that the magma is mainly of continental sodic alkaline suite, probably turning sodi-potassic, a suggestion drawn from the occurrence of lamprophyres and pseudoleucite tinguaites, and the higher potassium contents of some rocks. Bagh sediments are mainly represented by sandstones which show mild contact effects with carbonatite, especially in the south.  相似文献   

Two sectors in the island have been distinguished which depend on the intensity of the penetration of the dyke swarm: the central-western sector, where the proportion of dykes in relation to the host rocks is — in some cases — more than 90% and all the rest of the island, where the dykes are in less proportion. In the central-western sector the predominant direction varies from N-10o-E to N-20o-E, whilst in the rest of the island a clear constant direction does not exist, although there are some directional trends more or less well defined. Most dykes are of basaltic composition, but there are also salic dykes (trachytic and phonolitic) and camptonites. The dykes from the western sector have suffered intense transformation processes (albitization and amphibolization), so that it is frequent to find dykes that do not preserve practically any one of their primary minerals. As the albitization process also affects the host rocks and has a regional development; we can speak of a regional metamorphism equivalent in its intensity to the Green Schist. Three main generations of dykes have been established: 1st) those of an approximately N-S direction, forming the older generation, constituted by multiple injections, 2nd) those genetically related to the Basaltic Series I, 3rd) those of salic composition, closely related with the syenitic-trachytic intrusions.  相似文献   

The pre-3100 m.y. old Ameralik dykes from West Greenland show a range in primary composition from primitive low-K, low-Ti tholeiites virtually identical in composition to ridge basalts of modern ocean crust, to more differentiated basaltic rocks similar to some present-day continental tholeiites. Primary variations are distinguished from secondary metasomatism using REE patterns, Ni, Sr, Ti and Zr contents and Mg number as a guide to the stage of differentiation reached by a particular sample and comparing this to the amount of alkalis present. The chemistry of the dykes is compared to that of metabasalts from Archaean greenstone belts and the use of chemistry alone to distinguish the crustal environment under which Archaean basic rocks were formed is questioned.  相似文献   

The Ol Doinyo Nyokie complex is of late Pleistocene age and occurs in the floor of the south Kenya rift valley. It consists of a shallow depression 5 km long and 3 km wide occupied by ash-flows, surrounded by a zone of trachyte dykes, and with a dome-shaped ignimbrite vent at its eastern end. The complex began to form approximately 0.7 m.y. ago with eruption of ash-flows from fissures accompanied by subsidence, followed by emplacement of dykes in the fissures and the growth of a steep-sided ignimbrite tuff-ring. The rocks are all of quartz trachyte compositions similar to those of the flood lavas upon which the complex is built. Detailed geochemical evidence indicates that the ignimbrite magma was derived from the flood lava magma by alkali feldspar fractionation.  相似文献   

An extensive rhyolitic dyke swarm has intruded subaqueous pyroclastic deposits, iron-formations, hyaloclastite breccias and lava flows of the 2730 Ma Hunter Mine Group (HMG) in the south-central part of the Archean Abitibi belt, Quebec. The dyke swarm has a minimum width of 500 m and can be traced perpendicular to the section for 2.4 km. Based on crosscutting relationships, chilled margins, quartz content and colour, five distinct dyke generations have been established. Each dyke generation has several magmatic pulses as indicated by parallel rows of columnar joints. Absence of brecciation between parallel rows suggests extremely brief intervals between magma pulses. The central parts of most dykes display inverted V-shaped patterns of columnar-joint convergence, inferred to indicate differential cooling during the late stages of dyke propagation. The dykes commonly display delicate spherulites suggesting rapid cooling, solidification temperatures between 400 and 600°C and penecontemporaneous devitrification. Quartz-feldspar aggregates in the groundmass have locally developed microgranophyric textures. Large spherulites near the chilled margins probably formed at temperatures below 400°C. Percolation of abundant water throughout the dyke complex is suggested by ubiquitous prominent chilled dyke margins. Development of a chilled margin 500 m along one dyke suggests that water percolated at least 500 m below the water/rock interface. Because the dykes intruded subaqueous pyroclastic deposits of similar composition, dyke emplacement below the sea floor is inferred. Interstratification of pillowed flows and brecciated pillowed flows containing rhyolite fragments at the top of the 4–5-km-thick sequence indicates that the central felsic complex probably never emerged during its evolutionary history, supporting the contention that the felsic dyke complex was emplaced beneath the Archean sea floor.  相似文献   

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