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Lower Cretaceous successions that crop out in the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate Platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania) preserve records of the Valanginian events in different settings of the platform. The integrated sedimentological, biostratigraphical, geochemical and mineralogical analysis of the upper Berriasian–Valanginian successions reveal successive stages in the evolution of the carbonate platform: (a) pre-drowning stage of the shallow-shelf and slope settings of the platform; (b) subaerial exposure and karstification; and (c) incipient flooding and drowning of the carbonate platform. Following the subaerial exposure, starting in the middle early Valanginian, the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate Platform experienced a drowning phase documented by iron oxyhydroxides, phosphate and glaucony mineralized discontinuity surface and glaucony-rich sediments disposed on the discontinuity surface. Recognition of the diachronous intra-Valanginian discontinuity surface within the studied successions is based on clear evidences (facies contrast, depositional and diagenetic features, biostratigraphic and taphonomic data, and geometrical relations). The negative–positive carbon isotope excursion is correlated with the global perturbations of the carbon cycle related to the Valanginian “Weissert” episode, and it is documented for the first time in the shallowest parts of the Getic Carbonate Platform. Tectonic activity and eustatic sea-level fluctuations were most probably the main factors that led to fault-block tilting, local emersion and subsequent drowning of the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate Platform during the Early Cretaceous. We infer that the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate Platform was affected by late Berriasian–early Hauterivian extensional tectonics that could be related to the Neo-Cimmerian movements with effects generally recognized in the northern peri-Tethyan areas.  相似文献   

The Atesina Volcanic District, the Monte Luco volcanics, and the Cima d'Asta, Bressanone-Chiusa, Ivigna, Monte Croce and Monte Sabion intrusions, in the central-eastern Southern Alps, form a wide calc-alkaline association of Permian age (ca. 280–260 Ma). The magmatism originated during a period of post-orogenic extensional/transtensional faulting which controlled the magma ascent and emplacement. The magmatic products are represented by a continuum spectrum of rock types ranging from basaltic andesites to rhyolites, and from gabbros to monzogranites, with preponderance of the acidic terms. They constitute a metaluminous to weakly peraluminous series showing mineralogical, petrographic and chemical characteristics distinctive of the high-K calc-alkaline suites. In the MORB-normalized trace element diagrams, the most primitive volcanic and plutonic rocks (basaltic andesites and gabbros with Mg No.=66 to 70; Ni=25 to 83 ppm; Cr=248 to 679 ppm) show LILE and LREE enriched patterns with troughs at Nb–Ta and Ti, a distinctive feature of subduction-related magmas. Field, petrographic, geochemical and isotopic evidence (initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7057 to 0.7114; εNd values from −2.7 to −7.4; ∂18O values between 7.6 and 9.5‰) support a hybrid nature for both volcanic and plutonic rocks, originating through complex interactions between mantle-derived magmas and crustal materials. Only the scanty andalusite–cordierite and orthopyroxene–cordierite bearing peraluminous granites in the Cima d'Asta and Bressanone-Chiusa intrusive complexes can be interpreted as purely crustal melts (initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.7143–0.7167; initial εNd values between −7.9 and −9.6, close to average composition of the granulitic metasedimentary crust from the Ivrea Zone in the western Southern Alps). Although the Permian magmatism shows geochemical characteristics similar to those of arc-related suites, palaeogeographic restorations, and geological and tectonic evidence, seem not to support any spatial and/or temporal connection with subduction processes. The magmatism is post-collisional and post-orogenic, and originated in a regime of lithospheric extension and attenuation affecting the whole domain of the European Hercynian belt. A change in the convergence direction between Gondwana and Laurasia, combined with the effects of gravitational collapse of the Hercynian chain, could have been the driving mechanism for lithosphere extension and thinning, as well as for upwelling of hot asthenosphere that caused thermal perturbation and magma generation. In the above context, the calc-alkaline affinity and the orogenic-like signature of the Permian magmatism might result from extensive contamination of basaltic magmas, likely derived from enriched lithospheric mantle source(s), with felsic crustal melts.  相似文献   

The post-collision late-kinematic Tismana pluton belongs to the shoshonitic series. It is part of a Late Precambrian basement within the Alpine Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians (Romania). This pluton displays an exceptionally complete range of compositions from ultramafic to felsic rocks (granites). Widespread mingling/mixing relationships at all scales give rise to a variety of facies. A liquid line of descent from the diorites to the granites is reconstructed by considering the variation in major and trace elements (REE, Sr, Rb, Ba, Nb, Zr, Hf, Zn, V, Co, Cr, U, Th, Ga, Pb) from 33 selected samples as well as mineral/melt equilibrium relationships. The first step of fractional crystallization is the separation from a monzodioritic parent magma of a peridotitic cumulate similar to the ultramafic rock found in the massif. A possible contamination by lower crustal mafic component takes place at this stage. The second step marks the appearance of apatite and Fe–Ti oxide minerals as liquidus phases, and the third step, saturation of zircon. Mixing by hybridisation of magmas produced at different stages of the evolution along the liquid line of descent is also operating (endo-hybridisation). As depicted by Nd and Sr isotopes, fractional crystallization was combined to an important early contamination by a mafic lower crust in a deep-seated magma chamber and to a later and mild contamination by a felsic medium crust in an intermediate chamber. The mingling essentially occurred during the final emplacement in the high-level magma chamber. The monzodioritic parent magma, identified by major and trace element modelling, is shown by Sr and Nd isotopes to have its source in the lithospheric mantle or in a juvenile mafic lower crust derived from it. The necessarily recent enrichment in K2O and associated elements of the lithospheric mantle is likely to be related to the preceding Pan-African subduction period. The partial melting of this newly formed deep source has to be linked to a major change in the thermal state of the plate.  相似文献   

The Sarek Dyke Swarm (SDS) crops out in the Sarektjåkkå Nappe (SN) of the Seve-Kalak Superterrane in the northern Swedish Caledonides. The SN has two main components: (1) a 4–5 km thick succession of rift-related sedimentary rocks, which is intruded by (2) a suite of tholeiitic dykes (the SDS) constituting 70–80% of the nappe. The nappe was deformed during Caledonian thrusting, but dykes and sedimentary rocks in the interior of the eastern parts of the SN are preserved in a pristine state. The tholeiitic dykes of the SDS commonly occur in sheeted dyke complexes, and up to 11 successive generations can be identified from crosscutting relations. The SN represents the fossil continent–ocean transition between the Baltic craton and the Iapetus Ocean, marking the initiation of seafloor spreading. Bubble-shaped pods and veinlets of diorite are present in the SDS sheeted dyke complexes. The pods are absent in the oldest dykes, but the younger a dyke, the more frequent the pods. The diorite pods are the equivalent of gabbro pegmatites, and both cogenetic and coeval with the dykes. The rapid successive emplacement of tholeiitic magma raised the ambient temperature in the dyke complex, so that crystallization in the youngest dykes mimicked similar processes in gabbro plutons. Six zircon fractions, from the diorite pods including two single grains, were analysed geochronologically by the U–Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry method. The data yield a linear array of points that are 0.4–0.8% normally discordant, indicating a crystallization age of 608±1 Ma (207Pb/206Pb=607.9±0.7 Ma, MSWD=0.33). This age is inferred to date the onset of seafloor spreading in the Iapetus Ocean along the Baltoscandian margin.  相似文献   


The Hohonu Dyke Swarm and French Creek Granite represent contemporaneous and cogenetic alkaline magmatism generated during crustal extension in the Western Province of New Zealand. The age of 82 Ma for French Creek Granite coincides with the oldest oceanic crust in the Tasman Sea and suggests emplacement during the separation of New Zealand and Australia. The French Creek Granite is a composite A‐type granitoid, dominated by a subsolvus biotite syenogranite with high silica, low CaO, MgO, Cr, Ni, V and Sr and elevated high‐field‐strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ga, Y). Subordinate varieties of French Creek Granite include a hypersolvus alkali amphibole monzogranite and a quartz‐alkali feldspar syenite. Spatially associated rhyolitic dykes are considered to represent hypabyssal equivalents of French Creek Granite. The Hohonu Dyke Swarm represents mafic magmatism which preceded, overlapped with, and followed emplacement of French Creek Granite. Lamprophyric and doleritic varieties dominate the swarm, with rare phonolite dykes also present. Geochemical compositions of French Creek Granite indicate it is an A1‐subtype granitoid and suggest derivation by fractionation of a mantle‐derived melt with oceanic island basalt ‐ like characteristics. The hypothesis that the French Creek Granite represents fractionation of a Hohonu Dyke Swarm composition, or a mantle melt derived from the same source, is tested. Major‐ and trace‐element data are compatible with derivation of the French Creek Granite by fractionation of amphibole, clinopyroxene and plagioclase from mafic magmas, followed by fractionation of alkali and plagioclase feldspar at more felsic compositions. Although some variants of the French Creek Granite have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions overlapping those of the Hohonu Dyke Swarm, most of the French Creek Granite is more radiogenic than the Hohonu Dyke Swarm, indicating the involvement of a radiogenic crustal component. Assimilation‐fractional crystallisation modelling suggests isotopic compositions of French Creek Granite are consistent with extreme fractionation of Hohonu Dyke Swarm magmas with minor assimilation of the Greenland Group metasediments.  相似文献   

The DACIA PLAN (Danube and Carpathian Integrated Action on Process in the Lithosphere and Neotectonics) deep seismic sounding survey was performed in August–September 2001 in south-eastern Romania, at the same time as the regional deep refraction seismic survey VRANCEA 2001. The main goal of the experiment was to obtain new information on the deep structure of the external Carpathians nappes and the architecture of Tertiary/Quaternary basins developed within and adjacent to the seismically-active Vrancea zone, including the Focsani Basin. The seismic reflection line had a WNW–ESE orientation, running from internal East Carpathians units, across the mountainous south-eastern Carpathians, and the foreland Focsani Basin towards the Danube Delta. There were 131 shot points along the profile, with about 1 km spacing, and data were recorded with stand-alone RefTek-125s (also known as “Texans”), supplied by the University Texas at El Paso and the PASSCAL Institute. The entire line was recorded in three deployments, using about 340 receivers in the first deployment and 640 receivers in each of the other two deployments. The resulting deep seismic reflection stacks, processed to 20 s along the entire profile and to 10 s in the eastern Focsani Basin, are presented here. The regional architecture of the latter, interpreted in the context of abundant independent constraint from exploration seismic and subsurface data, is well imaged. Image quality within and beneath the thrust belt is of much poorer quality. Nevertheless, there is good evidence to suggest that a thick (10 km) sedimentary basin having the structure of a graben and of indeterminate age underlies the westernmost part of the Focsani Basin, in the depth range 10–25 km. Most of the crustal depth seismicity observed in the Vrancea zone (as opposed to the more intense upper mantle seismicity) appears to be associated with this sedimentary basin. The sedimentary successions within this basin and other horizons visible further to the west, beneath the Carpathian nappes, suggest that the geometry of the Neogene and recent uplift observed in the Vrancea zone, likely coupled with contemporaneous rapid subsidence in the foreland, is detached from deeper levels of the crust at about 10 km depth. The Moho lies at a depth of about 40 km along the profile, its poor expression in the reflection stack being strengthened by independent estimates from the refraction data. Given the apparent thickness of the (meta)sedimentary supracrustal units, the crystalline crust beneath this area is quite thin (< 20 km) supporting the hypothesis that there may have been delamination of (lower) continental crust in this area involved in the evolution of the seismic Vrancea zone.  相似文献   

Four plutons from the W-Tibati area of central Cameroon crop out in close relationships with the Pan-African Adamawa ductile shear zone (Central Cameroon Shear Zone: CCSZ). These plutons include diorites, tonalites, granodiorites and granites, and most of them are porphyritic due to the abundance of pink K-feldspar megacrysts. Syn-kinematic magma emplacement is demonstrated by the elongate shape of the plutons and by magmatic and ductile (gneissic) foliations that strike parallel to or at a low angle with the CCSZ; the foliation obliquity is consistent with dextral transcurrent tectonics. Whole-rock geochemistry points to high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism. Mixing-mingling features can be observed in the field. However, fractional crystallization of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite (+ K-feldspar in the more felsic compositions) appears to have played a dominant role in the magmatic differentiation processes, as confirmed by mass balance calculations based on major elements. Isotopic signatures suggest that the magmas may have originated from different sources, i.e. either from a young mafic underplate for most magmas with εNdi(600 Ma) around −1 to −2 and Sri(600 Ma) around 0.705, or from an enriched lithospheric mantle for some diorites with εNdi(600 Ma) at −6 and Sri(600 Ma) at 0.7065; mixing with young crustal component is likely. The plutonic rocks of W-Tibati are similar to other Pan-African high-K calk-alkaline syn-kinematic plutons in western Cameroon. They also display striking similarities with high-K calk-alkaline plutons associated with the Patos and Pernambuco shear zones of the Borborema province in NE Brazil.  相似文献   

During the Neogene, a magmatic change from calc-alkaline to alkaline types occurred in all the regions surrounding the western Mediterranean. This change has been studied in Oranie (western Algeria). In this area, potassic to shoshonitic calc-alkaline andesites (with La/Nb ratios in the range 4–6) were mainly erupted between 12 and 9 Ma. They were followed (between 10 and 7 Ma) by basalts displaying geochemical features which are transitional between calc-alkaline and alkaline lavas (La/Nb=1–1.7). After a ca. 3-Ma quiescence period, volcanic activity resumed, with the eruption of OIB-type alkaline basalts (La/Nb=0.5–0.6), from 4 to 0.8 Ma. A combined geochemical approach, using incompatible elements and Sr, Nd and O isotopes, allows us to conclude that the transitional basalts derived from the melting of a heterogeneous mantle source, at the boundary between lithosphere and asthenosphere. We propose that melting of a previously subduction-modified lithospheric mantle occurred between 12 and 10 Ma, in response to the upwelling of hot asthenosphere flowing up into an opening gap above a detached sinking slab. As a result, calc-alkaline magmas were formed. From 10 to 7 Ma, the transitional basalts were generated through melting of the boundary mantle zone between the lithosphere and the upwelling asthenosphere. During that stage, the contribution of the lithospheric source was still predominant. Then, as sinking of the oceanic slab progressed, the increasing uprise of the asthenosphere led to the formation and emplacement (from 4 to 0.8 Ma) of typical within-plate alkaline basalts derived from a plume-modified asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Fluctuation in calpionellid, foraminiferal, and nannofossil diversity and abundance are documented in two successions located in the eastern part of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform of the Southern Carpathian area, Romania. The lower part of the studied sections consists of upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones. This age is supported by the presence of the calpionellid assemblages assigned to the Crassicollaria, Calpionella, and Calpionellopsis Zones. Based on biostratigraphical data, a gap was identified within the uppermost Berriasian–base of the upper Valanginian (the interval encompasses the Boissieri, Pertransiensis, Campylotoxum, and lower part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zones). Hence, the upper Tithonian–upper Berriasian bioclastic limestones are overlain by upper Valanginian–lower Hauterivian pelagic limestones (the interval covered by the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones). A detailed qualitative and semiquantitative analysis of the nannoflora was carried out over this interval. To estimate the surface water fertility conditions, the nannoplankton-based nutrient index (NI) was calculated. The fluctuation pattern of NI allow us to recognize four phases in the investigated interval, as follows: (1) phase I (covering the lower part of the NK3B nannofossil Subzone and the upper part of the Verrucosum ammonite Zone, respectively) is characterized by low values of the NI (below 20%), by the dominance of the genus Nannoconus in the nannofloral assemblages (between 60–70%), and moderate abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (up to 23%), while the high-fertility nannofossils constitute a minor component of the assemblages; (2) phase II (placed in the NK3B nannofossil Subzone, extending from the top of Verrucosum ammonite Zone, up to the lower part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) is characterized by increase of NI above 30%, a decrease of nannoconids (up to 50% at the top), while Watznaueria barnesae increases in abundance up to 27%. The fertility proxies (Diazomatolithus lehmanii, Zeugrhabdotus erectus, Discorhabdus rotatorius, and Biscutum constans) represent again a minor component of the recorded nannofloras (less than 7% in both sections), but they have an ascending trend; (3) phase III (which encompasses the boundary interval of the NK3B and NC4A nannofossil Subzones, corresponding to the upper part of the Furcillata ammonite Zone) contains higher NI values (over 35%, and up 52% towards the base of this phase), an abrupt nannoconid decrease (down to 20%), higher abundance of Watznaueria barnesae (over 30%), while the fertility nannofossils became an important nannofloral component, jointly amounting to almost 20%; (4) phase IV (identified within the NC4A Nannofossil Zone and corresponding to the boundary interval of the Furcillata and Radiatus ammonite Zones) is characterized by a decrease of NI to 25%, a recovery of the nannoconids up to 40%, a decline in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae to 25%, together with a pronounced drop of fertility taxa, which make together no more than 8%. We assume that maximum of eutrophication in the studied interval from the Southern Carpathians was in the Furcillata ammonite Zone. Notably, within the phases 2 and 3, the morphological changes identified in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages (the predominance of flattened morphologies, together with the presence of conical and trochospiral inflated forms), as well as the occurrence of the Zoophycos trace fossils and pyrite framboids, indicate dysaerobic conditions. In the Southern Carpathians, the late Valanginian–early Hauterivian biogeographical changes are coeval with the initiation of the carbonate platform drowning.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Getic and Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians are discussed in the light of a compilation of published fission track data. A total of 101 fission track ages indicates that the Getic nappes are generally characterized by Cretaceous zircon and apatite fission track ages, indicating cooling to near-surface temperatures of these units immediately following Late Cretaceous orogeny.The age distribution of the Danubian nappes, presently outcropping in the Danubian window below the Getic nappes, depends on the position with respect to the Cerna-Jiu fault. Eocene and Oligocene zircon and apatite central ages from the part of the Danubian core complex situated southeast of this fault monitor mid-Tertiary tectonic exhumation in the footwall of the Getic detachment, while zircon fission track data from northwest of this fault indicate that slow cooling started during the Latest Cretaceous. The change from extension (Getic detachment) to strike-slip dominated tectonics along the curved Cerna-Jiu fault allowed for further exhumation on the concave side of this strike-slip fault, while exhumation ceased on the convex side. The available fission track data consistently indicate that the change to fast cooling associated with tectonic denudation by core complex formation did not occur before Late Eocene times, i.e. long after the cessation of Late Cretaceous thrusting.Core complex formation in the Danubian window is related to a larger-scale scenario that is characterized by the NNW-directed translation, followed by a 90° clockwise rotation of the Tisza-Dacia “block” due to roll-back of the Carpathian embayment. This led to a complex pattern of strain partitioning within the Tisza-Dacia “block” adjacent to the western tip of the rigid Moesian platform. Our results suggest that the invasion of these southernmost parts of Tisza-Dacia started before the Late Eocene, i.e. significantly before the onset of Miocene-age rollback and associated extension in the Pannonian basin.  相似文献   

Nearly contemporaneous eruption of alkaline and calc-alkaline lavas occurred about 900 years BP from El Volcancillo paired vent, located behind the volcanic front in the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). Emission of hawaiite (Toxtlacuaya) was immediately followed by calc-alkaline basalt (Río Naolinco). Hawaiites contain olivine microphenocrysts (Fo67–72), plagioclase (An56–60) phenocrysts, have 4–5 wt% MgO and 49.6–50.9 wt% SiO2. In contrast, calc-alkaline lavas contain plagioclase (An64–72) and olivine phenocrysts (Fo81–84) with spinel inclusions, and have 8–9 wt% MgO and 48.4–49.4 wt% SiO2. The most primitive lavas in the region (Río Naolinco and Cerro Colorado) are not as primitive as parental melts in other arcs, and could represent either (a) variable degrees of melting of a subduction modified, garnet-bearing depleted mantle source, followed by AFC process, or (b) melting of two distinct mantle sources followed by AFC processes. These two hypotheses are evaluated using REE, HFSE, and Sr, Os and Pb isotopic data. The Toxtlacuaya flow and the Y & I lavas can be generated by combined fractional crystallization and assimilation of gabbroic granulite, starting with a parental liquid similar to the Cerro Colorado basalt. Although calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas commonly occur together in other areas of the MVB, evidence for subduction component in El Volcancillo magmas is minimal and limited to <1%, which is a unique feature in this region further from the trench. El Volcancillo lavas were produced from two different magma batches: we surmise that the injection of calc-alkaline magma into an alkaline magma chamber triggered the eruption of hawaiites. Our results suggest that the subalkaline and hawaiitic lavas were formed by different degrees of partial melting of a similar, largely depleted mantle source, followed by later AFC processes. This model is unusual for arcs, where such diversity is usually explained by melting of heterogeneous (enriched and depleted) and subduction-modified mantle.  相似文献   

In the considered wide sector of the West-Mediterranean southern Europe, the collisional phase of the Variscan orogeny during Late Carboniferous and Permian times was followed by magmatic intrusive and effusive activity and sedimentation into intracontinental, alluvial to lacustrine basins originated by wrench- to normal-fault systems. The first volcanic cycle (generally Late Carboniferous-Early Permian in age) is represented by early calc-alkaline andesites and rhyolites, in variable amounts, and by following large volume of rhyolites, and by dacites. Both andesites and rhyolites show K-normal and high-K calc-alkaline character. The origin of the liquids of the first cycle is ascribed to partial melting processes at the mantle–crust interface telescoped within a thickened crust. The melting is considered as the consequence of thermal re-equilibration following isostatic disequilibrium and the subsequent collapse of the orogenic belt; the ascent of liquids occurred in a (trans-)tensional regime. The second magmatic cycle is represented by alkaline magmatism, and exhibits typical anorogenic features consistent with a rifting regime. This event was no more related with the collapse of the Variscan belt, but rather to the post-Variscan global re-organization of plates that evolved during Late Triassic times to the neo-Tethyan rifting. In both cycles, important differences in timing, areal distribution and outpoured volumes arise.  相似文献   

The combination of apatite fission track (FT) thermochronology from basement units and the FT age distributions of apatites in the Miocene intramontane sedimentary rocks allows describing the exhumation history of the central segment of the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Exhumation and cooling from the total track annealing temperature (>120°C) of the Cozia and Cibin massifs occurred in the Palaeocene–Early Eocene. Between the Eocene and Middle Miocene, there was a stagnation period concerning vertical displacement; the presently exposed part of the basement was buried in shallow depth. The present crests of the Cozia and Cibin Mountains were at temperatures around 80°C and 50°C, respectively. The second exhumation period occurred in Middle Miocene times. The magnitude of the Miocene vertical displacement is on the order of the present-day relief. The vertical apatite FT age distribution in the basement and the age clusters in the sedimentary rocks prove that the levels of the crests were already close to the surface in Palaeogene times. Therefore, the post-Palaeocene erosional removal from the crest zones is very limited.  相似文献   

We present here the results of pollen analysis of two sequences of about 8.06 m and 11.90 m length, originating from two adjacent peat bogs in the southern part of Transylvania province, Romania (155 and 122 pollen spectra). The vegetation record, which is supported by 17 14C dates, begins in the Late Glacial interstadial when forest recolonisation began with the development of Pinus, without a pioneer Betula phase. Picea began to expand from regional refuges. After a well‐defined Younger Dryas, the Holocene opens with the expansion of Betula, Ulmus and Picea, followed, at about 10 400 cal. yr BP, by Fraxinus, Quercus and Tilia. The Corylus optimum is correlated with the Atlantic chronozone (after 8600 cal. yr BP). The local establishment of Carpinus occurred at about 6500 cal. yr BP, with a maximum at about 5700 cal. yr BP. Fagus pollen is regularly recorded after 8200 cal. yr BP. This taxon became dominant at about 3700 cal. yr BP. The first indications of human activities appear at around 7200 cal. yr BP. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study of the upper Maastrichtian to Danian sedimentary succession from the northern part of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians (Varniţa section) aims to establish an integrated biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils, organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) and foraminiferal assemblages, and to reconstruct the depositional environments of the interval. The stratigraphic record across the studied section is incomplete, considering that an approximately 16 m thick strata interval from the top of the Maastrichtian to lowermost Danian cannot be analyzed due to a landslide covering the outcrop. The upper Maastrichtian is marked by a succession of biostratigraphic events, such as the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of the nannoplankton taxon Nephrolithus frequens and FAD of the dinocyst species Deflandrea galeata and Disphaerogena carposphaeropsis, and the Last Appearance Datum (LAD) of Isabelidinium cooksoniae in the lower part of the section. These bioevents are followed by the LAD of the Dinogymnium spp. and Palynodinium grallator dinocyst markers in the top of the Maastrichtian deposits analyzed. In terms of foraminiferal biostratigraphy, the upper Maastrichtian Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone is documented in the lower part of the studied section. Some bioevents, such as the bloom of the calcareous dinoflagellate genus Thoracosphaera and the FAD of the organic-walled dinocysts Damassadinium californicum, Senoniasphaera inornata, Xenicodinium lubricum and X. reticulatum suggest an early Danian age for the middle part of the section. From the Danian deposits in the Varniţa section, we describe a new organic-walled dinocyst species, Pentadinium darmirae sp. nov., which is until now the only species of the Pentadinium genus discovered in the Paleocene. The occurrence of the global Danian dinocyst marker Senoniasphaera inornata in the top of the section, suggests an age not younger than middle Danian (62.6 Ma) for the analyzed deposits.The palynofacies constituents, as well as the agglutinated foraminiferal morphogroups, used to reconstruct the depositional environments, show that the late Maastrichtian sediments were deposited in an outer shelf to distal (bathyal) environment, followed by a marine transgression during the Danian.  相似文献   

The upper reaches of the Bistrita drainage system were selected as a natural test site to determine the geogenic and anthropogenic input into fluvio-lacustrine systems in humid mid-latitude morphoclimatic zones. The reason for this selection lies in the complex geology and its metallogenic evolution leading to a great variety of Fe, Mn, U, and polymetallic sulfides ore deposits. It sparked an intense mining activity during the past centuries with a strong impact on the drainage system similar to many mineralized sites in the world which are still under exploitation. Sediment samples from Bistrita River were analyzed by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), near-infrared (NIR) and micro-Raman spectroscopy (μ-Raman).Our results revealed that the chemical and mineralogical built-up of the stream sediments is mainly geogenic, with most of the trace elements accumulated in the river sediments derived from the source rocks exposed in catchment area of the River Bistrita. A strong input by man has been detected in the drainage system near abandoned mining sites. The trace elements are mainly accommodated in the structure of detrital minerals representative of the clastic aureole around the source rocks, and to a lesser extent adsorbed onto the surface of clay minerals. The REE incorporated into muscovite furnish evidence of having derived from the source rocks, prevalently mica schists exposed by supergene processes in the provenance area and rule out a neoformation of clay minerals on transport and deposition.  相似文献   

Dolerite dykes intruding Variscan plutonites were studied in terms of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. The main mineral constituents were studied and the sequence of crystallization has been derived. The geochemical characteristic indicate mantle origin of the dolerites and magma sources different from the hosting granitoids. From SHRIMP analyses of five spots on four different zircon crystals, resulted a 292.0±4.1 Ma age that is interpreted as the time of crystallization of the dolerite. The hosting granitoids are probably the result of mixing between two possible end-members: enriched mantle and acid metaigneous or lower crustal metasediments.

The Variscan age of the dolerites, in combination with the geochemical characteristics, indicated that the enriched mantle basaltic material should be the source of the dolerite veins. These mantle-derived basaltic melts may represent the underplated material, which probably provided the necessary thermal input to the dehydration melting in the lower crust. The dolerites should have intruded the newly formed batholiths before or at the first stages of their uplift, recording the last events of the Variscan subduction.  相似文献   

The Sichevita and Poniasca plutons belong to an alignment of granites cutting across the metamorphic basement of the Getic Nappe in the South Carpathians. The present work provides SHRIMP age data for the zircon population from a Poniasca biotite diorite and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements, Sr–Nd isotopes) of representative rock types from the two intrusions grading from biotite diorite to biotite K-feldspar porphyritic monzogranite. U–Pb zircon data yielded 311 ± 2 Ma for the intrusion of the biotite diorite. Granites are mostly high-K leucogranites, and biotite diorites are magnesian, and calcic to calc-alkaline. Sr, and Nd isotope and trace element data (REE, Th, Ta, Cr, Ba and Rb) permit distinguishing five different groups of rocks corresponding to several magma batches: the Poniasca biotite diorite (P1) shows a clear crustal character while the Poniasca granite (P2) is more juvenile. Conversely, Sichevita biotite diorite (S1), and a granite (S2*) are more juvenile than the other Sichevita granites (S2). Geochemical modelling of major elements and REE suggests that fractional crystallization can account for variations within P1 and S1 groups. Dehydration melting of a number of protoliths may be the source of these magma batches. The Variscan basement, a subduction accretion wedge, could correspond to such a heterogeneous source. The intrusion of the Sichevita–Poniasca plutons took place in the final stages of the Variscan orogeny, as is the case for a series of European granites around 310 Ma ago, especially in Bulgaria and in Iberia, no Alleghenian granitoids (late Carboniferous—early Permian times) being known in the Getic nappe. The geodynamical environment of Sichevita–Poniasca was typically post-collisional of the Variscan orogenic phase.  相似文献   

青海玉树县南洞卡组粗面安山岩的SiO2含量为55.92%~57.85%,高Na2O、MgO和Al2O3,低K2O、TiO2和 P2O5,铝饱和指数A/CNK=0.98~1.08,具有准铝-弱过铝质的特点。岩石K2O含量低,Na2O/K2O=12.60~15.97,显示出钠质粗面安山岩特征。SiO2-K2O图解和里特曼指数(2.89~3.25),说明岩石属于钙碱性系列。稀土配分模式为轻稀土弱富集右倾型,铕弱负异常(σEu=0.90~0.96)。微量元素蛛网图显示,岩石富集Rb、Th和U等元素,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta和大离子亲石元素Ba,样品Ce/Pb、Nb/U 并未随着MgO含量的升高而升高,样品的La/Nb、Zr/Nb、Ba/Nb比值均表现出良好的稳定性,表明岩浆在上升过程中遭受地壳物质混染的可能性不大,可能是其源区特征的反映。研究表明岩浆经历了橄榄石和单斜辉石的结晶分异,且受到俯冲板片熔体对源区的改造作用。结合234 Ma的形成年龄,说明该粗面安山岩是金沙江洋盆向西俯冲消减和斜向碰撞的地质记录,其形成时代和地球化学特征也为江达-维西火山弧的形成演化及成矿作用研究提供依据。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(3):119-129
This paper is focused on the morphological, mineralogical, and geochemical features of alluvial sediments from the Neoproterozoic Pan-African belt to explore rutile. The fine-grained sediments, which contain a large proportion of rutile, are made up of quartz, rutile, zircon, brookite, tourmaline, andalusite, and kyanite. The high SiO2 and TiO2 contents highlight the predominance of silica minerals in the alluvia from the humid tropical zone. La/Sc, La/Co, Th/Sc and Zr/Cr ratios reflect the contribution of felsic and mafic sources. The highest Ti contents, which occur at the outlet of the Lobo watershed, indicate the resistance of rutile. The REE distribution could be linked to the heavy mineral sorting. The low (La/Yb)N ratios and high Zr contents are attributed to the high proportion of zircon. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns indicate high felsic sources, which are the regional rocks. Ultimately, the Yaoundé Group constitutes a favorable potential target for further rutile exploration.  相似文献   

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