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由于南苏丹P区块没有可用于确定油层水淹程度的密闭取心新井资料,且单层生产及试油数据非常少,开采与完井时间间隔较长,地层水性质相同导致底水水淹与油水同层难以识别,因此,水淹层解释难度较大.本文首先根据区块地质特征与开发特征及水淹层水源和水进方向,归纳总结出研究区油层的水淹类型为边水与注入水推进水淹型和底水推进水淹型,注水水淹和边底水水淹在电阻率测井响应特征上均表现为电阻率值的明显降低.其次,采用新老井相同层位测井信息对比方法,结合相邻老井生产动态测试结果,确定出新井典型水淹层,分析水淹层测井响应特征,优选出深侧向电阻率、浅侧向电阻率、深浅侧向电阻率幅度差、深侧向电阻率与冲洗带电阻率幅度差等4个水淹敏感参数,其中深侧向电阻率和深浅侧向电阻率幅度差为最有效的水淹识别参数.利用深侧向电阻率值与深浅侧向幅度差交会,建立了水淹层定性识别图版,利用该图版可有效地区分水淹层与水层和油层.基于储层岩性物性测井响应特征分析,采用岩心刻度测井方法,建立了水淹层泥质含量、孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等参数定量解释模型,利用计算的驱油效率值可有效地划分弱水淹、中水淹、强水淹.综合水淹层定性识别图版法以及定量解释方法,结合邻井生产动态,建立了水淹层综合测井评价方法,经实际井验证证明该方法结合了静态测井解释与动态生产数据在水淹层评价中优势,提高了水淹级别测井综合评价准确性.采用开发初期井连井剖面对比方法,确定出油水同层顶界面海拔深度,再结合邻井开发动态,寻找出新井水源,判断出新井水淹类型.对于底水水淹类型,新井不存在油水同层,只能为水淹层;对于边水水淹类型,将解释油水同层或水淹层海拔深度高于最高油水同层顶界面海拔深度的储层判定为水淹层,而海拔深度低于最高油水同层顶界面海拔深度的储层判定为油水同层,经实际井验证证明该方法可有效地区分底水水淹层与油水同层.  相似文献   

综合岩心、测井、录井及区域地质背景等各方面资料,对松辽盆地北部杏13区葡萄花油层进行高分辨率层序地层学研究,在此基础上讨论基准面变化与沉积相及砂体展布之间的关系.研究区葡萄花油层可划分为2个对称的长期基准面半旋回、6个中期基准面旋回和19个短期基准面旋回.长期基准面升降对沉积相的迁移和砂体展布起到了重要的控制作用.当长期基准面下降时期,沉积相向湖迁移;而当长期基准面上升时期,沉积相向陆迁移,砂体展布特征也随之发生变化.  相似文献   

利用高压压汞、恒速压汞、核磁共振等实验,研究分析苏里格苏48区块盒8段储层可动流体饱和度的分布特征及主要控制因素.结果表明,研究区样品T_2谱主要呈左高右低的双峰型及单峰型两种形态,可动流体饱和度与可动流体孔隙度变化幅度较大.根据可动流体饱和度将储层划为3种类型,不同类型储层可动流体饱和度差异较大:Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类储层物性较好,孔隙半径大,喉道较粗,孔喉分布均匀,孔隙连通性好,粘土矿物质量百分数低,可动流体饱和度高;Ⅲ类储层孔隙半径小,孔喉分选差,孔隙之间连通性差,粘土矿物质量百分数高,可动流体饱和度低.可见可动流体饱和度受多种因素综合影响,其中微观孔喉特征是控制可动流体饱和度大小的主要因素,粘土矿物次之,储层物性最弱.孔喉特征参数中,孔隙半径、孔喉半径比、孔喉体积比、分选系数的控制作用最为显著,均值系数以及排驱压力的影响较为明显.在其它孔喉参数相差较小时,喉道对可动流体饱和度的大小起决定性作用;粘土矿物中,高岭石的质量百分数影响最大.  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚X区决主要发育大深度低幅度构造,低幅度圈闭识别与落实制约着区块的油气勘探发现.根据区块的地质与地球物理特点,在认真深入对比分析现有时深转换方法的基础上,提出了综合运用多种时深转换方法进行区域目标援索及单个目标“量体裁衣”的多尺度时深转换方法,有效的解决了本区油气勘探中面临的低幅构造识别与落实难题,取得了较好的勘探效果.该方法能够有效的发现低幅度圈闭并提高低幅度构造成图的精度,落实局部构造,降低勘探风险,对于类似地区的低幅度构造研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

致密砂岩储层的研究对于当前国内油气勘探进展至关重要.准确掌握致密砂岩储层特征是开展油藏描述和有利区优选等工作的重要前提,而获取储层表征参数又是刻画储层特征的关键,所以储层参数预测技术逐渐成为当前研究热点之一.渗透率是划分油气水层以及后续井开发工程的重点分析要素.对于致密砂岩储层而言,因其非均质性强,使得渗透率很难用常规...  相似文献   

SAGD开发会引起地下介质密度产生较大的变化,进而引起地表重力值的变化.时移微重力监测技术通过测量地表重力值的变化来监测SAGD开发过程中蒸汽腔的形态变化,从而获得油藏开发动态变化信息.针对微重力监测技术的重力异常提取对于描述储层变化至关重要.本文利用双树复小波变换将微重力数据分解为不同尺度小波系数,结合软硬阈值折中法...  相似文献   

全球主要河流已成为受梯级水库控制的人工调节系统.河流鱼类作为淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,在人类对河流水能资源开发利用的进程中,面临着种群退化、多样性丧失的巨大胁迫.水库生态调度是在鱼类关键生命期人为营造满足鱼类需求的水文水动力条件,减缓水库不利生态影响的一种生态环保措施.然而,在生态调度的实践过程中,受水库不同运行方式...  相似文献   

叠前地震反演技术能够将地震中振幅、偏移距和入射角等多种有效信息与油气的敏感参数结合起来,在有效识别油气藏“甜点”方面虽发挥了重要的作用,但对于煤层气的有效预测仍需研究.针对煤层气与石油天然气的赋存地质条件不同,本文以山西沁水盆地煤层气地震资料为例,借鉴叠前地震反演技术的多参数预测思想,通过模型正演和实测资料处理,得到纵波、横波速度和密度等不同的数据体,利用数据体和弹性参数关系式,采用Aki&Richard近似公式与叠前宽角度反演联合的方法,寻找出富含煤层气储层的敏感参数.从而实现富含煤层气储层的有效预测.经与测井曲线结果对比,吻合率较高,说明了该方法具有可行性与实用性.  相似文献   

地震数据体结构特征,指对二维或三维地震数据体中每一地震道离散数据点按时间顺序排列所显示的波形特征。应用地震数据体结构特征法对储层进行油气预测,是近年来新兴的一项储层预测技术。塔河油田八区的主产层为碳酸盐岩裂缝一缝洞型储层,具有很强的非均质性,给储层的油气预测带来了一定的困难。针对塔河油田八区特殊的地质条件,采用了地震数据体结构特征法对该区奥陶系储层进行了油气预测,并对油区内、外的区域进行了有利区块的划分。在有利区块中设计的18口钻探井位,经钻井证实均获得了较高的油气产量,取得了很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Water reservoirs exercise a considerable influence on hydrological processes and their influence can be treated as one of the influences of human activities on the hydrological cycle at the regional and even global scale. Long daily streamflow series from two gauging stations, Cuntan and Yichang, are analyzed to quantify the effect of the Gezhouba- and the Three Gorges Dams on the Yangtze River flow variations. The Cuntan- and Yichang stations are located up- and downstreams of these two dams, respectively. The quantification entails the employment of conventional multifractal analysis (MFA) and MF-detrended fluctuation analysis (MF-DFA). The streamflow series are divided into six segments based on the time when the Gezhouba- and Three Gorges Dams were constructed. Thus, the effect of these two dams can be compared through MF properties of streamflow before and after the construction of water reservoirs. The effect of the Gezhouba Dam on streamflow downstream may not be reflected by conventional MFA but can be seen from the results of MF-DFA. It should be due to the fact that MF-DFA is on the basis of fluctuations around the dominant trend, reflecting more local information; while the box-counting algorithms investigate the streamflow from the whole view. Particularly, for the inter-station comparison of results obtained by MF-DFA-based analysis, the strongest impact on the streamflow downstream is indicated by the most significant difference in generalized fractal dimension spectrum appearing during the construction of Gezhouba Dam. In addition, after the construction of Gezhouba Dam, the minimal MF dimension at Yichang station start to be less than that at Cuntan station, suggesting that the streamflow becomes less fluctuated, which should be attributed to the filter effect of water reservoir. This study presents a feasible way to evaluate, wholly and locally, the impact of water reservoirs on streamflow in other river basins in the world.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional ultrasonic modelling was used to study the Rayleigh waves reflected from a thin low velocity vertical layer and those transmitted through the same zone. The reflection and transmission coefficients of the Rayleigh waves have been calculated by an approximate method based on the Green function technique. Nonrigid contact boundary conditions were used for the low velocity layer modelling. A rather good correspondence between the theoretical and experimental absolute values of the reflection and the transmission coefficients was obtained. Some discrepancies between experimental and theoretical results, in particular with regard to phase shifts, may be explained by a certain inadequacy of the theoretical model to the low velocity layer investigated by the ultrasonic modelling.  相似文献   

A new technique for delineation of subsurface features using gravity eigenimage is proposed to separate the gravitational anomalies from its background. The singular value decomposition and multifractal method has been combined and tested on several synthetic gravity anomalies and also applied to field gravity dataset of Vindhyan basin in central India which is a promising area for petroleum exploration. The eigenimage of gravity data helps to understand the relationship between the geological structure and source of anomaly. Fault structure is the major structure and could be the principal contributor that differentiates the regional and local geo-anomalies in the studied region.  相似文献   

In order to assess and compare the ecological impacts of channelization and shallow lowland reservoirs, macroinvertebrate communities of a lowland metapotamal river below reservoirs with epilimnial release were studied. The study was carried out in the Dyje River (Czech Republic) at five sites located from 1.5 to 22.5 km downstream of the reservoir outfall. The five sites differed in the degree of channel modification from natural muddy banks to riprap regulation. Seven samples were collected during the years 1998 and 1999 at each site using a semiquantitative method. The data were processed using multivariate analyses and methods for assessing the ecological and functional structure of communities. Altogether, 261 species of benthic macroinvertebrates were recorded including several rare and threatened taxa. Based on the results of principal component analysis (PCA), most of the variability within the species data (the first PCA axis) was explained by the degree of channel modification, from natural muddy banks with aquatic vegetation to a man-made riprap. The second axis was strongly correlated with current velocity. The sites differed in species richness, total abundances, proportion of individual functional feeding groups, pattern of the distribution of the current preference groups, and values of several biotic indexes, all of which also corresponded to the degree of channel modification. Thus, the morphological man-made modifications of the river channel were found to be the main factor affecting lowland river macroinvertebrates and their biodiversity. Our results suggest that the biggest threat to benthic macroinvertebrate diversity of lowland rivers comes from channelization. The impact of reservoirs can be completely overwhelmed by the impact of channelization, especially when muddy banks with aquatic vegetation present a substantial part of habitat diversity and significantly contribute to the total species pool.  相似文献   


Recession curves are widely used in hydrological studies and projects, such as in rivers, streams or springs. However, no cave drip water has been analysed with recession curves. In this paper, four cave drips were monitored in the Velika Pasica Cave, in order to discover the water flow and storage properties of the epikarst. Various methods were applied in the recession analysis, combining the hydrological characteristics of the four drips: for the slow water in the epikarst, the matching strip method was the identified as the appropriate model for the drip water recession analysis. According to the recession coefficient k, the water flow in the epikarst was divided into fast flow, intermediate flow and slow flow. The volume of water retained in the reservoir (the epikarst storage) could be presented as a function of its specific recession coefficient.
EDITOR D.Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR X. Chen  相似文献   

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