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在正常地球椭球或球体的情况下,其内外异常质量引起的大地水准面(异常)的表达式已推导出来,从而可以决定该面是在正常地球之内,抑或其外,由此推得高原处的大地水准面应在其外(正值),而青藏高原的大地水准面却在?30m左右.为什么会有这样大的负异常?该大地水准面有什么特征?它们由哪些场源组成的?主要和其他的异常源的贡献有多大?本文根据地震波速及地形、重力等资料对此作了较深入探讨和解释,分析表明五个方面场源的总效应与EGM-96的结果相近.  相似文献   

精化大地水准面中的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据近年来精化大地水准面的研究结果,对人们比较关系的5个方面的问题加以综述和探讨:(1)大地水准面的定义;(2)精化大地水准面的作用;(3)由似大地水准面改化为大地水准面;(4)海面地形对大地水准面的影响及其改正;(5)高程异常中的零阶及其误差。  相似文献   

王勇  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》1997,40(02):202-210
首先计算了欧亚地区均衡残差大地水准面.基于地幔热对流的内负荷理论和最新全球层析成像结果,探讨了欧亚地区中波长均衡残差大地水准面的地球动力学意义.研究结果表明,中波长均衡残差大地水准面主要受上地幔粘滞度和岩石层强度的影响,进而得出欧亚地区一些古老地盾和构造稳定地区的上地幔与年轻山脉及构造活动地区的上地幔结构存在着差异.这个差异主要是占老地盾和构造稳定地区,如波罗的海地盾、中西伯利亚地台、东欧等区域,冷却的上地幔已穿透地幔较深,上地幔与岩石层之间耦合较好;而年轻山脉和构造活动区,如帕米尔、天山、贝加尔活动带、青藏高原、日本海周围地区,在上地幔可能存在着热物质即粘滞度很低的软流层,上地幔与岩石层耦合程度较差,甚至有可能解耦.从欧亚地区上地幔属性的差异,可以解释该地区的一些地球动力学问题.  相似文献   

欧亚地区均衡残差大地水准面和上地幔强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先计算了欧亚地区均衡残差大地水准面.基于地幔热对流的内负荷理论和最新全球层析成像结果,探讨了欧亚地区中波长均衡残差大地水准面的地球动力学意义.研究结果表明,中波长均衡残差大地水准面主要受上地幔粘滞度和岩石层强度的影响,进而得出欧亚地区一些古老地盾和构造稳定地区的上地幔与年轻山脉及构造活动地区的上地幔结构存在着差异.这个差异主要是占老地盾和构造稳定地区,如波罗的海地盾、中西伯利亚地台、东欧等区域,冷却的上地幔已穿透地幔较深,上地幔与岩石层之间耦合较好;而年轻山脉和构造活动区,如帕米尔、天山、贝加尔活动带、青藏高原、日本海周围地区,在上地幔可能存在着热物质即粘滞度很低的软流层,上地幔与岩石层耦合程度较差,甚至有可能解耦.从欧亚地区上地幔属性的差异,可以解释该地区的一些地球动力学问题.  相似文献   

在介绍由高程异常确定大地水准面有关的同时,提出了用地形质量计算重力异常垂直梯度的方法,结合高程异常资料,可以使山区大地水准面得到精化。将本方法应用于珠穆朗玛峰,获得其天地水准面高为-30.36m。  相似文献   

基于卫星测高的海域大地水准面   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用测高数据的一次差分计算海域垂线偏差,有效降低了动力海面地形和系统残差对垂线偏差的影响;然后根据扰动场元间的协方差函数是具有各态历经性的平稳随机函数这一特征,提出了利用垂线偏差精确逼近海域大地水准面的协方差函数. 而海域大地水准面的精确确定,为从测高数据中精确分离动力海面地形提供了条件. 本文还利用Topex/Poseidon、ERS 1/2测高数据计算了全球海域大地水准面和动力海面地形,证明了本文所述方法是科学合理的.  相似文献   

首先对中国近海及邻域(0°-40°N,105°─135°E)内4年的T/P卫星测高数据(1992-10-03-1996-10-09)和1年多的ERS-1卫星测高数据(1992-10-23-1994-01-20)进行了预处理以剔除数据中的粗差影响.然后,对卫星的重复轨迹采用"共线"处理方法得到该海域的平均海平面.在扣除海面地形的影响后得到该海域30'×X30'大地水准面起伏。再分别采用Stokes公式逆运算加FFT技术和最小二乘配置法恢复出该海域30'×30'海洋重力异常.所得到的海洋大地水准面起伏精度为8.5cm,恢复出的重力异常的精度为35×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

首先对中国近海及邻域(0°-40°N,105°─135°E)内4年的T/P卫星测高数据(1992-10-03-1996-10-09)和1年多的ERS-1卫星测高数据(1992-10-23-1994-01-20)进行了预处理以剔除数据中的粗差影响.然后,对卫星的重复轨迹采用"共线"处理方法得到该海域的平均海平面.在扣除海面地形的影响后得到该海域30'×X30'大地水准面起伏。再分别采用Stokes公式逆运算加FFT技术和最小二乘配置法恢复出该海域30'×30'海洋重力异常.所得到的海洋大地水准面起伏精度为8.5cm,恢复出的重力异常的精度为35×10-5m/s2.  相似文献   

孟国杰  刘桂萍 《地震》1998,18(3):274-280
从动态的观点介绍了大地水准的物理意义。用数值分析方法计算了常见的几种断层位错导致的大地水准面局部变化的分布图像,并着 断层位错的倾角与大地水疰同变化 之间的关系。  相似文献   

与地形(水深)以及相应的均衡补偿相联系的质量是引起重力变化的主要原因,尤其是短波长变化,此时直接地或间接地考虑地形影响都是必要的。因此,本文综合国内外有关资料全面论述了地形在我国未来大地水准面精化中的作用。最后指出,GPS与经典水准测量的结合将会大幅度提高我国大地水准面的精度,如果在广大地区辅以高分辨率的数字地面模型DTM,我国未来大地水准面将跨越米级,有可能达到分米级或厘米级。  相似文献   

Variability of dense water formation in the Ross Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents results from a model study of the interannual variability of high salinity shelf water (HSSW) properties in the Ross Sea. Salinity and potential temperature of HSSW formed in the western Ross Sea show oscillatory behaviour at periods of 5–6 and 9 years superimposed on long-term fluctuations. While the shorter oscillations are induced by wind variability, variability on the scale of decades appears to be related to air temperature fluctuations. At least part of the strong decrease of HSSW salinities deduced from observations for the period 1963–2000 is shown to be an aliasing artefact due to an undersampling of the periodic signal. While sea ice formation is responsible for the yearly salinity increase that triggers the formation of HSSW, interannual variability of net freezing rates hardly affects changes in the properties of the resulting water mass. Instead, results from model experiments indicate that the interannual variability of dense water characteristics is predominantly controlled by variations in the shelf inflow through a sub-surface salinity and a deep temperature signal. The origin of the variability of inflow characteristics to the Ross Sea continental shelf can be traced into the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas. The temperature anomalies are induced at the continental shelf break in the western Bellingshausen Sea by fluctuations of the meridional transport of circumpolar deep water with the eastern cell of the Ross Gyre. In the Amundsen Sea, upwelling due to a persistently cyclonic wind field carries the signal into the surface mixed layer, leading to fluctuations of the vertical heat flux, anomalies of brine release near the sea ice edge, and consequently to a sub-surface salinity anomaly. With the westward flowing coastal current, both the sub-surface salinity and deep temperature signals are advected onto the Ross Sea continental shelf. Convection carries the signal of salinity variability into the deep ocean, where it interacts with modified circumpolar deep water upwelled onto the continental shelf as the second source water mass of HSSW. Sea ice formation on the Ross Sea continental shelf thus drives the vertical propagation of the signal rather than determining the signal itself.  相似文献   

以湖南地区为例,利用超高阶地球重力位模型EGM2008计算了研究区的重力大地水准面,并采用棱柱体公式和球体公式相结合的方法分别进行了完全地形改正和Airy-Heiskanen局部均衡改正,得到布格大地水准面和均衡大地水准面.对三种大地水准面进行不同波长分量的分离处理,得到包含不同深度异常信息的剩余大地水准面,并结合其他地球物理资料对研究区进行了详细的地球物理解释.结果表明,剩余重力大地水准面可以有效地反映出研究区内的深部构造特征,如深大断裂带分布、构造块体位置、上地幔密度横向分布等,但对地壳内异常结构反映不明显;研究区岩石圈密度变化相对平缓,厚度由东向西增加;根据剩余均衡大地水准面及研究区Airy局部均衡莫霍面,可以大致推测出研究区的莫霍面起伏形态以及均衡状态,可作为一种有用的参考信息.  相似文献   

We present an overview of the problems relating to the development of sedimentary chronologies for Antarctic margin sediments, and review the recent application of compound-specific radiocarbon dating methods for resolving them. Radiocarbon dating of solvent-extractable, short-chain (C14, C16, and C18) fatty acids isolated from surface sediments of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, revealed their ages to be consistent with that of the modern dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) reservoir age (pre-bomb, Δ14C≈−150‰; post-bomb, Δ14C≈−100‰) in this region. This contrasts sharply with the radiocarbon ages of bulk organic matter in the corresponding sediments are substantially older (Δ14C=−298‰ to −712‰). Furthermore, the radiocarbon ages of these fatty acids progressively increase with the core depth. These results clearly show a utility of the compound-specific radiocarbon dating for developing sediment chronologies in the Antarctic margin sediments. This approach is potentially applicable to Arctic Ocean, as well as other areas of Southern Ocean where similar interferences by fossil or pre-aged carbon inputs have hindered the progress in the development of late Quaternary paleoceanographic records.  相似文献   

In a traditional analytical method, the convective features of Earth’s mantle have been inferred from surface signatures obtained by the geodynamic model only with depth-dependent viscosity structure. The moving and subducting plates, however, bring lateral viscosity variations in the mantle. To clarify the effects of lateral viscosity variations caused by the plate-tectonic mechanism, I have first studied systematically instantaneous dynamic flow calculations using new density-viscosity models only with vertical viscosity variations in a three-dimensional spherical shell. I find that the geoid high arises over subduction zones only when the vertical viscosity contrast between the upper mantle and the lower mantle is O(103) to O(104), which seems to be much larger than the viscosity contrast suggested by other studies. I next show that this discrepancy may be removed when I consider the lateral viscosity variation caused by the plate-tectonic mechanism using two-dimensional numerical models of mantle convection with self-consistently moving and subducting plates, and suggest that the observed geoid anomaly on the Earth’s surface is significantly affected by plate-tectonic mechanism as a first-order effect.  相似文献   

针对地壳构造形成的动力学机制,在广泛收集区域地质、地质构造和地球物理等资料的基础上,着重对重力数据进行了数字化、坐标、重力公式、投影方式和比例尺的统一化处理,进而进行了网格化处理.为将区域异常和局部异常分离开来,以便以对深部构造的系统研究,笔者选取趋势分析法分别对研究区内预处理后的布格重力异常数据(Δg)进行了三维多项式迭代拟合计算,得到了区域布格重力异常二阶、五阶、十阶趋势分析结果.继而,利用二级近似公式迭代法对布格重力异常五阶趋势分析区域异常数据进行了三维运算处理,得到了黄海及周边地区的莫霍面埋深值.分析了黄海及邻区莫霍面起伏特征,并进行了深部构造区划,探讨了深部断裂构造与莫霍面起伏间的成因联系,为深部构造和活动断裂演化的地球动力学研究提供了依据.  相似文献   

Temperature, salinity, meltwater percentage, water column stability, dissolved oxygen and nutrients were measured in seawater samples collected at three fixed depths (0, 20, 100 m) in 104 stations located in three different areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica), during four Italian Antarctic surveys carried out between 1998 and 2006. Nutrient data were used to quantify the nutrient removal, which appears particularly high in 2006, especially in polynya area. The N:P and Si:N disappearance ratios were studied to estimate the dominant phytoplanktonic community. No significant differences in the nutrient drawdown ratio were observed, in fact the N:P ratio was always below the Redfield standard ratio.  相似文献   


菲律宾海板块(Philippine Sea Plate,PSP)与南海(South China Sea,SCS)处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和澳大利亚板块的交汇区域,其构造演化对东南亚、西太平洋乃至全球板块构造重建具有重要意义.虽然PSP和SCS的构造演化模型已经分别建立,但二者之间的协同演化关系还不明确.本文综述了PSP和SCS的古地磁数据、海底磁异常条带资料,并结合地震层析成像以及其他地质结果的约束,对二者的演化关系进行了探讨.PSP四国盆地与SCS在渐新世开始时,受控于统一的地球动力学系统,两者具有地质意义上的亲缘性.早中新世,澳大利亚板块与东南亚地块碰撞,致使PSP发生旋转,四国盆地开始与SCS发生分离,并逐渐向北运动和顺时针旋转,直至演化至现今位置.本文最后提出了这种协同构造演化模式有待解决的问题以及未来的研究展望.


南海北部磁异常特征及对前新生代构造的指示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究南海北部前新生代构造,利用新近的船载磁力测量数据,对磁异常进行变纬度化极,并反演计算视磁化强度和磁源重力异常,以及对三条OBS剖面进行重磁拟合.结果认为东沙隆起高磁异常带是浙闽沿海火山岩带向西的延续,其间被NW向古老的转换边界断裂F10错断;NE向的F2断裂是高磁异常带的南界,并限制了底侵活动的北界;F3断裂在拉伸减薄前是一个薄弱带,两侧深部热状态存在差异,极有可能是晚中生代古俯冲缝合带位置.磁静区在F2和F3断裂之间的磁性层磁性减弱,主要原因是底侵活动引起的热蚀变作用影响;而在F3断裂南侧磁性层磁性较强且较为破碎,斜磁化下磁异常正负相互压制是该区形成弱正磁异常的主要原因,该区磁性层的独特特征也可能反映了"古洋壳"的存在.  相似文献   

Ross [Ross PJ. Modeling soil water and solute transport – fast, simplified numerical solutions. Agron J 2003;95:1352–61] developed a fast, simplified method for solving Richards’ equation. This non-iterative 1D approach, using Brooks and Corey [Brooks RH, Corey AT. Hydraulic properties of porous media. Hydrol. papers, Colorado St. Univ., Fort Collins; 1964] hydraulic functions, allows a significant reduction in computing time while maintaining the accuracy of the results. The first aim of this work is to confirm these results in a more extensive set of problems, including those that would lead to serious numerical difficulties for the standard numerical method. The second aim is to validate a generalisation of the Ross method to other mathematical representations of hydraulic functions.  相似文献   

环渤海地区的地震层析成像与地壳上地幔结构   总被引:28,自引:8,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
利用环渤海地区的天然地震P波到时资料,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5°×0.6°的网格划分,反演了该地区地壳上地幔的三维P波速度结构.初步结果表明,环渤海地区地壳上地幔的速度结构具有明显的横向不均匀性:京津唐地区地壳中上部的速度异常反映了浅表层的地质构造特征,造山带和隆起区对应于高速异常,坳陷区和沉积盆地对应于低速异常;地壳下部出现大规模的低速异常与华北地区广泛存在的高导层相对应,估计与壳内的滑脱层和局部熔融、岩浆活动有关;莫霍面附近的速度异常反映了地壳厚度的变化及壳幔边界附近热状态的差异;上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常可能是上地幔软流层热物质大规模上涌所致.  相似文献   

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